Second Chance....lesbian romance

By Melinda Bradley

Published on Apr 16, 2002



It was a hot summer afternoon and Alexa was frantically cleaning her house.

She was expecting company and everything had to be perfect. Her ex-girlfriend, Larissa, had business in town and was coming to visit her. Alexa and Larissa had parted on good terms and vowed to always remain friends. They had become best friends and were closer than they ever thought possible. It had been a long time since Alexa had seen Larissa. She was excited about seeing her friend again and wanted to make sure that everything was in place. As she continued cleaning, Alexa's shirt began to stick to her due to the hot, humid weather. She finished cleaning and looked at the clock. "Just two hours until Larissa gets here. I better get ready.", Alexa thought to herself. She went into the bedroom and peeled off her clothes that had stuck to her so close. As she picked out her outfit for the night, Alexa caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Her long, straight blonde hair was carelessly tossed up into a ponytail and strands of it were now loose and hanging about her face. She looked tired and worn. "You definitely need to get yourself cleaned up, girl.", She uttered at her reflection. She went into the bathroom and turned on the water for a nice, cool shower.

Alexa decided she had the time to take a leisure shower and enjoyed the feeling of the cool water running down her body as her mind began to wander. She began remembering all the many little things that she and Larissa would do together and how much they laughed with each other. She could see Larissa vividly in her mind. Larissa was tall, thin, and had beautiful, flaming red hair that seemed to go on forever. Alexa's thoughts continued to wander as she saw Larissa's smile and her eyes, and heard her laughter. A smile crossed Alexa's lips. Love was never the problem in their relationship. Alexa and Larissa just realized that they were on two separate paths that would separate them in time. So, they decided to remain friends and made a vow that they would always be in each other's lives no matter what. Alexa began to remember Larissa's touch and kiss. She found herself longing to have the relationship back that was so pure and perfect. All at once, Alexa opened her eyes and jumped quickly out of the shower. "That's enough of that, Alexa!" she breathed harshly to herself.

Alexa got dressed, fixed her hair and carefully applied her make-up. She stepped back and took one last look to make sure everything was in place. She had decided to wear a pair of shorts and a pastel pink cotton top. She slipped on a pair of sandals and went into the kitchen to begin cooking dinner.

Dinner was no sooner in the oven when there was a knock at the door. Alexa's heart stopped for just a moment as she realized that Larissa had finally arrived. She nervously looked in a nearby mirror to make sure everything was still in place and quickly headed for the door. As she opened the door, there stood Larissa, looking even more radiant and beautiful than she remembered. The two women hugged excitedly and came in to sit on the sofa. They chatted and reminisced and caught up on what had happened in their lives since they had last seen each other. After what seemed like forever of catching up, dinner was ready. Alexa served dinner and the two women continued chatting over their meal.

It was beginning to get late, and the two were finishing up dinner. Alexa stood up to clean the plates off the table. As she took the plates into the kitchen, Larissa followed her with the glasses and silverware. Alexa put the plates in the sink, turned around and, right behind her, was Larissa with the other dishes. They were standing so close you could feel the electricity between them. Alexa blushed quickly and stepped out of Larissa's way. Alexa went into the living room and sat down again on the sofa. Larissa came in the room and joined her. For an evening that had been so full with chatter and laughter, it seemed so quiet now. Larissa looked into Alexa's eyes and whispered, "Oh, Alexa, I've missed you so much.". Alexa hugged Larissa tight and could feel the tears forming as she responded, "I've missed you too.".

The two women pulled back and just looked at each other for a moment. There was a connection between them that just could not be explained. Alexa could see the regret and sadness in Larissa's eyes, but the fire that she loved about her was still hiding in there. Alexa, as if by reflex, took Larissa's hand and choked out, "I've missed you more than just as a friend, Larissa.". Larissa, all of a sudden looked very sad. She reached up and wiped away the single tear that now began to fall down Alexa's face. "I have missed you too, Alexa. Recently, I haven't been able to stop thinking about the times we had. It has been like I can almost feel your arms around me when I sleep.". The familiar feelings of love and tenderness Alexa had buried for Larissa came bounding to the surface. Alexa thought she had gotten over Larissa, and that she was fine with just being friends, until tonight. She slowly reached up and caressed Larissa's face with all the love she had inside. Larissa melted at the touch of Alexa's hand. Gently, Alexa led Larissa's face to hers. Alexa began softly and tenderly kissing Larissa's full, beautiful lips. Larrisa responded, sliding her arms around Alexa slowly and pulling Alexa toward her until they were against each other. The kisses became more passionate and insistent as years of denied desire and longing were finally being explored. Alexa's hands explored Larissa's body, getting reacquainted with a familiar territory that been too long denied. They explored every inch of each other's bodies and lost themselves in the passion that had built up for so long. Their bodies rose and fell with the rising and release of each orgasm. The silence of the night was broken only by the moans of total passion and pleasure being experienced that night. Their bodies moving in perfect rhythm. It was a dance that they had put away for so long, only to realize that they had not forgotten. All of a sudden, there were two glorious, simultaneous explosions. It was as if a symbol of the old relationship exploding into oblivion, making way for the new declaration of love they were making tonight. They lay there in the afterglow, amazed at what had just taken place. Their sweaty, pleasure-worn bodies were all twisted so you didn't know where one woman stopped and the other began. They held each other tight and caressed each other lightly. Alexa looked into Larissa's eyes with a love that could not be denied. She kissed Larissa passionately and they both knew, no matter what it took, they would be together forever.

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