Sexiest of the Xmen

By sean champ

Published on Jun 23, 2008


Disclaimer: This story is completely fictional of course. It does have people from the x men in them and they're the property of Marvel Comics. Some characters may be underage but it's fictional so who cares not like any of this stuff is gonna happen.

(Thoughts in head)

"Talking out loud"

{Psychic conversation}

"Well it's settled. You and Aron can stay here in the mansion." Sean got up and Geon followed him into the mansion. The others just wrote it off as another strange thing that Sean has caused.

Chapter 10

Sean walked into his bedroom with two men following him. He turned to them and smiled, "I guess we're roommates you guys. Do either of you know how to conjure? I mean I can but my magic is pretty sporadic. This room only came when I was under the influence of my alter ego."

Surprisingly Aron was the one who waved his arm and changed the room so there were two huge beds on the opposite side of the room. Also the room got two more dressers and closets. Sean looked at Aron curiously, "I thought you could only get energy from the sun."

Aron looked at Sean like this was something that he should know right off the back. Even Geon must have known the answer; he also had that well duh look on his face. "If you're able to get into this realm then you can do magic."

"Oh well hell I didn't know! You guys act like I know everything there is to know about Other Realm."

Aron looked like he had just realized something, "Sean who is this guy anyways? I thought he was someone from this realm but I'm a terrible judge apparently."

"Oh yeah, I never did introduce you two. Geon is an Animagi." Aron's face immediately went pale and you could see pure terror in his eyes. Sean didn't seem to notice his reaction. He looked at Geon and said, "Aron is a court member where I would be the heir to. Hey Aron what's the name of that place anyways?" Sean looked over at Aron for the answer and noticed his complexion. "What's wrong man? Are you sick or something?"

Geon finally spoke, "He's afraid. He's from Other Realm. All they do is listen to myths and stories all day thinking they have an insight on the world. Animagi in Other Realm are notoriously strong and feared by almost all beings in Other Realm. They are taught at an early age that Animagi are blood thirsty beasts with no logic or reason. Am I wrong, Aron?"

Aron looked like he was going to throw up. He was trembling and wouldn't meet Geon's eyes, "You're right. No one knows anything about Animagi. All we know is to leave you alone and if you have an interest in us we're dead."

Sean listened to what was said and could empathize with both of them. Sean was scared shitless too when he sensed Geon but even in this house people keep their distance because if his power. He was basically treated like he didn't even exist for weeks. "You know what? This is an entirely different realm and you guys are going to start over. Oh and Geon you really can't wear that around here. It's weird." Sean wasn't mad at how he dressed. His muscles looked good in anything but he couldn't be seen walking around with someone in a tribal skirt. He was weird enough already.

Sean had an idea. He started picturing what he wanted Geon to be wearing, jeans and a tight shirt. He concentrated and put his power into it and opened his eyes to see the wind form around Geon. When it settled Geon was wearing exactly what Sean wanted. The shirt was tight like he wanted with him in his animal form. Geon just smiled and looked around the room.

Aron was still a little shaken up so Sean decided to just leave him be, "Hey Geon I feel like going to the entertainment room, wanna come?"

Geon followed Sean down the stairs and into the Entertainment room. It had a big screen TV in it and a pool table a nice couch and other random things people do to have fun. Sean sat down on the couch and turned the TV on. Geon was mesmerized.

"I'd heard of these things but I have never seen one in person."

Sean looked at Geon and realized what he was talking about, "Oh you mean the TV? Yeah it's one of those things that most people in this world can't live without. So you're a pretty intriguing character you know that. You hold back every emotion you feel on the outside and you block me out from going in mentally. I can't get any kind of read on you at all. But you know what? You're not that slick buddy. I've seen that memory and I know why you were chosen to come here."

Geon looked at Sean with his brown eyes and asked with a small smirk on his face, "Why was I chosen then?" he was almost mocking Sean like he could never guess why he was chosen.

"Well, you were the closest to the wind warriors. You spent the most time with them. And yeah you could lie to me and say it was Triliara but I know that you actually dated one of them. Which one was it?"

Geon's face got suddenly sad and he said, "It was Wren. He and I were made for each other. We trained together all the time and he always loved fighting with me. I was the only one who went toe to toe with him. I saw him get killed. I saw them all get killed. I should have done something. I should have helped them. Do you know what it's like to experience that?"

Sean looked at Geon but he didn't feel sorry for him, "Geon, if you were going to help them you would have. And honestly you shouldn't have. That was their fight. If you had intruded then the entire outcome of our existence would be different. And besides who's to say you would have made a difference?"

"Wow that was slightly harsh."

"Yeah it was but you shouldn't live in the past so much. It happened it's over and it's not like he blames you for what happened. Now have you ever heard of video games?"

The two sat on the couch for long time actually laughing and joking around. Geon had really opened up to Sean and he seemed to be a really great guy. Geon was getting a lot better at the video game they were playing and he was actually beating up on Sean for a change. Just then Geon actually beat Sean. "Jerk!" Sean said as he playfully punched Geon in the chest. He noticed how firm it was and reached again. "Wow you're built."

Geon smiled and put one his big hands on Sean's. He leaned forward and let his lips touch Sean's. Immediately Sean remembered how long it had been since he had done anything with a guy. He opened up for the kiss and let it go further. Without hesitation Geon lifted Sean onto his lap and continued to make out with him. The passion coming from this could only be explained as animalistic and in an instant Geon had rolled onto Sean and was now holding him real tight and grinding against him. Sean loved the feeling of this strong guy. It turned him on so much having his weight on him. Geon kissed him deeper and his tongue wrestled with Sean's for power.

Someone cleared their throat in the doorway and Sean instantly opened his eyes and tried to get up only to get resistance from Geon, "Uh, I think there's someone in the room man."

Geon continued to kiss his neck and put his hands all over Sean, "I heard her a long time ago. I don't care though I want you." He didn't even stop when Jean walked right up to the side of the couch.

Sean's eyes turned their eerier grey color and in a split second Geon was thrown across the room. He easily landed lightly on the pool table for a melodramatic finish. "Geon, the next time I show any kind of hesitation you would do well not to keep going. If it happens again I'll make sure you land on your head."

Jean was kind of surprised by what she had just seen but she didn't really feel like getting involved in Sean's personal life, "Scott has scheduled a junior Xmen training session and you're required to go. Also you haven't been rated on our computer by yourself so we can do that today too. Come on I'll take you there."

Sean was led to an elevator door where Jean entered a code and it opened. They got in and Jean immediately started on him, "Sean, what was that back there? He didn't seem to even think about stopping. You had better be careful around him."

Sean looked over at Jean, "Wow, now you're taking an interest in me? You don't speak to me for weeks but now out of no where you want to tell me what to do? I think I can handle myself Jean but thanks for nothing." The elevator door opened and Sean just followed the thought patterns of the other junior members leaving Jean behind. When Sean got into the control room he saw everyone on the team was there. This included Amara the brunette with the earth and fire powers, John the pyrokinetic, Bobby with the ice powers, and Jubilee the plasma girl. Also there was another guy there but Sean didn't get a chance to get his name.

Scott looked over to Sean enter the room, "Great now that you're all here lets get started. Sean all you do is go that room and wait. The computer will generate a scene and you guys have to work as a team to handle the situation. It's pretty realistic. You'll feel pain and stuff but you can't die in there so don't worry too much about that."

"Ok, got it Scott. I guess I should know everyone around me though and the only one that I'm not familiar with is you." Sean said as he looked over at the unknown stud. He had curly brown hair, a nice face and a tall muscular body.

He looked at Sean with dark brown eyes and acted like he didn't hear him. Actually the entire group didn't say a word to Sean; they just walked into the room. "What the fuck? You know what Scott if this is how it's going to be I don't know what I'm doing here."

Scott completely understood what he was talking about. He walked over to Sean and put his hand on his shoulder, "Sean they're just apprehensive because they've heard how powerful you are. To put it simply they're just jealous. Now to answer your question that's Jared. He's actually aero kinetic." Scott was looking right at Sean for a reaction but all he got was a small smirk.

"Alright thanks Scott. So I just go in there and wait right?"

"Yeah, and I should tell you that junior members call me either Cyclops or Mr. Summers."

Sean walked over to the room, "Alright I'll keep that in mind Scott." He walked in the room with the others and waited to see what would happen. The room went black and suddenly Sean was in a warehouse with crates piled almost to the ceiling.

Scott's voice echoed in the room, "alright I'll let you guys warm up then I'll let you have it."

Instantly a giant robot came crashing into the warehouse and smaller flying droids came in after it. Everyone got into fighting stances except for Sean. He decided to sit this one out. He flew up to the top of a pile of crates and sat down to watch the show. He saw Bobby shoot ice at one of the droids and it went crashing with an explosion. John and Amara were fighting with the Giant robot. Amara had made a big fire start on one of the crates so that John could have some power too. (They work together pretty well actually.) Jubilee and Jared were using there powers on the flying droids. Jubilee was blasting them with bright explosions of power and Jared was using some disgraceful wind abilities. All he was doing was pushing the droids into walls.

(I would actually help the guy if he wasn't an asshole to me." Bobby looked up and saw that Sean was sitting up there watching the whole thing and said his first words to Sean that day, "What are you doing up there? You scared of a little work?" He said this with an attitude that made Sean want to drop down there and punch him in the face. (You know what why not? Let me just show them what I bring to the table.) "Hey Jared let me show what real wind powers are." Sean stood up on the top crate and looked straight at the giant robot that didn't seem to be affected by the fire thrown at it. Sean Swung his arm hard at the machine and in an instant a huge wind blasted the robot. It was so powerful it ripped the robot to pieces in an instant and the wind subsided.

The whole group looked at Sean with open mouths. (And here we go. Ten bucks says they try to act like I did something wrong.) Sean flew down to the ground and saw the glare that Jared was giving him. "What? Is there a problem?"

Jared shook his head and said with a deep voice, "You're a show off aren't you? You think just because you have so much power you can outshine all of us?"

Sean smirked, "Well, not to be rude or anything but I do believe that I'm more powerful than any of you guys. Also I think it's funny that you of all people are the one confronting me. Your powers are a joke compared to mine so I guess it makes sense for you to be projecting all this jealousy and animosity."

Jared took a step forward like he was going to fight but Bobby jumped in the way. "You guys, Sean's right. He is stronger than us. Why are we getting mad for him just living up to his own potential?"

Everyone's faces showed that they agreed with Bobby except for Jared. He was looking daggers at Sean. Sean felt the air stiffen and could feel it coming at him. Without even having to make one move though he lifted Jared off the ground. He used his telekinetic abilities to tighten around his wind pipe. "Jared if you ever use your powers on me like that, the consequences will be much worse than this. Your powers are useless on me by the way. I control the winds a lot better than you or anyone else. Remember that the next time you think about getting on my bad side. Sean let go of his hold on Jared. He hit the ground hard and was gasping and coughing for air. Sean looked around for a minute and then yelled out, "Scott are we done here? I'm getting really bored just standing around."

A second later Scott's voice came from no where, "I guess that can be the exercise today but Sean you still need to do some solo training."

Jared's face lit up like he had an idea, "Scott, do you mean that you're about find out Sean's physical ability."

"Yeah, the rest of you guys can go by the way." The room changed to a plain white room again and everyone except Sean and Jared left the room. Sean looked over at him and was tempted to throw him out but suppressed the urge. Scott came down into the room and walked over to the two. "Jared what are you still doing in here? You can go now."

Jared looked at Scott with an innocent look on his face, "I just thought I could help you with the training."

Sean couldn't really tell what expression first come on Scott's face, but he saw a smirk spread on his lips. Sean was then pretty tempted to take a peek into Scott's head but he knew that Jean was able to protect him. Sean was eventually going to find out what the deal was about that. Scott spoke up, "Sure, you can help I'm sure that Sean can handle a little bit of a challenge." He looked over at Sean with a silly grin on his face, "Come on let's go get changed into our training clothes."

Sean got a confused face, "What's wrong with what I'm wearing?"

Scott looked at him in between steps toward a room Sean hadn't noticed before, "It's just protocol. We all have to wear them, especially for training sessions with senior members and actual missions from both junior and senior squads. Anyways come one lets go change."

The three of them walked over to the door and Sean realized it was a locker room. He followed Scott and was led to a locker with his name on it. "Your uniform is in there put it on a move around a bit in it to loosen it up a bit." Sean had no idea what the hell he was talking about until he opened the locker and found a black leather outfit hanging.

"Wow, now if people didn't know I was gay before this..." Sean looked around to see if this was a joke or something and saw Scott from behind with his shirt off. His back muscles were amazing and Sean wanted to run his fingers over every ridge there. Scott turned around and Sean saw his amazing chest. With his great big Pecs and nice pink nipples, he had a flat stomach with a six pack that led to a brown treasure trail. Sean's eyes tried to see more but Scott's voice broke his trance, "Enjoying the view?" He had a playful smirk on his face.

"Yeah, makes it even more difficult to get into this contraption you guys call a uniform." Sean slowly squeezed into the outfit and was surprised by the fit. He walked over to a mirror and looked at himself. It wasn't good. Sean closed his eyes and thought of some changes the uniform needed and when he opened them the mirror showed the changes.

He still had the black leather but it wrapped around his chest perfectly and moved like a second skin. His pants became shorts that stopped just above his knees and hugged his legs the same perfect way. He took a step back and knew he could move like air in this outfit. His arms were bare and he was barefoot at the time so he felt wild in this outfit. Sean focused again and black low top Chuck Taylors appeared on his feet. He walked over to the others and found them in similar suits. They looked awkward in them but they didn't have any look of discomfort on their faces. (I guess if you wear them long enough you break them in or something. but they still look pretty ugly.) They all walked into the danger room and Scott turned to Sean, "Ok, here's how this works Sean. In few seconds the control will make a place for us. Jared and I will try to take you down. The rule is no powers only physical abilities." Sean looked at him and nodded and waited for a second then Scott went on, "Yeah I guess you're wondering why no powers?"

Sean looked over and said, "Not really. I'm pretty sure there will be times when using your powers will be an in convenience or they just don't work so you have to have some kind of back up."

Just then the room changed into a clearing in the woods. To Sean's left a table appeared with weapons of all kinds on it. Scott walked over to them and so did Jared. Scott looked over at Sean, "Oh yeah you can use weapons for this too."

Sean walked over to the table and saw the section he was interested in. the sword section. He found the sword he wanted too. It was a katana sword. He flicked his wrist a couple times and knew it was perfect. Jared picked up an axe. (What kind of aero kinetic picks up a heavy weapon like that? Typical he would be out of tune with his own element.) Scott picked up a beautiful broad sword. He swung it a few times and seemed satisfied with his choice.

"Alright Sean I'll be your first opponent. We'll just do hand to hand combat for now. I just want to see what you can do by yourself. Remember though no powers."

Sean smirked, "Scott not to be mean but I really don't need powers to beat you down."

Scott was a little offended and lunged at Sean with a surprisingly quick strike. Sean barely had time to dodge it without his powers to boost his speed. He landed hard on the ground and looked up to see Scott kicking at his head. Instinctually Sean dodged and grabbed Scott's leg. He did an almost contortionist twist and flipped Scott on the ground face first.

Sean jumped to his feet and Scott did the same. You could feel the tension between the two and Sean made the next move. He closed the distance between the two of them and dropped to the ground doing the splits. His legs were locked in Scott's so when he split so did Scott. Scott was flexible enough not to be hurt by the split but he wasn't expecting Sean the throw a nasty punch right into his nose. Just like that the match was over and Scott's nose was broken and flowing blood freely.

"Jesus, Sean what the hell?!" that was all Scott said as he jumped up with his nose in the air, trying to stop the bleeding.

"I guess that means it's my turn now." Jared had a grin on his face that would have sent a shiver down a normal person's back.

Scott looked like he had his nose under control for the most part he looked over and said, "Alright I'll just let you handle the weapons evaluation then. You guys already chose your weapons. Remember no powers. Alright start whenever."

Jared gave his evil grin again and took a fighting stance with the axe that he surprisingly made look like it was light. Sean got his katana and swished it around a few times to see how well it moved. He looked up at Jared with a cold blank look and said, "Let's get this over with then."

Jared didn't need anymore invitation than that. He flew at Sean swinging his axe at him. A loud metal ring echoed through the clearing as the sword and the axe collided. Sean blocked the attacked and made his own. He moved so fast even without his powers that Jared knew before the blow even came it would be the end. Just that quickly. He closed his eyes and waited for the inevitable.

But the pain never came. Jared opened his eyes tentatively and saw a fist just an inch from his face. Sean smiled at his surprise, "I figured wouldn't bust up two faces in the same day." Sean looked over at Scott and asked, "Are we done yet I have things to do today?"

Scott nodded and the room changed back to its plain white setting. Sean walked over to the locker room and the others followed. Sean was in the middle of changing when Jared walked over with a meek expression on his face. He was only dressed in a towel and it drooped just right to show that definition at the base of someone's stomach that Sean just loved looking at. Sean looked up higher and saw his muscular chest and small dark red nipples. "Can I talk to you?"

"Sure, what's on your mind?"

Jared started to fidget and move his weight from foot to foot, "Well seeing you in action, you know fighting and stuff; I realized that I have a lot to learn. I used to be the strongest aero kinetic in this school but now you are. I guess-"

Sean started laughing quietly. His body was shaking and tears were coming out of his eyes, "Let me interrupt you now," he laughed, "I'm not an Aero kinetic. I'm not even a mutant. So you shouldn't feel threatened. I'm not trying to take your place as big aero kinetic on compass or anything."

Jared looked like he calmed down some but he was still fidgeting, "That's not what I meant. I was going to ask if you could teach me to get better. Wait what do you mean you're not a mutant?"

Sean looked up again and he couldn't help but see the humor in this, "So wait first you're a jerk to me because you see me a as competition. Then after you realize that I'm better than you, you come asking for help?" Sean realized he could have some fun with this, "You know what I think I will help you. But I got to tell you, I'm going to be busy most of the time. When I'm free I'll just call you or something so just be ready to train at any moment."

Jared looked pretty excited now and he smiled at Sean. Sean could see how hot this guy was actually and was only distracted when Geon walked into the locker room. "Can we talk?"

Sean looked up at him and saw his tight shirt and jeans and melted. He wasn't mad about before. He actually just took it as a compliment. Obviously he was doing something right. "Oh, sure but if it's about earlier its already forgotten man." Sean smiled at Geon who looked deep in his eyes.

He sat down close to Sean on the locker room bench and said lowly, "Thanks it's just been a very long time for me. I got carried away. I'm really sorry it'll never happen again."

Sean mimicked his quiet voice, "Well I hope it does happen again just next time though just stop when I want to."

Geon looked at Sean guiltily, "It's just been so long since I was with someone; I got carried away."

Sean smiled and laid his hand lightly on Geon's huge muscular thigh. His voice was husky when he spoke, "I let you make it up to me."

In an instant both Geon and Sean appeared in Sean's bedroom. Aron was lying on his bed lazily. "What's up guys? Does anybody else feel awkward right now or is it just me?"

Surprisingly Geon's voice came into Sean's head, {He is cute Sean maybe we should include him in on our fun. Animagi warriors often share their mates. Its fun and keeps things interesting. Also it builds a relationship between us all. Something we need in battle.}

Sean looked at Aron in a different way now. He was checking him out. Now Sean saw his dark green eyes and short dark hair in a different way. He wasn't nearly as big as Geon but he had muscle definition that even showed in his loose t-shirt. His arms bulged out with muscles too and that's all the persuasion Sean needed. {Well, if you're ok with it then i/;m not going to protest.}

Without another thought Sean quickly grabbed the back of Aron's head. He pulled him into a deep passionate kiss. Aron froze but only for a second before he returned the kiss with enthusiasm. Quickly he pulled Sean closer to him into a bear hug of sorts and continued their tongue wrestling match.

Not to be left out Geon's big muscular chest came up to the two of them and Sean couldn't resist. He broke the kiss and started kissing and sucking on Geon's chest over his shirt. He went to where Geon's right nipple was poking up and he covered it with his mouth. He sucked and and applied pressure to it and got a deep moan from Geon.

Aron was still holding onto Sean he was grinding up against him with his hard on through his jeans and it didn't seem like he was wearing underwear. Geon was up against the two and he took Aron into a deep kiss also. The two of them made out while Aron ground against Sean and Sean Reached underneath Geon's Shirt.

Like lightning Geon pulled away from the two with a crazed horny look in his eyes. He snatched Sean up roughly and grabbed Aron and jumped with both of them to the bed. Sean took the opportunity in the air to do a little bit of magic and when they all landed bouncily on his bed they were both in their underwear. Aron wasn't wearing any like Sean thought.

There was a split second where they all just looked at each other then the assault began. Like there was an unsaid signal Aron and Geon both went after Sean. Geon's mouth covered his and he could feel Aron pull off his underwear. He lifted his ass to let Aron pull of his underwear. With a flop Sean's rock hard cock hit his flat stomach. Aron was on it in a heartbeat his mouth moving up and down Sean cock. Sean's hands traveled Geon's body still making out with him until he found the rim of his tighty whities. He pulled at them and the slid down enough for his monster cock to swing out. Sean hadn't noticed but Geon was packing a thick 9 inch cock between his legs that was leaking like a faucet. Sean couldn't he mouth was eager to try and fit that beast in his mouth. It tasted amazing he was in ecstasy as the precum touched his tongue. It tasted bitted and salty and sweet all at the same time and Sean couldn't get enough of it.

What's more was that Geon was letting out these deep moans that turned Sean on so much he couldn't stop himself he had to keep making him moan.

"Yeah suck that thick cock Sean! Fuck yeah! You keep suckin on it like that I'm gonna cum down your throat." With that Sean sucked with more fierceness. He needed him to shoot his load. "Oh! Man I see you want that cum huh? Well keep suckin. Yeah just like that." Geon was pulling on his nipples and rocking back and forth fucking Sean face as Sean sucked on his cock. Sean felt him tense up, "Oh yeah im gonna Shoot. OOOOhhhhh!!!" Geon shot 3 big spurts in Sean's mouth then pulled out and shot the 4 more on his face. Geon's Cum tasted better than his precum and Sean was licking his lips for what was on his face. Aron came up from Sean's cock and started licking at Geon's cum.

Geon bent down too and started licking at the cum on Sean face and before long they were all over each other in a three way kiss for Geon's cum. When it was all gone Geon started switching places with Aron and as he moved downward Sean noticed he was still rock hard. Aron moved up right over Sean's head and leaned over so his cock was pointed right at Sean's mouth. Sean looked at it and immediately his mouth watered. It was a beautiful 8 inches of uncut, thick cock with nice low hanging balls attached. Sean gladly put it in his mouth and ran his tongue in the foreskin.

Geon moved Sean's legs up as Aron was in the position he grabbed them and held them. Sean's asshole was exposed and both Geon and Aron went for it. They were both licking his ass at the same time both aggressive tongues. Sean's head reeled at the pleasure of it. He started sucking with more passion and Aron responded by fucking his face. Sean then felt a big spit covered finger slide in his hole and he gasped over the cock in his mouth. When he did that Aron got all the way down his throat and he groaned at the feeling. Geon and Aron started kissing as another big finger found its way in Sean's hole. He was getting finger fucked and he really wanted a real cock in there.

As if he knew what Sean wanted Geon broke the kiss from Aron and brought his other hand up to show a bottle of KY gel. He opened it with a click and Sean was excited to feel his cock in his ass. It got really tense for a moment as Geon lubed up his monster cock with a loud squishing noise. Sean was still nursing Aron's cock when he felt Geon's cock press up against his hole.

Sean's hole resisted as much at it could to Geon's steel bar and with a pained moan from Sean Geon's head got in. He sat there for a moment to let Sean's ass adjust and stretch. Geon wanted it so bad it was only his care for Sean that kept him from shoving his cock in his ass. Sean's hand reached back and found Geon's thigh and started pulling him in closer to him. Geon go the hint and slowly pushed more of his cock in.

"Oh, Yeah Sean, that feels so good. You want so more cock?" He pushed another 2 inches in Sean's ass. He was halfway in now. He pulled out slowly and quickly pushed back in. he got a couple more inches in that way. He moaned his animalistic moan and Sean couldn't take it anymore. He pulled Geon harder and he let go of Aron's cock for short enough time to say, "Fuck me Geon I really want it." Geon didn't need anymore said to him. He pushed his big fat cock all the way in Sean's ass and got a load moan from Sean. Sean started sucking Aron's cock with more fervor.

Geon started power fucking Sean now, he was making slapping noises from the pounding. His big balls were touching Sean's ass as he got all the way in and he said in a deep rough voice, "Sean you're so tight. You're gonna make me cum again where do you want it baby?"

Sean pulled Aron's cock out his mouth and said, "Feed it to us man. Your cum tastes so good man." Geon made some more hard hot thrusts.

"Oh man you want my cum, huh? Man your ass feels so good!" He leaned forward still fucking Sean ass and started kissing Sean's neck. He brought his mouth to Sean's and started licked at the cock in Sean's mouth. "Fuck!" Geon yelled. He pulled up and gave a few more thrusts. He pulled out and moved quickly forward landing lightly on Sean chest. He jacked his big engorged cock once and screamed, "Fuck! Yeah!" He shot a huge load all over Sean's face that ran down his cheek and was on his lips and Aron's cock. Sean licked his lips and licked all around Aron's cock for the sweet tasting cum. Aron moved back and leaned forward to lick all the cum from Sean's cheek. Then he brought his mouth to Sean's to share the treat with him. Geon pressed another glob of cum from his cock and got it on one of his fat fingers. He brought it to the two cum pigs and the sucked on it like it was a cock for the cum on it.

Sean continued to kiss at Geon's hand and he got up on his knees and moved his mouth up Geon's big forearm. He moved over to Geon's hot stomach and continued kissing his way up his chest. He stopped at one hard nipple and sucked at it. Then he switched to the other one. Geon moaned with pleasure and Sean covered his mouth with his lips. Geon tasted his cum in Sean's mouth and made his semi hard cock give an involuntary jump.

Behind Sean there was a click and Sean knew what to expect. In seconds, Sean felt Aron press his cock up against his ass. It felt good to have that full feeling again and Aron didn't waste any time pounding at Sean's ass.

"Fuck yeah Sean! Our ass is tight! Mmm yeah!" Aron start fucking Sean's ass pretty hard while Geon kissed his neck and shoulder. Geon pulled Sean close and pulled him off Aron's cock. He lay on his back and turned Sean back so he was facing Aron. Sean was a little confused until he was pulled back again onto Geon's chest and Aron lifted his legs to his shoulder. He shoved his hard cock back in Sean's ass and the pounding continued. Sean was in ecstasy. Geon's hands roamed Sean's body and found his hard cock. With Aron pounding his ass Geon's hand felt ten times better. Then Sean felt suddenly empty and he felt Aron's hand touch his ass. He reached under his ass and pulled out Geon's rock hard cock. Instantly Geon pushed his hips forward and he found and entered Sean's hungry ass.

"Oh yeah man! Feels so good!" Geon Groaned loudly. He started fucking Sean's ass and Aron Climbed up onto Sean's lap. He dripped some lube on Sean's cock and slowly let himself slide down his cock. It was a completely different sensation fucking and getting fucked and when they mixed they made what Sean was feeling right now.

Aron was quickly stroking his cock making his hand a blur, "Oh fuck yeah. I'm gonna cum man!" with that he shot his load through the distance onto Sean's face, open mouth and neck. He leaned forward letting Sean's cock slip out his ass and licked at his cum lightly then kissed Sean feeding him his cum. It tasted different from Geon's but it was still delicious. Geon was still fucking Sean's ass and his hand came up his face swiping some of Aron's cum for himself.

Aron slid off the two of them. And watched as Geon went animalistic on Sean. He rolled over and got on top of Sean and fucked Sean with his chest pressed up against Sean back. Sean turned his head and the tow of them started kissing. That set Geon off. He started moaning but he never broke the kiss. His humping became more sporadic and then Sean felt hot spurts in his hole. Breathing heavily and sweating a lot he wrapped his arm around Sean's waist and lifted him. He pulled him off his dick, laid on his back and let Sean climb back on the still hard cock. As Aron watched Geon started stroking Sean's cock and came up and started passionately kissing him. The two were scrunched up together when Sean started moaning through the kissing. Geon's hard got a harder grip on Sean's cock and Sean started cumming all over Geon and his chest.

Aron came up to them and started licking up the cum between them and on Sean's cock. Geon broke the kiss between him and Sean and brought his cum covered hand up between them and Sean quickly started licking at his fingers. Sean felt Aron move behind them and licking at Sean's cock filled hole. Geon's face brightened, "Oh yeah." He said. He moved quickly and flipped Sean over. His semi hard cock slipped out and he exposed Sean's ass to both Aron and him. Aron and Geon licked and sucked at Sean's Ass for the cum and Sean saw that Geon's cock had a cum coating. He pulled Geon over his head and sucked the cock into his mouth. The big semi hard cock pulsed and Sean got another hot sweet drop of cum.

When Aron and Geon were satisfied there was no more cum in Sean's ass they let his legs fall and they all lay in his bed wrapped in each other. Aron got up and started putting his clothes on, "Hey guys, I'm gonna go outside." He smiled at them, "That was hot but I'm not ready to go to sleep right now."

When he left Geon rolled over on top of Sean and pressed his hardon up against Sean's crotch. He had a look on his face that was between pleading and questioning. Sean reached between them and pushed the cock between his ass cheeks. That was all Geon needed to know. He reached for the lube but Sean beat him to it. Sean squeezed out some on his hand and rubbed it on Geon's enormous cock. He worked Geon's cock and in his hands it got even harder than before. Geon sat back on the balls of his feet and enjoyed Sean's handjob. He started playing with his nipples and Sean leaned up and covered one of them with his mouth. Geon put his head down and licked and Sean's ear. Geon pulled Sean forward abruptly and lifted him up onto his lap. He was still in the squatting position but he had Sean up like he weighed nothing. Sean pressed his body up against Geon and put his mouth on his neck and sucked and bit at his muscled neck.

Geon made a low growl in pleasure and lifted Sean up a few inches. Sean felt the raging cock touch his asshole and without much resistance enter him. Sean pressed himself down onto Geon's huge cock and immediately felt how good it felt. He loved the fullness from it. Geon grabbed Sean hard against him and threw Sean and himself on the bed and started pumping his big cock in him hard.

Geon and Sean were both breathing heavily. Sean started kissing and biting at Geon's neck again and Geon started doing the same. The mixture between the pain and pleasure of it made Sean go crazy. Their lips met and Sean pulled Geon into a deep kiss wrestling with his tongue. Sean felt a familiar feeling build up inside of him.

All Sean got out was a moan before he shot his load between the two of them again. Then Geon started moaning too he started fucking Sean with harder thrusts and then Sean felt the warmth from his cum in his ass.

Geon gave a satisfied sigh and rolled off of Sean. Sean crawled up and got under the covers of his bed. Geon followed his example and got underneath the covers too. He rubbed up against Sean and in return Sean turned into him and laid his head on Geon's huge muscular chest. Sean's thigh rubbed between his legs. Geon responded by wrapping his big arm around Sean and pulled him close into him. Sean smelled Geon's arm pit and was comforted by the manly smell that came out. He closed his eyes and fell asleep wrapped up by Geon.

Aron appeared in the Other Realm throne room with a flash of green power. It was just an empty room that had a cold hard feel to it. The walls were made of stone with big wood paned windows that stretched from the floor to the high ceiling. There was one deep blood red carpet runner that went to the lone throne that sat at the end of the long room.

The room was lit only by moonlight so shadows were abundant in the cold room. Aron spoke without looking around the room at all, "The deed is done. He trusts me now but there is an enormous problem." Aron was speaking with strained formality.

From one of the shadows Ryan's voice echoed in the room, "What is this enormous problem you speak of?"

"An Animagi has appeared to Sean." Aron eyes squeezed shut as he anticipated what was next.

"What?!!" Aron flew across the room with a psychic blast. He hit the stone floor hard on his stomach. Ryan came out of the shadows and lifted Aron into the air with a sweep of his arm. "What do you mean an Animagi appeared to Sean?"

Aron was still floating in the air when he answered, "The Animagi warrior's name is Geon. As far as I can tell he's a high ranking warrior who was sent here to help Sean get even stronger. I don't know anymore Ryan, but Sean trusts me. I can get into his head and lower his guard."

Ryan let Aron drop to the floor and looked him intently in the eyes, "Aron, you're not strong enough for this. Sean is a lot smarter than you give him credit. He'll notice if you lead his decisions in anyway. And Animagi are notoriously strong. Be careful and take this with you. Sean will be drawn to it instantly." Ryan floated a metal circle through the air.

Aron took the circle and looked at it curiously, "What is it? If I may inquire."

Ryan got an irritated look on his face he looked at Aron and knew that if he didn't just tell him that he would just find a way to figure it out, "It's a weapon Aron. Actually it's the only one of its kind."

Aron was looking confused, "Why would Sean be drawn to it?"

With an exasperated sigh Ryan answered, "Because it's an exclusive wind warrior weapon. Actually it was Shari's preferred weapon. No more questions. Go back to Sean before he notices you're missing."

Aron's face turned stoic; he bowed to Ryan and in another flash of green light vanished from the room.

Ok guy that's chapter 10. Tell me what u think. Comments, ideas, criticisms that al helps with the process. Also I made a group for this story so that you guys can know what these guys look like. I choose porn stars for my new characters so I have something to refer to. Here's the link to my group it's not well developed because I only really use it for the pictures of my characters but I could make it better if people actually want it to. I was thinking of putting my stories in there too. Maybe I will.

Next: Chapter 11

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