Senior Buddy Day

By D One

Published on Aug 8, 2005



Cal waited for his name to be called. Each freshman would be assigned a Senior for Buddy Day on Friday.

The school used this method to help the freshmen feel more comfortable in their new school and teach Seniors the value of being mentors.

One by one the boys around him were called and walked to meet their Senior Buddies. Cal knew none of them either so his mentor would be his first possble friend at the strange school. His parents had moved there at the last minute and Cal had no choice but to start his high school in a strange town, a strange house and a strange school.

Starting high school was difficult enough but doing it with no friends was even worse.

"Don't worry just smile and be friendly. In no time it'll be just like home" His Dad had advised before he too went to his new job a stranger there as well. "It's what I"m going to do too" he said and left the house.

Cal waited and then heard his name called. Among the older boys standing by the dias, were jock types, nerd looking boys and one or two that looked like trouble.

He walked up to the front and a tall blondish brown haired guy walked over and shook his hand. "Hey Cal, I'm Andy" Cal looked at the older boys letter sweater, the pins on it and knew he was either going to hate this experience or for once in his life had more luck then he could ever hope for.

"I gotta end this first, then we can go" Andy said and went back to the podium. Cal had been matched with some big man on campus. From past experience he knew the guy was either going to be a jerk or ... well he didn't know.

A few more names were called and boys walked up to meet their Senior Buddies. Andy then gave the podium up to a girl who started the same process for the girls.

"Ok man let's get out of here"

They sat at a table in the cafeteria away from the other freshman/senior teams. "Ok ... " Andy asked questions and listened. He actually listened to Cal talk about himself.

They toured the school. Cal wasn't sure he liked the fact that a Senior seemed genuinely friendly towards him or the fact that everywhere they went, other boys and girls made a point to greet Andy. It was obvious he was very popular.

And they all made a point to introduce themselves to Cal as well. He knew they only did that because he was with Andy, but that was ok with him, especially when the boys did it.

Cal liked boys, he stared at them when he went around town back home. He went to the local high school swim meets, gymnastics, football games, wherever he could to see the older boys in shorts, tank tops or shirtless. He'd go home and masturbate until his penis was sore. So he knew early in his adolescence he was queer or gay as he learned it was called. And he didn't care, cause he knew what he liked and what made each masturbation session fun, the image of the guys in his head.

"You got a girlfriend?" Cal asked after three girls seemed to flirt with Andy. "Naw, not really. Don't really have time. I'm going into the academy and you wouldn't believe the amount of time I have to spend on stuff not even taught in this school. You'll have to come over after school and I'll show you."

Cal followed Andy into the locker room. "Gotta work out a bit, you should too. Then we can contninue the tour" Andy said as he began to strip.

Cal stared at the older boy that was stripping naked right in front of him. He didn't seem to be modest or shy at all, unlike Cal who always hid himself in his junior high school gym lcoker room.

"Come on, I got some stuff you can wear" Andy said. Cal looked away as he began to take his shirt and jeans off.

"Here this will fit you" Andy handed him a pair of school color speedos. "I wore em when I was a freshman". Cal turned away to take his jockeys off and put on the speedos.

Together they trotted to the pool and dove in the cool water for which Cal was thankful as it would stop his expanding erection. The sight of Andy naked, his penis and ballsac hanging freely in full sight then cupped into the blue shiny speedos he wore just begged for Cal to get hard.

They swam laps, Andy grabbed him and they played in the water until some man, a teacher, Cal presumed, blew his whistle.

"Morrett you know better then that" the man yelled, But he was smiling, not angry at all.

"Sorry coach, just fooling around" Andy said as he effortless lifted himself out of the pool. The water dripped fro his suit and Cal imagined th eolderboys' cock dripping of the watyer that had been lucky enough to encase it.

"Come on, I want you to meet someone" Andy reached down and pulled Cal from the water as easy as if he was taking a twig from it.

"This is Coach Tribulent. Coach the kids pretty fast" Andy said.

"Hmmm good build too, needs to work out a bit though, " The man touched Cal's bare chest and shoulders making Cal shiver. "You should work out like Andy does kid. Maybe you should show up tomorrow for tryouts"

They stood in the hot spray in the showers afterwards. Cal didn't know what to say. Somehow being with Andy made him important to not only the other students but even the teachers. He had never thought about participating in a sports team, now the Coach actually wanted him. Cal began to feel like a different person.

"Here turn around" Andy said. Cal's cock rose as the older boy's hands soaped his back. "We take care of each other on the swim team' Andy said ignoring the erection Cal couldn't hide. "Now do me"

Andy bent down so Cal could reach him. His hands trembled as he felt the smooth strong back of the boy who had become an instant friend, a brother image as well.

"Good hands kid"

The day went by too fast. Cal knew that next week things would be back to normal. He'd be a stranger transferring into the school among strange classmates and uncaring teachers. But for now he had a friend.

"Come on over I'll show you what I have to do"

Cal called his mother and told her he was going over to his Senior Buddies place and to his surprise she seemed delighted taking the phone number and telling him to make sure he was being friendly.

The walk was a short one then Andy began to jog. Cal kept up wiht him. "I always jog home, I get up early to jog before school; too. You should do it too, you'll be surprised how quickly you build stamina".

By the time they arrived at Andy's house, Cal was breathless but he was determined to keep up with his new friend. Someway he knew he needed to show the boy that befriending him was worth his time.

"Good, didn't think you'd keep up" Andy said sending a smile to Cal. Cal loved the boys smooth face wet with persperation and displaying his white teeth.

They moved to Andy's bedroom. Cal was amazed at the blckboard, the piles of books, and hardly had time to watch Andy strip again, this time stopping at his jockey shorts.

"You can relax too. My Mom is out of town for the weekend. Folks are separated. Dad's stationed in the UK"

Andy pulled Cal's tee shirt ouf of his pants and grabbed him. They wrestled awhile. Then Andy stopped and began pointing out the books about things he needed to learn for the Academy. There were books and charts about military history, gunnery science, topography.

"Actualy it's cool, when I go camping, hey do you like camping? We should do that sometime. Anyway, I don't have to know everything, just enough to impress them. Come on down to the basement, we can do weights...I'll show you"

Cal now stripped to his own jockey shorts trotted after Andy, starign at his round buttocks flexing as he walked.

In the basement Andy began to press weights, "Here you spot me, know how to do that? Oh good you know it"

Cal had move into place above Andy's head the way his Dad had taught him a few years ago. Just below his expanding crotch was Andy's face. His smooth chest flexed as he liften a barbell several times. "The key is not to increase weight but repetitions" Andy explained.

And th eweight lifting class continued...unil Cal had lay on the bench looking up at Andy's crotch while he lifted the same barbell. At one point he reached out and touched the boys thich thighs.

"It's ok," Andy said seeing Cal hesitate. Cal felt more and complemented his buddy on his muscles.

Andy flexed his biceps and let Cal touch them too then slid his hand to the boys chest and let his fingers brush across his nipples.

Andy winced.

"Sorry" Cal said.

"hey no, felt good" Andy smiled and returned the favor making Cal's body shiver and his crotch expand.

"Hey I got an idea, why don't you stick around, we can have pizza and you can crash here. Tomorrow I'll take you to swim tryouts, you think your Mom will let you sleepover?"

Cal was either going to lie to his mother or go home and sneak back if she disagreed. But to his suprise, she seemed delighted. "Good honey, I'm so glad you're making friends"

"The pizza was delisious. Sitting on Andy's bed eating it, their legs spread for comfort, was as close as Cal had come to having sex with another guy in his life. The TV played music videos and Andy seemed to like it.

"Great, I've needed a night off .... and .. hey come on" The beefy muscular boy stood in the middle of the room and started moving to the music. "Come on, nobody's watching"

Cal stood and awkwardly began to move. Not only was he hangin out with his new school's most popular senior, but they were dancing in their jockey shorts in his bedroom.

Cal felt the pre cum ooze out the tip of his erection. It was hard, it had been hard for sometime and Andy didn't seem to care. There was no hiding it so Cal knew Andy noticed.

And as they danced, Cal saw Andy's crotch too seemed to be expanding.

"that was cool, you're a good kid" Andy said grabbing Cal and putting his arm around the younger boys chest. "I think I'll make you my younger brother, how about that?"

Cal always wondered what it would be like to have an older brother. "Fine with me" he said smiling up at the face that had given him more fun in one day then he had had in years.

They tv shows ended, the pizza boxes were thrown away. Cal laughed as Andy, ran out to the trash cans still wearing only his jockeys to get rid of their trashed.

"Hell, it's the same as wearing speedos" Andy said. "Now shower and bed, we need to get you rested so you show off tomorrow for the tryouts"

Cal didn't know where he was going to sleep but hue followed Andy. "Here we can help each other out..but better then school" Andy said turning on the hot water in theshower.

Andy pulled his jockeys off and threw them in the hamper "Dont' need these anymore" Cal stepped into the shower and did what Andy told him.

Trembling with excitement, Cal soaped the older boy's body head to toe. His cock shot out sperm on it's own from the experience but it was lost in the shower spray.

"Go ahead you can do there do" Andy said. Cal cupped the boys balls, soaped them and washed his thick hardening penis. He wanted to kneel and do what he had seen on the internet but Andy interupted.

"OK my turn" Cal stood and felt his body become Andy's plaything as the older boy soaped him head to toe, balls, cock and butthole.

They toweled each other dry.

"You know, fate or luck introduced us. I'll make you a deal, I'll get you through your freshman year if you get me through my senior year. Deal?"

A naked older brother shook his hand and Cal knew he had finally gotten an older brother. No matter what crap happened in school, he would be able to talk to Andy about it. And somehow Andy needed him too, though he didn't quite know why or how.

"Uh want me to sleep on the floor?" Cal asked as he walked naked carrying his discarded jockeys back into Andy's bedroom.

"Well if Mom was here, we'd pull out the sleeping bag so she wouldn't know. But tonight we don't need to do that. Which side do you want to sleep on?"

Cal had shared a sleeping bag with other scouts in years past, but his erectino was hidden so they never knew how excited that made him. His cock was rock hard now and Andy could see it.

He got into the bed and Andy followed. "It's a little small but we can manage huh?"

Andy put his arm around Cal and Cal knew what he as Andy's new little brother should do...and what he wanted to do.

"hey, you don't have to..." Andy started to say but Cal's lips were already around the boys' cock. Listening to Andy's suggestions Cal learned how to suck cock. Wachign porn sites alone didn't tell him everything, but Andy told him how to lick, move his lips, how fast to go, and all too soon was emptying his sperm into Cal's mouth.

"That was nice little bro" Andy said hugging Cal. The hug and Andy's words made Cal feel better then he had felt in a long time.

"No my turn" Cal couldn't believe the sensation as Andy licked his balls, cock and sucked. And just when he was about to cum, Andy would sense it and pinch under his balls making him calm down enough. And when he finally was allowed to cum, Cal shreaked at the unbelieveable sensation.

"Now that was nice" Cal said as he kissed Andy's chest, letting his tongue flick across the boys nipples, remembering how he had reacted earlier when he touched them.

"Keep that up and your big brother is going to teach you something else" Andy said. Cal kept doing it and buried in a bear hug of Andy's arms, forced himself to relax.

The pain happened just as Andy said it would, then seeme dto subside again as the older boy said it would. There were sensations as Andy's cock moved in deeper and pulled out slowly. Cal felt Andy's hand on his own cock which had shrunk in size.

"Relax," Andy said kissing his neck "I'll go real slow" and he did as he promised. Cal relaxed as time passed. In his head he had the images of Andy stripping naked in front of him only a few hours ago. Of soaping the bolder boys' back, then later standing over his face while he liften weights and still later sliding his hands over the boys body.

The orgasm came with Andy getting more wild and nearly pushing Cal off the bed towards the end.

They lay there, Andy's arms still surrounding him. Cal's cock had spurt out streams sometime during the fucking, he didn't quite know when since his body seemed to concentrate on the feeling of Andy's cock inside him.

"We gotta get up early" Andy said as he drifted to sleep.

The morning was all business as they awoke, showered and ate cereal. Neither boy bothered to put clothes on and Cal wanted to kneel in front of Andy's chair and repeat his favorite pasttime, well one of his new favoriate pasttimes.

"Hey little bro, no time for that, we got the tryouts"

Andy drove them in his car. Cal didn't evne know he had one as he said he usually jogged everywhere.

And standing by the pool waiting his turn, Cal knew that Andy was watching. He had to show the boy he was worth the time, the friendship and the loaning of his older speedos once again. When called on, Cal dove in and swam as fast as he could.

"Good, Andy you were rigth but he needs work" The Coach looked at his clipboard and at Andy.

"I'll train him" Andy said

"I bet you will" The coach said and smiled.

Cal wondered if he knew about Andy and him already.

"Ok kid, you're on the freshman team for now. If you work out, we'll put you on the jv team so our sponsor here, can see you compete before he graduates" The Coach said "And you need to work on the Australian crawl you know"

"Yes coach I know" Andy nodded "maybe the kid can help me" he said.

Cal didn't know how he'd help a Senior train but he was game to try. And he wondered what they'd do after practice as well.

As if knowin his thoughts, Andy replied "Hey let's work out a bit, then go home. We got a big week ahead of us and I think we can spend the rest of the weekend doing other things, what do you say?"

Andy's hand patted the seat of Cal's speedos.

Cal was game to say the least. He and his older brother could help each other out he knew.

"Just remember" Andy said later as he lay on the bed with Cal straddling him "When it's your turn on Senior Buddy Day, you help out some freshman like this"

Cal was too busy moving his hips so Andy's cock rubbed him inside. His own cock was being milked by Andy. But he knew that he'd do as Andy said, not only when he became a senior but sooner then that, his entire freshman year too.

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