Secrets of a Double Room

By Marc Mclean

Published on Oct 8, 2018



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Secrets of a Double Room

By MJ Mclean

The light on the door flashed red again. I rubbed the card key against my shirt, muttering "fuck, fuck, fuck," before jamming it back in the reader. Red light. I stepped back and checked the room number against the folder the desk clerk had given us. It was a match.

"Fuck!" I flipped the card in the air and swore again when it slid under the door. I felt a hand on my arm.

"Easy, Gary. It's just a bad card. Try another one."

Mike's voice calmed me. I pulled a second card from the folder and tried it in the door. Green light. I turned the latch, pushed the door open and flipped on the light. I snagged the first card and returned it to the folder.

The clerk had called it a junior suite and it was clear the emphasis was on the junior. In front of us in the living room -- that's what the clerk called it -- sat a sofa we were told unfolded into a bed, two club chairs, a table with two more chairs and a TV on the wall. Through a door was the bedroom, which held a dresser, a desk, a door to the bathroom and two queen-size beds. In the same room.

"It's just for one night," Mike said. "It's not like anyone has to sleep on that sofa bed. Two beds, four guys ... I mean, who sleeps in Vegas, anyway?"

I dropped my bag. "The point is, we reserved two rooms, not two beds," I said. "We're not college kids, cramming 10 people to a room." I'd made the same speech at the front desk, growing increasingly impatient as the clerk apologized for the mix-up in our reservation. No, he couldn't tell me how it happened, no, there were no other rooms tonight, unless we wanted to call around to other hotels that sometimes took overflow traffic.

The clerk had comped the room for tonight and guaranteed us two rooms for the second and third nights.

"But ..."

"But nothing, Gar. You're just looking for a reason to be pissed off." Mike's smile melted me a little. "It's Vegas, baby. Let's break the rules, have a little adventure."

Behind us, Angel cleared his throat and wrapped his arms around my waist. He nuzzled my neck, his stubble scraping on mine. "If the old guys are finished being old, can we get this party started?" He kissed me, squeezing my crotch as he rounded me, headed for the other room. "I'm getting us the one by the window. I wanna see the lights when we do it."

Angel tossed his bag on the bed closest to the window. Greg was a few steps behind and sprawled on the other bed. "Whatever," he said. "It's not like we have a view."

Mike wrapped his arm around my shoulder and sighed. "They grow up so fast, don't they, mother?"

I looked at Mike. "Hey, how come I'm the mother?" He swatted my ass. " And whose idea was this again, Mikey?"

In truth, it was my idea. I loved Las Vegas. The lights, the people, the noise, the shows, the food. I wasn't much of a gambler, but I knew how to play blackjack. The hotel where we were staying offered swim-up games some days. And Mike was right. In Vegas, sleeping was low on the priority list.

"How're we gonna fuck, Mikey?" Greg had kicked his shoes off and was digging through his bag. He stashed a bottle of lube and a box of condoms in the nightstand.

"Yeah, Garrett, do we have to screw in shifts?" Angel asked, half his attention on his phone. I winced at his use of my given name. He thought it fit me better than Gary.

Mike draped himself on me playfully. "Yeah, Garrett, you wanna do rock-paper-scissors to see who gets to have the sex first?"

"Maybe I'll kick you all out and just spend the night with my right hand," I growled, trying to ignore the tingly chills I felt at MIke's embrace. His phone chirped. He glanced at it.

"Sorry, guys, I gotta take this," he said. He walked back out in the hall. I heard Greg say something about leaving work at home, but I couldn't complain. Mike was finishing up two projects and didn't really have time to take a long weekend in Vegas. But Britney was opening a new show tomorrow night and I had snagged second-row tickets. It's Britney, bitch.

Mike and I had bonded over Britney, among other things, when we were college roommates. Since then, we'd been through a lot together and were as close as two gay men could get. We dated in the beginning, fucking to "Toxic" and the duet with Madonna, but found ourselves drifting into the BFF zone without thinking about it. And there we'd stayed, through a long parade of boyfriends, fuck buddies and relationships.

I wasn't calling what I had with Angel a relationship at this point, but a few months in, I has having a good time. He was cute, his angular face framed by unruly black hair, his arms and legs lean and solid. He also liked Britney, even though to him, she was retro.

And he was young, 23 to my 33. Mike had rolled his eyes at us, until he met Greg, who was 24. Overnight, I graduated from a cradle-robber in Mike's eyes to a free spirit. He was having as much fun as I was. Almost as much fun. Greg didn't care about Britney. Bitch.

Mike came back in the room, stuffing the phone in his pocket. "All good," he said. "For now." The light from the window caught his icy blue eyes as he surveyed the room, eyes framed by blonde hair that curled when it got long. It was getting there today.

Greg waved his phone from the bedroom. "I found it, guys," he said. "It's across the street. A show at 10. The thunder from fucking down under. Gonna see us some strippers tonight, boys!"

Mike pinched my ass. "Hear that, baby, some nekkid men. All we have to do is get past all the housewives from Orange County."

The male strippers were Greg's idea and we'd agreed, knowing he'd spend tomorrow night scrolling Instagram and texting his friends about the old guys and that old singer. And bonus: We would get to see hot men writhing on stage.

I picked up my bag and followed Mike into the bedroom. Greg and Angel weren't wrong. With all four of us in there, the bedroom felt small, crowded. There would be no privacy among us tonight.

As if to illustrate my point, Angel began to take his clothes off. "I need a shower after that all that time in the car. C'mon, Garrett, you can wash my back for me." He had shucked his shirt and peeled off his tight jeans, revealing tight, toned, skin. He stood in his red designer underwear, the Andrew Christians I'd given him for the trip, and the bulge in front left no doubt about what else he wanted to do in the shower.

I kicked off my shoes and toed my socks off. I felt my cock grow and I tried not to blush, but I couldn't look at Mike or Greg as Angel led me into the bathroom. I could hear Mike snicker, but Greg had already pulled Mike onto the bed.

Angel turned on the water and pulled his briefs off. His uncut cock bounced up as he turned to help me strip. I tossed my shirt aside and pushed my pants and briefs down in one move. My own cock had grown hard and Angel pulled at it as he kissed me.

We stepped into the shower and let the hot water cascade over our bodies. Angel's brown skin glistened as he stood under the shower head. He closed his eyes as I pulled close to him. We kissed, our tongues finding familiar places. I reached between our legs and held our hard cocks next to each other, stroking them together. Angel groaned.

"You think they're fucking out there?" he whispered between kisses. He thrust into my hand.

"Maybe," I said, stroking him.

"Mikey's a top, isn't he." Angel stated it as fact, not a question, so I wondered if he and Greg and compared notes. Angel turned around so my cock slid between his cheeks. He was about my height and pushed back and squeezed.

I tried not to think about Mike and Greg fucking, but the more Angel talked about it, the more the images flooded my head. Mike and I had hooked-up a few times in college, before we'd decided to go the friend route. We'd messed around once or twice over the years, but it had been a while. Still, as I thought about him and Greg on the bed, I felt my cock grow harder and I teased Angel's hole with the tip.

"Mmmm, yeah, Garrett, can't you fuck me in here?" he said.

I nudged my cock against his hole. "Later, Angel, when we have lube and a rubber." He wiggled his ass against me. One of the reasons Mike and I had eased off in the early days was because we both thought we were confirmed tops and didn't want to yield. Since then, I had grown to like being fucked. The last time we'd hooked up, he'd fucked me. The memory sent my cock throbbing again. We soaped each other's dicks, feeling the slickness as we stroked.

Angel was as much a bottom as I once was and I was good with that. He had a tight ass and liked to have his cock sucked. I soaped his ass and rubbed a finger against the opening, sliding in. He moaned and squirmed and I added a second finger. I closed my eyes, remembering that night with Mike, the night after his last boyfriend left him. We had a few shots and talked about bad boyfriends and sometime after about the fourth shot, I said something about my last boyfriend fucking me in the hot tub.

Mikey's eyes flashed. "I thought you were a bottom, Gar."

"People change," I said.

We were naked before I realized what was happening. Mike bent me over the sofa and shoved his face between my cheeks, his tongue working wonders on my hole. The first time he fucked me was urgent and angry. Later that night, he took it slower, more tenderly, teasing my insides with his cock until we both came.

I had closed my eyes, the water washing me over me with the memory. Angel felt my cock throb and tried to aim it at his ass. I moaned, feeling his hole, and remembering Mike filling my ass, I pushed my cock into Angel. He yelped with surprise, but pushed against me. I thrust once or twice, then eased out again and turned him to face me.

I stroked our cocks faster and sucked on Angel's lips. We writhed and I felt Angel's cock throb. He pinched my nipples, knowing the effect it would have. I began to shoot, come spurting out on my fingers and on Angel's cock. I stroked Angel with the come and chewed on his lip as I felt him tense. He let out a cry and shot his load onto my hand.

We leaned against each other, feeling the water wash the come away. We cleaned up and turned the water off, drying each other gently. I wrapped a towel around my waist, but Angel strutted out of the bathroom as naked as he was when he climbed out of the shower, his cock still half hard.

In the bedroom, Mike and Greg were on the bed. Both were in their underwear, Greg in his own Andrew Christians, Mike in boxers. Their lips were red and swollen and their bulges were on display. Mike looked at me with an expression I couldn't read. I watched him until the bathroom door closed. Angel caught me, but said nothing as he picked out fresh underwear for us both. I heard the water turn on again.


After dinner and drinks, we lined up outside the theater where the male strippers performed. Mike was right: We were the only men waiting to see the show and because we were obviously four gay men and, almost as obviously, two gay couples, we were the center of attention. Women squealed over us, pawed at us, asked us to take selfies with them (we complied) and asked to take pictures of us making out (we declined).

"Maybe we should strip for them out here, get our share of the tips before we go in," I said to Mike, under my breath. Angel overheard me and couldn't resist repeating the idea to the women nearest to us, revealing the waistband of his thong.

One of them pulled a twenty from her purse. "Drop your drawers, darlin', and this is yours."

At that moment, the doors to the theater opened and the line began to move.

We had reserved a table, but what we got was the end of one, four chairs with barely enough room to squeeze in. I found myself wedged between Angel and Mike, my left arm around Angel, my right thigh pressing against Mike's left.

"Is Angel really wearing a thong?" Mike asked.

Angel stood and flashed his butt, pulling the waistband up.

"So's Garrett," he said, snapping the thong. "I bought us matching ones."

Mike laughed. "I have to see this, Gar."

"Mind your own damn business, Mikey," I said, but couldn't help waggling my eyebrows.

Greg returned from the bar with our drinks just as the lights went out. A loud, bass-heavy guitar riff shook the room. An even louder announcer introduced the show, the rock score swelled again and smoke billowed across the stage as the first five dancers appeared, clad in tight black pants and spangly jackets.

The men danced and thrust to loud dance music and, when they took the jackets off, the women erupted in screams. The women and Angel and Greg. The men strutted into the crowd, dancing up and down aisles, avoiding most of the hands reaching for them. Back up on the stage, they worked through another sequence and, with another guitar riff, ripped their pants off, revealing tight green briefs.

As the song ended, they turned, pushed their buts out and peeled the briefs down just enough to expose naked asses. The screaming reached new heights.

We weren't allowed to tip and had been warned not to rush the stage. Angel and Greg seemed frustrated by both rules, but stood and danced whenever the performers spread into the room. We got a table dance and one of the women tried to jump up with the guy, who deftly leapt back onto the floor. The dancers played to the women almost exclusively, but I noticed one of them playing to our table at times. He was the only blonde in the line, his curly locks bouncing as he moved.

Greg leaned over and ran his hand through Mike's hair. "He looks a lot like you, doesn't he, Mike?" Mike reddened. I nudged his knee with mine.

"Damn, he does," I said. "You got a brother we don't know about?" Mike ignored me.

Twice, performers took audience members up on stage for a lap dance. During the first, Angel reached over and massaged my crotch, pulling my hand on his obviously hard cock. Mike noticed us and smirked, rubbing his thigh against mine with a wink. I felt my cock grow and Angel started to rub it more aggressively.

The table grew bright as a spotlight found us. The blonde dancer had advanced to the table, his eyes locked with mine. He reached out toward me, curling his finger to invite me to join him. I froze. Could he do this? The women around has squealed as they realized what was happening. They clapped and a I felt hands pushing me.

The dancer, shirtless and wearing shorts, moved closer and reached his hand out. I looked at Angel, whose face was a mix of lust and ... was he mad that I'd been chosen? I looked over to Mike who urged me on. As I stood, I realized my ... condition would be obvious and I resisted, but the dancer was insistent. He led me to the stage, my bulge leading the way, and sat me on the chair.

As the music throbbed, he walked around the chair, thrusting his hips, mouthing the words to the song. Fuck me. It was "Toxic." Was this a setup? I searched for Mike, but the lights were too bright. The dancer ground his hips, straddling me, thrusting his crotch in my face. He moved around to the back of the chair and I felt his bulge rub against my neck. He leaned over and massaged my chest and I know I felt him pinch my nipples. My cock throbbed.

He moved in front and took my hands, placing them on his abs, which were hot and sweaty and so hard. The women were squealing still and I know I could hear Angel and Greg. The dancer spread his legs and ripped off his shorts, revealing a bright purple bikini. He thrust it in my face and as I pulled my hands from his body, I brushed against his cock. I shivered. My cock twitched and I prayed I wouldn't come in my jeans, on stage. The dancer ran his finger on my lips, prying them open until I licked it. He rubbed the wet finger on his own nipple and licked his lips.

The sounds of the crowd faded as the dancer moved closer, lowering himself onto my right leg. He thrust against me and I could feel his hard cock against mine. I didn't know if this was allowed, but I didn't care. My cock throbbed and I reached around and grabbed his ass cheeks, pulling him toward me, my tongue darting toward his glistening abs. At that, he eased back, but I didn't know if it was because I'd crossed a line or because the song was ending.

The dancer escorted me back to the table, my head spinning, my ears ringing, my heart pounding. He squeezed my hand as he ran back to the stage. The show ended in a haze for me. Angel put my hand back on his crotch to show me how hard he was and he nipped at my earlobe. Mike smiled and rubbed his hand on my thigh.

"Was that your doing?" I whispered. "The dance? Britney? Is he really your brother?"

"I swear, I had nothing to do with it," Mike said. "I promise you." I stared at him, searching his eyes.

"I better not find out otherwise," I muttered.

As the lights went up, Angel grabbed my hand.

"C'mon, Garrett, we have to get back to the room. There's no way I'm going to get stuck on that sofa bed."

Mike and Greg were chatting with two women who were explaining how they could pay twenty bucks for pictures with the dancers.

"We're heading back, guys. See you at the room."

Angel and I hustled up the aisle, but the going was slow because so many of the women were reaching for me, telling me how hot the dance was. A few were less kind, suggesting in unfriendly terms that I'd stolen a dance one of them deserved.

Finally, we were in the casino and wound our way toward the exit and the bridge over Las Vegas Boulevard. Behind us, I heard Greg call out, "Guys, wait up!" but Angel wasn't having it. We kept moving.

We pushed through the casino, found the elevators and slipped into one as the doors were closing. We were alone in the car.

"Always wanted to do this, Gar..." He pushed me against the back of the elevator and stuck his tongue in my mouth. I felt his hot breath and sucked on his tongue as he thrust his body against mine. The elevator door opened and an older couple walked on, clearly not happy to see us in this position.

They punched a button and looked back at us. "Did you forget where you were? Do you want a floor?"

Shit. Neither of us had hit the button for our floor.

"Twelve," I said, and when the woman stared at us, I hit the button, just as the elevator passed the floor. We rode in silence four floors more and, when the couple exited, I punched 12.

The doors slid open and we racewalked toward our room. I pulled out my key card and pushed it in the door, Angel hanging on me, squeezing my nipples, thrusting his bulge into my ass. The light in the door flashed red.

"Fuck," I said. "Fuck. This is the bad card. Where's yours?"

Angel shrugged. "I never got one."


We heard voices in the hall. Mike and Greg turned the corner and spotted us.

"They beat us, Mikey," he said, but Mike figured out what had happened.

"Not so fast." He produced his card. "You guys need some help?"

He unlocked the door and we all spilled in, scrambling to reach the bedroom first. Mike and I were the first through the door. Greg and Angel pushed past us, jumping on the beds.

"Well," Mike said. "So what to do we do now, boys? Flip for the bedroom?"

"I am not getting fucked on the sofa bed," Greg said. "I say we just go for it. We're all guys. We watch porn. This is a porn scene ready to happen."

I stared at Mike. I was still turned on from the lap dance, feeling the energy, the touch of the dancer still burning my skin. Greg was right. We were all guys. We'd seen each other naked. I'd slept with two of them. And we had two beds. Four guys, two beds, it added up. C'mon, Mikey, let's go for it, I thought.

Mike looked conflicted. And suddenly I didn't know how I'd feel seeing him fucking another guy. Shit, where had this come from? We were best friends and if I didn't know better, I'd say I wanted to share the bed with him, not Angel. Because I did, I knew then.

"Listen, boys, we're all tired," I began.

Angel groaned. "I'm horny, daddy," he whined. I winced. Had he ever called me daddy before?

"We've had a long day," I continued. "We all had some fun in the shower before. And we'll have separate rooms tomorrow. So let's just go to bed." I looked at Angel. "We can cuddle. And spoon."

He threw himself against the pillow. "You came in your jeans during the lap dance, didn't you, Garret?"

"I did not," I said. I almost did, I didn't say aloud.

"Gary's right," Mike said. "I'm ready to drop. Your little lap dance wore me out, daddy." He swatted me. "Line forms here for the bathroom."

We took turns. Angel walked out naked. "Guess I forgot to bring my jammies, guys."

He climbed into the bed, his legs open, his heavy cock on display. I had shucked my thong, which was still damp with precum, and pulled on sleep shorts, but I would feel dumb joining Angel like that, so I stripped and got in bed.

Mike hit the lights. We'd left the drapes open and the room glowed in the lights from nighttime Vegas.

Angel pulled me close to him, big spoon to little one, even though we were close to the same height. I wrapped my arms around his chest, feeling the dusting of hair. I rubbed his nipples as he squirmed, pushing his as against my cock. He guided my hand to his cock, which had hardened. I caressed it, pulling the skin back. I found his balls and fondled them gently.

I inhaled, smelling his sweat and the citrusy aroma of the moisturizer he'd used earlier. We lay quietly for a few minutes, my cock settling between his ass cheeks, my hands playing idly with his cock and his nipples.

"Are they asleep?" he whispered. "I'm horny." He wiggled his ass against me.

I listened. I heard steady breathing from the other bed, but I couldn't tell if they were asleep or waiting, as we were. Angel didn't wait for an answer. He turned to face me, kissing me, his tongue tracing the edge of my lips. I caught his tongue with my lips and sucked, allowing my tongue to invade his mouth. We writhed slowly against each other, stroke each other. I felt his foot slide against my leg.

Without warning, he slid down and started sucking my nipples, one then the other. He bit them, sucked at them. WIth one hand, he worked the other nipple, then switched off. I tried not to moan, but he was good.

I heard the rustling of sheets in the other bed and whispers. Mike and Greg were not asleep. I was about to tell Angel, but he had moved farther down and I felt his hot breath on my cock as he took me in his mouth, my hard length sliding down his tongue. This boy was a deep throat master and this time, I couldn't suppress the little yelp.

"See, I told you," a voice whispered. I was pretty sure it was Greg. I heard the sheets move and glanced over in time to see Greg on all fours under the sheets, clearly doing to Mike what Angel was doing to me. My cock throbbed as I watched the shrouded shape move, the head bobbing up and down. Mike looked over at me. It was too dark to read his face. Greg must have done something new because Mike bucked his hips and turned back.

Angel had noticed what was happening. He pushed the sheets and duvet off the bed and lunged for my cock again, his ass in the air. I gripped the sheets as as he sucked me deeply. He pulled at my balls and massaged the tender area behind them.

I felt my inhibitions go. I touched Angel's shoulders, whispering, "sixty-nine, baby, sixty-nine." He grinned and scrambled around until his cock was in my face. Precum was leaking from the head and I licked at it, slurping the salty ooze. I pulled the skin back and wrapped my lips around the head, sucking on it as I tugged at his balls.

I felt his mouth take me again, the wet heat sending chills through me. He thrust his cock against my face, eager for me to take more of him. I resisted, twirling my tongue around the head, licking the sides of the shaft. I took one ball in my mouth, then the other. Finally, I took the head in my lips again and let the shaft slide down my tongue.

In the other bed, Greg and Mike had cleared the bed of covers as well and Greg was sucking Mike hungrily. Mike moaned and looked over at Angel and me. His eyes fixed on me, tinged with lust. He licked his lips and stared at me as I sucked Angel. My cock throbbed and I shivered again. What was happening?

Greg saw us and motioned for Mike to move into a similar position. As Angel thrust into my mouth, I reached around and found his ass, pressing a finger against his hole. He grunted and I felt his cock twitch. I pulled my mouth from his cock and reached for the nightstand drawer. I snagged the lube and poured some on my finger, rubbing it into Angel's hole until I could slide a finger in.

"Mmmmm, yeah," he said, my cock still in his mouth.

I moved my finger around until I found his sweet spot. I added a second finger and I could feel his cock throbbing, the precum leaking faster.

"Fuck me, daddy," he pleaded.

"Only if you stop calling me that," I growled.

"FIne," he said. "Just fuck me."

Could I go that far, with my best friend in the bed next to me? I looked over at Mike. He had his face in Greg's ass, his tongue working the hole the way he'd done with me. Fuck, I needed that.

I reached for the nightstand again and found a condom. Angel had already turned around. He took the condom from me, opened it and unrolled it on my cock. I doused it in lube and, after Angel turned over onto his back, worked lube into his hole.

Angel put his ankles on my shoulders, spreading his cheeks for me. I positioned my cock against him and pushed slowly, the way I had in the shower. As I did, I looked over at the other bed. Greg was in almost the same position as Angel, his legs spread. Mike was unrolling a rubber on his hard cock. As I watched, I thrust and my cock slid into Angel's ass with one movement. He cried out as he had in the shower, but louder. I started to thrust.

I reached for Angel's cock as I thrust into him, but couldn't keep myself from looking at the other bed. Mike was cock-deep in Greg's ass, thrusting against him. I felt my ass twitch a little as I stared and, without realizing it, I fell into the same thrusting rhythm as Mike.

"I'm down here," Angel said, impatience in his voice. I thrust against him harder, stroking his cock. He wrapped his legs around my shoulders, pulling at me. I fucked harder and faster, tugging on his cock. I closed my eyes, willing myself to think about Angel, but instead, I heard Mike grunting and Greg mewling. What would happen, I thought, if I suddenly yelled "Switch partners!" Could we try a four-way?

I opened my eyes again and leaned down until I could kiss Angel, trying not to break rhythm. Angel was hot, I knew that, and I was lucky that a young guy was so into me. Without thinking, I said in a low voice, "You wanna switch, baby?"

"You mean do me doggy style? Mmmm, yeah ..."

"I meant, do you wanna fuck me for a while?" I said.

"Garrett, I don't go that way. I want your hot cock in my ass. C'mon, let me turn over."

Angel slid off my cock and turned over, grasping the headboard as he crawled to his knees. He wiggled his ass. I glanced over at the other bed and saw Mike and Greg maneuvering to a new position. Mike sat on the side of the bed and Greg climbed on him, sitting on Mike's sheathed cock, ready for a ride.

My cock throbbed harder and I shoved it back in Angel's waiting ass. I held on to his hips and thrust into him, leaning over to hug him and play with his nipples.

I heard Greg start to whimper, crying out as Mike's cock hit home. I thrust harder, trying to angle myself for Angel. Without warning, Mike let out an "ahhhrrrr..." and then "fuck, I'm gonna come..." I looked over as he leaned his head back, frozen. That was all it took.

"Aaaahhhh... Angel ... gonna come in you, baby ..."

Angel pulled his ass away. "Wait, I wanna see you shoot, daddy!" He pulled off my cock, flipped around and peeled off the condom just as I felt the eruption. Come spewed from the end of my cock, landing on Angel's chest and on his hard dick, which he pumped furiously, using my come now as lube.

"Here I come .... Ahhhh....ohhhh.... " Angel threw his head back as ropes of come shot from his cock. I leaned down and let some of it spurt in my mouth, savoring the thick saltiness. I sucked his still hard cock into my mouth and felt the last of the convulsions. I loved that moment in a fuck, feeling a cock come in my mouth, sucking it dry.

"Oh, oh, that's enough, oh, sensitive ..." Angel pushed my head away gently. I sat up and leaned in to kiss him, letting some of his come ooze on to his tongue.

On the other bed, Mike and managed to swallow Greg's cock before he started to shoot and I watched as Greg's ass clenched, imagining his cock filling Mike's mouth.

We fell onto the beds, sweaty and exhausted. "You guys are closer to the bathroom. Go get wet washcloths, please," I said.

An hour later, the room was quiet and dark. It smelled of sex. We'd cleaned up and pulled the drapes so we could sleep when the sun started to rise.

I lay in bed for a while, tossing, turning, uneasy, confused about the night. The lap dance. My feelings about Mike. Fucking in front of him and his boyfriend.

I couldn't deny, the last part was a huge turn-on, fucking in the same room with someone else. I loved knowing Mike and Greg had been able to see us. I knew I had more than a little voyeur in me, but I guess I was kind of a show-off, too. I was fine with that.

I also couldn't deny that I had it bad for Mike. Where had these feelings come from? I thought we'd settled into a lifelong BFF zone. I liked the idea of a best friend. Did I want to change that? I knew I loved him and I thought I knew how. I knew he turned me on because we'd had hot sex. How did it all fit together?

I finally dozed off, the thoughts in my head a jumbled knot. I slept soundly until I felt a burst of sunlight against my face. I opened my eyes and tried to focus. Mike stood by the window, fully dressed.

"Hey, you're alive, Gar, welcome back!" He bounced onto the bed and pulled back the covers. "C'mon, it's almost noon, time to get up. We gotta get in some Vegas action before Britney, bitch!"

I grumbled and sat up. I was still naked and could feel come dried on my stomach and around my dick. I tried to get my bearings.

"What, no morning wood?" Mike grabbed at my crotch, wiggling my soft cock. "Did Angel wear you out?"

I looked at him. My cock began to grow.

"Whoa, there it is. Late as you today. C'mon, go get a shower. Angel and Greg went down to the breakfast buffet. I told them we'd just hook up a coffee IV."

Neither of us was a breakfast sort of guy, so I didn't feel bad about the buffet. I did my morning routine in the bathroom and dressed in a polo shirt and jeans for the day.

We found Angel and Greg, who seemed mesmerized by the warming trays of food. I had coffee and a chocolate croissant, listening to the others plan out our day.

"I'm in for anything, as long as we're back in time to get ready for the concert," I said.

As it turned out, anything included a lot of walking, along the row of casinos on the south Strip mostly. We were about to ride the big ferris wheel, but people told us to wait for dark, when the view would be fabulous. We ate and drank our way back toward our hotel and arrived in time to get ready.

The hotel had promised to move our bags to the new rooms while we were out. We were told to pick up our key cards at the concierge desk. Mike steered us toward the elevators.

"Where are we going?" I said. "We need to pick up our keys, for the new rooms."

"We don't have new rooms," Mike said. "C'mon."

"What do you mean we don't have new rooms?"

"I talked to the desk this morning. They were going to give us rooms in different towers. We'd be nowhere near each other. No suites, either. Their computer is still screwed up. I just figured, after last night ... it's not like we have any secrets. And it's just for sleeping, right? And they comped us again."

I tried to glare at Mike, but I felt a little charge somewhere below my waist.

"Whatever. We need to get ready."

We piled into the room and took turns. We didn't have enough time for any more shower sex and I wasn't disappointed. Angel changed outfits three times, Greg twice. I was on my second when Mike held up his phone, the time showing.

"We're hot, boys. Fucking Grade A hot. Let's go get our queen on."

Mike and I had both seen Britney live, but never in a showroom this small. It felt intimate, even in the flashing lights and screaming crowd. She dazzled us in ways I didn't expect, the old stuff and the new. We sucked down cocktails and danced with abandon. As the night wore on, I found myself dancing with Mike almost exclusively, falling into his arms, melting in his warmth. When she sang "Toxic," he did his own version of the lap dance for me and I nearly came in my jeans all over again.

We got an Uber back to our hotel, all of us drunk, at least two of us high on the music. We staggered into the room and Mike helped me to the bed, where I collapsed.

"Damn, you're like a sack of flour, Gary," he said. "Hold still." He pulled off my shoes and socks, unbuckled my belt and dragged my jeans off, leaving me in black and red Calvin Klein briefs. I sprawled on the bed and that was the last thing I remembered until I felt someone climb in next to me a while later.

The Strip bathed the room with enough light to see a shape and to figure out that I was under the covers and -- I reached down -- yes, I was naked. Someone had put me to bed. RIght now, I needed to pee. I tried to get up, but found my way blocked.

"Angel? Is that you?"

"Garrett, I'm surprised you have to ask, daddy."

"I'm sor -- " I started to say. But that wasn't Angel's voice. My eyes finally adjusted to the light and dark. "Jesus, Mikey? What are you doing in here?"

"Protecting your honor, milady. Your knight in shining armor is in the other bed feeling unwell. Dead to the world. He's not the drinker he thought he was."

I giggled. "Lightweight."

"Look who's talking," Mike said. "You passed out before I could even get you undressed."

"Yeah," I said. "And I see you took care of that, you perv. Now I gotta pee really bad. Would you mind?"

He swept his arm toward the bathroom. I looked at Angel, who looked anything but angelic, his shoes and pants off, his red briefs twisted around. I walked in and closed the door, willing my cock to stop getting hard so I could pee. I finally succeeded, washed up and went back in the bedroom. Mike was under the covers now, shirtless at the very least.

I climbed in and peeked under the sheet. "Did you forget something?"

He picked up his boxers from the floor. "You mean these? Hate them. Gonna switch to thongs, I think."

"Fuck you," I said.

"We'll see about that," he said. "Shit, sorry, that just slipped out."

I lay on my side so I could look at Mike. I hesitated, wondering if I wanted to do this. Finally, I blurted it out: "Why are you in here?"

"I told you," he said, whispering as I was. "Angel is in my bed, passed out. Greg fell asleep on the sofa. That left ... here."

"And you're ... naked?"

"It seemed to be the way of the crowd here this weekend."

"This weekend," I said. "What's been going on?"

"You tell me," he said softly. He reached over and raked his fingers through my hair. "Nothing worse than hungover bedhead."

"Don't change the subject," I said. "I'm... confused. I can't stop thinking about you. Staring at you."

"I noticed."

"But I'm with Angel. And you're with Greg."

"Are you? Am I? Gar, no one's married. No one's even exclusive, as far as I know."

"We're supposed to be friends. Best friends."

Mike moved his hand toward mine and twined his fingers with mine. "And we are, Gar. Best friends. But ... can't that mean more than being ... what we are?" He inched closer in the bed. I could feel the warmth from his body.

"My date's right there," I whispered. "Yours is in the other room."

"Don't you think they've noticed what's going on?"

"And what's that?" I said, my voice starting to shake.

Mike closed the distance between us. I felt his body connect with mine. He kissed me and it wasn't like any kiss we've ever shared. Our tongues met in the middle and wound around each other. I swept my thumb back from his lips, to his cheek. I held his face in my hands, he ran his fingers through my hair.

I could feel his cock against my leg, hard as mine. We writhed, legs sliding. He moved his knee between my legs and I gripped it. I felt him pinch my nipple, hard enough that I jumped a little. I looked at him, smirking. "You remembered that part, I see."

He twisted my nipple. "You mean this part? It's one of my favorites." As proof, he leaned down and began to suck on it, biting it, tugging at it. I yelped, then looked over to see if Angel was awake. He hadn't moved.

My heart raced I felt a shiver as I twisted, slipping down until I found Mike's cock. I wanted to take this slow, but I couldn't. I was ravenous for him. I wrapped my lips around the head, tasting the salty pre-come. I wanted to savor it, but I wanted it deep my throat and that's what I did, feeling it slide down my tongue. I sucked, my tongue working the sides of the shaft, my other hand tugging at his balls.

Mike moaned and put his hands in my hair, guiding my head as I bobbed on his cock. Fuck, fuck, why had we waited to do this?

I came up for air and looked into Mike's eyes. They blazed, his face alive with lust and something else. He leaned down to kiss me again, sucked on my ear, whispered to me.

"I want to fuck you so bad, Gar, but I'll understand if --"

"Shut up and fuck me," I said, reaching for the lube in the nightstand. It wasn't there. I looked around. Mike reached under his pillow and held up the bottle, with a condom. "You arrogant fucker," I said. "You were planning this ..."

"Does it matter?"

"Just fuck me, Mike." I turned over. "But do me like you did before, OK?"

He smiled. "Yes, sir." He crawled between my legs and plunged his face between my ass cheeks, sucking at me, pushing his tongue at my puckered hole. He worked my ass with his tongue and his fingers until I was close to coming from that alone.

"Now," I whispered. "Now."

I felt the cold lube on my ass and then his fingers, one, then another. He worked the fingers into my ass, loosening my muscles. I heard the foil wrapper tear. When he turned me over, his cock was covered in the latex.

He stared into my eyes, lifting my legs on to his shoulders. He positioned his cock against my ass, teasing it until I cried out. "Now!" I didn't even bother to whisper. I heard the covers rustle in the other bed, but I didn't care.

Mike pushed his cock in me. I felt the hard shaft scrape along the inside of my ass, felt the tip as it reached my prostate, almost jumped at the electric shock when he hit the spot and started to thrust, in and out, back and forth.

I closed my eyes and focused on the moment, on us, on Mike and me. He thrust into me. I stroked my cock, which had grown hard again and slick with pre-come. I heard something -- the door, maybe? -- but ignored it.

"Do you wanna watch me come," Mike asked me. I opened my eyes.

"I want you to come in me," I said.

He looked pleased. "I'm close," he said. He thrust harder and faster, but as I stroked my cock, he reached out and stopped me. "Not yet."

Without meaning to, I turned my head. On the other bed, Angel was wide awake, watching us. Greg had entered the room and was sucking Angel's cock. I felt another charge.

Mike thrust once more, then grunted. "I'm ... coming, Gary ... " I felt his cock begin to shoot, watched him close his eyes. Finally, it was over. He relaxed, then looked back down at me. He pulled out of my ass and swallowed my cock, which was hard and dripping. He sucked me, pinching both nipples, and that was all it took. I sent waves of come into Mike's mouth. He took it all, then fell on top of me.

I heard a cry and looked at the other bed in time to see Angel shooting ropes of come on to his chest. Greg was stroking his cock and began to shake as he came on Angel.

For a while, no one said anything. I didn't know what to say. I was happier than I'd been in years, wrapped in Mike's arms, but I felt bad for Angel, who was a few feet away.

When I finally looked over, I relaxed. Angel and Greg had fallen asleep, entwined in each other's arms.

"Oops," I said. "I guess we did it."

We stayed the third night, in the same room, the sleeping arrangements different. Angel and Greg were more than understanding. They had figured out something was up before we'd left for Vegas. They weren't surprised. We rode the big ferris wheel and made out at the top.

We were exhausted by that night, from the walking, the drinking, the dancing, the fucking. We all slept, no repeat performances, no late night nookie. Not much, anyway. OK, a little. Undercover.

"But damn, guys," Angel said, as we packed to leave the next day. "I've never seen a live show before. We need to do this again. Maybe we could try a four-way?"

I nudged Mike's hip with mine. "It'd never work," I said, smirking. "Someone always gets left out. Besides, we're a double act now. Private shows only."


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