Sexiest of the Xmen

By sean champ

Published on Nov 18, 2007


Disclaimer: This story is completely fictional of course. It does have people from the x men in them and they're the property of Marvel Comics. Some characters may be underage but it's fictional so who cares not Like any of this stuff is gonna happen.

(Thoughts in head)

"Talking out loud"

{Psychic conversation}

Chapter 7

Sean walked out of the gym sweating from head to toe. He was dead tired and he knew that he definitely had used every muscle in his body in that practice session. He couldn't even imagine walking back up to his room so he closed his eyes and started to turn into air itself. He could feel every molecule changing. It was pure ecstasy. He loved the feeling of his body submitting to this change he even slowed it down so he could feel it even better.

"What are you doing!? Are you okay?"

Sean snapped out of his trance and looked behind him to see a very confused teenager about Sean's age. He was about 5"10, blond hair, striking blue eyes; if Sean was into twinks then he would definitely go gaga for this guy but Sean's into men not boys.

Sean: "Actually I was just leaving the gym until you interrupted me." Sean saw the guy relax a little when he spoke like nothing bad was happening to him.

"I'm Bobby by the way. What was it that you were doing exactly?"

Sean: "Like I said I was leaving. I can change my form into air to move faster. It kind of goes with my powers."

Bobby: "Oh ok, its just you don't see something like that everyday. So what exactly are your powers? Basically I can make ice and freeze things."

Sean: "Geeze, you ask a lot of questions huh? Well I can control the air." Sean said this bluntly. He didn't want to tell Bobby just how strong he really was.

Bobby: "Sorry about all the questions but, are you new here?"

Sean: "Yeah, I just got here a few days ago."

Bobby: "Well, then you should meet my friends. You seem pretty cool and I think they'll like you."

Sean was really tired and he didn't monstrously want to go meet anyone at the moment but he figured that this was one of those rare opportunities to actually be a normal teenager. Technically he didn't have to tell them how strong he was. "Umm, sure man, when did you want me to meet them? I should shower before I meet anyone else though. How about I meet you on the foyer in about 15 minutes?"

Bobby: "We'll probably all be in the entertainment room if you just want to swing by there."

Sean: "Sure sounds like a plan." With that Sean focused and vanished without a trace. In the next instant Sean was appearing in the middle of his bedroom. He started toward the bathroom and then noticed something shining on the bed. He walked over and saw that it was a necklace. Actually looking closer Sean realized it was an amulet with a white pearl like oval stone attached to it. Sean couldn't take his eyes from the gem on his bed. He felt drawn to it and he could feel his body moving toward it without his command. Sean slowly picked up the amulet and looked deeply into the gem. He started noticing from close inspection it wasn't pure white but a mixture of white and grey. The more he looked the detail he could see in the stone. Sean could feel his powers activating his eyes started to shine with power turning from the deep dark black that he naturally had to the light grey that happened when his powers were coming out. He saw that the stone's colors began to move and swirl and then he stated actually seeing a storm in the stone. Sean couldn't move he was so entranced by the stone, but then he realized that something was strange about the stone. He resisted the trance it put him in and threw it on the bed where it instantly went back to the pure white Sean saw before.

Sean looked down on the bed again and saw a little note where the amulet used to be. It said, "Sean, I thought you might like to see what a real power holder was like. Be careful though, some people can't look directly into it or they'll lose themselves in their own power. Don't worry though because if you're reading this then you already got out of its grasp. Now you can wear it whenever you want and call the trance at will."

Sean: (Ok, but why in the hell would I want to be in a trance like that again. It felt like I was high or something.)

Sean realized he still had to go see Bobby and his friends so he ran and took a quick shower before he was too late. He came out of his room wearing a nice t-shirt and white sweatpants. He made his way downstairs to the entertainment room and heard a lot of laughter and joking around come from it. (I hope that I even fit in with these guys).

He appeared in the doorway and almost immediately was noticed by everyone in the room. Sean instantly started feeling self-conscious.

Bobby walked over to Sean's side and announced, "This is Sean guys. I saw him outside the gym using his powers and they looked pretty awesome so I decided to invite him to hang with us."

After Bobby showed his approval the stares from most of the group stopped. Sean could still feel someone staring though so he looked around the room carefully. Sean breath caught when he saw who was staring at him. He wasn't afraid of him in the slightest but it was a surprise to see Nathanial sitting there watching his every move.

Seeing him, made Sean go straight back to when he was that weak minded kid who had a crush on him. Sean gave Nathanial the once over and noticed that his body was definitely more sculpted he was a little bigger too. He looked a lot better than when Sean had last seen him.

Sean decided to just ignore him and maybe he won't mention Sean's true powers. I mean who would want to admit that they got their ass kicked. Sean sat down on the couch and immediately everyone wanted to introduce themselves. (I guess everyone here just lies telling people what they can do. They have no idea how different it would be if I was to just blurt out that I could probably take this entire mansion down with a destructive thought.)

The first to introduce them self was an Asian girl with short hair. "I'm jubilee, I can create plasma energy. But it kind of looks like fireworks." The girl demonstrated but holding out her hand and showing an array of colors popping out of them.

Next there was another girl. She had dark brown hair. "I'm Amara. I'm an earth and fire elemental." She didn't demonstrate her powers but then again she seemed more preoccupied starting at Bobby.

Then a boy walked over. He had brown hair and a skinny build, he wouldn't even get a second glance from Sean attraction wise but he emanated confidence. "I'm john and here's what I can do." He quickly pulled out a lighter clicked it and fire flew from it straight at Sean's face. Sean immediately turned into the wind and dodged the attack.

"What the hell were you thinking!?" another much hotter guy walked into view. He had dark hair and dark grey eyes. He looked more Italian than anything but all Sean knew was that he was super hot and yes, tall. (Finally some eye candy that I don't have a past with. I was starting to think that all the younger guys in this school were skinny and short. Sean reappeared behind the couch and saw that the couch was actually scorched what he was sitting.

The hot guy turned towards Sean and said in really deep voice, "Sorry about him. He's such a dumbass sometimes. I'm Derrick, I can change the temperature if things both hot and cold. It does sound pretty lame but let me demonstrate. I promise I won't even come close to you."

It was kind of cute how he was eager to prove his powers were something to be reckoned with. Derrick looked at a can of soda on the coffee table in front of the TV. His eyes glazed over and in an instant the can started to steam then after a few second frost started to form around the sides. Sean immediately understood what he could do. If that had been someone's flesh instead of a can he could easily roasted their skin right off or just given them frostbite.

"That's actually really cool. Have you ever measured how hot and cold you could get something?" these were actually the first real words Sean had spoken since he got there. With that the room seemed less tense, well except for Nathanial.

Derrick: "Hey Nathanial you still haven't told about yourself. Are going to do it before the night is over with?"

Nathanial: "Actually if guys want to poke and prod me and Sean go back further than any of you guys can think of. He's the one who actually beat me so badly that the only way that I could have possibly survived was if I was a mutant with healing powers. But of course that didn't happen. But Sean," he finally looked at him and Sean could feel the hate radiating from him. "I did end up getting some serious power though. Enough to give me the strength to wake up from my coma."

Sean's demeanor immediately went cold. He started having flashbacks of what had happened and he knew that he lost control, but it wasn't his entire fault. After all he was almost jumped by those guys, "Yeah, you're right I did beat you up. But maybe you forgot why that happened. Do you want me to refresh your memory?"

Nathanial: "No, I remember what happened. But it's a new day and I'm definitely able to take on some weak mutant like you."

Sean couldn't help but smirk at this last comment. (He doesn't know how strong I am. This is really getting funny actually. He's mad because he got his ass whooped so now that he's a mutant he thinks he can run with the big boys. Hah lets just see what his powers can do.) "You know Nathanial, correct me if I'm wrong but did you just challenge me?"

Nathanial: "You're damn right I challenged you I'm gonna kill you for what you did to me and my friends." The whole time they were speaking they group of kids were listening and watching intently. They didn't have a clue what was going on but he more the two spoke the more came out about what had happened that day.

Derrick: "Wait a minute, Nathanial, he just attacked you and your friends randomly or did you and your friends attack him? I'm really confused."

(Really really hot, but not too bright I see.)

Bobby: "Come on guys think about it. Why would Sean attack three guys unprovoked? Nathanial and his friends jumped him; Sean defended himself, but ended up losing control and hurting them badly. Afterwards though Nathanial developed his powers and wants to save face by coming after Sean again."

Sean: "Wow that was actually pretty accurate. But seriously I can feel you guys getting mad at him. Its fine, he attacked for a different reason. Not because I was a mutant. I actually had a crush on him, so he and his friends decided to jump me to teach me a lesson or something. They were completely taken by surprise when I showed my power. I'm actually not mad at them. They helped me with something that I probably would never have done myself." After saying that Sean looked directly into Nathanial's eyes, "If you want to fight me Nathanial, we can fight it's no problem for me."

Nathanial's eyes gave off something other than pure hate for the first time. Sean was too curious not to ignore the thoughts he was projecting. {Is this even right anymore? He's not even mad about what I did to him. Why should I be mad at him for defending himself?} "No I'll act like that never happened if you will."

Sean smiled and showed off his dimples, "You know with the way things have been going lately I think I could forget about that."

Sean stayed with them the rest of the evening laughing and joking around and even talking to Nathanial who actually turned out to be a cool guy. Everyone seemed to look at Nathanial differently after they let everyone know what had happened tot hem in the past but everyone acted like Sean being gay was just about the most normal thing they ever heard.

Derrick: "So Sean, since you're gay and all, what's it like?"

Sean: "Wait, excuse me?" Sean noticed that the girls in the room were looking at Sean intently waiting for a reply but the guys in the room were looking at Derrick with a confused look.

Derrick didn't seem to notice the reaction of the people in the room. "I meant what the sex is like?"

Sean: "He he I know what you meant it's just that that's a really personal question. I mean I'm not shy or anything. But I guess I can answer it. It depends on the guy you're with. It can be great if you're with someone you click with. I think that's as much detail you're going to get though."

The guys were still looking at Derrick pretty funny when everyone was getting ready to go back to their rooms. Sean found something good on TV so he decided to watch a bit of it before he himself turned in. His mind started to drift back to Ryan for some reason. He wanted to know what he should do about him. Sean didn't think he was ready for a real big commitment thing, but then again he had never been in one. (What the hell, if it gets too bad then he'll just end it or something.)

"Sean? I was looking for you but you weren't in your room." Sean looked up to see exactly who he was thinking about, Ryan. He looked really good too. His eyes were looking straight at Sean and they looked just as hungry for him as Sean was feeling. Sean used his telekinetic powers to urged Ryan to him.

Ryan: "I'm guessing that's a hint to come closer to you." Ryan sat down closely next Sean and wrapped his arm around him. Sean slowly leaned over and started to kiss Ryan. Ryan pulled Sean onto his lap and Sean felt something really hard pressing against him. He kept kissing Ryan deeper and deeper and Ryan was running his hands up and down Sean's back. Suddenly Ryan twisted and had Sean on his back with him on top kissing Sean with all he could muster.

Sean Broke the kiss and whispered, "We should go somewhere more private." Without waiting for a reply Sean turned them both into air and made them instantly reappear on his bed in the same position. Ryan started kissing Sean again and Sean started pulling at Ryan's t-shirt. He broke the kiss and raised it over Ryan's head. Sean was filled with beauty when he saw Ryan's body and he smelled amazing it made him want Ryan even more. Before he could start kissing again though Ryan pulled Sean's shirt off too and pressed their bare chests together. The warmth drove Sean crazy. He wanted Ryan even closer than he already was he needed him closer. He could wait anymore he used his powers and Ryan's pants were ripped from him. The two were kissing so passionately now that Sean was panting for air but he would rather suffocate than stop kissing him. Ryan used his own powers to pull off Sean's pants so they were both rolling and rubbing each other in their underwear. The two were in pure ecstasy and the fun had only just begun. Reluctantly Sean broke their kiss and started to make his way down Ryan's amazing body. He stopped at the nipples and suck on them making Ryan moan deep and hungrily. Ryan started pushing Sean even further down and Sean was eager to comply. He reached the rim of his tight underwear and couldn't even muster the patience to fool with it his powers came out once again and in a link of an eye the underwear was no where to be seen and Ryan's rock hard 8in cut cock was staring straight at Sean. He saw a line of Precum falling from the head and he eagerly licked it up. It tasted sweet and drove even more over the edge. Sean placed his lips over Ryan's thick cock and slowly eased it in when he go comfortable he put more and more. All the while Ryan was moaning and pumping his hips. Ryan grabbed Sean's head and started face fucking Sean nice and easy. Sean loved the taste of his cock and he was steady getting more and more precum to swallow from it. Ryan abruptly pulled out of Sean's mouth, he smiled and whispered, "I'm not ready to cum just yet. Now come up here and ride my dick." Sean was kind of surprised at how dominant Ryan was becoming but it was a serious turn on. Sean Climbed up until he was face to face with Ryan then kissed him even more while Ryan started trying to press his hard dick in Sean's ass. The first few attempts didn't work out too well but them Ryan hit a bulls eye. With one slow push, his head was in and he slowly pushed more and more in. It only hurt when he first got in for Sean after that though all he felt was pleasure he wanted more and more of that cock. Ryan Quickly rolled on top of Sean and started kissing him passionately again Sean was going insane with how it felt and Ryan was pumping harder and harder. In and out, in and out it felt so good for both of them. Then Ryan hit Sean G-spot. All Sean felt was this huge explosion of pleasure and Ryan didn't relent. He hit it over and over and again. Sean was Ryan closer and closer clawing at his back and kissing him feverishly.

Sean: "Oh god Ryan I'm gonna cum oh god ohhh!!!" Sean shot his load between the two of them shooting up and hitting Ryan in the neck. With Sean cumming though his asshole was pulsing so much that Ryan could hold out any long he quickly pulled and shot all over Sean. He came down and kissed Sean both of them rubbing each other. Ryan Crawled behind Sean wrapped his arms around him and both of them fell asleep soundly in and instant

Next: Chapter 8

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