Serving the Teen Down the Hall

By tough top

Published on Jul 31, 2005



NOTES FROM THE AUTHOR: Of course, if you are underage and shouldn't be reading this, don't. If you are of age and like this stuff, please continue.

The following story is fiction. It never happened. It's just for entertainment. If you enjoy the story, and especially if you beat off to it, drop me a line. Share a fantasy or tell a story about your favorite sexual encounter. I love to hear just as much as I love to tell. Sometimes you can find me on in any one of several chat rooms, so look for me there, too. Peace out. E-mail me at

This story contains non-consensual sex and derogatory language. If that doesn't float your boat, stop reading now.

I first saw him in the park on a Saturday afternoon.

He was perfect. I was inline-skating and just about fell over myself when I saw him off to the side of the road playing Frisbee golf with his friends. Quickly turning my eyes back to the road to avoid what would surely be an embarrassing fall, I narrowly avoided running off the road. I looked back and he was still there.

He looked like he was 16 or 17, and his shirt was off, hanging out of the back of his blue Umbros. He had a tight swimmer's build with a nicely defined chest and slimming waist to his hips. He had no visible body hair, and a cute angular face. I was fairly far away but I could tell there was a very faint treasure trail leading into his shorts, the kind that's faint and silky and more like a light shadow until you look closely. His skin was olive -- either a really dark tan or a light version of that musky sweet skin you find on young Italian guys.

I recovered from my near fall and continued on my way and finished up at my apartment complex. As I went in the back door to my building, I saw a group of teen-age guys over by the pool. I thought I saw the hottie from the park, but I wasn't sure. That night I jacked off thinking about this young stud. Don't get me wrong, I'm like 21, so 16 or 17 isn't perving it or anything for me. He was just so gorgeous, and even from 20 paces he exuded a sexuality.

Even on the off chance that he was gay, I knew I was out of my league. This boy could have anyone -- male or female -- that he wanted. I'm pretty good looking, with light brown hair with blonde highlights pretty and a cute face with deep-set cheekbones. I work out, so I'm toned, and I do pretty well at the clubs. But he was just one of those people that was so damn fine that you knew he only fucked people who were in the same club. As I went to sleep I thought about the gorgeous Frisbee golfer.

On Sunday I went Rollerblading again, and I guess somewhere in the back of my mind I had it that I might see him again, but I didn't really expect it. He was there again, though. This time he and a few friends were leaning against a pickup truck in the parking lot, all of them with their shirts off again. I managed to avoid any awkward maneuvers that would make me fall, and I got even more of an eyeful as I passed pretty close to them. I wasn't sure, but I could have sworn I felt him staring at me as I went by.

I made an extra lap around the park to see if I could catch another glimpse of him and his friends. When I went back by the parking lot, his friends were there but he was not. I skated back over to my apartment and when I got to the parking lot I just about passed out. Sitting atop the hood of my car was the teen-age god I'd been lusting over for the past 24 hours. I skated up to my car unsure how to proceed. I mean, yeah, he was sitting on my car, which he didn't have permission to do. But I would do anything for this boy, so I wasn't about to ask him to move.

Rolling into a T-stop next to the driver's side door, I simply said, "Hey, man, you know that's my car?"

Yeah, not the best line in the book, but I really didn't know how to read the situation. Was it possible that this kid knew I wanted him and that he was into fucking guys and that he somehow knew where I lived and what my car looked like? It was too much of a coincidence, but I just couldn't believe it.

He responded with a quick two syllables, "I know," and looked me straight in the eye without blinking.

I looked away first, and when I did he hopped down off the hood and strode toward the building. I wasn't sure what the hell was going on, but I was going into the building, so I followed about 10 feet behind him. He'd put his shirt back on and was wearing another pair of blue Umbros, but the view of his ass and legs was still pretty sweet.

As I followed him I expected him to veer off toward his apartment, but he didn't. This whole time neither of us said a word or even acknowledged that the other was there. When we got to my door, he leaned on it, and simply said, "I want a beer, dude."

"How do you know I'm going to give you one?" I asked him.

He didn't say anything, just looked me in the eyes, a look that was more of a command than anything else. And I put the key in the lock and turned it, holding the door open for him to follow me.

He sprawled out on the couch and flipped on the television. I just stood there staring at him. "I said to get me a beer," he said, his voice calm but intense.

My brain was doing back flips and not getting anywhere. The boy of my dreams was lying on my couch uninvited and ordered me to give him a beer, which was still illegal for me to do. What was he doing? What was I getting myself into?

I sighed, knowing that this boy could own me and starting to realize he might know that, too, and went into the kitchen and got him a beer. He took it roughly from me and opened it, and I just stood there. He didn't acknowledge me or say anything to me.

I was dripping in sweat from my Rollerblading in the park, and I told him I was going to take a shower. There was no response from him, and I headed to the bathroom and showered. The 10 minutes under the water helped clear my head a little, but I was still pretty damn baffled by what was happening.

When I came out of the bathroom, I just about dropped the towel I had around my waist in surprise because he was on my bed. He had taken his shirt off and was flipping through a copy of "Freshman" magazine that I had kept in my bedside table.

He didn't even look up at me when I came out.

"You into this shit?" he asked still not glancing up from the magazine.

I didn't answer right away, and he finally looked up at me. He stood up slowly and walked toward me, his face stopping a few inches from mine.

"I asked you a question. Are you into this shit, faggot?"

This time I nodded my head.

"I bet you're even getting turned on by me being here, aren't you?"

I didn't say anything.

He slapped at my hand and I let go of the towel, which fell to the floor. My dick was already starting to get hard.

He laughed and swatted at it. "I knew you were totally into me." His hand making contact with my dick only made it get harder. He laughed again.

"How bad do you want me, faggot?"

My dick was getting harder every second, and I didn't say anything. He grabbed my nuts and squeezed hard, making me cry out in pain.

"I asked you a question. I think I need to teach you some respect, faggot. I asked you how bad do you want me?"

I managed to stammer out, "I want you a lot, dude."

He kept squeezing and said, "'Dude?' Is that how you address someone who is superior to you?"

I was baffled and just looked at him with a confused face contorted in pain.

"You address people who are superior to you by calling them sir." He was almost yelling and was only a few inches from my face. "Now, I'll ask you again, faggot, how bad do you want me?"

"I want you a lot, sir," I managed to stammer out.

He finally let go of my nuts. My dick was still hard.

"I can see that you want me a lot, faggot. Why don't you take my shorts off for me."

I dropped to my knees, his hand on the back of my head. I started to reach for his waistband, but he slapped my hand away.

"No hands, faggot."

I got my teeth around the elastic on one side of his Umbros, and got that side down, his body smelling sweet and a little sweaty. Without thinking I brought my hand up to help pull his shorts down, and he slapped the side of my face hard enough to knock me to the side.

Neither of us said a word, and I resumed my task of pulling down his shorts with my teeth. When the fabric had cleared his cock, it was hanging right there in my face, no underwear to deal with. It was a good five inches and thick while it was soft. I couldn't even imagine how big that thing would get when it was hard.

My eyes were wide and I kept stealing glances at it while I continued to pull his Umbros down the sides of his lean legs. They got to the point where they fell to the floor, and he kicked them to the side.

"Here's how this is going to work," he said. "I own you. If you disobey a single instruction I give you, I will tell the police that you have been having sex with me. I'm 16, and in this state that would land you in prison for a while. You'd probably like prison though, so maybe that wouldn't be punishment. I think it will be enough that I tell you to do something. There will be other punishments that I will give you.

"Now get started making my cock hard, faggot."

I started lapping at his dick, my tongue feeling its spongy firmness and my own cock growing rock-hard again. He was cut, and as far as I was concerned, he had the most beautiful cock in the world. I went to town sucking on it and caressing it with my tongue, and soon it was growing.

It was a good 11 inches when it was done growing, and it was thick. I'd sucked a few cocks in my days, but nothing like this monster. It was perfectly shaped and fit with his perfect body. I wrapped my lips around the big head and pummeled down onto it with as much force as I could muster. It was huge, and I reached up to grab his hips and steady myself to go farther down.

As soon as my hands made contact with his slender hips, I knew what I had done and tried to brace myself for it. This time the smack was so hard that I doubled over in pain.

"You little faggoty-ass cockslut are real slow to learn. I think you need to be taught a lesson."

He grabbed me by the nuts and propelled me onto the bed in agony. He took his hands and started roughly working over my nipples, so rough that it hurt. As he continued to grate his fingers across my nipples, he took another hand and started inspecting my asshole. He inserted the tips of all four fingers into the hole and spread it open. He stared at it, finally letting up the torture on my chest.

"This hole looks loose, faggot. How many times you got fucked up here?"

"Only once," I said, still in agony.

He squeezed my nuts hard again. "You still don't get it do you?"

"I'm sorry sir, I've only been fucked once sir," I said, my teeth clenched and my voice rising in fear.

"Well, faggot, that's about to change. You have 30 seconds to suck on my cock and get it as wet as you need for me to get it up your ass. I'll count down for you."

I frantically dove for his cock as he started counting at 30. It had softened a little bit but was still huge. I summoned up as much saliva as I could and attacked it from the top and the sides and every angle I could get.

When he got to 10 he pushed me down hard and forced my knees up to my shoulder. My unlubed hole was right in front of his monster cock waiting to get pounded. I screamed when his cock pushed forcefully up my hole in one slow but steady push that took only a few seconds to get up. My own cock went rock hard the second he entered me and began dripping.

He maneuvered so my knees were on his shoulders and my thighs pressed up against his gorgeous chest. His cock was pressing into me farther than I had imagined possible. I felt his nuts bounce against my backside.

He hadn't reacted when I screamed, but I let out a whimper as he started to pull back to fuck me. He stopped where he was and slapped my face hard. "You need to learn to shut up like a good little faggot." Then a vicious smile crept across his face. "On second thought, you'll have plenty of time to learn, so I guess you can whimper all you want today. It's not like my cock is the biggest thing I'll make your hole take."

With that he pulled out and slammed in quickly, his eyes still locked on mine but showing no pleasure or emotion whatsoever. My eyes rolled back and I closed my eyes as my body adjusted to the pain and began to feel incredible sensations that I had never felt before. He pounded in and out, in and out, in and out. Same rhythm. Same pace.

When I opened my eyes back up, my mouth open and muscles contracting in pleasure, his eyes were still locked on me. Half an hour into his fucking I came in huge spurts of cum all over my stomach and chest, and a few of the shots hit my face in little steamy hot drops.

He kept fucking me without changing his pace. Finally as he got close to the end of an hour, he quickened the pace slightly and began breathing heavily. He grunted and thrust into me, impaling me on his dick and filling my hole with his hot cum. He pulled out and slipped into his Umbros.

"From now on you don't lock your door when you're home and you're to be naked at all times when you're home. If I catch you naked or with your door locked, you'll regret it."

To be continued. Any feedback would be great to

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