Second Chance Series

By David Lee

Published on Nov 26, 2009


Second Chance, Chapter 51


This story is copyrighted by the author known as David Lee and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without explicit permission.

This story contains descriptions of love and sexual fulfillment between people of the same gender. If possessing or reading this kind of material is illegal where you live, please leave this site at once.

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For the full disclaimer and additional info, please read the statement that precedes Chapter 1.

As always, I thank my editors Tom and David for their proofing my work and giving me suggestions and lots of positive feedback. They're an integral part of this effort.

Chapter 51

The next week passed quickly. The boys heard from Tinker Bell that Mr. Chadick had come before the governing board to protest his treatment from the "hired help" and the Bell's. He was in high dudgeon and ready to have them ousted from the presidency. With no fanfare, Ms. Bell slipped the disc with the video clip into the system and played it back on the large screen. The man shut up mid-sentence and left. The board then voted unanimously to remove him for their membership roll.

Needless to say, Damian and Josh didn't get an apology from him. However, they did receive one from the board who gave them coupons for lunch every day for the rest of the summer.

Eric and Josh received a check for $1,000 each as an advance on their book. Mr. Overman said that it would be out in time for Christmas shopping. He was working with Norm Hadley in creating a small media blitz to increase sales. One of his friends in the toy business was designing a push armadillo toy to market with the book. If it caught on, there would be royalties. Josh was to have the final say on which of the possible designs he felt best represented his two-dimensional character.

In a move that surprised almost everyone, Reese called Blake to set up a meeting with him and the young men in the Brady/Larson household for an evening in the nearby park. Blake didn't accept until after he'd cleared it with all concerned. Eric and Josh were a bit apprehensive, but agreed to see him. Rob said he had no objection, so it was a go.

When Reese met them at the designated pavilion, he had Cam with him. They'd brought cookies and a cooler of sodas to treat everyone.

"You probably think this is weird, but I'm here to apologize to Blake and Rob first and then to Josh and Eric. I've been a sleaze and a pain in the ass, but I've changed my ways. I don't expect you to welcome me back into your hearts, but I do hope you'll forgive me someday.

It took a serious scare to set me on a new path. As all of you know, I got a notice that I'd tested positive to HIV. It turned out that a woman in the lab falsified results for a number of males because she wanted to get even with gay men. Her son contracted HIV and passed away. He caught it through a relationship with another guy, so she got it into her head that she should scare people into not having sex or whatever. I really don't understand it; I'm not sure she did. I guess she went nuts, but I'm told she's in a treatment program.

Anyway, I suppose I should thank her for bringing me to my senses. I messed up a good relationship with a great guy. I'm not here to take him away from you, Rob, - as if I could. I'm not on the make anyway. I want you all to meet my boyfriend, Cam. We've made a monogamy pact and I'm sticking to it."

"Me too," Cam said.

"I also need to apologize to Josh and Eric for hitting on them. I'm really sorry. I wanted both of you because you're so cute, but also for the thrill of conquest, I guess. It was really shitty of me to think only of my own gratification! I hope I didn't mess you guys up. From the way you two look at each other, I don't think anyone could separate you.

Anyway, I had to get that off my chest so I can get on with my life. Something in the sermon I heard last Sunday made me realize that I need forgiveness and the only way to hope to get it is to ask."

"I forgive you," Blake began. "I'll think of you more fondly after tonight. I won't forget you, but what we once had is gone as you know. I'm committed to marrying Rob and I wish you and Cam the happiness we have."

"I can't say that I'm sorry that you messed up your relationship with Blake," Rob said. "I love him more than anyone I've ever known and he's a great daddy to our son."

"Reese, I hated your guts for a while," Josh admitted. "You tempted Eric and me both and we did have a serious fight over it. But as you indicated, no one can drive a wedge between us. I'll forgive you if you promise never to try it again!"

"See Cam, I told you these guys are great!"

"You weren't exaggerating," Cam agreed. "Guys, I plan to keep him so worn out that he'll never hit on any of you again, or anyone else for that matter, and that's a promise."

Robbie was asleep in Blake's arms as the guys walked back home in the twilight. What could have been a tense reunion had turned out to be an amiable evening. They all felt better about Reese.

Before Cam got into his car, he impulsively hugged Reese.

"I'm so proud of you, my wild mustang. You opened yourself up even though you knew they might castigate you."

"Oh no, not that!" Reese cried in mock despair as he cupped his crotch.

"I said castigate', not castrate' – even though I got the feeling Josh might have taken some satisfaction in at least kicking you in the balls at one time."

"Well, I didn't mean to mess anyone up; I just wanted to have lots of sex with cute guys. But you've tamed this bronco. I'm ready for the saddle."

"I'm gonna hold you to that when I get you home," Cam whispered suggestively.

Rob answered his cell phone not recognizing the number of the person calling.

"Hello, this is Rob."

"Robert Larson-Brady?


"Hi, this is Pamela Bell, but you must call me Tinker as all my friends do. Your housemate, Josh, told me about what you're trying to do for the homeless in our city. I'm absolutely amazed that one so young would get that involved with street people, but I understand you're quite mature and had experience of being homeless yourself. I commend you and I have some ideas for a fundraiser that I'd be willing to help you with if you want. Could we meet tomorrow afternoon?"

"I can if I can get my dad to watch my son."

"How old is the boy?"

"Seven months."

"Please bring him along if it's not too much trouble. I have two grandsons and one is almost exactly that age. Oh, do you think you could get your mother to join us on such short notice?"

"I'll see. Where would you like us to meet?"

"At my house. If you have a pen and paper, I'll give you directions.

Eric was really excited about going camping this July. He thought about how he'd resisted the experience a year ago and how thankful he was that his father hadn't given in to his attempt to get out of it. Wow! What if he hadn't shared a tent with Josh? He'd never have come to know him and love him and share his body, and... The reminiscing was making him horny.

"What are you daydreaming about?" Josh asked as they finished cleaning out the locker room at the club and were getting ready to head home.

"Camping – last year and this summer," Eric answered. "I can't believe what a spoiled brat I was and how happy I am that Dad called me on it. I was so determined that I was going to hate the whole thing, but then I met my Tigger."

"Yeah, I performed miracles on your attitude," Josh laughed.

"Seriously, you did. I've matured a lot. I'm really a different person and it's because of you and our dads – our whole extended family, really."

"I've changed because of you, too. Do you think our dads would sign for us to get married next month when they do?"

"Do you want to do it this summer?"

"The sooner the better!"

"Kewl! I'd love to go back to school as your husband. But is it possible?"

"Yeah it is. I got on the `net and looked up marriage laws in Iowa. It says that the legal age is 18, but 16 and 17 year olds can be married with parental permission. It also says that same-sex marriage is permitted and you don't have to be a resident of the state to get married there. All we'd need is our ID's."

"Let's ask them. Hey, maybe Rob and Blake would like to tie the knot this summer too. Our dads are Rob's legal guardians. They could sign. He'll be 18 at Christmas anyway. I'll bet even Sophia would okay it."

In Iowa, Dane and Colt were mentally planning for the camping trip while working as well. It was fortunate that they had Eric and Josh to go with because it seemed that all of their close buddies were too busy to go this summer. They would all get together at the lake cottages for a long weekend before the fall semester of college began, but no one had any days during the week to spare.

As they were checking out their equipment, Dane discovered a hole in their canoe. They had loaned it to some kids who were canoeing with a youth group from their church and evidently someone had been careless. It ticked them off that no one had owned up to it so that it could be fixed quickly. There wouldn't be time to get it repaired before their trip.

Colt immediately sent a text message to Eric to let him know about the problem. He got an answer in a few minutes telling him not to worry. Since their dads had a canoe, and weren't using it that week, they could take it.

Originally, the guys had planned to meet at a small town in Wisconsin to hook up, but now they would leave from the Larson/Brady place. Dane and Colt decided to come a day earlier so they could stay overnight with Wade and Roger. That would give them a little time with Ethan and also let them get an early start the following day.

When Rob, his mother, and Robbie pulled into the gated circular drive of the Bell's estate, they felt like the Mancini house was a mud hut by comparison. But the minute that Tinker met them at the front door, they felt right at home. The lady may have been very wealthy, but she never treated others as if they were beneath her.

She made over Robbie as if he were her own grandchild. He responded very well to her overtures, making his daddy very proud.

"Bello Bambino!" she cooed in Italian with only a trace of accent.

"You speak like a native," Sophia complimented her.

"My father was in the diplomatic corps and we were assigned to Rome when I was a child. Peter and I have since spent a few summers in Capri – especially when the kids were little. As a result, our children speak more fluently than I do.

Please follow me. I thought we'd sit in the solarium. It's light and airy and I want to show off my exotic plants. Don't worry, there's nothing there that will be harmful to the bambino.

We'll have Miriam serve us refreshments there. She used to work as a barista and makes wonderful iced tea, lemonade, iced latte, and about anything else you might desire, so don't be timid about asking for what you'd like."

On the way to the solarium, the two women chatted away in Italian. Rob understood a smattering of it here and there. It made him feel sad that he hadn't wanted to learn from his mother and grandmother when he had the chance.

When the ladies lapsed back to English again, he voiced his feelings.

"I knew that you were saying Robbie is a handsome baby, but you pretty much lost me after that. I have to agree with your assessment of him though. He's about the best thing that's ever happened to me - even if it was by accident."

"A gift from God is never accidental!" Tinker proclaimed. "You were meant to have this bambino."

"Well, I'd like to have my bambino learn the language of his ancestors and I'd like to try too."

"Let's do it," Sophia said. "I'd be happy to help."

"So would I," Tinker added.

Robbie enjoyed crawling around on the floor. It was ceramic tile, but there were area rugs and runners to help deaden the sound and soften the path.

He crawled over to Sophia who took his hands and helped him to stand. He smiled and said: "Gam-ma, gam-ma," much to her delight.

Eventually, Rob had to take him to the powder room to change his diaper. While he was gone, the ladies talked about what an attentive father he was. Tinker told Sophia how fortunate she was to have such an awesome son and beautiful grandchild. Sophia agreed.

Their meeting lasted longer than anyone had intended because the ideas kept flowing. Ms. Bell had begun with the proposal of a charity ball, but Rob had suggested a more casual atmosphere with possibly an auction. The women agreed that the younger set would likely go for that more quickly than a formal dance.

Rob thought that he could probably persuade Josh to donate a painting. He also thought some of the club members might be willing to offer a week at a time-share condo or their summer places or the like. Even kids could sell their services for yard cleaning, automobile detailing, or whatever.

"Since we belong to two different country clubs, we could almost certainly attract a fairly large number of people who can afford to bid on a number of these things," Sophia suggested.

"I can secure the use of our club," Tinker said. "We could start with a buffet which would raise some revenue, have a silent auction for the smaller items, and have public bidding for bigger ticket items like vacation accommodations and Josh's painting, assuming that we can ask him to give us one. I think we have a chance at raising some serious money.

By the way, how are the grant applications going?"

Sophia let Rob tell about what was happening in that area. The manager of one fund commended them on their good work, but said that funds had run out for the current fiscal year and suggested resubmitting in a few months. However, another source was awarding $50,000 to the mission toward purchasing and renovating the hotel. The announcement would be made in a week or so with the possibility of a live interview on the noon news. Rob was hoping the publicity might help give the project more visibility and thus help promote other fund-raising events.

When Eric and Josh got home from work, they talked to Rob about getting married in August. He was all in favor of it and knew that Blake would be too, but worried about whether their dads would go for it.

"Maybe if we present a united front, they'll listen to us." Josh said. "It's worth a try. All they can do is say yes' or no' and if they tell us we can't, we can all sulk together."

"That should convince them of our maturity!" Rob joked.

At dinner, it was Eric who brought the subject up.

"Uh Dad," he said looking from Scott to Ben. "Josh and I would like to get married next month when you do. Josh checked Iowa law and we can do it before we're 18 if you guys will sign for us. I think Rob and Blake might like to do it too. We could take two cars and you could go on your own honeymoon without us around. We could go camping and take two tents..."

Ben and Scott did not seem shocked at the request, but simply looked at each other for a few seconds. The room got totally quiet while the boys waited for their response.

"We had an inkling that one of you might bring this up," Ben said. "We've discussed it and will consider it on one condition."

The younger guys held their collective breath waiting to hear what the stipulation would be.

"We'd insist that you have pre-marital counseling. Dr. Mann does that for every couple he marries and for the same-sex unions he blesses. I think there might be just enough time to get in the sessions before we get married. We're going to meet with him tomorrow night even though we feel that we've known each other long enough and well enough to make it work. We aren't asking you to do anything that we won't do ourselves."

Josh was so excited that he could hardly speak. He got up from his seat to hug both dads around the shoulders. Eric followed and then Rob. Blake remained seated, but told them with tears in his eyes how much he appreciated it. No one had ever seen him so emotional before with the possible exception of the first time he held Robbie.

The next order of business was to call Dr. Mann to see when the rest of them could be included. Josh took care of that and arrangements were soon made. The six of them were to come for a preliminary session together and take a compatibility test at the same time. Later, they'd participate in two or three shorter meetings as individual couples. If there were any red flags raised by the test, Dr. Mann would recommend seeing a counselor before proceeding.

"We need to get another kind of counseling if we're gonna consummate our marriage like we want to," Josh said when he and Eric were in bed that night.

"I'll bet we're the only ones who haven't done the deed," Eric agreed. "We were there when Rob did it to Blake and from what they've hinted at, I suspect that Rob's been the receiver too."

"I guess we could talk to them," Josh said, "but I wish we had someone else. I'm kind of embarrassed to ask anyone in the house."

"How about Dane and Colt!" Eric suggested. "We'll be camping with them before August and you know they'd be willing to tell us about how to do it without hurting each other. I've read some stuff on the `net that talks about stretching ahead of time. If there's going to be any pain, I'd like to have that out of the way before our wedding night."

"Wow! Wedding night. Doesn't that sound awesome?" Josh enthused. "I hope we come out okay on the tests. Do you think we should study on how to be compatible?"

"I have a suggestion on how to increase our bonding," Eric snickered.

"Why do I have the feeling this is going to involve sex?"

"See, we're so compatible that you can read my mind."

"You're right. I can read it. It says, HORNY, HORNY, HORNY! And something else, but that's too faint to see."

"Oh you're going to get it now!" Eric threatened as he groped Josh's crotch.

"I certainly hope so," Josh answered in a tone that Corray might use.

Josh reached into the drawer of the nightstand to retrieve a tube of KY jelly. Eric figured where this was going and got a towel to put in the center of the bed.

The boys kissed passionately for several minutes. Then they turned so that they were facing each other head to feet. Slowly they licked and nibbled until their heads got closer to each other's groin. Josh opened the lube while licking the precum off of Eric's tool. He inserted his middle finger into Eric's quivering chute. Then he handed the tube to Eric so he could do the same.

They sucked each other slowly and sensuously while stimulating each other's prostate gland. Both were completely turned on. Josh added a second finger and so did Eric. At first, it was difficult for them to relax their sphincter muscles, but it became easier as their climaxes came closer.

The third finger was rather uncomfortable at first and each wondered how he would be able to accommodate a large, hot cock. But eventually, lust and passion overcame discomfort and both were pressing back to make each other's fingers go deeper.

At that point, they knew the end was in sight. Josh moaned and tensed for a brief second before shooting a massive load. Eric began to cum before Josh had finished.

When it was over, they lay still, barely stimulating the sensitive cock heads in their mouths. It took them a few minutes to go soft. They bathed each other with their tongues, dropped the towel on the floor, and cuddled together face to face. Sleep overtook their relaxed bodies almost immediately.

Author's notes: Thanks to those who emailed since last posting - Rutabaga, Paul R, Wildheart, Caleb, Gary McC, Jim We, Jim C, John McD, Jeff N, Tom A, Mark H and Charlie, Bryant C, Chea, Chris B, and Polar.

I recommend "The Bully and the Bullied" that was completed on November 19th. It's a romantic and heart-warming story. I think you'll love it, though some of the scenes are painful.

Hope your Thanksgiving holiday was great!

Next: Chapter 52: Second Chance 52

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