Secret Love

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on May 25, 2011



A miracle happened last night. At least it was a miracle for me. I saw him again after ten years. Ten years of dreaming about him and wanting him, and jerking off constantly to dreams of feeling his cock up my ass. There he was, live and in person, Sam DePaulo, tall, dark, handsome and Italian.

I was attending a fund raiser for The American Cancer Society with my best friend and sometime fuck buddy Corey Lewis. As I approached the buffet table for a cup of punch, I did a double take. There he stood, even more handsome and muscular than I remembered. He was standing next to another handsome guy (not as handsome as Sam). They looked very much like brothers, but the other guy was a couple of years older, about an inch shorter, maybe only about 6'2" and unlike Sam he had a few extra pounds on him. You could clearly see his love handles, which I found kind of appealing. They certainly were not a turn off. Be that as it may, my eyes were on Sam.

Sam DePaulo was the quarterback on my high school football team. I didn't attend our high school until my junior year. When I was sixteen, we moved to a new community as a result of my dad's job transfer. Sam was a junior also. I saw him at the first football game I attended with Corey.

I met Corey on my first day in my first class, trigonometry. God I hated trig. Corey and I knew immediately that we were both gay and we began fucking each other within the week. When I saw Sam for the first time, I told Corey that I was going to make it my life's quest to someday bed Sam. Corey broke out laughing. He was laughing so hard, I barely heard him say, "Fat chance."

After that I put myself anywhere I thought I might bump into Mr. Hunky Wonderful. I myself am not bad looking. At the time I was about 5'9" but I grew to six feet even. I'm not bulging with muscles nor am I very athletic, but I am lean and my body is solid. I have blond hair and blue eyes which is kind of stereotypically all American. I am cut and well enough endowed in the groin area, about seven inches when hard.

Try as I might, Sam never even noticed me. Once he dropped a book in the school hallway. I ran over at superhuman speed and retrieved it for him. He thanked me politely without even looking at me. Needless to say I never met him before graduation, and we went to different colleges. Now all these years later, he stood before me. My cock throbbed, and I desired him beyond reason. I didn't care if he had married or not. I needed to be fucked so badly by him that I ached. "Hi," I said as I approached him. "Aren't you Sam DePaulo? I'm Richie Stern. We went to the same high school."

Sam looked at me blankly. "Sorry," he mumbled, "can't say as I do?" Can you imagine how my heart sank? I also wished that the floor would open up and swallow me. Did I make a complete fool of myself? After all, ten years had passed since high school graduation. I was now a successful attorney acting like a love sick teen ager. I had totally reverted to my high school days.

Then when my heart sank to rock bottom, Sam's companion held out his hand, smiled broadly at me, and said, "Hi Richie. I'm Sam's brother Tony. It's a pleasure to meet you." I hardly looked at Tony as my eyes were riveted on Sam who turned away and left the buffet table. I remained shaking Tony's hand and still not looking at him. Sam's proximity had stolen away my social graces. Finally my social etiquette kicked back in. I looked at Tony. He was smiling at me and I liked him immediately. It was obvious that he wanted to be friendly.

Suddenly a bell went off in my head. If I could work up some sort of friendship with Tony, maybe I could finally become a friend of Sam's and then who knows what could happen. So I smiled back at Tony. "Nice to meet you," I said, turning on a bright smile and all my charm. I remembered Corey and introduced him to Tony. I could see the lust in Corey's eyes and felt I had to defuse the situation so I asked Tony if he and Sam had any affiliation with the Cancer Society which might have brought them here.

"After our mom died of cancer last year, we gave them a very heavy donation. I guess that we are here as members of their heavy hitters' list."

Sam and Tony must be loaded, I thought.

"How about you?" Tony asked.

"My firm represents the local chapter in all their legal work, and I'm the guy in charge," I answered simply.

"So you're a lawyer," Tony said. "Sam and I are financial advisors. We inherited our dad's business. My uncle is still a partner, but he isn't active in the business anymore. He prefers to hang out in Palm Beach." Tony laughed heartily at the thought of his uncle languishing in Florida. He reached in his wallet and handed me his business card. "Maybe we can do business together. At any rate let's do lunch sometime soon." My heart began to pound. Lunch with Sam's business partner, and brother, was definitely a step closer to getting to know Sam.

"I'd like that," I said. I carefully placed his card in my wallet and gave him one of mine. When he put it in his wallet, he turned to me and smiled. He bowled me over when he said, "I hope this will be the beginning of a beautiful friendship, Richie." We shook hands and Tony left to join his brother.

When he was gone, Corey said, "He's gay you know."

"You think everyone is gay," I mocked.

"You'll live to find out. He's hot for you. I was drooling all over him, and he didn't know I was in the room. I'd call him ASAP and have lunch with him if I were you. He's really a hunk."

When I got back to my ever empty, lonely apartment that night, I looked long and hard at Tony's business card. His office was just down the street from mine, so I vowed to make a lunch date with Tony as soon as I could. I concluded the day by whacking off and dreaming of Sam. Even I knew that I was obsessed. I either had to have sex with Sam or put him out of my mind once and for all. Hah! That's easier said than done. Both solutions seemed impossible.

The next day, at about 10 AM, I was just reaching for my phone when it rang. As a result I picked it up before the first ring was finished. I was very pleasantly surprised when in response to my, "Stern here," I heard a very cheery voice say, "Hi Richie, this is Tony DePaulo from last night."

The first thought that went through my mind was, Oh God, it's Sam's brother.

"Hi," I said trying not to sound too eager. "I was just going to call you to see if you are free for lunch."

"Yes, I am, and that's what I was calling you about, so I guess we're both free, but I wanted to ask you something else. I have two tickets to the football game on Sunday. Would you be able to go with me and have dinner afterward?"

My heart started to beat so fast, I thought I might have a stroke. I collected myself and asked. "How come your football playing brother isn't going with you?"

"Oh," Tony answered, "he's going too, but his fiancée will be with him. We bought four season tickets for our firm. We usually give the tickets to clients, but this is the last game of the regular season, and a place in the playoffs depends on a win, so we decided to use the tickets ourselves.

"The answer to all your questions is yes," I said. We then set a time and place for lunch, and I hung up with a grin on my face and a hard on in my pants. I kept picturing me at the game sitting between the two brothers, and with my hand constantly slapping Sam's knee pretending to be excited about the game. Dream on, counselor!

At lunch I let Tony do most of the talking. I hoped to glean some information from him which might help me in my impossible quest to bed Sam. Tony hardly talked about his brother so I asked boldly if he and Sam had a good relationship.

"Definitely," Tony said. I graduated high school when Sam was finishing his sophomore year (That's why I never knew there was a Tony.) I came out to him at that time and told him that I was gay. He is a 10 on the scale of heterosexuality so I was really worried. I trusted him more than anybody else in the world to stand by me, and I was right. He helped me tell our folks. Nothing could ever drive a rift in our relationship." I wondered where that left me.

I didn't wonder long, but asked instead. "You're gay? Corey said you were, but I didn't believe it."

"Believe it," he said. "You and Corey are gay also, aren't you? I can tell that you aren't a couple?" Much to my surprise he added, "I hope."

Foolishly I said, "No, we aren't a couple, but we are occasional fuck buddies. We've been friends forever and we are more like brothers." I don't know why I told him that. It was way TMI.

"I'm glad you're single then," Tony stated. He put his hand on my forearm. "You see, to be perfectly honest, I've got the hots for you." I was stunned. How could a hunk like this desire me? "Give me a minute to digest that," I said.

"Sure! Take all afternoon if you'd like. I don't much feel like going back to the office anyway."

I did take a minute to think. My sensible side said, Richie, you jerk, you are never going to have Sam, but here's his brother, who looks a lot like him, who is gay, and who has the hots for you, so what are you waiting for?

I was about to speak and then I thought, If I get involved with Tony, I'll be around Sam a lot. I don't think I can handle that. Finally I said, "Tony I really like you. I like you a lot, but to sound corny, this is all so sudden. Give me some time to breathe and to think. Let's talk about it again at dinner Sunday after the football game." "Fair enough," he said and he gripped my forearm tighter. "Would you want to come over to my place tonight and see what I have to offer?" he asked.

"Please Tony," I answered. "Go slower." All I could think about is what kind of relationship I could have with Sam if I started dating his brother, and I had no answer to the dilemma of my own making.

We parted and I was useless at work the rest of the afternoon. That night, alone in bed, I conjured up my usual visions of Sam DePaulo fucking me and I started to whack off. When I was done and my breathing was steadying out, I suddenly realized that by the end of my fantasy, Sam had turned into Tony. I fantasized that I was being fucked by Tony. I was shocked, but I smiled to myself. Maybe, just maybe, my obsession about Sam was ebbing.

Tony came by my apartment and picked me up for the game about noon on Sunday. I had hoped that Sam and his fiancée would be in the car, but we were alone. "Where's Sam?" I asked, hoping we would pick him and his fiancée up next.

"They are going in a separate car. I told Sam I had a hot date who I was taking to dinner after the game."

I blushed. "I'm not so hot," I mumbled.

"Have it your way," Tony said. I sat down beside him and he rubbed his hand on my knee before he started up the car. I must admit that it felt really good. I smiled at him and shifted in my seat to accommodate my swelling cock. Somehow I had a strong feeling that I was going to have sex with Tony that night. I was a little frightened at the thought. What if I should call him Sam in the heat of passion?

At the game, I did indeed sit between the two brothers, but I was too afraid to slap Sam on the knee. I did put my hand on Tony's knee a few times. It seemed a natural thing for me to do. Our team lost so there was little cause for knee slapping anyhow. The best part of the day was that Sam seemed to like me. In fact, I sensed that he was judging me as an apt mate for his brother. I further sensed that I had passed muster. When we parted, both Sam and his fiancée, Marla, hugged me. When Sam put his arms around me, my knees buckled. His hug was nowhere near my fantasies, but my sensible side accepted that this was as good as it was going to get.

Tony took me to a very family oriented restaurant where the food was not fancy, but it was healthy and plentiful. He noticed that I was a bit surprised and he explained, "We aren't dressed for anything fancier." Of course we weren't. We had dressed for a football game.

During dessert, he popped the fateful question? "Will you spend the night with me?" I knew it was coming, but I still wasn't sure it was a good idea and I hesitated. "Look," Tony continued, "if you aren't ready to have sex with me, I won't press you. However, I'd really like the company. It would be wonderful to have someone in the house when I wake up in the morning, and someone to have breakfast with as well. That having been said, that doesn't mean I'm not pining to make love to you, because I am, desperately!"

I noted that Tony said make love, not have sex. The distinction did not escape me, and that prompted me to say, "Sure. I'd like that too, but could we stop at my place first, so I can pick up a few things I can wear to work tomorrow?"

Tony had a one bedroom apartment and the bedroom had one queen sized bed. "You got me here under false pretenses," I said. "There's only one bed."

"I promise not to touch you if you don't want me to," Tony pleaded.

"Don't be a jerk," I said. "I'm a healthy gay male who's always horny. You are a handsome stud, and you expect me to spend a chaste night in the same bed with you and not touch you? You must be mad."

Tony looked confused so I took him in my arms and kissed him. He melted into me and kissed me back. His tongue found mine and our embrace became more and more passionate. It took a mere few seconds before we were fondling our cocks through our trousers.

"We have too much clothes on," Tony said. He pulled away from me and started to undress in the living room. He left his clothes in a heap on the living room floor, so I did the same. Glory be!!! His uncut, very fat cock was a good 8" and Tony started jabbing me in the thigh with it. One look and I was a goner. I fell to my knees and started sucking it. I ran my tongue up and down the underside of that gorgeous throbbing dick. A bead of precum appeared and I drank it up hastily.

Suddenly Tony pulled away. "Oh God," he yelled. "I didn't want to cum so quickly." He started gushing all over my face. I drank and licked up his cum as fast as I could. "Damn!" Tony continued to berate himself. "You see what you do to me?" He lifted me to my feet and led me to the bedroom.

He pulled down the cover on his bed and asked me to lie on my back. I obeyed him and closed my eyes so that I could pretend that he was Sam. He lay prone on top of me and I could feel his now flaccid cock rubbing against my hard one. He started to slither down my body, lingering here and there. He nibbled my ear lobes, my tits, my belly button, and finally he started to lick my cock. I moaned in pleasure. Once I almost said, "Suck me harder, Sam," but just in time I said, "Tony." I came rather quickly also and he swallowed everything that I had to offer.

Afterward we lay side by side. He had his hand on my cock and I had mine on his. "When we recover a little," he said, "will you fuck me please?"

"It'll be a pleasure," I said, and again I nearly called him Sam.

Tony and I saw more and more of each other after that, and I looked forward to our love making, but I always fantasized that I was with his baby brother. Sam and Marla began to think of us as a couple, and when Tony began to plan Sam's bachelor party, I naturally fell into the role of co-planner. This may have been a big mistake.

The night of the party came all too quickly. I was elected to be the designated driver. Actually I am not much of a drinker, and I volunteered. So I picked Tony up first and then we went to Sam's place. He wasn't ready so we went inside to wait for him. Sam had recently moved into a large three bedroom home that he would share with Marla, but she wasn't moving in until after their honeymoon. Tony asked me, "How would you like a place like this for us, babe?" I could only shudder. Tony saw us as a couple also and I was too weak to dissuade him. I remained silent and Tony looked hurt.

Tony, Sam and most of the guests were pie eyed drunk before the dancer even got her act going. Tony had hired a prostitute who shook her booty in what simulated some Latin rhythms. Then she lap danced some of the guys, saving Sam for last. She must have aroused him because in the middle of her routine she got on her knees, and kneeled in front of Sam. She removed his uncut cock from his trousers. I nearly fainted. He was at least an inch bigger than Tony. The prostitute took it in her mouth and started sucking. I had to restrain myself from pushing her away and taking over.

I was in a near faint, but I do remember that I heard Tony whisper in my ear, "I'll do that to you when we get home." At least I think that's what he said. He slurred his words so badly, I can't be sure of what I heard.

I needed help loading the two brothers into my car, but I had to handle them by myself when I got to Sam's place. I knew that we weren't going any further that night so I sat Sam on a chair in the front hall, and laid Tony down on the guest room bed. I removed his shoes. Otherwise he was fully clothed.

I went back to the hall and found Sam on the floor. I managed to pick him up and walk him to his bed. I laid him on his back and I got lost in my lust. I undressed him slowly and fully. After awhile he lay prone on his back, naked as the day he was born. His beautiful body was mine to savor and enjoy. I began to rub my hands gently up and down his chest. Sam sighed, and I stopped. I waited a few minutes and I resumed petting him. This time my hands ran through his pubic hair and he started to get hard. Now I was getting excited.

Tentatively I stroked his cock and he got fully hard. I listened to his breathing. He was definitely asleep. I wondered what he might be dreaming. Did I dare suck his hardening rod? I had lost my reason hours ago and bent down to take him. I stopped to savor his aroma. He had been drinking heavily and he was hot and sweaty. He smelled musky and he could have used a bath. I pulled back his foreskin and he was all sweat underneath his sheathe. Some men are turned off by smelly, sweaty cocks. Not me! I got even more lustful. I bent down further to take him into my mouth.

He'll never know, I thought, and my dreams will come true.

Before my lips touched the luscious prize, Sam stirred slightly and I heard him mutter, "Marla darling, I love you." He thought I was Marla. This would be easier than I thought. Once again I bent over to devour him, but I stopped again. Just as Sam had always popped into my head as I began to have sex with other men or start to make love to Tony, so now Tony popped into my head. I recalled so many glorious hours of love making with him, and suddenly my heart burst with love for him. I backed away from Sam and I began to cry. I realized that I was in love with Tony. Maybe I even loved him as much as he loved me.

I could have blown it all. My lust could have ruined me. I nearly went down on Tony's drunken straight brother. What if Sam had awakened while I was sucking his cock? What if he had socked me in the eye? What if Tony never forgave me for my one rash act? The thought of that saddened me deeply.

I ran from Sam's room directly to the guest room where Tony was sleeping it off. I undressed him fully as I had undressed his brother. Then I got naked and crawled into bed with him. It was a very tight fit. I nestled against his bulky, beautiful body and pinched his love handles.

"I love you," I whispered in his ear.

I could see Tony smile in his sleep, and he muttered, "I love you more." I determined then and there to prove to him that if I didn't love him more, then I loved him at least as much as he loved me. I had never been happier in my life.

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