Sex Ed 101 with Bull

By Boyatt Hart

Published on Jul 21, 2011


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SEX-ED 101 WITH BULL (part 8)

by Boyatt Hart

As I lay on top of him, sinking my fingers into his dense musculature, he slowly probed my chute with his sated hard-on. I responded instinctively by squeezing the bulky invader with my clutching ring, causing the mountain of a man to giggle beneath me.

"I swear, son! You sure know how to make a man feel special," he intoned in his signature baritone.

"You ARE special!" I assured him as I continued squeezing him inside me.

I could tell he was slowly deflating by the way his intractable hardness began yielding to my anal embraces. Trying to delay his inevitable exit from my pulverized bowel I sat upright and marveled once more at his physical enormity, transfixed by the sight of his massive chest heaving in contented sighs.

Tracing his huge nipples with my fingers I studied the tantalizing clefts formed by the bulging pecs that rolled off to the sides of the spherical belly that parted them. I slid my fingers up into the deep creases and leaned back down to suckle his meaty breast, alternately nursing on the big erect nubs that rose proudly from the center of each of his magnificently large areolas.

"Pretty baby," he sighed as he ran his fingers through my hair.

I nestled into his firm bulk and basked in his approval, hunching my hard dick into his manly gut and wishing time could stand still to protract this glorious moment into an eon of bliss. It was then that I felt him slip out of me.

I sat up and reached behind me to feel the still swollen lump of man meat that was resting majestically on his big, plump scrotum like a king relaxing into his throne. My inhibitions long gone by then, I brought my hand to my nose to smell the evidence of our sexual labors and thought nothing of it as I licked it clean.

"What's this on my belly?" he asked with a grin as he laid one of his huge hands on my rock hard dick, causing me to shiver.

I giggled like a child as he gave it a firm squeeze and continued, "This little baby sure has a nice, big hard-on!"

I laughed and said, "It sure doesn't look very big in YOUR hand!"

He smiled and held his incredibly big right hand up for me to inspect as he said, "Looks can fool you, son. I take a size 16 ring. These big ol' paws have swallowed up some mighty big dicks in their day!"

I reached out and took his wrist, almost as big around as my bicep, in my right hand and pressed my left one to his in a mirror image. It was thicker than both of my hands pressed together and completely outlined it by a vast margin. My dick twitched with excitement as he let me bring it nearer my face for closer examination.

"Holy shit!" I exclaimed as I proceeded with my inspection, "The nail on your little finger is almost the same size as my thumbnail!"

He was clearly amused by my fascination and watched with delight as I put each of his thick digits in my mouth one by one and hungrily sucked on them, saving his cock-thick thumb for last. I took it from my mouth and placed it, thumbnail up, on top of my dick head. As I guessed, and truthfully even hoped, only a slim margin of my glans outlined it.

I let go of his hand, my awe probably evident in my expression, and turned my fascination once again to his large succulent nipples. Pressing my hands to them I sank my fingers into the layer of fat that covered the slabs of muscle beneath.

Lee wrapped his powerful arms around my back and snugly pressed my torso to his, thrilling me with the feel of his nakedness against mine. In a display of supreme confidence he slid a hand down my back and sank his big middle finger into my crack, then gently massaged my leaking pucker. My cock raged hard between our bellies as I felt my sense of being willingly merge into his.

"Such a sweet young man," he sighed in my ear.

I responded by slowly humping my dick between our sweaty bellies.

"Mmmmmm...feels mighty good, son...mighty good!" he reported.

I nestled deeper into his embrace, feeling as though I belonged to him as he worked his finger around in my crack and smeared his cum over my well worn hole.

"Feels pretty swollen back here, son," he said, "Everything ok?"

"Yes, sir," I sighed, "I've never felt better."

"Good man," he said as he effortlessly shifted me up onto his bulk so that our faces met.

Lee opened his mouth and stuck his thick tongue out for me. I responded by taking it in mine and sucking it like a dick, bobbing my head up and down, as he removed his finger from my crack and gently patted my butt.

This went on for some time until he retracted his tongue and softly said, "You got a lot of hunger, son...and natural talent like I've never seen!"

"What do you mean?" I asked and then started nibbling at his ear lobe.

"That...that right there," he sighed with a giggle.

He remained quiet for a moment, enjoying my attention I suppose, before continuing, "Like when I was fucking your mouth outside. Most men just open wide for me like they're at the dentist and give me nothing but a loose hole to plow. But you...the whole damn time I was going at just came right back at me. You wrapped your lips around that dick and sucked it so hard I was afraid you'd turn me inside out!"

He paused for a moment and then quietly giggled to himself.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Awww, nothin'," he said sounding a little sheepish.

"No...what?" I asked, more eager than ever learn what was on his mind.

" just suckin' away on my dick with it poundin' your gullet...I got a little scared maybe I was rougher than you bargained for...till I helped you up and got a look at you, that is...all smiles...your face streaked with a cum load like I haven't shot since I was your age...your dick stickin' straight out, so hard and blood red it looked like it might bust..." he paused and then broke out in a hardy laugh, "What a sight you were!"

His description of me was genuinely funny and I couldn't help sharing in his laughter.

"Yes, siree! A dick cannot tell a lie when it comes to a man and his pleasure!" he continued in laughter, "I knew right then that this was no lost babe in the woods, no,sir! I knew this here was a man's man and that I had just given him exactly what he bargained for!"

I swelled with pride, even though as the event he had described was unfolding I hadn't even been aware that I was doing that.

"I had a good feeling about you when I saw you staring at me in The Pines last night, but I sure had no idea what a firecracker I'd brought home with me to start with. Then when you told me I was your first, well...let's just say I never expected things were gonna heat up this hot this fast!"

My swollen cock throbbed against his firm belly as I savored his praise. It meant everything to me to know I had given him exactly what he wanted. We then lay in silence together for...I don't know how long... words completely unnecessary...our gentle groping, caressing and fondling of each other saying more than words could ever hope to.

Eventually the burly giant broke our silence, giving my hard cock a squeeze as he said, "How `bout you sinkin' this nice, hard dick in ol' Lee's big saddle and takin' him for a nice long ride."

"Sounds great!" I replied, probably sounding more like a kid in a toy store than I would have liked.

With that he rolled me off of him and positioned himself on his knees and elbows for a doggy-style fuck. I assumed my place behind him and gasped at the sight of his sphincter peeking out from his parted butt cheeks and the massive scrotum that bounced out from between his mighty thighs.

Taking him at his word that I was free to help myself to my wildest fantasies I wrapped both of my hands around his bulging sac and half hard dick and lifted them off the underside of his magnificent belly. I then slid my hard-on in with them, reveling in their soft warmth, and gently fucked it into their weighty heft. A deep, contented sigh rumbled up from Lee's cavernous chest.

"Nobody's ever done that to me before...feels good, son!" he confided.

I was speechless as I squeezed his massive genitals around my dick and felt his half hard cock begin to swell and stiffen. I continued my probing until his dick was so hard that I was afraid the angle of it might be causing him pain. I allowed the girthy beast to slip free of my fingers and chuckled as I heard it slap up against his big belly. Next, I removed my hands from his plump scrotum and watched with glee as a huge ball tumbled off to each side, leaving his lengthy bag draped over my twitching hard-on.

I pulled away and watched his balls flop down against the underside of his meaty shaft, leaving little more than the bulbous, hooded head exposed to my view. Pre-cum was flowing freely from my slit as I stared in lust at his winking pucker.

Swabbing some onto my finger, I smeared it on his hole. Seeing the result I decided to do this several times until I had his tiny orifice glistening in a healthy, slick coating. I then began working that into his ring with my thumb until it freely slipped in and out.

"Good job, son," Lee said approvingly.

"Thanks...I think I'm starting to catch on now," I replied.

"I believe you are, son...I believe you are," he confirmed.

I could see a viscous, clear drop collecting at the tip of his dick. Having used my own pre-cum to lubricate him I decided to use his to lubricate myself. I ran a couple of fingers over the moist nipple of his hood and smeared it over my cock head. After a few applications I had my entire glans and a little more behind it gleaming and feeling well slickened.

With that I braced myself on his hips and rose onto my feet, then squatted down to line my dick up with his hole. I pressed the head of my dick to his sphincter and felt him push out against me. At that point I leaned into him and felt his ring yield, watching intently as it easily accepted me and slipped over the corona of my engorged glans.

An almost violent shudder led to my entire body breaking out in chills when he welcomed me inside him with friendly squeeze. I nearly came from the sensation and held still until I had successfully backed away from the precipice of orgasm.

I couldn't resist the urge to observe the beauty of penetrating him once more and slowly pulled out, taking great pleasure in seeing how my corona tugged his clutching hole outward on its exit. The sight of his asshole swallowing my cock head again led to another chill inducing shudder.

"Pretty, ain't it?" the huge man said, clearly understanding the motive behind my action.

"Sure is!" I admitted.

He gave me another couple of friendly squeezes, causing me to gasp as the onset of another orgasm threatened.

"Oh, Lee!" I squealed, "I'm afraid if you start that now I'm gonna come before I get all the way in!"

"Just playin' with you, son," he said with a warm laugh, "Takes a little getting' used to bein' inside another man. As many times as you came riding on my dick you're gonna have more stamina than you think, once you get it all in and get used to the feel of me. How many times did I make you come anyway?"

"Just once...the entire time you were in me!" I said, giving his ass a gentle swat as he erupted in laughter.

"Good one!" he chuckled, "You were spewing like a fountain alright!"

"I sure never would've guessed I had that much cum in me till you wrung it out," I said as I gently fed another one or two inches to his hungry hole.

"Oh, yeah...feels good, son!" he said as I came to a stop.

I gave Lee a few slow pumps at that depth, eliciting a lusty moan from him, and came to rest again when I felt another orgasm approaching. True to his word he continued pushing out to ease the resistance on me, helping me stave it off.

"You have incredible control," I said in amazement, "My hole spasmed like crazy on yours."

"I've had a few more in me than you have," he quipped.

"Any of `em as fat as yours?" I seriously inquired.

"A few...not many," he stated matter-of-factly,

"None of `em as nice as yours, though," he added as I sank in a little deeper.

"You're making me blush," I said, starting to work my dick in and out in an effort to establish a steady rhythm.

"That's it, baby!" he encouraged.

Having found a rhythm that kept me free from the threat of orgasm I began deepening my stroke until my hips began to bump his ass cheeks.

"Well done, son! You're settled in and ready to ride now!" he exclaimed in a celebratory tone.

"I am, aren't I...I can't believe it," I said as I came to rest against his cushy butt, "I can't believe how much more work it was tonight. Last night you even sat on my dick and still couldn't make me come."

"Well, don't forget how quick you busted in my butt the first time you got in," he reminded me, "And that was after I'd already made you come twice in my mouth."

"I remember it VERY well," I said with a smile, "but as much as your dick made me come when I was riding it I'd have thought another orgasm would be out of the question for me tonight."

I resumed pumping my dick in him as he said, "I don't know why but gettin' the cum squeezed out of you from the inside is different than getting' it pulled out from the outside."

I couldn't explain it either but had to agree as I quickened my pace and brought up a lusty moan from deep within him.

"Oh-h-h-h-h, that feels so good, baby!" he groaned, causing me to swell with confidence as I powered into him.

"No kidding!" I exclaimed, "I've never felt anything as good as this!"

That's when he proved me wrong yet again by clamping his ass down on my pistoning cock and powering his butt back to meet my thrusts.

"Oh-h-h-h-h, YES!" I shouted over his panting, "Give me everything you got!"

And with that he put his head down on the bed and reached back with his hands to spread his magnificent butt cheeks as wide as he could. To my amazement, the next time I powered in his tightly clutching sphincter slipped up onto the base of my cock as my entire pubic pad pressed into the flat of his wide spread ass.

I instinctively responded by laying into it and grinding my dick in him with a circular motion, causing him to growl in lust. That was followed by me pulling completely out and lunging back in several times then diving back in to feel him clutch at the base as I ground into him again. I couldn't believe how much more stamina I was displaying compared with my first trip up his butt the night before.

It seemed as though I was going to be in charge of deciding when I achieved orgasm and my confidence soared. His panting, moaning and growling fueled my lust in ways I never knew possible as I drilled into the undulations of his clutching ass muscles, impervious to their prior effect on me.

Sweat poured down our bodies as we merged into a single being intent on the same purpose. He powered back as I powered in, he ground his ass against me as I ground my balls on his soft, warm perineum, I pulled all the way out and he somehow stayed open enough to take me back inside without me having to give a single thought to though his butthole was a funnel perfectly formed to my dick.

He was the most magnificent specimen of a man I had ever imagined; completely unapologetic in the joy he found in totally giving himself to the pounding I was putting to his ass. Suddenly I could think of nothing more masculine than taking another man inside my body for a total, thorough, complete and unforgiving butt fucking.

Time meant nothing as we reached greater and greater heights of passion. I stared in wonder at the hulk of a man, his broad, V-shaped back spread before me, while I strove to become the man he had entrusted with satisfying his own lust for that which only another man could give him.

Lee looked like an animal, writhing and growling as I drove my cock balls deep into his upturned ass with machine-like strength and steadiness. Listening carefully to his reactions I began trusting my own instincts to know when to shift gears or reach for a new button to push. I understood the weight of my responsibility to this magnificent male specimen and in only two intense nights I found myself believing in my own ability to live up to HIM!

As Lee's expressions of passion rose to a fever pitch I achieved a Zen-like focus and redoubled my efforts to provide for his desires. I slammed my balls against him with sustained gusto, using every inch of my tool that I could reach into him with, till they could suddenly withhold my load no longer and flooded his bowels with spurt after richly rewarding spurt of my seed.

I collapsed onto his broad back, draped over the boulder-like shape of his posture, and basked in the glow of his sincere praise for my performance.

", baby, BABY! That was everything I hoped for and MORE!" the man-mountain cooed in his sepulchral bass voice.

I licked at the sweat that rolled over his wide back as I hunched my deflating cock into his butt and said, "You're the most wonderful man I've ever met. I've learned more about being a man from two nights with you than in my entire life before I met you!"

"It was in you all along, son. It's that natural talent I told you about. I'm just glad I could be the one to help you let it out," he said as he clenched his butt on my dick, milking my cum into his cock hungry chute.

I let his words sink into my consciousness, noting that his tone of voice was like nothing I had heard from him before in our brief time together. I saddened at the sensation of my nearly limp dick popping out of his hole and tenderly nibbled at the nape of his thick neck before rolling off of his powerful back beside him.

Lee looked at me somehow differently as he mimed a kiss in my direction and rolled over to the other side of the bed.

"Well would you look at this," he said nodding down at his groin.

I looked to see him lift his limp but still swollen dick up off of his thigh and saw a pearly liquid streamer roll out of his foreskin onto the bed.

He then smeared his fingers in a puddle on the bed linens between the impressions formed from his knees and scooped it into his mouth with a look of great satisfaction and said, "We'll have to change the sheets before bedtime. I do believe your dick made me come!"

"I'll be goddamned!" I said with pride as he pressed my face to his for a long, passionate kiss, during which we both wriggled around in his gooey puddle.

(AUTHOR'S NOTE: As always, if big men are your thing I promise not to disappoint. Kindred spirits may write to me at

Next: Chapter 9

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