Senior Initiation

By D One

Published on Jun 4, 1999



Clarance arrived at the boarding school with great intrepedation.

It wasn't that he feared living away from home or that starting a new school scared him.

He had done both from time to time. But this last time his parents split was permanent. And in the shuffle, he was sent to a prep school..something he didn't know how his parents could afford.

But he overheard his mother and her lawyer saying they "found money his Dad had tried to hide" and the courts suddenly awarded the funds to him and his now divorced mother.

He didn't really care for his Dad all that much. First of all the man was a step father. And secondly the man rarely tried to befriend him. Clarance's own father had died in a car wreck when he was eight years old.

Since then his mother had dated and several men had moved in and then moved out. When Darrage married her, Clarance was surprised. His mother said she'd probably never marry again..and there she was dressed like a teenage bride with a forty year old man next to her. That was when he realized his mother too had aged.

She took off to Europe as he got into a cab to the airport on his own. And now he stood in the doorway of his dorm room.

"Hey" Mark was his new roommates name. He was tall, lean and wearing white boxers..only those boxers. The boys body was tight..and Clarance could feel his gut begin to churn.

"I'm Clarance Moller" he said sticking out his hand.

Mark laughed and shook it "Changing your name to protect the innocent?"

"Naw, married name, now divorced so I use my own fathers name again"

"Bummer. Me too. Divorced I mean..three times" The two became relaxed and Clarance felt more at ease about the school.

He had wanted to stay at his public school for his senior year. There he knew the other kids, had made some school history with records in debating and soccer playing too. He was the youngest student to get a school letter in both when he was only a sophomore and then a second letter when he was a junior.

"Cool. we have soccer team that could use your help" Mark said

Clarance knew they'd be sizing him up. He had already shook hands and played a hard two hours at soccer practice. Even the coach muttered "finally, someone who knows how to play this game" when he left after accepting the "welcome" handshake from the man.

The shower was another step. Mark had seen him naked of course in their room. But this was the shower...where all the boys were buck naked and while acting butch, snuck looks at each others package of penis and testicles...maybe butts too.

Clarance wasn't worried about being looked at so much as he was worried they would see him looking at them..if not reacting.

He suspected he was gay. And had suspected that for years..ever since he got hard watching some military guys in a parade back home. Then watching his classmates on the football field, baseball diamond or at the pool, the urges became more and more pronounced.

"Wanna jack off?" the offer came from a cousin during summer camp when he had just begun to figure out what to do with his penis. Clarance enjoyed learning more with Jack. The mutual satisfaction grew to include blowjobs and cornholing (as Jack called it).

So Clarance knew he was gay and wanted more. But scared to act on any desires less the others brand him a FAG, he quietly masturbated thinking of all the temptations that surrounded his life.

"Hey new guy, what's your name?"

"Clarance Moller" at least he had his last name right.

"Ok ok, leave it..he's my roommate" Mark stepped in for reasons that Clarance didn't understand.

"We were just going to introduce ourselves" the talker faced where Mark and Clarance were under their respective showers. He flicked his cock and waved..."Say hi to the new guy boner"

The group laughed. "You'll have to forgive him. Ryan's our class pervert" Mark said and a tussle between Mark and Ryan ended in some laughter and rolling around the shower room floor.

The sight of two naked kids doing that was exciting to Clarance..and the other there too seemed to enjoy the sight.

"OK" Ryan approached Mark and Clarance at the lockers where they were dressing.

"What are we going to do with you?" others gathered around.

"If you were a freshman we'd make your our class bitch. If you were a sophomore, we'd just shave you and shove you naked outdoors. If you were a junior we'd just make you blow us. So what kind of initiation can we give you?"

"Hell man, he's a Senior" another voice responded to Ryan's taunting.

"yea..there IS that. But all of us got hazed and initiated. So you have to do's our creed"

Clarance looked at Mark. He shrugged as if to agree with what Ryan was saying.

"Ok. I tell you what. Name it and I'll do it. I'm part of this school, class and team now. So, if it's an initiation you want, you got it"

Ryan smiled and others laughed and muttered.

"You don't have to..." Mark began to interupt what he knew was about to happen.

"Shut up Anderson, he's already agreed. But we'll keep it to one night..agreed? Nothing in public..just us seniors. cool?"

"You got it" Clarance said and accepted the slap on his butt that Ryan gave him.

"I'll get back to you..but keep Friday night open"

As Clarance and Mark walked to their room, Mark shook his head.

"Man you don't know what that guy will think of. And if you don't go through with it now, he can do anything to you..the others won't stop him"

"I will do whatever he comes up with" Clarance said looking at Mark.

"Look I know I'm a stranger here. I've upset the groups of friends, even interupted your life. So if I got to go through some stupid adolescent hazing, paddling or whatever for one night...I'll do it."

"I hope you know what you're doing..cause man you're on your own" Mark said.

"It's ok" Clarance said a bit uneasily.

The note was sealed and taped to his door.

"Midnight, Room #414, enter the darkness to see the light"

", I told you" Mark said.

"What's he got in mind?" Clarance said.

"He won't tell me..he knows I'll warn you" Mark said. But a wry smile was across his face. "But I don't think he plans to hurt you...much"

They rolled around on the bed then the floor. Bare chests against each other, arms pulling and grabbing each other, teenage hairy legs intertwining and hips pushing each other.

"Shit..stop stop...." Mark said "Uncle or whatever they say where you're from" Clarance was over the boy pinning his arms to the floor. Mark's erection was sticking out of his boxer short fly.

"Looks like you just started" Clarance said and grabbed the boy's penis and held on.

"You better say Uncle again or I'll drag you out into the hallway by this"

"If you keep doing that, you'll be covered with Anderson sperm!" the boy warned and Clarance made a face of mock horror and let go.

"God then I'll be pregnant with another Anderson? Gawd help us!!"

It was all in fun. But both boys seemed closer because of it. Clarance's own erection poked his cloth in front of him and he saw Mark's eyes staring directly at it.

"We better stop" Mark said "before we both get pregnant"

Mark was gone when the clock alarm rang. Clarance got up and stretched as he pulled on a tee shirt and a pair of shorts.

Room #414 was on the next floor. There were storage areas and the club room on that floor. When the school had larger clases there were dorm rooms there too. But now there were lots of empty rooms.

#414 looked like one of those dorm room. He knocked and there wasn't an answer. Carefully Clarance opened the door and saw it was dark. There was a bit of noise from inside.

So he knew that others were there. He started to reach for a light switch..finding it he flicked it on. But no light came on.

"Enter and kneel pledge" the voice was quiet. He thought it belonged to Ryan but it sounded different.

"ok" he sighed and stepped inside. The door behind him closed.

Clarance kneeled. "now what" he asked.

"Just close your eyes boy" the same voice soothingly instructed. Clarance did as he was told and almost immediatley felt the hood being put on his head. He started to object but then sighed again accepting his fate.

Someone pulled his tee shirt up and off him.

"Stand" the voice said and he did. Immediatley his shorts were being pulled down.

Clarance reached to stop the action.

"Move your hands away" he did as the voice said and was soon standing there naked in the dark..or at least what he perceived was the dark.

The odor of candle wax became more and more pungent so he assumed they had lit some ceremony candles.....some sort of made up ritual was going on he realized.

A hand cupped his balls and cock.

"Who do these belong to?" the voice asked.

"Mine" he said

The hand squeezed. "We all belong to our class. You are either ready to become one with your class or you are not. Remember your pledge"

"They are yours"

The hand squeezed harder.

"They belong to the class" Clarance realized what he was supposed to say.

Another hand was on his bare buttocks.

"Whose ass is this?"

"It's property of the class" Clarance said.

Other fingers, pulled at his nipples.

"And who owns these?"

"The class owns them" he said.


The hands left him and Clarance knelt.

"With this candle I mark you our property"

Clarance yelped as the drops of hot wax landed on his penis. But as soon as the hot sensation occured, it disappeared. He anticipated what was going to happen next and didn't yell as hot wax was dropped on his nut sac which a hand had scooped out from under his cock.

The buttocks stung from the hot wax.

And as the candle's heat moved close to his chest, he knew the wax would be poured onto each nipple. He flinched but didn't make a sound.

"Good. He knows his place" it was obviously Ryan's voice this time.

"You will be bound for our pleasure" the unseen classmate announced.

The gag was awkward at first.but someone adjusted it and Clarance could tolerate it. His wrists too were tied. Clarance had no defense now..his body trembled at the thought of being totally vulnerable.

It was the first time that his mothers second husband had punished him. Clarance bent over so the man could swat him. He was surprised and scared when the man tied his hands behind him and then repeatedly hit him with a belt.

His mother had discovered them and screamed. It was the last time the man ever hit Clarance.

The fingers that pulled, pinched, poked and yanked at him weren't hurting him the way that man had done.

And they were making Clarance reveal his sexual excitement. Visions of Mark naked, as well as the members of the soccer team flashed through his brain as his cock , now hard and oozing precum became a plaything for the unseen torturers.

His asshole swallowed whatever they had greased up. Clarance hoped it was a dildo or something that was safe at least.

He felt the splatter of wetness as someone ejaculated on him...the aroma of men's crotch sweat and jism filled his nostrils.

He was theirs to do with whatever they wanted..and he loved it. His gut knotted and when he exploded the classmates that surrounded him remarked how hard, how far and how much cum he spewed out.

Slowly, the activity died down and soon hands lifted him to his feet and he felt the cool air of the opened door. Someone untied his wrists and then closed the door behind him.

Clarance took the hood off and left it on the floor. His tee shirt and shorts were there on the floor and he carried them, not botherin to put them on as he went back to his dorm room.

After a warm shower he stretched and decided not to jack off his persistant erection..planning to see if Mark was there or not. If not, he'd lay on his bed and replay what just happened in his mind as he played and ejaculated a second time that night.

Mark wasn't there. He stood naked looking out at the quadrangle outside the dorm building. He had done what he promised. And although he knew Ryan was among them, Clarance didn't know who else was there or how many. But he belonged .. based on Ryan's initiation.

The sheets felt cool against his excited skin. As soon as he lay down, the door opened and the silhouette of Mark entered.

"You asleep? How did it go?"

"It was ok..could have been worse..actually not bad" Clarance chuckled figuring it was his secret..even from his roommate.

Mark could be heard in the shower then he came back into the room.

"Got room for me?" he asked

The boy's naked body was so close that Clarance could see the erection even in the dark.

"You sure?"

"I was sure when I was upstairs so I'm sure now"

Mark got into the small bed and the two wrestled, felt, explored and fucked.

Clarance knew that Mark had been with the others upstairs. It was ok. It was very ok.

And this, more then what happened in room #414 was his senior initiation.

Clarance knew he really belonged that night.

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