Sent to My Aunts

By Daniel1989a .

Published on Dec 24, 2012


Sent To My Aunt's-Part 2

I awoke, having no idea how long I had been asleep or what time it was and at first thought that everything with my Aunt Vicki had been a dream, but then I ran my hand over my arm and feeling no hair, knew it had been all too real. I lay still, my head feeling groggy then carefully sat up and swung my legs over the side of the bed. As I sat there I became aware of an odd sensation coming from my cock and wondered why it felt so strange and was not hard like usual, so I pushed the sheets aside and then almost screamed, there was some kind of metal cage device fitted around my cock. I ran my fingers over it and tried to pull it off, but it just caused pain so I tried to bend or break it, but the metal was way too strong, even the lock holding it in place was very strong. The more I looked at it I noticed that I was unable to even touch my cock and the device was fitted so well that I would not even be able to get even partly hard.

My mind was trying to wrap itself around the concept of my cock being caged and while that was happening my cock started to act on it's own, trying to get hard, but the cage prevented it. The sensation was intense, I always jerked off in the morning, usually twice and even though I was still horny, my cock was not hard at all. I stood up and as I started walking towards the washroom I got a weird senation from inside me. It almost felt like something was up my butt and when I ran my hand back there, to my horror, something was actually shoved up inside of me. I tried to pull it out, but it was somehow locked in place too and the worst thing was, whenever I moved it rubbed on my prostate gland and made my cock want to get hard.

I walked as slowly as possible to the washroom and peed, at least I could do that with the cage on, then tried to check my butt out in the mirror, but however the thing was attached, I could not figure it out. When I stood and looked at myself I got another shock, there was a leather collar around my neck, and it was locked on too. I struggled to get it off, but with no luck I walked slowly back to the bed and sat down, which caused whatever was inside my butt to rub up against my prostate, which caused my cock to try and harden and made me feel even hornier. I tried to take my mind off of it and started searching my room for anything at all I could use to get the devices off of me, but all I ended up doing was causing whatever was inside of me to rub my prostate even more, making me even hornier and causing my cock to try and swell inside it's cage, and what was even worse, now there were no clothes, not even the gown.

I heard footsteps so I quickly got back under the covers and a minute later my Aunt Vicki walked in and sat on the bed beside me and said,

"Sleep well Noah?"

I looked at her with anger and said,

"What's going on, what are these things attached to my body?"

"The metal thing on your penis is called a chastity device, I assume you have already figured out how it works. The thing inside your boy pussy is a very special prostate massaging butt plug."

"Take them off me right now."

"Noah, Noah, have you not figured out yet that you don't give orders here, you OBEY them."

"I'll never take orders from you, EVER!"

"Well boy, then this is going to be the longest 4 weeks of your life."

"What do you mean 4 weeks, I want to leave right now, where's the phone?"

"Noah, you are here for 4 weeks, get used to it and feel free to use any phone you want, but you will see soon that you will not be able to get an outside line."

"You can't do this to me, I'll tell."

"Tell who Noah? As well as doing my reasearch I run a government approved facility here to help out of control youth, like you. Your mother signed the papers to not only allow me to keep you here, but to also use experimental treatment on you. You, BOY, are here for 4 weeks."

I lay there, letting all this sink in then asked,

"What kind of experimental treatment? Why are you doing this to me?"

"The treatment you will learn as it comes up, the why, because Noah you have been out of control for years, you got a girl pregnant, then made fun of her, you hurt people Noah, emotionally, and now it's up to me to change you."

I almost started to argue more but decided to save it and asked,

"Where are my clothes, I want to eat something, I'm hugry."

"The first rule you should get used to boy, is that while you are here, you will be naked ALL the time."

"What? You can't do that!"

"Boy, your bag is stored and there are no clothes anywhere on this property that you can get your hands on, so, YES, I can do it, get used to it. NOw, if you want some breakfast, get out of bed and come downstairs with me."

"Can't I at least have a robe?"

"You will be naked the entire time, deal with it boy, now are you coming or not?"

I carefully got out of bed and covered my cock and balls with my hands, then walked as slow as possible, following my Aunt. She looked back at me and smiled evily and said,

"I see you are getting used to the butt plug already."

I couldn't hold back and said,

"You're a bitch."

I watched as she took a remote of some kind out of her pocket and pushed a button and at the same time, the butt plug started vibrating. The sensation was so intense that my entire body shook and when I looked down, stuff was leaking out the head of my cock. The vibrating went on and on as the thing invaded my hole, I did everything to make it stop, thinking getting turned on by this was gay and I was not gay, but the feeling was too intnse and soon my cock was straining against the cage to the point it was getting painful.

"Noah, that is only the first setting of the vibrator mode, there are 9 more levels as well as 5 more modes, I suggest you say sorry."

"Fuck you bitch."

I watched as she pushed something on the remote and suddenly the plug inside me started to expand, stretching my virgin hole wider while still massaging my prostate gland. The attention to my prostate was making me horny while the pressure of the thing expanded caused me almost pain, but still my cock was straining to get hard. As the pressure started to build I gave in and said,

"Okay, I'm sorry."

"Not a very good apology boy, but good enough for now. Now, hurry up and lets get you some food."

I followed my Aunt, very aware of my nakedness, downstairs, then through a hallway. As we were approaching what I assumed was the kitchen I heard female voices and stopped short. My Aunt looked back and said,

"Boy, this is getting tiresome, am I going to have to carry you?"

I looked at my Aunt and asked,

"Who is in there? Who's voices are those?"

"Those are the voices of a couple girls your age that I have been working with, and since I am going to be busy today, they are going to look after you."

"What do you mean look after me?"

"Well, since you have been acting like a little brat I thought it would be best if you had a baby sitter and the three of them volunteered."

"What? I'm too old, I don't need a babysitter."

"Boy, you are trying my patience, do you want me to spank you again, I could do it in front of them if you want."

Hearing that I decided I had enough and turned and ran for the stairs, but my Aunt Vicki caught up quickly, easily picked me up and placed me over her shoulder like I was nothing. She then carried me into the kitchen to a huge round of laughter from the 3 girls sitting around the table. With me still over her shoulder she pulled a chair out and a second later she had placed me in the chair on one side of the table with the 3 girls on the other side. Luckily my nudity was hidden by the table giving me the chance to check the girls out and to my delight they were all very good looking and well built. I decided this could be a very good day for me, figuring I would be able to turn on the charm and get into one, maybe all three of their pants.

My Aunt spoke up and said,

"Kathy, Linda, Mary, this is my nephew Noah."

The theree of them spoke at once saying,

"Awww, he's cute."

I felt some pride coming back knowing my good looks was going to win over the day, then heard my Aunt say,

"I have to get to my work girls, remember the rules, you are in charge of him until I am done working."

Linda, the prettiest of the three spoke up and said,

"Don't worry Mistress Vicki, we'll keep him occupied for you."

I was then relieved to see my Aunt start to walk away, knowing I would be able to overpower the girls, even though there were three of them. But my mood changed when my Aunt said,

"I almost forgot a couple things. Linda this is the key to his device in case you want to take it off, but remember, he is not allowed to ejaculate no matter what."

I watched Linda tuck the key in her shirt pocket and knew I would be grabbing for it the first chance I got, but my confidence quickly faded when my Aunt said,

"One last thing before I leave."

She then walked behind me and before I could react she roughly attached a pair of leather cuffs to my wrists and bound them tightly behind my back. They were so secure that I could not move my hands at all and suddenly realised that I was going to be at the mercy of these 3 girls all day. I said to her,

"How am I supposed to eat with my hands cuffed, let me go right now!"

I noticed the girls all got amazed looks on their faces and I guessed it was because of how I was talking to my Aunt. She looked at me and said,

"Well boy, I guess you are going to have to ask one of the girls to feed you, have a good day."

I watched her hand the remote to Linda and walk away then saw the 3 girls all had huge smiles on their faces and heard Linda say,

"Would you like me to feed you little boy?"

I looked at her with anger and said,

"Why don't you go fuck yourself bitch."

All 3 girls looked at me with firm expressions, but oddly they didn't look mad. Linda looked at me and pressed a button on the remote and I yelled out as it felt like electricity was shocking every inch of my body. The pain was intense and I yelled out,

"Stop it you bitch."

I saw Linda push another button and the pain got even worse, then she said,

"Boy, that is level 2, there are 10 levels, would you like me to go up to 3 or would you like to say sorry."

The pain was too much so I said,


Linda said,

"Okay, I'll let it go this time, but next time you get level 3 boy."

She then looked at the other 2 girls and said,

"Well girls, he obviously doesnt want to eat, what would you like to do with him first?"

Kathy spoke first and said,

"Maybe we should give him a bath."

Then Mary suggested,

"How about we take him to the Mistresses play room, I've never really seen a boy naked and I'd like to check him out."

They all agreed that would be a great idea, so Linda said,

"Stand up and follow us boy."

I started to open my mouth to tell her off, but she read my expression and said,

"Do it now boy, or you experience level 3."

I slowly stood up, feeling my face go beet red as my totally naked and hair free body came into their view. Mary said,

"Oh look girls, he's lost his body hair already, AND, he's caged, this is going to be fun."

Kathy then said,

"Wow he's got a great body too, and aww, look how red his face is, looks like the boy is embarrsed girls."

I slowly walked around the table and suddenly Linda said,

"Look girls, look at his butt, Mistress gave him a spanking."

They all looked and then Linda said,

"Well girls, the way he acts I think it's going to be a lot redder before the day is finished."

That did it, the thought of spending the day with them was too much so stupid as it was, I ran for the stairs to my room. I had only taken a few steps when intense unbearable pain flashed through my entire body, halting me and making me fall to the ground.

Linda walked to me and said,

"That was level 3 boy, next time you get level 4, and trust me, you won't like it, now get up and be a good boy."

I struggled to my feet and with my head down I followed the girls through a hallway and into a huge very well lit room. As soon as we were inside, Linda closed and locked the door and my eyes looked around and took in all the furniture and other things as I realised this was some kind of dungeon. There were chains, ropes, leather straps and a bunch of things I had no idea about. The 3 of them stood around me and then Linda got a very serious look on her face and said,

"Boy, you don't remember me do you?"

I looked at her, confused having no idea what she meant, but felt my stomach sink when she said,

"That girl you got pregnant, then bragged about it on your blog and to everyone at school, telling everyone she was a slut. She's my cousin, I'm surprised you don't remember me I was visiting her once and you actually tried to make out with me while you were waiting for her to get ready."

Suddenly I did remember her and looking around had a pretty good idea what she had planned so I said,

"Linda, I'm sorry, can't you just let me go please?"

"Oh we will let you go boy, when Mistress Vicki is finished with her work, until then, you are our plaything."

Before I could move Kathy and Mary had stepped behind me and each grabbed one of my elbows and held me tight while Linda grabbed soemthing off the wall and a couple seconds later she had attached some kind of metal bar with cuffs on each end to my ankles. Now my wrsists were cuffed behind me and my ankles were spread wide and cuffed to the bar, I couldn't run even if I tried. I opened my mouth to protest and again before i knew it a gag was place in it and tied off behind my head. Mary and Kathy then slowly led me to a padded bench and easily pushed me to my knees so my chest was resting on the padding. Linda then said,

"Okay girls, lets get him nice and clean inside."

I felt hands struggling and fumbling around my cock and butt and a minute later the plug and chastity device were removed. My cock instantly sprang to full hardness but being bound I couldnt touch it and then to my horror I felt gel being pushed into my hole and a second later something small was inserted and a fews seconds later I felt liquid rushing into me and realised they were giving me an enema. My stomach started to cramp, but they kept the fluid flowling until I thought I would burst. They then helped me to a toilet and watched as I expelled all the water, then they repeated the process until Linda said,

"Okay girls, he's nice and clean now."

The humiliation was intense, I felt my face as red as possible but still tried to struggle as they pulled me towards a table very much like a doctors exam table, except this one had straps that looked like they were for securing the person to the table. I learned I was right a couple minutes later when I was flat on my back, my feet in the stirrups and strapped in, a strap across my waist holding it down and my wrists strapped to the side of the table. I tried to struggle, but could not move at all. I heard a whirring noise and then felt the stirrups moving, pushing my knees towards my chest and then they spread my ankles wide. Then the table itself moved until my butt was at the very bottom of the table. I was now as open and exposed as possible.

The gag was removed but before I said a word Linda said,

"If you say anyhting or talk at all without being asked, you will regret it, do you understand me boy?"

I nodded my head, now seriously nervous when Linda raised her voice and said,

"When I ask you a question you will answer, Yes Miss Linda or No Miss Linda, do you understand boy?"

"Yes Miss Linda."

I heard another noise and saw something dropping from the ceiling that looked like a hose of some kind and wwatched as Linda lubed it up and then attached it to my cock head. I then watched amazed as it slwoly moved on it's own until it had my entire shaft inside it. I then let out a moan as it started to pulsate, giving me the feeling of the best blow job I had ever had in my life. The feeling was so intense I let out another louder moan and heard Linda say,

"Moans are allowed boy."

The hose kept up it's movements and I felt myself right on the edge of cumming, right at the point of no return and then to my surprise, it stopped moving all together and left my erection throbbing and pulsing inside of it. Seeing the look of frustration on my face Linda said,

"Aww, did it stop too soon boy? It's one of your Aunt's inventions, it can do that, bring you to the edge and stop all day, so get used to it boy."

I gave her a pleading look but she just smiled and said,

"Okay girls, time to start training him."

Kathy walked to the side of the table and leaned over me and started running her fingers over my nipples, very gently then pinching each one gently, then harder while at the same time the hose started working on my cock again. Kathy started pinching my nipples even harder, but through the pain the hose was keeping my cock very hard and I was soon moaning again. Kathy pinched my nipples even harder as the hose brought me right to the edge again and suddenly stopped, leaving my cock as hard as it had ever been in my life.

I felt Londa putting lube on my hole and I gave her a pleading look, but she said,

"You know how much you like to fuck girls right?"

I didnt want to answer but said,

"Yes Miss Linda."

"How much boy, how much do you enjoy it?"

"It's my favorite thing to do Miss Linda."

"Well then boy, I think it's time you experince what it feels like."

I watched as she picked up a dildo that looked a bit smaller than my cock and lubed it up, she then put lube on her finger and ran it over my exposed hole. She then looked at me and asked,

"Boy, what am I touching right now?"

I looked at her with confusion and then felt her tap my hole and ask again.

"My butt hole Miss Linda."

"That may be what you used to call it, but, from now on if ever asked by anybody, you will call it your boy pussy, do you understand?"

Without thinking I said,

"I'm not a fag, I'm not gonna call it that."

Linda instantly grabbed my exposed balls and squeezed them tight enough that I cried out in pain, she then put her finger on my hole again and said,

"Now, what am I touchng boy?"

I stammered a bit as I said,

"Mmmy bboy pppussy Miss Linda."

"Good boy."

She then used two of her fingers to push lube inside of me and then I felt the head of the dildo pressing aginst my hole, it felt huge and I clamped down to prevent it from sliding in. But then the hose started pulsating on my cock again even better than before and I couldn't help myself, I let out a loud moan and my hole relaxed and a second later the dildo head slipped in past my sphincter. There was immediate pain as the head slipped in and I wondered how gays could like this, but as the hose started pulsing on my cock even faster I stopped thinking about it and concentrated on the feeling in my cock. A few seconds later I felt the didlo being pushed farther into me with steady pressure from linda as the hose attacked my cock.

"Look girls, it's all the way in now."

All 3 girls looked then Linda smiled at me and said,

"Now it's time to move it around, just like you do when you're fucking a girl."

I felt her pull it almost all the way out, then push it all the way back in as the hose kept my cock so hard that I thought it would burst. Linda started pushing the dildo in and out faster and just as the hose had me ready to cum, it stopped, but linda kept working the dildo in and out of me. She looked at me and asked,

"What am I doing boy?"

I looked at her with anger and confusion, but after she flicked my balls with her finger I said,

"You are pushing a dildo in me Miss Linda."

"Do you mean I am fucking your boy pussy?"

I hesitated and she flicked my balls harder so I said,

"You are fucking my boy pussy Miss Linda."

I was so angry and frustrated that they were treating me like this, but bound as I was there was nothing I could do, then I felt even more shame and embarrasment as I heard kathy say,

"Look girls, the hose is in idle mode but his boy penis is still hard, I think he likes his boy pussy being fucked."

I looked down and could feel that my cock was still hard, without help from the hose, but once I noticed it I felt it start to soften, reassuring myself that I wasn't gay. A few seconds later the hose started up again as Linda worked the dildo in and out very fast until I was again on the verge of cumming. The hose stopped again and I felt extreme frustration, I was as horny as ever, but I was unable to cum. Linda kept working the dildo in and out and the hose brought me to the edge of cumming another 5 times. My entire body was covered with a thin sheen of sweat, and every muscle in my body was flexing and my cock felt like it was going to burst along with my balls. I didn't think I would be able to take any more and luckily at that moment Linda pulled the dildo out of me with a low popping noise, then looked at me and said,

"Oh my boy, I hope you don't think that means your ordeal is over, rather, it is just starting. I saw her put the dildo on the counter and then to my horror, pcik up a bigger one. This one was not only bigger than the first one but it was bigger than my own cock. She looked at me and said,

"Time for your boy pussy to experience a real cock now boy."

Next: Chapter 3

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