Sexiest of the Xmen

By sean champ

Published on Apr 8, 2007


Disclaimer: This story is completely fictional of course. It does have people from the x men in them and they're the property of marvel comics. Some characters may be underage but it's fictional so who cares not like any of this stuff is gonna happen.

(Thoughts in head)

"Talking out loud"

{Psychic conversation}

Chapter 1

Sean sat at the lunch table with his so called Friends. Really they were just people he sat with so that he didn't have to sit alone. He only had 2 friends and both of them were really only associates if he thought about it. They really knew nothing about him about how he was a mutant and how he was gay. But what they really didn't know was that Sean was just too self conscious to have his power in his opinion he didn't have the confidence it needed to show its true potential so while he practiced his gifts he slowly but surely created him. His alter ego, someone who was confident and strong, took crap from no one, and was definitely quick to fight but was probably also the essence of Sean's sexual appetite.

And while Sean has been living his everyday life for the past month all he's heard in his head is he alter ego telling him to give him control. This is the story of Sean's true rise of power.

Being bored at his lunch table Sean slowly drifted off into his own little world but the angle that he was seated he could help but notice someone. Someone Sean always noticed. A man who was a senior Sean was only a sophomore in high school. He was incredible looking though. He had pouty eyes that just made you want to make him smile and lips that screamed kiss me. He had short bristly brown hair that the way it was cut made it look blonde or maybe it was blonde that looked darker either way was hot. And Sean could do nothing but drool over him. This was the man that Sean was completely infatuated with he couldn't help but stare at him it sounds weird but its high school you can be a little creepy and blame it on hormones.

Alter ego: (You know if you're gonna stare you can always let me take control and I can get him for you.)

Sean: (I don't know you don't seem really safe. I think I'll just suffer another hard day of being invisible)

Alter ego: (But why? I can do everything your too afraid to do and you'd be really surprised by him all he needs is a little push in the right direction I promise ten minutes of control and we got ourselves a date. And if you don't I'll stop helping you control your powers and let you suffer with killing an entire school of people.)

Sean knew that his alter ego wasn't lying you had created him to be everything he wasn't and ruthless was definitely one of them.

Sean: (alright but only 10 minutes after that you'll let me have control again?)

Alter ego: (sure I only need 10 minutes now but I want to go on the date too you can have the next one.)

Sean was really hesitant right up until the man slowly ran his tongue over those irresistible lips.

Sean: (Deal.)

Sean reluctantly took his eyes off of the man that he wanted to marry some day and relaxed and let the change happen. Almost instantly Sean was in the astral plane with a big screen TV with no wires connecting it to anything sitting in front if him. He knew what was going so he sat down on what was now soft green grass and watched as his alter ego did what he himself wish he had the courage for.

The alter ego got up from the table and looked down at his clothes.

Alter ego: (Jeez can this guy dress anymore like hey don't any one look at me I have absolutely no figure.) In all actuality he does have a nice body good form naturally muscular brown skin like the color of coffee mixed with cream. And his ass was probably the perfect bubble butt. Also if this guy would actually show off his face and not the top of his head when he walks then maybe someone could see his eyes I mean yeah they're dark but if anyone ever paid attention or had the chance for that matter they would know that you'd get lost in his eyes they're like bottomless pits of magnificence.

The alter ego walked straight out of the cafeteria toward a close by bathroom.

Sean: (what are you doing the guy is in the lunch room?)

Alter ego: (yeah I'm not dumb but I'm not walking up to anybody dressed the way you are so shut up I'm the one driving)

The alter Ego then walked into bathroom and stood in front of a mirror in the sink. He looked for a few seconds long then blinked and suddenly his out fit was completely different.

Alter ego: ( I swear we have all this power and you choose to never show it off or at least do what I just did sometimes jeez can you really get some sense of self worth please this whole dressing to not impress is really dragging me down.)

The boy was now dressed in fitted light blue jeans that showed off his ass like no tomorrow and a white polo shirt that fit his body so well that it seemed like it was made with Sean's body as the mannequin. He left the bathroom on a mission. He walked straight up to the guy of Sean's dreams and conveniently found a seat right next to him. He could sense Sean's excitement.

Alter ego: (hey tone it down a bit I know this is the closest you been to him but I'm trying to get us a date not just sit here cause you're too anxious to let me do my job.)

If you haven't noticed already yes Sean still has some effect on what I do because no matter how hard he tries he's still the dominant personality in this body. That's why I had to ask to get out because if I forced my way out it would be ten times harder unless he were unconscious.

Dream guy: "Uuuumm can I help you with something?" he was kind of surprised by this guy randomly approaching him and sitting down none the less.

Alter ego: "I just wanted to know what your name was."

Dream guy: "Why would you wanna know that you some kind of fag or something?"

The alter ego gave a slight smile but quickly recovered,

"No nothing like that I'm doing an d article on senior guys that are the most attractive without their looks and you were the most avidly recommended person. So I have to ask you your name and stuff just to get a passing grade. Come on man have a heart."

Dream guy: well my name's Nathaniel but f I was the one recommended shouldn't you already know my name?"

Alter ego: (next time pick someone dumber ok Sean?) "Yeah they only pointed at you and said you'd still be hot without your looks I didn't catch a name. Guess I'm not a very good reporter."

Nathaniel: "Well I don't know you did have the courage to come over here and ask me instead." He flashed a smile that would stop someone from jumping off a bridge just to watch it. Now the alter ego knew why Sean liked him so much and why he would be hot without the looks. "Ummm I didn't catch your name man."

Alter ego: "Oh, Ha guess I should introduce myself I'm...Tempt."

Sean: (Tempt when do you even have a name?)

Tempt: (I know I just made it up off the top of my head but I kind of like it.)

Nathaniel: "well that's a unique name but you seem pretty cool so if you want you can interview me after school."

Sean and Tempt: "Okay that'd be great!"

The rest of the day was a complete blur everything was leading up to Sean being near Nathaniel again man it was great to know his name it gave him something to scream out in his illicit sexual fantasies with him in it.

Temp: (You do realize that I should get control again right you promised that I go on the first date. If you double cross me so help me I'll hurt you.) In all actuality this guy had gotten under Tempt's skin too something about him just screamed love me.

Sean: (Yeah I know. I just want to say hello to him then you can have control okay?)

Tempt: (Okay but only hello.)

Sean walked into the cafeteria hoping that he would catch Nathaniel waiting for him but to his disappointment he was no where to be seen the place was full of people talking and laughing with their before they went home or where ever they were headed after school. Sean sat down at a near by lunch table and waited for Nathaniel to come. As the minutes went by though there was no sign of Nathaniel anywhere.

Alter ego: (What happened to Nathaniel? Did I miss something?)

Sean: (No he just didn't show up well maybe he's waiting in the back of the cafeteria or something.)

Sean headed to the back of the cafeteria there was a double door way there that opened into a hallway leading outside of school. Sean walked through the double doors and was about halfway down the hallway when three guys walked in from outside. Nathaniel was one of them.

Nathaniel: "Hey look guys it's that kid I was telling you about I can't believe the fag actually thought we'd do that interview. "

One of the friends: "Yeah lets kick his ass and teach him a lesson."

Sean: "What no leave me alone!" he turned to run but they were already on him by the time he even tried to turn around. One of them knocked him down on the ground. Sean couldn't process what was happening he went into shock for about 5 seconds. The man that was Sean's fantasy come true had turned out to be a devil with a hot face. He was too stunned to move he could feel everything that was happening. Him getting kicked and punched him subconsciously covering his face but he didn't move.

Tempt: (Sean do something don't just lay there! They could kill you! And if you die I die so do something or move over `cause I think if they want to play games they should play with someone who knows how to not some weakling like you.)

Sean: (I love him though I can't hurt him. I won't hurt him!) Just then a rather hard kick flew straight into Sean's face knocking him completely unconscious.

They want to hurt me?!!! Ha ha ha ha they have no idea what they're messing with and they just did exactly what I needed. Knocking Sean out automatically gives me control if I want so here goes.

Nathaniel: "you think we killed him that was a pretty hard kick you did mark."

Mark: "I thought he would guard his face better or fight back or something not just lay there like that!"

All three of the guys were looking at Sean's body pretty closely when it happened. Blood was running from his nose and mouth and there were places that definitely looked like they'd be really bad bruises later on but Sean did an amazing thing well tempt did anyways. The blood that was coming from him stopped abruptly and the deep cut on his lip started to close. Slowly tempt licked his lips.

Tempt: "Mmmmmm nothing like fresh blood to wake you up right guys?" he said this with an evil grin on his face he looked at each one of the guys taking in their picture because his fun was only just beginning. The blood that was all over his face and clothes started to come off by itself and tempt just walked away without saying anything else. They all knew something was wrong with that picture why didn't he fight back something was going to happen and they really had no idea what. Tempt left the building just as a very beautiful woman with long red hair was walking up to it.

Red hair: "Are you Sean?"

Tempt just smiled and said, "More or less, is there anything I can help you with?"

Red hair: "I could sense your panic from something up in the city and since I was here on business I came to help you but you don't seem like you're in trouble. I'm jean by the way."

Tempt: "Well I had a slight confrontation but I was planning on handling that later on. Probably tomorrow."

Jean: "Sean there's a reason why I'm here also here. Your parents found out that you're a mutant and they wanted you out of the house immediately. Something about you practicing outside in the backyard. There was a lot of yelling so I didn't really understand it all. They signed over their parental rights so you'll be leaving with me from here they don't want to see you good bye either."

Tempt: (Sean is gonna be so pissed when he finds out they saw me the other night blowing off some power. It's not like they should have been up at 3 in the morning anyways. I guess I better go get those guys then. I thought I could just catch them tomorrow and start some super elaborate plan about revenge but now I guess just beating them to death will work out nicely too.) "Okay Jean just let me go back inside real fast I've got some unfinished business to take care of."

The two were only outside for about 5 minutes and the three guys Nathaniel and his two goons were just leaving, probably still stunned from Sean just getting up like nothing happened. Temp walked through the door and looked directly at one of the two goons.

Temp: "Hey, what you thought I forgot about you guys?"

He reached out like he was grabbing for something. Instantly the guy felt like he was being dragged toward Temp and not gently either he basically flew from one end of the hallway to the other. When he got into Temp's grasp tempt started choking him with one hand. His expression showed no kind of exertion though. The other two looked at him with terror.

Nathaniel: "He's a mutant!!!!"

They turned to run but Tempt still had a free hand even though it didn't look like he planned on letting go of their friend. He made a sweeping motion with his hand that slammed both of them hard into the wall. He then dropped his hostage who was completely unconscious. Tempt levitated into the air and advanced on his now recovering prey.

Tempt: "You really thought that you could attack me and get away with it. You have no idea who you're dealing with." Tempt rose them both off the ground with a flick of his wrist and immediately Nathaniel's goon was unconscious. Tempt tossed him over to the other one. "Now I got something special in mind for you." Tempt slowly levitated towards Nathaniel. "Oh you'll like this I call it the kiss of death. He he it literally takes your breath away." Tempt leaned in and planted a hot wet kiss on Nathaniel's lips. But instead of tempt killing him Sean came back into control.

Sean: (oh my god Tempt what did you do?) Sean was looking around now it didn't even faze him that he was kissing Nathaniel. All he saw when he looked into his dark blue eyes was what he did to him. Sean was going to finish him not Tempt. It was Sean's turn to cause trouble.

The hallway automatically got a draft that did nothing but start to pick up speed and strength. Nathaniel dropped to the ground and fought to not be swept up by the wind that was blowing at him he could barely fight it and he knew that he couldn't take much more. Out of no where though the wind burst at him sending him flying straight through the doors to the outside. Jean was standing there looking stunned.

Jean: "Sean what's wrong? What happened? Just calm down! Please I don't want to stun you." That was a big mistake though never threaten someone on a rampage you become a target if you do. Sean just pointed at Jean and let his powers do the rest. The wind swept around jean so fast it made her head spin actually she was swept into a small but strong tornado so her entire body was spinning. Immediately she knew what to do. She focused her mind and had to use way too much strength to do it but she broke out of the tornado. Breathing heavily she levitated herself back to the ground.

Jean: {Sean you left me no choice sorry but...} she didn't finish her sentence before she put Sean in the deepest sleep she could muster having used so much power to break the tornado. Sean dropped to the ground like a ton of bricks and just lay there.

Jean: (well I guess I better get him to the school as soon as possible.)

Next: Chapter 2

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