Seth from High School

By Tim P

Published on Mar 31, 2010


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This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between males, all minors. It is written for the entertainment of mature adults. Passing through Nifty's main page to get here is your way of saying it is legal for you to be reading it.

Seth from High School Part I

It was Sunday night and I was surfing the Net. I decided to hit a California chat room and see what was going on. One guy came in the chat room and said he looking for pictures to trade and said he was in Santa Barbara (where I live). I didn't tell him where I was, but he could have looked at my profile and seen I live in Santa Barbara too. Anyway we trade some jpgs and he includes one of himself...... NUDE, with a nice big erection. The funny part.... he goes to my high school and I know him 'cuz he plays volleyball.

He was totally freaked out when he found out I was in Santa Barbara, he didn't sign on to the Internet and wouldn't return my emails for a couple of days. He STILL didn't know I went to the same high school and that he knew me. Finally on Wednesday he got on and replied to my messages, and so I said I wanted to meet, he said no way and signed out. He was back on the next day and I said I wanted to meet him again and he kept saying no, until I told him I already knew who he was so he might as well know me too. Seth finally caved and we agreed to meet at the mall on Upper State St. at 11:00AM Saturday.

I got there at 10:30 and I chose a spot that anyone could happen by. Seth got there at about 10:45 not knowing who he was going to meet... I walked up about 2 minutes later and said "hi Seth, what are you doing today". He just about jumped out of skin at seeing me, he was real nervous, 'cuz he STILL didn't realize, I was who he was waiting for. I LOVED it, it was like torture, but I figured he wouldn't mind once he found out I was the one.

He said he waiting for a friend, I asked who, he said I didn't know him, I was like , 'well how do you know I don't know him?' He got even more nervous and scared and said it was 'cuz his friend was from out of town. I said, "Oh,... oh, by the way thanks for the picture."....

"Picture?", he asked. STILLLL not putting 2+2 together!

"Yeah, your jpg"....

Click. Lightbulb on.

"You ASSHOLE! I'm waiting for YOU? Why didn't you tell me at school!!"

Yeah, he called me an asshole, but I'm gonna overlook it 'cuz he is so cute when he is angry and I am sure he meant "asshole" in the nicest possible way.

I told he didn't seem ready at school and I didn't want him to be uncomfortable around me.

He said, "Well I DO feel like an idiot since you've seen that!"

I told him I knew how he felt and there was only one thing we could do.... "go to my house and even up the score".... He was a little confused by this (if you haven't figured it out by now Seth is a little slow on the uptake, smart, he gets good grades, but scores ZERO in thinking on his feet!)

He said "Hunh?" (I know not very articulate, but I knew what he meant)

"My parents are in Los Angeles this weekend," I said quietly.

NOW he got it!

We went back to my house and I told him we didn't have to do anything, I just thought to be fair he ought to see me nude too. So we went up to my room and I peeled off all my clothes while he sat there on my bed. The erection part? Well that kinda happened anyway! I won't bore you with the rest of the story, 'cuz you probably aren't interested anyway!

Next: Chapter 2

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