
By moc.onuj@9n_ssertsim

Published on Dec 16, 2000


Disclaimer: Don't know 'em, I ain't 'em, don't know their pref. That enough for ya?

Author's Post-it: puts in millennium Tell me why-ee? There are no emails in my mailbox...Tell me why-ee? I have no one readin' this here story...Tell me why. I love it when I hear my computer say: you have new mail today...(I KNOW it doesn't rhyme or fit the timing) P.S. I goofed; Aaron's 13 again; just to piss off my sister.

Author's side-note: the girl in this story, Marie, looks like Anastasia from the 20th Century movie "Anastasia". The dress that she always wears is the blue one from the ship. Just to give you a picture...

Part 3:

The next morning, Brandon woke up to cold air. Howie was gone and a new person stood at the door. He covered himself. "Um, who are you?" he asked. The person was a she and she walked towards Brandon and just sat down on the bed. She smiled and handed him a blue billiard ball.

"Marie!" someone shouted. The girl bounced off and ran down the hallway.

The ball seemed to glow. "I wish you wouldn't do that." a voice murmured.

"Babe, I did it because I love you." Brandon could see that Lou was talking to Nick.

"If you loved me then you'd stop making me your whore." Nick spat. Brandon could see that Nick was sitting on the bed; naked. "I'm losing the guys' trust." Nick tried to get up but Lou stopped him. "Get your hands off of me." he said in a low, low voice. Brandon saw that Nick was dead white.

"But babe--"

"Don't touch me." he lividly told Lou. He put on a robe. "I want you out of my life. I am tired of you abusing me." He glared at the larger man. With that, he walked out.

Brandon sat in wonder. What message was Nick trying to send him? Who was that little girl? So many questions whirled through his head.

The door opened cautiously. A girl, about 13, walked into the room. Her brown hair was swept into a loose ponytail. Her blue eyes were shy yet determined. About what, Brandon didn't know. She wasn't very tall and was dressed in a blue dress with black stockings and brown, worn boots.

"Come on down for dinner." She smiled at him. She sounded a bit like Meg Ryan when she was young or something. "Come on. Put on some clothes and I'll meet ya at the elevators." She bounced back out of the room. Brandon got dressed and walked towards the elevators. She was there; waiting for him. "'Bout time."

~At the dinner table~

"You decided to show up late?" asked Kevin. The girl walked briskly by; ignoring Kevin's comment. He rolled his eyes.

"Marie, I'd like you to meet your uncle. This is your Uncle Brandon." Brian grinned.

"I know. I already met him." Marie replied.

"Brandon, this is your niece, Marie." She stuck out her hand. Brandon uncertainly shook it. Her eyes bore into his. Her blue eyes seem to say 'don't tell anyone about our little secret.'

"N-nice to meet you."

She just smiled and took a seat next to Leighanne. "Found your mystery girl yet, AC?" she asked casually.

"No." he glared at her. What's going on, Aaron asked Marie telepathically.

Nothing that you wouldn't know, Marie replied in the same way. Her smirk said it all. But you'll find out tonight, she added.

"So Marie, what's your favorite color?" asked Brandon.

"Opal, Amethyst, Periwinkle, and other colors." Marie replied. "And you?"

"I like blue and green."

Marie excused herself. She walked up to her room followed shortly by Aaron.

~* Aaron's Room *~

"Well? Are we going to visit him?" he asked.

"Yeah, nothin' else to do tonight." She changed into a small, gray cat. "You coming?"

"Yeah." He changed into an owl. "I stand on the balcony while you heal him."

"I'll try to."

She jumped, as he flew, to Nick's room. There he was; tossing and turning. "Don't worry. I'll keep watch."

She daintily jumped onto Nick's stomach. The blue crescent moon shot a beam into Nick's mind; erasing all evil memories of the rapes. "Almost there." she murmured. "He's scared. No-one's gonna love him."

"Whatever. Just get it done so we can split." The beam stopped and she walked over to him.

"Let's go."

They disappeared.

~Next Morning~

Nick stumbled into Brian's room where everyone was having breakfast. "Morning." He staggered his way towards the cart. Marie lifted up a plate, placed Nick's usual breakfast on it, and handed it to him without even getting up.

Brandon stared in amusement. "How did you do that?" he asked.

"Huh?" asked Marie.

"That thing with the floating food and everything."

"Oh, that?" she motioned towards Nick. "Simple." She grinned. "Telepathy. Let's me be as lazy as I want."

Brandon was still a bit perplexed that everyone was ok with her power. That day was a free day since the show was canceled due to rain. Brandon wandered the halls. Suddenly, someone grabbed him and kissed him softly but surely on his lips. "Please forgive me." his captor mumbled. "Forgive me of what I've done."

There was very little light but Brandon could see a pair of blue eyes staring back at him. "Nick..." he sighed as he ran his fingers Nick's blonde locks. "How can I be sure?"

"I don't know." Nick sighed as he felt a single tear shimmer down his cheek. "I just don't know. I-I just know that what I did was very wrong and very stupid."

"I guess it'll take time. We need to start from the beginning."

"Yes," Nick smiled, "The beginning."

"It'll be hard." Brandon whispered.

"I'd wait forever."


"Forever and more. I love you."

"I love you too."

"Let's take it slowly."

"We'll get back to the sex soon." Brandon giggled. Nick smiled softly and kissed the smaller man in front of him.

"I don't care if we NEVER do that again. I just want to be with you." At that moment, Nick looked like a junior high kid telling his girlfriend that he loved her.

"We'll take it one day at a time..."

"Yeah, one day at a time until we can finally be together." Nick smiled sadly. "I see it."

"See what?" he asked.

"The fireworks and magic that my mum told me about love."


"It worked!" he smiled. "All thanks to you." She smiled at him.

"Figured out your Internet Girl, yet?" she asked.

"No." he grimaced. He glared at her. "You know her?"

"Sure, like the back of my hand."

"Great, so you'll tell me her name?"

"Don't you ever look at the name in quotes?" she asked as she walked away. He rushed towards his laptop and pulled up his email account.

"Marie Littrell?!" he gasped.

There you go cues Pink's song. But that isn't the end. Sure, it sounds like it but it's not.

Thank you Sophie and NGCfan for making me feel special. Read all of their stories and others':

"Calming Waters" "Fate Will Gather Us Together." "Black and Blue" "Porcelain" "Whispers in the Night" "Airboy Chats It Up" "Blissful Tears"

Email me: Comments. Suggestions. Anything. Just email me.

Adios until next time. Fuzzes out

Next: Chapter 4

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