
By moc.onuj@9n_ssertsim

Published on Dec 9, 2000


Note: Hey y'allz. First time writer, LONG time reader. Er.not much to saw but: Please, PLEASE, PLEASE send feedback. Thank you, Sophie V for getting me started.


Disclaimer: I don't know/think I am the Backstreet Boys. I have no idea of their preference in female or male gender. (hell, I don't even know if they even LOOK at anyone anymore) Ok? I hate these. I don't know Lou Pearlman and if I did, I'd kick his fat ass and get my foot stuck. And no, I don't think Brian has a twin. THIS IS ALL FICTION! I also do not know Aaron Carter or am/is Aaron.

Author's post-it (instead of a note): <----my email. Need comments like coffee. Comments=more' it's all not sex. In this story, Aaron's 18. (he's FINALLY legal sees her little sister giggle insanely)

"Nick.Nick.I've got're little Frick." a voice cackled. Sweat cascaded down his face. There he was, being tied up by her. He had to save him. "Hold on! I'm coming!" He ran towards Brian. It seemed every step he took was pushing him farther away.

"Frack." was the weak reply. "Samantha isn't all she's worth." Tears streamed and mixed with the sweat that came down. Nick ran towards him. It seemed that Brian didn't see the car coming towards him. When Nick got there, he was in a pool of blood.

"D-don't!" he muttered. "N-no, p-please no."

He could see the driver clearly. It was he. Lou Pearlman. Nick turned his eyes away from him. He held Brian's head in his lap; sobbing over his loss.

"Nick.buddy, wake up." He was still in the land of dreams. "Nick.Nickolas.HEY NICKY!" he shouted. Brian shoved Nick's head into the pillow.

"God damn it!" came his muffled reply. He angrily glared at the disturber of his sleep with anger in his eyes but softened a bit when he saw Brian. He had that mothering look. "Oh no, the mommy look." Kevin stormed in the room. "Oh the Mommy and Daddy look!" he moaned. "Young man, you know better than to take the Lord's name in vain or anger!" he scolded in a falsetto voice.

"Nick, get your ass up before we're late!"

"Why does everyone bitch at me?" Nick whined.

"Children, I want you to go to your respective rooms and wash up for breakfast before I stick a bar of soap in your mouths. Now hup two!" Kevin marched out and Nick marched into the restroom. "Let me think that this is a one time thing! I don't want to the group's mommy!"

Nick's knees almost buckled when he heard Brian laugh. When he returned to the room, Brian was gone and the place was dark. He shrugged it off.

A blindfold covered his eyes. A pair of hands went up his shirt; unbuttoning it slowly. It finally dropped towards the floor. The hands brushed past his nipples while Nick sucked in a breath. The hands were warm, not cold like Lou's. The fingers pinched and rolled the hard buds while Nick moaned. A pair of lips sucked at his neck. Biting now and then. Nick whimpered at the stranger's actions.

It reached lower and quickly got rid of his pants and boxers. The hands felt everywhere. It caressed every crevice; deliberately avoiding his crotch. Nick felt all the liquid in his body head for his cock. The hands began to jack him off very slowly. The touch was driving Nick wild. He never felt so hard in his life.

Without warning, he was pushed onto the bed. The stranger lubed his dick with his precum and dribbled some onto Nick's virgin hole. He pushed the head at his hole until the tip popped in. Nick gasped at the feeling. There was only a slight pain until he felt the stranger pushed all the way in. He was long and wide. Nick moaned at the euphoric feeling. The stranger began long, slow strokes. Nick couldn't stand the slow pushing in and out.

"Please." he begged. "Faster." The stranger's actions only increased a little. "Faster, please.faster." he begged. The stranger's movements slowly increased more and more. Nick could tell he as close to his high and so was the stranger. The stranger's hands wove their way towards Nick's dick and pumped him furiously. The stranger came violently; shooting his cream into Nick's bowels. Nick came not too long later. He collapsed on the bed and fell asleep. The stranger dislodged himself and walked away.

Nick woke up sometime later when the phone rang. "Yeah?" he asked hoarsely.

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Kevin's harsh voice sailed through the phone.

"I'll be down in 5." He stumbled down to breakfast where everyone else was. "Mornin'." He greeted with a yawn.

"Where have you been?" asked Howie.

"Upstairs having hot sex with Tyke, doggy style." Nick joked. Brian choked on his eggs and looked at Nick incredulously. "Just kiddin'. So where's we off to today?"

"FREE DAY!" AJ screamed.

"Great, I'm gonna head upstairs and see if Shorty has emailed me yet." Aaron said getting up from the table.

"Who's Shorty?"

"My Internet Girl." Aaron sang as he headed towards the elevators. Everyone rolled their eyes.

"Is anyone supposed to be on our floor?" Nick asked.

"No, we have it all to ourselves." Kevin explained.

"Ok." Nick wondered who was it that gave him such pleasures. He got up and left the room.

"Hey Frack!" Brian jogged to after Nick. "What do ya feels like doin' today?" he asked.

"I might chat with Airboy and his mysterious Internet Girl." Nick laughed. He poked his head in Aaron's room. "How'd you meet her?" Aaron was oblivious to his brother since he was reading the fanfic that Shorty sent.

From: To: Message: Hey shorty, time to chat.

He sat there and waited for her to get online. "Come on." he finally noticed Nick and Brian. "Huh? Oh, I met her through a chatroom."

You have just entered room "Somewhere over the rainbow" Vesu-vesu9: hey, you decided to show up? AC555: yeah.I hope my friends show up. Vesu-vesu9: ok. >plays with fire< Aaron glared at Nick and Brian who left and logged on. BBALLGUY1 has entered the room. NINTENDODUDE has entered the room. Vesu-vesu9: ooh, new AC555: lmao BBALLGUY1: I don't get it. NINTENDODUDE: you never get it, man. Vesu-vesu9: y'allz know each other? BBALLGUY1: yeah, in a sense. Vesu-vesu9: hey, if you say that really fast, it'll sound like Innocence. ? NINTENDODUDE: lol Vesu-vesu9: where'd you get yer SN? BBALGUY1: well, it's coz NINTENDODUDE's face is always glued to a Nintendo system of some sort and I just love b-ball. NINTENDODUDE: I DO NOT! BBALLGUY1: YEAH, YOU DO! Vesu-vesu9: hey, AC. You're pretty quiet tonight. AC555: zzzZZZzzzZZZ Vesu-vesu9: >slaps AC< AC555: huh? Vesu-vesu9: just checking if you were awake. AC555: :P Vesu-vesu9: >:O AC555: well, we gotta go. We have an early morning tomorrow. Vesu-vesu9: aight, peace. BBALLGUY1 has left the room. NINTENDODUDE has left the room. AC555 has left the room.

Nick again felt hands about him. "Close your eyes." a soft voice whispered. It had a hint of southern in it and Nick couldn't place his finger as of to who he is. "I will tell you who I am soon." he could feel the stranger eyeing him. "Very soon. You will hear my voice when I scream your name as I cum." Nick enjoyed the man's dirty talk and swallowed a moan. "My dear, sweet Nicky. I will finally tell you who I am. I can finally give up this charade." Once again, Nick felt a smooth piece of cloth cover his eyes. He was gently placed onto the bed. "No teasing, Nicky."

With those words, the man lubed himself up and gently eased into Nick's hole. He pushed all the way in and slowly drew out. Nick's legs were placed on the man' shoulders as he panted, moaned, and groaned at the sensations again. He loved the way that the man's dick filled him up. He squealed. "Go faster.please." he begged once again. The man's thrusting began to get faster and faster.

"I'm almost there, Nicky." the voice moaned. He took off the blindfold without missing a beat. "Open your eyes, Nicky. Open them and look at me." Nick opened his eyes to meet a matching pair of blue ones. His hair was a dirty blonde and was slightly curled. He bent down to kiss Nick. "NICKY!" he screamed as he came.

This caused Nick's eyes to roll backwards. "B-B-B-BRIAN!!!" he screamed as he came seconds later. His powerful orgasm caused him to fall out of consciousness. Soft kisses woke him up. He opened his eyes to see Brian's worried face above him. "Frick?" he whispered.

"I'm here, Frack."

"Was that.was that a dream?" he asked hoarsely.

"No, Nicky." He kissed Nick's palm. "It wasn't a dream. It was a dream come true for me."

"Me too." Brian continued to kiss him. He trailed the kisses from his palm to his stomach and towards his, yet again, hard pole. Nick moaned as Brian licked up and down the standing piece. He then engulfed Nick's head in his mouth and lightly sucked on it. "Oh Brian." he moaned as he tangled his hands in Brian's soft, brown hair. He felt Brian's hot mouth descending down his tool and himself close to the edge. "S-stop, B-Brian." He pulled his best friend up and kissed his lips before pushing him down. "My turn for all that teasing." He smiled.

He used the blindfold to tie Brian's arms at the headboard and grinned mischievously. He kissed Brian from the leg up to his stomach, deliberately missing his throbbing crotch. Brian moaned and bucked his hips against Nick's hot mouth.

"Nick, ya in there?!" shouted Brian's voice. Nick stopped and looked at the man above him. How can Brian be in here when his voice is out there, he thought. The door flew open as did Brian. The 'Brian' on the bed looked at the Brian at the door with wide, blue eyes. "BRANDON?! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" he demanded.

"Wait, wait, wait, who's Brandon?" Nick asked. The 'Brian' on the bed walked up to Nick.

"Brandon Littrell, nice to meet ya." Nick numbly shook hands with Brandon. "I'm Brian's twin and was gay since day one." He proudly beamed at himself.

"Then who was mysteriously.ya know." he blushed.

"It was Brandon. Ever since I showed him your picture, he's been obsessed with you." Brian laughed. Brandon hit Brian's head.

"I am not obsessed with him." Brandon argued. "It's more like developed a crush. When I heard that I was going to be on this tour, I almost pissed myself." Nick grabbed a pair of sweatpants and covered himself.

"So both of ya are identical?" he asked.

"Yeah. We sometimes use it to fool fans. It's pretty fun." Kevin walked in and his eyes bugged out of his head.

"No, not two of them. I knew this would happen. Nick, I finally turned old." He put his head in his hands.

"It's all right, Kev. It's only Brandon." Brian smiled.

"Now if you two would leave, I would like to talk to Nick alone." Brandon urged.

"Sure you're not gonna screw him stupid?" asked Brian.

"That might be a possibility but I'll let you know in about 6 hours." Kevin and Brian scooted out of the room. "Nick, I know I'm not Brian but I hope you're not mad at me for doing those things. I wasn't raping you. But I can't help myself. I turn almost into a basic teenybopper." He turned away. "You hate me for doing those things."

Nick came up behind him. He wrapped his arms around the smaller man and kissed his neck. "What was that about screwing me stupid? Shouldn't I finish what I started?" he asked with lust filling his voice.

"But what about--"

"I found someone new. Just as sweet, caring, and loving." He continued kissing his new lover. "And just as fine."

"But I thought--"

"It was mysterious, yes. But it was also a big turn-on." Nick's hands wove their way towards Brandon's dick. "I guess it works both ways, doesn't it?" he whispered as he licked Brandon's ear. "But now, I don't think I'll be able to scream Brian's name anymore?"

"Oh?" he half moaned and half asked.

"I think I might've fallen for his hot brother. Y'know, the one that is identical to him." Nick continued to tease and pleasure Brandon.

"Tell me more."

"He's about 22. He's got dirty blonde hair and deep blue eyes. He has a big nose but I don't care. He's gentle and caring." His hands slowly and softly caressed Brandon's hot member. "Horny as hell. A great screw. But I think it's time to repay to you what you've done to me." Brandon took in a sharp breath as Nick griped his dick. "Oh god."

"Tell me. Tell me how you like it." he hissed.

"Rough." gasped Brandon. "Nicky, screw me rough and hard." He could feel Nick's hard tool at his ass.

Nick turned Brandon's face to his. "May I?" he asked sincerely. Brandon kissed him deeply before impaling himself onto Nick's dick.

Ha, ha, ha! Left y'allz on a cliffhanger (well, sort of) Is Nicky-boy gonna find Brandon as a replacement for B-rok or will Brandon help him see the light? Find out next time. Same archive, same place, different time. So tune in next time to find out more. fuzzy screen

Next: Chapter 2

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