Senioritis Series

By Steve McSheffrey

Published on Jun 27, 2012


If you're offended by hot sweaty man sex or too young where you live to read thinsg with hot sweaty man sex in them, please go elsewhere. Author retains rights. To eliminate cranberry stains, scoop up as much of the sauce as you can--as quickly as you can-- and then rinse with cold water. Pretreat the stained area and then wash--as the care label for the fabric indicates.

Stefan Cahill's To Do List:

  1. Figure out who the mystery guys me and Eddie, Hollensteiner, my best friend and I guess boyfriend, had sex with a few weeks ago. What? I can't be the only one who agreed to hook up in a dark closet at school and after sex found out I hadn't screwed the guy I was supposed to meet. I blew and screwed the guy who was supposed to hook up with whoever blew and screwed Eddie. It's driving me nuts to have a guy out there I've had sex with and not know who he was.

  2. Do Neal Roberson again. Who wouldn't? The dude's tall with tons of wiry muscle with dark brown hair and dark blue eyes. Neal goes to a Christian charter school and took a vow saying he'd not have sex with girls. A scholarship rides on it. Neal was very horny one night leaving his girlfriend's on the other side of our complex, and I was horny too and I pointed out the vow was for sex with girls. We were sixty-nining by the pool when my downstairs neighbor, a single dad named Victor Thorne, saw. He was drunk , had never gotten a chick to let him butt fuck, and just figured any guy who would suck dick loved it up the ass too. Lucky for Neal Victor threw a good fuck or it could have been hell on a virgin ass. I dicked Neal right after and we said we'd hook up again but it's been all phone tag.

  3. Get my cousin Joey Maxwell to forgive me and to listen to me. See, Joey hasn't spoken to me at all since he saw most of me and Neal and Victor poolside form my apartment's balcony. Not that Joey's a homophobe. He's total homo. It's just that he had a rough outing at school, what with his first boyfriend deciding he wasn't gay and telling everyone Joey took advantage of him. Most people eventually sided with Joey but it was awful. Now Joey thinks that I was gay the whole time and instead of supporting him I stayed safely in the closet while he twisted in the wind. Joey deletes emails and texts from me and changed one of the classes we shared. Eddie tried to help but as soon as Eddie answered honestly when Joey asked if we have sex, Joey cut him off too.

Number three is the item I'm working on today. Eddie hates how I'm working on it but Eddie isn't big on forgiveness. See, if anyone can get the truth to Joey it'd be the guy who tried to rob us at gunpoint but wound up in a threeway instead. We know now the gun wasn't loaded and me and Eddie have incredible sex lives now with someone we truly love but Eddie can't get past that first moment, the one with a gun in his face. I can't afford to stay principled. Joey and I were closer than either of us are with our brothers. Even if things go as bad as possible with Cruz, I have to suck it up, suck him maybe even, if I'm gonna get Joey back.

"So you wanted to meet me in Nestor Park because...?" I knew a long time ago that Nestor Park is a place for anonymous gay sex but I'm not gonna admit that to Cruz. Yes, he's hotter than an Iglesias but I need his help, not my balls drained. Eddie would be pissed. `Course Eddie isn't sitting here with a guy that looks like sex on a stick in a too small wife beater and nearly emo tight jeans that I know sucks cock good and has the best ass I've fucked yet. Not that Eddie will ever hear about THAT. Cruz just stares at me for a second. He did pick this place for sex but I've thrown him. Now he has to come up with a plausible excuse.

"I didn't know how this was gonna go, Steve-"

"Stefan," I correct him and he smiles.

"I know you and Eddie talk to Teresa and that's how she figured out it was me that night. I didn't know how much Naz told her and how much she told you about what he did. Not that Naz woulda told her everything." Cruz can tell that has my interest. "They set me up to get caught with the ex-boyfriend of Naz's little bro. It was the only way the guys could think of to get me to be honest, with myself and them, about being gay. And Teresa's pregnant..."

"And Naz tapped your ass after Hugo and then he even did Javi." Stefan laughs at how shocked Cruz is. "Dude, Naz and Teresa tell each other everything. She's terrified she's going to lose another baby and knows Naz will screw a guy but he won't have feelings. Hell, she's even gonna let him do you and Javi after the baby so she can get some rest. Naz loves getting sex just a wee bit more than she does." Teresa keeps pushing Eddie to put out to Naz too and he's almost ready to do it.

"Okay, so you know everything. She also tell you why I was such a colossal fuck up?" She did but I act like she didn't. I wanna hear it from him. "I don't really have an excuse for how I felt. My family never acted like being gay was a problem. There's an uncle on one side and a cousin on the other and they're loved and respected. I knew I was like them and I hated it so I kept doing stupider and stupider things. Sleeping around, that hold up. My friends got to me though. I cringe every time I think of what I did to you guys. I tried to apologize in person but your boy went off on me when I stopped by with Naz to pick up Teresa. You don't know how grateful I was you called. I really am so, so sorry." That's pretty much what Teresa said but we weren't moved then. Teresa hates conflict and will lie to end it. Seeing Cruz look like he's about to cry over what he did makes it real. And real hard not to just let it go.

"It's all good, dude. Yeah, it was seriously fucked up how you did it but even Eddie will tell you the sex was awesome. I don't know how else me and Eddie would have found that out. So you're forgiven." And then the first real smile I've ever seen from him comes out of Cruz and that's it. Letting go of the bad feelings, being reminded of the story of him and the others, Cruz looking like he does, and wham! I could do him right here. Cruz knows it too. The smile turns sly and our lips meet. There's no thinking. We're just all at it and maybe a minute or so from full on sex right there in the park. Until there's noise in the bushes. Maybe I haven't seen someone in ages but it's for sure someone's watching us. No way am I giving another show. Whoever is watching might not be as cool as Victor!

"Tell me you have a place we can go. Someplace close." Cruz groans in frustration but he must not like public sex, at least in daylight, any more than I do.

"My uncle's in Afghanistan. We've been using his place. We can walk from here." Walk, it was more like run and we started back up right in the elevator. As soon as the doors close Cruz grabbed my shirt and swung me into the wall. Every inch of his body was pressed against mine and his tongue was almost to my lungs. We only parted when the door opened.

"Man, when you go gay, you don't hold back," I joked. Cruz just laughed and let me fish the keys out of his pocket. If that meant feeling Cruz up a little as I did, it's all good. Also good? The sight waiting for us when the door slid open.

Should've mentioned that even with Cruz and Teresa telling me about it, I couldn't picture Naz having sex with a dude. I should know better about that kind of thing but Naz plays at the tough thug too well for my imagination. Well, no longer needing to use my imagination. I figured Cruz was using the apartment for booty calls. Didn't expect Naz and this Javi to be using it for that too. Like, right now.

Cruz and I walk in and stop dead. Their backs are to us but there's no mistaking what is going on or who, well at least the one closest us. I've never seen Naz naked before but that is certainly his hard muscled ass driving his hard cock into the guy bent over the back of the couch. Now, I never noticed guy's asses before I fucked my first one but let me tell you, Naz's is a beaut. There's not one little jiggle of fat and the hair is light. If I wasn't already hard about what me and Cruz were going to be doing I'd have sprung an instant hardon at the sight of Naz's ass. Man, what I wouldn't give to have Naz be the one bent over with me hammering his ass!

Javi is shorter than Naz and a bit hairier but he's all muscle too. He's saying a lot of things but I don't speak Spanish (I know, I live in Phoenix but Spanish is hard, man) but it's not hard to figure out what he's saying. It sounds just like the way Eddie moans `fuck me harder' while we're going at it!

Naz finally sees us and I expect a fight. We did just walk in on Naz down lowing it with his best friend after all. Nope. Naz sees us in a mirror (and when did Cruz get naked?) And the dude just smiles, never losing his pace on Javi's ass. Weirdest of all? Naz's eyes go to the tent in my shorts and the growing wet spot and he grins again. Without Javi being wise to us still, Naz points to my crotch and then Javi's ass. Do I want a turn at the other piece of hot ass on display here? I'm naked quicker than Cruz and besides Javi right after. As hot as I am, Naz's hand wrapping around my dick is almost it for me. Thank god for iron self control. Learned a lot of it since Eddie's ass is so good I could almost shoot just entering him. Having the thug hunk I just assumed would never play basically jacking me off has me ready to shoot! Naz is probably just curious about the first uncut cock he's ever held but why not see if Naz's interests in men has gone past just getting nuts off. I'm curious if I'm right. I move in to kiss him and instead of backing off, Naz's tongue is in my mouth before mine hits his.

Naz's next move? Guiding me by the hardon so that when he pulls back and out of Javi's ass, he can push my dick in so quick Javi won't even notice a change of players. So what do I do? What would you do? I start fucking the hell out of this guy. I don't know about anybody else but fucking some guy who doesn't know it's you is hotter than hell. I don't even mind Naz taking a picture with his phone. I want a memento later. Javi does moan something in Spanish, a question, and it does occur this won't be as hot for him, not guaranteed. I just keep fucking. Ask me later and I'll tell you I trusted Naz's judgement. Truth? I couldn't stop fucking Javi's ass if I was positive he'd shoot me as soon as I shot my load.

I can see in the mirror Cruz trying for a taste of Naz's meaty cock but his friend dodges. Naz has another idea. Naz heads for the other end of Javi and sticks his dick right at Javi's lips. Javi just opens up, eyes closed, and starts sucking. That is seriously hot! Just if Javi is so turned on that he slips right into cocksucking after being so totally straight just weeks ago would be enough. That Javi's so worked up by the hammering I'm doing on his ass that he doesn't question where the second dick came from is what cranks it up a few notches.

It's fun watching Javi in the mirror, getting to see the exact moment his sex soaked brain lets him do math. His eyes go wide suddenly and he looks up to Naz's smiling face as he's getting face fucked. Javi pulls off of Naz's thick log and his head whips around to see who's fucking him. I think I get a momentary glimpse of a scowl before I start fucking hard and gasps and unfocused eyes replace it.

"Don't think I won't get even for this, Naz," Javi groans, fighting his overwhelming urge to moan and tell me I'm the best lover he's had yet. Okay, that part might be wishful thinking but if I could look right into his face I'd know. I pull out of Javi and start to flip him over. He gets the idea. Javi rolls over and down on the couch and lifts his legs high. Wish I could say I followed him gracefully. I didn't. I practically fell over the arm of the couch and on top of him. Javi laughed. Reaching down, I got all aligned and was completely back inside of him with one hard thrust. Javi stopped laughing.

Cruz and Naz got busy too once Naz couldn't easily feed his cock down his best friend's throat. Naz settled into an armchair and Cruz crawled into his lap. Naz grabbed Cruz's ass and started fucking up into Cruz's tight ass very hard. The two of them started kissing just as hard and from the angle I was seeing it at it looked like Cruz was getting as much from his hard cock rubbing Naz's furry abs as he was from how hard Naz's dick was hitting Cruz's prostate. It could have been that, how worked up I'd gotten Cruz on the way here, or the sight of me and Naz passing Javi around like a piece of meat but Cruz went off like a geyser all over his and Naz's chests. Naz doesn't stop fucking though and just keeps on piledriving up into his friend. Cruz doesn't even go soft! Naz makes a move and Cruz eagerly gets on all fours, slamming his ass back on to Naz's dick as much as it's Naz shoving it in.

"Wow. This hotter than it sounded when Teresa told us about them?" Can you jump out fo your skin while fucking someone? I almost did! I don't know how he managed it but Eddie, my Eddie, got in here and stripped down too. Eddie's kinda my negative self. Dark haired and tan where I'm blonde and pale, his dark eyes to my bright. What we have in common are thin but hard bodies and Eddie's dick is nearly as big as mine. Right now it's just as hard. Eddie kisses me hard and I feel the same thing I've felt every time lately. Eddie is my man. We've agreed we don't want physical fidelity but I think I want emotional faithfulness. Eddie is home so why mess with it? I keep trying to tell him that but life gets in the way. He leans like he wants to bite my ear but whispers instead. "I bet Naz fifty bucks you wouldn't have sex, you were just meeting Cruz. You know how he gets about bets." I laugh.

"So you basically paid fifty bucks to have sex with Javi and Naz." Eddie shrugs. It is fifty bucks well spent. I pull off Javi and push Eddie in place, Eddie's always been bottom so this is his first chance to tap some ass. I act like he needs help, moving him into place and even guiding his dick.

"Hey!" Javi growls, "what am I, some puto you can pass around?" Javi manages to scowl and even sound pissed but that dick of his stays harder and firmer than the walls and he doesn't move at all to stop Eddie from getting in him and starting to fuck.

"You look like my bitch boy is what you look like," Eddie laughs as he really starts pounding in and out of Javi's ass. I'm pretty sure Javi still thinks he's straight but the way he writhes and moans on the end of Eddie's cock I think hetero is in the rear view mirror. Javi's at least a bi boy but whatever he is, Javi's just giving in to good sensation. First Naz, then me, and now Eddie. Anyone who can hammer his ass and make him feel good is welcome. Speaking of hammering ass...

"Hey, Naz, you try any white boy ass yet?" Naz looks at me but I point at Eddie. Eddie tries to make a face like he's pissed I'm pimping out his ass but I know he's not. Eddie has wanted to try topping and he's doing it, checking off sex with Javi at the same time. Here I am adding sex with Naz, also on his list, and at the same time. Eddie should have cum just from Naz pulling out of Cruz and getting on the couch to stuff his churizo into Eddie's ass. I get back in there, presenting my hardon to both Eddie and Javi and both go to work on it. Cruz just stays off to the side, jacking his own hardon since the two best holes aren't open for business. I will try fucking sometime but it won't be spur of the moment like this. Pretty sure Naz will bottom sometime too but I'd bet Javi gets to bust his cherry.

Javi and I don't last much longer. While I'm feeding Eddie his millionth taste of my cum, Javi gasps and shudders and even if I can't se Javi shoot I know he is. Naz might have held off cumming when Cruz's ass clamped tight on his dick but he was expecting it. Eddie isn't and his eyes go wide when he has an orgasm that has to seem like it comes out of nowhere. As he does Naz yells the Spanish equivalent of `oh god yeah' and with one last hard thrust creams the inside of my boyfriend's ass. I'd kinda forgotten about Cruz but he fixes that by showering us all with his second load.

Speaking of showers we all need one! Javi and Naz go first, Javi threatening to pay back me and Naz still, leaving me and Eddie all relaxed post sex with Cruz.

"So," Eddie starts.

"So," Cruz answers. That's it. Jesus...

"Fuck it all, Eddie. Give the guy a chance. You heard about the tape where it hit him how wrong what he did to us was. Cruz was in his own fucked up little world for years. I'm even betting what he did that night wasn't even the worse thing he did. I've forgiven him." Eddie looks me straight in the eye and we hold it. Then Eddie gets a small smirk and extends his hand to Cruz.

"Okay, I forgive you too BUT you owe each of us one favor. No matter what you're asked, you do. No matter what." Eddie should never watch mob movies, just saying. Cruz agrees no problem and we go back to chilling. Cruz sends a text real quick.

"So when you gonna ask me to explain how things went down to your cousin?" I'm only surprised for a second. I'm betting Teresa told Cruz even before I thought of him as a solution.

"Could you? Yeah, I've got my boyfriend and I'm picking up some fuck buddies but Joey's family. I need him too." Cruz starts to say something but my phone goes off. With Joey's ring!

"Joey! What are you-? Really? Yesterday? No, he didn't say anything. Why didn't you call. Fucking drama queen. Tonight's cool. We'll head straight home and wait for you." I hang up and give Cruz the biggest hug in the history of hugs then turn to Eddie. "Cruz had some of these guys play thug with Joey after school yesterday. Joey had no choice but to watch that surveillance tape. Dude knows I wasn't a closeted coward when he was going through his shit."

"You did that without knowing if we'd forgive you?" Eddie looks at Cruz like he's grown a third eye.

"It was the right thing to do. I didn't want to feel like I bought your forgiveness." Now Eddie gives Cruz a hug, just as the others come back out fully dressed.

"That was a really cool thing to do, bro. It's nice to have the real Cruz back for sure."

Javi and Naz head their separate ways and we decide to conserve more water by making it a shower for three. And maybe me and Eddie showed Cruz just how cool we thought what he did was. Twice.

We still made it back to the apartment before Joey shows up. I think this split had to have been as hard on Joey as it was on me. I was missing my best friend next to Eddie. Joey was out of his escape from his parents. See, Jacob's little brother is a bonafide soap star, playing the very popular evil son of the show's leading super couple. Todd is a great brother and Joey loves him to death but for their parents it's all about Todd. Joey's almost invisible to him. When me and Eddie got the apartment, a few weeks later Joey told me he felt like it was someplace he could get noticed.

It is cool to have our own place and in our Senior year. Joey's dad took a job out of state but didn't even consider moving Eddie Senior year. We're both eighteen so with Mister H paying half the rent, Eddie got to stay put and I got to share a bathroom with one best friend instead of four brothers. We might even add someone to the mix. Me and Eddie just use the one bedroom so why not? It won't be Joey though. That would get Aunt Donna and Uncle Larry off the hook and I refuse to do that!

"So how'd you wind up there today? You just about gave me a heart attack!" We're doing some company cleaning, like my Mom calls it. We keep a clean place but there's clutter we don't always feel like picking up. Eddie's doing dishes and I'm putting away books etcetera and running clothes to the washing machine. Whoever finishes first runs the vacuum.

"You just had a guilty conscience `cause you went there to screw Cruz." Eddie says that so lightly I know what he's thinking.

"You knew and you didn't care. You let me feel like trash doing someone I thought you didn't want me to." Eddie shrugs.

"I gotta have my fun somehow. How I got there? Naz stopped by to see about getting Teresa less hours and less of a strain during them. You know their web stuff more than pays their bills? Teresa even writes some of the code. It's us she doesn't want to give up, not the money. So anyway, I told Naz what you were up to and pretended I didn't think you'd do Cruz. Heck, I acted like you don't do anyone unless we tag team them first and a bet was on." Doing it with Los Tres Amigos was beyond awesome and having Eddie there made it even better so Eddie doesn't have to worry about me being upset.

"You know, Teresa's not the only one just keeping that job because of a coworker or two. What do you think about finding new jobs." Eddie gets a worried look as he finishes the last dish. "You look like I kicked your puppy. I meant we'd find a new place to work together. Working with you makes Burger Queen almost fun. It'd be off the chain working with you at a cool job!"

"About that, what would you think about working for Naz and them all?" My phone goes off and it's Joey's ringtone again. "Let me guess, he's running late?" I laugh `cause that is the start of the text but not all of it. "He ran into Danny Castle and says he needs cheering up. Cool if he comes too?"

"Tell him yeah. Danny's not been Mister Sunshine lately, has he? He's been sorta like you missing Joey what with him and Gus being on the outs too." Danny's King of Upton Sinclair High School basically, kicker for our greatest football team ever, and his best friend for life was Gus Pappos. No one knows why they're fighting and it's not like this big soap opera drama. They're just going around school totally separate and never ever together. It makes school feel wrong after umpteen years of them being each other's sidekick.

"So what work for Naz? I couldn't design a website to save my life and you're no better. Unless the job has to do with swimming, flipping burgers, or hot sweaty man sex I don't see an opening." We bow to the great god vacuum cleaner and observe a moment of silence as I give the room a quick run through. I wish we could get rid of the smoke smell but I guess we'd have to quit smoking so it's here to stay.

"Naz and the guys have a pay per view sex site but it never makes any money. Naz checked out how gay sites do and he wants to do a gay for pay thing instead. The site's all designed. We'd just research how other sites operate, find something that might give this one a hook, and handle hiring when needed. One of their crew, Blas, is supposed to be killer with filming but Naz isn't sure he'd be comfortable taping two guys going at it." I settle on our Saint Vincent De Paul couch and Eddie sits right next to me, his head resting on my shoulder. Eddie's started doing this lately and I'm afraid to tell him I like it. What if he didn't realize it and freaks out. Then I lose my snuggle bunny.

"I can see Javi and Naz not doing all this. They'd be paranoid about their down lowing it but what about Cruz? I'm not too sure about being anyone's go to gay guys. You know I don't think I'm gay, even if that's all I've been going after lately." I know Eddie's conflicted on the labels himself. He has some issues with all this he can't talk out with me.

"Naz admits that's what he's thinking but he'll help us with anything they learned with the old site. And Cruz? Naz says Cruz is their artist and no one in their right mind would let the guy make a business decision. Naz loves him like a brother but isn't stupid is how he puts it." Eddie goes quiet but I know his quiets. This is the kind that comes before a declaration. "I want to do it. I want us to give notice and go on the guys' payroll. And you know that house Naz and Teresa just started renting? The garage is air conditioned and already redone so it can be an office. We might see Teresa more. We'll definitely see the kid more than we would have if it meant her coming in to the Queen on a day off to show it off." Eddie follows that up with a salary offer that's almost three times what we make at Burger Queen. Eddie calls Naz to tell him I agreed to it and work out some details just as Joey lets himself in with Danny behind him. Eddie waves hi but heads into our bedroom to finish up with Naz.

It's like me and Joey never had a single day not talking as Joey launches into a tirade about some jerk that cut him off in traffic, ditching sneakers and his shirt then settling down to roll a joint. While Joey's carrying on his monolog, I notice Danny looking at me funny. My first thought is that cousin Joey outed me to this nicely built, blonde, blued stud and I'm being mentally cut and pasted from Danny's straight guy file to the gay friend one. But that's not it. Danny's look is way too appraising. And that's when it hits me!

"It was you!" Danny blushes and I know I'm right. Remember I mentioned the supply closet mix up and me and Eddie doing guys in the dark that weren't each other? Only now that I start thinking of Danny and gay things do I notice how he holds himself and even the way he smells. I fucked Danny Castle, all star kicker for our football team! It only takes Joey a second to figure out what I meant based on Danny's embarrassment.

"You're Mystery Guy #1? Wow. You're so straight acting it's even felt wrong to jack off thinking about you." Heh. Danny's not sure whether to take this as a compliment or not but that doesn't stop him taking the joint. "So what's the story? How did you end up going into supply closets to get fucked? Is that what messed up you and Gus. God, I bet he's good in bed." Danny finally just laughs.

"Joey, just chill the fuck out. Give Danny a chance to talk." Eddie finally comes back out to join us. "Hey, Eddie. I fucked Danny!" Eddie takes the joint from Danny as he tries handing it back to Joey.

"Sorry, Danny. He usually lasts more than two minutes." Eddie sees his joke fall a little flat as he sits far enough away from me for deniability. "Oh shit. Danny, you were the guy in the supply closet with Stefan? But you're straight!"

"Straight as you, I guess." Eddie laughs.

"Then you're gay as fuck. I went to see Doctor Hastings." Hastings is the guy besides me who got Eddie through his mom's death. The doctor told Eddie he could come to him any time in the future and he'd still find a way to bill it to his dad's insurance. "I've been twice since It happened. Danny, Joey knows now but me and Eddie only started having sex after someone broke in where we worked and made us go at it at gunpoint."

"That is seriously messed up!" I know, Eddie's over sharing but I have to let him. If I wait for him to just tell me I could wait for weeks. Eddie unloads better in front of a group.

"Yeah but we've made peace with the guy. Heh, we even did it with him again today but he was going through his own shit and owns up to what a mistake he made. Thing was, me and Stefan loved it and haven't stopped. It was messing with my head a little." Try a lot but Eddie has to come to these things when he's ready. "Doctor Hastings told me he diagnosed me as repressed homosexual even a few years ago. It didn't take much work to figure out I was trying to be some mental ideal for a mother who wouldn't have even wanted me to play straight just for her. She already loved Stefan just as much as I do."

"You love me too?" Eddie beams when he hears the too part. "So what does he say about me? I swear I never had a gay thought in my life but after sucking and fucking with you and Cruz that's all I want to do."

"Maybe you're just horny and guys are easier to get in bed," teases Eddie.

"Doesn't explain being in love with you but I do like the easy part." Guys aren't drama free but getting to the sex is always easy.

"I agree there. Getting a guy to whip his dick out is ten times quicker than charming a girl out of her panties," admits Danny. "It's the second best thing about sex with guys." We all believe Danny but I'm willing to bet half the reason he said that was to freak out the guys who can't get over Danny messes around with dudes.

"What's the favorite part?" Danny's mischievous smiles tells me I'm right.

"Honestly? Getting plowed. I'd had amazing sex before I was seduced but even the best with Melissa is nothing as wild as when I'm getting fucked. It's like my whole body has an orgasm the entire time." A second joint appears and conversation stops for a bit. "What's this laced with, Joey? Good Eddie and I are spewing confessions here." So Danny knows the way everyone tells my Eddie apart from his, his being Evil Eddie.

"Nah, just ask Eddie. It's easier sometimes to bare your soul when it's not to the most important people," I tell him. "I bet you'd never say any of this to Gus."

"It's not like I'm saying anything to Gus right now." Joey gets a smirk on his face like he's right about Danny and Gus without Danny even acting like he heard him ask before. "Yes, Gus and me did it. He wasn't my first and turns out he'd been with guys way before me. And yes, it's the sex. You guys ever notice how Gus treats the girls who wanna screw a football player?"

"Does `em and moves on." Eddie and Joey agree with me.

"Gus doesn't see it `cause he didn't do the moving on part but the only thing we started doing when alone was fucking. No talking, no gaming. Nothing. I told him if I didn't get my best friend back he wasn't getting my ass. So far, he's just pissed and pulling juvenile bullshit but no apology and no wanting to just do everything we'd been doing since we were kids."

"He'll come around. You guys were like legendary best friends. If I thought doing it with Eddie was hurting our being friends, I think I'd never touch him again. There's more than one way to lose someone." And know what the weed leads to next? Danny and Gus' whole history. And we hear how Melissa dumped him in an email saying their connection was gone now that she's spending her Senior year abroad. Danny shows some real self-awareness and blames that lack of connection on how he's been such a gay slut, his words, does some weird flirting with Joey talking about how big the bulge in his pants is and what could be done with it, and then after out of blue wondering if maybe he shouldn't have raided his dad's stash of free samples, falls sideways passed out.

"Well, that was different," deadpans Eddie.

"You guys used to be friends with him, right?"

"Junior high but it was before us baby jocks decided what sport we were gonna concentrate on. Eddie picked swimming, I got into wrestling, and us and Danny didn't have you to keep us from drifting apart. I wish I'd known he'd found out he loved getting topped. I'd have been all over that sweet ass of his." The way Joey's looking ta Danny I'm guessing Danny's getting a rough ride whenever he finally wakes up. "Speaking of sweet asses, am I right we three won't be going there?" Cool. The elephant in the room has been identified.

"Not really. You get why, right? It was horrible not having you around, Jacob. Yeah, you're one of the hottest guys I know and if we'd bed bounced before I would have gone for it but now? I don't want us getting like Danny and Gus." Joey just nods and smiles and I know he's thought of the same thing as me and Eddie did. "Think there's anything we can do to help Danny out with Gus?"

"Honestly? I think that friendship's dead in the water. Gus is stuck on friends with benefits but minus the friend. I hope I'm wrong but best we can do is be friends again with Danny." From Joey's smile and the tent in his shorts I think it's safe to say screwing around with Danny is how Joey plans on renewing that friendship. "You guys don't mind if I crash here tonight? Things have gotten even weirder with my folks."

"I didn't think that was possible." Joey knows how I feel about my aunt and uncle so there's no need to hide it from him.

"It's something Mom said yesterday. It wassomething about me contributing around the house too so it got me to thinking. So I snooped a little through their stuff in the den and we've been pretty much been living off what Todd is making on that soap." Wow, that's low.

"Isn't that a lot illegal?" Eddie asks.

"Very. And Todd isn't looking to hit it rich but he has plans for money that I don't think is going to be there much longer." Joey sighs heavy. "I used to envy how they talked about Todd but it's all talk. You know Thomas Tyler, right? Todd got his brother Jude an audition and Jude got the job. His parents left for New York with him to be there with him. My parents? One visit in two years. They don't even like Uncle Will and that's who he's living with." I know what I want to do but there's no telling how Joey will react.

"The only thing holding you back is narking out your parents, right? It's the right thing to protect Todd and his future, right?" Joey looks for a moment like he wants to cry, whether from seeing no hope ever again for his parents or for what they're doing to Todd. I fish Danny's phone out of his pocket and get Gus' number. I'm not stupid so I call from my phone. "Gus, it's Stefan Cahill. Look, you know Joey Maxwell and his little brother, Todd? Well, Joey just told me..." And I launch into the whole story. Gus listens and then tells me to hold on. Mister Pappos, the biggest lawyer in town gets on and I tell it all over again. He asks to talk to Joey and Joey reluctantly tells Mister Pappos even more than he did us. Me and Eddie get Danny in the spare bedroom. Eddie decides Danny feels a little feverish so it's in his best interest that Eddie strip him. I laugh and head back out to make sure Joey is okay, pretty sure what else Eddie is going to decide is in Danny's best interest. Joey's off the phone and heavy into another joint.

"You can stay here tonight. Hell, you can move in here." I know this goes against my stance but things could get ugly at home for Joey.

"Thanks but Mister Pappos needs me at the house. They'll serve the warrant tomorrow as soon as I call and say I'm home alone. Then I have to stay living there to make sure they don't do anything else illegal. God, Stefan this sucks." Joey surprises me with a hug, a bone crushing one. I pretend I don't know he's crying. Before we can get awkward we realize there's a very familiar noise coming from the spare bedroom.

"Eddie didn't!" Joey laughs.

"Eddie is full of surprises today," is all I can say as we head to see. There we find a no longer passed out Danny on all fours on the bed, slamming his ass back just as hard as Eddie's hammering into it. God, it's hot. Um, Joey?"

"Yeah?" is all he can manage as his hand is reaching into his pants to make his sudden hardon more comfortable.

"That no sex thing? If we don't touch I think we can both get in there." We're both naked and heading for the bed in less than a minute. Joey still has to go home and betray parents who don't deserve his trust but for the next hour at least he'll forget about it.

So, today I managed to learn one Mystery Guy and got Joey back as Best Friend #2. Tomorrow I'll call Neal and I'll find out who Mystery Guy #2 was if I have to fuck it out of Danny. What a chore my To Do lists are!

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