Searching for the Light

By T. Marie

Published on Sep 14, 2000


Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction, loosely based on the members of *NSYNC. This story is not meant to imply the sexuality of the members of *NSYNC or that they would say or do any of the things mentioned. This story will contain explicit homosexual content. If it is illegal for you to read fiction of this type please stop reading now. This story is copyright 2000 T. Marie. Comments, suggestions, feedback... may be sent c/o

Searching For the Light (c) 2000 T. Marie

Chapter 8- Light of Some Kind

The tour stopped in New York for a little over a week and the men of *NSYNC had begun to feel as if the hotel were home. They'd performed two night's in a row had a fairly relaxing schedule for the next three days. Additional concerts had been scheduled for the last two nights in the Big Apple. Each of the men had spent the morning relaxing and were planning on meeting at 3:00 PM to leave for a photo shoot.

Justin had a towel wrapped around his slender hips. "Battle Flag" by Low Fidelity All Stars was blasting on his portable CD player. His eyes were closed as the danced to the beat, mouthing along to the words. Randomly he moved around the hotel room picking out his clothing for the day. JC stepped into the room unnoticed and watched his boyfriend with amusement. He moved behind Justin to sit on the bed, as Justin wiggled closer to the bed JC reached out with a muscled arm and yanked the edge of the towel. Justin looked up at JC in surprise, slowly a knowing smile came to his lips. Justin moved towards JC and the towel fell to the floor unnoticed.

JC ran a hand over Justin's bare chest as Justin straddled JC's hips. He pressed his growing erection against the fly of JC's khaki pants. JC's hands ran over the length of Justin's back to his softly curved buttocks, he cupped the cheeks in his nimble fingered hands pulling his boyfriend closer against him. As one they scooted back further on the bed. Justin reached between their bodies and began unbuttoning JC's shirt. The shirt was quickly thrown to the floor as Justin urgently unsnapped his boyfriend's pants.

When the older man was fully naked Justin lunged towards him feeling a passion he'd never felt before. He didn't just want JC he needed him. JC leaned up towards Justin and their lips met. The kiss was hot, wet and forceful. Justin whimpered as he felt JC's penis become hard against his thigh. Suddenly aware of just how close they were to consummating the relationship Justin paused. He slowly moved to lie beside JC. He saw the look in his boyfriends eyes change from one of passion, to one of confusion.

"What's wrong Jus?"

"Are we ready for this Josh?"

"What do you mean? Don't you want me?" JC asked softly, the hurt showing plainly on his face.

"Yes, I want you. I want you more than I've ever wanted anything in my life. I need you JC; I need to be with you. I'm afraid though."

"Afraid of what? Pain?"

Justin smiled "No, nothing like that. I'm afraid that it won't be the same that things between us will change. And that you'll feel the same way about me as you did towards Tom and Bobbie. That it's just about the sex."

"I thought, we already discussed this, I know you care about me and that this is real. I love you Justin." JC shook his head to clear his thoughts.

"No, that's not it. I mean I love you but I'm also in love with you." JC reached out and took Justin's hand, as he spoke he absentmindedly-traced designs in his boyfriend's palm with the tip of his finger.

"I know that's how you feel, and I want you to know that I'm in love with you. And that I don't want to mess around just 'coz it feels good. I wanna be close to you, show you exactly how much I love you" Justin said kissing JC softly on his lips.

"You worry too much" JC said with a slight smile. "It's okay to just let things happen Jus, we don't have to analyze every step of out relationship. I don't compare us to Bobbie and Tom, or anyone else." With that comment JC squeezed Justin's hand reassuringly. "Justin, can I ask you something without you getting upset?"

Justin frowned slightly and worry began to cloud his blue eyes. "Sure, JC. Go ahead and ask."

"Why are you so worried about this? Is it because of the depression, are you afraid of hurting me?"

Justin started to protest then suddenly he stopped. He paused for a moment with his mouth open, closing his mouth he sat perfectly still contemplating JC's question. As he sat there thinking a worry line began to crease his forehead. "You know, I never really thought about it, but maybe I was trying to protect you. I saw how much the depression hurt you, how miserable you were and I don't want to be the one to make you feel that way."

"Justin, " JC said gently "that's not your responsibility. All relationships have problems, you can't try to predict everything that's gonna happen. If we get in a fight, or one of us does something the other doesn't like, it's okay. I can deal with that; I'm not that fragile. Besides, what kind of relationship are we going to have if you constantly feel the need to baby me? That's not fair to either one of us. I'll never know what you really want, and you'll never get what you need. This is a two-way relationship. We both give and take."

"I'm sorry, I never even thought about it like that, I just wanted everything to be perfect."

JC saw the anxiety on Justin's face and snuggled closer, placing a kiss on his cheek to reassure him. "You were trying to make it perfect for me, but I want you to be happy too."

"I've been happy so far," Justin said with a grin. JC smiled and leaned closer to Justin. Just as their lips were about to meet there was a loud knock on the door.

JC placed a quick peck on Justin's lips and said "Were gonna have to finish this later" the telltale glint in his eye let Justin know he wasn't speaking of the conversation.

"Is that a threat Mr. Chasez?" Justin teased bending over to grab his T-shirt and boxers.

Before opening the door JC grabbed a bathrobe from the back of the chair, he slipped it on, grinned at Justin replying "Nope, that's a promise."

Joey jumped into the room excitedly as JC pulled the door open. "Okay, you guys have got to help me." Joey announced before either JC or Justin could say anything. "Well, you know that photo shoot we had scheduled for this evening? It's been rescheduled 'til tomorrow 'cos of the rain and all. Anyway," Joey continued on as Justin and JC exchanged amused glances. "I wanna do something special for Lance, like something different so I need ideas."

"Wait up a second Joey, when did you find out about the photo shoot being rescheduled?" JC asked.

"Johnny called Lance a few minutes ago, and I've been wanting to do something special, like just the two of us. We just have been so busy, so this seemed like the perfect opportunity. I just can't think of what to do."

"I know what you can do." JC said picking up a copy of "The Voice" that he'd been reading earlier. He pointed to an ad "It's this really awesome laser show, at the planetarium."

"Lemme see" Joey said pulling the paper from JC's hands.

"Oh yeah, " Justin interjected "I heard about that, they like play Pink Floyd music some dude's in the elevator were talking about it."

"Cool, this sounds awesome. I better go start making plans." Joey started walking out of the room, still looking at the advertisement. When he reached the door he looked sheepishly over his shoulder "Thanks guys, C I'll bring your paper back later" he added as an afterthought.

Justin locked the door behind Joey and plopped down on the bed next to JC. "So, now that there's no photo shoot what do you want to do tonight?"

"This is nice," JC said leaning back into the pillow and letting his eyes drift shut.

"Uh-uh, we are not gonna spend one of our only free nights locked in a hotel room sleeping." Justin grinned and ran his finger down JC's arm "We can spend the night in the locked in the room, I just don't wanna sleep. We gotta have some fun."

JC sat up suddenly and moved over Justin to pin him to the bed. Looking down into his boyfriend's eyes he said, "You want to have fun?" He kissed Justin's neck and then got up from the bed tugging Justin's arm "Finish getting dressed, grab a hat, were gonna go have fun."

Justin stuck out his lower lip in a mock pout "I though we were just gonna have some fun here."

"Don't pout" JC scolded playfully. "We'll be back here soon enough."

JC stopped to pick up an obligatory bodyguard and after a whispered debate JC, Justin and Eric headed out towards the village. "Where are we going?" Justin asked over and over until finally JC clamped his hand over his mouth.

"You'll see, just be patient."

They reached Union Square and stopped in front of Toys R Us. Justin's eyes lit up as he saw their destination. He slipped on a baseball cap and the three men entered the store. Justin grabbed a cart and with Eric trailing a few feet behind the two young men attempted to fill the cart with, play-doh, jacks, silly putty, water guns, basketball cards. JC snuck in a pack of *NSYNC cards to look for pictures of Justin. Superballs, a slinky, an etch a sketch, Archie comic books, coloring books and crayons all found their way into the red shopping basket. While in the collectable card isle JC snuck in a pack of *NSYNC cards to look for pictures of Justin. Justin's excitement grew with each isle and by the time they made their way to the cash register he was literally beaming. As soon as they were back in the car, Justin rifled through the bags the entire way back to the hotel exclaiming over each new thing as if he'd never seen it before.

"Why don't you go show Chris what we got. I need to do something in the room, I'll call you when it's ready."

"Chris is gonna try and steal our stuff ya know. Plus, I want to know what you're doing."

"You liked my last surprise right? Just think of poor Chris alone in his room, we got plenty of stuff to share."

Justin smiled at JC's serious tone of voice and headed off to find Chris. After about half an hour JC called Chris's room and informed Justin that it was okay for him to come back to their suite. As Justin entered the hotel room he saw that JC had turned it into a big fort. Blankets were draped over the tables and chairs and a tunnel had been created between the beds. The makeshift tent was lit from within with flashlights. JC led Justin under the tent of sheets and blankets to a soft pallet he'd made on the floor. The two men sprawled on the pile of blankets examining their goodies.

"This is great!" Justin said over and over, amazed at what JC had done. "I've never done this before, not even when I was a kid. What made you think of doing this?"

"I just wanted us to have some fun. Things have been pretty crazy lately, so I thought we should have a night where we could just goof off, and maybe forget we're adults for a while."

Justin leaned down and kissed JC softly, their lips barley brushing. "Umm, you taste sweet." JC said, "Like bubble gum."

"Oh yeah, these basketball cards have really good gum, it's not the regular kind I think it's blueberry flavored." He handed a pack to JC and his boyfriend found the gum then idly shuffled through the cards before handing them back to Justin.

"I didn't see a card with my favorite basketball player on it in that stack." JC informed Justin.

Justin looked down at the stack of trading cards in his hand. He glanced through them and asked, "Who's your favorite player?"

"You." JC answered with a smirk.

"You're a goofball."

"I am not... Bounce" JC retorted then leaned over Justin to tickle him.

"Stop! Stop, please" Justin cried out between bursts of laughter. He was rolling from side to side, trying to avoid JC's probing hands. "Aieeee, please JC, I'm gonna pee" Justin squealed.

At that comment JC rocked back on his heels laughing "Oh, My God. You totally sounded like a girl just then." JC cracked up in laughter leaning over Justin to help him up. Suddenly the piece of gum JC was chewing fell out of his laugh-slackened mouth. "Oh, nooooo" JC laughed even harder.

'What?" Justin asked sitting up trying to regain his breath.

"My gum" JC giggled hysterically. "It fell in your hair."

"What!" Justin exclaimed bringing his hands up to his curls to search for the sticky substance. "Ick, how in the hell am I supposed to get this out!" he pulled his fingers away from the gooey mess and turned to JC.

"Justin, I'm sorry, it just kinda fell out of my mouth when I was laughing." JC quickly explained.

"I know you didn't do it on purpose, now we just have to find a way to get it out!"

"How about ice, I've heard that if you freeze it, it will just break out of the hair"

"It's worth a try" Justin moved from under the tent of blankets to one of the stripped down beds and waited for JC to return from the icemaker.

After struggling with the ice for almost an hour the men gave up and called down to the room of one of their hairstylists. Luckily Erin was in her room.

After they'd used up Erin's resources of Peanut butter, goo-be-gone and anything else that had ever worked at removing sticky substances Erin broke the news to Justin. "I'm sorry Hon, looks like were gonna have to cut it."

Justin half-heartedly ran a hand through the unmatted curls on the left side of his head. "I guess it was time for a haircut anyway." He sighed "Go for it."

Several pounds lighter Justin led JC back to the their room. They crawled back under the cave of blankets and made themselves comfortable. Justin turned to JC with a huge grin on his face. "So, where were we?" Justin laid down on the pallet of blankets I think I was here, and you were there" he patted the spot next to his body.

JC began to unbutton his shirt, crawling closer to where Justin was laying. As Justin reached for the hem of his T-shirt JC grinned and said, "Let me".

He raised the shirt slowly, planting kisses on the skin that was revealed. Justin felt the hairs on his arms stand on end; JC's kisses were sending electric currents coursing through his body. When both of their shirts were off Justin reached for JC, and began undoing his pants.

Justin slipped out of his jeans and moved to the pallet on the floor. JC moved with him a tangle of arms and legs as they kissed. Justin slowly ran his hands over JC's chest, teasing the nipples with his fingertips. He leaned in and kissed JC's mouth nipping his upper lip repeatedly until JC moved his hands up to cup his boyfriends face and steady the kiss. Justin felt JC struggling to remove his boxer briefs; the elastic waistband wouldn't tug free of his growing erection.

"Let me do it." Justin said laughing softly. After the offending garment was removed JC pushed Justin back on the bed kissing him as he hands explored the softness of Justin's back and buttocks. JC moved on top of Justin lowering his head to take a one flat nipple into his mouth. Justin moaned and arched against JC's lips. JC circled the nipple with his tongue and drew it into his hot mouth; he moved to Justin's other nipple and gave it the same treatment. Justin slid him hands down JC's back and removed the loose fitting boxers, JC groaned as Justin's hand brushed against his penis.

JC moved to Justin's side kissing his stomach and nibbling at his belly button. He made his way around his thigh, as his nose grazed a sensitive spot on his inner thigh he shivered. JC explored Justin's length with his fingers, learning his texture. Justin closed his eyes and threw his head back against the pillow enjoying the erotic sensations. JC moved his fingers up and down, then used his tongue to trace the path his fingers had earlier. Justin cried out when JC touched the head of his penis with his tongue. After placing kisses along the length of Justin's erection JC made his way up his body nibbling as he went.

Justin reached between their bodies, and investigated JC's hard penis with his fingers. Sliding down his boyfriend's body he used a tactic similar to JC's. Justin traced JC's Adams apple and collarbone with the tip of his tongue. He moved to JC's nipples teasing them with him lips as he continued down his stomach placing kisses all over it. Then and he began running his hand up and down his penis softly, JC growled and moaned loudly. JC's obvious excitement made him feel powerful; Justin tenderly replaced his hand with his lips. As Justin's mouth closed over the tip of his penis, JC growled again, pulling him up and positioning Justin above him.

"Condoms" Justin groaned, "we don't have condoms."

"I got some" JC explained moving away to rifle through his duffel bag nearby.

"Can you help me put this on?" Justin asked.

JC opened the wrapper and placed the condom on Justin's penis rolling it down. When it was on all the way. They reassumed the positions they had been in; JC kissed Justin's neck with urgency. Justin groped at JC's entrance and he inserted one long finger. Their mouths met insistently.

With a groan Justin moved arranging himself between JC's open legs. Hesitantly he entered JC's body, gently kissing him the entire time. When Justin was partially inside him he felt some resistance. He moved his hand back down between their bodies and stroked JC's penis as he pushed into his tight entrance. JC cried out at the initial pressure, but as Justin began to move the pain subsided. The couple was still kissing; JC's tongue moving wildly in Justin's mouth stopping occasionally to nibble on his lips.

JC began to move his hips in rhythm with Justin's, he grunted nuzzling Justin's neck with his slightly parted lips. As JC's moans began to meet Justin's groans and grunts JC grasped Justin's back. Feeling JC's spasm Justin's movements slowed. After a few more thrusts Justin reached his climax, crying out JC's name. He rolled off of JC sweating and gathered his boyfriend in his arms.

When he had regained his breath he asked, "Are you okay?"

JC smiled and kissed his lips tenderly, "I'm fine. What about you?"

"I'm great." He buried his head in the side if his neck, burrowing his nose and kissing the soft skin. Justin Leaned over JC. Looking him streight in the eyes, "I love you, you know."

JC smiled "Does that mean you're gonna turn out the light?"

Justin slowly got up and switched off the light; he carefully crawled back to his spot next to JC. JC reached out and pulled Justin against his body, When Justin rested his head on his chest JC ran his fingers through Justin's freshly cropped curls. "I love you too Justin."

To Be Continued?????

Next: Chapter 9

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