Serving Casey

By Ben Coolen

Published on Dec 31, 2017


Serving Casey

By Ben Coolen

This story contains sexual acts (domination, submission, humiliation, oral sex, masturbation) between young males. If you don't like it, or it is illegal in your country, state or community, please stop reading it immediately.

This story is 100% fiction.

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Thanks to Naughty Bard for proofreading the text.

Chapter 4

I felt confused on my way home. It had been a very strange day, people telling me what to do all the time. It suddenly occurred to me that I was losing control of my life. What was happening to me? And what was Casey going to do with the video?

I was relieved when Casey seemed to have forgotten the idea of my return to their locker room to apologize for my wimpy behavior on my previous visit there. Considering how the guys had tormented and humiliated me, it couldn't be right to make me apologize to them, could it? Shouldn't they have been apologizing to me?

In the privacy of my own bedroom I still dreamed of that scene. I saw Logan's half-naked body and his contemptuous grin, and I still remembered what it had felt like to have Shane's hard body pressed tight against my back, him having total control of me. I would always remember the smell of his body, and the stink of that locker room full of young athletes.

I even remembered the public taunting and laughter when I was forced to sniff my best friend Casey's worn jockstrap. And every time I reminisced about those events the dreaming ended with a powerful orgasm and sticky bedsheets.

One thing Casey definitely had not forgotten was the hand job I had given him that same day. He acted like a kid with a new toy and expected me to service his needs whenever he wanted. And he wanted it pretty damn often. Since that day he had become more and more bossy, and clearly enjoyed using me as his servant and errand boy. Once after I had agreed to go to the movies with my cousin, he ordered me to cancel the appointment because he needed to get off. So, instead of meeting my cousin, I made an excuse and took care of Casey's needs.

We had already developed a routine. When I entered his bedroom (his parents were real bohemian characters and didn't seem to care much what he did in his own room in the basement) I locked the door and kneeled down at the foot of his bed. Casey was usually already waiting for me, laying on the bed. He would just move a bit so that his feet were dangling off the bed. If he was wearing shoes, I would take them off and then strip off whatever pants and boxers he was wearing. Casey would pull his shirt off, gather some pillows behind his back and settle comfortably to be serviced.

While I jacked him off he always watched some porn on his phone. When I was done, I took some tissues I had in my pocket and cleaned the mess on his body.

Afterwards we would usually play some video games before I left. Sometimes he said he was too tired, or didn't feel like it, so I just said goodbye and took off. Casey never thanked me for my services.

But let me tell you about the day I fell into Casey's trap.

It was Wednesday and as usual I drove him to the gym for their practice. This time Casey told me to pick him up an hour earlier than usual and wait for him at the lobby. I was a bit surprised, as Casey liked taking long showers and afterwards usually posed in front of the mirror for ages, fixing his hair and shooting the shit with the guys until he was ready. Well, I had learned not to ask questions.

I came back right on time and went in. The squeaking sounds of bare feet moving on the floor and punches of boxing gloves told me that their practice was still in full swing. Why did he want me to come this early, I wondered more than a little annoyed.

Finally, the door slammed open and their coach stormed out. He was a scary-looking guy, an ex-Marine who owned the gym and still kept himself in excellent shape. He had seen me a couple of times with Casey, so he didn't ask any questions, just nodded at me before rushing out the front door. He seemed to be in a hurry. Later I learned that he had a girlfriend in the neighboring town. His wife thought that he kept evening classes on Wednesdays, so he had a couple of hours for himself and his mistress. That also explained why the guys pretty much had free rule of the place when the coach was gone.

I saw through the glass door that the practice had ended, and the fighters were heading towards the locker room. I saw Logan and Shane and some other guys I recognized from my previous visit, but none of them glanced at the seemingly empty lobby.

Casey appeared last and paid a brief visit to me. He was wearing only silky boxing shorts and ankle wraps, his gloves hanging around his neck. I took the brief opportunity to drink in his sweaty abs before he surprised me by saying:

"Wait five minutes and then knock on the locker room door."

"Casey, no..."

"Just do as I say," he snapped and disappeared.

I immediately knew what his plan was, of course. He wanted me to go back there, look my tormentors in the eye and apologize to them for behaving like a pussy in front of men.

That is not fair! I thought, and tears welled up in my eyes. I buried my head in my hands.

However, I managed to calm down during those five minutes. What the heck, I thought. I'll just go in and say those unreasonable words, get the fuck out of there and never go back. Just do it, I ordered myself and walked to the locker room door. I stood there for a minute, trying to breath steadily.

Then I knocked on the door and expected Casey to come open it for me. Despite my agony, I knew he would protect me against any kind of bullying the other guys might throw my way.

An unfamiliar guy opened the door. His sour face turned into a wide grin when he recognized me.

"Hey, Casey's bitch is back!"

"The bitch is here!" "Well let him in Pete, he's funny!"

Pete held the door, so I could take those frightful steps to the inner sanctum of the fighters. The familiar thick, musty air hit my senses again. Pete guided me towards to the bench where the leaders of the Alpha pack held court.

Logan was lounging on the same spot on the bench as last time. This time his private parts were covered by white compression boxers, but his legs were spread wide; his posture expressed ultimate confidence.

Shane was sitting on Logan's right side -- suitably so for a wingman -- and next to Shane was Casey, grinning, with his elbow on Shane's shoulder.

"Well, well, well. What brings you here, little dude?" Logan asked.

I shot a glance towards Casey, pleading for help. He took his time before speaking.

"Guys, I think Randy here has got something to say to us. Go on, Randy."

I had stepped into a trap.

"Well, I... I... just..."

My stuttering caused general snickering.

"Speak up, dude. You can do it if you try hard enough," Shane chuckled.

"Yeah, try to form a sentence!"

"The fag came to tell us something but he's so scared of us he can't get one fucking word out of his mouth ha-ha!"

Despite all the taunting I collected my strength and looked Logan in the eyes.

"I... I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. I apologize for the last time I was here."

My apology was met with a disbelieving silence, and it caught Logan off-guard. He just stared at me, shaking his head. But he recovered quickly and smiled at me.

"You apologize? Well, I'm glad to hear that, little dude. But refresh my memory; what exactly are you apologizing for?"

"Well, I mean... I guess I acted like a wimp back then. I shouldn't have done that, you know, well, this being, like, your locker room and all."

"Oh, you acted like a wimp. Yeah... that's right, now I remember. You acted like a wimp and now you're sorry. I'm glad to hear that because we don't want to see anybody behaving like a wimp here, do we guys?"

"Nooo, we fucking hate wimps."

Logan turned his attention back to me.

"Now that I come to think of it, you cried too, didn't you?"

I looked at the tips of my shoes. But I knew I had to answer.

"Yeah, I guess I did."

"Cry-baby!" came the immediate reaction from the crowd.

"That's right! He cried like a little girl, boohoo..."

"Yes, you cried like a little girl," Logan confirmed.

"And now you want us to forgive you. Well, I guess we must discuss that."

Logan moved his butt a little and patted on a spot on the bench between him and Shane.

"Why don't you sit down so we can have a nice chat. Maybe we'll find some way for you to make it up to us."

I looked at Casey again, but he just smiled. I noticed that the expression on his face was exactly the same that I had seen when Logan described my humiliation to him on the phone. He was biting his lower lip with an expecting, even lustful, little smile on his lips. I realized that I could expect no help from him.

My legs were shaking, but I took the necessary few steps and sat down between the two sweaty, nearly naked guys. I tried to keep my distance from both, but Shane moved closer and wrapped his arm around my neck. The wet locks of his floppy hair brushed my cheek.

"Don't be afraid, little guy, we won't bite," he said and ran his fingers through my hair.

Logan gave me a feigned friendly smile.

"You know little dude, we were really disappointed in you. All the guys have been sad and depressed since then, having to see a pussy-boy crying in our locker room."

Some of the guys moaned to show their distress but others just flat out snickered.

"I cried myself to sleep Logie!"

Logan moved really close to me and he too put his arm around my shoulder. I was now tightly sandwiched between those two sinewy, sweaty bodies. Their strong hands squeezed my shoulders, making it clear that they had total control over me. I could smell them, and they could smell my fear.

"Now, would you like to show us that you can follow our rules when you visit this locker room, little dude?"

His question was really cunning. I could not say no because that would have been a direct insult -- flatly refusing to follow their rules. And if I said yes, I would have to do what they wanted. Unfortunately that was my only option.

"Yeah, I guess," I managed to blurt out.

"I'm glad to hear you say that. It's just what we wanted to hear, little dude," Logan said and patted my cheek.

"What I want you to do now, is just to help me and Shane feel a bit better after the very hard practice we had today. And you can show the guys that you are willing to respect us and obey the rules of this locker room. Wanna hear how?"

I nodded.

"Good. He wants to hear how you can make us feel better, I like that. I'll tell you how."

He paused for a minute to let his next words sink in. I felt like a criminal on trial, waiting for his sentence to be read out.

"The practice today was really hard for our feet and they are sore as fuck right now. You're gonna give me and my buddy Shane here a nice foot rub."

I gulped.

Rub their feet? To be honest, the idea of rubbing these studs' athletic feet was tempting, but the humiliation would be intolerable. What worse could a young guy do than rub another guy's sweaty feet? Well, maybe sniff his jock which I had already done...

"Sorry Logan, but I don't really have time for that... I gotta go now."

"You're in a hurry? That true, Casey?"

Say yes, say yes, I prayed silently. But in vain.

"Oh no Logie, Randy's gonna wait for me. He drives me home when I'm ready, so no hurry at all."

"See? You've got all the time you need to give us a nice foot rub, little dude."

"Please, I don't want to."

Logan let out a soft laugh. He had expected me to try to get off the hook and he was going to enjoy the battle of wills that would follow.

"Shane, would you be kind enough to explain the situation to our little guest?"

Our audience snickered.

"Sure, Logan!"

Shane tightened his grip on my shoulder and leaned closer just like he was planning to kiss my cheek. His warm and hard body was really pressing against mine now and I could smell the odor of his armpit. It was familiar from the previous time when he had held me in place and made me inhale through Casey's jock.

Shane spoke, almost whispered, directly into my ear. His voice was soft but determined. Only he and I could hear what he was saying but all the other guys watched us expectantly. They knew that they would soon see a great show and I would be the main actor. They wanted to see Shane brake my will.

He ran his fingers through my hair.

"What's your name, little dude?"

"Randy," I whispered back.

"Randy. Well Randy, you don't need to be afraid. We're all friends here, and you wanna help us out, right? You heard Logan. We both need a foot rub real bad. You can help us, man."

"I dunno..."

"Yes, you do, Randy. Logan and I will definitely like it when you make us feel good. You want us to like you, dontcha?"


"Good. Now, all you gotta do is use those fingers of yours and rub our sore feet a little."

"No, please," I whimpered.

"No please? Why, that's the wrong answer, Randy, we don't like that. You don't wanna make us mad, do you?"

I didn't answer, so Shane repeated his question. He didn't bother to raise his voice; he knew I would be listening carefully anyway.

"Do you want to piss off Logan and me, Randy?"


"Good! Didn't think so. So there's an easy way to make sure that doesn't happen, Randy. Just give my bro Logan and me a nice foot rub. I know you want to," Shane's soft voice said into my ear. His every word sent a warm breeze on my chin, and I could smell peppermint in his breath.

"I don't know how."

"Yes, you do, Randy. You're a sissy. Sissies are born to please other guys. You'll know exactly what to do when you get to it. It's in your spine."

I couldn't hold back a sob; I felt so helpless there, squeezed between those two strong and aggressive boys. But I was determined not to cry. He went on.

"A sissy like you wants to make other guys feel good. When you make real men like Logan and me feel good, it'll make you feel good too. You know that, Randy."

I felt my resistance crumple. I was so alone in there and Shane's soft but merciless words made my head spin. His predator instinct had seen through me; yes, I wanted to please other guys and yes, it made me feel good. I had known that since I was a kid.

I remembered what Casey had told me. These alpha guys always have it their way. And he said that I'm even weaker than the average ordinary guy and I knew he was right. I was no match for guys like Logan and Shane, so I would eventually lose this battle of wills, no matter how hard I tried to fight back.

I glanced at Casey. He was leaning forward, watching us intensely, impatient to see the show developing. He looked straight into my eyes and gave me a go-on nod.

Shane noticed Casey's gesture too.

"That's right, you want to make us feel good. All you gotta do is just rub our sore feet a little. Do it for Casey and Logan and me," Shane's soft voice whispered into my ear, while his hand kept petting my hair. He knew he almost had me now.

"Just say yes, Randy."

"Okay," I managed to mumble.

Shane laughed softly.

"Good boy."

"He's ready, Logie," he said matter-of-factly.

"Thank you, Shane."

The expectance on the guys' faces changed to delight.

"Yeah, he's gonna do it! You're the man, Shane!"

A shit-eating grin appeared on Shane's face. He lifted his arms up, showing V-signs with his fingers.

When the commotion calmed down, Logan leaned back, crossed his fingers behind his head and nodded towards the floor.

"Show us what a good sissy-boy you are," he said.

"Go on bitch, you know what to do," someone laughed from behind me.

"Take your place on the floor fag," another encouraged me.

Moving like a sleepwalker I slid down from the bench until my knees hit the dirty tiles of the floor. I positioned myself in front of Logan and looked at his feet. Like the rest of his body his feet looked perfect, with scarce black hair growing here and there.

"Ha-ha, that's where a homo belongs, on his knees at guys' feet," someone snickered.

From my new position I got a whole new point of view of that locker room. It consisted mainly of dirty floor tiles, shoes, socks, ankle supports and athletic legs. Some of those legs were hairy, others were smooth, but just from the look of them I knew they belonged to strong and powerful boys -- superior young men.

"Well, go on."

I took hold of Logan's left foot and started to rub it between my fingers. It felt warm and moist, and it smelled like young guys' sweaty feet smell. But to my surprise I didn't find the smell unpleasant at all, coming from a young stud like Logan. Even his feet were manly and strong, with a gracious arch. His rugged toenails looked like he had clipped them with a knife.

I took a quick glance of Logan's muscled thighs, thinly covered with black hair. They were definitely man's thighs, unlike my baby-smooth sticks.

"Ahh, you should try this, guys. It feels so fucking good. This guy was born for foot service."

"I wanna try that too," several guys shouted simultaneously. I prayed that I wouldn't have to massage all the guys' feet.

"Maybe next time, I wanna get home before midnight," Casey said, making the guys laugh.

Logan emphasized his contentment with me by lifting his right foot and resting it on my left shoulder.

"Yeah, we'll invite our little friend over again soon. I can see he really likes our company," Logan said, and rubbed my cheek playfully with his big toe.

He enjoyed my service and everyone's attention for a good while. Finally he said:

"Enough, now the other one."

I changed my attention to his right foot, and Logan placed the left one on my shoulder. Feeling the coarse hair of his leg against the side of my face felt actually pretty good, and to my horror my cock became hard again.

I knew what they made me do was wrong. And I knew that if I had gotten up and rushed out, nobody would have stopped me. So, why didn't I?

I knew the answer and I hated it. Deep down my mind I loved to be pushed around and humiliated by those bullies. They had all the qualities I didn't have -- well, minus the intelligence probably but I was weak, shy, timid and generally did what stronger boys told me to. Those guys were strong, brave and confident and they took no shit from anybody except maybe from some exceptionally tough men like their coach.

Many times, when I jacked off at home since my previous visit to the locker room, at some point before reaching orgasm I had dreamed that Shane and Logan would order me to show up there again, so they could make fun of me and make me do all kinds of humiliating things. And now I was living that dream, and my cock was pulsing in my pants.

Those guys were superior to a pussy like me, and they could humiliate me if they wanted. And I loved that. Does this sound weird to you? Well, my cock told me otherwise, and that was becoming a problem.

"All right, that's enough. It's Shane's turn now."

I moved in front of Shane on all fours and looked up. Shane looked down at me with a mischievous smile. I hadn't really had a chance to get a good look at him, and I was startled to see how handsome he really was. His floppy blond hair was tied with a thin black bandanna to keep it from covering his eyes, and the thick spikes pointed proudly upwards. His hair must look super-hot when he lets it hang free, I thought.

His sky-blue eyes were measuring me. I lowered my gaze and found myself staring at his nearly naked body. His torso was slimmer that Logan's, but toned and muscular, with broad shoulders, flat abdomen and slim waist. His lower abdomen and thighs were hairless, and although his crotch was partly covered with the protective jock, I guessed it was either hairless or neatly trimmed. Shane obviously had it all when it came to seducing young ladies and although he clearly had no intention to charm me, looking at his body and handsome face with that scornful smile made my already stiff cock stretch the front of my pants. I knew I would be in trouble if I had to stand up.

"Well go on," Shane said.

I took hold of his left foot and started to rub it with my fingers. His feet were completely hairless and smooth, although flushed and slightly swollen from the hard kick-boxing practice they had just gone through. The toenails were neatly trimmed. His feet looked like they deserved to be serviced by weaker males.

After a while he said:

"Prepare for a long foot massage guys. You should probably hit the showers now because I like really long foot rubs. This will probably take at least half an hour."

What? My legs were already numb, and the coarse tiles had grazed the skin of my knees painfully. Half an hour?

Casey moaned.

"You gotta be kidding man? I wanna get home!"

Shane chuckled.

"Sorry Case, I really need a long foot rub today."

He paused and looked at Casey with a smug smile on his face.


Casey's face brightened immediately. He knew Shane would have something funny up his sleeve.


Shane looked at me.

"Unless your bitch asks me nicely..."

I felt relieved. I would be glad to ask him politely.

"...and shows his gratitude by kissing my big proud feet."

A roar of laughter erupted and Shane grinned, happy to gather everyone's admiration again.

I looked at Casey. He was grinning too.

"Sure, I've got no problem with that. Go on, bitch."

Everybody in that steamy locker room was against me. Even my best friend Casey, who had just called me a bitch in front of everybody.

The guys around us encouraged me.

"Yeah, that's right fag. Show some respect, bitch!"

Shane's smile widened.

"Well, dude. Ask my permission to skip my foot rub and kiss my feet. Or do you wanna practice on Bubba's feet first?" he said, pointing at a burly, mean-looking guy with a face full of zits.

I shook my head.

"Well go on then," Shane said.

I looked up at that handsome smirking face.

"Shane, can I please skip your foot rub and go home? And I'd like to kiss your feet. Please."

Then I looked at his feet. Kissing them would be totally degrading and unfair, but I knew that it was just what the guys wanted to see. And to be honest, I had nothing against kissing that young stud's feet.

I leaned down and touched his left foot with my lips.

Several guys booed.

"What the fuck was that?"

Shane laughed.

"That's how you kiss your mommy. Do I look like your mommy?"

Someone kicked my butt.

"Try again, bitch. And I wanna hear a smack this time!" Shane ordered.

Everybody seemed to be holding their breath when I leaned down again. This time I pressed my lips tight on Shane's foot and sucked in, making a loud, slurpy noise, and I could taste the salt of his sweat.

Roar of laughter and cat-calls again.

"He really did it! Can you believe it guys, the faggot kissed another guy's sweaty foot!"

"Fuck, a guy can't get lower than that!"

"Now the other one."

"Yeah, go on, foot-fag!" someone laughed.

"Foot-fag! Foot-fag! Foot fag!" the guys chanted as I crouched down to kiss Shane's right foot.

I smooched his foot, thinking that I was almost done. But no. Shane hooked his left leg behind my neck and pulled me closer, pressed the dirty sole of his right foot on my face and started to rub it on my nose and lips.

"Look at that guys, the fag's making out with my foot! He can't get enough of it!" he laughed.

Just if they had known the truth... Being humiliated by this handsome young stallion had brought my dick to the brink of eruption. That would be my end, because I was wearing thin cotton shorts and they would inevitably notice the wet spot that would appear.

Finally Shane pulled his foot back.

"Alright, enough of that. He's all yours, Case."

"Go wait for me in the car while I take a shower," Casey told me.

I turned towards him, begged him with my eyes and moved ever so slightly my hand that was covering my crotch. Casey looked shocked but he reacted in a second.

"On second thought, I've got no time for that, gonna shower at home. Take my bag to the car, bitch," he said and threw his gear bag into my lap.

I got up, holding the bag in my lap and rushed out, escorted by the now so familiar taunting and laughter.

When I got into the car, I buried my face in my hands and shed a few tears. I cried because of the humiliation, but more than that I cried because I was being forced to face the truth about myself. I was a faggot who got turned on from being tormented by other boys.

Casey showed up shortly after that and slammed the door behind him.

"Let's go horsey," he said cheerfully, but then he looked at me and saw that I had been crying.

"Aww, for god's sake, what are you crying for? Just a little locker room fun. Just like I explained, remember?"

I had to tell Casey how I felt about him now.

"Casey, you didn't lift a finger to defend me there," I said with a shaky voice.

"Aww, come on man. You gotta learn to take care of yourself. Besides, I'm one of the guys of the team, and you're not. We always stick together."

"And besides, you did good."


"Yeah. You didn't cry -- well not much anyway. And you did what Logan and Shane wanted to. They call the shots in the locker room, and the things they want people to do aren't always nice. Take it as an initiation. You are like, like... well, almost like one of us now."

"I am?"

"Yeah, you know, kinda like a hang-around member. And don't forget that I saved your ass a minute ago. If the guys had noticed that you got a boner from smooching Shane's sweaty feet, they would've gone crazy."

I thought about it. Casey was probably right.

"Well, thanks man."

"Don't mention it. Now, get going. Straight to my place."

I steered the car into the traffic, feeling a bit better. But I was still sulking.

"I'm gonna head straight home when I drop you off. I feel kinda tired," I said.

He chuckled.

"Oooh no, you're not going anywhere. I've got something urgent you need to take care of before you go."


"Oh yes. And this time I've got an extra treat for you."

"What's that?"

"I'm gonna let you suck me off."


Casey chuckled again and slid his hand into his pants, working it there for a minute. Then he pulled it out and showed his index finger to me. It was covered with slime. He had obviously started leaking while he watched me being humiliated by his friends.

"I'm gonna let you taste this," he teased.


"No? Well, let me give you a sample," he said and rubbed his precum on my lips. He even smeared it under my nose.

The sudden smell and stinging flavor made me forget I was driving and the car swayed between lanes.

"For fuck's sake, faggot! Don't kill us now, you'll get more of that when we get to my room," Casey laughed.

He kept his promise.

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Next: Chapter 5

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