Senioritis Series

By Steve McSheffrey

Published on Sep 30, 2011


Not like gay sex or not old enough? Go away!

Welcome to the latest Senioritis, spinning out of The Rent but also a sequel to Hold Up Gone Good! Enjoy...

Senioritis: Cumming Clean

Diego Cruz, just Cruz to those who knew him best, tried not to think about what had happened when he had tried to rob the Burger Queen a few Friday nights ago. It wasn't his fault that the two white boys had been half naked and looking for any excuse to fuck. They'd tricked him into sex with them, is how he saw things, even if he had been the one with the gun giving orders. For the most part he was successful.

Except when he was in the changing room when his girl made him go to the pool and he saw what was hanging between the other guys' legs. Cruz would sometimes be wondering if the dicks he was seeing would feel as good what the white boys had. Cruz stopped showering after gym class.

And things didn't go well when Ignatius or Naz as anyone under thirty and not related to him calls him, got Cruz into some shit. They don't do it often so why they did it seemed weird to Cruz but Naz had them taking on group of guys from the complex Cruz's family lives in. Cruz had been rolling around on the ground with some kid he thinks is named Hugo when he realized Hugo was built just like the dark haired kid at Burger Queen that had fucked him. Well, Cruz's body had realized it first and had gotten a little turned on. Getting mad and blaming Hugo had helped him kick Hugo's sorry ass but still, no more fighting like that.

Then there was things with his girl, Natalie. Cruz was fucking her more than ever, mostly because thoughts of Eddie, Hugo, and Stefan were keeping him so turned on Cruz had to fuck somebody. So far Natalie wasn't complaining, except to say she was not going to be Cruz's third baby mama, but she was asking what had gotten into Cruz. He knew how she'd react if she knew it was some white boy's cock.

Cruz thought he had a handle on it all that day when they all headed over to Benny's house to take care of business, because his family had a pool and they all were in Mexico because some cousin had died. The guys liked to let everyone in the hood believe they were just another group of Latino gang bangers but Naz was smarter than that. He surrounded himself with guys who were smarter than that. Sure, they threw down with others in the neighborhood but their big money didn't come from running drugs or robbery, Cruz's little adventure at the Burger Queen aside. They designed web sites and even had a pay per view web site of the braver ones having sex with the ladies who were willing.

Tonight it was Berto, Blas, Cruz, Ignatius, Javier, Julio, and Warren chilling out like a million times before. They smoked a little weed, updated the sites that needed work, scheduled the new performances, and every once in a while took a swim. Cruz felt like nothing was wrong in the world when he was with his guys. Cruz was wrong.

"Hey, shithead. Come in here." Cruz's head had snapped up and his eyes flew open when he heard Naz. He's alone by the pool and figures everyone else went inside when he dozed off. Cruz stretches his lean and muscular body and heads in to see what Naz wants.

"You need me to show you guys how it's done on camera again?" Cruz asks as soon as he joins the others. Cruz's been the most willing to be on the site but he is the one chosen the least.

"We're heading out to get more beer and some pizza," Naz answers. He's finishing the last beer as he answers. Naz is powerfully built, like a football player, and Cruz's always admired how hairy his friend's body is. If Cruz were ever honest with himself, he'd admit that Naz's hot, hairy body has been on his mind during more than one late night jack off session. In fact, all his friends here have been.

The hottest looking one is Blas, sprawled all over the couch in his board shorts. He has wild and shaggy black hair but very little anywhere else except for his legs, which Cruz has always noticed because they're so long and muscular. Oh and there's a trail of dark hair starting at Blas' navel and going down into his shorts. Cruz tries not to think of how Blas' bulge looks so much like Stefan's that night before he stripped down. Focusing on Blas' model pretty face doesn't help except when Blas stretches to get back in his shirt.

"You should be safe here. After the way you fought Tuesday I don't ever want to see you fight again," jokes Javier. Javi's the shortest but just as muscular as Naz. Everyone knows Javi copies Naz as much as he can, right down to shaving his head but with a baby face Javier will never look like a tough guy the way Naz does. He does manage to fill the door to the kitchen though. Cruz hates that Javi's made him think about Hugo again. Cruz always gets a chill when he thinks of Hugo on top of him, as if the other boy wanted to spread Cruz's legs and ram his cock up Cruz's tight little ass. Cruz has to move behind the dining room table when his cock threatens to wake up and make a tent of his swim trunks.

Cruz thought he heard Berto snicker around the joint he's smoking in the chair by the other door. Berto plays soccer and has since he could walk. Cruz admits Berto's body sure looks like he has but Berto and Cruz have never gotten along. Berto's little sister being the first girl Cruz knocked up doesn't help. Cruz insisting Berto's shoulder length hair makes him look like a girl only made things worse.

Julio and Warren are called the twins, even though Warren's tall blonde and wiry while Julio is on the short side and built like a tank. Julio's aunt is married to Warren's uncle and the couple took both kids in when the two sets of parents were killed by a drunk driver on a couples night out.

The others head out and Cruz heads to relight the joint Berto left, adjusting his softening cock in his trunks as he does. The voice from the patio door surprises him.

"Thinking about me?" Hugo asks, as if Javi's comment or Cruz's memory had conjured him.

"What are you doing here? Javi will kill you if he sees you." Hugo had gotten in a fight with Javi's kid brother Angel, broken the kid's nose even. Hugo doesn't seem to care. His tall frame slouches against the doorway, wearing only sandals and shorts, a T-shirt tucked into his belt. It's the first time Cruz's seen Hugo this undressed and it doesn't help. Hugo is built like a swimmer and it's clear that he shaves his body for competing. There's some left around his dark nipples and a trail of hair going from his navel to the low slung shorts.

"Javi won't be doing nothing, Cruz. You wanna know why?" Hugo saunters towards Cruz and though he's uncomfortable and has to swallow hard Cruz can not move. "It's because me and Angel used to do things like this." Hugo grabs Cruz's face and kisses him. Hard. Cruz tries resisting. He does. But it's no use. Hugo's wonderful body is pressed against Cruz's and Cruz has to respond. His hands grip Hugo's hard, tight ass and Cruz grinds their barely contained hardons together.

"You and Angel are gay?" Cruz asks when Hugo comes up for air. Hugo whips Cruz's shirt over his head and starts working on Cruz's shorts while suckling at Cruz's neck.

"Yeah. Angel started that fight. I dumped his ass when I walked in on him cheating on me. Javi was mad but when he found out? He even helped me fuck the straight boy Angel had given his ass up too. Javi fucked him too." Cruz was already hardening from that kiss but that last bit puts him at rock hardness. Hugo can feel Cruz's hot hardness through their pants. "You like that, huh. You want Javi to bang your tight little hole too."

"No. No way." Hugo laughs and pushes Cruz back rough so he falls on the couch. Hugo climbs on top of Cruz, using his powerful legs to spread Cruz's. Cruz groans as he feels Hugo is as turned on as he is. "Please, stop. I don't want..." Cruz's voice trails away when Hugo starts nibbling on his ear. The hand that was moving to push Hugo away instead goes to Hugo's back and pulls them closer. Hugo does stop though and holds himself above Cruz so they can look in each other's eyes.

"I understand, Cruz. Honest. Who wants to be gay? Who wants to feel like they're letting their family down and not becoming who they thought they'd be when they were little." Cruz relaxes under Hugo, convinced now Hugo is just going to stop here. If only Cruz didn't feel so disappointed. "But, Cruz? Who you are is who you are. And I know you want this. I've seen proof. Now, we're gonna kiss again and if you can tell me no after, well, I'll just go find someone I don't have to force at gunpoint." For a moment Cruz worries Hugo knows about that night in Burger Queen but then their lips meet and Cruz has troubles of a different kind to focus on!

Hugo doesn't kiss Cruz like he did a few minutes ago. That was for shock and awe. This kiss means business. It starts small and slight but that just makes it hotter for Cruz. It builds and grows and so does Cruz's reaction. First it's kissing back then Cruz's body starts molding to Hugo's. His hands start roaming Hugo's body, cupping his ass then roaming his back. Hugo knows what Cruz's answer is but it isn't enough. Hugo pushes Cruz away a foot or so and smiles at the look of horny confusion.

"Well, Cruz? You wanna do it again or do you want to just get by on memories of how much you enjoyed it?" To be the person he wants to be, the person he dreamed of growing up to be, Cruz knows he should keep on saying no. But he can't. This what he is. This is what he wants. So Cruz answers the only way he can.

"I want it all, Hugo! Let's do it," Cruz moans as he closes the gap again. Hugo's hands go to Cruz's shorts and his own as they kiss again, more urgently this time, and the duo are now naked. Their hard shafts duel and Cruz's longer hardon almost shoots when he feels Hugo's thicker dick caressing the sides of his. Cruz can't take the temptation any more and turns on the couch so that beautiful cock is in his face. He felt swept along with the sex scene he started at the Burger Queen but this time? Cruz knows what he's doing and what he wants. When Hugo's foreskin hits his tongue, it takes all of Cruz's concentration not to blow his load all over Hugo's leg!

Hugo lets Cruz have his fun for a bit but the situation is getting him too horny to just fuck Cruz's face. Careful to not take away Cruz's new toy Hugo maneuvers so he's on his back on the couch and Cruz is immediately with the game. He sucks even harder on Hugo's thick cock while he aims his own cock at Hugo's eager and open mouth.

Hugo lets Cruz set the pace of how much cock he'll swallow and how much he'll feed Hugo. Hugo knows exactly how much experience Cruz has, a fact Cruz will find out soon enough. Hugo grips Cruz's ass and Cruz moans around the hard cock in his mouth. Hugo's thumb glides over Cruz's hole and the moan is so much deeper Hugo nearly chokes Cruz on cum! Cruz starts pushing down Hugo's willing throat less than he's thrusting his back on first one, then two, and finally three fingers that Hugo uses to explore the inside of Cruz's ass. Cruz is about to stop sucking altogether and beg to be fucked when Cruz's world turns upside down. Again.

"Damn. I knew you were gay, Cruz, but not this gay." Cruz's head snaps up and there in the door are Naz and Javi! Cruz drops Hugo's cock from his mouth and would have rushed over to dress but Hugo picks then to pry Cruz's ass cheeks apart again and dive in tongue first. Cruz forgets what he was going to say and just moans a whole chorus.

"I knew he was even before we saw that tape," Javi laughs. This refocuses Cruz on his friends.


"Yeah, tape. Burger Queen has a three camera system, dude. The dudes you raped snagged the tapes and when Teresa didn't believe them about what happened, they gave her a copy." Cruz is horrified, both by the fact there's a tape and that he forgot Naz's wife worked at the place he tried to rob. He also hates the word rape.

"I didn't rape nobody! Those punks liked that shit." Cruz finally manages to disentangle himself from Hugo as he speaks.

"Did you know that before you made them do each other? Did you ask them if they wanted to get it on?" Cruz of course didn't and though his body is still thoroughly turned on, he also starts feeling it burn with shame too. Naz starts unbuttoning his shirt. "I know you're not a bad guy, Cruz, but actions have consequences." Cruz's cock had started to wilt but Naz's hairy and powerful chest starts perking his dick up again.

"Consequences?" he asks, licking his lips. The belt is next and slacks hit the floor, showing Naz is hard and thick in his boxers.

"Yeah. You didn't give a choice, you don't get a choice. Teresa can't have sex because she lost the other babies so you are going to help a brother out here whether you want to or not." Cruz isn't even aware that he crossed the room to Naz or dropped to his knees. All he's focused on is that huge uncut cock and how it hits his taste buds when he takes it in his mouth! Naz's eyes go comically wide and Javi snickers while stripping himself. His cock is cut and a bit curved but definitely weighty.

"Thought you said you didn't know if you could let a guy swing on that thing," teases Javi.

"Changed my mind seeing how good a job these two were doing on each other!" Naz grabs Cruz's head and starts fucking his mouth hard. It's the first time a guy has done this to Cruz and he's surprised to find out how much he loves it.

"Damn good job. Hugo made sure we won't be needing this!" Javi tosses down a very realistic dildo they had brought to loosen Cruz's ass and strides over to Hugo. Javi's rough hands knead Hugo's ass and there's no doubt what Javi plans on doing to it. Hugo has other ideas.

"I don't get fucked," Hugo insists but Javi is undeterred.

"I still owe you for taking Angel's cherry," Javi sneers as pushes Hugo to all fours. Hugo crawls away to his shorts and pulls out his phone. "You don't get Rojas ass without taking some Rojas dick." Javi advances on Hugo again but stops when Hugo shows Javi his phone's wallpaper.

"Still think you're in charge, Javi?" Javi goes pale while Naz is deciding that fucking a guy sounds like a good idea too after all.

"You better hope Javi was right about you being ready," Naz sneers as he pulls Cruz up to his feet before throwing him back on the couch. Cruz hits the cushions in a very uncomfortable way, his swinging hardon even smacking hard against the arm rest before he stops. Cruz barely has time to adjust to this sudden move when he feels Naz grab his hips and his friend's hooded monster pressing against his upturned hole. There's some pain in Cruz's gasp as Naz punches through his barely resisting barrier and steadily sheathes itself within Cruz's body. "Damn, Javi was right. This is great. Not better than Teresa but awesome in a whole different way!" Naz starts sawing in and out of Cruz hard right off the bat, leaving his friend to bite his lip and grip the arm rest hard. It didn't hurt like this when Stefan took him but Cruz is still turned on beyond belief. This is Naz fucking him! They've been friends for years now and Cruz is only now realizing he's been in lust with Naz for much of that time.

A noise calls Cruz's attention and he's shocked by what he says. On the floor Hugo and Javi are going at it too but it's like nothing Cruz would have expected. From how well Cruz knows Javi and how Javi was manhandling Hugo Cruz thought Javi would have Hugo's ankles on his shoulders while plowing Hugo's ass with his thick cock. Instead, Hugo and Javi are having a wild sixty-nine! Javi is on bottom with Hugo's delicious cock fucking his face and Javi doesn't look too pleased. Javi is all red faced and as scowly as one can get with dick in your mouth but that dick of his is very hard still and being well tended to by Hugo's mouth.

Cruz's full attention is back on Naz and the ass pummeling he's laying on Cruz. Naz wraps his arms around Cruz's torso and molds his front to Cruz's back and steps the ramming up a notch. Naz has realized that he can be a lot rougher fucking a guy than he can a girl, not that he's had many. Teresa was Naz's second girlfriend and he had been her third boyfriend but they had realized a month or so in they were it for each other. This is only Naz's third different sex partner and he has decided on some level that Cruz is a keeper. Sex with another woman is unthinkable to Naz but as he drills harder and harder into Cruz, he can see sex with guys is getting off an doesn't threaten what eh feels for Teresa. Sure, he loves Cruz like he loves all his best friends but even if Cruz's got a hole that feels like a thousand hands milking Naz's cock there will be no romantic love.

For their part, Javi has gotten used to the dick parting his lips and is starting to give a more credible blowjob. Part of that might be the naughty erotic thrill he's feeling from Hugo having shifted them so while Javi continues to suck cock, Hugo is rimming Javi like a cheap whore. Javi's heard of this and dismissed it as too gay but with the sexual thrills Hugo's tongue is shooting through him Javi suspects he made a mistake not letting anyone do it before.

"On your back," Naz commands Cruz. Naz's voice is deeper and more gravelly than Cruz has ever heard. It's Naz's sex voice and Cruz loves that he's made Naz talk that way! "Cruz's legs go up in the air and Naz gets between them to rest his dickhead right at the hole it just exited. "This what you want, bitch?" Naz asks with a smile on his face.

"Cruz, I-" is all the answer given before Naz brutally cuts him off with a powerful thrust to start fucking Cruz even harder than before.

"You forget this isn't about you or what you want? You want, you take. That's how it goes, right?" And with that Naz just concentrates on riding Cruz hard and rough. Far from hating it, Cruz loves it! His hands can't find enough places on Naz's body to caress and touch, he tries molding his ass around its invader, and his legs lower to help press Naz even further in. The whole time the longtime friends never lose eye contact, their facial reactions to the escalating sexual ecstacy a major turn on in its own right. When the time cums, the time that Naz bathes Cruz's insides in an almighty load and Cruz starts shooting his seed between their bodies, Naz roughly kisses Cruz, conquering Cruz's mouth as thoroughly as he has Cruz's ass.

A panting Naz finally sees what has been distracting Cruz, just for its grand finale. Hugo is shoving the dildo they brought to open up Cruz with hard and fast up Javi's upturned ass while furiously jacking Javi's cock. Javi cums like a geyser even as Hugo shudders and starts filling Javi's mouth with cum as well. Javi will later be shocked he drank down every drop Hugo fed him but while his prostate was being pounded and his cock milked, Javi was turned on enough that it never occurred to the man to either make Hugo cum anywhere but in his mouth or to keep from swallowing every drop of Hugo's seed. As Naz uses a towel left by one of the swimmers to get the various fluids off of him and Cruz does the same, Cruz can see the scene with Hugo and Javi is keeping Naz's cock from softening as well.

"You motherfucker!" Javi screams as he comes down from his post-orgasmic high and he lunges for Hugo. Javi's fist barely connects with Hugo's face but Hugo was already off balance and the back of Hugo's head smacks into the coffee table with a loud crack. Hugo isn't moving at all buas he grabs Javi to keep him from attacking again.

Naz's main concern was just keeping Javi away from Hugo until he calmed down. They had recruited Hugo for teaching Cruz a lesson so Naz felt responsible. He has no clue how Hugo had maneuvered Javi into what they had just done but it was nearly the exact opposite of what Javi had been bragging he was going to do. Naz can see Cruz helping a groggy Hugo sit up so that's one less worry. All Naz has to do now is hold Javi down until he can be reasoned with. Only a guy as straight as Naz wouldn't realize the position he was getting him and Javi into.

Hugo and Cruz grin when they see it and it's almost an exact duplicate of the second position Naz fucked Cruz in. Javi is on his back, his arms held down by the wrists by Naz well over his head, and his still hard dick being rubbed by the hair on Naz's rock hard abs. Javi's legs are splayed with Naz's still hard cock pointed right at his ass, right at his hole. Javi gets the implications first and tries getting away but Naz misreads this as another attempt to get at Hugo. Naz moves a little too hard, a little too quick, and these two best friends gasp.

"Naz! Naz, you're, you're IN me!" The look on Javi's face is almost comical in its panic as the head and about an inch of Naz's shaft have sunk into the hole loosened up by Hugo. Naz barely sees Javi. All he can focus on is how great the tip of his dick feels. It's even better than Cruz's ass! Naz is afraid if he moves at all he'll lose control and repeat with Javi what he just did with Cruz.

"Fuck you, Javi," Hugo sneers. "Really. Fuck. You." Hugo's foot lashes out and connects hard with Naz's muscled ass. The force of Hugo's kick and Naz instinctively moving away from it has Naz balls deep in Javi in one second. Javi's head falls back and his teeth are gritted, the muscles in his neck looking like cables from the strain. Naz's eyes roll back in his head and he finds out he was right: If he entered his friend any further than he already had, Naz was going to have to fuck Javi. And he does. He starts out with shallow thrusts, keeping most of h is mammoth log nestled all the way inside Javi but those become deeper as Naz continues to pump. Under him, Javi does relax, moving so he can look in the face of the man taking his cherry.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Naz mumbles with every deepening thrust. Javi's biting his lip, Hugo and Cruz are watching with mouths agape, and both see that Javi's gripping the rug hard with both fists. Hugo gets a knowing smile and still a little woozy, pulls Cruz to the rutting straight boys.

"Shut up," Javi hisses, which only sets off another round of `I'm sorry'. "No, shut the fuck up with being sorry and start fucking me!" Cruz and Naz are shocked, Naz so shocked he freezes with his mammoth log all the way bottomed out in Javi. Javi moans and there is no doubt in anyone's mind that it's a moan of pure pleasure.

"So you liking that shit, huh, Javi?" Javi starts to answer but Naz jerks a little inside hima and Javi's first attempt is another moan.

"Fuck you, Hugo. It's gotta be Naz's dick or something but when it hits this spot all the way in in," and Naz takes that as his cue to pull out and slam in hard, "oh fuck me, it feels like my whole body's gonna cum. God, fuck me, Naz. Fuck me HARD!" With a grunt Naz does just that and starts pummeling Javi's ass even harder than he did Cruz's. Javi writhes and moans under Naz and Cruz can see something very familiar in Naz's eyes. It's curiosity. Naz is wondering how even his big dong could be enough to make something like buttfucking feel this good to Javi. Cruz knows curiosity like this very well and wonders if he can use it to get a shot at fucking Naz in the future. That's the future. Right now is learning if the highly turned on Javi learned anything from Hugo's lessons. Cruz gets down on the floor by Javi, grabs the back of his head and pulls it towards its second leaking cock of the night. Javi doesn't even resist. Cruz lets Javi set the pace for fear of ruining this fantasy come true but Javi attacks his second cock with even more fervor than he did his first. Hugo tries the same with Naz but fails so decides Cruz's at the right height to give as well as receive. That's too much for Cruz and Javi has to guzzle to keep up with a load that shouldn't be as big as it is considering Cruz came ten minutes ago. Hugo pulls out of Cruz's mouth and with just a few jerks of his hand is spraying cum all over Javi and Naz. Free of the distractions Javi and Naz go into their end game as well. Javi's powerful muscles force Naz on to his back and Javi takes over the pace, bouncing up and down on Naz's cock so hard Naz is positive his pelvis will be bruised tomorrow. When his second cumming hits Naz decides that a little soreness is worth feeling as if his cock is going to shoot off with an orgasm as explosive as he gets. Before Naz quite comes down from his high Javi lifts up and gets his cock right in Naz's face. Where Hugo failed Javi succeeds and Naz has barely wrapped his lips around Javi's cock when he cums too. Naz finds he likes this act too and follows it up with tender kisses to Javi, letting Javi taste his own seed some.

By the time the guys can breathe normal again, they see they're alone but they hear splashing in the pool. Not even bothering to look for their clothes tehy head out and find Cruz using the pool to cool off and clean up. They decide to do the same. Naz does anyways. Who knows what Javi had planned before Naz had pushed him in the water.

"Hugo chicken out?" Javi sneers when the initial horseplay dies down and they're enjoying a cool pool on a very hot Phoenix night.

"Hugo decided to wait to see you again when you both calmed the fuck down. He had a pic of you doing that guy that did Angel, right?" Cruz takes Javi's grumbling as a yes. "So you decided that messing around with Hugo was better than a picture text getting sent."

"Not that dildo," hissed Javi.

"Hoss, I think you agreed to anything. It just sucks Hugo's anything was a lot more than yours." "Javi, I think you should just let it go. It was your idea to use Hugo to be sure about Cruz. And about what we did..."

"Don't start apologizing again, dude. That shit was awesome. I don't think it turned me bi or gay but I've never got so hot ever. I'm already planning on getting you drunk and having you do me again!" Naz's relieved to hear that `cause he was already thinking of the same strategy.

"Hey, I thought I was gonna be getting Naz through Teresa's pregnancy." Both young men look seriously at Cruz.

"Cruz, I'm not even sure we're gonna be friends after tonight. I still can't believe you'd wave an unloaded gun and make two White boys go at it with each other."

"How'd you know it was unloaded?" Javi answers for Naz.

"Ell, we were both there the night your mom got killed. I don't think any of us can touch an loaded gun." There's a long silence while they all remember that horrible night six years ago. "You know, I don't know shit about you. Forget rape. I didn't think you could touch an unloaded gun, forget loaded." Cruz sighs. It's bad enough he's had to realize a lot of lies he's been telling himself, he's now got to share them.

"I've got no excuse, guys. I can see what I was hiding now but you couldn't have told me shit the day before I went to the Burger Queen. I think all my crazy fuck ups, screwing any girl I could, doing things like the hold up, were all about me trying to feel like a real man. Before tonight I didn't think you could be a real man and like dick." Javi's total surrender to getting fucked was the last thing Cruz needed with that. Javi pretty much defines manly. "If you want me out, I'm out. I'm ashamed of how I acted, especially with those two guys."

"Eddie and Stefan." Cruz looks at Naz blankly. "Those two guys have names and they've been damn good to Teresa so respect them. What do you think, Javi?"

"I think he's being real. Maybe for the first time since his first nut." And that's it. Cruz is back in their good graces. There's still talk about squaring things with Eddie and Stefan and even more talk about how they keep them getting each other off tonight between the three of them. Repeat it often but definitely keep it a secret. The others had been told to keep away while Javi and Naz had it out with Cruz, not knowing what it was all about and came back when called. Cruz officially came out to the whole group and it turned out only Berto hadn't figured out Cruz was gay before Cruz did. Javi thinks Blas might have been eyeing Cruz speculatively with the news and would look into that later. It turned into a real party with the guys finding out that Cruz was a much more fun guy to hang with now that he wasn't repressing anything.

And Cruz? The new gay, sane Cruz? He's finally free to be the guy he's always been supposed to have been and there are guys out there who are gonna love this new attitude. Twice in one night if they're lucky!

Next: Chapter 3: Senioritis 3

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