Secrets of Manor House

By Drusilla Andrews

Published on Mar 21, 2019



Secrets of Manor House

By Drusilla

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My name is Iris Martin and I went to work for Harrington Manor four years ago; when I was only 18. I remember the first time I met Mrs. Harrington, in her form fitting white and pink rose dress. She was 37 then, of medium build about 5" 6" tall and close 143 pounds. She was so elegant; every curve and feature so perfect. From her center part Balayage bob hair to her beautiful painted toe nails. Even though her appearance was lovely, she had a temper and a very sharp tongue.

I heard her say on more than one occasion, servants were lower class and their position was always to be subservient. She enjoyed the power she held over the staff, making them do whatever she wanted. Belittling them whenever she had the chance. I think humiliating people gave her an orgasm. I was forced to clean her bedroom and bath completely in the nude. She would remain in the room and watch me. I always felt it was sort of erotic. She never touched me in any way; she just sat and watched.

The master of the manor was Sir Edward Harrington. A very handsome, tall and noble looking gentleman. Silver and brown hair with matching goatee and mustache. He always smoked cigars and did love his scotch whiskey from time to time. He was usually found in the study behind his huge rosewood desk. Sifting through papers, puffing on his cigar and sipping his scotch.

I stood before him and Mrs. Harrington as I was informed of what my duties and responsibilities would be at the manor. The manor was a twelve room brick and stone manor. First floor were the library; formal dinning; kitchen; study; grand room; breakfast and sun room overlooking the back patio. Upstairs were the master bedroom; guest bedroom; spare bedroom and my bedroom at the far end of the hall.

There were two more rooms below the main floor. That was were the wine cellar was located and one other room. Once used as a private room of some sort. It had a full bath, large mirrored wall and a small bar with bottles of whiskey still on the the glass shelves. These rooms were not to be touched by me or any of the staff. Sir Edward had the key and he was the only one that brought wine up from the cellar.

There was a large stable where Sir Edward kept several of his riding horses. Next to the stable was a six car garage and on the west side of that, were the servant quarters. They were also made of brick and stone and had six rooms. I was never required to clean those quarters. It was done by the servants themselves. I did make friends with the head cook, Hanna. She was a buxom woman of around 50. I liked her very much, always friendly and jovial. She reminded me of my grandmother.

It's hard to work four years for someone and not know what goes on in everyday life. The fact that Sir Edward had a lady friend who was a financial officer in one of his businesses. He would go into town on many occasions to visit her. Sometimes she would come to the manor with business papers for Mr. Harrington to go over and approve. Her name was Mrs. Emily Benton, she was 32 and had two daughters. She gave birth to Lydia when she was just 18. She gave birth to Tilly just a year later.

Being the only housekeeper, I had many opportunities to see and hear things that were suppose to be private. I saw Sir Edward's hand in Emily's crotch more times than once. I didn't blame him; Emily was a very attractive woman. I also heard Sir Edward was going to merge one company with another, but there was a problem with Mrs. Harrington. She had interest in the company and didn't want to merge.

I also heard of their plan to get Mrs. Harrington out of the way so the merger could be completed. There was a bathroom just off the study and it was a perfect place to listen and sometimes peek through a slight opening in the door. I heard them discussing Mrs. Harrington one morning.

Emily was speaking. "We have got to get Margo out of the picture. She is a hindrance on this merger. I swear! She doesn't care how much money you loose."

"I know, Emily. I really don't know what to do about the situation."

Emily leaned over his desk. "I have some friends that can solve your problem."

Sir Edward puffed his cigar. "I don't want any harm to come to her. Margo can be a pain but I still have a fondness for her."

"Edward! She doesn't love you anymore. Probably never did! You were merely a social stepping stone to quench her social ego."

Sir Edward leaned back in his chair. "I suppose. She never has been as loving as you, Emily. But, I still don't want any harm to come to her."

Emily walked over and kissed Edward hard on the lips. "No harm will come to her. I promise. My friends will just get out of the way for...let's say a month."

Sir Edward kissed her back. "What would we tell everyone? Why she is missing?"

Emily smiled. "A trip. She goes on trips to Africa. She went on one last year. She was gone for three weeks. That's when you and I got to know each other quite intimately."

Sir Edward smiled. "Yes. She went to Cairo then. Brought back some works of art or something."

Emily smiled back. "In her absence. You'll have to vote for her."

However, Mrs. Harrington was aware of her husband and Emily and she told him so that evening.

"I'm going to divorce you, Edward! I am going to take half of everything you have! You can have that conniving bitch and her two bastard brats!"

I went to her bedroom that afternoon, thinking I might console her.

She was still very upset. "I don't my room cleaned! I'll call you when you're needed. Now, get out!"

That evening, Mrs. Harrington went into town and I didn't see her again until the following month. At first, I was convinced Emily had arranged for her to be murdered. I listened in on their meeting the following day.

Sir Edward was concerned. "You say Margo is alright? Didn't you?"

"Yes, my darling. I just had some friends deliver her to a special place out of the way."

"Where was that?"

Emily had an evil smile on her face. "The John Byron Hotel."

The name rang a peculiar bell in my head. I had heard of the name, but was not able to recall it. Sir Edward lit a cigar. "A hotel? Is that a safe place. What is she checks out?"

Emily laughed out loud. "My dear Edward. This hotel you do not check out of unless they allow you to. I have instructed them to keep her until I personally come for her. Trust me. She'll be a changed person the next time you see her."

I was curious about that hotel, so I called some of my friends in the city and asked them to check. In the meantime I was ordered to clean Mrs. Harrington's room, lock it and give the key to Sir. Edward. Later that day, a call came from my friend in the city. The John Byron Hotel was fetish club. A place were followers of BDSM could stay and live their fantasies. Now I remembered; because I new a bloke that worked there once.

I don't know what happened to Mrs. Harrington at the hotel; all I know is she was gone for the entire month. No mention in the manor was ever made as to where she was or when she would return. I do know that when she returned; she was not the same woman. Emily was right when she said Margo would be a changed person. For myself; I was happy about the change.

I was watching from my room upstairs when the limousine arrived. Mrs. Harrington was wearing a leather coat and it appeared her hands were cuffed in front of her. Emily led her inside and quietly down to the basement.

I had wondered why Sir Edward turned that private room into a living quarters. I talked to one of the laborers and he said the bar was taken out and a queen bed had been fitted into that spot.

During the time Mrs. Harrington had been gone, Emily and Sir. Edward were occupying the master bedroom while her two daughters were staying in the guest bedroom. Two days after Mrs. Harrington arrived, Sir Edward called me to his study.

"I need someone I can trust. You have been with me four years. I have not had reason to doubt your loyalty. I have a chore for you."

Sir Edward handed me a key. "This is a key to the basement rooms. Margo is in the private room by the wine cellar. She needs meals brought to her everyday and her room cleaned on a daily basis. She seemed to be fond of you."

He reached over and took my hand in his. "I need complete secrecy in this matter. The rest of the staff do not need to know why Margo is down there. Do you understand what I want?"

I smiled and nodded. "Yes, sir. I will do whatever you ask."

I saw him smile at me and nod. "I knew you were a bright girl when I hired you. Someday I'll depend on you to run the entire manor."

I was flattered to say the least. However, I was still not sure where Emily and her daughters were to fit in.

After I left the study, I decided to make a trip downstairs.

I was very curious about Mrs. Harrington, after all it had been a month since I seen her. I slowly unlocked the door and stepped into the room. I was taken back by what I saw. She was sitting on the end of the bed completely naked. Her hands were bound to the bed rail. She glanced up at me with her beautiful blue eyes; then quickly turned away. All I thought was how beautiful she looked in the nude.

She spoke to me in a soft voice; not at all like the voice she once used. "It's good to see you, Iris. "

I slowly nodded. "It's good to see you, Mrs. Harrington. I missed you."

She smiled again. "Please. Call me Margo."

I looked into her dark blue eyes and her perfect lips were so inviting. She was still so beautifully elegant. I tried desperately not to stare.

I smiled at her. "I'm here to clean your room and to bring you your meals. Would you like me to clean in the nude?"

She quickly shook her head. "No."

I picked up a brush from the dresser when I noticed a box full of bondage items. Ball gags; open mouth gags; collars; nipple clamps; and leather cuffs. I opened the top drawer and there were several dildos, vibrators and two small whips.

I closed the drawer quickly and began to brush Mrs. Harrington's hair. It was soft and silky and I loved how it tapered slightly up the back of her neck.

I wanted so badly to kiss her. "I should go and have your dinner prepared. What would you like Hanna to make for you?"

Margo looked at me with those beautiful eyes again. "I do love her shepherds pie ."

I nodded. "Then shepherds pie it is."

I told Hanna I wanted shepherds pie, but I wanted to take it to my room.

"Ok, sweetheart. I'll wrap it so it stays hot."

She took my arm. "Are you alright, sweetie?"

I smiled at her. "Yes, Hanna. I'm fine. I just feel like eating alone in my room tonight. That's all."

She rolled her eyes at me as if she knew I was not going to eat in my room at all.

The door opened to the room; Emily and her two daughters walked into the room. Margo sat up straight on the bed. Emily smiled as she walked over to her. "How does it feel to be kept naked and tied up all the time?"

Margo paused for a moment. "I don't mind."

Emily slapped her across the face. "How do you address me?"

Margo held her head down. "Mistress."

Emily pulled Margo's head back. "Don't make me mad, bitch!"

Margo shook her head. "No, mistress. I won't."

Emily slapped her again. "You better not!"

She turned to her two daughters. "You wanted to have some fun with her. Go on!"

The two girls stared at Margo a moment before Lydia spoke. "Stand up! Spread your legs! Let's have a look a good look at you."

Tilly reached over and grabbed Margo's nipples, pinching and pulling on them. She smiled, enjoying the reaction from Margo.

Emily was enjoying the humiliation Margo was feeling at that moment. She could see it in her face.

Lydia was more interested in playing with her pussy. Her hands were cold and Margo jumped when she slid her fingers inside her. She rubbed up and down; even poking one of her fingers into Margo's ass just to make her jump. Emily laughed. Lydia began poking Margo's clit and it automatically made her leap. Emily laughed again. "I think she likes you, Lydia. Don't you, Margo?"

Margo took a breath. "Yes, mistress."

Tilly looked over to Emily. "Can we tie her in the chair, mom?"

Emily nodded. "Sure, go ahead."

Her arms tied behind the chair; tied at the knees, her legs held wide open with rope. Her ankles tied to the chair legs. Emily walked over to the dresser, picked up a ball gag and tossed it to Lydia. "Here. Stick that in her mouth."

Tilly was having fun slapping Margo's shaved pussy and watching Margo jump.

Lydia secured the gag in Margo's mouth; Emily pulled a large vibrator from the drawer and handed it to Lydia. "Here. You know where this goes."

The room was suddenly filled with the humming sound of the vibrator. Lydia shoved it directly onto Margo's clit and she gave out a small squeal. She let Tilly have a go and she moved it up and down over, pressing it against the clit.

Margo tried to resist as long as she could, but the relentless thumping of the vibrator against her clit finally prevailed. The orgasm hit her hard; she screeched and squealed as loud as she could through the gag. Her body convulsed and her head went all the way back. The girls were laughing and holding the vibrator even tighter.

Emily was standing back chuckling to herself. "Keep it there. Hold it tight! Make her have another."

Margo did have another intense orgasm, but this time accompanied by female ejaculation. Tilly dropped the vibrator and stepped back wiping her arms. "Mom! She squirted all over me!"

Emily was laughing. "Go in bathroom and clean up. It won't kill you."

Lydia was pinching Margo's hard nipples, making her squeal.

Emily raised her hand. "You two have had enough fun for today."

They left the room, leaving Margo gagged and tied to the chair. She always knew Emily was a horrible person and she tried to tell Edward. She began to regret not being better to Edward. Maybe if she had allowed him to share a bedroom with her, things would have been better. She sat there as tears ran down her cheeks.

I unlocked the door and saw Margo tied in the chair with a ball gag in her mouth. I quickly went to her, unfastening the gag and the ropes that bound her. I looked down to see how red and wet her pussy was. I was ashamed to admit it, but it really did excite me.

I sat the dish of shepherds pie on the dresser and untied her ankles. "Who did this to you?"

She took a deep breath. "Emily and her two daughters. She let them amuse themselves at my expense."

I helped her up because she was unsteady. I took her arm and walked her into the bathroom. I left her one bath towel to dry with while I used the others to clean up the mess by the chair and floor. She came out of the bathroom and handed me the towel before she sat down on the end of the bed.

I handed the towel back to her. "Don't you want to keep this on? Isn't it cold for you?"

She shook her head. "No. I am ordered to remain naked at all times."

I handed the dish to her. "Here. Your shepherds pie. Probably a bit cold by now."

She smiled. "That's fine. I don't really mind."

I went in and cleaned the bathroom while she ate. I kept thinking about her beautiful breasts; her smooth white skin and her clean shaved pussy. I was aroused just thinking about her. I couldn't stand it any longer.

I marched into the other room and walked up to her. "Mrs. Harrington! I know you don't care about me. I am just a common servant to you and nothing more. You called me names. You forced your will on me..."

Margo broke in. "Please, Iris! I'm so sorry I..."

I cut her off. "Please let me finish! You belittled me in front of the servants. I know I meant nothing to you! But, I loved you from the very first day I saw you in the study."

I saw the tears running down her face; she was so beautiful. I lean over and kissed her on the lips. I could taste the salt from her tears. I felt her tongue in my mouth as it sent shivers through my whole body. I quickly pulled away. "I have wanted to tell you that that for the last four years. I love you so much. When they took you. I thought I would never see you again."

She grabbed my arm and pulled me down beside her.

Her blue eyes were filled with tears. She held my chin, kissing me again and again. Her lips were so soft. Suddenly, the door opened and in walked Sir Edward. We both froze right there on the bed. I quickly jumped up and grabbed the dinner plates. Sir Edward was staring at me.

I stared back at him. "I'm so sorry, Sir. Edward. But, I love Margo and I wish she were mine and not yours."

I rand out of the room to the kitchen with the dishes; then to my room so I could cry.

I knew I would be no longer welcome at the manor. I began to pack my things when there was a knock on the door.


It was Sir Edward. I asked him to come in. "I know you're here to release me from my service. I'll pack and leave in the morning. If that's acceptable?"

He smiled at me. "That's not why I'm here, Iris. It's about you and Margo."

"I know, Sir. You trusted me and I made a mess of it."

Sir Edward sat down on the edge of the bed. "You see, Margo never did love me. From the very beginning. I thought it was me. Emily told me she was a lesbian. I said that was ridiculous. But, it was her reaction when you said. You wished she was yours and not mine."

I paused. "I didn't mean to speak out of line, Sir."

He gave me a big smile. "Margo wishes she were yours too. She told me after you ran out. She said please let Iris have me and I won't bother you anymore."

I stood there, gathering my courage. "Sir, I don't want her kept down in that room."

He looked around and nodded. "I think this room is big enough for the both of you."

I know he could see the delight in my eyes. "Yes, Sir. It will do nicely."

I quickly went downstairs to Margo. She was kneeling with a collar around her neck and a leash in her hand. She held the leash out for me to take. I took it in my hand as she stood to look in my eyes. "I'll make you as happy as I possibly can, Iris."

I led her naked through the house, upstairs and into our bedroom. We made love so many times; I lost track of all time. The next morning I was so spent, I couldn't even do my duties correctly. But, come that evening, I was going to do it all over again.


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