Senioritis Series

By Steve McSheffrey

Published on Aug 20, 2011



Previously: Danny found out how good it feels to get fucked by a guy. It hasn't changed his basic orientation, straight, but he has been like a kid with a new toy since.

Stefan was made to have sex at gunpoint with his best friend and the teen robbing them at work and found out he had a bisexual side he's started exploring on the sly.

Joey is Stefan's cousin and out but he's been having trouble with satisfying hook ups of late.

Hey. Stefan Cahill here. Have I mentioned the weird year I've had? Me and my best pal were working late one night when a hold up went bad. Well, not the usual way. The guy holding us up made me and Eddie have sex at gunpoint and even joined in. What was really wild is how much we liked it! We discovered a bi side that night and were just screwing around with each other. Then school started and we went to different supply closets by mistake for a hook up but guess what? We still had full on gay monkey sex! Trouble was, no lights and a quick getaway means we don't even know who we did but that hasn't stopped us from trying!

That's what got us here. Me and Eddie are both eighteen year old seniors but his family, just his dad really since Eddie's mom died, decided they had to take a transfer offered. The economy, right? Mister Hollensteiner let him stay since he'd moved back during his senior year eons ago and hated it. Mister H agreed to pay half Eddie's rent but the deal was I had to be his roommate. My parents and his think we're great influences on each other so we got the greatest way to spend your senior year started! Considering how many brothers I had to share just two and a half bathrooms with, the deal is even sweeter for me than it is for Eddie.

I know. Based on what we found out about each other, you'd think we'd only need one bed but it hasn't been nonstop sex between us. Sure, a lot more than there was when we both lived at home but we've both still got girlfriends and both girlfriends still are in the picture. Now nonstop smoking weed? Okay, that one's pretty much a given and our parties are going to be epic. Future tense. Eddie's gotten it into his head that the first one has to be special. Okay. I can do special but our first try went south big time. It was all set and then one of the other hourly managers at work got in a car accident. Eddie had to go in and canceled the party. For some reason Eddie doesn't think the first party will be special enough without him here!

So it's just me and my cousin, Joey Maxwell, hanging out and smoking out. Joey's cool and he and his brother Todd have always been two of my best friends. Joey's had it rough in school though. His first boyfriend Stu outed him and tried convincing everyone that he, Stu, was a straight guy Joey coerced and tricked into bed. Eventually everyone realized Joey being gay wasn't that big a deal. He was the same old Joey, just we knew who he wanted to date now. Eddie's been bringing up Joey a lot lately. One thing Eddie mentions is how alike we look. I guess he's right. Our builds are different what with me being an ex-gymnast and him being a wrestler. What Eddie means is me and my cousin are both good-looking with dark eyes and dark eyes. Joey's mom and mine are twins so all of us kids look more like siblings than cousins. For the record, Eddie is almost as hot as us, with a swimmer's build, out fo control shaggy blond hair, and real blue, blue eyes. I also think Eddie's working up to asking if I'd be cool with us including Joey in our fun and games. I don't think Eddie has against keeping the sex games in the family. I've seen the way he's been looking at his older half-brothers when they've stopped by to check up on us. But do I agree? That's what I've been thinking about as Joey goes on about his latest hook up gone wrong.

Joey's all dressed for being checked out. Even if the party had gone on as planned Joey had been going to stay over. Joey gets ignored by his parents while they obsess over their child actor son Todd and I bet they don't even know how many nights he spends with me and Eddie. I have to admit that now that Eddie's planted the thought, I scope out Joey sexually for the first time ever. I honestly don't see why Joey's been having all the trouble he's been having getting laid. Dressed just in cut off sweats, Joey is one fantastic hunk. His dark nipples are bigger than mine and I start wondering what it'd be like to suckle on them. His legs are very muscled and I start picturing them wrapped around my waist while I fuck him senseless. Yeah, I guess I agree with Eddie that sex with a male relative is more than fine. I'm hard as a rock and ready to crawl over Joey.

"So, Joe, ever hear about kissing cousins? What about fucking cousins?" I wait for a response and realize there isn't one coming. While I was fantasizing what it'd be like to ride Joey hard my cousin has fallen asleep. Damn. I'm tempted to wake him up with a blowjob or something but no, I know for a fact Joey hates that. The boyfriend after Stu, The One He Will Not Name, used to do that shit to Joey and it drove him nuts. Joey won't thank me one bit.

I have to get out and get out quick. Heading out to the balcony, we're on the second floor, I see the pool and get a great idea. Eddie and me keep talking about how cool it would be to dive from the balcony into the pool that is right below us. Okay, not a great idea. I blame the killer weed but here I am, hard as a rock and really tempted to go back and wake up Joey in a way he hates so it's on. The pool isn't closed ever, we all have to sign a waiver saying the complex isn't to blame if we drown swimming real late, and I get up on the railing before I can rethink this. Geronimo!

I hit the water almost as good as Eddie would have, he used to be on the swim team before his mom died and he kinds dropped out of a lot of shit, and it only takes me a second to realize my boxers didn't make the trip with me! Still, there aren't any lights on in the few apartments that face the pool and even if there were, they still wouldn't be able to see that below the water I'm still very hard. The water's warm caress is keeping me just as turned on as before. I'm debating whether to swim or to just reach down and take care of Not So Little Stefan when I find out I was wrong about being seen.

"Looking for these, Stefan?" a voice I know asks and I look over to see that someone has indeed found my traitorous boxers. In the dim lighting it takes me some squinting to figure out why the voice sounds so familiar.

"Hey, Neal." It's Neal Roberson. His kid brother is a good friend to one of my little brothers. I'd seen Neal with his girlfriend who lives on the other side of the complex but this is the first time I've seen the guy when I've been thinking of sex. Damn, but he looks good. Neal goes to a charter school but plays basketball for mine. He's tall with tons of wiry muscle with dark brown hair and dark blue eyes. He's standing there with my boxers in one hand and his T-shirt tucked into his shorts rather than wearing it. It's a good choice and has me wondering what it'd be like to do him. "Give me a hand up." Neal takes my hand and I pull. He laughs when his head comes back up and we wrestle. My plan was to rub against him and get him worked up enough to seduce but Neal is hard in those shorts from the get go. Somebody isn't boning their girlfriend but obviously wants to!

The wrestling turns into grinding together. Neal doesn't look comfortable with it but your dick feeling good can get you to do a lot of things. My hands go under the water, one to grip that thick hard dick through cloth and the other starts unsnapping his shorts

"Stefan, I can't. The pledge-" Whatever Neal was gonna say, he just gasps when someone else's hand wraps around his hardon for the first time ever. I can't believe I'm being this slutty but I'm horned up and stoned. `Least that's the excuse I'll use.

"Dude, Brandon almost went to that school of yours so I've seen that pledge. It says you won't partake of carnal knowledge of girls. Do I look like a girl?" Neal gasps again as I start jacking him. "We do it and you can look anyone in the eye and say you haven't gone against your promise." Neal must agree or just be so horny from visiting his girl that he stops arguing and lets me maneuver him so he's sitting on the top step in the shallow end. His dick is a beauty. It's not as long as Eddie's but it's thicker. I wonder how stretched out it'd make my mouth one second and lean in to find out the next.

"Oh wow. Um, this is wrong, Stefan. My church, ohhh, would freak and-" Taking him to the balls derails that train of thought. "Fuck what the church says. This shit feels so good!" I close my eyes and just go to work, even liking the taste of the pool water added to that natural man cock taste. I like keeping my eyes closed when I go down on a guy. It helps make the parts I like more intense. And it gets me harder than ever tonight. If I thought daydreaming about Joey was the ultimate, boy was I wrong! There definitely needs to be a little give and take here.

"Why'd you stop?" Neal asks, sounding all panicky while his very, very hard cock looks to be vibrating. I go up a stair or two and Neal gulps hard as my dick starts waving in his face. He gets it. "Oh. I, um, I don't know, Stefan. I'm not a cocksucker."

"If you think you can jack off and have as much fun cumming as you would down my throat, keep saying no, Neal." It's not even much of a debate in Neal's mind `cause he just blinks a few times and leans forward. It's a first timer's blowjob for sure but Neal tries. I feel a little bad when I notice he's starting to soften and decide to make this more fun for him. "Come on," I tell him as I pull out and head for the table in the darkest corner. There's still no sign anyone's seen us out here but why risk it, right? Neal lets me lay him down and I crawl over him to start a sixty-nine. Neal's still not that good yet but his enthusiasm level goes up because his hardon is getting expert treatment from me. Neal even almost manages deep throating!

Neal does show signs of innovation. I guess I'd heard of hummers but nothing prepared me for how great it would feel for someone to start making noises around my shaft. It's great! I think he's making words but there's no way to be sure with a dick plugging his mouth and throat. My eyes are still closed and it feels like Neal's hardening impossibly further when I notice we're rocking more. For a minute I guess I just take it as more of Neal's exuberance but then there's this noise nagging at me. I open my eyes, still sucking hard on Neal and right in front fo my eyes is a guy's treasure trail. Looking down I can see the same guy's dick fucking Neal up the ass! That's why he was making the noise.

"Oh fucking Jesus!" Neal rasps out when in shock I jump back to be squatting right behind his head. "Oh lord it's so BIG!" The guy piledriving Neal's virgin ass looks familiar but I can't place him. He's probably around thirty and in very good shape with his chest, his very well developed chest, covered in black hair, and the rest of his body is nicely muscled too. He has black hair in a crew cut and some kind of army or marine tattoo on one arm and he's very handsome.

"What the fuck, dude? Seriously, what the fuck? Get off him!" I'm turned on watching this stranger take Neal and take him hard but I feel bad too. I seduced Neal into mutual blowjobs, yeah, but getting his ass raped? Hot or not it's wrong.

"No, don't!" Neal manages to say before Mister Rape can say a thing.

"You want him to keep going?" I'm shocked but Neal is still as hard as a nail and oozing precum.

"It still kinda hurts but when he's all the way in there's this, oh wow! That. There's that!" With me out of the way our mystery guest leans in more and Neal wraps his long basketball playing legs around his waist to urge a harder and faster fuck. Mister Mystery doesn't last long after that. His teeth clench, he stays bottomed out in Neal, and yeah, totally cumming. Dude gives me like a partial head nod salute and I'm still like `what the fuck' but there's Neal still. His legs are spread wide and his dick looks like two seconds away from blasting off. "That was incredible! I almost shot off just from getting fucked!" Real quick I hop down and take our new friend's place between Neal's legs after the spot gets vacated. There's a splash as he uses to pool to cool down with as I make some serious eye contact with Neal.

"Wanna see if I can push you over the edge?" Neal bites his lip. Yeah, I get it. He can't ask to be fucked. What he can do is throw back his head and moan when I shove my hard cock all the way in him balls deep! I'm number two so I don't waste time building up to a hard fuck and Neal is loving it. I get in closer than contestant number one did, our chests are rubbing, Neal's hard dick is pressed against my six pack, and it's Neal who initiates our first kiss. My head nears his and Neal grabs it and mashes our lips together. He almost bites my tongue off though when that's the final thing he needs to set off a wild orgasm. My load joins the other right after that.

We join the guy that made this possible in the pool as soon as we can breathe again and I realize who he is.

"You're Mister Thorne from downstairs!" I blurt out when it hits me.

"Adam's dad?" adds Neal. That's right. Mister Thorne is a single dad who had his kid young. Adam's a Sophomore. And now that I think about a younger version of Mister Thorne and I wonder if Adam can be made to play too.

"Call me Victor. It's weird hearing someone you just screwed call you Mister Thorne." We relax in the pool for quietly for a bit. "That was wild, guys. I've never gotten any lady to let me screw them in the ass and when I saw you guys going at it on my way home. Well, I'd never had a gay thought in my life, I swear, but there was your ass hiked high, Neal, and everyone knows you gay guys like a lot of sex..."

"I'm not gay!" Neal blurts out. Victor cocks an eyebrow at him. "Stefan was my first blowjob and you were my first fuck."

"Bet it won't be your last," I tease and elbow him. Neal laughs easily, easing any fears I'd had that this was gonna prove too much for him.

"You kidding? I get to have sex, cum like a firehose, and can look anyone in the eye and say I didn't violate my pledge. I might just come see you every time I drop off my girlfriend, Stefan!" Victor coughs. "And you too Mister...Victor. You were awesome too!" It's small talk for a bit after that then Victor carries his work clothes back to his apartment and Neal gets back into his wet clothes. He kisses me goodnight before heading to his car. I finally get back my boxers and have just put them on when I hear a noise from above me.

Joey's on the balcony with a great big grin. Wanna bet he saw everything? Looks like I'll be finding out how he feels about cousins having sex after all...

Next: Chapter 2: Senioritis 2

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