Serving Boys

By jaken

Published on Jun 29, 2023


Story involves sex, domination, joy and satisfaction! :)

Do not read if you dislike boys dominate, play with, humiliate, abuse and torture guys!

Names are fictional. It's a lot of imagination in here...

First of all I apologize for to many mistakes I'd made in previous story. I did not take enough time to check it.

I tasted the cum the kid fed me. I could hardly move being tied like that but the food looked tempting so I did my best to reach the plate. I lowered myself and started eating the remains. There were some chicken bones, some sausages, some potato, some bread...

My ass was wide open. I felt it. I got horny realizing I was eating using just my mouth and recalling the fucking I received. The kid was great. I loved him emptying himself inside me. I was partly his urinal and above all a slave to him. I wanted to obey him and I needed to. I felt like his toy and it was great while he played.

He didn't seem to have particular limits in treating me. Every pain he gave me was intense.

My ass hurt, I got quite a lot of spanking and my back was aching from those scratches I got.

The guys had a good time. I was nothing for them so I hoped they were satisfied. I was afraid Mussim would not be pleased or could get angry if anyone complained.

The kid took the control over me for the whole time from the moment he pissed in me; making me and my ass even more an object of their joy than me being fucked.

The door unlocked and Mussim came in with some other boy. The boy was about 150 cm tall. He must have worked out a lot as he was muscled. He was older than Mussim, I think. I liked the boy very much. I knew he was stronger than me and I liked that. He had darker skin, dark hair, cut short.

"Look what we have here!"

"All tied up. Looks nice! So he won't escape!"

"Hello Mussim. Hello." I looked at both of them greeting them. I was glad to see Mussim. I straightened my torso when greeted them.

They approached me on each side and I looked up at them.

"You have been good today. You earned yourself something to eat."

He had a plastic bag. He dumped the food on the plate and round it.


With no hesitation I started chewing and swallowing the food. I did not even look at what I was eating.

"Hey Brak, put the chain round his neck!"

The boy was Brak. He sat on my back and I felt a cold chain being applied round my neck and locked. It was round 1 cm wide and more than a meter long so a part of it was there to lead me.

Brak: "Yea, eat that food, sicko!"

Brak started riding me like riding a horse, hitting me with the chain on sides and chest than spanking my ass real hard with one hand while pulling on the chain.

Mussim: "Eat that food!"

Mussim stepped on my neck pushing my face in the food.

I did my best eating the food while getting beat up by Brak.

I wanted the food, I needed the food and was happy I got it. I knew I had to thank Master for the food.

It had no taste. Everything was mixed up.

The beating stopped and Brak got off of me.

"That was fun! I feel so relaxed now! He's not finished eating!"

Brak took the food off the ground and started pushing it into my mouth.

"Open up you jerk!"

Mussim smiled "Yea, feed him!"

The dirt off the floor was also in my mouth and I had to swallow fast.

My mouth were full and he used his fingers to tuck it all in.

"Yea that's it! Now swallow."

Mussim untied me as I was swallowing. I was a bit afraid of Bart. He was really mean. He already hurt me more than any of them. I needed to show him respect. I wanted to show respect and be very obedient though I did not think that might be helpful as I did not feel doing anything against their or his will.

"Thank you for the food, Master."

Mussim: "Stand still!"

I got up and stood still. Brak started wiping his hands in the overall I was wearing. He pulled the chain to the front and it was touching my cock. If I was naked and you looked me from behind some 5 cm of the chain would be seen. Mussim zipped me up. I did not even dare to move my eyes.

"Let's go!"

Mussim grabbed me by the chain through the fabric and led me outside. He led me round the construction site to meet some of the guys that fucked me.

"You will thank every one of them!"

So I did. As we approached each Mussim would say a few words and then pulled me closer from standing behind him.

"Thank you!"

`For what was I so thankful to them? For the fucking? For earning the food? For being their toy?'

In the end it did not matter at all. I was just getting humiliated and being shown the position. A few times he would hit my cock with the chain while I thanked and they would all laugh!

I was ordered to go back to the garage and wait behind. Mussim pushed me so I fell to the ground.


It was like that go at the party with Jor.

"Yes, Mussim!"

I started walking. There were people in the streets. I looked like a fucked up:) construction worker.

I liked that very much. I always enjoy being in any kind of uniform or work clothes or that it makes me look different than common people.

But still! I was ashamed, barefoot, dirty, torn and chained. I don't think the chain was seen much but it was tight round my neck.

I was walking fast, looking straight to the ground not listening to people or trying to think what their opinion was. I was to go and wait behind the garage!

I kneeled. I looked at the pipe. I was thirsty. My thoughts were split.

`I am not allowed to do anything but wait. No one would know. Should I beg when Mussim comes?'

I think I got too much free will. I opened the pipe and drank from the hose.

In 15 minutes or so Mussim was there with Brak. I looked at them submissively as I should and felt.

"You've been drinking?" aked Mussim.

`Should I lie? I did not think of not being able to lie...'

"Yes, Mussim."

I lowered my head in submission.

"You would not die if you waited for me. You think I don't take good care of you? You are miserable. Maybe I should just chase you away! You jerk!"

"Sorry Master to offend you! Please, I'll do whatever you say and nothing more. Please keep me!"

I almost started crying. The feeling of being chased away was terrifying. I must have been in love with Mussim. I knew his power was grater than the will he inside me. I was to comply with everything.

He saw how miserable I was and how sorry I felt. For a moment he lost the anger that was not really anger but the superiority. I felt it go trough my body and started feeling happy for being chided by my Master and felt miserable for still having that will inside me to disappoint and offend Mussim.

He approached me and offered me a cigarette he was smoking. There must have been a sparkle of joy and delight in my eyes as he saw how happy he made me. I reached out to get it.

"Thank you, Mussim!"

When I almost held it he moved his hand. He was playing with my emotions. The joy turned to pain in that moment.

"Come closer."

I fawned upon Mussim to get it. The pain was gone and I was again happy trying to get it. This time he inhaled then gave it in my mouth.

"No touching! Just smoke it like that!"

I would do anything. He knew how to play with my feelings, how to show his superiority and power and make me feel low and humiliated to follow his guiding.

When I was done he took the cigarette out of my mouth.

"Reach out your left hand!"

I knew the punishment was next. I closed my eyes in fear. A hard slap hit me!

"Are you fucking crazy? This is the third time I have to tell you to look at me! I warned you, sicko!"

I was looking straight in his eyes while he put of the cigarette on my left palm.

`Would he do that if id didn't close my eyes? I deserve it!'

Tears came to my eyes but I didn't even dare to blink my eyes. I was sorry for what I did. Errors just came one after another? Was I getting of no use? I was exhausted and tired. I did not have enough food and no regular drinks. It started affecting me, my mind.

My body started shaking, tears ran down my cheeks and I looked straight in his eyes. It was too much for me. He was destroying me.

"Please Master..." Was all I could say. I did not dare to beg, I did not dare to speak any more. I needed a rest but was too afraid.

Mussim patted me on the head.

"Calm down! Lick your hand!"

He led me inside the garage and locked. I said nothing, he was silent, too.

After half an hour the door unlocked. Mussim gave me a bottle of some drink and something to eat. He watched me eating and knew I was pleased. I also drank the drink what seemed to had had vitamins inside. I felt sort of proud he stayed while I ate.

"Thank you, Master."

"Take this pill and go to sleep! You must be fresh in the morning!"

It was a sleeping pill and the sun was setting so it was not late.

I knelt on the table, hands behind my back. "Yes Master."

He took the chain and tied it under the table.

I was Happy.

`Why was I getting the pill every night?'

I woke up. Hands and feet tight together just like the night before, blindfolded. I still felt being dressed the same. The gag was some ball that held my mouth wide open.

After some time door opened and I was carried out and put in a car boot. My palm still hurt. The driving was not comfortable at all. At the end of the driving it was bumping hard and I hit the sides of the trunk.

"How was the ride, sicko?"

"Let's get him out."

They released my hands and feet so I could stand. Wrists and feet were still tied. Then they dragged me. It was in a forest.

They tied my hands apart and feet apart so I was like an X. Overall was removed. My feet hardly touched the ground and the chain held my head up as it was tied somvere above my head.

They were Brak and Mussim.

Mussim: "If you need to piss you may do it now!"

I released my bladder. After that, something was sticked to my leg, then pulled. I screamed in the gag. They were starting to depilate me. Brak untied my blindfold. I saw Mussim heating up the wax. Brak was pulling out my body hair. It hurt like hell and it was gonna last all night (morning).

"Be good. We'll be gentle!"

I nodded.

I was still drugged from that pill but I don't think that helped easing the pain. They laughed and enjoyed my pain. I was happy they were changing me. I felt I was becoming more and more the way they wanted me but the prize was high.

I realized I pissed on my overall and now they were walking on it.

I started getting sort of used to the pain when Brak started with my chest. I have less hair on my chest so I hoped it won't take that long. But then also Mussim started torturing me.

"We're gonna make you smooth like a baby."

"Yea, the guys want you smooth."

He did the back side of my legs and my ass. I was screaming in the gag and they laughed and played the game.

I don't know if they got tired. They light a cigarette and started talking in their tongue.

I started relaxing my muscles wanting to prepare myself for the next round.

They continued depilating me for about an hour or even more. I lost the time. On moments I was not even aware what was happening.

In the morning(the sun was rising) all bodyhair was gone. My head was shaven, my crotch, armpits and face. Everything else depilated.

"Look at this skin! Totally smooth!"

They started applying some cream on my body. It felt good. Mussim removed my gag.

"Thank you, Master. Thank you Brak, Sir"

I was exhausted and hung on the ropes for some time but could not breath. Mussim played with my cock and Brak started fingering my ass then fucking me with his fingers.

"You will cum for us, now!"

"Yes, Master!"

He squeezed my nipple hard and I exploded on the overall. I shoot a lot. Master caught some in his hand and fed it to me.

"Yes, lick it. Good boy."

Brak held me round my waist with left hand and was fucking me with his fingers. Lifting me up a bit using my hole, then in and out. He gave me to lick the fingers and fucked me again. Mussim played with my nipples, squeezing hard and kissing me.

I was happy satisfing them as an object they were using. They were rough on me showing who was the boss and what I actually am. Nothing more than they want!

Brak was hard on me. He was already fucking me with all fingers and pushed his hand hard inside me lifting me up each time. I got hard again and Mussim took a candle and inserted it deep inside my mouth then lighted it. It started dripping and leaked down my chin. He then tickled me so I almost dropped the candle out of my mouth.

"That was not good, sicko!" He pulled on my nipples. Very hard! Then took the candle and held my cock and started dripping the wax on my cock head.

I moaned in pain and delight. Brak had his fist inside me and held it there fucking me with small trusts.

I forgot about the pain before and was more and more thankful for the treatment. Mussim untied my hands and chain and I was put on all four with my head up when I received Master's cock. He deep-throat fucked me all the time.

He held me by the chain. Pissed overall was under me. Mussim started pissing in my throat having his cock all the way inside. I looked submissively into his eyes. I was being his urinal and he knew it! He was standing on my fingers and my feet were still tied.

"Hey Mussim. Come look at this hole! Stretched so nice! Let's put something inside!"

"yea. I have a beer."


"Did you just piss inside him? I have to take a leak!

"Yea, feed it to him!"

I haven't seen Brak's cock yet! He was hard from fist fucking me and he was thick and huge. He just held my jaw and pushed inside.

"Suck on it! That's it. Lick the pisshole!"

"Hey, step on his fingers!"

I felt wax on my back and ass and balls. Mussim liked wax and that was great! The piss started filling my mouth and I sucked it and swallowed looking up at Brak thanking him with my eyes.

"Here! Have a beer!"

"We seem to have a portable toilet here. The jerk is happy to flush him!"

Mussim got behind me and started fucking me with his foot a bit then when Brak gave him the bottle he drank some and started inserting it. He did not drink it all! I was to get drunk for sure!

He started spanking me.

"Open that ass. Yea open that ass! That's it."

He spanked me hard and Brak fucked my face. I was choking on that piece of meat and he ruthlessly fucked all the way. He felt I was going to choke and he plugged my throat with his cock and laughed!

"Hey, he's vomiting! Feels funny on my cock head. Must do that again!"

He started pulling out and fucked my face a few times. He grabbed me by the neck, squeezing hard and looked me in the eyes. I was at his mercy.

`I will do anything, Sir'

"He's funny when his face is red!"

"Come here! The bottle is inside! I left some beer for him to drink!"

"Let's turn him over and cum on him."

Feet were untied and I was turned on my back and Mussim fucked me with the bottle and jerked our cocks. Brak sat on my face and gave me a big fart. I felt the jizz on my body, I licked his hole deep inside.

"Fucking toilet paper! Lick it as if you were my toilet paper!"

He pulled the chain to get me closer to his ass and Mussim still jerked my cock so I exploded in seconds.

"He likes to clean ass! He will be most useful!"

Mussim pulled the bottle out. "Get dressed."

"Yes Master!"

I took the overall. It was full of dirt and soaked with piss.

"He can't go in the car like that!"

"It's too far to walk!"

I felt down. I was really dirty and now that I put it on I was dirty, too so taking the clothes off was not much of a use, though I could wipe myself with something.

"Hey we'll put him in plastic bags. I have some for garbage in the car!"

I had to bend and hold my ankles. A plastic bag was put over me and it was quite tight. Then they turned me and put one above my head. They stretched a rope round me. I got scared. Then they made a small opening and pushed the bag over my head.

"He he. Look at him. He's scared!"

"Looks nice all wrapped up. Let's put him in the car!"

I don't know how I felt. I was in two garbage bags with my head out. All tied up. I was not able to move. The cloth was wet and dirty and smelly and it was hot!

"Thank you!"

Please, write to me!

Hope you enjoyed!

Nothing is where everything ends. For nothing is impossible (not) to be everywhere?

Next: Chapter 5

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