Sexiest of the Xmen

By sean champ

Published on Apr 11, 2007


Disclaimer: This story is completely fictional of course. It does have people from the x men in them and they're the property of marvel comics. Some characters may be underage but it's fictional so who cares not like any of this stuff is gonna happen.

(Thoughts in head)

"Talking out loud"

{Psychic conversation}

Chapter 4

Sean woke up in his bed with a deep satisfied yawn. He looked around but knew that Gavin wasn't there; he would have sensed his presence. (Now that is how you spend your first night in a new place.) Sean slid of his bed and landed with a surprising drop as he sleepily tripped from about a 4 foot drop from the bed. Without thinking about it Sean used his telekinesis to get a towel from a dresser that wasn't there before. It came straight to his hand then he thought about it. he knew where everything was in this room. All the new stuff and all it was like he himself had designed not just some random occurrence. As he was walking to his own bathroom he couldn't help but think about what Gavin was telling him. (You know what? Who really cares I'm a pretty strong person I know that. Did I think I was the strongest? No but hey who really gets mad about that?) Sean went into the bathroom and was in awe at what he saw. Apparently his powers went crazy on upgrading the bathroom. Its was all marble. The sink and toilet and shower were black marble but the floor and the hot tub, yes a hot tub, was just the marble the mixes both of them. Sean went to the shower and saw that there were three Shower heads one in front, one above, and one behind him and it was roomy enough to fit two people in comfortably. Sean got in the Shower and realized what heaven feels like. (I could use to this.) He finished his shower and opened the door but stopped abruptly. Something was wrong. He could sense it someone was there with him. He reached out with his telepathy but who ever it was had a psychic block on their mind strong enough for even him not to get through. He tried again with his powers trying to find a way to find this person when the wind blew against his cheek. (Could I really do that? Well I'm supposed to be powerful lets see if I'm that powerful.) Sean closed his eyes and delved into his power he got lost in it he was one with it and being one with it made him away of everything in the room. And that's when he sensed it he could feel the air moving behind the mirror. Immediately he reached behind the mirror with the wind and swept whoever it was up and threw them across the room hard. Sean used his power to open the drapes that were making the room dark and saw who his intruder was. Jean?

Sean: "Jean why were you in my room hiding for that matter?"

Jean got up very slowly Sean could tell it hurt to thrown so hard but it was more her fault than any. "I came to tell you about breakfast but you didn't answer and then I heard a shower going but these rooms don't have showers so I didn't know what to think. I came in thinking something was wrong and that's when I saw all your new stuff."

Sean completely forgot that his room didn't look like this 6 hours ago. "Oh he he, well that still doesn't explain why you were hiding."

Jean: "Yeah I know that's because I was going through your stuff too and when you came out of the bathroom I was trying to get this book open with my powers but it wouldn't budge. I got scared when you came out so I ran behind this mirror and tried to block out your telepathy. It was a godsend that you stopped too because I couldn't have held it up against you a second longer. So do you forgive me?"

Sean: "Well all you had to do was ask about all this and the book I couldn't tell you anyways but here is what I know." Sean sat down with jean him still in a towel and explained what happened to him last night, leaving out the amazing sex part and who he supposedly is.

Jean had this amazed look on her face, "Wow now that's something to make you think. So what's this book all about? I saw it sitting on that podium so I figured it'd be important."

Sean: "Well like I told you last night it opened when I ran my finger over the lock, so I'm guessing that's how I'm supposed to open it but when I did it gave off this light that made my powers as Gavin said "awaken fully" he said that my powers were suppressed as long as they could hold them back but I'm kinda excited to see what I can do now I mean I was a force to be reckoned with before but now I'm going to be a lot stronger. So you ready for breakfast?"

Jean: "You know yesterday you weren't the nicest person in the world, but today it seems like you're finally letting me in. yeah I'm starving especially after getting thrown so hard. How'd you find me anyways? I know it wasn't telepathy because you stopped be froe you broke my mind block."

Sean got up and walked over to the door, "Jean how about we leave something to talk about at breakfast I still haven't got dressed yet."

Jean: "Oh right ill come back in about 5 minutes to take you to the kitchen okay?"

Sean: "Yea that's fine." He closed the door after her and went over to find something to wear. He found some grey sweatpants that were loose but still let people know his ass was nice and a black t-shirt that was tight on him so it showed his muscles a bit. He put on his black K-Swiss shoes and opened the door just as Jean was about to knock. "Well let's go I'm starving!" They walked down that flight of stairs that lead to the new area then took a lot of lefts and rights until finally they came down into the second floor kitchen.

Jean: "Everybody's already had breakfast and stuff so it's just going to be us two today but tomorrow you're going to eat with the other students. But how did you find me in your room?"

Sean smiled, "I really didn't know I could this but I sensed your breathing."

Jean looked so confused, "My breathing? What do you mean?"

Sean: "Well I can control the wind that's another one of my powers and so I put myself in that power and just let myself get lost in it I started to sense things with the movement of the air and your breathing just made it really easy to find you like that."

Jean: "Man I think you would be like amazing at hide and seek." They were laughing, joking around and eating when both of them picked up a telepathic message sent to Jean. {Jean Bring Sean to my office for his meeting with the senior mutants.} "Okay Sean I guess it's time for you to meet the rest of us."

Sean: "Yeah, I heard the message too. I guess he sent it sloppily or something."

Jean looked at him weirdly before they cleaned up and headed to the office. They arrived at the office pretty quickly and before Jean could even knock the Professor yelled out, "Come in Jean." Sean rolled his eyes, he knew that it was just his way of making it seem like he was omniscient. This guy really had some kind of power issue going on. Jean and Sean walked in to see a group of people all seated around the professor and two empty seats in front of his big wooden desk.

Sean contacted Jean telepathically {Jean I don't want to enter their minds so tell me their names and powers real quick makes me nervous when I'm unfamiliar with people.}

Jean: {I don't know Sean there are two powerful telepaths in here I'm pretty sure they'll hear me.}

Sean gave Jean a side smirk and thought: {Jean they can't get in on this conversation even if both of them were using their full strength at the same time. I could sense a powerful telepath a mile away and I immediately put blocks on my mind so I don't give off anything to them.

Jean: {oh okay, well starting from the left is Scott A.K.A Cyclops, he's my ex husband. Long story I'll tell you later he has to wear those glasses because he has optic beams that shoot out of them and that's the only way to stop them.} Scott was sitting down so Sean couldn't tell how tall he was but he looked pretty cute. Had the whole brown hair masculine attitude going on for him. {Next to him is Ororo A.K.A Storm, really her name says it all she can control the weather.} The woman sitting there was very beautiful if Sean were Straight he would definitely go after her or at least be secretly in love with her. She had snow white hair and deep grey eyes that went surprisingly well with her skin tone, actually her and Sean were about the same tone. {Next we have Piotr A.K.A Colossus. He has the ability to change his skin into a bio metal armor that's near impenetrable and gives him super strength.} Sean looked at him and it was hard to look away, he was gorgeous rippling muscles everywhere and blond hair blue eyes mix. If Sean hadn't had sex the night before he definitely would have jumped this guy. {Then in the corner looking like he hates the world is Logan A.K.A Wolverine. He can heal himself really fast and he has an indestructible adamantium skeleton along with claws on each hand.} Even though he did look like he would kill someone without blinking he was definitely hot. Dark hair that went everywhere and I don't mean just on his head he had a hairy chest too and he was wearing a wife beater so Sean could see some of his hot chest too. {And on the other side of the room we have Betsy A.K.A Psylocke, she's the other telepath and she's really strong too.} Sean looked over to Betsy and saw a drop dead gorgeous Asian woman with purple hair. {Next to her is her boyfriend Warren A.K.A Angel for obvious reasons.} Sean looked at Warren and saw nothing but beauty. Not the rugged sexy that he was usually attracted to but this guy could definitely pass as a woman if he wanted to except for the muscles he really could he had shoulder length blonde hair that was pulled behind his ears to show off that face of his and he had these big snow white wings coming out of his back. {And last but not least we have Dr.Eric McCoy A.K.A Beast. Again for obvious reasons.} The man standing there was covered in blue fur it looked smooth and Sean didn't flinch he thought it was kinda hot actually he looked mature and knowing in the face but he had all these muscles covered with fur and Sean could tell this guy didn't have an ounce of fat on him. The introduction everybody took about 2 minutes where everybody including the Professor thought they just came in and sat down.

Professor: "Well Sean these are the senior mutants at this school most of them you will have in classes would you me to tell you who they are and their powers? Starting from the left..."

Sean: "No that's alright Professor Jean told me all about these guys. Uuumm so is there anything else because I do have things I have to do too."

Professor: "Well, none of us know what your powers are Sean. So why don't you explain it to us because you definitely won't let me into your mind to find out for myself."

Sean: "I'm going to ignore the undertone of hostility towards me and just explain one thing. I'm not a mutant. I don't have control issues. I'm just here until my big one eight birthday where I will leave here and you will never and I mean never hear from me again. And one more thing you should project your thoughts so loud. I heard you thinking about blocking my powers. Just to let you know if any psychic enters my mind with out permission I'll have them in a coma so fast that it makes your head spin."

Storm was watching the outside window the whole looking in amazement at how the wind reacts to Sean. It was twisting and twirling basically dancing there and no one but she and Sean noticed. But the minute Sean brought up last night the wind was angry hell Sean was mad so the wind was ready to attack given the order and Storm knew it. She summoned her own powers trying to calm down the wind so that no one would get hurt but the minute she tried to urge it the wind revolted. It burst through the window out of no where. Sean was the only one who didn't jump. Glass was everywhere and it was flying around Sean in a force field mixed with the wind.

Sean was still sitting his chair staring at the Professor, "This isn't my fault. Your weather girl over here tried to stop my power. But you know what? She could never use my power against me. The wind will only listen to her if I'm not around." Sean turned to see that storm was slumped off the couch she was sitting at unconscious. He got up and the Glassy wind broke around him and the glass clattered to the floor. Jean and the others that were sitting near her were surrounding her trying to see if she was okay. "Watch out. Jeez if you want her to come out of it let me see her." The Group reluctantly let Sean next to her. Sean summoned his powers over the wind and everybody took a few steps back as they felt the wind in the room pick up. Almost immediately though storm and Sean were caught in a wind barrier to where no one could see in on what was happening. "Alright, so you're the one who tried to stop the wind huh? Well I'm guessing you might want to get some air back in your lungs." Sean raised his over her mouth and pushed his wind into her lungs. Instantly she was coughing and coming back into consciousness.

Storm leaned against the couch holding her head. The wind was still forming the barrier around them so she looked around confused. "Where are we?"

Sean smiled and said, "We're still in the office I made this barrier so that they didn't bother me as I talked to you."

Storm: "What do you want to say?"

Sean: "Well first I gotta say that it wasn't my fault the wind did that. Lately it's been reacting to my emotions like crazy but I would never attack someone. That was just a backlash because you weren't strong enough to control what was happening."

Storm nodded her agreement, "Yeah I know what happened too. I tried to stop or calm it down or something but the minute I used my power I got lost in it I think it used me for added strength because you weren't giving it up."

Sean: "That's exactly what happened actually, I knew that it was going to bust in room if I didn't calm down but the Professor made me mad so it was just really hard to do that."

Storm: "It's fine being an elemental myself I know how hard it is to turn away from confrontation. Well I guess we should get back to the rest of the group." Sean blinked and the barrier subsided to nothing. Everyone in the office was staring at them as they came out.

Jean: "Storm you're okay!"

Warren: "Good job Sean that was a pretty cool barrier too."

Sean: "Yeah, I figured I should apologize to Storm and stuff and I didn't want someone to go off the handle or something. Right now though I'm getting some serious mixed feelings. It's all apprehension and fear and well Logan over here is pissed off."

Logan: "You're damn right I'm pissed. You say you don't have control issues and here you are knocking people out the minute you get even a little upset."

Sean: "Hmm seems to me that the only person in here that ahs control issues is you and tongue of yours. Keep on and you'll find out how out of control I can get."

Logan: "Why you little..." he was running toward Sean but the minute that happened it was a whole new ball game. He took three steps before Sean flung him against the wall like it was nothing.

Professor: "Sean control yourself or I'll have to restrain you."

By this time Sean was levitating off the ground, "Oh please! Idle threats mean nothing to me. You might as well be a regular human saying that to me." The Professor had had enough. He focused on Sean's mind but he couldn't get through. He was much stronger than the professor could ever imagine. Sean barely looked like he noticed what the professor was doing. Not to be left out Betsy tried to help the Professor but that all Sean needed he focused a little bit and the end result was that they were entering each others mind and not messing with Sean. Logan finally picked himself up and was charging forward when Sean screamed, "ENOUGH!!' Everyone thrown back from that and Sean was levitating in the middle of the room. "I'm leaving I'll be back for my stuff in a few hours." He flew straight out of the newly broken window and was swept up by the wind. It boosted his speed and right before their very eyes Sean disappeared without a backwards glance.

Jean got up off the ground. This was the second time today that she had been thrown around but this time it wasn't her mistake that caused it. She turned on Wolverine. "I can't believe you attacked him! Why would you ever attack a student?!!!"

Logan: "I just lost my temper I don't know what came over me he was yelling at the Professor then Storm got hurt and I don't know I lost it sorry."

Jean: "Well Sorry's not good enough you don't understand what you just did. You and those two over there." She said the last part pointing at the Professor and Betsy.

Betsy looked down, she was ashamed of what she had done and it had definitely brought on a really bad headache too. "Yeah we just drove away probably one the strongest mutants I've ever seen."

Jean: "That's just the thing he's not a mutant..." after about 20 minutes of her explaining the whole situation they all looked dumbfounded everyone except The Professor and Betsy.

Betsy: "Actually I have heard of Arios. I haven't ever been there but it is set up like that and the power this kid showed was definitely something to be reckoned with "

Jean: "That's right I forgot you come from Other Realm. So we have to find him right?"

Professor: "I don't know he seems like a true danger to everyone around him he even attacked me."

Betsy: "Actually Professor he didn't attack you. He redirected your attack. This kid knows how to fight that's part of his lineage. They are the second strongest warriors in Other Realm. And Natural ability goes a lot further than trained ability any day out there. If he's actually the heir then he has to be the absolute strongest warrior in the city made of warriors."

Storm: "Actually he didn't attack any of us directly besides Logan. And Logan deserved to get knocked back."

Professor: "Scott, Eric, Warren? You guys have been really quiet what do you guys think should we go after him. Please take into account all the details."

Beast: "I'm all for getting him I watched everything that happened and he didn't do anything but protect himself. And Storm said it herself Sean didn't attack her she couldn't control his power is all that happened."

Warren: "I couldn't have said it better my self."

Scott: "I don't know. He shows absolutely no regard for authority he didn't care who he was confronting he was just saying what he had to say. That's not very good characteristics."

Jean couldn't help it she burst out laughing and Storm knew exactly why so she laughed too. "Scott, you didn't take into account some things of why he confronted the Professor or even why he doesn't respect him."

Storm broke in here, "First Sean is an elemental which means it's going to be very tempting for him to say what's on his mind."

Jean took over from there, "Especially since he found out hat the Professor wanted to block his powers. If you were a new student and the first impression that was made by someone was you're too strong I'm going to Block out your powers so that you're weaker than me would you trust or respect that person?"

By this time everyone in the room was looking at the Professor Suspiciously but before anyone could act on it the Professor said, "Then it's settled we go after Sean and if we can't find him we'll wait until he comes back."

Next: Chapter 5

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