Sexiest of the Xmen

By sean champ

Published on Feb 25, 2009


Disclaimer: This story is completely fictional of course. It does have people from the x men in them and they're the property of Marvel Comics. Some characters may be underage but it's fictional so who cares not like any of this stuff is gonna happen.

(Thoughts in head)

"Talking out loud"

{Psychic conversation}

Aron took the circle and looked at it curiously, "What is it? If I may inquire."

Ryan got an irritated look on his face he looked at Aron and knew that if he didn't just tell him that he would just find a way to figure it out, "It's a weapon Aron. Actually it's the only one of its kind."

Aron was looking confused, "Why would Sean be drawn to it?"

With an exasperated sigh Ryan answered, "Because it's an exclusive wind warrior weapon. Actually it was Shari's preferred weapon. No more questions. Go back to Sean before he notices you're missing."

Aron's face turned stoic; he bowed to Ryan and in another flash of green light vanished from the room.

Chapter 11

Sean woke up in Geon's arms the next morning. He gradually turned into the wind so that he didn't wake Geon up and appeared next to the bed. He looked at Geon's big muscular body and sighed from satisfaction. Then, Sean noticed a silver circle sitting on his bedside table. For some reason Sean felt drawn to it. He picked it up and turned it around inspecting it and found nothing on it. It was about the size of his face and hard cold metal.

(What the hell is this?) Instantly from that thought the band shrunk until it was the size of an ordinary ring. (Well I'm guessing this means I'm supposed to wear it.) He put it on his middle finger and went into the bathroom to shower.

After his shower Sean got dressed in sweat pants and a t-shirt and left to go to the gym. When he started walking down the hall however, the ring pulled him down the hall. Sean tried to resist the pull but it actually started dragging him.

"Holy shit! What the hell is going on now?!" Sean tried to take the ring off but it was stuck on tight. He even tried to change his form to get the ring off but it just changed with him, all the while pulling him through the mansion. Sean had already gotten pulled down the stairs when Jared came out of the kitchen.

"What's wrong with you now loser?"

Sean was actually desperate enough by now not to blast him through a wall, "Can you please help me? This ring is pulling me somewhere and I can't get it off at all."

Jared looked at Sean's outstretched arm and saw the silver ring, "Did you try changing into the wind?" Still though, the ring was pulling Sean towards the door.

"Of course I tried that. Can you think of another way to get it off?" Just then Sean was slammed into the door. The ring glowed a bright white and the front door blown off its hinges.

"Hey, why'd you do that? I thought you were trying to stop?" Jared was trying to keep pace with Sean as they jogged down the front lawn towards the forest.

"It wasn't me. Maybe the ring tapped into my power. But honestly I didn't really feel anything coming from me. Only from the ring."

"Then obviously the ring has its own power. So where's it taking you?" Jared didn't even seem worried that they were headed deep into the forest with no one else around.

"If I knew where the fucking ring was taking me then I wouldn't be worried right now!"

Just then the ring stopped in a clearing in the forest. Sean's hand was finally his own to control and he instantly took off the ring like it was burning his finger and threw it on the ground.

Both Sean and Jared tensed when they heard a loud, close howl coming from behind them. They both turned just in time to see an impossibly large wolf leap into the clearing. It landed right into front of a trembling Jared. His amber eyes were directly in front of Jared's and you could see the knowledge in them.

None of them moved for a long moment. Then slowly the wolf backed away from them and it stopped where the forest started up again. Sean could sense the power coming off of the animal and knew that they were in trouble.

Foolishly, Jared threw a wind blast at the wolf and paid dearly for it. The instant he moved the wolf lunged at him with lightning speed. His teeth simultaneously sank into Jared shoulder and let out Jared's deep red blood. He screamed in agony as the wolf ripped at his flesh.

(Oh shit! Ok wait Sean. Think what can you do? It's really strong and I'm almost certain it's an animagi.) Sean summoned his power and the wolf turned his attention on him. It felt Sean charge up and viewed him as a threat. It lunged at Sean like it did Jared but Sean was faster. He quickly dropped to the ground and felt the wolf fly over him. He turned around just in time to see the wolf lunging at him again.

Sean blasted him backwards and the wolf flew backward and hit a tree. Its body wrapped around it and it fell to the ground. "Ok, Jared we gotta get you some help. I don't think it's going to stay down much longer."

Just when Sean said that, he heard the wolf growl behind him. He turned around and saw it standing the wolf standing behind him with its teeth bared. Sean sensed something though. There was a change coming from the wolf now. Right when Sean noticed it, the wolf began to change form. Its fur started to receded and its mouth got smaller. Within seconds Sean was looking at a half naked man.

He stood there with dark almost black hair. He was slouched down so Sean didn't know his height but his lean defined muscles told Sean he was still a force to be reckoned with. The man stood up to show he was only an inch or so taller than Sean's 6 foot.

"You don't seem surprised to see someone change from an animal to a human. I knew I smelled another animagi. It doesn't matter though. If he's not here by now, he's not coming. I'm Zarin by the way. I figured you should know the man that's going to kill you." Zarin had an evil annoying smirk on his face while he spoke that just drained all the fear from Sean and replaced it with pure hate.

"First off who said you could even come close to killing me?" Sean's eyes glowed their eerie silver light and he felt the power of the wind at his fingertips.

"You were already foolish enough to put on a charmed ring. What makes you think you could stop me from killing you? Ryan knew how young and naïve you were that's why he sent a wolf to finish the job."

"It figures Ryan would have something to do with this. Did Ryan mention that he couldn't even defeat me himself? Did he even tell you exactly who you were about to kill?" Zarin looked surprised for only a split second from what Sean said. If Sean wasn't looking for it he wouldn't have even noticed. Sean decided to keep on going to see how much information he could get out of him, "So I'm guessing he didn't tell you that, huh? Which means that you're probably weaker than Ryan or else that little secret wouldn't have gotten to you?"

Zarin got a big smile on his face and said, "No even a disgraced animagi is stronger than that twerp. It is rare however to find someone else who is stronger than him besides the animal entities. Of course elementals are also something that Ryan has no control over but imbeciles like you who can't even recognize even the simplest of tricks wouldn't know anything about the elementals."

Sean temper flared at the trash talk. He knew it was only a matter of time before he ripped this dog in half. Right then though, it was best to play dumb and get as much out of him as possible. "So these elementals, are they stronger than you?" Sean let off some of his seduction power to keep Zarin talking in such small amounts that even he could barely feel it working. He knew that if he tried a full on seduction it wouldn't work. The minute that Zarin realized what was happening he'd put a stop to it.

Zarin laughed and said, "Honestly it depends on the type of elemental. If it was an everyday one like your friend, he's nothing but a meal, but if it's an elemental warrior it would be a tossup."

Sean decided it was time to get down to business and let Zarin in on his little secret, "So I guess that means that you should probably prepare for some pain."

"Why's that?"

"Well, I left out this little detail about me. I'm the wind warrior." To back up his statement, Sean let the wind loose like he'd never done it before. The wind flew at Zarin so fast that it ripped the ground up as it blew through the air. Zarin was instantly pushed back hard and the wind ripped slashes into his chest where it touched him at.

Without a second thought, Sean turned into the wind and materialized on top of a sprawled out and bleeding Zarin. His hands glowed with power as he brutally beat Zarin's face. Every punch broke a bone in Zarin's face. After the fifth punch Sean stopped and stood up from the bloody and mangled body. He walked away knowing that Zarin was nothing to worry about.

Sean was also a little bit on afraid of what had happened. He'd never been so brutal before but something came over him. He couldn't stop himself at first and honestly he still wanted to turn around and beat the wolf some more. He went back to the clearing and found Jared still lying on the ground bleeding heavily. Relying on instinct Sean knelt beside him and summoned his wind powers. Almost instantly Sean heard a spell whisper in his ears that he recited out loud simultaneously.

Flowing, soothing wind to you,

Do my bidding as you always do,

Heal this wound for now and forever,

So we may leave this place together.

Sean's hands let off a smoke that went straight to Jared shoulder. When the smoke disappeared all that was left of Jared's wounds were the tears in his shirt. Jared started coughing heavily the seconds after being healed. He woke up and looked at Sean differently from before.

"You saved me. I guess, thank you for it. I don't want to admit it but you're definitely much stronger than me." Jared's smile faded as he looked behind Sean.

Sean's became still as he realized why Jared was scared. He heard the deep snarl of Zarin's wolf form and knew that his fight wasn't over. Without another second spared, Zarin ran at them through the air.

Thinking fast Jared blasted wind at the wolf but it did nothing. It might as well have been a summer breeze. Sean quickly grabbed Jared's arm and changed into the wind just as the wolf burst through their ghost-like forms. Sean moved so quickly that if you blinked you would have missed it. He pushed Jared out of the way and jumped onto Zarin's back when he went through them. The huge wolf bucked and jumped but Sean held on tight. Sean wrapped his arms around the wolf's neck and started trying to choke it out.

It was a pathetic attempt though, the wolf bucked hard and threw Sean off its back. Both of them were moving so fast it was hard to see their movements. The wolf lunged at Sean snapping its teeth but Sean quickly moved out of the way.

In the same moment of dodging the wolf's attack Sean blasted him with the wind. He caught the animal on its side and knocked it into another tree. Again the wind ripped gashes into its already bloody form. Zarin turned into his human form while getting up from the blow and looked solemn, "Now I know why they decided to eliminate your people. Even I know when to call it quits. I'll leave now and I won't bother you again."

Instantly though Sean flew at Zarin, grabbed him by the throat, and pushed him hard into a tree. Zarin was trying hard to get Sean's hand from his windpipe when Sean spoke, "Why is it that I don't believe a word you just said? Instead of just letting you run free to tell Ryan how strong I really am, I think we're going to take a trip to see Geon."

When Geon's name was spoken Zarin's expression completely intensified. He was already afraid but now he looked terrified. Sean turned to Jared and said, "Come on I'm going to teleport us to Geon to get everything all cleared up."

Jared didn't protest. He just got up off the ground and touched Sean's hand. Instantly Sean turned them all into the wind and in the blink of an eye appeared in his bedroom where Geon was still sleeping soundly in bed. Sean noisily dropped Zarin to the ground to wake him up.

Geon rose slowly from the bed. Rubbing his eyes, he looked around the room and saw Sean and Zarin in the middle of the room and groggily said, "What happened? What's going on?"

Sean looked at Geon strangely and asked, "Geon, what's the matter with you? Why are you so tired?"

"It's nothing. When Animagi have sex they need time to rest. Now, what's going on?"

Sean Explained what happened and Geon's face looked grim. He looked at Zarin and asked, "So then Ryan sent you? What was the plan?"

Zarin was still lying on the floor as he answered in a watered down voice, "Ryan told me to wait in the forest for Sean to come and then to kill him. He said that if I did it he would find a way to get me back into my clan or he would give me my own land. That's it. He didn't give me any briefing about Sean. If I had known he was a wind warrior and under your protection wouldn't have come I promise you, lord Geon."

Sean looked around and asked, "Why'd he call you "Lord" Geon?"

Geon looked a little embarrassed as he answered still sitting in bed with just a sheet hiding his naked body, "It's really just a formality Sean. If the Queen and the others were to die I would be king. Anyways, Zarin for your actions I believe it's time you had another meeting with the high council. Obviously being disgraced and exiled from your people wasn't punishment enough."

Geon's dark eyes started to shine slightly and Sean could feel the power building in him. The mirror behind them started to shimmer and then the mirror itself started reaching out to Zarin. It was like metallic tentacles were crawling toward him. They quickly wrapped around his bleeding body and lifted him into the mirror himself.

Jared looked stunned by the spectacle of power, "What the hell is wrong with you guys? And what do u mean u had sex last night? Are you telling me Sean really is a fag?"

The minute the word left his mouth Sean's hand was on his throat and he was squeezing hard. Sean bared his teeth in an almost animalistic way and snarled. Geon moved so fast that he was just a blur and got in between the two trying to break the grip Sean had on Jared.

"Sean, it's ok. I know what you're going through. Yes, he made you mad but this isn't you. This is the animalia. Take a deep breath and relax, Sean. Let it go." Geon kept saying it over and over.

Slowly Sean's grip relaxed and there were visible bruises on Jared's neck even from that short time. Sean's eyes though didn't leave Jared though and he spoke through gritted teeth, "If you ever talk about me like that again or I will rip your throat out. Now get out."

Jared left the room as fast as he could. Sean turned around to see Geon standing there naked. Sean couldn't help but laugh but Sean was still mad about what was happening. "Geon what the hell do you mean the Animalia?"

Geon looked a little guilty but he answered straight forward, "Sean I'm sorry I didn't tell you. When an Animagi starts to train someone, the trainee starts to get animalistic traits. Sadly, one of the catalysts for this is sex. I'm sorry I shouldn't have but I couldn't resist it. Also I'm afraid that your power is actually making your change a more permanent one. You might become an Animagi warrior as well. "

"Great, just what I need right now, another reason to be different." Sean looked at Geon with a pleading look. Basically he was asking for some kind of comfort and Geon caught on to it immediately.

"Sean, you're going to be different any way that you look at it. All you can do is embrace all the gifts that you're given and celebrate how gifted you truly are. If we were in Other Realm you wouldn't feel insecure about any of this. The more powerful you are there, the more respected you'll become. Here it's the opposite. The more powerful and unique you are, the more of a pariah you become. I know what will make you feel better though. Let's go do some training drills."

Surprisingly Sean found that idea actually appealing. Going to the gym and getting some of his energy out was a great idea. "What are we waiting for?"

Geon took hold of Sean's hand and said, "Lead the way!" Sean looked down at Geon's amazingly big, muscular, sexy and nude body standing next to him and started laughing, "Geon maybe you should put on some underwear before we leave. I mean it's just a thought."

It was obvious Geon forgot about wearing clothes and the embarrassment was written all over his face. Sean was immediately drawn to Geon. Something about him being embarrassed made him more approachable and Sean took the opportunity to kiss Geon softly. Almost as if he knew Sean was going to kiss him, Geon's hand simultaneously went to the small of Sean's back and pulled him close. The kiss became deep and passionate quickly. Before Sean knew it he was pressed up against a wall with Geon pressed up against him stabbing his thigh with his massive hard on.

Somehow Sean found some inhibition and before he could change his mind he thought about clothing and summoned them to Geon's body. In the blink of an eye the wind blew softly around Geon and he was dressed in a tight, white, wife beater and some cotton sweatpants. Sean held on to the kiss for just a little longer before he finally broke it with one more taste of Geon's lips.

Geon opened his dark eyes and looked at Sean admirably. "Sean, you can't imagine how much I want you. It's honestly hard for me to think about anything else. Seriously though I think I should get you in a training place so I can see how the change is progressing."

Sean didn't say anything. He just smiled and transported them both to the danger room wrapped in each other's arms.

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