Self-Exploration: College Adventures

By Soccer Dad

Published on Jun 30, 2008



How long have I been bisexual? Good question. For as long as I can remember, my fascination with sex involved both genders. My actual experiences as a youth, however, always involved girls, women, whatever, the female of the species. There was always a part of me that focused on the men when viewing porn. Was I projecting myself into their role, imagining myself as the cock fucking, being sucked, jacked and cumming? Or was there something else?

My early experiences were good, and while satisfying, never happened often enough to satisfy my building teenage libido. I knew I was hung better than average. No, I wasn't a porn star in the making, but I had enough confirmation with female partners. Jacking off 4 or 5 times a day wasn't cutting it, but that was the best I could do while in high school, in between the infrequent encounters with the various girls I dated. I knew there was more to sex than Rosie Palmer and her 5 sisters. I knew I had to find it.

College changed all that in a few ways. Freedom to jack off whenever I liked was restricted due to having a roommate. I learned to be quicker about it and hide the evidence, which actually led to experimentation with swallowing my own cum. I also had visual access to other guys in the dorm, day & night and in showers. While it was rare to get a "good" peek at someone in the shower, I did get a good idea about the variety of bodies and types out there. From the finely muscled to the fat & slovenly. Black, white, asian & latino, hung & not, cut and uncut. Needless to say, my fascination with the male form was given a boost.

There was a senior on my hall my freshman year; Steve was his name. Cool guy. We listened to Pink Floyd together, including the old stuff. I really enjoyed the friendship and attention from an older guy. I started to adjust my shower schedule to be closer to his; either leaving as he came in, or coming in as he left. Not so much to take them together, but to get a glimpse at his wonderful cock. Body-wise, he was a stud; muscled, fit, beefy in fact. One flaw, he couldn't get a tan to save his life, but the cock was what I fixated on. I longed to see it hard, but shower-flaccid was the best I got. Even so, it was easily 6 inches long, maybe 5 around, straight and gorgeous. To compare it to mine, which was about 7 long, 6 around and curved up and left, and this is when I'm hard, his had to be much more magnificent when engorged. I needed to see it. Touch it.

Talk about being obsessed. Was it love? Nahh, more like sexual curiosity, maybe a slight crush. knowing the taboo involved and not caring. I know he caught me staring once or twice and never beat the shit out of me, so maybe . . . . . but I was scared. Still, we'd hang out, mostly in his room, listening to old Floyd, the Who, vintage rock. I was a struggling guitarist and used to bring mine down and mostly massacred the music, but it was a way to distract me from staring at his ample basket and wondering. Steve had to have known I was curious. Interested was more like it, desperate at times. How could I ever make something happen? Wait for him to make the first move? Get caught staring?

Meanwhile, every day was filled with eye-candy to think about as well. The hall I lived on had one of the better showers in the building. By better, I mean it worked more often and it seemed like the guys were a bit cleaner too. I started noticing some new faces one week. OK, not just the faces, but the bodies were phenomenal. I realized that it had to be the soccer players from the first floor coming up for some reason.

"Shower's busted down below" explained a latin hottie. "It's worth a 4 floor climb for a good shower"

I nod back, after glancing at him. A bit slender for my taste but still a lovely example of male athleticism. After our "conversation" I tore back to the room and pulled up the soccer team roster. Yup, Miguel, a sophomore forward from New Mexico. Glancing at the others, I recalled a few using the facilities. There were one or two that I hoped would. Little did I know, but the next day, I got my wish with one.

On Fridays, I'm done with classes my lunchtime. I ate a light lunch, then went for a run that took me by the practice fields. I spotted a few of my new shower-mates, out sweating, working, kicking, running . . . . . did I mention sweating? A stray ball was heading my direction so I flashed my left foot at it, trapped and sent it back in one motion, then resumed running, barely breaking stride.

"Thank you!" I heard in the distance behind me as I headed back to the dorm. My mind was whirling with lustful thoughts and I needed to surf a little, maybe rub one or two out. As I got in the door to the fourth floor, I saw Steve closing the door to his room with a bag in his hand. I'd forgotten he was heading out of town for the weekend. "Later man, have a great time" I called to him. "You too, don't get into any trouble you can't handle" he replied. Great advice.

My roomie was gone for the weekend too, so I locked the door and fired up the laptop. I logged onto Manhunt, checked my Yahoo mail account and then started surfing X-Tube for jock-related vids, hoping to find something inspiring after my run. I found a few and spent the next 45 minutes idly watching and massaging my crotch, not really going anywhere, jacking-off-wise, but still not a bad thing overall. Finally, I got a whiff of how I smelled and decided to grab a shower before it became permanent, so I grabbed my shower kit, towel and some boxer-briefs and headed down the hall to the empty shower.

I took my favorite spot, under the showerhead that had the best pressure and cranked it up. Soon, the room was full of steam as I started scrubbing down. I was covered in shampoo lather when I heard someone come in, but I paid him no attention, just continued my cleansing process. When I was suds-free, I caught a peek of the other guy in the shower and lost my breath for a moment. Freshman All-American Shane Robinson was 2 showerheads away from me, naked, wet and looking good enough to eat. I felt a stirring in my cock, suppressed it and turned the water a little more to the cold side to help out. I swear I caught him glancing, but focused on finishing and toweling off. Rather than put the shorts on, I just wrapped the towel around my waist, low around my waist and made sure my semi-hard cock was clearly visible in the front. I gathered my shower kit and turned to leave.

"Hey, nice trap today" I hear Shane call out. I stopped and turned around to answer. "No problem, hope I didn't look like a wannabe" "Not at all, do you play?" he responded. "Used to, might still can" I told him.

Meeting his eyes, then realizing he had turned to face me, I couldn't help but glance downward and again, lost my breath. Here was a GOD, right in front of me. If I could design the perfect man, I would just follow his pattern. Shane was 5'10", 165 lbs (according to the website) and if there was 2% body fat on him, it was only to make him more perfect. Ripped musculature that was textbook anatomy and a dark, trimmed bush around a lightly tanned flaccid cock that hung in front of a gorgeous set of balls. Tree-trunk legs that led down to perfectly shaped feet. I saw nothing about him that wasn't perfect, all in a microsecond's glance.

"Enjoy the shower, man" I called out as I turned away, afraid he'd noticed my glance, wanting to look again, knowing I'd be busted if I did. "Sure thing, see ya later" Shane replied.

"damn, I wish" I thought to myself. The hall seemed a million miles long as I walked back to my room.

When I got safely in the door, I dropped my towel and my cock sprung forward, rock hard. Finally, I found some inspiration to jack off too. I flipped the laptop open and noticed the Manhunt tab blinking with a message. AASocstud had left me a message about 25 minutes ago. I looked at the note, telling me I had a nice ass, hoping to meet sometime. He was from the same area, same school and all his pics were hidden. I wondered, fantasized, stroked and erupted in a multi-shot burst of cum that covered the desk in front of me. A definite 4-sheeter to clean up. I sent AASocstud a note back asking for an unlock and thanking him for the compliment.

Could it be? Nahhhh, I'd never get that lucky.

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