
By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Aug 3, 2008



Look! Let's get something straight (excuse that word). Just because I'm gay, single, thirty-two years old, and have never had a serious relationship in my life, does not mean that I don't want the American Dream for myself. I'm a successful attorney and I believe I deserve it all, just like any straight, married couple. I want the house in the country, the rooms to furnish and decorate, the flower beds to putter in, the lawns to mow, and the horrific morning commute to negotiate on my way to work every day. Simply stated, I want it all.

Why not? I told you that I'm a successful attorney. I work for one of the most prestigious firms in the southeast. I expect to be made a partner before I am thirty-five. Trust me, that's a major accomplishment. So why shouldn't I want it all?

I was renting a small apartment, which was just a short walking distance from my office, when I suddenly, very badly wanted to own a place of mine. I started looking at downtown condos, but the condo commando restrictions were amazing and I really got turned off. I started perusing the real estate ads for private homes. My friend Mac must have taken me to see a thousand re-sales. Mac is a fuck buddy and a real estate agent. He is just like me, relationship challenged. Anyway, I couldn't find anything that I really felt I wanted to live in.

As a last resort, I started to look at ads for new construction. One Sunday morning, I saw an ad for a development in the suburbs, but within easy commuting distance to my office. If the ad was accurate, the home prices were compatible with my budget, and they had no less than eight models to select from. I finished my breakfast quickly and jumped in the shower. As it was part of my morning routine, I whacked off in the shower. Just because I was going house hunting didn't mean that I had to deviate from my habits.

The first thing I noticed when I entered `The Haven' was the absolutely beautiful entrance. I think they must have imported every flowering bush and tree from tropical Africa. Once I managed to get through the man made forest, fountains and waterfalls, there were certainly enough signs directing prospective buyers to the sales office.

At the moment, I was the only prospective buyer in the office. Two eager sales people jumped up to greet me. One was a very handsome guy in his early forties. I wanted him to be my salesperson, but the woman beat him out. She was also very attractive, about twenty-eight or nine years old.

"Hi, I'm Nancy," she said extending her hand. I shook her hand, but for some ornery reason I didn't feel like giving her my name. I guess I was mad at her for denying me the pleasure of the handsome salesman. Nancy was not about to be defeated. She handed me a card to fill out. It requested the usual vital information, name, address and telephone number. Nancy won round one.

"Can you give me an idea, what you are looking for by way of housing? It would help me a great deal."

"I'm looking for a one story house, not too big, but on a big lot. I'm single and don't need a lot of space."

Nancy's face clouded over and I knew just what she was thinking. I told you. I'm a lawyer. I can read people's faces. Nancy was thinking, just like all of you, that single people are not serious buyers. She would have added an exclamation point to that if she knew I was gay.

I smiled sweetly at her and in my most sincere lawyer voice I said, "Nancy, let me assure you, I am a serious buyer." Nancy looked shocked. After all, I had just read her mind.

Let me cut to the chase. I ended up buying a ranch style three bedroom home, with a Florida room. It was on a cul-de-sac so my lot was pie shaped. The front yard was not large, but the back was huge. I could even add a swimming pool to the back yard if I was so inclined. As an added attraction, the builder was able to save two huge shade trees at the back of my property, which gave me a little extra privacy.

Once he had my down payment, the builder seemed disinclined to rush completion of my house. But if you learn to be patient, you can get by. One day, almost nine months later, I took I ride out to `The Haven' to check the status of my investment. Voila! The cul-de-sac would have five houses on it when completed, and all five were under construction. Six months after that date, I was the first of the five to move in to my new home.

It took me a few weeks just to unpack my boxes. The job was so overwhelming, that I just couldn't get going on it, so I set a goal of two boxes a day. Miraculously the number of boxes lying around began to diminish. The garbage service had advised me that they would not take corrugated boxes unless they were flattened. I flattened today's allotment of boxes and was schlepping them out to the curb for pick up, when a car drove up to the house on my right and parked along the side walk. It was followed by a huge moving truck. Whoever these people were, they would be the second of the five cul-de-sac residents.

The wife was the first out of the car. She was about twenty-four or five years old. She was a dead ringer for the way Debbie Reynolds looked in `Singin' in the Rain.' So you have an idea how cute and perky she was. The husband must have been occupied with something in the car because it took him a couple of minutes to get out of it. When he stepped out, I knew that I was in for big trouble. I could never live next door to someone so beautiful and so sexy and maintain my sanity. Let me describe him, although words are truly inadequate.

He stood six feet tall. He was wearing cut off shorts and a tank top shirt. The ripples on his chest rivaled the number of sands on the seashore. His biceps were huge and bulged out indecently. His thighs and calves were so muscular that unless you looked twice, you would think he had piano legs, but then you realized it was all muscle. His brown hair was cut short in a buzz. Even from a distance, I could feel his sexy brown eyes giving me the once over. His nose was chiseled, his chin square, and he had a day's growth of beard. Ah, do you think that I did not check out his package? The shorts were old and worn, and the contour of his crotch was so evident that I had to will my erection away. Fuck, fuck, fuck! Why did he have to be straight.

When I was able to come down to earth, I saw that they were approaching me with the obvious intent of introducing themselves. I got myself together and started walking toward them. The woman spoke first.

"Hi," she said extending her hand. "My name is Marla DeAngelis, and my husband's name is Nicholas."

"Nick!," he corrected her curtly.

"Hi guys, my name is Eddie Gilbert. It's a pleasure to meet you." I shook Marla's hand and then reached for Nick's. His grip was so strong, I thought he would break all the bones in my hand. He seemed oblivious to his strength.

"Wow," I said, "Are you a physical fitness instructor?"

"Yeah. How did you know? You must be psychic or something. I own my own gym on Ash Street. Marla here, is an executive secretary for a big manufacturing company. What do you do?"

I heard the question, but my mind was so busy getting a membership in Nick's gym that I hesitated uncomfortably too long. Finally, back on earth, I said, "I'm a lawyer. Promise not to hate me." They both had the good grace to laugh.

"Where's your wife?" Marla asked, looking all around.

"Sorry," I said, "there is no Mrs. Gilbert. I'm single, but looking." Why did I say that? Marla would be sure to have me for dinner with every one of her single girlfriends. Dummy, dummy, dummy!

To change the subject, I asked, "While the guys are moving you in, would y'all like to come in and I'll make us something cold to drink?"

"Oh no thanks," Marla said. "I've got to show them where everything goes, but why don't you two guys get acquainted. Take Eddie up on his offer, Nick"

Nick seemed relieved of some terrible burden, and gladly accepted my invitation provided that the cold drink could be a beer. I assured him that his wish was granted and we went into the house, where I knew I would not be able to keep my hands off him. Please God, help a poor horny soul.

We sat at the kitchen table and I opened two bottles of Bud Light. Nick took one long swig, belched unceremoniously, and declared, "That sure tastes good on such a hot day. You gotta feel sorry for those poor sons of bitches hauling all my furniture."

He pushed his chair away from the table and sat on it with his legs stretched out. His short shorts were ever so revealing. The bastard wasn't wearing any underwear and I could see one of his balls peeking out. I am positive, in fact I'll bet you whatever, that he did that on purpose, because he was checking me checking him out. Do you know how hard I had to fight to keep from grabbing his crotch? I tell you, I was in agony. The worst thing is I believe he knew it, and he was showing me no mercy. My forehead was drenched in sweat, and my own shorts were bulging.

He certainly sensed my discomfort, because he put a look of concern on his face and asked me, "Is something wrong? You don't look so good."

I wasn't going to let him play with me like that so I simply said, "I'm fine."

Then he got bolder. He took a sip of the beer, holding the bottle with his left hand. As he swigged at the bottle head, he did two very suggestive things. First he laid his right hand on his enormous bulge, and second, after he took a swig, he began to lick the bottle head with his tongue like he was licking a cock head.

How thick could I have been? It would have been obvious to any casual observer that Nick was trying to seduce me. It should have been the other way around, but I was fighting the urge to do so. Still I couldn't be certain that I was right, and if I made a move on this colossus, it might be the last move I would ever make. Then he got even bolder.

"I know you're not totally settled in yet," he said. "I can tell from all those unopened boxes, but I sure would like to see the rest of your house, if you don't mind." That would mean standing up and exposing my erection to him. At this point I didn't give a shit. Besides, I was sure he was in a similar state.

"Sure," I said. I led him through the dining room, living room, Florida room, and the two extra bedrooms. I had set one up as a true bedroom and the other I had made into a home office. I even showed him the guest bathroom. He was merciless.

"And where does the big kahuna sleep?" He asked.

My bedroom door was closed. I hadn't even made the bed that morning, but he gave me no choice. I opened the door and let him in. The first thing I saw was a tube of lubricant on the bedside table. I had used it when I whacked off that morning. I had been watching male porn on the TV. The TV set faced my bed and I had happily whacked off while watching two young studs fucking and sucking.

Apparently Nick saw the tube also. He walked over, picked it up and asked me, "Is this what you use when you jack off?"

I'd be damned if I would answer such a personal question so I remained silent.

"Don't be shy," he said, "I use lube myself, when I jack off. I shouldn't be telling you this, but Marla really doesn't know how to satisfy a man so I take matters into my own hand." He laughed uproariously at his little joke. I was not amused.

Then, as if he had not tortured me enough, he turned toward the master bath. "I need to pee," he said. "Beer does that to me." Without another word he marched into the bathroom. He did not close the door, but turned away from me so that his rear end faced me. He dropped his shorts and aimed whatever he had at the toilet bowl.

That ass was beautiful, superb, two orbs of heavenly nectar. I wanted to grab them in my hands and squeeze them. I wanted desperately to kiss them and run my tongue up and down his crack. I didn't dare. I just tried unsuccessfully to look away. When he was through peeing, he shook his thing vigorously. I still couldn't see it. What size? What girth? I couldn't tell.

Then, he did something I would never have expected. He crumpled a wad of toilet paper and thoroughly cleaned his ass hole. It was like an invitation to put my tongue in as far as it would go. The man was driving me crazy and I had no idea if he was even aware of what he was doing. At last, he brought up his shorts, washed his hands, and asked if he could have another beer.

We went back downstairs to the kitchen. Again he sat on a chair which he pushed away from the table. He spread his legs, resting one hand on his crotch again. The conversation lulled. Finally he said that he should go home and see if he was needed. He got up with his half finished beer and started to leave.

"If they don't need me, is it OK if I come back and we shoot the breeze some more?" he asked. I wanted to scream, no, no, no! But I just nodded my head meekly as he left. I collapsed on a chair and tried to catch my breath. As soon as I felt that my legs would indeed support me again, I got up to go to the bathroom to jack off. I was badly in need of relief. But before I could do that, there was a knock on the kitchen door. It was Nick.

"Marla practically kicked me out and told me not to come back for at least three more hours," he informed me.

"Come on in. It's nice to have company," I lied. "Want a fresh beer?" He nodded and smiled broadly at me. He resumed his earlier position and started on his beer.

"I've been thinking," he said. "You've got a pretty nice physique, but you're lacking in the muscle department. Why don't you join my gym and I promise to buff you up. I'll give you a great big discount. If you want, I'll be your personal trainer. There's a benefit comes with that. I personally do your massages."

I was about to cream my pants, but I nodded, and in a mere whisper I said, "That sounds like a plan!"

"Good," he said. Then we both started talking about our plans for our houses, and suddenly his legs were not spread and he didn't seem to be teasing me anymore. Thank you, God.

"I'm planning on putting in a swimming pool as soon as possible," he informed me. "Swimming is a great exercise. I have a pool at my gym," He continued. "I think I'll surround the back yard pool with very tall, very thick bushes so Marla and I can skinny dip."

I pictured that scene, and grew weak again. I began to relax some and to enjoy Nick's company. Somehow the time went quickly and he went home to pay the movers, and help Marla get the place in living condition.

At long last I was alone. I went into the bathroom and very slowly and leisurely started to whack off, all the while imagining that Nick and I were playing a hot game of sixty-nine. I am sure that his cock was much bigger in my imagination than in real life. Ah heavenly bliss.

After that I saw very little of Marla and Nick. We were all busy with our jobs and setting up our households. I did go over to their house once or twice to help Nick put up some shelves and he returned the favor. Marla, gratefully, never did try to fix me up with a girlfriend. At this point I had a suspicion that Nick might have guessed that I was gay.

A few weeks after they moved in a crew showed up next door with back hoes and bulldozers. Nick had gotten his permits and construction on his skinny dipping swimming pool was getting underway. Almost at the same moment, a moving truck pulled up on the other side of me. My other next door neighbors were moving in.

They were a couple in their thirties, Jane and Marvin Carrington. They had twin girls, Casey and Kelly, aged ten, a good looking young boy, Shawn, aged seven, and a mutt named Scamp, aged two. Well, don't feel sorry for me. I said that I wanted it all, and if the American dream includes screaming neighbor's kids and barking dogs, well so be it.

I really was still so very hot for Nick that I decided to take him up on his offer to join the gym. I found out that the gym was open from 5:30 AM (to get the before work crowd) until 10 PM (to get the after work crowd.) Needless to say, Nick's hours were erratic. It would take some juggling of my time if he was to be my personal trainer. I called him at work and arranged to come in that very day after work to sign up and set up a training schedule with him.

Nick was true to his word and a true friend. He charged me 50% of the going rate for my membership. We scheduled for me to come in every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evening after work. The sessions had no set time limit. I told him I would begin my training the following Monday if that was OK with him.

On the following Monday evening, I arrived at 5:30 and went to the men's locker room. I had been assigned a locker so I changed into a sweat suit with only a jock strap underneath. I placed my clothes neatly in the locker and went out to the gym to find Nick.

Nick was spotting a young teen ager who was pumping iron. As he stood over the young man it was obvious that the teen was trying to see Nick's package because he was gawking at it. I had already established that Nick did not wear underwear. I wondered if he wore a jock strap in the gym.

He was just finishing up with the boy. When he approached me he enveloped me in a bear hug. I swear, he made sure I could feel his cock press against me. He started me easy. He gave me ten minutes on an exercise bike and ten minutes on a slightly inclined treadmill. Both were set at a moderate speed. Then he took me over to the weights. He attached a five pound ring on each side of a bar and had me lie down under the bar. Following his instructions, I gripped the bar and raised it until my arms were straight. Nick was standing directly over me. I wanted to cry. He was wearing a jock strap. I raised the bar and lowered it so many times I lost count. When it was raised, Nick stood ready to catch it should I suddenly let go. After some time I begged for mercy.

"You did good for the first time," he congratulated me, as he slapped me lightly on my back. Oh that slap felt so good. Who cared if his grammar sucked.

"Now," he said, "we don't want those muscles cramping up so let's give you a short massage. `Make it a long one,' I prayed.

Nick led me to a back room which served as the massage room. He told me to strip and lie face down on the table. I stripped to my jock strap, and he laughed. "Do you want a good massage or one that forces me to avoid vital areas? Ditch the shyness and take off the jock." I was helpless. I did whatever he said. I could not remember when I was more self conscious. Nick seemed to ignore my nakedness. I guess he was more than used to naked clients.

Whatever you or I were expecting, forget about it. Nick gave me an ordinary, straight (hah) massage. Then he told me to go to the locker room, shower and dress.

"If I don't see you in the neighborhood first, I'll see you here Wednesday evening," he said as he bid goodbye to me. I drove home, wanting to cry all the way.

For two weeks our sessions went just as I described except that my exercises got longer and harder. Then just as I was ready to give up because I was getting nowhere with Nick, I got a pleasant surprise.

As he was massaging me one Monday evening, Nick said, " The pool is finished and ready for use. Marla and I were going to initiate it tonight, but she had to accompany her boss on a business trip. How about you and me breaking it in tonight?"

All I could think of was that I didn't want to spend another hour with this man in utter frustration. I had long ago fallen in love with him, and being so near to him was sheer torture. However, all my mind allowed me to do was to picture skinny dipping with him. I could not say no to him and nodded my head.

"What time?" I asked.

"Well, I'm leaving right after you do. What do you say we have dinner together? I'll throw a couple of steaks on the barbeque. You can bring the beer and pretzels. How does that sound?"

"It sounds good. I say yes," I answered him with a big grin and a very bold slap on his rump. I did that without thinking, and regretted it immediately. I was pleasantly surprised when he ignored the love tap and said, "I'm looking forward to a guy's night out with you. Come on over as soon as you want to."

I nearly crashed my car twice on the way home. My head was spinning. I knew that it would be a chaste evening, but I had reached a place of resignation. If I couldn't have Nick physically, I would settle for close proximity.

I came over wearing only my swim trunks and was pleased to see that Nick wore only a skimpy pair of gym shorts. Did he have on a jock strap? I didn't know for sure. He had started the steaks, and was garnishing them with garlic powder and steak sauce. He was also barbequing corn on the cob. I was carrying a case of cold beer and I had laid two bags of pretzels on top of the beer.

I helped Nick lay out plates, utensils and napkins on his picnic table. When everything was ready, he put the steaks on one platter and the corn on another and brought them to the table. I had already opened two bottles of beer. The table sat four people, two on each side. I sat down on one side in the middle. Imagine my shock when Nick pushed me over and sat on the same side of the table as I did. I was surprised and happy, but I cringed. He was back to teasing me, and I liked it, I hated it, I was sure of what he was doing, I wasn't sure of what he was doing, I wanted to kiss him, I wanted to cry.

Somehow we got through dinner. I can't tell you how many times his leg brushed mine or his arm bumped into mine. I lost count, but I was getting hotter and hotter and ever so unhappy. We cleaned up our mess, and went back to the pool. We each sat in a lounge chair letting our food digest, just as we had been taught to do as children. Nick made small talk, told me how pleased he was with my progress and reached over and felt my bicep by way of confirmation.

Without any warning, he jumped out of the lounge and took off his gym shorts. He had a throbbing, raging hard on. He was about eight inches, and so hard he was pointing at his belly. Although most of his cock head was out of the sheath, I could tell he was uncut. His cock definitely matched the rest of him. He grabbed me and pulled me out of my lounge. Before I could react, he had pulled down my swim suit and I stepped out of it. Of course, I was as hard as he was, and I heard him gasp. He had seen me flaccid, but never erect. You see, I never told you, but I have ten uncut hard inches and it's wider around than most men I have seen or have ever been with. Mac, my fuck buddy, has trouble taking it up his ass, even after all this time.

When Nick was finished staring, he jumped in the pool and beckoned for me to follow. I am afraid I had enough of his teasing. I loved Nick but I was getting very resentful of what he was doing to me. I had definitely reached my breaking point. I was determined to confront Nick no matter what the consequences were. I just couldn't go on living this way. I told Nick to please come out of the pool. We needed to talk.

"Why so serious?" he asked.

We both sat down on the lounges again, facing each other. Nick was dripping wet. Just looking at the beads of water running down his rippled chest was turning me to mush. It took all my courage to start talking first.

"Nick," I said, "you know I'm gay, don't you?"

"Yes, of course."

"Then you must know how you have been torturing me."


"Then why the fuck are you doing this to me?"

Nick thought for a while as if trying to find the right words. Finally, he began.

"After I signed the contract to purchase this house, Marla went to the room where they kept the samples. They asked her to select tile, cabinets, paint colors etc. I was alone with Nancy and asked her if any other houses on the cul-de-sac were sold yet. She told me about you and said she was certain you were gay. I said to myself that I wasn't going to live next door to no faggot. I ran to get Marla to break the contract. I was ashamed to tell her why. We had twenty days to legally void the contract. Marla wouldn't hear of it so I was stuck with the house.

"When we drove up on moving day, I saw you standing there. Marla jumped right out of the car to meet you, but I hesitated. I didn't even want to shake your hand for fear you might infect me. Then I got an idea. I decided that I would flirt with you and get you all hot and bothered, but for sure, all you were going to get was blue balls. That first day in your house, I was having a picnic. I could see how uncomfortable I was making you and it was all I could do to keep from laughing.

"Later on, when we began to help each other with odd jobs around the house, I kinda forgot you were gay. I began, little by little, to see you as my next door neighbor and eventually, a friend. I don't know why I kept torturing you. It had become a habit with me, I guess, and I just couldn't seem to stop.

"One night, I was making love, correction, having sex with Marla, and I began to fantasize having sex, correction, making love to you. I wasn't upset or appalled or anything. I really wished that it was you. I didn't know how to act on it. I had never had any desires for a guy before and I was afraid that if you didn't feel the same way, you would laugh at me. I can stand rejection but not ridicule. So I just went on teasing you, praying all the time that you would act on all my hints. Damn you, Eddie. You never did."

Nick started to cry and buried his head in his hands.

I got up and sat down next to him on his lounge chair. I removed his hands from his head and held them in mine. "Idiot," I said. "I'm crazy in love with you. I was afraid that if I responded to your hints and you weren't serious, you might sock me into kingdom come. So I decided to be content just to be near you, and be your friend if you would let me. I want you so badly, and to find out that you feel the same way, well, I can't believe it."

Suddenly I had a terrible thought. "You're still not playing with me, are you?" I asked Nick fearfully.

Nick could only shake his head. He was crying.

"How would you like me to be your trainer tonight?" I asked him. He didn't answer, but got up and led me to his bedroom.

"I'll start with the basics," I said, mimicking Nick's training manners. And I did. First I showed him how to suck cock. I demonstrated on him and after only three strokes he nearly came so I stopped, and then I generously let him practice on me. When I felt he had the knack, I asked him to get out the lube that he told me he used to whack off with. I showed him how to grease my ass, and insert a finger or two to get me ready. I lay on my back, wrapped my legs around his waist and guided him into me. I told him to start pumping just as he would a vagina, and he did.

"No way is this like a vagina," he said. This is so fucking tight and hot. Oh, I'm coming. Should I pull out?"

"Not on your life. Let her rip." He came in several pumping streams, screaming loudly all the while. I could feel myself filling up and some of his cum was dripping out on the bed sheets. It's a good thing Marla wouldn't be home for a few days. When he was done spurting, he collapsed on me. I found his lips and started to kiss him gently. I wanted to see his reaction. He kissed me back. Hard! He parted my lips and let our tongues have a wrestling match. He was responding like he had been gay all of his life.

He said, "Fuck me now." It sounded like a military command.

"No," I said, "I'm too big. We'll have to work on you first and get you ready, but I promise you'll have the pleasure. I have to get something at home. I'll be right back." I jumped out of bed, wrapped a towel around me and ran next door through our back yards. I was back in seconds with two dildoes and another tube of lube. One dildo was a little smaller than Nick's cock and one was almost as big as mine.

I began to lube his ass. When I inserted one finger he took it easily and even told me how good it felt. The second finger went in almost as easily, but he resisted the third finger. I begged him to relax, that I would never hurt him, and that even if it took weeks to get him ready, I promised him that it would be worth it. That did the trick. He relaxed and eventually I was able to insert four fingers. I left them in for a while and found his prostate which I began to massage. "Oh that feels so wonderful," he murmured in pleasure.

"You like my massage better than yours?" I asked.

All I got back was, "MMMMM."

He was doing so well, I decided to ignore the smaller dildo and go for broke. I removed my fingers from his ass, lubed up the larger dildo and placed the head at his crack. His ass began to pull the dildo inside him. I realized that Nick was actually sucking it up. I had to be patient and work hard to get past the sphincter. Nick was eager and really trying to help and before long we had penetrated his point of resistance. Now I inserted the dildo slowly. Every so often Nick winced in pain. I would stop pushing and when he got used to it I would push again. When it was all in, I let him rest for a bit and then began pumping and rotating. I made sure his prostate was getting a pleasurable work out.

"Please," he begged me, "stop before I come again. I want the real thing."

Who was I to argue with this hunk of a man? Out came the dildo. My lubed and throbbing cock was ready for action. Nick was a natural. I went in slowly, but he was all slicked up and I met little resistance. I started pumping slowly, and in very short strokes, until Nick began yelling for me to go harder. His command turned me into a beast. I began to pump long and vigorous strokes as quickly as I could. Suddenly Nick screamed and shot another load up his abdomen, stomach and face. Some of his cum landed on his lips and damned if he didn't flick his tongue and taste it. When he came, his ass constricted on my cock and as I yelled, "I'm cumming," I shot copiously into his waiting hole.

"My God, that feels so good," he said. "It's so warm and wet. Why didn't you tell me that sex with a guy was this great?"

"You never asked, cock teaser."

We lay still for a while, me on top of him. Without regard to the mess we had made, we rolled over on our backs and I devoured the rest of his cum from his beautiful body. When he saw what I was doing he joined in with me. Finally, we rolled over on our sides facing each other. We fondled our cocks and kissed passionately. I came up for air and finally said, "I love you Nick, but there's something we can't ignore, and that's Marla. We've got to talk about her."

Nick sat up in bed, and shocked me by roaring with laughter. "There is no Marla," he said. There hasn't been a Marla for several days. The bitch ran off with her boss, and I couldn't be happier. I won't have to pay alimony, the house is in my name, and I get to spend the rest of my life with someone I really love. You!" He began kissing me so that I could hardly breathe. He rolled on top of me, and as much as I wanted to say something, I couldn't. His lips were pressed so tightly on mine, that I was literally speechless.

I had finally conquered my fear of relationships, thanks to Nick's unintentional seduction. I suddenly realized that if Nick had not teased me for so long, I would never have reached this point of completely wanting to be his. I might have settled for yet another fuck buddy relationship.

As we lay there kissing with our cocks pressed together, I could only thank whatever angels had maneuvered fate to bring us together.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I screamed out loud, and Nick laughed at me.

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