Sex Pot

Published on Oct 27, 2019


Sex Pot Chapter 3

The Sex Pot

(A Poker Game Story)


Randy MacAnus

© 2019 All Rights Reserved By The Author

If you would like to see the story continue, you can email me with your opinions and suggestions at:

This is fantasy. I try to make my stories seem at least plausible, but none of this is taken from real events. I should be so lucky.

If you have ideas about directions you might like the story to take, by all means include them. I have additional chapters outlined, but am open to modifying, if I get interesting feedback.

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Chapter 3

The next morning, the six of us, plus a very sore, newly minted sex slave, went to his dormitory to retrieve the slave's belongings. In addition to his clothes, books, and other essentials, the kid had a whole bunch of expensive toys. Everything from fancy light sabers to literally, all of the latest game consoles.

The six of us decided we would pawn them all, and put the money toward our little stud's rent. When our Freddy objected, I hit the pain button on his collar's remote. He gasped and dropped to the floor in a heap.

“That was just level one, boy. This thing goes all the way to 11. Do you still have objections?”

Through his gasps of pain, our caged and collared teen managed to gasp, “No, Master. Sorry Master.”

“As a very minor punishment, let's dress you in something else. Strip, slave.”

Freddy managed to pull himself to his feet, despite still being weak from the pain. Without a word, he got completely naked, as ordered. I went through his clothes, and decided nothing was quite humiliating enough.

I took one of his t-shirts, and cut the bottom half off. I took a pair of his running shorts, cut the baggy legs off, almost up to the crotch, then sliced through the side seams all the way to the elastic waistband. He looked on in horror, knowing he would soon be wearing these items. He didn't know it yet, but that's all he would be wearing.

I handed him the shorts. When he was standing absolutely still, they just barely covered his butt and junk. When he moved, sat, bent over, etc., the sides opened up, revealing his cage, the sides of his thighs, and those fantastic butt cheeks.

The t-shirt barely came to the bottom of his rib cage, exposing his flat hard, stomach, and lower back. As intended, there wasn't a lot left to the imagination.

Freddy was then required to pack up all of his trendy hipster/yuppy, or whatever clothing and carry it down to my truck, shorts flapping in the breeze. With his hands full he couldn't hold the flaps down. We wouldn't have allowed it in any event. Most of the students were in classes, but there were a few who got a great view. Our pretty teen generated cat calls from nearly everyone who saw him.

For perhaps the first time in his life, Freddy was having to do all the menial work himself. He clearly wasn't used to it. At first, he actually stood waiting, thinking we were going to pack and move his stuff for him. Not a chance!

As we returned to his room for the last load (of his stuff), the dorm supervisor, a grad student named Wilson, met us in the hall.

“What's going on?”

“Freddy is coming to live with us.”

“Well, the little shit better be ready to pay back the $50 he owes me. I don't want him disappearing without getting my money back.”

I looked at Freddy. Freddy blushed and hung his head. Maybe $50 didn't mean anything to him, and he simply forgot. Or maybe...

“Does he owe anyone else money around here?”

“Shit, he owes money to everyone on the floor. Little bastard's father is worth over $100 million and this kid's a deadbeat.”

I was furious. And I was going to make him pay in pain and humiliation.

“Here's the situation. And you can pass the word to anyone he owes money to. The kid is a gambling addict. He made the mistake of borrowing from me, and from a loan shark who was going to break his kneecaps. In return for saving his worthless ass, he now, quite literally, belongs to the six of us.”

“We are all gay or bi tops. And not only will we be using him for our amusement, we will be whoring him out to get our money back. He will likely belong to us for years. Daddy isn't going to bail him out, so pass the word. No one lends the little shit a dime.”

“Anyone with an IOU from the kid, who would like a fuck, and/or suck from him, can come to us, schedule an appointment and trade their IOU for the use of his ass and mouth. Actual cash won't be available. I have my limits. But if someone he owes doesn't want to use him, they can trade his IOU for whatever cash they can get, and the boy will put out for whoever holds the paper.”

“If you like, I'll have him strip naked right here in the hall, right now, and you can use either or both ends, so anyone who's around and sees you, will know that this isn't bullshit. He's available. And keep your IOU. This is on the house. I have no doubt, with you being the dorm supervisor, Wilson, he's been a real pain in the ass for you. So feel free to be a pain in his ass.”

Wilson said, “You just made my day. I almost never do guys. The last time was in high school, before I had a girl who would put out. But I am going to really enjoy hate fucking that fantastic ass. And when I'm done he can lick me clean, then suck me.”

“You heard the man, slave. Strip.”

And, to my mild surprise, our little teen hottie said, “NO!”

I stared him down, and he finally blurted out an explanation.

“It's one thing with people I don't know, but I know all these guys! I have class with a lot of them! And I just can't do this in a public place!”

I expected that sooner or later we would bump into limits with the kid. I hadn't expected it so soon, but then I hadn't known about the other people he'd borrowed from. This would be an interesting test. It was important to me to get him to agree to, and accept what we did to and with him.

But the limit he was trying to set, was unacceptable in the circumstances. If he hadn't borrowed from these people, and not told us, it might have been different. But then, I wouldn't have been offering his body to these people, if he didn't owe them money. I really did want to help him get control of his addiction, and paying everyone back, (one way or another) was essential to that.

So I talked him through the situation.

“Did you borrow from these people?”

“Yes, Master...”

At least, he was still calling me Master, even in front of the young men who had gathered in the hall, as a result of the commotion. He was also telling the truth. I considered that a good sign.

“Did you tell me about these debts?”

“No, Master...”

“Did you ever pay any of them back?”

“No, Master...”

“So you lied to them, when you borrowed the money.”

He looked stunned. Clearly, on some level he had convinced himself that what he was doing was okay. And apparently, no one had confronted him with this behavior, before.

“I guess so, Master... But I didn't mean to!”

“Bullshit! You didn't admit to yourself what you were doing, but you meant everything you did. You just lied to yourself, as well as them. Which means you committed fraud. Theft by deception.”

The boy was stunned. I could see he was on the verge of tears. He was being faced with his despicable behavior, and did not like what he saw. Good. At least, he wasn't a sociopath. On some level, he wanted to be, or at least see himself as, a good person.

“You have no money, and if you did, you'd go find a way to bet it and lose it. You wouldn't pay anyone back. I know this, because you never have paid anyone back. A real man takes responsibility for his behavior. I'm offering you a way to take responsibility. If you can't do that, you will never get over your gambling addiction. If you don't want to service these young men in a public and humiliating way, I won't make you.”

He looked at me with hope. That hope went straight down the tubes a second later.

“I think you know, I'm not going to break your kneecaps, so you think you can get away with this, and not have to pay a price. So what I will do is offer you a choice.”

“I can document all the money you've borrowed and never repaid. And I can provide that documentation to the police, for a possible fraud investigation, and to your father, for collection. Or you can do as I order, and work off your debt to these young men, with your body. Which would you prefer?”

The look on his face was priceless! I actually pulled out my phone and took a picture of it. I could see him processing everything I'd said, clearly looking for a way out. I could see the moment on his pretty face, when he accepted that there would be consequences to his actions that he could not avoid.

Then, he clearly came to a very reluctant decision. I was mildly interested in what his decision would be. At this point, I would have been perfectly happy to dump his high maintenance ass, and found I didn't care all that much what he decided.

By now, there were about twenty guys in the hall. Many of them, hearing what was going on, had gone back to their rooms to get their IOU's The boy looked around, at all the people he'd cheated, noticed himself in a hallway mirror, in the little sliced up running shorts, and bare midriff t-shirt. He clearly felt very vulnerable. He swallowed hard, and managed to speak loud enough for everyone to hear.

“I'm so sorry. I never let myself think about what I'd done. I will obey your orders, Master. Rent or give my body to whomever you want, in a public place, or private. I will obey.”

Freddy gave a shudder, as the boys erupted in a big cheer.

“Just so all of you know, I'm not going to let you have him all at once. It wouldn't be that much fun for most of you, with him worn out, and most of you slipping and sliding around in an ass full of cum. And he is going to be a boy whore for a long time. I don't want him getting fucked out, and useless.”

“After your Wilson is through with him, I will allow five more boys with IOU's, to fuck him, provided they wear condoms and use lube. Another five can use his mouth, without condoms. Is there a common room, or something where we can do this? The hall is too crowded now, for everyone to see.”

There were grins and high fives all around, as the Wilson led the way to the common room. Several boys went back to their rooms for condoms. And they were all pulling out their cell phones. I'd have to put a stop to that, or the kid's father would definitely find out.

Mike collected cell phones at the door to the common room. But we promised the boys that we would be shooting our own video, and at some point, we'd come over to the dorm and have a movie night. They understood, and were pleased with the compromise. Actually, so was Freddy. We found out later, that the high probability of random cell phone video making it's way to X-Tube, was a big part of what panicked him.

When everyone had found a seat in the common room I did a count. There were 33 boys, plus Wilson. And every one of them had an IOU from Freddy. The kid had been completely out of control. Not anymore. I decided our teen whore needed punishment for his earlier refusal.

“Slave, I want you to tell everyone here why you belong to us, and what you are required to do.”

Freddy was trembling, and so was his voice, in the beginning, but he told the whole story. At least half the guys in the room were stroking themselves, by the time he was finished.

“Slave, what did my five roommates require of you last night, before they all spit roasted you?”

Freddy blushed furiously, and hung his head in shame. He knew now, where this was heading.

“I was required to do a bump and grind dance, while naked, and make it as sexy as I could,” the boy said in a near whisper.

“Well, you're not naked yet, so make this bump and grind a strip show.”

“Yes, Master.”

“The more entertaining you are, the less punishment you will receive for your refusal, earlier. Do you understand?”

The boy nodded, and began to dance. It wouldn't be much of a strip. All he was wearing were the sliced up running shorts, and the cut off t-shirt. We hadn't even let him put his sneakers back on. But the boy worked it, for all he was worth. He was blushing bright red the whole time, utterly humiliated, but he was very motivated to reduce his anticipated punishment.

As I anticipated, he threw first his t-shirt, then his shorts into the crowd, when he removed them. I knew he was hoping they'd disappear, and we'd let him wear regular clothes, when we went back to the house. Not happening.

The best part of the strip was when he removed his shorts, and everyone saw the cock cage. Loud cheers, accompanied by a few boys saying, 'what the hell is that?!' So our boy's little show had some educational value for his classmates. Nice!

When the strip was finished, I had Freddy get up on a long table, so everyone would be able to see him get fucked. Wilson pulled the boy toward him, flipped him over to his stomach, and was getting ready to mount him, when I decided to stop the proceedings for a moment.

I was wearing my backpack, which contained a number of useful items. These included his wrist cuffs and a set of ankle cuffs. I cuffed his wrists to the back of his collar with a folding D ring, and cuffed his ankles to the table legs. He was spread over the short side of the table, so his legs were spread about as wide as they could possibly go.

This pleased everyone in the room. Thirty three students, Wilson, the dorm supervisor, and the six of us, for a total audience of forty. Loud cheers erupted when they saw what I was doing. I think our naked teen slave/whore was blushing over the entire length of his body.

Once Freddy was bound to the table, Wilson pulled off his shorts, rolled on a condom, lubed up his 7 inch prick, and then the boy. He shoved straight in. Freddy, it seems, was expecting a hate fuck. He managed not to scream, but he did groan loudly, to wild applause from his audience. Freddy was beginning to realize that he was not well liked.

Wilson pounded the boy's ass with vicious enthusiasm. When he finished, he moved to the front of the table, rolled off the condom, and dumped his load into the slave's mouth. Freddy was clearly grossed out, but he swallowed it down without objection. Our bound and naked teen was then required to lick him clean, then submit to a brutal throat fucking.

We had the boys with condoms draw straws for the right to be one of the five that would fuck him. We had the rest of the boys draw straws for his mouth. The ten winners were whooping it up, and their buddies were cheering them on, as they lined up at their respective ends, and began spit roasting the little stud mercilessly.

When they'd finished, Freddy lay exhausted and cum covered. Perhaps he thought his ordeal was over. But I a had an announcement to make.

“As our slave threw away the two items of clothing we were allowing him to wear, he will be returning to our house wearing nothing but his collar, cock cage, restraints, and the portions of the twelve loads of cum that wound up on his body. As he is a total mess, he will be riding in the bed of my pickup. I don't want all that cum soaking into my seats. Whoever has those pieces of clothing should hang on to them. Present either at a future date for a free fucking.”

“Also, his ankle restraints will have a short chain attached between them, so he won't be able to walk very fast. And, as punishment for initially defying us in the hall, anyone waiting between the door to the common room and my truck, who would like to take one swat at his ass with their hand, may do so.”

The roar of approval was deafening! Freddy might not be very popular in this dorm, but I certainly was! Once I finished my speech, the boys filed out, to pick a spot on Freddy's gauntlet.

I had no doubt that everyone would take a whack. In fact, I fully expected that any other boys returning from classes, would join the line, once they knew what was going on! Kewl!

As the rest were filing out of the common room, two of the older boys approached the six of us. They had a proposal for us.

“We were here just visiting a couple of our pledges, and stayed to watch the show. Here's the thing. Usually, we have one or two pledges who are legacies, that we all hate, and want to get rid of. We rent their asses out to fraternity alumni who like teen boys, during homecoming week.”

“After that experience, they are given a choice. Become our bitches for the next four years, or quit. Most quit, and the rest we get to use when our girlfriends are on the rag. And they are always available to visiting alumni for a price. It helps fund the beer for our parties.”

“But this year,” the other fraternity brother said, “we don't have anyone we hate. And the alumni have come to expect fresh meat at homecoming. We were wondering what you would charge for the fraternity to rent your whore?”

I grinned. “How many men would be using him?”

“No more than a half dozen, usually, but it could be a little more or less.”

“How much do you charge the alumni?”

“They're expected to make a $500 donation to the fraternity.”

“Well, no sense in being greedy. You can pass along $250 for each man that uses him. That includes any current members of the fraternity that want a piece of him. And a couple of us will be there to supervise his use, and collect. Maximum of ten dicks in each end. He's done six in each end the last two days, so he should be able to handle that, by homecoming.”

The two frat boys grinned, and we shook hands. It was a lot more than we figured our boy would bring in, so this was a good start.

I chained our exhausted teen's ankles together, then attached a leash to the front of his collar. I left the wrist restraints hooked to the collar's back, so he could neither cover himself nor protect his ass during the gauntlet.

As the six of us led a shuffling and humiliated Freddy out of the common room, another cheer went up along the hall. It was clear, with only one swat allowed, that the boys decided to leave plenty of space between them, so they could each get a good hard swat at that delightful ass.

Given the spacing, I expected there would be boys at the ready, all the way out to my truck. I was right! Well, I did warn Freddy last night, that my mercy had strict limits!

I decided to do our slave a favor and put a ball gag in his mouth, so he'd feel free to scream if he needed to, and know that it wouldn't attract more attention. I do have some mercy! Plus loud noises annoy me, so there's that.

No sooner were we out the door, than the thwacks started hitting that hot little ass. I was pleased to see that none of the boys had picked up an implement, and were using their hands as directed. Our boy was going to be sore enough as it was!

I was counting as Freddy shuffled down the hall, hands restrained behind his neck, ankles held together with an 18 inch chain, and but for the restraints, stark naked. By the time we made it to the front door, he'd been spanked 36 times. The boys were nice to him in one sense. They had alternated sides of the hall, so he was getting an even number of smacks on each bright red butt cheek!

Freddy's body language showed relief when the last boy before the front door had landed his blow. But he'd forgotten I'd said the gauntlet could continue to the truck. When we stepped outside, there were ten more boys waiting for him! 46 smacks, by the time we got to the truck. So Mike and I added two more each, to bring the total to an even 50. I didn't think Freddy would be saying 'no!' any time soon!

I lowered the tailgate, re-positioned some of his stuff to make room for him, and we helped our naked prey into the truck bed. I made him sit up for the ride home. No one walking could see his lower body, but several vehicles that passed us could! Freddy got an earful from them! From what they said, it sounded like they figured him for a fraternity pledge, so no harm done.

Despite his intense pain, we made him put all his clothes away in a locking cupboard in the garage. If he was going anywhere, it would either be dressed as we saw fit, or naked.

Once everything was in order in the garage, we took him to our dungeon in the basement. We had a large cage, which was now his sleeping quarters. After giving him a rubdown with salve, to ease his pain, Freddy lowered his aching body through the door and into the cage without a hint of protest. It was only 1:00 in the afternoon, but he slept through until the next morning.


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Next: Chapter 4

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