Sent to My Aunts

By Daniel1989a .

Published on Dec 20, 2012


Sent To My Aunt's-Part 1

I knew I had crossed a line when I got my girlfriend pregnant and then pretended like it had been someone else, but I was so used to getting my own way that after a few days I didn't even think much about it. When she called me I would have my Mother tell her I wasn't home or that I was too busy to talk to her and if she called my cell phone, I just let it go through to voice mail, then I would delete the message without even listening to it. I was pretty sure my Mother did not believe me when I told her I was not the Father, but I had been getting my own way with her for so long that I didn't care. There could be lots of reasons why I got my way, my Father left when I was young, I wasn't hugged enough, I was hugged too much, but the fact was that deep inside I just didn't give a shit about anyone but me. I had a huge ego which was constantly stroked by both the guys and girls at school. Ever since I was little I had heard about how good looking I was and now at 16 I was 5'10" and weighed about 145 pounds, with Blond hair and bright blue eyes. I swam and worked out with weights 5 times a week and knew from the looks I got from both guys and girls that they all wanted my body.

I was very popular at school, I was captain of the swim team and even though school work had always given me trouble I had always been able to con someone into doing my homework for me and letting me copy off them during tests. I also knew from showering after swim practice that my cock was bigger than anybody else on the team and even though I was not gay I loved the looks I got from guys and girls. I did not want for sexual release, I had had sex with almost every good looking girl in the school, even though they had heard that once I had sex with them I would probably never call them again. There were a few times that deep down I felt bad about the way I treated people, but since there were never any consequences the feeling never lasted long. At home, I was the king. My mother did pretty much anything I wanted, bought the food I wanted, the clothes I wanted and had given up trying to tell me what to do all together, so I was surprised when about a week after the getting my girlfriend preganat episode I over heard her on the phone talking to my Aunt Vicki.

"I'm just lost Vicki, I don't know what to do with him anymore, he never listens to me, he's rude, he does whatever he wants and now I have this girls parents calling me about him getting her pregnant."

"Norma you have always been to kind for your own good, even when we were children. Noah only acts that way because he knows he can get away with it, and you are not doing him any good letting him rule."

"I know Vicki, but I'm just so tired of trying, seriosuly Sis, I'm at my wits end."

"Well Norma, I'll tell you one thing, if he was my son he would not be acting like he does."

"I know Vicki, but you never married, you don't know what children can be like."

"I might not have ever had children Sis, but I do know a lot about men, remember the research I do? I have had several breakthroughs recently and even been written up in the medical journals."

"That's great Vicki I'm really happy for you, you always were the brains and the brwan of the family. Are you still competing in the women's weight lifting competitions?"

"No, I don't have time, I still stay in shape, but since moving up here I have had no time at all for anything but my work."

The conversation was getting boring so I hung up the phone and started playing video games. It had been a couple years since I saw my Aunt Vicki, but I remebered that she was an imposing woman, at least 6 feet tall, probably close to 200 pounds of pure muscle. She had won so many weight lifting and body building competitions that she was known all over the world. The other thing I fondly remembered was that she was gay and her girlfriend was one of the hottest women I had ever seen in my life. Her girlfirend, Sasha, was the thing that wet dreams were made of and I had jerked off thinking about her too many times to count. The other thing I remembered was Aunt Vicki always trying to be bossy wth me and trying to tell me what to do, and even though she was much bigger than me I had treated her like I did everyone else, with contempt. But on one of her last visits Sasha and I had been alone in the house and I was pretty sure if we had had more time alone I could have had sex with her.

Sasha had been downstairs and knowing my mother and Aunt were out I had gone down wearing just a pair of gym shorts. I had seen her checking out my body and she had told me how cute she thought I was. I had sat on the sofa beside her and had put my hand on her lap which she had allowed until we heard my mothers car in the driveway. Just thinking about it now, I turned off my video game and pulled my pants off and took my 7" uncut cock in my hand and started jerking off thinking about her. I jerked slowly thinking about Sasha's perky tits, imagining her beautiful mouth running up and down my shaft as I thrust my hips up, forcing my cock down her throat. I then imagined her on her knees, begging me to fuck her, then shot my load all over my chest and abs. I cleaned up and had a shower then went downstairs to get my mother cooking dinner. Once she had made dinner and cleaned up she surprised me by saying,

"I was talikng to your Aunt Vicki earlier, she says she misses you and was wondering if you would like to visit her."

"Why would I want to visit that lesbian?"

"Noah, that's not nice."

I was about to tell my mother off more when I remembered Sasha and asked,

"Does she still live with that Sasha woman?"

"Yes Noah, they are still together, they moved up north where your Aunt is doing her research."

I didn't give a shit about anything except a chance at getting in Sasha's pants so I controlled myself and said,

"I guess I could visit Aunt Vicki, it has been a long time."

"Well, since you are off for the summer, you have lots of time, how long would you like to go for?"

"I don't know, just tell her I'll come, then when I get bored I'll leave."

I saw my Mother wince at my rudeness, but like always she didnt say anything so I left her to make the plans.

The next morning at breakfast my mother told me she had talked to Aunt Vicki and that her and Sasha were looking forward to seeing me and that I would be leaving the next morning. My mother had then given me an odd look and asked,

"Are you sure this is what you want Noah?"

With my most spoiled expression on my face I said,

"Just make the plans and don't bother me."

I then went up to my room and packed enough clothes for a few days, figuring I would get there, have sex with Sasha and leave, after all how could she resist someone as hot as me.

The next morning I took my bag and a heavy jacket since my Aunt lived north in a very cold climate and climbed aboard the train for the seven hour trip. Luckily I slept most of the way and only woke up for the last hour of the trip. Gazing out the window of the train I wondered how anyone could live here, all there was was open space and snow everywhere and by the time we got to my stop I noticed I was the only passenger left on the train. I got off and was shocked at how cold it was, I had never experienced anything like this before and even with my heavy jacket on I was freezing while I waited.

About 10 minutes later a car pulled up and a large man walked to me and said,

"You must be Noah, Mistress Vicki told me to come and fetch you."

I thought it was odd that he called her Mistress, but figured it was a northern custom, then said to him,

"What took you so long, I'm freezing, and here, carry my bag."

I was surprised that his expression didnt chnage as he picked up my bag and put it in the trunk of the car and even held my door open for me. I again saw nothing but snow, trees and empty spaces, not a single building during the almost 2 hour drive. Finally we pulled into a driveway and I saw a large well maintained house and figured my Aunt Vicki must be doing well, the house loooked very expensive. The driver got my bag from the trunk and then opened my door and said,

"Please follow me."

As soon as I stepped out of the car it seemed like the temperature had dropped by at least 10 degrees, I couldn't belive how cold it was. I followed the man up the stairs and into the house, relieved to feel the warmth. After taking my boots off and putting on a pair of slippers the man handed me I followed him up the staircase to a large bedroom which he told me would be mine while I was here. He then left and after checking out the room I opened my bag and put my clothes in the dresser. A minute later my Aunt Vicki walked in without knocking and I was immediately reminded of how big and muscular she was,but wanting to show her who was boss I said,

"Knock next time you want to come into my room."

Aunt Vicki looked at me with pure anger on her face and said,

"Noah, lets get this staright, while you are here, you do what I say, NOT, the other way around, do you understand boy?"

I knew I had to be tough here so I said,

"Good luck with that Aunt Vicki, the day I do what you tell me to is the day I start sucking cocks."

I figured and was right that the gay reference would get to her but was shocked when she said,

"Noah, you WILL do as I say while you are here, the sooner you get that through your head the better, understand me boy?"

"Who do you think you are? And stop calling me boy right now."

"Noah this is your last warning, behave yourself, do you understand me boy?"

"Fuck you bitch, I'm leaving."

My Aunt Vicki moved so fast it was amazing. She grabbed the front of my shirt in one hand and with almost no effort lifted me off the ground and up until we were looking in each others eyes. I was stunned thinking about the strength it took to do that, then listened as she said,

"Noah, you better think about your situation here. You are hours away from any other building or person and while you are here you will respect me, understand boy?"

She let me go and my feet touched the ground again, then she said,

"You've had a long trip, why don't you take a shower, then we can get you checked out by the doctor and then we can go see what Sasha is doing."

"Checked out by what Doctor, why do I need to see a Doctor?"

"Because of all the research that we do here, have to make sure you are not bringing in any impurities, it's no big deal, go have a shower."

I was feeling a bit grungy and a shower sounded like just the thing so I asked,

"Where are the towels?"

My Aunt Vicki smiled and said,

"You are going to learn that most things here are automated. The shower is one of them, just step into the shower stall and push the red button, the computer will prompt you on what to do."

As soon as Aunt Vicki left I walked into the large washroom and saw a shower stall like none I had ever seen before. It was quite large with thick clear glass walls and what looked like about 20 shower heads, there were even 2 shower heads on the floor of the stall. It felt odd not having a towel, but I looked around, stripped down and opened the door and stepped in. As soon as I closed the door the clear glass walls turned opaque so I couldn't see out so I went ahead and pushed the red button. A computer voice said,

"Initial rinse commencing."

Suddenly warm water came spraying out of all the shower heads at once. It was an incredibly good feeling to have water spraying over my body from every angle, so I just relaxed and enjoyed it. After a few minutes the computer voice said,

"Applying depilatory."

I had no idea what depilatory meant but a second later the shower heads adjusted on their own and a gel that had a slight chemical smell was sprayed all over my body, covering everything from my neck down. It continued to spray until there was a thick coating of the stuff all over my body, then the shower shut down and the voice said,

"60 seconds is required, shower will start again then."

As I stood wth the gel all over my body it started to tingle, it was not uncomfortable, but whatever the stuff was, it was doing something. I figured it was some kind of deep cleaning body wash so I just stood waiting for the shower to start up again. A minute later the voice said,

"Powwr rinse commencing, please close your eyes."

I closed my eyes and a few seconds later all the shower heads came on at once, but this time the water was spraying out much more powerfully as it rinsed my entire body. The water was spraying so hard it almost stung my naked body, but after a minute it slowed down while at the same time the lights in the washroom went out. It was now pitch dark and I figured the light bulb had burned out and just did as the voice said until finally after a final rinse and dry it said,

"You are now ready to be seen by the Doctor."

The door opened and the lights came on again as I stepped naked out of the shower. The first thing I noticed was that my clothes were gone, but what really shocked me was when I walked to the mirror and looked at my reflection I noticed that all my body hair was gone. I shook my head, figuring I was dreaming, but I looked closer and ran my hands over my arms, legs and even my cock and balls and they were all perfectly smooth. Even the very fine peach fuzz I had had on parts of my body were gone, even the hair under my arms. I felt myself getting very angry as I stormed out of the washroom and into my bedroom. I went to the dresser to get some clothes, then looked in shock as every drawer was empty and after searching the entire room I saw that everything I had brought with me was gone. I stood there naked, getting more angry when I spotted a hospital gown on top of my bed. It was exactly like other ones I had seen except this one was much shorter and there were no ties to keep it closed. I tried to put it on like a regular gown but it was so small that even if I tried to keep it closed, my cock would be on display, so I put it on the other way, very aware that my butt was exposed. I looked in the mirror and saw that the gown hung only about an inch below my cock and started getting even angrier.

I heard noise in my room and walked in to see my Aunt Vicki. She looked at me and said,

"Oh good, you found the gown, let's get down and have the doctor take a look at you."

"What the fuck is going on here? What happened to my body hair? Where are my clothes? I want out of here right now."

"Noah, this is your one and only warning, NEVER raise your voice or swear at me again. You are here to learn some respect and the sooner you learn, the better it will be for you."

"What the fuck do y......"

Before I could finish my sentence my Aunt moved with such speed it was incredible. The next thing I knew she had grabbed my wrist and easily pulled me to the bed, where she sat down and before I could even move she had me clamped between her powerful thighs, had moved the gown out of the way and was spanking my exposed butt. I struggled as hard as I could, but she was just too strong and after a few minutes I felt tears welling up in my eyes as she expertly spanked every inch of my butt until I pleaded,

"Stop, you can't do this to me, stop."

Aunt Vicki just kept on spanking, even harder now and soon I had tears rolling down my cheeks.

"STOP, you can't do this to me, stop it."

"Noah, boy, this is your one warning, stop talking and struggling or you will be very sorry."

"You can't do this to me, I'm too old to be spanked, stop it."

Aunt Vicki actually did stop spanking me for a second and I thought it was over, but a few seconds later she was spanking me again, now with a wooden ruler. The pain was much more intense as the ruler came down again and agin on my butt and as I started to cry for real I said,

"Please, no more, I'm sorry."

Aunt Vicki continued to spank me for another couple of minutes, then stopped and said,

"Remember this spanking, you will experience many more if you continue acting like a brat, now, follow me so we can let the doctor look at you."

I stood up and wiped the tears from my eyes and did my best to cover as much of my body as possible with the gown and then followed my Aunt downstairs and through a long hallway. We walked into a room that looked like a receptionists office, then into another room that had an exam table and looked like every other doctors office I had ever been in. A few minutes later a woman who looked to be about 25 walked in and said,

"Hi Noah, I'm Doctor Mackey and I'll be giving you a full physical."

I noticed she was very good looking but still I said,

"I've already had my physical for this year."

The doctor looked at my Aunt with an annoyed look and my Aunt said,

"Noah, I suggest you listen to the doctor and do as she says or we will repaet what just happened in your room."

I felt my face redden deeply as I thought about the spanking but tried to keep it together, then heard the doctor say,

"Okay Noah, please take the gown off and put it on the chair and let's get you weighed."

"Why do I have to take the gown off, I'm naked under it."

I heard my Aunt clear her throat and then the doctor said,

"Noah, I have seen too many men and boys naked to worry about you, now take it off and be a good boy please?"

"But my Aunt is still here."

My Aunt spoke up and said,

"Noah, this is your last warning."

I felt my face redden even more, but seeing no way out I pulled the gown off and put it on the chair then stood covering my cock and balls with my hands.

The doctor spoke up and said,

"Okay Noah, please step on the scale."

I did what she said as she weighed and measured my height, then said,

"Okay, please take a seat on the exam table."

I sat on the edge, my hands in my lap to cover my cock and balls as she checked in my ears, throat, eyes and the nodes in my neck. She then used that hammeer thing to test my reflexes and listened to my chest with her stethoscope, then tapped on my back and then pushed her fingers under my arms to check the nodes there.

"Okay Noah, lay down with your head on the pillow please."

I did as she said, still covering myself as she again checked my neck, then each of my toes and the bottoms of my feet, then she checked some nodes in my thighs and that was when I felt my cock start to harden. I tried to think of things to make it go away, but the doctor moved up to my chest and ran her fingers over my nipples and then actaully pinched each one a couple of times which made my cock fully harden.

"Okay Noah, I need to check for hernia and have a look at your penis now, move your hands please."

I pretended to not hear her and a second later she said loudly,

"Boy, move your hands now."

I felt me face redden even more as I slowly moved my hand and my erection popped up and then slapped down on my abdomen. Without a word, the doctor grasped my balls and told me to cough a couple times, then said,

"Since you are uncircumsissed I am going to make sure your foreskin moves off the head and back properly."

Again without a word she grasped my shaft and pulled my foreskin all the way back, then pushed it forward then all the way back again and left it retracted.

"Okay, you seem healthy so far. Now Noah, scoot down the table and put your feet in the stirrups please."

I did as she said, now very aware of how exposed I was but became even more as she had me scoot down farther which caused my knees up towards my chest. She then spread the stirrups a bit and I could feel how exposed and open my hole was.

"I am going to check your prostate now Noah."

I heard her put on a latex glove and seconds later felt gel being smoothed over my hole, then felt her finger slowly push inside me. I then heard my Aunt say,

"Please check him very well in there, it's going to be very important over the next couple of weeks."

I wondered what she meant, but said nothing I just wanted this over. I then felt the finger pull out and soon it was replaced by what felt like two fingers and a few seconds later they hit something inside me that made my already hard cock start to throb and bounce around. I started to put my hands over it but my Aunt said louldy,

"Boy, keep your hands at your sides or I will spank you again right here."

My hands fell to my sides as the doctor continued rubbing inside my hole and a few seconds later I couldn't hold back and shot a huge load of cum all over my face, chest and abdomen.

The doctor puller her fingers out and said,

"You won't have any trouble with your plans Vicki, his prostate gland responds as well to stimulation as I have ever seen."

I heard my Aunt say,

"Perfect, okay I guess it's time for him to take a nap then."

A few seconds later I felt a needle pushed into my butt cheek and a few seconds after that I fell deep asleep.

Authors note: I hope you have enjoyed the story, if so let me know and I will make more chapters.

Next: Chapter 2

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