Sexiest of the Xmen

By sean champ

Published on Oct 8, 2007


Disclaimer: This story is completely fictional of course. It does have people from the x men in them and they're the property of marvel comics. Some characters may be underage but it's fictional so who cares not like any of this stuff is gonna happen.

(Thoughts in head)

"Talking out loud"

{Psychic conversation}

By this time everyone in the room was looking at the Professor Suspiciously but before anyone could act on it the Professor said, "Then it's settled we go after Sean and if we can't find him we'll wait until he comes back."

Chapter 5

"No need for all that I heard everything you said."

Sean appeared out of no where apparently he was invisible the whole time.

Logan: "I thought I got a whiff of something earlier but the wind kind of threw me off."

Sean: "Yeah, anyways if you guys want me to stay here, I will but I need a few things."

Professor: "Depends on what those things are."

Sean: "Well first I want to keep my own room. Everything is set up to where I really don't need someone invading my space."

Professor looked at him with a confused look.

Sean: "Oh my powers refurnished the whole place it kind of looks like a really nice but small apartment."

Professor: "Very well, anything else?"

Sean: "Just two more things one I want to be treated like a normal teenager for the most part. And I'm not talking about me being an heir, I'm talking about my powers I want to keep how strong my powers are a little bit of a secret. Like you can admit I'm strong but don't tell them the full extent of my powers. If I wanted them to know that, I would tell them. And the second is that I need fewer classes. Apparently a way to get into Other Realm is by being passed by Other Realm Teachers. If I can do that then I can leave even sooner than 2 years."

The professor sat for a minute thinking about what Sean just asked. None of the things Sean asked for were unreasonable but by not telling of his true power it might endanger some students who don't know how to leave people alone. But, Sean showed restraint well, hopefully he can do the same for the students. "Sean we won't tell them about how strong you are and the class arrangement will be that you will only have to do half a day of school. But that also means that you will have to study twice as hard as everyone else. Your mutant control and self defense classes you will only have to go to once a week just for checkups and updates. Other than that I think you can manage right?"

Sean: "Yes I think that will be very suitable for me. Well I'll be going then." Sean made his to the door Betsy stopped him.

Betsy: "Sean I can tell you more about Other Realm if you like."

Sean found himself in the rec room with three laughing woman Betsy, Jean and Storm. It wasn't three hot muscle studs who were there to cater to his every whim but hey it was still fun.

Sean: "So, Betsy can you tell me about Other Realm now?"

Betsy: "Sure Sean where do you want me to start?"

Sean: "Well, I think me and Jean are both curious about the book that appeared in my room. I don't know but I just feel connected to it some how."

Betsy laughed, "You picked the one subject that I'm the worst on. If I'm not mistaken I believe that it's your power holder but believe me I've never heard of someone having a book for one."

"Wrong! You're right Betsy you are bad on this subject." Betsy was about to say something back when she looked over at who it was. Gavin was leaning in the doorway with his arms folded but that wasn't who had spoken. It was the man standing directly in the middle of the doorway. He was really sexy and the minute Sean looked at him he got hard. He had short dark hair and really relaxed sexy green eyes. He was wearing a black dress shirt and black pants with a red tie that just made him look even sexier. Sean loves guys in suits.

The man turned to Sean and his eyes lit up. "I can already tell you're the heir. Your power just screams at me. That alone is a feat since I'm looking at you with 3 very powerful mutants." He walked into the room with Gavin behind him basically overshadowed by this guy. "I'm Ryan. By the way" he said as he bowed in front of Sean.

Betsy: "So I'm guessing you know more about the book than us why don't you enlighten us."

Storm: "And who are you, sir? Where did you both come from anyways?"

Over the few minutes everyone who knew the story helped tell it so that everyone was on the same page for the most part.

Betsy: "So you still haven't explained what the book is. If it's not his power holder than what is it?"

Ryan laughed and really couldn't stop laughing so Gavin took over. "That book was just what was keeping Sean's powers from reaching their true potential. It's not his power holder it was a power leech. When he was ten years old his powers were really growing like a weed so we used that book to pull his powers out of him and we've been doing that every year around the same time. It was really to protect him and everyone else. I mean could you imagine a 10 year old who could make a tornado every time he got upset?"

Sean didn't see what was so funny but he couldn't be that mad. He had a pretty good childhood up until he started high school and lost all his self confidence. "So why are you here?" Gavin: "Sean, This is going to be one of your Other Realm teachers." He was pointing toward Ryan.

Ryan: "Yes, I'll be teaching your psychic abilities. But I still can't even get a read on any kind of psychic on you."

It was Sean's turn to laugh, "I got so used to being around people like Jean and the Professor that I just blocked out my brain. So what's a power holder anyways? You know you guys were throwing around words that us three were just nodding and acting like we were with you."

Betsy looked at the other woman and knew that Sean wasn't lying. "A power holder is actually pretty rare. People find them and they enhance their powers or in some cases awaken powers. And that's why I thought the book might be one because of what you told me earlier."

Sean: "So Ryan when do we start training or whatever it is we're gonna do?"

Ryan: "Well, honestly I was hoping we could get this done today. As long as I haven't passed or failed you I have to stay in this realm also. And I personally hate it here."

Sean looked at him confused. "Today? What do you mean today? You couldn't give me any warning or something"

Gavin came in this time, "Sean it's just a lot simpler if we just come here get what we have to get done and leave. Besides the test really isn't that hard. I personally haven't taken it but I have some psychic friends who aced it."

Ryan: "Don't mislead him Gavin. I'm supposed to push him as hard as I can possibly push I have to give him every bit of power I can. If that means killing him then that's what I have to do. Your friends weren't the heir to the throne. If we gave him a half ass exam then the first powerful psychic that challenges him will destroy him no problem."

The atmosphere of the room went straight to shit after what Ryan was saying sunk in. this man was either here to pass Sean or kill him in the process. Sean took a deep breath before speaking, "I don't really know you Ryan but if you're here to see my power then so be it. But be warned just because I don't prance around here reading everyone's thoughts or randomly letting things float around like there's no gravity, doesn't mean that I'm not someone to be reckoned with. I'm ready when you are."

Jean and Storm looked at Sean in shock but before they could object Betsy spoke to them, "Don't look at him like that you guys. Other Realm is exactly the way that Ryan described it. It's not fit for the weak and there people constantly challenge heirs for their claim to the throne. If you haven't noticed there are a lot and I mean a lot of powerful people walking around there. Sean just understands and accepts that everything is going to be that much harder on him because he's considered the best of the best."

Even though both Jean and Storm didn't like what they were hearing it did make since for Sean to accept that if he were going to be the heir and actually go back to Other Realm then he would have to fight and fight hard.

Ryan and Sean were standing in front of each other in front of the huge lake near the mansion. Gavin and Betsy had taken a seat on the ground to relax and watch the show. They knew what to expect but Storm and Jean were on edge they really didn't want to witness Sean's murder but they had no choice. If Sean wanted to fight this guy then they couldn't stop him.

Ryan calmly smiled at Sean and bowed at him, "Sean, it has truly been an honor meeting you and fighting someone of your rank will be a definite highlight in my life. Honestly I never really get a student that I can actually push my limits with."

Sean looked straight into Ryan's green eyes that still had the calm nonchalant look to them, "What is with you Other Realm guys and talking so much. You're here to kill me, do you really think I want to have a heart to heart with you?"

Ryan frowned a bit before he regained his calm position and said, "I guess not well shall we get to it. Oh and remember only your psychic abilities. If you use any other power you automatically fail. He he actually that's the only other way to fail."

Sean only got a "Gotcha" out before he was thrown hard against a nearby tree. Jean gasped at how hard that push was. Ryan followed up with another blast that made the ground around Sean fly into the air causing a deep dirty haze. Ryan flew over to the spot to keep the attack going but Sean flew out of the debris like a bullet hitting Ryan directly in the stomach. They both hit the ground and Ryan was gasping for the air that was knocked out of him but Sean launched himself off the ground in a back flip that was even more impressive than he thought and landed on his feet over Ryan. Sean raised his hand in front of Ryan's face, "Give up yet?"

Ryan was lying between Sean's legs with a smirk on his face. "Let me ask you Sean. Do you notice anything weird?"

When he asked that Sean started noticing his surroundings were completely different. Instead of seeing the green grass of the school grounds all he saw was the inky back of the night sky. That's when Sean realized what had happened. Ryan had lifted the entire spot where both he and Sean were at. He lifted it all the way into the night sky. Then Sean tried to do the logical thing and take control of the situation by levitating but his legs wouldn't leave the ground it was planted on.

Sean: "Why can't I move my legs?

Ryan gave a creepy looking smirk: "I figured that if I was going to go through all the work of hiding the fact that I was taking you up into the air, I would go ahead and make it where you can't just fly away either." Ryan slowly started lifting himself from between Sean's legs but then paused eye level with Sean's crotch. "You know this, right here," he said indicating Sean's groin could really get you into trouble."

Sean's eyes lit up with a new idea. Just saying that brought Sean's own smirk to his face. "So..." Sean was looking into Ryan's eyes intensely now, "you think that I'm attractive then?"

All of Ryan's nonchalant radiance left him with that question. His face flushed red and he couldn't keep eye contact with Sean's intense gaze.

Sean: "I'm gonna take that as a yes. He he. You know, you're really attractive yourself and I don't think that anyone can see if you got up on my level and we maybe fooled around. I mean I think it's time for an intermission, if you know what I mean." Sean this with a smile that no man could refuse. His dimples were completely apparent and there was no way Ryan could refuse Sean's Proposition.

It felt like Ryan was being almost pulled to Sean's lips. He couldn't take his mind off of him. Off his lips, his dimples, his dark almost black eyes, and his Chocolate skin. Before Ryan knew it he was standing before Sean breathing heavily. He leaned forward to get the satisfaction he was in need of.

Just as Ryan's lips touched Sean's, his mind was filled with uncontrollable lust. Every sexual thought known to man was going through his mind. If Sean had laid one hand on his zipper he would have cum but that was not going to happen. Sean pulled away from Ryan's lips and softly whispered, "intermission's over." And with those two words Ryan realized what had happened. He had been tricked into kissing Sean. Wanting Sean so bad had made him lose focus of everything including the floating chunk of earth. They were now safely back on the ground in the exact spot where the ground was ripped from. Within an instant though, Sean Blasted Ryan and without him being ready for such a powerful attack knocked him out cold.

Next: Chapter 6

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