Serving Hank

By Du de

Published on Mar 2, 2023


I finished my short speech on the effects of watching TV and a wave of relief washed over me. I was done with this long ardurous speech competition. I took my seat on a filmsy plastic lawn chair, cringing at the thought that it may buckle under my weight. I was sweating it was hot and the fans were barely moving. I looked down at my choice of clothes, a silk shirt was probably not the best choice. I was a chubby 12 year old who had boobs that would make a 12 year old jealous!

When the speeches were over I made my way out of the centre and that is when he first spoke to me, he stopped me, stood in my way. He was almost 6'3, tall, broad, hairy and had a deep voice. I had seen him before but never so close. He complimented my speech, at first I thought he was ridiculing me and I tried to get away, but he blocked the way with his arm. He told me again how good it was, how he liked my accent and was hoping I could help him with a speech. He asked me if I knew how to use powerpoint and I said yes, he pleaded with me for help. His big hand on my shoulder. I quickly said yes and said I had to run.

I thought about him and felt my stomach make a flip. I didn't know why I felt like that. Was I flattered with his attention? Was I glad for the approval? I filed the encounter away and moved on.

A few days later I was attending a pre-wedding party and I saw him there. He was with the groom's family all dressed up in a white shirt, dark grey pants and a tie. As with his other friends he wore a red carnation as a boutonnière. He saw me and he smiled. The white shirt was new, crisp and clean and really brought out his dark tanned color and i noticed for the first time how hairy he was. I looked at him a few times and once or twice saw him look at me and smile. I got up to help serve as is customary at a party hosted by the bride's family. The night got busy and when I was stacking away some crates and turned around he was standing at the service side of the terrace smoking. He looked at me and said hello, I responded flatly. He reminded me of my promise to help him and I said I would. I asked him when he needed to give the speech and he said in a couple of weeks. He then asked me how I prepared and I told him I wrote notes and then typed up my speech. He confessed that he wasn't very good at typing and was wondering if I could help him perhaps? I said I could try. I walked away and said I would catch him later. He nodded and continued to take a drag on his cigarette. I was confused, I was irritated that I would have to spend my time helping him and even a bit curious.

After a while I said goodbye to my family and proceeded to walk home. It was getting late, so I stood in the stairwell taking my watch off etc to make sure I wasn't attracting thieves etc. As I got out on the pavement of the building and was about to cross the road, a silver toyota pulled up and the dark tinted window rolled down. It was him! He told me it wasn't safe and he would give me a ride. I politely declined but he said it really wasn't safe. Knowing that it wasn't safe and the cool air of the AC came rushing out of the car. I thought I had a new friend, so I said yes. I walked around and opened the passenger door, and saw a bunch of newspapers etc on the seat. I was going to pick them up and he said he would, he started picking them up and tossing them in the back, when I thought he was grabbing the last bunch I slowly got in and started lowering myself on the seat. I was startled to find myself sitting on his hand, palm size up. I lifted myself and apologized. He smiled and said it's okay and asked me to buckle up. I pulled the buckle across my body, cognizant that the belt would lie between my pubescent boy tits. I caught his eyes gazing over me and was quite sure he had looked at the effect the belt caused. I tried to adjust it. My heart sank. Perhaps he was the many pervs who was only befriending me so they could squeeze my tits and then joke about it with friends. I explained where I lived, he put the car in drive and the car jerked forward. I braced myself as I knew he'd have to make a U turn to go the other way to my home. But he continued straight on.

"My home is the other way," I told him. "I know he said, but it's still early and it's a Saturday night, let's go for a juice and drive by the ocean. You're not a baby, I am sure your parents won't mind if you come in half an hour later. Or will they?" He asked me in a condescending tone. I cringed but kept quiet.

He turned on some pop music and blasted the AC. He started making small talk, talking about how he was related to the groom and asked how I was related to the wedding party. He asked me what school I went to etc. He leaned towards me and then reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet and put it between his legs. It was the first time I glanced over at his lap and saw the wallet snug between his thighs, very high up and almost resting on his bulge. And it looked like quite the bulge. Being poorly endowed with a thin and small penis, I was envious and ever so curious. He caught me staring but didn't say a word. We pulled up to an ice-cream joint and he drove up to place an order, as is the case with right hand car driving, the curb of the ice-cream parlour was on my side, and he asked me to give my order. I placed an order and he ordered a cone. He then had to back up to make room for a car that wanted to pull out, and as he was doing so the waiter returned to get the money. He asked me to pay with the money from his wallet. I gingerly reached down and picked it up, and I swear I thought I saw him try and thrust his bulge forward. But I managed to pick up the wallet with no incident and paid the waiter. I put the change back into his wallet and wanted to hand it over and he asked me to put it between his legs as he had the steering wheel and ice cream in his hand. As I put it back, I felt his thighs tighten around my hand and squeeze it to his bulge.

My heart was racing. But I wasn't sure what was going on. I wasn't naive about sex. I was also in the know about man 2 man. But all the real gays I was aware of were either known as deviant monsters or extremely flamboyant. He wasn't either, he was a handsome, virile and apparently horny guy. We drove on to the beach. I realized all along that I didn't know his name. I asked and he laughed and said Sibtain. As we drove I got a little comfortable. We stopped at an intersection with some street lights and I got a better look at him and didn't see any malice. Maybe he really needed my help and was being friendly. A street beggar came up to my window, he looked over and was clearly sad. He asked me to open his wallet and find some change in the coin pouch. I dug in and pulled out one gold coin and two condoms in blue packaging. My first time really holding a condom up close. He smiled sheepishly and I returned them in the pouch, gave the money to the beggar and gently placed the wallet between his thighs, being sure not to get caught again. Sadly he didn't close his thighs this time.

We stopped at the ocean looked at the ships, he told me about how they were docked away from the harbour to save costs. When our ice creams were done, I was getting edgy to go home. He was playing with his boutonnière in his hand, he put it down on his crotch bulge and started the engine and we drove home listening to the music. He drove up to my building and asked me if he should accompany me up. I said no I'd be fine. As I was getting out he put his hand around my forearm and made me turn, I turned to look and he gave me his red carnation. I smiled and asked him why and he said because I was his new friend and I would be helping him so much with his presentation.

I felt awkward and took the flower. As soon as I got in the building I was going to toss it out, but for some reason I put it in my pocket. Got home, changed and got in bed and took out the flower, it smelled of him. An over powering perfume and cigerette smoke. Having watched too many movies, I held the flower close and began to fantasize about being seduced by him as a leading man and I would be his princess. I hugged a pillow and fell asleep dreaming of his kisses.

A few days passed and I saw him again at another wedding function. This time he didn't say more than a hello. Then came the wedding itself, he was dressed in a smart suit, but this time he wore a dark burgundy shirty and a black tie. I attended the post vows cake and champagne ceremony and he was there. As my friends and I were leaving we contemplated calling a cab and he showed up. He offered to give us a ride, we looked at each other and said yes. He started dropping all my friends off and I thought he would drop me off last, but to my surprise he pulled up to my home and my heart sank a little. I got out and went home. C-O-N-F-U-S-E-D. The next day was the reception. I went with my parents and we took in the boring speeches and I saw him from a far in a shirt, tie and pants. He was handing out drinks and he came over said hello and told my dad what a wonderful public speaker I was. My dad was pleased and I was surprised. Later I caught him outside smoking and he asked me if I would go for a ride with him for ice cream. I declined and he insisted saying it'd be fun and it was early. I told him I'd ask my parents. I asked my dad if I could hang out with my friends and he said yes.

I waited for him as he had some things to help out with and he told me he was done sooner than I expected. We walked to his car and got it. It was still cool as I am sure he blasted the AC all the time in the tropical heat. I could smell women's perfume, he said it was from giving the bride and her bridesmaid a ride the air was fragrant. We made small talk as we headed out towards the beach and he made a comment about how everything finished quickly at the reception. I agreed and yawned. I was losing interest, and began to think of him as a real loser for being in his twenties and hanging out with me a meer 12 year old. He continued talking and said something that caught my attention. He said "I am not surprised the bride and groom left, they have plenty to do." and turned around and winked at me. I almost blushed. My heart skipped a beat and fluttered, all sorts of crazy thoughts went into my head. I was tongue tied but managed to say, "I wonder what ...".

He looked at me and he winked, his left hand which had been on the gear lifted, and came onto my hand which was resting on my knee, squeezed it and he said "I am sure you know ...". I looked down at his hand and then him, and got embarrassed. His face changed. He had a devilish grin, his hand went back to the gear and he was quiet for a moment. Then he probed, "You do know what a man and woman do on their wedding night and almost every night after?" I nodded as I felt a lump in my throat. He went on to talk about how it was natural and every man needed it. He got lower in his seat and spread his legs out, I could tell that he was getting uncomfortable in his pants and his bulge looked prominent. The car went around a bend and we got silent. His hand lifted from the gear and came to mine, it was clearly 2-3 times bigger, more stronger and darker. He picked my know limp wrist and took it to his side of the car and placed it it on his upper thigh and proceeded to change the gear to 3rd. As we speed along the road, he adjusted my hand by getting it to touch the bulge. I was too paralyzed to move. A car came up opposite us and was flashing its high beams signalling him, he slowed down and came to a stop. It turned out it was a friend of his who wanted to say hello. As he rolled down the window I quickly moved my hand back to my lap. After he talked his mood had changed somewhat. We drove off and headed back to town in silence and he dropped me off at home in silence

I had just too much to think about. I clearly knew what was happening, he wanted to use me for some kind of relief. I began to imagine everything, one moment I was excited, the other scared. I wanted to be touched by him, but couldn't fathom the idea of how I would please him without it hurting immensely I caught myself thinking about him kissing me, I thought of him fondling my breasts, wanting to suck it. I found myself squeezing my white milk breasts, teasing my large dark nipples.. Fortunately or unfortunately I was tortured by my thoughts for days as I didn't see him again for another week. Then one afternoon as I was running an errand I met him on the street. He was smartly dressed in olive pants and a white shirt, he smiled and came up and talked to me. He said he really needed my help, and soon. I offered him to come to my place or meet him in his office. He told me he could meet me the following afternoon at his home at 4pm promptly. He stressed the time and said he had other commitments after and made me promise to be there on time.

I was nervous.

I tried not to think about it. I told myself I could always back out. By the time I got home from school I had convinced myself I wasn't going to go. But I found myself thinking. At 3:40 I quickly got dressed. I wore tight black jeans, and a loose fitting Tommy Bahama type Hawaii shirt that hid my curves. I wore a silver bracelet and ring on my right hand. I almost ran to his home. I climbed up the stairs panting as I stood outside catching my breath and wiping away the sweat from my brow with a handkerchief. I rang the doorbell. My heart was beating out of my chest!

He opened the door. He was dressed in frayed white t-shirt that fit well, I could see his chest hair peeking out from the collar, his big strong arms. As he opened the big doors I saw the rest of him, he had on green satin type running shorts that showed off dark thick hairy thighs and legs. There was more hair on his legs that most people's heads. His feet were huge. The shorts were short and fit snugly around the crotch.

I recalled that he played soccer and was or had been a team captain. The many trophies in the living room affirmed my thoughts. He seemed uneasy. He lead me to his room telling me his computer was in his room. I asked if his parents were home. He was in my opinion in his late twenties, I knew he wasn't married and he lived with his parents as most guys did. He took me to the last room in the hallway, into his room. He closed the door as the room AC unit was on. I wasn't sure but I think I heard him lock the door, I couldn't tell as there were clothes hanging on the back of the door.

The computer monitor was on and a chair pulled up in front of it. He motioned for me to sit on his bed. It was a big queen size bed, a nice bedroom furniture of coordinated bed with dresser. Clearly picked up with his marriage in mind in the not so distant future. I was nervous so I asked him how I could help him, he looked at me and then lead me to the chair in front of the computer and motioned for me to sit. I sat down, he started asking me a whole lot of questions about the computer. Clearly he wasn't very familiar. IT was the 90's very few people knew computers. I on the other hand was privileged and knew a lot. I started showing off what I knew, and started getting more comfortable. At one point he was standing behind me and I could feel the tip of his penis pushing into my back. After about 15 minutes, he loaded a disk and showed me a program that was a man and a woman naked. The man was penetrating the woman and her boobs were bouncing around when you pressed the space bar. He'd do it often and he started talking about her white breasts, her nipples and how he'd enjoy it so much. He asked me if I thought they were hot, and I found myself saying yes.

He asked me to follow him, we sat on his bed, leaning against the headboard. He turned on his television and got up and opened his chest of drawers, from the back of his sock drawer he pulled out a tape cassette in a brown paper bag and pulled it out. He popped it in, I caught the title in red hand written across the front. It said "Turkey". As the blue screen appeared Sibtain found a spot near me on the bed. I was uneasy at this point. From the corner of my right eye I saw his pants and was sure I saw an erection!

The movie started, it was a cheap pornography of a hairy dominant man who forces a willing white bimbo like housekeeping staff into having sex with him. Sibtain adjusted his crotch and his hand reached out to get a hold of mine and he lead it to his lap and put it there. I was frozen, i could feel the throbbing hard penis across the top of my fingers but wasn't sure how to react. He put his arm around me and pulled me closer. With his left hand he guided my hand to his erection. Whatever confusion I had was gone. I now knew what I was there for. I was there to help him with his erection.

He rubbed my hand on his huge penis and then pushed my hand down on it making me grasp it through his satin soft shorts. His hand let go of mine and my hands went numb, he started to fondle my left breast. My hand just lay there holding his cock, he brought his left hand back to mine and aggressively gestured my hand to stroke his cock and enveloped my hand with his as he made me stroke it. He then lifted his hand and continued what he had paused doing, feeling my boy breasts. I stroked his cock thankful for the satin material that made it easy to glide up and down. The actress on the screen was doing a much better job of pleasuring her man, I watched in awe as she put his cock in her mouth.

Sibtain's right hand had made it around my body, under my arms and were squeezing my right breast. He turned himself to face me, but made sure I didn't let go of his penis as he got in front of me and kissed me. I had never been kissed or kissed anyone. I was stunned. I tasted his warm wet mouth that tasted of gum, toothpaste and a distinct but definite cigarette taste. He pushed me down on the bed and he stayed on his knees, he reached up to unbutton my shirt. My self concious got the better of me and I stopped him, he stopped. I looked into his eyes and saw anger, and confusion in his eyes. I managed to say, "Please don't, i'm shy". It took him a moment to react and he quickly said he'd take his shirt off! And he proceeded to remove his t-shirt. Revealing a hairy beefy chest that was well defined, a slight gut and lots and lots of dark black hair. I found my hand running across his chest as he looked. He kissed me again, this time his tongue pushing into my mouth. He lay on top of me and we kissed for what seemed like hours.

He stopped, looked at me and got up on his knees. Reached for the remote and shut the TV off. He started to unbutton my shirt, and I just lay there watching. He revealed my breasts and stomach and suddenly I was very aware of my state of undress and I got shy and embarrassed. He just looked. His hands reached my breasts and cupped them, and then he got back down and resumed kissing me while kneading my breasts. My hands were running through his hair at his nape and back up. He stopped kissing me and lowered himself to my right breast, he cupped it with his left hand and put my nipple in his mouth. HIs wet warm mouth and his teeth's touch sent mega watts of electricity through me. His right hand found my left breast and began kneading it. He wasn't getting enough and being that they were still growing my breasts flattened somewhat when I lay on my back. He wanted more. He turned me to my side and as my breasts pressed aggainst each other and my stomach they grew in size. He continued kneading, sucking and every so often he'd kiss my lips. He brought my hand back to his cock and made me stroke him as he continued to feast on my nipples and my mouth. I stroked him as he continued to try and milk my breasts, squeeze them, knead them and kiss my mouth. He then focused only on my nipples, circling them with his tongue and sucking on them. His suction was so strong it hurt my untouched nipples. As I moaned it seemed to get him more aroused. He sucked harder until I had to plead with him.

Because his head was on my chest I couldn't stroke him but I felt his cock against my legs as he'd thrust them and squeeze his torso against my body. His hand explored my body and found my ass. He caressed it and cupped it.

Out of no where I heard the beeping of a watch alarm. It was his watch he swore under his breath got up to look for it and turn it off. I was happy for the break and took the time to check him out, he was a fine specimen of a man. His shorts were tented with his erection and his body was manly, tough, dark and hairy a complete contrast to my creamy, curvy body. And then it all clicked he saw me as a woman more than a man. He wasn't gay but to satisfy his needs he wanted to be with someone that resembled a woman.

He said his mom would be returning soon, I began to button up my shirt. He was clearly mad. I was scared and sorry to have disappointed him. I got out of bed and instinctively found myself straightening it and putting the pillows back as I found them. He walked up to me, cupped my chin in his palm and pulled my face closer to his and kissed me. I kissed him back. He said, "my mum will be back anytime, can you come back tomorrow?" "I'll try" I said. He looked at me and nodded his head. He opened his bedroom door and I took the cue to leave. I noticed his shorts weren't so tented anymore. He saw me look down and he mumbled something about changing his pants. I had stepped out of his room and he went back in to his room. I wasn't sure what to do. I headed to the door to let myself out when I saw his mum enter their flat. She saw me and stopped. I greeted her and she responded, thankfully Sibtain reappeared in khaki cargos. He introduced me and added I was there to help with his presentation and with the computer. His mom commented that it was about time the computer was put to use. How it had been collecting dust etc. Sibtain said I'd have to come back a few times. His mom turned and to me I was welcome anytime. She asked if I had a computer at home. I said no, but we had them at school. She went on to extend an invitation to come use theirs anytime. She asked me to stay for a snack, I declined and left.

About a week later I met him on the streets. He stopped me and asked me how I was and asked me when he could see me again. He told me he really enjoyed being with me, and asked me if I liked it. I nodded. A look of concern came on him, he asked me if I had told anyone I quickly said no. He seemed relieved. He asked me again when we could meet. I asked him when he'd like to. He said right now would be good. I smiled and he did and said his aunt was visiting so I couldn't go to his place but he really wanted to see me again. I found myself telling him my parents would be going out in the afternoon for a couple of hours and I would be home alone.

He asked me if he could come and I said yes if he wanted. He smiled and said he'd be there at 5.

I went home and took a longer than usual shower. Moisturized myself and paid special attention to my nipples.

My parents were late in leaving and I was getting anxious, afraid that he'd arrive before they left. But he'd played it smart and had stood across the street and only walked across to our building when he saw my parents exit.

When he arrived, I took him to my room where he saw pics of me as a on commented on how cute I was. He put the paper bag he was holding onto night stand and He plopped onto my bed (two twins joined together to make more space in my room). He patted on the bed motioning for me to come sit. I did so. I was wearing cotton shorts and a t shirt. He was in jeans and a green polo shirt.

He began stroking my arms and making small talk, then he asked me what I had enjoyed about our last meeting. I was shy and coyly replied everything. He asked me to be precise and I gave him the same reply. He then asked me what time my parents would return and I said 6:30 and he nodded and looked at the time. I then asked him what he had in the bag. He told me to take a look ... I asked him to pass it to me but he asked me to get myself. I reached across him, as I did his hand found my ass and he explored it and he ran his fingers up and down my crack. I took my time to get back to my spot.

I opened the bag and pulled out a bottle, a pack of condoms and black satin panties. As I was taking items out his hand had been one thigh stroking it. I played dumb and asked him what the items were. He looked at me for a moment and he picked the pack of condoms and said they were condoms that men put on their penis to ensure they didn't get women pregnant. He then added he brought them in case I expected him to use them and quickly added that he'd prefer not to. I got a lump in my throat, he had gotten serious and almost scary, he picked the bottle and said it was lube, it'd help make it easy for him to get inside me when he'd make love to me. And finally he held up the panties saying he'd like me to wear them for him.

There was silence as I processed everything. My fear and apprehension must be evident as he quickly said we didn't have to do it all today but he hoped we would or sometime soon as he had needs and thought I was best suited to help as I was extremely sexy in his opinion. He leaned in and kissed me. A long wet and hungry kiss. He broke it after a couple of minutes and picked the panties up and asked me to put them on. It wasn't much of a request as an order. I began to resist but he didn't look like he was ready to hear a no. I asked him if I could do it in the other room and he said yes.

I was thrilled and apprehensive about the panties. I had dressed in negligees and other women's clothes and enjoyed them and always wanted to wear them for a man. And here was a real man and I was scared and nervous. I took my shorts off and put them on. The front had a satin triangle patch that covered my tiny hard boy cock and there were 4 elastic bands that went around the back leaving my thighs and but exposed.

I put my shorts back on and went back to my room. He wasn't pleased to see me in my shorts. I explained I had put them on, he motioned for me to take the shorts off. As I was about to he asked me to turn away and face the wall. I took them off and as I bent over to take them off I heard him get up from the bed and come up close. He stood behind me and he patted my behind and commented on how beautiful I was. I pushed my butt into his crotch and his hands wrapped around me and slid up inside my t shirt and cupped my breasts as he kissed my neck. He pulled off my t shirt threw it across the room and led me to the bed. He kissed me, kneaded my breasts and sucked on them. He told me how he was going to suck on them until he milked them, then looking intoy eyes he said he was sure I had sweet milk in them. He pushed me to sit on the edge of the bed. He proceeded to take his polo shirt off and then unbuckled his belt as my face was inches from his crotch. He then instructed me to undo his pants, I undid the button and unzipped his pants to find his bulging grey cotton briefs stretched. There was a spot on them and I thought it was his piss. He looked at his watch and swore it was 6:12. He seemed angry. He pulled my head to his crotch and made me kiss his cock through his undies. I got an overwhelming smell of his sweat, piss and his masculinity. He let go and dropped his jeans to his ankles. Pushed me onto my back, spread my legs and aligned his crotch with mine and began kissing me fiercely. He began to thrust his crotch into mine grinding it, his mouth and tongue forced mine open and forced his tongue in my mouth as he kissed me. He was ravaging my whole being, his torso grinding and pushing deeper into mine. His massive and now fully hard cock crushing my tiny penis. His hand kneading my little budding breasts, his fingers tweaking then pinching my nipples. He took his mouth off mine. I welcome the relief.

His mouth found my left nipple and his tongue circled it and then his mouth latched on and he began to suck on it as his big hand cupped and squeezed it to give him more to put on his mouth. His tongue caused an electric sensation to run through me and my small cock got hard and I thrust my hips up to welcome his thrusts. This encouraged him and he sucked and squeezed harder and bit my nipple causing a wave of pain that made me scream. My encouragement was all he took my scream fell on deaf ears.

He got aggressive as his hips thrust harder into mine, crushing me. His grip on my left breast eased and transferred to my right where he resumed his attack. I started feeling more pain and started begging him to stop. I'd say "please, no .... No no". But it came out in whispers.

His grinding and thrusting increased in speed and intensity. I stopped encouraging him and was experiencing pain as his thrusts got deeper. His moaning got deeper. He kissed me again quickly leaving my mouth full of his saliva. He raised his upper body to get better alignment of his torso, instructed me to hold my tits in my hands and as I did that his grinding intensified and he pushed deep, and collapsed on me to catch his breath. He rested for a few seconds and kissed me quickly. We both looked at the time it was 6:26pm.

He got up I saw that his underwear was dark and wet in front, there was a patch of thick creamish white cum on the lower left hand side of his abdomen. He scooped it up with his fingers and rubbed it on my nipples.

He proceeded to get dressed as did I. I gathered the condoms and lube and put it back into the bag and he said "you keep these for next time, I have plenty in my car and at home." Not sure what to do I hid them in my sock drawer.

When we were dressed he kissed me again softly. He wiped a finger over my lips and told me again how beautiful I was. And he said he was looking forward to the next time. He said he'd call and he left.

My parents returned at 7pm and we had dinner and I tried to process what happened and how I felt. I took a long shower wanting to wash his cum off of me and as I saw my bruised, swollen red nipples I was surprised to find myself feeling special and aroused that he'd picked me and found me so desirable. But he was so handsome why didn't he have a girlfriend?

I didn't really expect a call, at least not so soon. As I got out of the shower my dad told me a friend had called. I usually ran from the shower to my room since I'm so conscious about my body I didn't really listen. I put on the panties as I wanted to feel like Sibtains girlfriend and linen pants and a shirt. Walked out and asked my dad who had called, it was Sibtain he'd left a message saying his computer was acting funny.

I listened and sat down to watch TV not sure what I wanted to do. I certainly wasn't going to call him with my dad around. An hour later my dad asked me if I had called and I looked over at him, did my dad know something I didn't? I replied "I'll call him tomorrow I'm just tired today." My dad shared that he seemed distraught and perhaps the computer was terribly messed up and they cost so much etc etc.

I went into the other room and called it was now 9:40pm. The phone had hardly rung once and Sibtain picked up. That deep voice had a melting effect, he asked me how I was and I responded curtly. He said he had thought about the afternoon and he was sorry if he'd been rough, he wanted to see me and if I could meet him anywhere just for a coffee.

He also offered to come to my place or go to his place as all he wanted was to talk. I agreed to meet him and he said he'd pick me up in 10 minutes.

He arrived in his car. I got in I could tell he had just showered, he was wearing a very fetching white cotton shirt, dark blue jeans and his hair didn't have any of the gel he usually had. I didn't smell his over powering scent it was his natural masculine scent. He asked me if I wanted the window open or the AC, he pointed to his cd collection and asked me to choose. And then he asked if I wanted ice cream or coffee. I opted for neither and just remained quiet. He stroked my thigh, I had folded my arms clearly angry at him.

He pulled up at a secluded spot and turned to me. It had started raining so it was dark in the car. He apologized he took my hand kissed it and said he was really sorry.

I asked him why me? He went into explain that he had a thing for my skin tone. He said I was ideal for him, he couldn't date girls he could only get to know the girl he'd marry. He found me sexy, my young budding breasts my ass. He confessed that he expected me to be a lot more experienced since I did have effeminate gestures.

He said he really wanted me to be his girlfriend. He'd treat me like a woman. He said I couldn't be a guy in that he wouldn't touch my penis. But if there was anything else I enjoyed physically he'd be open. He promised to be gentle and take our time. He said he'd love to treat me like his lady etc.

It was all a lot to take in. But he was handsome and I had to admit had it not been for the rough session it was my fantasy to be with a guy like that.

Since I didn't object or even say anything he went on and on about the things he wanted to do or would do for his lady. I interrupted him and said I would be open but felt like I couldn't trust him. He apologized over and over and I was tired so I gave in.

He then said he wanted to kiss me and asked if he could. I nodded and he leaned in and gave me a long soft wet kiss. It was the best kiss yet!

The rain had stopped he asked me what I wanted to do and I shrug my shoulders and told him I didn't care.

He started driving and we arrived at an office building far from town. We were let in by the guard at the gate and he drove up to the rear. He said it was his office and he'd like to show me his fish tank. I said yes we went in and I saw it, it was superb he clearly had put a lot into it. The exotic fish were beautiful, he stood behind me with his arms around me. His hands would wonder my body ever so gently and every so often he'd hold my hand.

He took me to his office it was huge. A big desk, leather chair and leather sofa. He sat on his chair, it was big even for him. I saw that his bulge was pretty big and that he probably had a hard on. I tried to keep my distance and suggested we go home. He locked up and took me around the corner towards the car. He stopped and kissed me again another soft long wet kiss. This time his hands reached for mine and led them to his cock and they returned to exploring my body, and this time getting inside my pants and cupping my ass cheeks. He must have been pleased to know I was wearing his panties.

He pulled me real close and kissed me one more time and let me go. Took me by the hand and led me to his car.

He asked me if I was okay and if I would be his girlfriend. I nodded yes. He told me how pleased he was that I had worn the panties. He then went on and said he wanted to talk about some stuff, to which I replied that I would as well.

He started by asking me what I was looking for. So I explained that I wanted a boyfriend no doubt and I didn't know that until I met him. I needed to be discreet, feel safe and not have it be painful experience.

He nodded and said he would be honest and said he really liked me. He wanted to be my boyfriend to spend time with him and he went on to explain that he was a man and he had needs and that he felt he had stronger and more needs then guys he knew his age. He was looking for someone that'd fulfill his needs.

So I asked him what his needs were ... and I anxiously listened.

He started his list:

Someone that he could enjoy good sex with he liked tits and loved sucking, licking and playing with tits. He liked small tits like mine that fit in the palm of his hands. He enjoyed good sex, he had found he enjoyed anal sex as much or if not a little more than vaginal. He liked to feel the tightness of a virgin hole. He liked someone who would not say no. He said he found me attractive because I was physically all that, and i would understand that guys have needs and most importantly would not say no. He said he wanted someone who wouldn't be unavailable for a few days a month because of periods. He said he did not like condoms and he would prefer to not have to worry about pregnancy.

I asked him what good sex mean't for him. He said it was when someone submits to him, agrees to all that he wants and works with him to get his needs taken care of. For instance he enjoyed sex in all positions, and wanted someone that would be open to trying new positions. He wanted role play he wanted someone that would stroke him when watching a movie, someone that would let him unrestricted access to their hole.

I gulped.

I explained to him that I had no experience and didn't really even know I wanted to be with a guy. I told him I just couldn't strip and jump in bed with him, I needed to be seduced have some dates, and not have a repeat of earlier that day. He apologized again. And it seemed like he mean't it.

He asked me if I would be his girl?

I told him yes, but he had to take his time and that I was definitely not ready for anal sex just yet. He asked me when I would be, I said I would need some time a few dates perhaps. He frowned. He said he had needs and that I had to help him or he'd explode. I asked him to elaborate and he said he expected to have me stroke him, suck him, let him cum between my sexy fleshy thighs, allow him to rub the length of his cock between my ass cheeks, fuck my tits until I was ready.

I told him I needed to think about it. He wasn't too happy but he didn't say anything.

I asked him to take me home and he asked me if I could spend the day with him the next day, it being Sunday. So I asked him what we would do. He suggested that he could take me to a beach not very far away and we could spend the day at the beach. Alternatively we could stay at his place as his parents would be out, and we would watch movies of my choice and snuggle and talk etc.

I told him I would think about it and call him in the morning.

We drove home in silence, my hand on his lap. He dropped me off, he insisted on walking me to my floor. We stopped in the stairwell, he kissed me very passionately but gently, asked if he could kiss my nipples and i lifted by shirt for him. He kissed me again and he left.

I went to be wondering if I would spend the day with him the next day?

Sunday arrived and I woke up at 10am as opposed to my usual 12 noon, much to my disappointment. I couldn't go back to sleep. I found myself horny and thought if he was here, I would have let him do anything. I ended up putting a pillow between my legs and humped it until I came. As i opened my bedroom windows i noticed it was overcast and cool for the tropics and looked like rain.

I called Sibtain, he picked up in a sleepy voice but immediately perked up when he heard my voice. I told him the weather and he said he knew as he'd just got home from soccer practice which was at 6am. I asked him what his plans were and he said we could go to the beach but be prepared to get drenched or stay at home and watch movies. He said he was sore so he'd love to stay home but would do what I wanted. I liked the attitude and I melted a little so I said I would come over to his place. He told me he'd come pick me up in 15 minutes, to which I replied it didn't make sense as he was only a few minutes walk and I would walk over. "Are you sure" he asked, "I can come get you, i don't mind baby." "No it's alright, I need the exercise anyhow and I may get wet." I replied "Baby you can't loose weight or you won't have the curves I need so bad, and as for getting wet I have ways in which I can get you wet." he said huskily and he broke into a laugh. "Never mind" I replied rolling my eyes. "Baby don't bring anything I have everything here." He said. "The black" I began to ask. "Nope if you want to wear panties I have a few you can choose from here" he replied.

I agreed to be there in half an hour. I got ready and told my parents I would be at a friends until the late afternoon and to expect me at dinner time.

I walked and it started drizzling a little. I got to his home and my silk shirt was wet. He opened the door in a white towel that wouldn't quite go all the way around his waist and exposed his right thigh. He led me to his room and I told him I would let him get dressed, he said I didn't have to wait as I would get to see him all nude and he was happy with it. I refused and waited until he came to get me in shorts. He asked if he could kiss me and he kissed me long an patiently. It was heavenly. He was certainly a great kisser.

He noticed how wet I was and insisted I get out of my clothes. I didn't have any. He opened his closet and pulled out a bag in it were some lingerie, baby dolls and some women's perfume and lipstick. He said it was all for me, and I could wear something from there or I could borrow some of his clothes. I looked through the bag and saw a beautiful black baby doll with a long gown. I asked him for a Tahirt of his that was oversized on me and asked him to leave the room as I undressed and dressed up for him. I decided to use the blush lipgloss and sprayed some of the fragrance. Then I proceeded to put the rest in his closet, and I made his bed and was still straightening up his room when he knocked, I asked him in and he stood in his tracks. He said I looked ravishing and he wasn't lying the tent he was pitching in his pants was proof.

I reminded him about the movie we put in my all time favorite Pretty Woman and cuddled up and watched. The scene where Julia goes down on Richard didn't go by without a suggestion from him. We touched each other and half way through the movie I found myself under him.

I pulled down his shorts to free him. I wasn't prepared for what I saw, a hard thick dark angry looking veiny monster. But all I wanted was to feel it caress it and have it connect me to him. I stroked it and explored his manhood. In all his nakedness he looked sexy yet vulnerable.

His kisses were gentle his mouth was loving on my bruised nipples. His touch was firm yet soft. His cock hard and throbbing ...

He got up to his knees and made me sit up and rest my head against the headboard. He put his left hand behind my head and held his penis in his right hand, he moved my head closer and his penis pointed to my mouth. Instinctively I tried to pull back but he had a firm grip, I looked up and locked glances with him. There was no way out I knew what was coming. He told me to open my mouth and I did. That's when I knew I was going to be a cocksucker!

The taste of his pen is was salty but clean it felt hard but not like having a block of wood. It was an unusual feeling and while I couldn't put more than 1/4 in my mouth it was certainly bringing him a lot of pleasure. He moaned closed his eyes and fucked my mouth. I let him lead the rhythm for a bit, and then selfishly stopped as I needed to breathe and wanted to explore, he wasn't pleased. I took him in my hands and lifted it up to lick the underside, trace my tongue from his ballsac to his tip. As I got to the tip he pushed it back in my mouth this time deeper, all my energy was focused on not biting down and stopping my gag reflex, his intensity built up as he started to fuck me harder. After about 2 min I couldn't take it anymore and I reached out to lick him this time keeping his head in my mouth longer, as I began to retrace my tongue I could feel his grip on the back of my head tighten. He was clearly enjoying this, but he was in a rush to get back inside me, but I had other plans ... I wanted to explore and as I licked around I felt him shudder, curse and quite by surprise I wad hit with volleys of his cum on my face. He quickly pushed his cock into my mouth as I tried to mentally process everything going on, he continued to cum in me and with his cock pushing deeper inside my mouth I had no option but to swallow the thick warm liquid as I watched him gently continue to thrust now with both his hands at the back of my head.

It took him what seemed like ages before he pulled out, still hard. He handed me a towel that I used to clean my face. Aware of my nakedness I reached for the Tshirt he had taken off me. He stopped me and said he wanted me just as I was. He pulled the comforter up to let me get under it to stay warm. He got up and reached into a sock drawer and pulled out a video and put it in stopping the Pretty Woman video. He lit a cigarette came back to bed with a cigarette in his mouth and a remote in his right hand. His cock semi hard now and swinging. He sat on the bed legs spread open and took me into his arm, nuzzled me and kissed me.

He looked in my eyes and told me he had really enjoyed the pleasure I gave him and he was looking forward to more. He asked me how I liked the taste of his sperm. I told him it was salty sweet and I didn't know if I liked it. He smiled and said I would ... He turned to turn on the movie he'd popped in. A blue screen lit up and he took a deep drag on his cigarette. The movie started and he turned to me again and said "I didn't like that my sperm got wasted, it's my gift to you and I want you to swallow it all next time." His voice was stern and forceful, afraid i merely nodded.

He took me in his arms and turned to watch the movie which as it turns out was a porn. I looked down at his cock it was still semi hard, he saw me looking and I got embarrassed. He laughed in a mean way and said "don't worry you'll get more of it it'll be hard very soon, you can look and touch all you want it's yours to please." I must have turned beet red. He laughed again and asked "do you think it's big? Have you seen bigger ones?" I replied that I thought it was and I wasn't aware of anything bigger. It made him smile. I saw his penis get harder, he looked down at it and then at me and said "It wont get soft, not until I have ejaculated three times, sometimes four. You're a very lucky babe."

On screen the plot was about a young girl auditioning at a casting agency for a porn role, she was met by an older male who was making her sucking him off. Sibtain was enjoying this and he got harder! He reached over and kissed me again, and squeezed my breasts harder, I wasn't enjoying it anymore so I pushed him off and pleaded with him that I didn't want to anymore. He reached between my legs and fondled mysmall cock, he laughed and said, "its small but it gets hard" it fit in between the tip of his thumb and his index finger as he stroked it. He reached round my waist to get a hold of the panties waistband and started peeling them off, I objected but he pushed my hands away. There was a look of determination in his eyes that made me afraid, so I just gave in. He pulled them off and spread my legs wide, put the back of my knees in his arms and got his face down to my crotch and to my surprise took my cock in his mouth. The sensation was awesome, his warm wet mouth, simply out of this world. I got hard and he knew. He didn't skip a beat he reached into the nightstand and pulled out a tube, he proceeded to squeeze the liquid on his fingers. I was aware but out of this world. Next thing I felt was his fingers at the entrance of my hole, he didn't waste anytime and inserted it inside making me squirm. I wasn't sure what I was feeling I was in heaven and yet in pain. I focused on his mouth on me, it was a delicious feeling and in no time I convulsed and came. He kissed me, his finger still inside me. I reached for his cock and stroked it and he whispered "baby, I am ready to make you mine."

The phone rang and startled us both, he continued to kiss me but the phone kept ringing and eventually stopped. In no time it started again and kept going on a few times. Eventually the fourth time he got up, clearly mad and went to answer the phone. He came back in a couple of minutes and started dressing he was disturbed. Said there had been an accident and he had to go make sure his parents were okay. I got out of bed and got dressed in my somewhat dried clothes. He said he had to make a call, I quickly straightened up his room and then we both left together. He didn't offer to drop me home and I didn't ask.

I got a call from him later saying his parents were okay, but the bus they had been on had been severely damaged and the driver was hurt badly.

A couple of days later he called again and asked to meet, but I had tests and I couldn't. With our busy lives we didn't see each other for a week and a half. In the meantime I had found myself sucking on some toys when I thought of him, or inserting my fingers inside me in the shower. We finally connected on a Wednesday morning, he was waiting in my building's stairwell at 7am when I was leaving for school, he embraced me, kissed me quickly and squeezed my breasts. He put his hand inside my school uniform t-shirt and squeezed my breasts, then raised the t-shirt and sucked on my nipples. I had to stop him though I was hard seeing him in his soccer clothes his hair was wet from his sweat and my breasts felt good with his mouth on them. He told me he had to see me and he couldn't do a couple of hours anymore, he needed me for the whole night. He said he wanted to have a "wedding night" with me where he would make me his, he asked if I'd like that. I nodded and he smiled. He begged me to try and get away this weekend, I told him I'd try, he looked around to make sure no one was watching or around kissed me one last time and let me run to catch my bus, with a pat and squeeze on my bottom.

When I got home from school I asked my parents if I could go spend the weekend with a friend of mine who had a beach home, I had never done anything like this so of course they said no. Being the last born and the most demanding of all my siblings I sulked and whined until Thursday when my dad finally said yes. I called Sibtain and he said that was great he would book us a hotel room at a beach resort so I wasn't fully lying.

I was anxious as I now had an idea of what this weekend would entail and wasn't sure if it would be all that. What if he hurt me? What if I didn't like it, I knew there would be no option but to submit. But I thought back to his kisses, how good his mouth felt on my breast, how I loved when he kissed my neck, how I loved to feel his hard on press against me, how sexy he was, how much I had enjoyed having him suck me off ...

On Friday morning I met him again, he had just returned from soccer practice and I could tell the hot humid day had got him wet with sweat. He kissed me, this time keeping his distance since he was dripping with sweat. He said he was excited and would pick me up around 4 and that I was to rest up after school, I asked him what I had to bring he said nothing he had everything taken care of. He told me I would be his bride and he would deflower me ever so gently.

I couldn't concentrate in school all day. It didn't help that I had swimming and I got to oggle our handsome swimming instructor undress and watch his cock pop out of his underwear, I noticed it was much bigger than Sibtain's! Then I caught myself staring at the assistant swim teacher's package as well, only he noticed it as well and i looked away. I was having difficulty with my breast stroke so the assistant - Paul entered the water to help me, and as he was helping me I felt his hands cup my breasts. Then at one point he accidentally brushed my bottom and then I was very sure he was intentionally doing this because he adjusted his package and then reached out when no one was looking to cup my left breast at which I pulled away. When class was over, Paul called out to me and said I needed to help him put the floaters and swimming noodles away. I grunted and reluctantly picked everything up as all my friends went to change and seemed like the instructors had disappeared, I collected everything and carried it to the end of the pool in the filter room. I put everything on one side near the door as it was always dark inside the storage room and i had to take a couple of steps down to get inside. I took one bunch and made my way inside I found the shelf where they belonged and i stacked them, with my back to the door. I heard someone enter, it was Paul. He had a smirk on his face. He came up to me and I tried to get around him to go get the other things and he stopped me and pushed me back by holding on to my titties. He said "I'll show you what you want to see," and he pulled his swim trunks down to reveal his cock and reached for my hand and made me grasp it. I was so shocked and scared and turned on I dazed a bit as he reached in and cupped my right breast and brought his mouth to it, as he put it in his mouth and took a small bite I got out of my daze and realized what was happening I let go of his cock, pushed him off and ran out of the storage room and into the locker room where I was one of the last kids, I quickly changed (thank god it was time to go home) and ran off to catch my bus.

I got home had some lunch, I wasn't hungry but forced myself and for some reason took a nap, perhaps I had been conditioned well. I woke up when my mom said I had a call. It was Sibtain he said he would be around in 20 minutes. I quickly showered and put on a shirt and shorts and packed some clothes and went to the window, I saw his car turn to head down our street and I said my quick goodbyes, promising to call and ran downstairs.

He was dressed in his work clothes, he had on a white shirt, grey pants, black work shoes and green tie. He popped the trunk and i dropped my backpack and sat in the passenger seat. He checked me out and we drove off, once we were away from my home he reached out and took my hand and placed it on his thigh. He instructed me to unbutton my shirt but not open it all the way. He reached in and cupped my breasts, and continued to do that while we drove, at one point he point he squeezed hard and I cringed in pain, I asked him why he did that and he said my breasts were everything for him, just the thought got him hard, and I could tell as i stroked his growing hard on.

He asked me, "Do you know what we are going to do tonight?" "I don't know." I replied coyly He squeezed my left breast and said "I am going to milk these tonight" He adjusted his crotch and my hand and then asked "did you like it when I put my fingers inside you?" I paused and answered "It was okay, but it hurt." "You'll have to get used to eat baby, I have to put my cock in there, and it is much bigger than my fingers. But we will do it often enough and in no time will you be enjoying it as well." He said as a matter of fact. "Is there no other way I can please you?" I asked. "Like how you rubbed it against me, or I stroke it or I put it in my mouth?" He looked at me and said "We'll do all of that, baby and also fuck. Baby you have a very horny man, I told you I am not satisfied easily and only way I can be satisfied is with deep penetration, I need to fill you up. You will like it, you will love it princess and you know what you have no choice. But trust me you will love it my princess." "But what if it hurts too much and i can't handle it?" I asked with a lump in my throat. "Baby I will take care of you, if it hurts too much we will stop. If you can't bear it just use the word speech, and i will stop" he said in a reassuring tone. I breathed a sigh of relief. "But we will have to try, can't go on without trying." He paused then continued. "Have you ever thought about it? have you ever thought about what position you'd like to be fucked in?" I thought and said "I have and it scares me." at which point he squeezed my hand reassuringly and I continued "and I always picture you on top of me like in the movies, and I under you facing you." "Ah the missionary. Yes we'll do that especially when I fuck your thighs and milk these beautiful tits. I enjoy a lot of different positions, especially in the shower standing up is my favourite. I will also enjoy you on my lap facing me so I can suck on those beautiful nipples while you ride me up and down." He said. "I will be gentle don't worry, you're my princess. But I also can't be made to stop unnecessarily, I have needs and you've got to fill these needs." He paused as he waited to make a left turn and then continued.

"I've booked a honeymoon suite at the resort and I expect to have a honeymoon. I have not cum in almost two weeks. I love sex and I usually masturbate often but I am saving it all for you. When we get to the room I'll expect you to dress up for me and be ready. Understood?" I took all this in. "Understood?" He asked again in a firmer tone. "I've been patient and have invested a lot in this weekend ..." I nodded my head and said, "I understand" I gulped. "But please be gentle, please!" He grunted as we pulled up to the resorts security booth. We were directed to the lobby but he drove the car to a chalet and parked. He said "this is the honeymoon suite. You stay here, I'll go get us checked in and come back." I nodded and sat in the car taking in the beautiful resort. It was dusk and some guests were making their way for cocktails and drinks. A handsome couple passed by, the man was sexy handsome and had a serious face almost broody. His hand was firmly placed on the woman's ass and I could tell she wasn't very comfortable. He leaned in and whispered something in her ear and she shook her head but he only nodded firmly. >From a nearby chalet a handsome man walked down the stairs. He had silver grey hair, had a bit of a gut but was well dressed, confident and oh so sexy. He was probably in his late 40s or early 50s. He wore loafers, dark blue jeans that accentuated his bulge, a white shirt and a blazer. At the bottom of the stairs he stopped and talked to the housekeeping staff and smiled, he was so handsome his dimples showed. He started walking towards the dining room and looked back to check out the housekeeping maids ass in her tight dress, he adjusted his cock and walked away. Sex was in the air! My man appeared not much later his sunglasses raised as it was dark, big key in hand and pleased look on his face. He popped the trunk and removed his bag and mine. I got out and asked him why he was so happy he said it was because he got a late checkout on Sunday. He lead me up the stairs to a chalet, they were oddly designed two chalets made a half moon with balconies facing the beach in a curve where one end would face the nearby chalet. The room was beautiful with fresh flowers and rose petals on the bed, the huge bathroom was open and the view breath taking. Sibtain put the bags down and kissed me softly for a long time. When he pulled away he said he needed to freshen up, I was in love. I began to unpack I asked him if I should for him and he said yes, and told me I wouldn't need anything from my bag.

I unpacked his bag, at the very top was a tube of lube. As I was reading it he came up behind me put his arms around me and kissed my neck and said "princess well use this whole tube this weekend, I promise." He let go and I walked over to put it in the nightstand drawer. "No babe," he said " put it out for easy access." He pulled out a big bag and tossed it to me, said it was our wedding gown and I was to go put it on. I went into the bathroom, unzipped the garment bag to reveal a soft off white dress. I had never put on anything like this, I was excited. In the bag was a pair of satin cream panties and satin bra! I blushed. I was excited, I started undressing and heard a knock it was Sibtain asking me to hurry up. I put on the panties and bra with difficulty. The bra fit perfectly next was the dress it was tight around the chest but the wide knee length skirt was swishy. I wished for long hair ...

I stepped out. He was reclined on the sofa. He'd lowered the lights and the curtains drawn. I noticed another tube with the lube and a small bottle on the night stand. He stood up, I was shy. He said I looked lovely. He had brought some snacks and opened poured me some ginger ale and we are making small talk. After which we got up and he went to brush his teeth and I cleaned up. He returned and took my hand and began kissing me, fondling my breasts and touching me all over. He bit my lower neck telling me I needed something to remember this weekend by.

He took me to the bed and pushed me down and got on top of me still kissing me. He was a great kisser, his hands roamed my body and mine his and found my favorite spot at the back of his head. After a bit he raised my dress and began to rub and fondle my cocklet then the curve my ass. He got up and made me sit at the edge of the bed. He undressed, gosh he was hairy and muscular! His legs were thick as trunks and hairy. In only his underwear which clearly couldn't contain his hardening manhood he came close to me and stood there, I ran my hands up his legs admiring the strength in his legs. He raised my chin with his hand and with his other hand behind my head he pushed my face into his crotch, I kissed his cock through his underwear.

He said "suck my cock". I peeled his underwear off and was surprised to see what looked like pee on his cock. He laughed and told me it was pre cum stuff that came out before cum. He guided his cock to my mouth and I took it in and began sucking, he wasn't forceful but firm, this time I was able to take more and he rhythmically humped my mouth. He pulled out a few times so I could catch my breath and lick him and then put himself back in, I noticed his cock got harder and with every hump he tried to get more in me. He stopped again and pulled me to my feet, reached around the back and zipped my dress and it fell to the floor. He stepped out of his underwear tossed it across the room. I stepped out of my dress and stood in front of him in my panties and bra, he made me turn around, he put his arms around me, kissed my neck and pushed his cock into me, he reached down and stroked my penis and felt me all over. He took the bra off with surprising ease turned me around to face him and cupped my right breast and sucked on it. After a while of sucking and fondling he let go and pushed me down to my knees and instructed me to suck his cock again I did he was aggressive this time, and in no time he flooded my mouth with his thick cum. I almost choked but he held his cock in place and clearly said "swallow it all."

There was no room for arguing. When he was all done he pulled out and told me to lick his cock and I did savoring his cum, I cleaned him pretty well. He collapsed onto the bed and asked me to join him. I tried to get under the covers but he wouldn't let me. We cuddled for a bit I ran my hands through his hairy chest and tummy. And he pinched my nipples and toyed with my still hard cocklet.

After what seemed only 5-10 min he was hard again. We kissed again and this time he got on top of me, his cock between my thighs right where my scrotum was, his mouth on mine and my hands held down by his big hands, he fucked my thighs. After a bit he reached for the lubricant put a little in my hand and told me to stroke his cock. When he was satisfied he resumed the position only this time my breasts got his attention. His tongue sure knew how to drive me crazy. He was getting intense and I knew he'd cum soon. He kept moving his cock higher and instructed me to hold my thighs tighter. He couldn't seem to find the right spot, at one point he got up on his knees and began to pull my panties off, I couldn't get them off quick off and in anger he ripped them into two and threw it across the room and resumed fucking my thighs, I heard his moans and feeling his skin got me harder. I could tell he was close as he fucked harder, the lube helping him stay wet,my nipples took the brunt of his lust as he sucked and but them and then as the intensity built we both came together with shudders, I felt his warm wet cum all over my thighs. He collapsed on top of me, when his cock stopped throbbing he got up, scooped his cum between his finger tips and brought it to my mouth and told me to open my mouth he fed it to me and made me lick his fingers.

He cuddled up near me, this time we spooned and got under the covers. He wasn't fully soft yet, I was beginning to think he wasn't normal. His strong arms around me felt good, he said some sweet things about how he was enjoying our honeymoon. I asked him about ripping those panties and he laughed and said it was how maddeningly hard I got him. He caressed my breasts and asked if I enjoyed his milking them. I told him it was nice but sometimes he got rough. He wondered if all the sucking would make them bigger. I said I hope not as it already got me unwanted attention and he said he'd love it! In no time he was fully hard. He started humping me from behind...

He reached over me for his lube and lived himself and put some on his fingers. I gulped I knew what was next. He inserted his finger in me gently then he entered another and in no time he had 3 in. A couple of times he stopped added more lube and kept putting his fingers back in. It felt funny I was enjoying it and yet I was scared. He rolled me onto my front, he picked the small glass bottle and opened it and put it under my nose and told me to take a deep whiff. I did. He then started to rub his now rock hard cock up and down my ass crack. He cursed and told me how hot I was. He told me to open my ass cheeks, I did he got in place and poured some lube on his cock, then he spit on my pussy telling me it'd be good for me. I felt the tip of his penis enter and then slowly the head. I let go and held onto sheets as he slowly entered more and more. I was in excruciating pain, I felt as though I was going to be ripped into two. I cried and begged him to stop. "No baby, this is why we are here. Well do this and do it again." He said "Oh you're so tight, I will enjoy you." He'd push in a little, pull out and then push in some more. At one point he pushed in a little faster and it hurt more than anything, I reached trying to push him off. He grabbed my hands and placed them by my side and held them down. After a few more pull backs and thrusts he took a deeper thrust and I screamed. I remembered the word he'd said I could use and said it "speech," then louder "speech". He paused then continued. I reminded it was the word to stop. He grunted and said "you'll like it too, now shut up." I wanted to cry in my pillow but couldn't, he was continuing. In about another 4-5 min I felt his balls hit my ass, and realized he was probably all the way in. He started taking long slow deep strokes. And it started to get better, he let go of my hands and reached for my breasts and squeezed them as he fucked me. He'd whisper things like you're so tight, this feels so good. And he'd thrust and I'd gasp. At one point when I felt it couldn't get worst he whispered "I'm all in baby, do you feel like a woman now? Answer me faggot! Yes you were born for this, from the first time I saw you I wanted to be balls deep in you." He started humping me and the pain was so bad I cried a few more thrusts and squeezes of my breasts and I felt his cock convulse and felt blast after blast after blast of cum hit me very deep inside. He collapsed on me and I could feel his warm thick cum start to leak. He pulled out with a pop, rolled over and exhaled. He lay there for a bit, I was still on my tummy. He got up went to the bathroom I heard him pee and then he washed himself and came back with a towel. He lay the towel and told me to lay on it, his cock was on my face I finally saw it in its natural state. I was surprised to see that there was no lube on it. He must have heard my thoughts and said "I cleaned myself I know you'll want more," he said with a wink and walked out to the balcony to smoke. I felt cum slide out of me. I wrapped the towel around me and headed to the shower. All I wanted to do was shower. I ran hot water, stepped in and washed myself. The hot water felt so good I washed every nook and cranny of my body. I reached out for the exotic body washes, they smelled so good with jasmine and other strong flowers. I picked one and stepped out of the rain shower and scrubbed my whole body with it, I was smelling of patchouli and other beautiful flowers. I found myself thinking about how not very long ago I had a man's strong hard cock between my legs how he had thrust himself into me for satisfaction. How he loved to pay attention to my breasts ... i rubbed the body wash around my nipples and between my legs, I explored my hole gently it ached but surprisingly wasn't too bad. I washed everything off and re applied the body wash in case I had missed a spot. I shampoed and conditioned my hair and was feeling very good.

As I was about to turn the water off, Sibtain opened the shower door and without waiting for an invitation stepped in. He smelled of cigarettes, I was embarrassed and self conscious again. Thinking he may want to shower on his own, I moved towards the door but his hand reached out and stopped me and gently pushed me back him and against the wall. He stood between me and the door. He cupped my chin pulled it upwards and kissed me, a long deep wet kiss. His tongue was deep inside me. The man had entered me every which way he could. He kissed my neck and traced his hands down my arms to my hands and he held them kissing me again. He was getting wet and his hairy body was wet and his hair looked darker and sexier. He took my hands and pinned them above my head on the wall, he reached in and kissed me a little harder this time. He kissed my neck, my earlobes and traced kisses to my breasts, I saw the water rush down from my neck down to my breasts and fall off the nipples like a waterfall, he observed that as well and he put his mouth under my nipple to drink the water and then he put each nipple in his mouth. He let go of my hands and kneaded my breasts as he paid attention to each of them. I ran my hands through his thick wet hair. He was hard and i could feel his cock pressing into my body. He reached for the first bottle that came, it was the creamy conditioner. He poured some on his hands and he rubbed it on the inside of my thighs and then squirted some more and applied it to his growing penis. He hesitated and squirted some more this time he rubbed it on my penis and kept at it. He masturbated me and in no time I convulsed and climaxed. He smiled. He applied more conditioner on his cock spread my legs a little and placed it between my thighs. "Hold them tight" he instructed me. "Squeeze them, I'm going to make love to you." I obeyed only happy to do so. I put my arms around him and pulled him, I held onto his muscular wet body as he thrust towards me again and again. I put my hands at the bottom of his neck and pulled his head down to my right breast, he grunted and attacked and feasted on it, with his right hand he kneaded my left tit prepping it for his mouth. I pulled his body towards my body, I dug my nails into his back as his intensity increased. With every thrust I wanted more of him. He must have found my hands distracting as he grasped them and pinned them over my head and kept it there as his body sought pleasure in mine.

His hands crushed mine as his whole body was focused on deriving pleasure from mine. I could sense he was close. His manhood had created so much friction and the constant water on our bodies had dried the conditioner between us. Our mouths met and his hands found my tits and he kneaded them and his mouth pillaged mine. What he did next caught me off guard his powerful hands reached my shoulders, our kiss broke off and he pushed me down, I fell to my knees. His left hand found the back of my head and my face was brought to his manhood being held as a fire hose in his right hand. I opened my mouth and tasted him with a distinct taste of the conditioner. I looked up at his face he looked down our eyes locked, I guided his cock to my cheek and applied a sucking pressure. He pulled my head and thrust one more time pushing his penis to the back of my throat and he shot volleys of his cum I struggled to take it all. The look on his face was priceless it was pure relief and satisfaction. He looked down at me, his hand was on the wall supporting him. When he was done he pulled up and shook his cock. He lifted me up and reached for a bar of soap and began to soap himself. I poured some body wash and washed myself. We both got out together dried each other, kissed and talked. He wrapped the towel around his waist. The white towel around his hairy olive colored skin was simply sexy. He told me to dig into his suitcase for something to wear for me.

I walked into the room looked at the time it was already 11:40pm. We'd been here for 5 hours or so and I had cum twice, he'd come I don't know how many times and how much more had changed. I blushed and smiled. I opened his bag and found more panties, a negligee and some of his clothes. I decided to go for panties and one of his t-shirts. This time i picked a light pink color panties and a heather grey t-shirt. He came out of the shower, his hair all tousled, he still had the towel around his waist, his tiny gut didn't prevent the towel from highlighting his bulge. And I had first had experience of how virile and unsatiatible my man was. I smiled. He asked me if I was hungry, I said no. He asked me if I wanted to watch a movie, I said I didn't mind. So we got in the big comfortable bed , my snuggling on his chest and turned on the tv and settled for an old western movie. In no time I was fast asleep, I vaguely remember him putting me down on the pillow and covering me up.

At around 2am I woke up thirsty, the room was dark he was snoring softly. I didn't know where I was I finally got my bearings and walked to pour some water and went to the bathroom. It then that I noticed I didn't have on the panties. I flushed and washed my hands and stumbled back towards the bed. I hit a coffee table and something fell and made a loud noise. He woke up and asked in a sleepy voice "Are you okay?" I told him I was and that he should get back to sleep. He grunted. I got into bed and he got up to go pee, I heard the loud stream, flush and the sink run then he came back to the bed as well. He pulled me to him and we spooned. He slept naked, his right hand raised the hem of my t-shirt and found my right breast he squeezed it and then did the same to the left he whispered in my ear that they were wonderful, perfect size perky and above all the nipple was made for his mouth. He whispered how my naturally pink and small lips around his cock made him hard, he squeezed my ass and said how he liked the shape of my ass, how my pink bud was so tight and how my ass was round but oh so tight inside. "But when you're inside it hurts so much." I said to him. "Yes I know and only after we have done it a few times your body will get used to mine." He said sternly. "You'll just have to learn baby. You're tighter than I expected and I love it but your pussy is like clay it'll soon know the shape and form of my cock and then you'll enjoy it as well." I kept quiet, not wanting to anger him. "Your tits are amazing and I know you love it when I give them attention. Right?" "Yes I do love it." I replied rather shyly. "Has anyone else sucked them before or felt them or kneaded them?" He asked "I'm sure some boys or other guys have found them interesting." "I've had people tease me about them and squeeze them in jest but no one like you." I replied. He cupped my right one and said "their loss. You may get more attention though, the more I suck the more it'll blossom." "Like I need that." I said. "Baby it's alright you're a woman now." He replied in a soothing tone. I felt his cock now, it had gotten harder and it was pressing against my ass, pushing through trying to make an opening. "I can't sleep now. You've got me hard, you're going to have to do something about it." He said. "What would you like?" I asked coyly. "What's on the menu?" He winked and asked playfully. "Hmmmm I could stroke it?" I said playfully. He shook his head, "how about you cum between my legs?" I asked. "Nope. I'll need you to suck it as a start and I think it's time for round two on the pussy, need to stretch you out." I gulped. He turned me over and kissed me. He got on top and we enjoyed feeling each other's body. I took my t-shirt off to feel his tight hairy chest. In no time it was clear we weren't going to sleep until we had release. At this point he got up and said follow me. I asked where and he said the balcony. "I want to bend you over the railing and make love to you. We'll be quiet and everyone will be asleep at this time." He said. "No please no." I replied with horror. "Don't worry it'll be fun, if we see someone well come back indoors." He said reassuringly. I reluctantly followed. As I stepped out the cool night breeze hit my body, I cautiously looked around and when it seemed no one was out or looking I made my way to Sibtain. My naked body felt good in the open air, it was a good freeing feeling. Sibtain was standing near a chair, he lifted the chair cushion and threw it to the floor in front of him. "Kneel on it." He instructed me. "Why on the cushion?" I asked out of curiosity. "Well you're going to suck my cock and I don't want you to get restless and hurt on the bare concrete." He replied. I took my place, he was hard as a rock with pre cum already leaking from his tip. I put my hand at the base and started my kissing him. I wanted to take my time this time, I explored it with my mouth and tongue, I loved to see his face as I licked from the base to the underside of the tip, bringing my tongue to the very top, licking away the precum that was forming quickly, and tracing the very defined head of his penis. I few minutes of that, then I began to trail kisses up to his navel and licked and sucked his balls, though I didn't enjoy all the hair down there. He was getting restless so I went back to what he wanted my mouth around his cock, he encouraged this by putting his hand at the back of my head and pulled my head closer while thrusting his cock deeper, I gagged but he held on for a second and releases and continued to rhythmically fuck my face. When I pulled back to breathe he reached for the lube and pulled me up. He kissed me and led me to the balcony railing and bent me over and spread my legs. I waited in anticipation as he lubed me up and himself. I was ready for immense pain as he got closer and lined his cock up with my hole. I felt a dull ache and pain but not as bad as what I had experienced earlier, he was much gentler too. I felt him ease himself in and he asked me how I was I nodded that I was okay. I think he was fully inside me when he reached over to caress my breasts and kiss my neck. He stayed full inserted for what seemed like a minute and he slowly gained a rhythm and I found myself responding in a way that made it more pleasurable for him. "Oh you're so tight baby." He said again and again His rhythm quickened and he started pushing deeper and faster and while I winced in pain I could bear it. And when we were both covered in sweat he hit a crescendo and shot his love juice inside me. His orgasm was audible and his body shook. And he dropped himself onto me, I stood causing his penis to withdraw a little and he held me until he was soft and he pulled out. I turned around and he kissed me deeply and then I headed to take a quick shower while he washed his penis at the sink. We spooned in bed until we both fell asleep.

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Next: Chapter 3: Prelude to Serving Hank 2

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