Service Sex Scenes

By Slow Shark

Published on Sep 23, 2005



If you are under 18 years of age, offended by stories which depict sex between men or consensual violence or live in a jurisdiction where reading/possessing such materials is illegal exit now.

This story is a true account of my first BDSM experience and also my first homosexual encounter. This story is of course told from the author's perspective and, as such, is susceptible to error through the author's memory. Some artistic license has been taken to make the story more readable. However, the story is as accurate as it was possible to be.

Since the account is real, it may not live up to the expectations you may have of a normal story. The story has been told such that the identities of participants are kept as private as possible.

Service, Sex & Scenes - Day 2 - Progression

Wearing a collar is a wonderful experience; you enjoy a lifting of responsibility, you expose yourself to submission and make your whole purpose the satisfaction of another. That, after all, is what it symbolises to me. It is at various times cleansing, exciting, calming and relaxing. Until you try to go to sleep that is. Lying on your side or front whilst wearing a wide, heavy collar is nearly always uncomfortable and therefore sleeping is difficult. Unfortunately, I hate sleeping on my back.

So it was that my deep sleep became rather fitful from some time in the middle of the night. Still, I felt alert when I woke up on Tuesday morning, ready for anything. I let myself lie there, waiting for Master to wake up as I thought through the events of the previous day.

I ran over in my mind the time I spent in bed with Master, how my emotions were those of exhilaration, delight and euphoria mixed with a little disgust. I recalled my nervousness at the start of the scene and my pride at my warm behind. My thoughts wandered from the moment I arrived to that hazy moment the night before when Master got into bed.

My mind came back to the present as I tried to stretch some bunched muscles. I moved one leg, but as I tried to stretch the other, a strange weight on top of the duvet stopped me. I struggled to move my leg around the new obstacle but to no avail. I certainly hadn't noticed it last night but perhaps Master had left something on the end of the bed. I mentally shrugged and let myself drift off in a light doze.

When I awoke again I was thirsty and needed the toilet, but I didn't want to wake Master or even remove that sleepy veil that covers you when you wake. It was a deep thrumming sound that had apparently awoken me, like many walls and much distance were muffling a large diesel engine's noise. I looked up and promptly discovered that the source of the noise was much closer. I also discovered that it and the heavy object of earlier confusion were one and the same. The friendly cat from the day before was standing on the bedside table and purring louder than I had ever heard a cat purr before.

Trying to ignore the furry face inches from mine, I ended up turning over to face the other way, towards Master. I just lay there dozing on and off and eventually switched to my favourite, chest down, position. As is normal for me in the morning, I had quite a hard on and as I was fading in and out of awareness, the pressure of my body on my cock gave that usual electric euphoria at every tiny movement.

Master surprised me by sitting up and getting out of bed to relieve himself. Still too enraptured by the feeling in my crotch, I barely moved until His return to bed, next to me.

"Come here."

I snuggled up to Him and after a bit of movement, ended up with my back snuggled against His front. That lovely secure feeling washed over me again as Master held me. His hands slid down my body to my hard member.

"You're horny aren't you, boy?"

"Yes, sir," I gasped as He played with me.

Stopping well before anything untoward occurred, Master got me to turn to face Him. I welcomed His renewed embrace and returned His kiss. Before long my attentions turned to the rest of Him and, losing myself in the moment, I explored His body with my mouth. As my tongue caressed His skin and my hand stroked His body, He played with my nipples again. Sometimes He gently caressed them but He always returned to a hard press or sharp squeeze that would send electric thrills down my body. Eventually my attentions brought the situation to a climax and, after I had sucked and licked Master clean again, we shared a warm embrace.

"Time for breakfast. I'll have weetabix," Master said as He released me.

"Yes, sir. Umm... would you like it up here, sir? And how many weetabix would you like, sir?" I asked as I rolled out of bed and rose to my feet.

"Yes, up here, boy. Two, no sugar."

"Yes, sir."

I hurried downstairs, after relieving myself, to do as ordered. The kitchen was cold on my bare skin as I prepared the cereal. Remembering a spoon, I returned to the bedroom to hand Master the bowl and utensil.

"Go and get your own, boy."

"Yes, sir." I said before going off again.

Walking down the stairs I adjusted the collar that had somehow turned to an uncomfortable position. After making myself a similar breakfast to Master's, I returned upstairs to consume it. Master left to take care of His own affairs as I finished my weetabix and I proceeded to take the dirty dishes downstairs for washing.

During the washing up, the friendly cat appeared and looked on until I started the drying and putting away. My duties downstairs complete, I went back up to find Master in the playroom.

"Right, this stuff over here," Master indicated the area on top of the box that had held me yesterday, "needs to be tidied up. Take the dishes downstairs and wash them up and put all of the rubbish lying around in the bin." He paused before turning to the rest of the playroom. "Do you know how to deflate one of those?" He asked, indicating an inflatable mattress.

"No, sir, but I'm sure that I can work it out."

"Hmm... leave it then, boy. I'm going out for a bit."

"Yes, sir."

I set to work, first grabbing a plastic bag and then filling it with the copious amounts of rubbish lying around. It seemed that the several visitors of the previous day had had their fair share of meals in the playroom. As soon as I had collected all of the dirty dishes, by no means a small number, and taken them downstairs, I started on the tidying of the room.

Socks seemed to grow from the floor, leaving me with seven or eight pairs and an odd sock. I also found the clothes belonging to the recent occupant of the inflatable mattress, who had seemingly vanished. I continued to tidy as I puzzled over his slightly mysterious ability to be almost invisible at times.

The bang of the front door caught me as I was taking the rubbish downstairs, the tidying complete.

"Hello, sir."

"Hello, boy," Master replied closing the door.

I took the rubbish bag to the corner occupied by similar bags before starting the washing up. My brain tuned out as I cleaned and dried various items, mulling over what the day might bring. Master had mentioned another slave, I wondered if and when he would arrive and what it would be like. My previous fantasies of slave contests and such seemed very pale and thin. I ended up starting to worry how well I would compare with an experienced slave but luckily I finished the washing up before I could work myself into any real panic over it.

Once again I found my way back to the playroom, to find Master erecting what turned out to be a small trolley. I gave a bit of assistance and before long Master was admiring His new anal toy trolley. After it held all of the required toys, I was ordered to take the, now nearly full, trolley to the bathroom.

"Take each of the things in the blue bucket and wash them before putting them on the trolley," I was told.

I did as ordered, washing each black dildo or inflatable vibrating plug thoroughly before placing it in its appropriate place on the trolley. Before too long I wheeled it back in to the playroom and placed it in a corner.

Master was sitting at His computer and it seemed that there was little else to be done for the moment. Master looked around, studying me as I stood there awaiting His next wish.

"Let's do something with you," Master said.

He retrieved one of His wonderfully neat ropes from its place on a hook and slid it through His fingers. He began binding me, perfectly placing each knot to hold the rope in place on my body.

I felt each new knot and every caress of the rope; I loved it. Master's creation did not inhibit my movement at all but clung to me. I found it, by turns, exciting and relaxing. I let myself become absorbed in the waves of pleasure resulting from the reassuring grip of the rope. As the rope found sensitive spots all over my body, I felt sudden electric thrills.

Master finished His creation and invited me to look in the mirror to see what it looked like. I turned to see what He had wrought. It looked as fantastic as it felt, with the ropes trailing all over my body. Even though it wasn't restrictive, it felt as if Master was constantly holding me by this thin white extension of His touch.

"I think I'll get some photos of this."

Master took some photos of me in various poses before He returned to His computer, letting me kneel next to Him. As I did so, I felt the submissiveness of my position just flow through me, just as they had done on my first collaring the day before. I was still floating in the space of my mind when Master turned to me suddenly.

"Time to get you out of this."

Master started removing the bonds that held me and I felt the customary light-headedness as the ropes holding my balls were removed. Once the rope was off, He started to tie it into its storage knotting.

"The client will be here soon, go and put on your school uniform."

Client! I suddenly remembered one of Master's previously forgotten comments. I was to help Him in a scene today. But what happened if I was as nervous as last night? Then I would not only mess up Master's scene, but His client's too. I told myself to stop worrying otherwise I would be that nervous.

"Yes, sir."

Master removed my collar for me before I put on my plain grey shorts with a white short-sleeved shirt. I then tied the striped school tie in the customary half-Windsor knot and adjusted it to get the various parts in the right place. After adding my socks and shoes, I checked with Master that it was OK.

"Yes, boy, now go and make sure you are ready, go to the toilet."

I did as I was told and as I was walking back to the playroom, there was a knock at the door. Master saw me as He was just getting up to get the door.

"Stand over there," He said, pointing vaguely in the direction of the playroom behind Him.

I did so, standing in the wide opening between the computer area just off the main playroom and the main playroom itself. I clasped my hands behind my back and let my eyes fall to the floor.

Excluding all thoughts, I let my mind be blank and ready. Some time passed, how long I don't know, probably little more than a minute.

Footsteps announced the client. I didn't look up but concentrated on what I was hearing to try to detect Master's approach. In the meantime, the client obviously had some orders as he made a fair bit of noise. Master arrived a short while later and to me His presence filled the room, even before He spoke.

"Kneel, boy, and put your hands on your head," I assumed that it was me that He was speaking to. I promptly dropped to my knees, letting the thoughts of His dominance wash over me. A slight pause, as if He was considering, was ended by His next words, "where is your uniform?"

No answer.

"Well, do you think it's funny to come to the headmaster wearing that?"

"No, sir, I left it at home, sir," the client answered.

"Why did you do that, boy?"

The question was met with silence.

"Strip! If you can't be bothered with a uniform, you'll have nothing!"

The sounds of clothes being hurriedly taken off filled the air, even as Master moved to take something from its slot on the wall. The rustling of discarded clothing stopped but was shortly replaced by the sounds of leather cuffs being buckled up. A few moments later, Master's attention temporarily turned to me.

"Come here," He pointed to the floor next to the client.

This was the first time I had looked up since the client had entered; he now stood naked with his cuffed wrists attached somehow to the eyelets in the ceiling. Master was stood in front of him, in front of the spanking horse. I scampered across the floor to once again kneel back on my black leather shoes with my hands clasped firmly behind my head.

"So, you've both been naughty boys." Master turned back to the client. "What did I tell you last time about being naughty?" A slight pause. "Yes, that's right, that I had better not see you back here again. This is James' first time in my office; maybe I should use you as an example and let him off lightly. What do you think of that?"

A slight mumble came out of the client's mouth.

I was intrigued at Master's choice of name for me in front of the stranger. Not that I'd ever told Master, but my middle name is James.

Master waited a moment before turning to the spanking horse and moving it out from the wall for use. He quickly released the client from his bonds before urging him to the spanking horse. Once he was secured to the horse's wooden frame, Master retrieved a long item, similar to a crop, but with a tiny hand shaped end.

Master started using it lightly on the client's ass and upper thigh. The quick light strokes made a strange noise in the otherwise silent room, although the client's breathing got slightly heavier with time. Eventually Master moved to the feet, lightly using His "helping hand" crop on the soles. After a short time, Master stopped, leaving the client to his slightly heavier breathing.

"Why did you do it? Do you know how long that toilet was out of use? Do you have any idea how long it took to clean it up? Two days!" Master paused in His tirade. "I've acquired a new tool since you were last here. Perhaps you thought your little escapade was funny but we'll see if you're still laughing after feeling my new birch."

And soon the birch was beating, at first lightly and then harder, on the client's ass, turning it a bright red. After a little time Master switched back to the crop to continue on his feet. The client's feet flexed at each stroke, and made him squirm his whole body in it's bonds.

The client's ass was obviously recovering, for Master retrieved yet another instrument of pain. It was long, thin and was a very light colour. It was a rattan cane. The cane worked firmly but carefully over the client's already red behind, making it, if it was possible, even redder. Eventually Master delivered the last few blows and retreated to His chair behind me to watch what would follow. I let my eyes rest on the red ass not far from me as Master walked out of my view.

"Boy, go and caress his ass."

"Yes, sir," I replied

I moved quickly to comply with the order and put my hand gently on his warm, red ass. I moved my hand back and forth over his ass, softly stroking the reddened areas.

"Is he enjoying this, boy?"

I slid a hand between his legs and felt his cock. It was hard. I let my fingers drag over the underside of his cock and stroke his balls as I withdrew.

"He is, sir."

I went back to caressing his ass with my hands, letting as finger trail down the cleft between his cheeks every so often.

"Kiss the red parts and do it properly."

I complied, kissing all over his cheeks and his upper thighs, repeating the process again and again. My tongue licked at the surface as I concentrated on the warmest, reddest bits.

"Do his feet now, boy."

I transferred my attention as Master can up behind me, once again holding His birch. The clack of the birch striking the client's behind, just above my head, sang out in the air. The noise became a regular one but my attention remained fixed firmly on the feet in front of me, licking up and down the soles between bouts of kissing.

"You can stop that now, boy."

I did just that and knelt back out of the way of Master's birch. The client's ass regained its warm glow and red colour as I sat there just letting the view and the sounds wash though me. Before long though, Master was ready for a change in activity. I went back to kissing the client's red ass as Master sat back down.

"OK, boy, stand up and smack his ass with your hand as hard as you can."

This was certainly unexpected, I'd never spanked anyone in my life, but it couldn't be all that hard, could it? But then I realised that I wasn't sure exactly how hard I was meant to do it. Did Master really mean as hard as I could? I wasn't sure, so I just let myself go and see what happened.

I moved my hand and arm back for the swing and hesitated for a moment due to a last bout of uncertainty before letting my arm swing down. It moved at a natural pace, giving a loud slap on his ass and sending a tingling sensation over my palm. I suppose it could have been harder but there was no way I'd ever be able mentally to do that. I looked over at Master, seeking approval and further instruction.

"Again, boy."

I did it again and again at Master's prompting, each slap differing slightly in intensity and sound. Some connected well, whilst others seemed faint even though they were no softer. After a while though, my hand's tingling was preventing me from delivering the harder blows.

"Swap sides."

I moved around to the right side of the horse and gave a few spanks with my left hand, before Master stopped me.

"That's enough, now, lets get you up here."

Master released the client from the horse and he got off, the connecting clips still tinkling against the buckles on the leather cuffs. I replaced him promptly but was not secured to it. Master ran His hand over my shirt covered back and down to my grey shorts before placing His hands on my legs and separating my knees slightly.

"You know what you're here for."

"Yes, sir." Actually I didn't have a clue as to my supposed infraction of school rules.

"When you pushed Johnson into the girls loos you must have known what was going to happen to you."

"Err, I didn't think about it, sir."

"Well now you're going to find out. Do you know what they did to him?"

"No, sir."

"They flushed with his head in the toilet."

"I'm sorry, sir, I didn't realise that would happen."

"That's not an excuse, boy," Master paused as He reached around me to unbutton my shorts and pull them down over my ass, "why aren't you wearing underwear, boy?"

Oh no! Was I meant to have worn some? No, that was against the rules!

"I forgot them, sir." What had I just said? FORGOTTEN them? I just didn't notice they were missing? Yeah, right! "I, umm, left them at home, sir. They were all dirty."

"Forgot them! Well, why didn't you wash them, boy? Never mind, but that's extra punishment."

"Yes, sir," I said meekly.

It was my turn for Master's selection of instruments. The first few strokes let my mind's attention move to the correct region but their lightness meant that they barely registered otherwise. As they built in intensity, my mind was once again lost in that incredible awareness that I had felt so briefly the previous day. It felt as if my whole body reacted as one, as if each blow let a ripple of feeling extend out from it leaving my mind bobbing in its wake.

"Kiss his ass."

A rattling was followed by the feel of hands gripping my legs and then a wet touch on my behind. The feeling of the mouth on my behind after such activity was incredible. His touch was light and soothing, sending trills though my body. As he continued, now and again sliding his tongue between my cheeks, giving a very different pleasure; I lost myself in the feelings of bliss.

Master stopped the client, leaving my mind lost in the haze of feeling. Suddenly I was drawn out of that mental fog by the feel of a cool cream on my ass hole. A slight wriggling against my hole was followed by the feel of a blunt object pressing against it, which turned out to be my butt plug. The plug was pushed slowly, but firmly into my hole, leaving me feeling filled. Master wiped off the excess lube.

"Do you know what they did to Johnson? Those girls forced a toilet brush up his ass. At least I used a proper item for you."

"Yes, sir, thank you. I'm sorry, sir."

"OK, boy, get up and kneel over there."

I pulled my shorts up as I got off the spanking horse and went to the spot that Master had indicated. Master himself first pushed the spanking horse back into the corner and then pulled the cage into the centre of the room. It wasn't long before the client was secured firmly to it: face up, legs spread and hands above his head.

"Boy, in the blue bucket in the bathroom is a black thing about this long," Master indicated a couple of feet, "go and get it."

I returned a moment later with the required item, proffering it to Master as He pulled several things from a box. Master placed a ring of a sort of gel around the client's cock and balls before taking the black wire from me, bending it into a ring and pressing it into the gel. A little adhesive pad was added to the tip of the client's cock and a wire connected. Another wire from the black object joined it in connecting to a small box looking something like a remote control. Master fiddled with the controls and then pressed one button with a slight finality to it. The client tensed.

"Is that OK, or is this better?"

"That's better."

He relaxed slightly, but squirmed every so often. Master turned to me and reached down to my shorts, undoing the fly and pulling out my cock. He had a short fondle, but broke it off.

"Go around the other side and play with his chest and nipples."

I did so, running my fingers trough his copious chest hair before bending down to begin my licking and sucking on first one and then another of his nipples. My hands continued to caress his chest as Master looked on.

"Do you know what else happened to Johnson?" I thought a bit but before I could answer, Master continued, "they shaved his legs, so what did I have you do, boy?"

"You had me shave my whole body, sir."

"That's right, boy, what's the one place that I allow you to keep your hair."

"My arms, sir, and... well, and my head, sir."

"Now look at this, this boy has lots of hair, not like you. Maybe you'll have that much hair by the time you're in the sixth form."

"Maybe, sir."

Master let the conversation lapse as continued my ministrations on the client secured to the cage. I circled his nipples with my tongue spiralling in and out, sucking first softly and then harder, pressing lightly with my teeth. I swapped sides, let the intensity rise and fall, all the while my fingers running lightly over his chest, brushing the hair there.

Master started using once of His instruments lower down the client's body, the slap-slap a strange counterpoint to my slow licking and sucking in my mind. I didn't look up to see what Master was doing but concentrated on my own actions. Occasionally my cock, still hanging out of my shorts, brushed against the client's hand, giving me an odd thrill.

This continued for some minutes until Master left the room, returning with the shorter of the two guys from the day before. I left my position for stimulating the client's nipples and joined the other boy, who had shed his dressing gown, leaving him in just a thong. At Master's command, I shed my clothes and stood back to back with the other boy.

Master retrieved some rope, which He used to first secure our torsos together followed quickly by our wrists and legs. Master then took the rope between our legs and then started to coil it around my cock and balls. I expected Master to stop after just a few coils, but He continued to add them, pulling my balls further from my body and holding my cock firmly alongside them. Master tied off His last knot and stood back to admire His handiwork before going to the cage to release His client.

"You may touch and play with them but not his nipples," Master said, indicating the shorter boy.

The client circled us, first playing with one and then the other. He ran his fingers over my tightly stretched balls, up my chest and played with my nipples, squeezing them lightly. On his next time around, his mouth found mine as his hands increased pressure on my nipples.

The whole time that this obvious activity continued, the boy behind and me were gently playing with our hands. We clasped each other's hands or played our fingers along the other's skin.

My mind alternated from concentrating on the client to the person behind me, each one a different set of feelings. When I was thinking about the client, I felt the submissive part of me sing out but when he left, I returned to that equally sublime companionship I felt for the one behind me.

My emotions and feelings twirled within me, leaving me no space for considered thought. It was not surprising that it took a while for me to realise that the client was no longer circling the two of us. I did realise what was happening as Master started to remove the ropes from my cock and balls. The feel of the release of the bonds nearly made me fall over as the blood returned in a rush. I'd never felt anything like it. I felt and noticed nothing of the rest of the removal of the ropes, really only realising that I was free as the other boy broke contact with me. The other boy left the room, retrieving his dressing gown as he went.

"Time to get you on here, boy," Master said to me.

I got up onto the cage and, after a bit of confusion, lay face up whilst Master gathered the leather cuffs that would be needed. After I was firmly attached to the cage, legs and arms spread out, Master added a cloth blindfold. As my sense of sight went, my awareness turned to concentrate on the sounds of those around me.

I nearly jumped as fingers began running over my chest, their slow caress at odds with their sudden arrival. The client was apparently reciprocating my earlier attentions but my musings on the situation became irrelevant as his touch reached my nipples. I let myself get lost in the feelings of pleasure emanating from my chest; the electric thrills making my body almost convulse.

A sudden whistle and slap, accompanied by a sharp sting on my upper thigh caused me to forget the sensations on my chest for a moment. As the blows continued, my mind alternated between concentrating on the exciting pain and the electric pleasure. The pain and pleasure moved all over my body, the slaps of the instrument appearing for a while on my upper arms and the incredible touch of the client's fingers stroked my smooth inner thigh and balls.

The pain began to take over my mind, excluding the pleasure as my body reached my limits and just as I though I could take no more, Master stopped. I lay there panting for a while as the caress of the fingers on my body came back into focus. I barely noticed Master releasing me from my bonds but found myself back on my feet, still needing to rest for a while.

"Go to the bathroom, boy. Once you've relieved yourself, come back."

I went and did as I was told, taking my time and getting a quick drink of water before returning. My thoughts came back to normal and my breathing had calmed by the time I got back to the playroom. The client was once again on the cage secured as before. I once again returned to my position at the head of the table, licking and sucking his nipples.

"Lean over him, so that he can play with your nipples whilst you play with his."

I leant over on tiptoe making a strange version of the sixty-nine position; it certainly felt different. I ran my finger through the hair on his thickly matted chest and licked spirals around his nipples whilst I got the lovely sucking and licking in return. At Master's command, I moved around to stand between his legs and started using my fingers to play with his inner thighs and balls. I started by running my fingers along that hugely erotic zone behind the balls, caressing slowly. I moved my other hand to draw the tops of my nails lightly up his inner thighs.

As I continued, Master took the man's cock in His hand and began pumping it. I grew more urgent in the use of my hands, moving faster, pressing harder on his prostate and lighter on his thighs. Master and I worked him and his breathing changed to become faster. As he reached climax, I stroked his prostate with extra vigour. I stopped my massaging as Master wiped him up with some tissues whilst the client regained his breath.

"Get the cushion and kneel over there facing the wall."

I did so, placing my hands on my head as usual. Master released His client and took off all of the restraints before He spoke.

"Do you want to get yourself cleaned up?"

"No, it's OK."

"OK, get dressed then."

I heard the scuffling behind me as the client put his clothes on before starting a quiet conversation with Master, obviously not meant for me to hear.

"Elbows up, slave. If I have to tell you again, you will be punished."

"Sorry, sir."

I pushed my elbows up as high as I could get them, straining my muscles to do the best I could for Master. The quiet conversation behind was lost to me as my muscles made their tired condition known to my mind. My breathing became more pronounced as I grew tired from the exertion of constantly straining to keep my elbows elevated as high as possible. I tried concentrating on my breathing to cut out the feeling coming from my arms. I was trying to control what had become unrestrained panting when finally Master saved me, temporarily at least, from my losing battle.

"Come here, thank him and kiss his feet, boy."

Say thank you for what? Oh well, not for me to question. I gratefully dropped my arms before turning from the wall and crawling speedily over to the client. On my knees in front of him, I looked up a bit but I was too close and couldn't manage to look higher than midway up his torso.

"Thank you," I said simply, perhaps too simply I realised later and probably a little too quickly.

I looked back down hurriedly, lowering my head without hesitation to his white trainers before kissing the top of each a few times.

"Go back over to the wall, boy."

I did so, once again with my hands behind my head, straining to keep my elbows as high as possible. Master and His client left, leaving me on my own to concentrate on maintaining my posture. Before long though, Master returned.

"Put your uniform back on, I want to take some pictures."

As I wandered around, looking for the location of my various garments, Master was conversing with the shorter boy in the other room.

"I think it's possible to tie things to the bed posts," the boy commented.

"Do you want me to tie you to it?"

"Err, yes."

I finished doing up my tie as I stood in the doorway. Master fed white rope around convenient locations at the corners of the bed and secured them to the outstretched limbs of the boy on the bed. As Master finished forming the knots holding the scantily clad form spread eagle on the bed, I waited patiently. Once Master finished with the rope, He spoke to the boy.

"I'll be back in a bit," He turned to me, "let's go next door."

Once we were in the playroom, Master got His camera. Master took a picture of me from the front before getting me to turn around to face the wall with my hands on my head for the second. Master came up behind me and undid my shorts, letting them drop to the floor, as He tucked my shirt out of the way of His next photo. Master took several more and had me start wanking for the last one.

The humiliation that I had expected to feel never happened, I just felt comfortable with Master's control of me. My mind was slightly off kilter though, not at all ready for that sexual moment, so I found it quite hard to get erect. That did cause me embarrassment. It took a while to get myself hard but finally I managed it, despite still not being ready for that sort of encounter. I should, I assumed, be ready every second of every day at the moment, as I hadn't orgasmed for a week. My mind, though, was not ready for it.

"Take off your clothes, boy."

I did so, my erection flagging as my hands attended to the other parts of my body. Master was removing His own clothes, obviously getting ready for what was about to come. He turned to the cage and fiddled with something before turning swiftly to me. The whole moment seemed to speed by as He handed me a condom and spoke.

"Fuck me, boy, I want a cock up my ass."

My mind stalled and time stalled with it. Any thoughts I had had got thrown to the four winds in that moment. I stood for a second before my hand returned to massaging my cock. It seemed though, that along with my thoughts, my erection had fled. Noticing that worry flooded me. What if I didn't get hard? Would Master be cross? What would He do?

But, of course, this only made it worse; my concentration on my cock disappeared and panic ensued. I knew in that moment I wouldn't be able to do as Master had commanded. I had failed. I had to tell.

"M-M-Master, I... I don't think I can do this," I croaked, my throat suddenly dry.

He turned around to look at me, taking me in for a moment before reaching out for something.

"It's not that you can't GET hard, boy, but that you don't stay hard."

My mind begged the difference, after all, to me it was an attitude problem; I simply wasn't in the right frame of mind. My mouth though remained closed.

Master turned back to me holding a metal ring -- a cock ring. He took two steps before grabbing my balls and gently popping them through the ring. Then He took my now quite flaccid member and drew it through as well.

"Try again, boy."

I knew even before I started that the task was hopeless. I was simply not ready. My hand began pumping but to no effect. How could I tell Master? How could I not? What should I say?

"I, uhh, sir... I d-don't... I have been..." my voice trailed off.

"What is it, boy?" Master did sound angry now.

I stuttered away for a few more seconds, my mouth unable to mutter a coherent sentence. My eyes began to go misty, as they do before tears form. Master, however, seemed to understand what I was trying to say. He was, I thought, upset, if not actually angry. I was ashamed at my body's reaction but mostly upset that I had failed Him.

"Bend over the cage," His voice was commanding but I could not detect either anger or compassion. It was a cold voice.

I did so, shaking slightly now, as I was sure I had to be punished. The now familiar rattle of one of Master's implements only seemed to confirm this to me. This time, I was sure, the use of it would not be so careful.

"Beg me for it," Master seemed to whisper in my ear.

I at last understood what Master actually wanted. Weeks before, Master had told me of how this was to happen.

"Please, sir, plea-" I whispered but was cut off before I could finish.

"Louder, boy, I can't hear you."

The first stroke landed moments before I started again. The sudden shock surprised me, causing me to inhale sharply.

"Please, sir, please... please fuck me," I still barely managed much above a whimper.

As the next blow landed, I managed to speak a little louder. The impacts came steadily but speedily and with each my voice became louder and my words more graphic.

"Please, sir, I need your cock up my ass. Please, sir, let me feel it!"

But the blows kept coming and my ass drew more and more of my thought. I simply couldn't concentrate on the words I was saying and before long they grew simple and the volume dropped. I was running right on the edge, filling my mind with the feeling of rawness of my ass and my eyes with tears. I was wondering if I could take any more when Master stopped. I let myself relax completely but only a moment later that warning rattle sounded.

"Please... Master... please... fuck me... oh PLEASE," all but the last coming as a pitiful whimper.

Instead of the dreaded impact, Master removed my plug. The usual strange feeling as it stretched me on its way out coupled with the equally normal feeling of emptiness at its disappearance. The feeling didn't last long. I was pleasantly full of Master's cock.

I had expected my first experience of this to hurt but perhaps the plug had done its work well, both in the hours and weeks before. With a strange mix of relief and dimmed awareness my focus moved to the new sensation, which was like a strange massage after what had been happening moments before. My hazy mind allowed me to feel every sensation but I could not have moved or uttered a word, it was a wonderful feeling.

As master withdrew having finished, I realised that I felt exhausted from both the beating and my first anal experience. As He gathered me up in His arms, just holding me and letting me relax, I felt too content for words to describe.

"Go and get yourself cleaned up. Have a bath and put the cock ring back on afterwards."

"Yes, sir, thank you," I said as I disengaged myself from His arms.

As I ran my bath and removed the only item I was wearing, the cock ring, Master went to play with the other boy, who was still secured to the bed.

By the time I had finished, Master was in the playroom and the bed was empty. I slipped the cock ring back on as I walked over to Him.

"Have you left the bath water, boy?"

"Yes, sir. Shall I run you another bath or is that water OK?"

"No, just leave it as it is," He paused for a moment, "are you hungry, boy?"

"Yes, sir, would you like me to make you something?"

"Yes, how about beans on toast? But I'll have two Jacket potatoes instead of toast."

"Yes, sir," I said as I turned to leave.

"Aren't you forgetting something, boy?" I certainly couldn't but Master cleared up my forgetfulness immediately, "go and get your collar, boy."

After finding my collar in the playroom, I brought it to Master for Him to buckle it on. I went downstairs after an admonition from Master to make the other boy something too. It turned out that he was in the living room, watching TV. After my initial offer and his refusal of food, I continued to the kitchen to begin the usual game of hide-and-seek with the tins of beans and other required items. Midway trough my hunt, the other boy entered. I repeated my query and was once again declined before we began the familiar getting-to-know-you chat.

Our conversation was cut slightly short, as I had to deal with the food nearing readiness. I didn't serve the food but made sure it would stay warm as I went to inform Master. Dealing with the table whilst Master served himself, we were ready to eat in only a little time.

"Where are those shorts? The leather ones."

"Erm... over there, sir, would you like me to do something with them?"

"Well, it's up to you but I thought that perhaps you might not want to sit on those chairs without putting something on."

The chairs' wicker seats were certainly not something the sensitive skin on my ass would appreciate. I gratefully put the shorts on before we sat down to eat.

Master and I talked inanely for the duration of the meal, discussing purely vanilla aspects of our lives. We could have passed for two friends, save for my scanty attire and obvious deference to Him.

After the meal, I tidied and washed up before trying to match items to places in cupboards. My duties done, I went upstairs to see if Master had any other things for me to do. He drew me in for an embrace and a lingering kiss before speaking.

"You look tired, boy, and you did well this morning. Come on boy."

Master led me next door to the bedroom, where I shed the black shorts. I climbed on to the bed but Master decided He wasn't going to join me. On His way out, He told me to sleep.


It turned out that I was pretty tired. I fell into a light sleep almost as soon as I closed my eyes. I only stirred occasionally, sometimes seemingly without reason, other times for obvious reasons. Master retrieved several items from the room whilst I slumbered and, at some point, voices outside the door awoke me.


It wasn't until much, much later, though, that Master came to wake me.

"Come with me, boy."

We walked along the landing, Master leading the way with me rubbing my eyes and trying not to walk into hazardous objects like doorframes. We reached the playroom and Master introduced me to another young sub. I managed some response but my mind was still too slow to appear chatty. Master had something to tell me though.

"It's my parents' wedding anniversary tonight, we're going out for a meal. I should be back by ten o'clock," Master turned to the boy, "and I'll drop you off at the station."


"You can go and make yourself some dinner and do what you like until I get back," Master said after turning back to me. "You can watch TV and there are plenty of interesting things to watch on the computer."

"Thank you, sir."

"I'll see you around ten, boy."

And with that, He was gone.

I went downstairs and realised that I wasn't that hungry, so I just had some toast and an apple. I sat for a moment pondering what to do and decided that I would simply read my book.

After I cleaned up the mess I had made in the kitchen, I returned to the bedroom. I decided that before I started to read, I would have a quick look at Master's bookshelf. I retrieved my glasses and sat absorbing myself in authors' names and books' titles for several minutes but didn't touch a single one. I was surprised at some of the books, mostly because I had read about a third, whilst others I had never heard of. I lay back on the bed and opened "Neither Here Nor There" by Bill Bryson and spent the next hours laughing myself silly.


The front door banged shut. I quickly put my book down and waited for Master who came into the room a few minutes later and paused briefly before speaking.

"Hello, boy. What did you get up to this evening then?"

"I read my book, sir. How was dinner, sir?"


I started to wonder whether Master wished to play more tonight or simply go to bed. It was clear, though, after Master briefly checked His messages online that it was time for bed.

"What book were you reading?"

"One of Bill Bryson's, sir."

"Do you want to read for a bit before bed, boy?"

"I don't mind, sir."

And so we each read books for a while. I spent most of the time suppressing fits of laughter at Italians parking cars and the like, but before too long it was time to switch the lights out.

I snuggled up to Master and revelled in the feeling of safety I had at being held in His arms. My attentions quickly progressed from simply snuggling to a continued exploration of His body with my mouth. As I always do, I lost myself in the task, roving over His nipples before gradually working my way down past His navel to His cock. Master turned over to allow me to continue on to His hole and I strained my tongue to comply.

As I licked around and gradually penetrated further with my tongue, my mind focused on my technique. Master seemed to be finding my activities enjoyable but I continued to try harder and harder as I knew I might be able to do better. I buried myself as far in as I could, allowing myself to come up for breath only occasionally.

"Do you want to cum, boy?"

"Yes, please, sir," I said after gasping for breath.

"You may wank, boy."

"Thank you, sir."

I gratefully obeyed, leaning back and taking my cock in my right hand and started to stroke myself. I went slowly at first wanting to enjoy my first release in over a week, but as my excitement grew, I moved my hand faster and faster. Just as I was approaching the point where I would not be able to stop, I slowed down slightly.

"Master," I gasped, "may I cum?"

"Yes, slave, go ahead, but lick it up immediately."

"Thank you, sir."

I drew out the last few tugs on my cock and at last I came, right over Master's back as He had intended. I spent a few seconds just breathing to let the ecstasy fade slowly before beginning to lick things up. I quickly used my fingers to clean the last dribbles from my cock and made sure my hand was clean before beginning on Master's back. As I dipped my tongue into the main puddle, I realised that the reason there were so few splodges of cum around was because it was so thick. I licked up a little bit to find that I had taken nearly the whole lot with it. A few licks later and it was all gone.

"Have got it all, boy?"

"Yes, sir," I said as I trailed a hand over His back to check.

I snuggled back up to Master, exhausted once again. We kissed and cuddled, but before long we just relaxed. At last, I turned over and drifted off once again...

My Master would like to hear any comments you may have. His email address is

If you wish to contact me, you may email me at

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