Serving Boys

By jaken

Published on Jul 8, 2023


Story involves sex, domination, joy and satisfaction! :)

urination, watergames, dirt, fucking, humiliation, devotion, minor bestiality.

Was the chain a part of me now? It felt funny having no body hair. When the car stopped I heard voices. They laughed a bit but I understood nothing else. The boot opened and I looked at the guys. I was a lower being inside the garbage bags, not able to move much but the head.

"It pissed itself so Brak and I secured it inside these bags."

"So you say it will obey?"

"Tell us what you are, sicko!"

"I am Mussim's. To do as he says."

"If it's good we'll rent it again! That's for sure!"

"I don't want to hear complains, when I return, Sicko!"

"Yes Mussim!"

"Let's get him out!"

I was totally at their mercy. They were Mussim and Brak then three more guys that were obviously renting me out.

I was put on the floor, face down. The guys walked round me, pushed my face with their dirty boots.

"Kiss the boots, sicko!"

Mussim was standing above my head and I kissed his boot. I think Brak started kicking my ass.

"Lick it! You will be good! You must earn your living. You understand that?"

"Yes, Master!"

One of them untied the rope and the garbage bags were removed.


The chain was outside. It touched the ground. I put my hands on my back and kneeled.

"Let's greet him. Hold your mouth open!"

They laughed and one by one started pissing on me, in my face, on my back. I was soaked and tasted the piss they aimed at my mouth.

"Sicko! Now thank us for accepting you!" said one of the guys. He was tall and dark. About 30 I guess. The look in his eyes was toxic. The first thought that came to my mouth was:

"Thank you, Sirs!" I looked at all of them. I did not dare to look down any more. When I looked at them all, my eyes stopped watching Mussim's.


I was attached to some other chain and the chain round my neck with a lock. They all went inside a house. It was noon I guess. I did not know. The sun was hot and I started drying. I knelt and did not move. I did not feel like human anymore. I certainly was being under the will of my Master. I did not know what I was becoming, but it seemed he knew what he wanted me to be.

The guys that rented me were nice. I was behind some house. The surroundings were nice. There was a small barn, empty, some tools (shovel, wheelbarrow, ...)

A dog came from somewhere and started sniffing me. I did not move and closed my eyes. Then I felt something splash over my chest. I guess the dog did not like the smell and was marking me. I heard a whistle and the dog was gone.

I don't know how I felt about that. I wanted to cry. All the time I wanted to serve and please and I still did. But I was questioning myself now. Not that I had a chance to make a difference. My mind wanted to cry, my essence wanted to see the Master and my soul to serve Him. Somehow I still wanted to remain human, but I had no rights and was not being used by my decisions though maybe it was my will that was allowing everything to be manifested.

Master and the guys came out. Brak was not among them.

"Guys will take good care of you."

He started feeding me some leftovers while giving me instructions. I just looked thankfully into his eyes and ate the food.

"Anything they decide you should do is same as my order! Open up. That's a good boy. Bite the meat off. Yea... "

He was playing with me. Giving me a chicken bone under my nose then making me bite and taking it away from me so I bite the air. His smile was so nice, showing the enormous power he had over me. It was a training of my mind.

I was following his every move trying to please him. He was making me happy. It was like that play with a cigarette just that this time I was only thankful and he noticed that!

"Good boy. I am pleased with you. You make progress. You may not speak unless told to do so. You will probably do all the work round here. But don't worry. The guys will show you how to do it."

His voice was calm. I was receiving instructions that I will process and obey. He was programming me how to function and I was so grateful. It filled me with joy knowing that Master had confidence in me to rent me to someone.

"If you are unable to perform a task you will be punished. That is my directive and is up to them what they will do."

He looked at me and I was still awaiting instructions. He started smiling.

"he he, we saw you earlier getting pissed on by that dog. I guess that showed you what you are. That is all."

"Yes. Thank you, Master!"

I wanted to kiss his boots and show my respect. I looked him in the eyes not knowing if I may.

`Please, may I kiss your boots?'

The thought ran inside my mind and in one moment I just leaned down and kissed the boots. It all lasted for a few seconds.

"Hey guys! Come out! Let's throw him in that brook!"


"Unlock his chain!"

I just looked at my master who gave the idea and was thankful, though I felt so close to him a few moments ago that I would hug him and fawn upon him and now the treatment was next. I was realizing this was the way he was destroying my will. Using the power he had over me as I loved and respected him, to mix feelings inside me in every next moment by destroying one and making me feel the next.

I was grabbed by hands and feet, carried a bit and then lightly thrown in a brook.

"Yea! That's great, Mussim!"

"He'll be of good use!"

Mussim: "Scrub your cloth! Get naked! "

"Kneel in the water!"

Brak was not there anymore. He was so nice. I was sorry he went. I got naked and started scrubbing my clothes.

"No body hair! Just like you've said!"

"Here, some softening(?) for your clothes."

A guy started pissing on the clothes while I scrubbed it.

`Thank you, Sir' was in my mind. I could not speak without permission.

He was very nice. He seemed to be my age. For me he looked so great I was only looking at him while he pissed and did not even close my eyes when the piss hit my face just blinked.

The water was not very cold.

"Now, put your cloth over that branch. And follow!"

I followed the guys. I was totally naked and barefoot except for the chain. I knew that was the way it should be. I had no idea where I was. Was it south of the country or north?

`What country? I must not think that!'

It was true; I had no clue. In a distance I saw a part of some house that seemed nice. In the valley there was a river and some nice houses on the opposite side, but quite far away. No voices were heard but the nature.

I did not smell so bad anymore. I was a slave, followed them naked. I liked it and I was low.

"Kneel, sicko! These are the guys you will obey. Tolt, Mank and Greg."

Mank was the oldest, the guy round 30, Tolt was the guy aged like me and Greg was the youngest. He was tall like me, red hair, cut short. He seemed to be smooth.

"Hi Sirs!"

"Bye sicko and be good!"

With that Mussim spit in my face and left.

"Bye, Master."

Tolt came to me and pushed me to the floor with his boot then stepped on my cock.

"We should initiate him now! Crawl after me."

He pulled on the chain so I crawled on the grass for what I was thankful. I was brought into the barn and tied standing; hands and feet spread. They used rope and tied tight round my wrists and ankles then stretched apart. I almost hung on the ropes.

Then it started. Mank started whipping my back.

"Count, you jerk!"

"One, Sir!"

"You are worthless piece of shit!" whip

"Two, Sir!"

"We will train you to become worth something." whip

"Three, Sir!"

Greg was looking me in the eyes while I thanked and received the next hit. Tolt started whipping my chest. I cried in pain and thanked for each time the whip hit me.

"Thirty, Sir!"

They made a small break and Greg started jerking my cock. It felt good. My body was full with bruises. They did my back, my chest, my legs. They were using horse whips.

"Get used to it, sicko! We are just making you ready!"

The whipping continued. Mank was doing my butt and Tolt played with my cock using the whip. He did not hurt me much on the cock. I admired Tolt whenever I had a chance to look at him and he was aware of that. My wrists were red from the ropes. Mank continued whipping my ass till I just started pissing on the floor. I had no more control over my body as the pain was to intense.

They laughed and put a vessel under my cock.

"A little refreshment for you, sicko."

Tolt poured the piss over my head and bruises.

"That will do for today. Untie it's wrists."

I fell on the floor. Greg's boots were under my nose and I kissed them. He stepped on my hands and pushed my head to his crotch.

"You will serve this cock." He smacked my face. "Now be very good!"

He pushed my head between his legs and pressed(?) together. He started caressing my back and it felt almost great.

"Yea, give me that!"

The boy started applying alcohol on my back. I screamed and Tolt pushed some dirt inside my mouth. It tasted terrible.

Greg: "We have to take care of you, sicko, so be good!"

Tolt: "You'll eat all the shit in the barn if you scream more!"


I did not see but surely it was Mank who started playing with my ass. He was inserting something up my ass, then out. Tolt held my head on sides and was looking straight in my eyes. I was in agony and did not dare to scream. Fucking got harder and some spanking was added. Greg played with my bruises and was cleaning them with great care and enough alcohol. I closed my eyes and held my mouth open as I was in pain and released some moans when Tolt again fed me the dried shit or dirt off the floor. I wanted to spit it out but he held my mouth closed with his palm.

"I warned you, sicko! You will have to swallow it!"

He looked me straight in the eyes and he really had the power over me as I liked him very very much and he drew my mind crazy. Some tears came to my eyes and I nodded once then closed my eyes and tried to swallow when I received a hard slap on my face.

Mank was fucking my ass with something slapping my ass a lot. They applied some alcohol on the ass as well.

"You are to look at me the whole time!" He slapped me again then held my jaw and pushed some more dirt inside. "I can do what I want with you and you will do whatever I demand from you! Now swallow!"

`He was like Mussim, Mussim was like him? The same grip.'

`Yes! SIR!' He was great. The power was enormous and I was under his control. I was looking in his eyes as I swallowed and did not even blink my eyes.

He started smiling and I was pleased. He gave me light smacks on my face. "Good boy!"

"Hey Greg. Do his front now!"

Greg released the grip round my neck and stepped over me. Mank inserted the object all the way inside then I was to kneel.

Tolt was looking at me the whole time and sort of made me take the pain and thanking him for it the whole time as I looked at his eyes.

Tolt's body was great. He opened his shirt. He has a strong body. Nice muscles. Very nice hairy chest. His navel looked great, also his nipples.

I admired him so much. He took more and more power over me. He opened his shirt for me to admire him.

Greg did my front and I did not make a sound.

"Sicko. Get on all four! You, Greg will fuck him now! Mank, go get the leftovers from dinner in a bowl."

I got in doggie style and looked at Tolt. Greg started fingering my ass and spiting on my hole. He inserted his fingers inside and fucked me a bit. Told was touching his crotch and I looked straight at his hand then looked up at him. He moved his forefinger a bit and as he did that I opened my mouth.

Greg inserted his cock with one trust. My eyes got wet from pain and I did not dare to make a sound. Tolt liked that. He came closer and put a blindfold over my eyes.

"Fuck him real good, Greg. Show him what you have in those pants. That's it, all the way. Bump that hole!"

I felt his fingers in my mouth. He held my tongue and pulled hard. I heard his zipper open and felt him pissing in my mouth then he stopped.

"Yea. Close that muzzle. Rinse it with my piss and swallow!"

As the word came from his mouth so I obeyed the instruction. He repeated that once more till none of the dirt was in my mouth anymore.

"Yea, fuck that ass, Greg!"

"Yea, I'll rip that hole!"

Tolt inserted his cock up my mouth. It was semi hard and I was happy to touch it with my tongue.

"Don't spill any or you'll suck it off the ground!"

I closed my mouth as the piss hit my mouth. I swallowed fast. His bladder was not full as he pissed on my clothes when I scrubbed it earlier.

"Good boy! Mussim trained you well!"

`Thank you, Sir!' I wanted to see his cock! He was making me want him more and more.

"That's it! I'm cumming!"

"Cum on his ass! Yes, that's it. Get the juice out. That's a boy! He'll clean that cock for you!"

I heard some steps, then a whistle. I felt licking of my ass. It was a dog! That tongue got deep inside my hole. The feeling made me hard!

"Sicko likes it, Oti. Lick that ass. Yes."

I licked Greg's cock. It was very nice cock! He fucked my mouth deep a few times.

Suddenly the dog jumped on my back and Tolt pulled it away.

"No No, Oti. Sit! Greg. Take sicko to his place and give him water and food. You've been a good boy, sicko. You may not touch your cock. When you eat all the food you may take a rest. Yea, bring him that overall. It should be dry by now!"

The chain was pulled and I followed crawling. The blindfold was removed, I was attached to a chain.

Greg: "Eat!"

Everything was inside. And a cucumber. I smelled it.

`I was fucked with that for sure.'

"You must eat everything. Bite on the cucumber. That's it. You met it earlier!"

It was Tolt. The dog was sniffing my ass and balls and it made me hard again.

"Yes. Bring the overall."

"It's still wet."

"Oh. Too bad. Well, bring the sleeping bag then."

"Yes, Tolt."

I ate almost everything by now, drank some water and felt happy and hard! Greg brought the bag. It was not a sleeping bag, but a linen(?) bag.

"Get inside! And take a rest. You have to be fresh in the morning!"

The sun was not down yet but it was late in the afternoon. When I got inside the bag Tolt tied it round my neck. I could not open it by myself. I look at him but it was like routine work for him. He showed no expression on his face and just tapped my head.

"Thank you, Sir!"

Everyone left. I was a bit scared. Did not know the surroundings.

`They showed me the punishment. I was to be very good not to receive it too often. I want to server Tolt. He seems to be in charge.'

All I was thinking about was Tolt. I wanted him to train me more. I was so happy satisfying his needs. `He seemed more experienced than Mussim. Where is Mussim?' My cock was hard. I could not hide if I came. I wanted to, but did not dare. I slowly fell asleep.

It was morning piss that woke me up. It was Greg pissing in my face. He was somewhere near 18 I guess. He looked good. I always liked red hair.

"Wake up, sicko! You have work to do!"

I felt every bruise. I tried getting up and forgot I was in the bag. I fell over at his feet.

"You jerk! You want to dirty my boots?"

He turned me over with his sole and aimed the piss at my face. He laughed and pulled the chain getting me closer then untied the bag.

"Get out! That's it! Faster you jerk." He kicked me in the ass and unlocked the chain.

"Put the overall on! Leave the chain out! That's it. No need to zip up! Follow me."

I followed the boy. The overall smelled of piss. Greg was dressed in jeans and tshirt. His ass looked great in that. Jeans was thorn on several places and the skin showed parts of his but and legs.

"What are you looking at, sicko? My but? You like it? You pervert! You'll never be close to what I am. Look at yourself. You look like a pig! You jerk! Get in here!"

I was pushed in a depository. There were potato in bags, some vegetables, and some other stuff to use in garden or gardening.

"Look around for what is in here!"

He pulled on my chain and led me to where all sorts of tools were. He was showing me around.

"Here we keep garbage. Not the garbage like you, he he. Take the bag out! I'll show you where to carry it."

We went down a road towards the river. It was round 500 meters walking. I was to walk in front of him. We passed some bushes. He pushed me on time to time to walk faster then he took a birch and started hitting me on back and ass.

"That's it, sicko. Walk straight, yes. No, no. Don't accelerate. Start marching! Be proud of what you are carrying!"

I saw a road and one car passing so far. I would of heard it earlier if it passed. The boy needed someone as low as me. He enjoyed humiliating me. Now pass the road and go to the right. You'll see where to put the garbage after a few meters. This road was public so anyone could see me. I sort of liked that coz I knew their intentions could not be mean.

When I returned he was sitting at the fence.

"Now run to the house and back. Be fast!"

I was of course barefoot. I started running. It was mostly grass in the middle of the road so it was OK. When I reached the house I ran back to him. He has moved a few meters closer to me.

"Who told you to stop? RUN YOU IDIOT!" He hit me hard with that birch. He started walking towards the house and I ran to and back to him. I was sweating and gasping. Each time he would encourage me to run with that birch. Some ten meters from the house he stopped and lit a cigarette. I ran there and back all the time.

"Stop! We need you to be fit! Pushups! That's it."

He of course used his foot to push me to the ground each time.

"That's it! One more. Yes. Another. Come on. You can do it."

I remained in a position where I couldn't get my torso higher but was afraid to drop to the ground. I was sweating and eventually hit the ground. Greg pulled the chain and I started crawling and trying to get to my feet but each time he would pull so I would fall. I ran after him like a dog and he was laughing and making me fall more. If I tried to get to my feet he would start running. I was helpless.

"Yea sicko, crawl! That's it. Faster!" He let go of the chain and I continued crawling. I wanted to get up when I was beside him.

"I said crawl! Another mistake and I'll punish you!"

His phone rang. He said yes a few times the I was led inide the house walking. There was Tolt. When I was close to him I was too ashamed to stand as I smelled bad and I wanted to show respect. I knelt and looked up to him.

"Good day, Sir."

"Greg. Inside the house!"

"I saw Greg showed you around. Now, sicko. You have no rights whatsoever. Greg and Mank will help me training you so you will have to obey everyone, but I am the one who can stop anything or start anything. You understand? I keep the balance!"

"Yes, Sir. I understand."

I kissed His boots and looked up at Him showing respect and submissiveness I felt. He was dressed very nice, Had sort of sneakers (open on sides for summer), navy-blue shorts and open shirt, blue-white color.

I admired His torso, His bulge, legs. He had soft hair on legs, almost blond. His skin was very dark. He's been in the sun much. I wanted to lick His feet, His legs, burry my face to smell His manhood. I had all these desires in the look I was giving Him.

He knew how much I wanted Him. His cock moved a bit and I instinctively looked at His crotch when He buried my face inside.

"Smell it real good. That's it. Inhale deeply. Yes, that's nice."

He was getting hard and I was hard. He smelled great. The scent drew me crazy. He lifted one side of the shorts.

"Lick my thigh. Taste me, boy! Yes, that's it. Use your tongue. Lick like a good doggie."

He pushed my overall down on sides over my hands. It was open and I was naked for him.

"Oh yea. Lie on the ground. That's it."

My cock was out. I was lying on the ground on my back. He took off the "sneakers" and started playing with my cock with his toes and sole. Rubbing it, squashing my balls. Then he sat on my chest turned towards me with his legs on my arms. He held my head and looked in my eyes then showed me to open the mouth by just opening His a bit. He looked down at me.

`Thank you Master!' He was so great. He was gently showing His overpower. My devotion was complete. I looked at Him, gazed at Him with love and respect. I wanted Him to teach me obedience. I was grateful for the bruises He caused on my body.

He spitted in my mouth.

"Yea. Open up, sicko. Take my saliva. Good boy. Close your eyes." He spitted more in my mouth.

He held my head and put some dirt and grass on my eyes then put his cock on my mouth and chin.

"I saved something for you."

He started filling my mouth with his piss. It filled it to the top and some ran down my cheeks. He mixed it with his finger a bit.

"Good boy. Drink it."

He repeated that four times and jerked my cock till I shot my load in his hand that fed me.

I tried to lift my head to reach his nipples, to smell his cock but he pushed me down. I felt he was jerking his cock. He hit my face and mouth with his tool. It was a great cock. I wanted to lick it. I stretched out my tongue to taste his precum. He was feeding me with his juice and I was so grateful. I wanted to taste his cum, to have him inside me. I was so hot because he prevented me to see his cock.

My body started to shake. I got hard again. I was not having myself under control. I could not move my hands to touch his body. He blew away the dirt and grass on my eyes and as I tried to see his cock the cum hit my eye. He pointed to another then. My eye aiched. I tried to look again and both eyes hurt. It was 5 spurts for sure! He started feeding me his cum, wiped it off my eyes and face. I licked his fingers in delight as he played with me, moved them higher so I hardly reached them.

"Good boy. It's fun to play with you!"

"Thank you, Master!"

Thanks to all that wrote to me!

Write to me if you have the time:

AOL_IM : Njaken

Nothing makes me more happy than being happy.

Next: Chapter 6

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