Senior boy's camp showers

By Robert P

Published on Aug 7, 2020



##This is my first ever submission, I've always put off writing something until now. This really happened, but some of the details have been slightly embellised#

I hated the school camps, they always seemed to just be an opportunity for the teachers to get drunk at night and be real dictators during the day. But growing up in South Africa, this is part of what passed for turning boys into men I suppose. I didn't like sports (and wasn't sporty at all), preferring to spend my time in the shade, reading a book. And because I didn't know what gay was - call it the product of a sheltered life and adults who wouldn't talk about these things - I was bullied for being different. I got on with the girls more than the boys and the attention I got, of course, made the boys angry and the bullying worse.

So, the camps were no fun, because there was nobody to temper the pack mentality with cruel teens. Except, this one camp made it worth the suffering because of one boy that I'd never met before. That was the year I turned 16.

The camps used to be somewhere out in the bush with as few mod cons as possible, obviously. We were either crammed into tents or slept on thin mattresses on the floors of disused school buildings. And usually it was two to three different schools getting together for the camp, which was basically a thinly veiled and far less disciplined version of military training because back in those days, army service was still compulsory.

Our days usually started very early with as much noise as the teachers or monitors could make and we had to get ready and queue for food before the day's activities began. But there were also the mornings where you were woken up at 4am and told to report outside, wearing whatever you were sleeping in, so mostly underwear because it was Summer and the heat was extreme on some days. I didn't mind that so much, all my peers were out there and I could get a good look (without staring or being caught staring). There was always a good mix of tight underwear and a good measure of morning wood, I think the teachers counted on the embarrassment.

This camp was tolerable because of something that happened in the showers though. Showers were the usual hell, some guys were ok with being naked, then there were the shy ones and then there was me (and I'm sure I wasn't the only one), the gay boy who couldn't control his erections. Now you know, the last thing you want to happen is to get hard in front of other guys, especially the bullies! I used to just go in quick, strip down, jump in and out of the shower and leave as quickly as possible without making eye contact. Then, on that memorable day, some of the boys thought it would be fun to go round every cubicle, pull back the curtain and pee inside. That dude had a lot of pee, I tell you. And his mates followed him around laughing all the way.

I had just finished, when the curtain pulled back and a warm stream of pee hit me on my wet arse. I turned around in surprise and yelled `fuck off' (couldn't stop myself) and fortunately they just laughed and ran off. I had to turn the shower back on to wash the idiot off me and as I did, the curtain opened and closed again quickly. And there he was, the boy with the dark hair I had looked at (ok, stared at) a couple of times over the first few days. He just said "Sorry, but I figure they're not coming back here and I don't want to get pissed on again!". Without another word, his eyes darted down for a second and he just squeezed past me to get under the water so he could lather up. I just said "No problem, I just need to wash that guy off my back and I'm done" and hope that there wasn't a quiver in my voice.

When he entered the stall unexpectedly, I was facing the shower head and taps, so side-on to him in the small space (with something just shy of a semi, which he would have seen because I was quite slim). To get under the water, he turned to face the shower head and brushed his butt against my cock, which made me start to panic. It felt nice, but I knew I was going to get hard, so I turned around to get some water on my back, wash and get out of there. He must have felt me turning (small stall) and I definitely felt my cock brush against his butt as I turned, so he would have felt it too. So what else could I say, but "sorry, not a lot of space in here man". He turned as well, it felt like a very slow and deliberate turn, but then again it could just be that he was moving slowly to get soaked, who knows... He said "no worries, I did just rush in here" and chuckled, his cock brushing my butt as he turned, now facing away from the shower, the same direction as me.

I really had to get out of there, I thought, if he saw my hardon he might just yell and call the others and then I'll never live it down. I reached for the shower gel and squirted some in my hand, worked it into a foam and then ran my hand down where the guy had peed on me, which was on my butt and down my leg. So I started rubbing down from my lower back, down my cheeks and whacked his cock with the back of my hand. I'd bent over slightly and he must have moved closer, because his cock was practically resting between my cheeks when I made contact. And it felt like a semi. I stayed facing the wall but stood up straight and turned my head to look down, then at his face. "Sorry!", I whispered, "I'll be done in just a bit, just need to rinse off". "It's fine man, don't stress", he said. Then, putting his hands on my biceps, he leaned in and whispered "get under that water, I can soap up in your space", but at the same time pulling me closer and then rotating and shuffling us both around clumsily, facing the shower head again. And now his uncut semi was practically wedged between my cheeks, I could feel it sliding slightly as we shuffled around and when he stopped, he didn't pull away immediately and I liked it, but was panicking because I was so damn hard and I had no idea how he'd react if he saw it (remember, these were the days when `gay' wasn't ever mentioned and we didn't have the kind of access to porn you have nowadays, so I had no idea what was going on).

I started rinsing off, my heart pounding like a machine gun and lightly brushed against his cock as I ran my hands down my lower back and butt, but deliberately ran my hand back up and, as I did it, the side of my hand prodded his plump semi into my crack. "Sorry again", I said (I wasn't sorry), "we're kind of wedged in here aren't we?". He stepped back slightly and turned me around to face him with this sly smile on his face, he was also blushing from the looks of it. And if I wasn't hard then, I would have been within seconds. His straight black hair was pasted to his wet face, blue eyes sparkling with malice and water was just slowly running down his body, getting caught in the fine black hair he was starting to sprout. "Fuuuuck", I thought, "I'm in trouble now".

The look on my face must have startled him, because he just said, in a low voice, "Hey, don't panic man, I won't say anything. They're leaving anyway, we can just stay here for a while so you don't get teased and look," he gestured down and my eyes followed to his hardon poking straight out, "I've got one too, must be the warm water". He was grinning now and I almost laughed with relief. "Let's finish up before they come looking for us, I think everyone's gone already. We'll have to take care of these later" he said, tugging at my cock (actually, he cupped my balls and moved his hand up my shaft, rotating his hand as he got near my circumcised head, getting some precum on his hand). He took my hand and put it on his hard cock, I could probably have cum right then and there. Instead, I wrapped my hand around it, moved it up and pulled his foreskin back a bit, rubbing my thumb around his exposed head. I was cut, so playing with a foreskin was a novelty to me. "We're going to have fun, I can see that" he whispered and wrapped his hand around mine, giving his cock a few strokes. Then he stepped in front of me, deliberately wedging my hardon in his crack as he quickly rinsed off, pushing back firmly as he bent over to rinse his legs. He stood upright, back to me, reached back and grabbed my hips, then rotated his hips a bit. If I had any idea what was going on, I'd probably have been doing a bit of grinding myself. This was obviously not his first time.

He turned off the tap and faced me "I'll get out first and throw you your towel, ok? Meet me after breakfast", before he gave me one last tug and rotate (I gasped a little, I remember, my head was very sensitive). Then he was gone, the towel was flipped over the rail and I grabbed it so I could dry quickly and get dressed, the room was mostly empty, except for a few stalls at the far end, which I didn't have to worry about, they were both closed.

And that was my first time with a complete stranger, but not the last.

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