Sex Store Seduction


Published on Aug 18, 2020


As planned, Trevon and I wore our leather thongs and gay-pride flip-flops to the festival. The park was crowded, and we'd already been casually groped several times. That and all the hot bare skin had given me a boner that was trying to escape from my thong.

Jalen and Hunter wore cargo shorts. Someone had to carry wallets and ID.

My wristband indicated I was eighteen, as did Trevon's. We'd used the fake IDs Jalen had created. We had no pockets, so Jalen carried our IDs in his wallet.

I smiled at Jalen. "Thanks for being our pack horse. We'll have to borrow money for anything we do, like maybe eat later?"

He squeezed my ass, making me even harder. "No problem. I'm enjoying watching everyone stare at your hot nearly-naked bodies."

We'd arrived in the middle of the parade, which was fine because it lasted two hours, and half of it was enough. Interspersed with the conventional floats were occasional erotic ones, sometimes with dancers wearing even less than what Trevon and I wore.

The float now coming up the parade route was a cage on wheels. In front of the cage stood the float supervisor, a young guy wearing a leather jockstrap and harness and carrying a whip. In the cage, several older teens with little clothing held onto the bars like sexy caged criminals. Two of them were dancing on a raised platform in the center of the cage. The float was apparently crowd-sourced since once or twice each block, the float organizers would snag someone off the street to replace one of the current participants.

As the float approached, the supervisor pointed his whip in our direction. An assistant approached us and checked Trevon's wristband and mine.

"Come with me if you'd like to join the party."

We didn't hesitate. In seconds we were through the door and into the cage.

The spectators, especially Jalen and Hunter, cheered the new arrivals.

"Yeah, Country Boy!"

"Shake your ass a little more, Trev."

The supervisor addressed us. "You two guys do the dancing for a while. Be as sexy as you can without displaying what's under those thongs."

I didn't know what they wanted, so I followed Trevon's lead. He'd seen this before and knew what to do. We danced for a while facing the spectators, rotating our hips suggestively, caressing our own bodies, and rubbing our boners through our thongs.

After a while, we turned and displayed our bare asses while caressing each other's bodies, pinching nipples, and slipping fingers into each other's thongs. Sometimes we held each other by the hips and ground our crotches against each other. Or we would simulate doing it doggy-style. Passionate kissing was included whenever possible.

None of this was difficult for us since it was basically what we did in bed - without the actual screwing. The longer we did it, the easier it became.

The spectators went wild. Several moved along with the float so they could watch longer. Hundreds of pictures were captured on cell phones.

The supervisor turned to us with a smile. "You two are hot. Can you stay until the end?"

We grinned at him and nodded our heads.

We were tired by the end of the parade, but it had been a lot of fun. Descending from the float, we walked back along the parade route, looking for Hunter and Jalen, permanent grins on our faces. We got a lot of encouragement from the spectators. It was a real ego trip. When we found Hunter and Jalen, they were grinning as much as we were.

Jalen was ecstatic. "Do you realize how good you guys are? We've got some pictures to prove it. You put on a spectacular show."

Hunter had something to add. "You're gonna have fans hitting on you. Have fun, but remember to keep a low profile. We don't want folks finding out you're underage."

We were hungry, so we found a Mexican food cart. Jalen bought tacos and sodas for Trevon and me.

"I'll pay you back later," I promised

He smiled. "I'll collect, but not in money."

I laughed. "Just what I expected. My new motto is 'will fuck for food'."

There were various games to be played. One was a ring toss, with dildos as the targets and the prizes. Trevon won a stainless-steel butt plug, which he stashed on his hip under his thong waistband. It looked like he was carrying a grenade.

I laughed. "Is California an open-carry state?"

He smiled. "Laugh all you want. It's good advertisement."

He spent the next ten minutes telling me how good it would feel when he pushed the butt plug inside me and how it would give me orgasms if I kept it there. When he was finished with his graphic description, I was again having difficulty keeping my boner contained.

The next thing we found was a pole dance contest. Most of the guys were stripping to their underwear to enter. We watched for a minute or so. Hunter prodded me.

"You can do better than that."

"Why me? Trev could enter, too."

Trevon grinned. "Because it's more fun to watch you."

The country boy was being played for a sucker again. I got in line and gave my name when requested. My wristband was checked again.

When it was my turn, I did my best erotic dancer imitation, rubbing my boner against the pole, thrusting my hips at the spectators, and giving them a good show of my bare ass. The hoots and screams and wolf whistles told me I was on the right track.

We hung around until the contest was finished. The judges had awarded me second prize, mostly based on audience response. I won a free hamburger, soft drink, and fries. Jalen put the coupon in his wallet.

"Well, at least I won't have to buy you dinner."

A live concert was in progress. We sat on the grass and listened to some great music, and then laughed our asses off at the female-impersonator comedian who followed. Trevon's arm was around me the whole time. I would miss that affection when I had to go home.

As we watched the concert, people stopped to congratulate us on our cage performance. We'd become temporarily famous.

Towards evening, we stopped for more food, and I redeemed my coupon. Finding a relatively quiet spot near the beach, we ate in companionable silence.

Jalen looked at his watch. "It's almost seven. The dance will start soon, and it runs until midnight. Hunter has to work at the store now. I'll probably leave early. TJ, you and Trev can stay as long as you want. Do you plan on doing any screwing?"

Trev grinned. "Yeah, most likely."

I was puzzled. "In a crowd like this?"

Jalen smiled. "You never know what opportunities you're gonna find at these events." He handed Trevon and me a few packets of lube. "Do you have a place to put these?"

Trevon and I grinned at each other. Those little pockets in our thong straps were going to be useful.

The dance we were going to was eighteen-and-over only, and was being held in a fenced-off grassy area. Although it had just started, it was already crowded. Once again, our adult wristbands got us in. I gave Jalen a hug.

"Thanks for the ID. You were right about how useful it might be. Almost everything we've done is age restricted."

Jalen put a hand on my shoulder. "My pleasure. I'm happy you're having fun."

Any inhibitions I might have had disappeared at the dance. Some of the guys were fully dressed, but most were at least shirtless. Although Trevon and I were pushing the boundaries more than most, there was a lot of bare skin to look at and touch liberally while dancing.

I danced with Trevon for a while, and then changed partners like most were doing. I danced with a lot of our cage-performance fans who wanted to grind against my iron-hard boner and grope my ass like Trevon and I had done in the parade. I loved the attention and the stimulation.

Evening turned into night. The live-music stage was well-lighted, but further away, the full moon was the only illumination. The dance enclosure was more crowded now, and the dancing was becoming more erotic and suggestive. And my dance partners were becoming bolder. Hands were all over my body and sometimes inside my thong. I was horny as hell and desperately wanted to have sex.

Trevon came back to dance with me again. He'd been gone a long time, and I'd missed him. I wanted him to take me home and fuck me until I couldn't remember my name.

"Where did you go? You've been gone for over an hour."

"Jalen and I went for a snack and ran into Eric. We took him and his beach towel down behind a pile of driftwood and tag-teamed him." He smiled reminiscently. "Younger kids are so much fun. They're so eager and cooperative." His smile grew broader. "And tight. It felt so good inside him."

I tried not to sound desperate. "How soon are you going home?"

"Maybe I'm not. See that hot Hawaiian dude over there in the white shorts with the red flower pattern? His name is Makaio. He doesn't know it yet, but he's gonna take me home and have sex with me all night."

I located Makaio. He was hot. As horny as I was, if he'd so much as smiled at me, I'd have dropped to the ground and begged him to fuck me.

"Do you know Makaio?"

"No. I think I've seen him around, but I've never met him. I picked up on his name when he was talking to another guy who had the same thought I do. Makaio turned the other guy down, but he's gonna take me home with him."

Trevon sounded a little too full of himself.

"So, what makes you different?"

"Boldness and a butt plug on my hip he keeps looking at."

"This I wanna see."

Trevon smiled. "You will. You better plan on going home by yourself."

I was disappointed, and my face and voice showed it. "I guess I'll just walk up the beach to my grandparents' place then."

Trevon shrugged his shoulders. "Whatever."

I took a time out and used the restroom outside the dance enclosure. When I came back, I spent some time people-watching and listening to the band. I felt lonely, even though I was in the middle of a crowd.

I returned to where I'd last seen Trevon. He was dancing nearby with Makaio now, kissing him enthusiastically. His arms were around Makaio's waist, his thong hanging from one arm. His butt plug was nowhere in sight. His naked body and rigid pole were pressed tightly against Makaio. Makaio's hands were massaging Trevon's ass cheeks.

Trevon noticed me watching and grinned broadly, emphasizing his success by grinding against Makaio even harder.

I found another partner to dance with. When I looked again, I was not surprised to find that Trevon and Makaio had disappeared.

I was feeling jealous and abandoned. First, Trevon and Jalen had gone off without me and screwed Erik, who was my friend as much as theirs, if not more so. I hadn't even had a chance to talk to him. Then Trevon was off to have sex with a hot Hawaiian surfer, leaving me alone to fend for myself with strangers in a strange environment. I understood that after I went home to Twin Falls, he'd still be having sex with others, but I thought he could at least have stayed with me for the dance.

I returned my attention to my dance partner. When the music stopped, I decided to leave. I'd had enough of the dance, enough of the pride festival, enough of the city. Twin Falls was looking better all the time. I was preparing to go when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"May I have this dance?"

I turned around and found Makaio standing in front of me.

My jaw dropped with surprise. "I thought you left with my friend Trevon."

He smiled. "No, he left alone."

"But I saw you dancing together a few minutes ago, and then you were both gone."

Putting his arms around me, he pulled me against his hard body and gently kissed me.

"You're the one I want to leave with tonight. I've been watching you since the parade this morning, and I like what I see. I think they call you TJ, right?"

All thoughts of going home vanished. My heart beat faster.

"Yeah, that's right. And you're Makaio. Trevon told me."

"So, how old are you really, TJ?"

My hopes faded. "Fifteen. Probably too young for you."

He smiled. "Nope. You're the perfect age to screw."

I breathed a sigh of relief. "And you?"

"Twenty-one." He grinned. "Probably too old for you."

I grinned back. "Nope. You're the perfect age to screw me."

He laughed. "I like your sense of humor, TJ. Oh, one more thing." He pulled the missing butt plug out of his shorts pocket. "Trevon forgot to take this. Maybe you could return it to him." He grinned mischievously. "Unless you want me to put it in you instead."

I handed him a packet of lube. "I want you to put it in me."

Makaio had me remove my thong and brace myself against the perimeter fence. He lubricated the butt plug liberally and carefully inserted it. It didn't hurt any more than anything else that had been put in there recently. Once it popped into place, it stayed there on its own, with the additional security of the rear thong strap.

We began to dance. I smiled. Trevon's butt plug pressed against my prostate, stimulating me every time I moved. Precum leaked out of my thong and dripped down my leg. The butt plug felt as good inside me as Trevon said it would.

"Leave the butt plug in until we get to my place. That way you'll be prepared for me."


He'd made the decision for me. I was going home with him and we were going to have sex together. I had no idea where he was taking me, but I didn't care. The only thing I cared about was having his pole inside me, all night if possible. I didn't know why Trevon left by himself, but after the way he'd treated me, it served him right that Makaio had chosen me as his fuck buddy instead.

Makaio retrieved his Subaru Outback from a nearby parking garage, picked me up at the main entrance to the festival, and headed northwest. The further we traveled, the more vulnerable I felt. I was going to a stranger's home in an unknown location with no assets other than one leather thong, two packets of lube, and a pair of flip-flops. I should have been scared stiff, but I was excited instead. Or maybe there isn't much difference between the two.

A half hour later, we turned into a residential area and drove through it going west. At the end of the road, we turned into a driveway and passed through a security gate. A large modern home stood on a well-landscaped two-acre lot overlooking the ocean. Set further back to the right of the house was a detached two-car garage with an apartment above. Makaio pulled into the garage. The overhead door rumbled shut, sealing us inside.

Other than the space for the car, the garage was filled with a combination of landscape-maintenance and surfing equipment. Makaio explained.

"I get the apartment as partial payment for taking care of the property. The owner is in the movie industry and spends most of his time at his home in Hawaii. It's a perfect setup for a college student who surfs and likes privacy."

I followed him up the inside stairway into the studio apartment above. The kitchen area and a bathroom occupied the front. The central part held a king-size bed. At the far end, a sofa and a couple of chairs surrounded a TV. Subdued lighting and quiet jazz music created a peaceful atmosphere that contrasted with the festival we'd come from.

"Go ahead and make yourself at home, TJ. Would you like something to drink?"

"A glass of water would be great, thank you."

A door in back led to a deck. I stepped out and walked to the railing. The full moon illuminated the landscape below and the ocean beyond with an ethereal beauty. No other houses could be seen. It was an oasis of privacy in an urban desert, and a perfect place for a carnal romp with a horny kid.

Makaio joined me with the glass of water. I drank it quickly.

"I didn't realize how thirsty I was. You have a beautiful place to live."

Makaio smiled. "Thanks. I love the peace and quiet." His hand caressed my ass cheeks. "And you have a beautiful body, TJ. I hope you make good use of it."

I grinned. "I'm learning to, with a little help from my friends."

He kissed me gently. "Let's go inside. Would you like to take a shower? It's been a long hot day for both of us."

I kissed him back. "Thanks. That would be great."

He got me a clean towel and I made my way to the bathroom. It felt good to wash away the sweat and grit from the day at the festival. I removed the butt plug and cleaned it, leaving it on the bathroom counter. If I remembered in the morning, I'd take it home.

While Makaio took a shower, I stood in the living area looking out the window, thinking about my situation. I was isolated in an unfamiliar location. Trevon thought I was with my grandparents. My grandparents thought I was with Trevon. I wouldn't be missed until sometime the next day. What should have frightened me delighted me instead.

It pleased my ego that Makaio selected me over Trevon, but I wasn't so naive as to believe he had any interest in me beyond one night. He wanted a young kid to fuck, and I happened to meet his requirements. I didn't care. I wanted a hot experienced stud to fuck me, and he qualified beyond a doubt.

Makaio came back and stood behind me. Wrapping his arms around me he kissed me on the neck.

"You smell good. And you taste good, too."

I reached behind me to make sure. He was naked. I unfastened my thong and let it fall to the floor. Turning around, I pressed my naked body against his and kissed him.

"Can we dance a little more?"

Makaio changed the music. We danced for several minutes to songs by Steve Grand, perfect for the occasion. When the music stopped, he guided me to the bed and gently pushed me down onto it. Like Erik had done, I raised my knees and spread my legs apart, surrendering my body to him.

Makaio knelt between my raised knees and leaned over me, kissing me gently. He pushed my feet further apart, positioning me to his liking. I shivered with excitement and made soft happy sounds as he slowly pressed his pole into me. Our lips locked together again as he moved inside me, probing deeper and deeper, exciting me more with each thrust. My hands roamed over his smooth muscular back, caressing as much of his body as I could reach.

He took a long time exploring inside me, going back over it again and again, reveling in the pleasure my body was giving him. Several times he pushed close to the edge, but pulled back to seek more satisfaction.

Then he pushed too far. He hung there for what seemed like an eternity before driving in hard to deposit his sperm as far inside me as possible.

Finished, he leaned up on his forearms and smiled.

"That was unbelievable, TJ. You're one hell of a hot kid. I hope you want to stay all night, but I'll take you home any time you want to go."

I smiled. "How about if you drop me off at the festival site late tomorrow morning?"

He smiled back. "Awesome! Now, let me teach you a few things about fucking."

It was almost noon when I arrived at my grandparents' condo. Makaio had given me his Hawaiian-print board shorts to wear over my thong. The butt plug was in my pocket. I would use it again.

Makaio had enjoyed the unconditional use of my body all night and into the morning. I'd taken several loads of surfer-boy jizz at each end, and I'd deposited a few inside him as well. I'd learned sex positions I would never have dreamed of and which took considerable athletic skill to perform.

I didn't feel taken advantage of. If I had been, I'd taken advantage of him too, and I had come out ahead. It was an exciting conclusion to a memorable day.

Gramps and Grams were sitting on the balcony, holding hands, looking out at the ocean. They were still as much in love as the day they got married. I stuck my head out the door and smiled at them.

"Good morning, Gramps and Grams. I'm home."

Grams smiled at me. "Did you have a good time at the festival?"

I grinned happily. "A very good time. And afterwards, too. It was all awesome!"

Gramps was checking out my clothing. "Nice shorts. Something new?"

"Donated by a friend to preserve my modesty while walking home."

Gramps laughed. "Since when have you been concerned about modesty?"

I smiled. "Never. But I couldn't turn down the sexy shorts."

Grams had a more important question. "Do you want something to eat? Lunch will be ready soon."

I smiled at her. "That sounds great. I'll take a quick shower first."

There were no texts from Trevon. I was no longer upset with him, but we had some things to talk about. I was leaving it to him to contact me. The text arrived during lunch.

"Are you home?"


"I'll come there. I want to walk on the beach with you for a while"

He was there within ten minutes, unusually subdued. The smile that accompanied his greeting to Gramps and Grams wasn't as bright as usual.

As we walked, he was silent for several minutes, deep in thought. I let him think. Finally, it started to come out.

"I think I fucked up."


"I abandoned you last night. It wasn't fair to leave you alone like that with strangers in a strange place. I wasn't thinking of you or us, only what I wanted to do."

"I noticed you were gone, and was sad to be alone. Did you spend the night with someone?"

"No. I went home and slept alone."

"I wish you'd said something. I would have gone with you."

He was quiet for a long time. "I threw myself at Makaio, and he turned me down. I was too embarrassed to tell you."

I took his hand. "It's okay. I was disappointed that I didn't get to see Erik, and I was disappointed when you left without telling me, but none of us is perfect. Don't worry about it." I grinned at him. "I still love you."

He squeezed my hand. "I suppose you went home and slept alone, too."

"No, I didn't."

He was surprised. "Where did you spend the night?"

"With Makaio."

He stopped and looked at me with amazement. "You're shitting me."

I smiled gently. "No. He invited me to go home with him. He said nothing about why you left by yourself."

We walked in silence for a while. "Did you have a good time?"

My answer was short - I wasn't going to rub it in. "Yes."

He put an arm around me. "I'm glad, and I think I learned a lesson."

"About what?"

"Love and relationships. I'll never do anything like that again. I'll never abandon you, and I'll pay attention to your needs. And you'll always know where I am and what I'm doing."

I put my arm around him and gave him a kiss. "Once I'm gone at the end of the week, I expect you to do what you've always done. But, yes, once we're together again, we should both do that."

I looked at him and saw something I'd never seen - tears in his eyes. I kissed him again and wiped away his tears.

"While we're at Black's Beach, we'll have lots of opportunities to talk about things like this. I'm looking forward to those few days alone with you."

He put his head on my shoulder. "You're the best, bro."

I kissed the top of his head. "And so are you."

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Next: Chapter 7

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