Senioritis Series

By Steve McSheffrey

Published on Jun 18, 2012


Too young to read porn in your area or it's illegal there. Then stop, okay? Author retains all rights. To clean a tub use cheap hair shampoo and a scrub brush. (If you don't like bending over, use a long-handled brush.) Commercial cleaners do an excellent job and so will vinegar, but do not use it on marble.

Eddie Woods is straight. Any of his friends will tell you that. He lost his cherry at thirteen to a girl at an away game and has been banging girls steady ever since. He almost always has a girlfriend and when she doesn't put out, there's plenty of girls who will for a guy who's on a winning football team. There isn't a gay bone in his body.

Everyone will say he's straight. Even the guy ramming his huge dick in and out of Eddie's ass will say it and so would the two guys fucking next to them. Sure, his dick is so hard it looks like it could spew any second, even without touching it but there is a logical explanation.

It started when Eddie was hanging out with Danny Castle, the kicker for varsity at Oscar Wilde this year and all around golden boy. They were talking about the team, Orin's girlfriend being overseas, football in general, all the usual shit while kicking ass on Halo when they heard a commotion downstairs. Danny and Orin have always been good friends and great teammates but they've gotten closer lately. They're both technically blondes but as soon as Eddie was old enough to start dyeing his brown he did. Danny's tall, dark, blonde, and has very dark green eyes and a slim, trim hard body. Eddie's taller and just as much of a muscle boy, but still no more of a hulk than Danny. Both good looking, Danny has Eddie beat. Eddie's normal good looking but Danny could model.

Danny and Eddie were just hanging out when they heard a noise from downstairs in the Castle home. It didn't take long to figure out what was causing the ruckus because they heard Gus Pappos soon enough. Him and Danny have been best friends since grade school but that might be over. Gus sounds angry and Danny sighs and rolls his eyes as soon as they realized they heard Gus.

"You lied to me!" yells Gus as he stormed into the room. Gus? Gus is massive. He's probably six six and even his muscles have muscles. He's let his very black hair grow out so it's wild curls and his face is classic Greek, all dark eyes, full lips, and stubble. Gus also has the hairiest chest on the football team. "You said you were going to check out that campus with your cousin!"

"Of course I lied to you. There's no way I was going to get to hang out and just chill if you knew I was home."

"You're not even sorry you were caught! Do you know what it felt like finding out from Eddie's cousin that he was hanging out tonight here with you? My best friend and a Junior knows more about what you're doing than I do."

"Best friend? Get a grip, Gus. We haven't been friends since you started fucking me." There's something else Danny and Eddie have in common, straight guys that get fucked. And enjoy it. They even found out the same night. A group was punking the old quarterback because he was being abusive about using some junior's ass on the down low and in the middle of that wild scene someone assumed Eddie's virgin ass wasn't. He got taken a few times that night, tagged even, and found out after the hurt fades it's kinda hot having some other straight dude dicking your ass. Danny enjoys it even more. He calls his very sensitive ass a mangina and Danny will take on any guy willing to keep it a secret. Turns out Gus already had experience as a top with guys and he'd thought Danny's ass would never be on the menu. Gus has been making up for lost time every chance he can, screwing Danny as often as possible.

"What the fuck are you talking about? I still hang out with you more than I do my own family."

"True but we've stopped talking, we've stopped hanging out with other buds, and we don't even game anymore. The second we're alone, anywhere, all you want is my ass and I'm sick of it."

"But you love it." Gus sounds bewildered and lost.

"You're a great fuck, Gus, but I miss having conversation that don't start with `bend over'." Gus glares at Eddie and Eddie just know he's gonna start in on him. Gus knows it can't be him so Danny must be lying to sneak around to have sex with Eddie. "Oh god, grow up. Eddie and I are just playing. You've been there every time Eddie's fucked me and he hasn't touched me tonight. And you know what? Neither will you, ever again. If you can't be friends with who you're fucking, then you won't be fucking me." Danny and Gus stare at each other for what feels like forever and then Gus punches a hole in the wall of Danny's bedroom and stomps back out. He knocks over Danny's youngest brother Patrick, who looks like a younger clone of Danny. Patrick's shirt is missing and his friend Mark Lucas helps him up and the friend is just in a shirt and boxers. Three guesses what they were up to when Gus showed up.

"I'm sorry, Danny! Gus has a key remember? Me and Mark were just getting started, you know, when we noticed it wasn't Orin coming home. We tried stopping him. Honest!" Patrick idolizes Danny and looks like he's about to cry. Danny assures Patrick this is all on Gus not them and shoos them out and tells Patrick not to moan so loud this time. Their dad might be out of town but it'd be good practice so he doesn't get caught. If there was any doubt what the boys were up to, they are out of there so fast sex had to have been involved.

"Mark's been here every time I have lately, Dan. Him and Pat boyfriends now?" Danny shrugs, looking to Eddie like he's still reliving the fight with Gus.

"Huh? Oh, I don't think so. If they are it was an accidental byproduct." It takes Danny a moment to realize that's not enough explanation. "Mark's mom has cancer, bone cancer. Stage three or four."

"God, there aren't words for how much that sucks."

"And she has an old school doctor who barely explains things to Mrs. Lucas and nothing to Mark. He started accepting Patrick's invites so he could accidentally run into Dad and get a real explanation of what was going on. Just last week Dad took over her case even `cause he thought the other doctor was handling the family so bad." Danny goes all quiet then and for a second Eddie's afraid he's going to go all emotional. He's thrilled when instead Danny heads for some pot. Eddie loves Danny but they have never cried on each others' shoulders. Halo's forgotten and pretty soon the seniors are sprawled out on his huge ass bed, saying very very little. Eddie's seeing patterns in the stucco ceiling, thinking how rich kids have the best shit.

"I should call Gus," Danny finally says. He's moved so they're too close and Eddie can feel his body heat.

"Were you honest?" Eddie asks.

"Yeah. You've seen how he is with the girls that chase the football team. That's what I feel like."

"Then don't call. Let Gus think about it. Next moves's his." Then Danny kisses Eddie and Eddie kisses him back. Normally Eddie doesn't like this part. Getting fucked until he cums doesn't make Eddie feel as gay as when a guy's tongue is down his throat but this is different. They're high and Danny needs this. Eddie only stops when Danny's hands start undoing his pants. "Don't."

"Don't what?" he asks, freeing Eddie's now very hard cock and squeezing it like any guy would enjoy.

"Don't make me a replacement for Gus." For a second I think Danny's gonna get mad but instead he lets go and gets up, heading for the door.

"Come on. We stay here and you know we'll be doing it. I want to cut down on problems, not make new ones." Danny's ass catches Eddie's eye as he heads for the door and there's regret. He's learning to appreciate the male form for more than sports and Danny does have an amazing ass. Eddie's starting to wonder if he was a wee bit too hasty turning down sex with Danny but decides he was right. Eddie isn't as tight with Danny as him and Gus are with each other but Eddie considers both Danny and Gus both good friends. Tomorrow he could bone Danny no big deal but now? Now it'd mess up his friendship with both guys.

At first Eddie thought Danny was gonna have us join Mark and Patrick. Eddie's glad to be wrong. The worst part of getting fucked by his cousin Ricky is he's a year behind them at school. Mark and Patrick are a year behind that. Seriously wouldn't bother Eddie during but it would bug him later. Walking past Patrick's rooms proves his point. Patrick left the main door open, probably to tempt the older boys, and it does work. Patrick's head is hanging off his bed and you'd think by his face he was high. Mark has an ankle in each hand holding them as far apart as possible and is ramming Patrick's drug in and out of his ass like he's punishing Pat. Right that second Eddie could easily go for replacing Mark or Patrick. Even though it'd damage him and Danny's friendship Eddie's even rethinking fucking Danny.

Until Danny heads straight out one of the back doors. Is Danny after outdoors sex? If so, will be they be outed when spotted? Is there someone out there Danny wants to seduce or share him with, Eddie thinks. Danny realizes Eddie's not right behind him any more by the time he starts rounding the corner. He sighs heavily. Danny knows full well what his friend's problem is and he's going to have to solve it. Finally.

"Eddie, do you trust me?" Eddie shakes his head yes. "Do you think I don't know what's fucking with your head?"

"If you do, you're doing better than me. I just froze here."

"Come on," Danny says and grabs his buddy's arm. Eddie is nearly robotic until they get to the pool. There's no one around and after pushing Eddie onto one couch and sitting in one facing it only then does Eddie relax.

"Okay, spill. What kind of motivational speech do you have for me?"

"Nah, just something I've noticed because we've been friends for so long. Eddie, you have got to stop letting sex control you. You need to take charge or you're gonna go nuts!" Eddie doesn't appear to get it. "Eddie, when's the last time you decided you were going to have sex? Not agree to it but went after it." Eddie opens his mouth to give Danny a quick answer then shuts it. Realization crawls across his face.

"Miriam. Two months ago." Danny says nothing. "Damn. I've never made the decision to have sex with a guy. Huh."

"And if you weren't following me upstairs, if you weren't letting me decide on the sex, would you be in Pat's room?"

"Oh yeah. It was there."

"And you let your cousin basically blackmail you into sex when you can out him just as good as he can out you AND you can kick his ass." Eddie sees the pattern now. "And I think that's why you're usually so fucked in the head right after you get fucked in the ass. You go along because it feels great but it's almost always with guys you really don't want to do it with or at times you'd rather not to."

"So I should be a gay slut instead?"

"Am I gay slut, Eddie?" Eddie laughs and is about to joke when he notices Danny has serious face on.

"Nah. What you did upstairs with Gus, that was no slut thing. It wasn't right, it was messing up something more important, so it stopped happening." Eddie sighs. "I'm not you, Danny. I don't know what I want, not really. What if I choose and it's still fucked up?"

"Then you've earned the consequences and deal with them. That's gotta be better than dealing with consequences someone else picks for you." Eddie has to agree and having this all laid out for him is making him feel better already. He knows what he's going to do about his cousin, what he's going to try to think when he stumbles into one of these sexual situations, and then it hits him.

"You were kinda hoping I wouldn't figure any of this out tonight. There's someone out here you want me to sleep with." Eddie's not mad. Danny did stop when he saw Eddie freaking out and what Danny told him could have canceled out any plans made. Danny showed Eddie's peace of mind was more important, like a true friend.

"Well, you remember Felix?" Eddie snorts. Felix almost took his cherry by accident. He wonders if Felix regrets that, seeing as how no one stopped the next guy that tried in time. Eddie assumes Felix feels like it should have been him that took Eddie's anal virginity, not an exchange student who's not even in town any more. "Turns out he's a lot more bi than him and Orin thought when Orin seduced him. There's this guy that's the son of one of his mother's friends. Felix REALLY wants to have sex with Julio but he's stumped. They've had convos that have Felix thinking Julio could be had but Felix doesn't want to bottom."

"And I've done that plenty." Still, he does enjoy it, Eddie admits to himself. "So Julio's a straight guy that can probably bent if I put out and it'll help Felix bend him further later. How'd you know I'd think that was fucking hot?" Danny laughs.

"I didn't. I thought it was so fucking hot it was worth seeing if you'd go along." This time when Danny starts off again Eddie is right there with him. And Eddie's thinking. Danny's right that he has to take charge. Eddie was nearly team captain this year. He shouldn't be the guy letting things happen to him. Eddie should be driving the bus and he vows that starting tonight he does!

The two find Felix and his friend Julio working on the pool house, painting one of the walls. Felix looks just like Eddie remembers, not very tall, dark eyes and hair with that hair just down to his shoulders and wavy. Painting must be hot work because those doing it are just in Speedos so Felix's hair, very well muscled body is on display tonight.

Julio defies expectation though. With a name like Julio and a being a friend of Felix's Danny and Eddie just expected him to look Mexican. It's a natural assumption. Julio looks more like California surfer dude than anything else. He's very tall, probably six three or four, with very blonde hair and it looks like green eyes from what they can see. Julio is also very wiry, built like a runner, and even from this distance they can see Julio's red Speedo is packed very, very full. What seals the deal for Eddie and how he is going to take charge are Julio's full lips. Eddie decides those fine lips are going to see action tonight!

"Hey, Felix. I know you're on the clock for this but can you look at a hole some asshole friend just punched in my bedroom?" Danny acts like he didn't notice Julio was there and then exaggerates how he takes in what Felix and Julio ware wearing. "Oh. Did we ruin your plans?" Danny's a bit too vague so the hint flies right over Julio's head.

"Hey, Felix! I haven't seen you since the party. You been avoiding me?" If Felix is thrown at all by Eddie's too effusive entrance he recovers quick enough that Julio doesn't see. You see, at that party where Eddie was fucked for the first time, by someone who hadn't known Eddie was a virgin that way, Felix had tried first and had been rebuffed. Eddie had irrationally blamed Felix for the whole chain of events and their last conversation had been heated and unpleasant. Despite Danny's assurances that Eddie would be cool tonight Felix had retained doubts so this friendly guy threw him. "I keep thinking how I should have just let you have what you wanted. Dirk wound up just taking it later anyways." Eddie rubs his ass suggestively just in case Julio hasn't gotten the message yet."

"You guys done for tonight? You've got weed, Danny's got some beer stashed, and we can hit the pool." Felix is up for it but Julio says he still has a patch to do so Eddie and Danny join in. Eddie's got his swim suit on under his shorts so he strips down to just them and his sneakers. The Castle pool here is heated so cool nights don't mean cold swimming and Eddie always visits prepared. Danny just strips down to his almost a thong underwear. Eddie's painted before but Danny hasn't and all three guys have fun with how bad he does but they do eventually finish.

"It's just us. Dad's out of town and I missed a text from Pat saying he'd be staying at Jamie and Mark's tonight." Danny grins and Eddie knows his friend is also assuming Pat is going so he can bed Jamie too. After a quick bowl and a beer each, the foursome heads for the Olympic size pool. Pretty soon it devolves into horse play between Danny and Felix while Eddie and Julio sit on the edge with another bowl and another beer.

"I've been wondering," Eddie asks when he thinks Julio is sufficiently stoned, extending his hand. Julio takes it but his eyes finally go to the obvious hardon in Eddie's suit. Here's where Felix finds out if his prep work was any good. "Did we interrupt something? Danny said Felix was going to have some help but we never expected the Speedo. Felix screws you too?" Julio's eyes go comically wide and he backs away from Danny, waving his hands like he can keep the gay off him.

"God, no. We're just friends. He's a guy. We'd never..." Then it hits Julio and his eyes seem to grow wider. "Felix fucks you? But you're Eddie Woods. And that's THE Danny Castle..."

"Ah, a football fan," Eddie jokes. "And Felix has never done me. Others have but not Felix. Yet at least." Eddie grins at Julio's confusion. In the pool Danny and Felix's fun has slowed down some. They aren't being too obvious, doing some splashing, but just enough so Julio doesn't realize everyone's interested in how he takes it.

"But you dudes are straight. Two girls on my street have done you, Eddie. Is it all an act?"

"Nah. Me and Danny are still straight. It's just another way to get off and easier. None of that bullshit you have to go through to get in a girl's pants. You ask a guy if he wants to, you get a yes or no and no drama. Well, unless you pick a guy who's insecure but that's easy enough to avoid." Danny and Felix can see that Julio is weighing what Eddie's said. "And what's with your accent? You're White as Danny but you sound like one of those kids at school who grew up where only Spanish was spoken at home."

"My mom, my birth mom, was whiter than Danny but my folks died when I was a baby. My dad's sister raised me, and they're the only dad and mom I really remember and yeah, they speak mostly Spanish at home. That's how come I'm Julio Valverde and I don't look like it." Eddie hands Julio another beer, glad switching to normal talk is getting Julio composed again as planned. "You think I'm odd looking for my name? My brother's name is Warren Young and he looks as Mexican as they come. His mother was Dad's sister and she his parents died in the same wreck some drunk caused. Dad and Mom barely survived but Mom could never have kids of her own. Probably for the best, she says, `cause she says me and War are a handful."

"I'll say," Eddie leers and stares at Julio's crotch. Julio blushes. "So, Danny's about to get his ass banged by your buddy's big cock. You interested in getting off too?"


"I don't mean you getting banged. Don't worry. You have a problem at all with two guys getting each other off?"

"Hell no. One of me and War's best friends just admitted he was queer. We've known Cruz since grade school so I think we all knew he was gay before Cruz did. We're still buds, always will be."

"You ever think of letting Cruz help you squeeze one off?"

"Never!" Julio answers too quickly and even blushes so everyone knows he's lying.

"Well, I'm offering." Julio bites his lip and all three with him are sure he just needs tipped over the edge.

"Julio, just watch me and the football player get started. If it makes you too uncomfortable you can back in the pool house." Julio shrugs at Felix but he's still very tense. "I think you'll like this shit too though, bro. It's why the topic's kept coming up." Julio does finally put together how much he and Felix had been talking lately about when it's okay to let a guy service you and how. Julio has to admit it didn't sound bad when it was theoretical. Julio had even mentioned some of it to Warren a few nights after they'd turned out the lights and turned in.

"Go on, guys," Eddie adds. "Blow him, Danny." Danny raises an eyebrow. Eddie knows that giving head really isn't Danny's thing so he must have an idea. Trusting Eddie, Danny decides to do as his friend wants. Felix doesn't catch this and doesn't really care. He doesn't really know Eddie at all and only knew the Castle boys fairly casually before he started fucking all three of them. All he needs to know is Danny, Orin, and Patrick all love a dick up their asses.

Felix swims to the last step in the shallow end and Danny is moments later on his knees there with his underwear somewhere ta the bottom of the pool. Danny grins at Felix and tugs the Speedo down to his father's employee's to the ground. Doctor Castle employs three college guys at least to clean the bigger messes on the grounds, ones that go above and beyond what the housekeeper and maid should have to look after. Felix has been the only steady one of the three for almost two years now and the only one so far to find out how hot it is to fuck his boss' sons and their friends. Now he's about to find out if Danny's mouth is as talented as his little brother Patrick's.

Felix is already a little hard when Danny's lips around his uncut head. Julio can't help a little moan as he watches. Despite his modest success getting local girls in the sack, Julio has yet to get a blowjob. As good as fucking the football star standing next to him sounds based on hints Felix had been offering, Julio would settle just for his first blowjob. It's just a little weird for him watching it be a guy giving one to Felix of all people. Julio has never seen Felix hard before but pretty quickly gets his first look as Danny starts bobbing up and down Felix's full and impressive length. Felix makes eye contact with Julio and smiles. Julio thinks it's because Danny's deep throating Felix and taking the hard face fucking Felix is laying out. Julio would run screaming from the room if he knew the real reason behind Felix's sly smile. Felix is picturing Julio on his knees with Felix's cock between his lips and even Julio's legs on his shoulders as Felix fucks his friend's tight virgin hole.

Julio knew Danny and Felix's show was getting to him but he was so riveted on watching Danny's expert blowjob that he didn't realize how much. Not until Eddie's hand snakes over and grabs his hard cock through the material that is now barely covering it. Julio's first reaction is to move away and slug Eddie. Before he can, Eddie's hand starts moving on Julio's shaft. One second `get away' was going to come out of Julio's mouth but now all he can manage is a low moan. Everyone else knows Julio's a goner.

"Looks good?" teases Eddie, pushing Julio's Speedo down past his balls.

"Oh yeah. I thought it would but I couldn't get my head around it." Julio shudders as Eddie starts slowing jacking off his steel hard cock.

"Your dick feels like it wants some lips around it," Eddie teases. Julio doesn't answer. "Yo still okay? Just `cause your dick likes what you see doesn't mean you have to just give in and go for it." Danny almost can't believe his ears as Eddie keeps working Julio expertly. He knew Eddie was a smart guy, he is in all honors classes after all, but it's clear to Danny has already thought about Danny's advice and used it to decide how he was going to act. Danny even thinks he knows what Eddie's angling for from Julio.

"Dude, if you're just gonna go all passive at least bend over," Eddie jokes. Now THAT gets a reaction from Julio.

"No! I just...Eddie? I didn't think I'd have to decide something so huge tonight. But..." and all ears are focused on Julio's next words, "but if you wanna blow me, oh god, go ahead. I want a blowjob." Felix almost cums just hearing those words.

"Sure but it'll cost you..." Julio tenses again but makes no move to stop Eddie's hand slowly stroking his dripping hardon. The second hand going to Julio's balls just makes him less likely to bolt. "Don't worry. I don't want your ass. I can get ass, male or female, easier than this. No, I'm just tired of not getting the one thing I want most and I want it from you before I let you fuck me silly."

"What do you want?" Julio is almost whispering.

"Not much. Just a blowjob too. Suck my cock for a few minutes and you can have me any way you want me." Eddie knows he's freaking Julio out some but he also has proof that it hasn't caused Julio to be any less turned on.

"I don't know, man. That's just so..." Julio doesn't say gay but there's no doubt what he means.

"You're in a room watching a friend you're sure is straight getting his dick slobbered on by a guy and that guy is a bonafide football star." Eddie slips in the pool and moves between Julio's legs. The suit comes the rest of the way off and Eddie spreads Julio's legs wider. A little shift and it looks to Julio like Eddie's head is going to come down to his crotch. Julio even feels Eddie's hot breath on his precum glistening head. Then Eddie straightens up and pressing his hard stomach against Julio's very excited cock, gets his face inches away from Julio's face instead.

"Admit it. You were hot to have me keep going. Hot enough to do anything." Eddie leans in again and starts licking at Julio's pink nipple while his hand returns to Julio's now even harder shaft. Then he stops and steps back. Julio's eyes are glazed. The pot, the beer, and the extended tease have Julio's head spinning like nothing has ever before. And he's turned on like never before. Eddie wins.

"Okay," Julio rasps out.

"Okay what?" teases Eddie. Julio manages the almost impossible: He looks at Eddie with a look that manages to combine equal amounts exasperation and horniness.

"Okay, I'll suck your dick but what you do to me had better be damned worth it," Julio spits out. Eddie just gives the guy a shit eating grin as he stands and then gets up out of the pool without letting Julio move. Julio is now sitting between Eddie's legs with a mostly soft dick swinging in his face. Julio's never had any dick this close and had never before even considered sucking one. In the idle daydreams Cruz and Felix had inspired lately Julio had thought of getting blown by some anonymous guy he never fully pictured. Now he was going to do the sucking and it was one of the best known football players in the city he was going to suck. For some reason that cranks Julio's lust up a little. He opens wide and it's Eddie's turn to moan when Julio sets to work.

It was tough for Eddie to fight being hard but he hadn't wanted to scare Julio with a monster dripping precum right off the bat. Eddie'd also decided part of his fantasy was growing hard inside someone's mouth. Sure, it meant picturing his grandma's tits a time or two while he seduced Julio but it was turning out to be worth it. Julio might be a beginner cocksucker but the important word there is cocksucker!

And Julio? Julio is having yet another revelation tonight. The first was that guys who he thought were entirely straight were having sex with each other and still considered themselves straight. The next was that the sight of one guy blowing another could get him turned on. Julio considers part of that the fact that a guy touching him could get him even more turned on. But the latest? The latest is the reality of taking a dick in his mouth. Julio has found out that he likes it! As Julio grapples with the fact that Eddie's hardening dick tastes good he tries to justify it. Julio realizes every put down he's ever heard or made of sucking cock, it's always been about it being unmanly to want to do it. No one has ever said that it tasted bad and felt wrong. Julio's finding it quite the opposite. It's even a wild turn on for Julio to feel Eddie quickly going to full hardness as Julio tightens his lips and starts lathing it with his tongue as he bobs. Julio moans when he tastes Eddie's precum for the first time. Julio loves that too! It's as if the pre bastes the already great taste of Eddie in his mouth and Julio suckles hungrily on the head for more.

"So you like this, Julio?" If Eddie sound surprised it's because he is. He's seen guys like Danny take to getting fucked right off the bat but not sucking cock. Eddie expected a perfunctory suck before having to give his ass up for Julio. Eddie loves BJS so much that would have been enough and he was also furthering Felix's agenda with Julio. Instead Julio is already giving Eddie one of his best blowjobs ever. And the surprises aren't done yet. Julio's remembering how much he loved popsicles as a kid. Julio can remember being able to take the whole thing in his mouth at once. There was even one time when his and Warren's babysitter had her boyfriend over and the guy had a little fun once he'd seen Julio's skill. He had put the popsicle between his legs and had called his girlfriend back in as Julio bobbed up and down on it. Julio and Warren hadn't understood then why the girl had freaked out but Julio sure does now. Julio even wonders if he can do the same thing with Eddie.

"Oh, that is so good," Eddie moans as Julio manages to deep throat him not even five minutes into giving his first blowjob. Julio was wondering if this is making him less of a man but Eddie's dick tastes so good and feels good filling his mouth that Julio stops even wondering. Julio has never felt this turned on ever, not even the when Meribel Santos was the first girl he ever screwed. Danny and Felix have stopped their own sex play to move in closer to watch Eddie and Julio and both are amazed by Julio's proficiency. "Danny, you gotta have some of this. Do you mind, Julio?" Julio feels Danny's cockhead grazing his cheek and doesn't answer in words. Julio just slips off of Eddie's rod and starts taking Danny to the balls without missing a beat.

"Oh. Ohhhh..." Danny is in heaven immediately. His girlfriend is spending senior year abroad in a student exchange and she had been the only person who gave head the way he likes. Julio just might top her! Danny is just above average but it still amazes him how easily Julio can deep throat him and after so little experience. Danny normally prefers cumming while his prostate is getting banged but he's seriously considering dropping a load down Julio's talented throat.

"Do it," Julio hears in Eddie's sex hoarse voice and a dickhead wet with precum hits his cheek. Danny's choice about whether Julio will be drinking his cum is taken away as Julio turns back towards Eddie and leaves Danny for another cock. Julio really goes to town and only begins to think something's up when he realizes he's now sucking on an uncut cock for the first time. Julio's heart sinks when he looks up and sees instead of new sex acquaintance Eddie that he is blowing his old friend Felix.

"Damn, Julio. I knew you were one hot motherfucker but this? J, you are priceless..." Julio groans to hear Felix talk like this. Blowing Felix, a guy he more or less grew up with, feels dirty and seeing Felix look at him with total horniness and lust adds to that. That leads to Julio's latest realization about himself and what he's doing: Julio gets turned on by being down and dirty! Felix winds up with the best of three blowjobs, as Julio's unexpected skills with lips, tongue, and throat are all ramped up a notch. Julio even tries something Felix will tell him is a hummer, making a guy's dick go crazy by making sounds while it's in the mouth. Felix grabs two hunks of Julio's hair and starts a rough mouth fuck. Danny and Eddie have zero doubts Julio loves this as much as Felix when Julio's hand goes down to start ministering to a cock so hard it looks like it should hurt. It's not expected then when Julio manages to stop and to stand, barely able to talk for the damage three dicks have done and the unbridled lust that is burning through him. Julio does manage a little.

"I'm going to fuck you now." Julio is looking Eddie right in the eye and looks ready to take what he wants if necessary. Julio needn't have worried. Eddie's own lust has been cranking up with every step Julio's taken in the direction Eddie started. Eddie lies down on the patio and Julio crawls over his body. Eddie reaches down to guide Julio's straining dick towards his hole and with one hard push, Julio is all the way in.

Julio hammers Eddie's ass like there's no time to waste. If neighbors could hear from the Castles' pool they'd think a spanking was going on! All Eddie can do is grit his teeth and revel in the feel of being taken by this wiry blonde stud. Knowing he is responsible for Julio being so into sex with a guy as he is right now makes it all the sweeter for Eddie. Too soon, Eddie sees Julio making O face and feels his dick spasming in his bowels. What Eddie doesn't feel is Julio's cock losing any of its steely hardness.

"Keep fucking. Drop another load in me," Eddie demands and with a cocky grin Julio starts bringing his ramming back up to speed. Julio's never managed two back to back orgasms before but he knows he can do it tonight. Eddie's ass is tighter than any pussy Julio has ever fucked and Eddie being built even better than him is letting Julio be as aggressive as he needs to be.

That's it for Danny and Felix being able to just watch! Danny is grateful Felix roughly shoves him on al fours near Eddie and Julio and wastes no time plugging his ass. Danny and Eddie's eyes meet despite the odd angle and Eddie thinks he sees there what Danny is feeling, that it's so weird that two starters on the football team and otherwise totally straight guys would be totally lost right now in the rapture of getting fucked. Eddie's wrong. Danny's thinking he can't believe he never noticed how hot Eddie was before Eddie's cousin Ricky fucked Danny's virgin ass. Danny shifts and his lips attach themselves to Eddie's very hard dick. The sight of this cranks Felix and Julio even further and they start pounding the asses of their respective football players even harder.

"Race you," teases Felix and then he does something Julio never saw coming. Felix moved with Danny when Danny started sucking off Eddie so it's easy for Felix to pull Julio a little sideways for a very hot kiss. Julio resists for a moment but it isn't long before he gives in. What's a kiss after blowing three guys and then fucking one of them twice. It's enough to put Julio over the edge and his thrusts into Eddie get erratic and very hard. Eddie knows another load is being dumped in him and the battering he's getting has him filling Danny's talented mouth to overflow.

As Eddie and Julio struggle to regain their breath and come down from their orgasmic high, Danny decides he needs to cum and cum now. Danny reaches back and pushes and Felix just goes with it, thrusting awkwardly as Danny shifts them. They end up with Felix sprawled on his back and Danny doing all the work, bouncing up and down on Felix's cock as hard as his powerful legs will drive him. Felix was only erratically hitting that sweet spot inside that drives Danny nuts and Danny had enough of that. Every time Danny goes downward Felix's pole hits that spot harder and Danny is that much closer to blasting off. After only about two minutes, two minutes that Felix just lies there helpless under Danny's strength and the awesome feeling the jock is giving the handyman, Felix's eyes roll back in his head and his muscles tense. Danny keeps bouncing on Felix's hardon for another minute or so, stopping only when he brings himself to orgasm. Eddie and Julio stare in amazement as it looks like a geyser of cum shooting into the air!

Eddie and Julio roll into the pool first to get the cum and sweat off their bodies, Eddie laughing ta how squeamish Julio is at first about maybe swimming into globs of semen. Danny and then Felix join them before long and Eddie's relieved to see Julio acting what Eddie assumes is normally in the light horseplay the four have energy for after that marathon of sex!

Before long, Danny heads back in the house after remembering he has to send something to his father from the computer in the master bedroom and Felix has to finish what little work was left for tonight in the pool house. Eddie loves to swim, especially in a heated pool like this one, so he's busy doing his otter imitation for a while. It's some minutes before he notices Julio's drifted to the shallow end and is sitting on one of the steps, still mostly in the water. Julio's very lost in thought and Eddie's sure the face Julio is making is the same one he himself made the morning after the first time he was fucked. Julio barely moves when Eddie joins him.

"So what's stuck in your head more? Is it how good you are at blowjobs and how much you got turned on or how you liked fucking me so much you did it twice in a row?" Julio does a slight shrug. "It's probably that and that Felix was here and that was more than one guy and a whole bunch of shit I can't even guess at."

"Yeah. I just feel, not gay but different. You know?"

"Oh, I know." Eddie gives Julio a quick run down of how he lost his black cherry and Julio winces to hear it. "I blamed Dieter at first, he's the guy who took me first, and I kinda blamed Felix for trying first but when I woke up the next day I figured out it wasn't that. It was that I came just from being fucked and I got so turned on while getting dicked that I didn't hesitate when another guy stuck his hardon in my face. I just started sucking him off."

"I didn't expect it'd be so cool to blow you guys. Everyone puts it down. I put it down and I almost came just from having Felix's dick in my mouth."

"Did it feel right? Did any of it." Julio looks away for a moment. "What part?"

"Um, all of it. I just don't wanna be gay."

"Then be bi. Find out everything you like or don't like and take charge. Danny told me tonight that I've been just letting sex happen to me. Tonight I didn't and I think I had the best sex ever, even counting girls."

"I did too." Julio quickly leans over and kisses Eddie. Eddie kisses back for a bit. "Let me guess. You like kissing."

"Even with guys it turns out. So I'm gonna take charge." Julio stands up and he's hard again. "I never got that blowjob you promised." Eddie laughs.

"Only if you promise everything you decide you like, you call me and we do it." Julio chuckles.

"Dude, you're gonna be on my speed dial. Maybe you can even help me pay back Felix for setting things up so he can have me next."

"You figured that out?"

"I know Felix. Probably thinks this is step one to plowing my ass. I think it's step one to doing his." Eddie decides not to even tell Danny this. Eddie wouldn't mind bending Felix over and fucking him too. "Enough talk. We can chat more after you drain me again."

"It's a deal," and Eddie opens wide to end the night with a blowjob that is also a promise of more excitement to come...

Next: Chapter 5: Senioritis 5

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