Set Up

By moc.liamtoh@9351sonaht

Published on Nov 3, 2000


The Set-Up Chapter Two

Trey sat and watched as Alec stroked his hard cock in front of him. He couldn't believe he was finally seeing this young hot stud perform for him. He had always sneaked covert peeks at him in the locker room and during their showers but he had never seen him hard and as beautiful as he looked right now, a light sheen of sweat covering the his trim body as he stroked rhythmically on his engorged dick. Mesmerized as he was by the sight of the young man in such a state of pleasure, he knew what he was doing was wrong, but he had no choice, if that asshole Ryan ever showed those pictures to anyone he would die of embarrassment, he knew he would.

It had started over two months ago. Alec had been away at some student government meeting for the weekend, so he and Juan had gone camping, just the two of them. It had started a lot like this night had with the two of them drinking and smoking a lot of dope out in the woods. Sufficiently inebriated the two of them had decided to go skinny-dipping in the still slightly too cold lake. He and Juan had before jerked off together on a couple of late night drinking binges in the past and Trey had no doubt that that night would follow the same path, but he wanted something more than that.

Trey watched as Juan stripped the t-shirt over his head showing his sculpted body, the flames from the campfire dancing shadows across the defined muscular landscape of his chest. He had never committed himself to any sexual preference knowing that both guys and girls held their own special thrills. But to date, save for a couple of harmless jack off sessions with Juan and some private sessions of his own inspired by pictures on the internet, he had exclusively been physical with girls, and not by his own choice. That was the biggest problem with living in such a small town where everyone knew everyone else's business, the dating pool was only slightly more limited than the gene pool. So he had fucked plenty of the girls at school, but knew his main interest lied with the more masculine aspects of his attraction. His confidence bolstered by drugs and alcohol he knew that this was the night that he would have to make his move.

He pulled off his own t-shirt as Juan stepped out of his Levis and stood there in his underwear. The white of the tight cotton jockeys seemed to glow in the firelight against the bronze skin of the youth. Trey could feel his own getting hard just looking at his buddy standing there looking so sexy.

"Christ almighty, will you hurry the fuck up!" Juan goaded him as he pulled the underwear off tossing him onto the pile of the rest of his clothes and headed for the water.

"Ah, keep your pants off, bitch!" he hollered back peeling his own jeans off along with his underwear and throwing them with Juan's discarded clothes on his way into the water. "Holy shit," he yelled, "this water's fuckin' freezing!!"

"Tell me something I don't know." The full moon cast enough light to see his friend clearly in the water standing chest deep and shivering slightly, as Trey moved deeper into the murky chill of the lake. 'At least I won't have to worry about getting a hard-on' he thought to himself as the coldness engulfed him, banishing any sexual stimulation he might have been experiencing. He quickly made his way over to Juan and stood what could probably be construed as too close if they weren't so fucked up. Underneath the water his hip brushed his friend's bare ass and sent an electric jolt of excitement that couldn't be squelched by the water's cold.

'It's now or never.' Trey figured and playfully tripped Juan as he pushed him over into the water.

"You fucker," Juan sputtered as he stood back up, shivering afresh. "You're gonna pay for that Puta!" and tackled Trey as gracefully as he could in the waist deep water, plunging them both beneath the surface. What ensued was a good old-fashioned water-wrestling match as each of the naked boys tried to dunk his buddy while spitting out obscenities in between bouts of laughter. A couple of times Trey managed to grab some smooth hard flesh that in any other circumstances would be extremely taboo. As their bodies warmed and their breath grew short, both boys finally conceded the battle and started back towards their campsite, exhausted yet still filled with the exuberance of youth.

Not wanting to get their clothes wet, they bypassed the pile and headed straight for the bright campfire and the aura of warmth it cast to dry them off. "I'll grab a couple of beers if you pack the bowl," Juan got busy picking the weed as Trey fished in the cooler for a couple of cold ones. By the time he got back to the fire Juan was already lighting his first hit. Trey sat down next to him, a scant inch separating their naked bodies, as he opened the two bottles and set one in the crook of Juan's lap.

"Too bad Alec's not here" Juan said passing the bowl and trying to hold the smoke in as he spoke.

"I don't know, sometimes it just nice to be the two of us." Trey shifted his leg so it lightly touched his friend's and sat back propped on his elbows. Juan joined him, his own leg relaxing and resting heavily against Trey's as he took another hit.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. He can be kinda a momma's boy at time. Always playing it so straight and narrow. Hell he hardly ever even smokes with us. But still he's a good guy, hope he's having fun at the brain fest."

"Probably not as much fun as we're having though."

"Definitely not dude. Fuckin' a, can you imagine those guys sitting around the table discussing cafeteria policy while doing bong hits?"

"At least the food would be better." Trey laughed playfully patting Juan's stomach as he rolled over and got up to get a couple more beers. In a few seconds he was back and sitting even closer to his naked friend, their bodies pressed together up to their hips. Juan didn't move away, it helped work up Trey's confidence. "You know Alec's great and all, but I think you and I are probably closer than I am with him. What with practice and all, I'd figure I spend twice as much time with you as I do with him. You're really great dude."

"Yeah, you are too man, I mean that." Juan agreed, his speech slightly slurred as he and his friend reaffirmed their friendship.

The heat of Juan's body so close to his own and the way the fire lit up his features caused a stirring in Trey's lap that he knew he wouldn't be able to hide in a minute. "Pot always makes me so friggin' horny, dude. I half wish that we had asked a couple of the girls to meet us up here. Of course the way Kristen's been acting lately, I wouldn't even be able to coax a hand job out of her tonight."

"Molly's been on the same page dude. I haven't gotten any in a while either. Been keeping the situation well in hand though if you know what I mean."

"Same here." Trey looked down glad that bringing the conversation around to sex was having the desired effect on Juan that he had anticipated. His cock was already practically full mast jutting straight up over his lower stomach, aching for attention. Without thinking Juan's hand began to lightly stoke his hard dick, pleasuring himself as he had done a thousand times before. Smiling as his friend's eyes closed Trey watched his friend masturbating for a moment before attending to his own needs. There's nothing like being young and jerking off with your best friend he thought as he found his own rhythm. Juan was definitely enjoying himself, moving his hips slightly and moaning as he fell deeper into lustful fantasies.

Taking a deep breath and knowing that this would be his one chance, Trey continued to stroke himself as he reached over and put his fingers on Juan's damp chest. "What.. are.. you.. doing?" Juan asked never missing a beat.

"Shhh." Trey said into his ear, stopping his own pleasure and rolling onto his side to have better access to his friend's hard body. "Just relax, man."

"I don't know about this Trey" Juan said but never stopped in his actions still slowly rubbing his cock and moaning slightly. It was all the encouragement Trey needed as he let his hand rub Juan's chest harder making the young man groan louder in excitement and pleasure. His other hand moved down to cover Juan's own hand as it moved up and down the eight inches of hard throbbing meat.

"Just relax and let me take care of you dude," Trey said soothingly into Juan's ear allowing his hand to be guided for another moment before he lifted Juan's and took over completely. He kept up the slow, steady motion as his buddy's hand fell limply to the side in the grass. "Just lie back and enjoy man. Let me help you out." Trey kept reassuring him and was surprised when he did just as he was told and lay flat on his back. Without words Juan had given him total control over his body, and Trey knew to make the best of it. He had often fantasized about what it would be like to have either of his two friends allow him to do something like this, and now that opportunity had arisen, per se, there was no way he was going to allow it to slip away unfulfilled. He lowered his head and flicked out his tongue across the pert dark nipple. His actions produced the exact effect he was looking for as Juan arched his back and grunted loudly.

Trey licked the nipple thoroughly, his own hard dick, poking into Juan's leg as he sucked on the youth's chest. He let his hand quicken its stroke for a minute before slowing again, following the routine that he had often used on himself when he wanted a nice long jack- off session. After he had completely serviced Juan's chest causing both nipples to get hard like tiny pebbles he lowered himself, his mouth tracing a route down the taunt musculature of the boy's body. With his noses inches from his hand he could smell the strong musky odor of Juan's pleasure. With a short second between, he removed his hand from the boy's cock and replaced it by running his tongue down the hard shaft, his own dick, half forgotten, leaked a steady drip of precum against Juan's hip.

Opening his mouth, for the first time Trey took the cut head of his best friends cock into his mouth. Juan bucked slightly as the hand was replaced by the warm, moist mouth, but moaned loudly as he used the now free hand to lightly cup and massage his balls. Trey continued to run his tongue around the head allowing it to explore the slit and ridges, caught up in total abandon of the moment. He gagged slightly as he started to take more into his virgin mouth and it took a moment for him to adjust it before he could go on. Through closed eyelids he could see a flash of lightening and continued to slurp on the large cock knowing nothing short of a hurricane would stop him from enjoying this moment. He had swallowed more than half of the teen cock in his mouth when he knew that Juan couldn't hold out much longer, another flash of silent lightening, his friend moaning louder and louder, he was in heaven. Trey wondered briefly whether or not he was ready to actually swallow his friend's load when the choice was taken away from him and Juan gasped as his dick exploded filling Trey's mouth with the hot salty taste of his essence. Instinctively he swallowed as much as he could as the rest leaked out his mouth and onto his chin and his own cock spewed a load onto his friend's leg with another bright flash.

"Oh shit," he heard his friend say in what he figured was pleasure as he slowly let the quickly softening cock slide out of his mouth. He opened his eyes as the head came past his lips and was blinded by yet another weird flash. Suddenly he knew that his friend hadn't sworn in pleasure because there was no way that could be lightening. To his side just a few inches from his face he could see a two pairs of tennis shoes and the jeans of somebody standing over him and Juan. 'Oh shit is right' he thought to himself as he let his eyes travel further up the legs. Something told him he was in a lot of trouble now.

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