Second Chance Reborn

By Ryan White

Published on Nov 8, 2018



Hello guys! Ryan here. Missed me? Loool :)

I thought that I would write a little story for you lot since it's amost Christmas and since it is my favorite time of the year. No one should be alone for this special occation.

Sorry I've been on hiatus as far as writing as been concerned. Life gets in the way I'm afraid but when I do submit a story, I really hope you enjoy it ;)

If you want to contact me and have a little chat, you can find me a

Im always up for a little sexual talk. Im hot, 27 and horny! LOL. If you wanna chat to me, you can always follow me or DM me @LiciousRyan1 on Twitter. #NiftyRy

Enjoy the story. Think its gonna be a pretty romantic one.

Love always, Ryan


"Daniel here, catch!"

Daniel Greenside's 16 year old body flew through the air to catch the Rugby ball that was thrown towards him, catching it to perfection and running past the other players to score a triumphant try to equal the scores between the two sides. Now only for the conversion, if it is successful, then they would have won by two points. Daniel patted Joel on the back, the number 10 in who's hands or shall I say legs, the destiny of the resulting conversion would lie. Joel and Daniel were best friends ever since their birth as their father's were in the same school 2 decades ago. Daniel wiped the sweat of his face while watching Joel pick up a patch of grass and letting it fall through his fingers in order to check in what direction the wind was blowing.

Once that was established Joel took a few steps back and took the run up and took the shot, which flew high into the air, bound towards the post. Daniel looked up as if in a dream to see the shot bounce narrowly against the posts and fall back a little further from where Joel kicked it in the first place.

The stadium was silent, everywhere you looked there was faces of disbelief as this was the first time that Joel Harding missed a conversion or a penalty kick. Daniel ran up to Joel and placed his arm over his best friend's shoulder and guided him towards the dressing room as the referee ended the game. This was not how they wanted to end the season. Dissapointment was clear in the air and overall in the attitude of their fellow players. Daniel couldn't care less about them. He was only worried that Joel was gonna be okay.

It was furiously hot in Cape Town, South Africa this time of the year as Christmas was fast approaching. Daniel was walking over to Joel's, dressed in a sleaveless blue shirt and simple white shorts with his sandals flip-flopping on the pavement as he hurried as fast as he could. Joel didn't stay far from him at all, afterall his and Joel's dad had been best friends since Highschool. Daniel wiped the sweat from his forehead as he felt the sun burning into his skin. Luckily he remembered sunblock, fuck he hated the summer time. Others may find that strange, but Daniel hated any kind of heat. As he finally reached Joel's house, he saw Joel's dad, Steven doing from gardening between the flowerbeds that grew on the front lawn. Was this man mad? Doing that in this kind of weather?

"Morning Mr Harding!" Daniel greeted the elder man.

Steven looked up and smiled towards his son's best friend, aswell as the son of his own best friend.

"Morning buddy! Hey if you're looking for Joel, he is swimming at the back. Im going to the shops in a little while, so ask him if I can bring you guys anything."

"Will do, Mr Harding. See you."

Daniel jumped over the small gate leading to the back of the yard where he heard the faint sound of water splashing as Joel was practising his dives, being the sporty person that he was. He didn't want Joel to see him just yet. He stood behind the brick wall and watched his best friend goind about his routines in the pool. Daniel looked down towards his hands, they were soaked. He didn't know whether it was from the sheer heat, or...something else.

The last few months something had started happening with Daniel and he didn't quiet know why or how to handle it. He had begun to have certain feelings for Joel that he despised and that he didn't want to. He felt sick feeling the way that he had but over the last few months and reading and researching everything and all that he could, he knew what the problem was. He refused to accept that he was gay, because no other boy interested him sexually.

As he watched the water suds slide down Joel's eight pack and strong arms, wetting his hair and the boyish energy in which he did things was too much to bare. It took Daniel months to realise that he wasn't just in love with his best friend, but he infact loved him. He ofcourse thought he could never dare tell Joel something like this, well not unless he wanted to lose his friend forever. I mean what kinda guy wants to hear that his best friend is in love with him?

But then one night during a sleepover on a Rugby tour some weeks ago Daniel was having this incredible dream about Joel that he started to moan in his sleep about the latter. Daniel was woken up by a shaking Joel, who was looking him in the eyes with the utmost confusion on his young, yet handsome face. That night Daniel finally decided that he would tell Joel everything that he was feeling.

"I can't tell you why i feel this way, dude. All I know is that I love you so fucking much and not just as a friend. Now if you would just ignore all of this, im sure that it will all go away in time and everything will be fine..."

Daniel was blabbering on and on trying to convince Joel that there was nothing wrong with him, but he was silenced when Joel leaned forward and placed his lips on Daniel's. It wasn't even a real kiss, just a simple gesture to show Daniel that he had nothing to worry about. Joel pulled away and Daniel could see that he was visably upset.

"I don't quite know if you're feeling like I'm feeling Dan, but all I know is that...I feel stuff for you too. I don't wanna be gay, man. I don't fucking wanna be gay! But it won't go away..." he ended off, still shivering.

Daniel leaned over and took Joel in his arms, and immediately he heard Joel gasp and a minute or so later he felt the latter's arms around his body aswell. Joel slowly laid his head onto Daniel's chest and although both of them didn't say it out loud, both was surprised at just how right it felt, being with eachother like that. Now as Daniel was staring at Joel in the pool, he knew that those feelings had not faded away like he first hoped, but instead it evolved like a fucking Pokemon into something much more greater. Daniel heard Mr Harding's car pull out of the driveway, probably going to the shops like he said, and finally he emerged from behind the wall and walked over towards Joel.

"Hey buddy. How's the water?"

"Hey man. Jump in and feel for yourself."

"Why don't you get out so that I can greet you properly?"

Joel started to smile slighty and made his way to the shallow side and got out. Daniel walked over to him, slowly reached out his arm and caressed Joel's shoulder.

"Dude, you're making me feel funny. But like...good funny. I don't know what's happening to me, man," Joel said softly.

"Let's go inside. Let's take things easy okay?"

The two of them made their way to the living room when Joel walked into the kitchen and grabbed two Cokes from the fridge. He passed one to Daniel and in the process, their fingers slightly touched. Joel looked down and started to blush.

"What's wrong, buddy?" Daniel whispered, reaching out to rub Joel's back.

"This is not fucking normal, dude! I can't get my head around that! My parents will kill me when they find out I'm in love with..."

Daniel stopped rubbing Joel's shoulder and is eyes widened. So...Joel felt the same! He turned Joel's face towards his and looked deeply into his eyes.

"Look buddy, we didn't ask for this. If it wasn't meant to happen it wouldn't have! Have you ever stopped to think of that? Remember what we leaned in Sunday school? There is always a reason that stuff happens to people! Maybe we were meant to fall inlove! We have been close all our lives, man. Come here."

Joel didn't want to cry, he wasn't a fucking pussy! But there was only so much that a 16 year old boy could keep inside before it threatned to spill over. He fell into Daniel's arms and holding him so tight that Daniel struggled to breathe. When Joel finally pulled away he looked Daniel straight in the eye.

"I freaking love you, dude. I can't help it, I'm so in love with you..."

"Don't worry man. I feel the same. I love you too."

Slowly both of them leaned forward and their lips touched. Both of them felt the electricity of the sheer passion that was flowing through their connection. Daniel reached up and ran his hands through Joel's sunbleached hair. Joel moaned at the contact that was made as he pulled Daniel closer to him. Both of them ran slightly out of breath as the kiss went on, but Joel was the first to pull away and rest his forehead against Daniel's.

"That was fucking fantastic man..." he whispered.

"I know, I've never been this hard before," Daniel agreed.

Suddenly they were thrown apart when they heard the sounds of glass smashing just outside the kitchen.

"What the hell?" Daniel asked as they ran to where the sound came from. As they ran into the kitchen, Daniel screamed as he was confronted by a gun that was suddenly pointed straight in his face.

"You both shut the hell up! You dare make a sound and you're both fucking dead!" the man with a Father Christmas mask on his face barked towards the boys.

"Look, take what you want and just leave us alone," Joel pleaded.

"Didn't I tell you to shut the fuck up?" the man shouted once more, nearly pushing the gun into Joel's face.

Out of no where, Steven entered the living room through the back door and startled the robber. With the intruder's mind off the kids for a minute, Joel took his chance. He grabbed the gun as suddenly himself and the robber fought for supremacy. Steven grabbed Daniel out of the way and ran to the panic button, pressed it twice and pulled out his cellphone. The robber saw what was going on and immediatly headbutted Joel in the face. Joel fell onto the wooden floor, with no means of protection. The intruder laughed and pointed the gun straight at him as Joel was forced upwards.

Daniel, as if in a dream, slow motion, instinctively knew what was going to happen and he started to ran towards Joel. Steven shouted something inaudible to Daniel as nothing and no one could stop the latter. The gun went off and the bullet was flying straight towards Joel's heart. Daniel hastily pushed Joel out of the way and the next moment he felt a sickening, burning, paining feeling in his chest.

Daniel fell to the ground in a heap as the Earth started spinning and his sight was starting to rapidly fade. Out of the corner of his eye, he thought he saw, as he was finding it difficult to focus his mind, that Joel had fallen next to him, with blood covering his stomach. Daniel's blood. The last thing that Daniel could remember thinking was how much he loved Joel. Then everything went black.

Daniel opened his eyes to find himself in a...was it a garden? It certainly looked so. He stood up from where he layed and looked around. It honestly was one of the most beautiful places that he had ever seen. Small steams of water was greatened by massive waterfalls with crystal clear blue and white strands of waves. The sun was streaming on his face as Daniel decided to look for help as he knew he had gotten lost somewhere...although he couldn't remember how or why. His eyes squinted when he gotten a glimpse of a whitish creature making its way over to him. As the person got nearer, the more at peace Daniel felt.

"Hello Daniel. I had been waiting for you. By now you must be wondering where you are and how you arrived here."

"Yeah man, what is this place? And...who are you?"

"Daniel, I'm sorry. But it does not make sence to keep anything from you. Look down at your chest."

Daniel did as he was told, and his mouth fell open. Right on the spot where he always knew his heart to be, was a massive red spot that clodded his blue shirt. Suddenly his memory was triggered as images of a robber with the Father Christmas mask and the gunshot rattled through his brain.

"Please don't tell me..." he started to speak but emotion at the sheer thought that he had died got the better of him.

"Forgive me for being the person to inform you, but yes, your body has been fatally wounded."

Tears slowly started to drip from Daniel's eyes as he thought about his beloved Joel. They had only started to come to terms with their mutual love and now it was all for nothing.

"But yet, all is not lost," the mysterious person said...and Daniel looked up, and found that his tears had been miraculously wiped away.

"Daniel, what do you remember about the circumstances surrounding your death?" the person asked.

"Not eh...not much...I remember falling and the gunshot and..."

"Are you aware that while your body had psysically died, your soul is still very much alive?"

Daniel remained silent, yet he frowned in confusion. The white person signaled to him to follow him as they walked further into the garden. Once again Daniel was awazed at the sheer beauty of the place.

"Not many people have done or will do what you did for Joel Harding. You jumped infront of him just before the gun went off, pushing him out of the way and recieved the brutality of the intended manner. Do you know what that means, Daniel? You risked your life, you risked your soul to save the person that you loved. You died while saving the life of another."

"Yeah...I remember now. Why are you telling me this? Where the hell are we?"

"Please do not utter that word infront of me on while you are here, Daniel. To make a long story short, I have spoken to my Superior and we have decided that according to what you had done for young Joel, that you deserve another chance."

"You mean I'm not dead, that I can go back?" Daniel screamed in ecstacy. Just the mere thought of seeing Joel again...

"No, I am afraid it is not that simple. For all purposes, you are deceased. What we are prepared to do is all in the name of the one thing that we hold most dear, which is love. If your love for Joel and his for you is as strong as we believe it to be, it should not matter."

Daniel scratched his head as he did not understand. He suddenly began to wonder why he did not feel any pain from the wound that killed him.

"I can see that you are still confused. We are prepared to send you down to Earth for a second chance at life, but as your body is not living anymore, and you cannot live throughout your soul alone, we are creating a new identity for you. If I can tell you the absolute truth, I also had the option which I had just given you. The only difference is that I failed in my mission. I was mistakingly taken for my twin brother, who was involved with drugs at the time and killed. The love for my brother sent me back to Earth, but like I previously stated, I failed."

Now Daniel was intrigued aswell as a little more hopeful.

"Failed doing what?"

"To prove the love that the person has for you is genuine and pure, I was sent back with a different identity, with the task of persuing and recieving the same love from my brother from my new identity. Needless to say as my brother couldn't care less that his twin brother had died, I failed. That is your task as of now."

"You mean I have to go back to Earth as a different person, looking different and everything, and if I can get Joel to love this new person like he loves... I mean loved me, then I will get my life back?"

"Im glad you finally understand. But it will not be easy. Today is the 11th of December. As you know Jesus Christ was born on the 25th. If you do not succeed before that date, I'm very much afraid that you will be indeed passing on. Remember, under no circumstances may you divulge your true identity, any phrases, any character traits what would let Joel believe that you are Daniel. If his love for you are as deep as I believe it be, it wouldn't matter in what shape or form you appear before him. Do you agree with all of this?"

Daniel remained quiet for a while. He knew that Joel loved him. They had known eachother since birth. He knew it was a extremely difficult task to get Joel to love another person, but he at least had to try. He loved Joel too much not too.

"I'll do it," he whispered.

"I've arranged everything. And Daniel...if I may ask...please do it for me as well. You have a much better chance with Joel than I had with Benjy. There is not a day that goes by that I do not miss him."

Daniel closed his eyes as he awaited his journey back to Earth. He was going to do this for Joel, no matter how hard it would be. Even if he was going back as a new person.

"I love you, buddy, I'm coming back for you," he whispered as blinding light overwhelmed him.


They say there is no emotion more powerful than love. Can Joel and Daniel be reunited...even with Daniel trapped inside a stranger's body??

Im loving hearing from you guys. Lemme know what you think, yeah?? I'll do my best as always to respond.

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