Sexual Adventures

By moc.liamtoh@nosbigpjver

Published on May 3, 2017




Rev. Jesse Penfield Gibson, MDiv, DMin

DISCLAINER: The following is based on true experiences. It consists of consensual sexual experiences between consenting adults, including barebacking and other unsafe practices. All episodes are homosexual between gay men. None involve romance of any sort. If this offends you, stop reading. If you find homosexuality erotic, I hope you enjoy.

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Club Orlando

My pattern had become Saturday night at the baths with my lover Mark but then I went back on Sunday to take advantage of the gymn. Elsewhere on Nifty, I have a story about another Sunday morning (Latin Boy in gay/encounters) but this one came first. It had been around midnight when Mark and I, drifting lazily naked in the pool, spent from our rounds, letting the summer sky surround us that we spent our happiest moment together. That next morning, he went to work and I went to work out. I rent a locker and undress, running shorts and a T shirt, jogging shoes. I have my I pod. The gym is empty, not big but pretty well stocked for the space. I try to replicated my usual Sunday work out: leg press, sit ups on the incline bench and various upper body machines. Four sets of 20 reps each. Then I use the Smith machine for squats interspersed with more upper body, again four sets of 20 reps. Then some other machines. It takes an hour total. There are monitors on the wall playing porn as I work out. Nice touch.

Afterwards, I go back and undress except for my running shorts and grab some lube and a towel. There is a super hot guy undressing in the same alcove and we chit chat briefly. He is fine, sculpted and hard. I think he is going to take over in the gymn. My plan is hot tub to loosen up and then a swim, naked. I head outside and around past the pool area. I notice the guy in the chaise longue on the far side of the pool but really don't pay attention to him. The warm water of the hot tub feels good and after about 15 minutes, I feel totally relaxed. I grab my shorts and towel, along with my bottle of lube, becasue I am going to have an orgasm this morning no matter what, and head for the pool.

I like to skinny dip. In a sense that got the whole thing started. In my mid 20's, I had to go on prednisone for a medical condition. The result was weight gain. After a few years, I came off the steroids but the weight stayed on. I was focused on my education and my career, still smoking, no relationship, lots of reasons. Finally, at 40, I quit smoking. I exercised and actually lost weight but fell out of the habit and gained it back. But I did get tested and my testosterone was low. At that point, I started replacement. That did wonders. I was motivated, energetic. I wanted to get laid. So, I began to eat right. I exercised. I lost weight. I built muscle. I own a place at a lake and in the summer, I went swimming. More and more, I felt comfortable being shirtless. For summer vacation, I went to the beach. For reasons that aren't important, I ended up not having that great a time. The remainder of the summer, I thought idly about how cool it would be to just swim naked which I couldn't do there. When I had vacation in November, I decided to go to the beach, somewhere warm. The Virgin Islands, I thought. Then I settled on Key West. In looking for a place to stay, there were adult only and then I looked up clothing optional. That led me to Island House. I had to talk myself into it. I thought about as I jogged and even sat down and wrote out the pros and cons. In the end I knew that I did want to at least try it so I went. I wanted to skinny dip. I didn't even think about the video lounge or the cruising. But that was what made it an experience. And I loved it. In fact, after that trip, I found myself in Orlando on business a month later, on a warm or nearly warm December weekend. I decided to give a bath house a try. I was incredibly nervous that first time. But I was hooked. I did three guys that first time. That's enough to keep you comming back.

I ease myself into the water, a little cooler than the surrounding temperature but pleasant, spin around on a water version of a triple lutz and then start swimming freestyle to the other end, doing laps. I noticed a guy on a chaise longue, reading a book, slowly masturbating himself. He had a nice rod too. He looked up from his book and nodded to me and I nodded back. I was curious but I wanted to get my swimming in. So for a while, we play this game. I do laps and on his end of the pool, I take a peek at him and he pretends, badly, to ignore me. But not really. He is good looking, 40's probably, pretty fit, nice dick. Eminently doable on a Sunday morning before brunch while the endorphins from working out are still there.

I pull myself out of the pool and go sit next to him. "What you reading?" I ask.

He looks up, smiles and puts the book down. "Just some erotica" he says

"You have a nice dick" I say, sitting on the side of the chair, facing him.

"Thanks" he says.

I reach out and put my hand on his stiff shaft. Slowly, gently, I stroke it, squeezing down on the head as I do. I like hard dick obviously. Of course, what I really want to do it climb between his legs and put those plump full nuts in my mouth. But I don't. I'm not sure of the rules in broad daylight. At night, you can retreat to a dark corner and do what you want. But I don't stop jacking him.

"Gentleman" comes the voice on the intercom. I am startled. "If you could move inside or the mancave, we need to clean around the pool area."

I almost have to laugh. They are being nice. I just smile and the guy gathers up his stuff. I grab my running shorts from the pavillion area at the end of the pool.

"You have a room?" he asks

"No, a locker. You?"


I shrug. "Let's go to the man cave."

The place is not terribly busy. As you enter and head around to the right, there is a room, not part of the circuit around but with curtains on either doorway that are on either side of the raised, padded platform. Sometimes, at night, this is a tight orgy space. I have been in here when there are a dozen guys packed in, all naked and hard, sucking and stroking and groping and fucking. When it is happening, it is great. But now it is daylight and few are around. Doesn't matter. I found a guy.

We stand beside the platform, kissing and pawing at one another. My shorts and lube are on the platform but I have a good looking guy in my arms, our hard dicks mashed between our bodies, our mouths and tongues intertwined. The towels are at our feet. Both of our bodies are hard enough, men and not women, not soft. I like the feel of a man's body next to mine. We haven't negotiated anything but I am versatile and I read him as a top. I don't care. He can spray my ass with cum, I don't care. I am going to get off but I figure it is probably going to be with a dick in my ass. I suck him. It is long and thick, not quite as thick as mine but a nice girth and good length. It is going to be a downright pleasure taking that dick in my ass.

I get up on the platform and let him fuck me doggy style. He gets behind me and enters my ass, hard and rough. This won't be gentle and loving clearly. He is going to fuck me. I push back. I want it. That full feeling is great. I stroke myself, to stay hard, as he does me. There are few things better than an orgasm while getting fucked. It is intense. I want that. He is pretty thick and fairly long and he fills my ass up fully.

"Oh, yeah, dude. That's it, go for it" I moan.

He doesn't respond. Not verbally. He does with his hips.

"Oh, fuck. That's good. Keep doing that"

He does. I am groaning, a low guttural whelp as he forces himself in me and push back, matching his stroke, driving hiim in deeper and harder. I am stroking myself at a furious pace, really whacking at it. I want to milk every once of pleasure out of it. The morning air, all cool and promising, has fled and now I am sticky, sweating and gasping for every molecule of air my distracted mind will let me take. I am on fire, getting fucked in a vicious way. Loving it too. I look up. There is someone watching. I don't care. He can watch. But I have the guy I want in my ass and it is not open to all comers but I don't object to being watched. Not at all. It's a turn on and, besides if you fucking in public then you get what you ask for.

He leans over me as he fucks me harder and harder still. I feel the orgasm beginning. First just a tickle and now a wave, growning and becoming frothy, building momentum as it nears the shore, getting ready to break. That's me, a wave, an orgasmic wave, building and growing. I feel it in the tingle in my thighs. I am trying to breath and failing. I am hard and whacking it. He fucking me, short stabbing, animal like penetration.

I can't hold it anymore. It will break. Just a little more. He fucks me and i am trying to drain myself, Just when I think I am going to pass out, the wave breaks, frothy and heavy. In spurt after spurt, I shoot my jizzy on the vinyl cushion.

I collapse down on the cuchion, my cum smearing against my body, spent as he fucks me to completion.

Neither of us speak. I pull on my shorts, and go shower up and leave.



Club Orlando

it was summer and it was hot. Only at night did it become bearable. I hadn't got laid in a week. So, here I am. Again. I pay for a room. They load me up with a towel and a key and a remote and a condom and I paddle my way to room 40. There is a man lurking in the hall, waiting for whatever it is men wait for in the halls of a bath house. I don't understand it. I go in search of oppportunities. I make the rounds, looking for it. The porn theatre, the dark area, the man cave. Fuck that standing around shit. In the room, I tune into the porn. There are 4 channels. One of them is Corbin Fisher. Two little cuties, Philip and Mason, are doing it. I undress and lay on the bed with the thin mattress and watch a bit, slowly masturbating myself hard. I took a Viagra because I wanted to be able to fuck like a rabbit tonight. Otherwise, I would cum once and that would be it. Old Blue gives me a second and third and maybe more rounds. When I go out on my rounds, I want to be at least half hard.

It is still a bit early, only about half past nine. I figure I got until one or two am on the effects of Old Blue. So I look for trouble. Trouble is easy to find. First off, it comes in the form of a black guy, my age and just as fit, with a big old sausage, in the sling in the mancave.

"You here to get fucked?" I ask the guy, putting my hand on his ass.

"You know it. Let's see what you got" he says. I just drop my towel. He leans up to look. "That'll do"


"Go ahead and fuck me" he says.

In my mind, I say that I am going to fuck him, right then and there, whoever wants to watch or join in can, but I am not going to shoot. Not yet. I want to go for hours. I am primed though and I figure I can shoot twice tonight on the back of my natural horniness being amped up by days of abstinence and by the work of Daddy's Little Helper. This guy is prime flesh and I know on one level that I am unlikely to do better than fuck him. But, unfortunately, he is the first of the night and I am a pig. A hunter, a predator. I am going to fuck but I don't want drop a load in his ass. I got to make sure that there is not another one out there. Shiny penny, you know.

Tonight I am using Elbow Grease. I had a big dollop on my hand as I headed out for the man cave and now it is smeared on my stiff dick. I have to squat to get the angle because the sling is a little low. It's easy going into this ass. He's been fucked many times. He is definitely not tight like a virgin, that's for sure. Doesn't matter, though. He is good looking, tight bodied, and I am fucking him in a sling in the middle of a man cave in a bath house. That's as decadent as you can be.

With every stroke in, the sling moves. He is more than semi hard and his dick is flopped over and his large balls are showing. I reach up and grab his manhood in my hand, still residually slippery, and jack him as I fuck him. It's good. We don't have an audience but it's good. Of course, ass fucking a man is a definitely good thing anyway. And I am fucking him, steady. Not fast but not slow, not hard but not gentle either. I am enjoying taking his body. He reaches down and takes his own dick back. I grab hold of his testicles and give them a nice gentle pull.

But I am still fucking him, in and out.

"Hmmm" he moans. "Yeah, hmmmm. That's it."

"Man, you got a fine ass. Nice fuckable ass" I say

I am really begining to enjoy it. Maybe more than I should. That is one problem with bareback. You don't last as long. The sensation is greater, the pleasure more but the duration is less. The pleasure with this was definitely there, though. I knew that I was not going to be able to keep it up and do more. I needed a break.

"That's cool, thanks Dude" I say. "I need a break"

"Catch me later" he says.

Bathhouse etiquette. Nobody needs to have their feelings hurt. I don't want to come and he is letting me know if it works out then I can have round two. It either will or won't. I head out, not really wanting to head to the room but go down to the hot tub area outside. I ease into the water and relax. But there is a problem: I am horny. I am stroking myself in the water to stay hard and, even though I am enjoying the forceful jet against my back, realizing that what I should have done was stay there and fucked that guy. He was hot and willing and maybe that would be it for the night, nothing but blow jobs when I could have had some prime ass. After a while, I towel off and head back to the mancave.

I head down the hallway to the left. Just outside the stalls there is a guy on his knees blowing another. The guy on his knees is a black guy, fit and young and relatively small. The other guy is my age probably but not in as good a shape but the younger guy doesn't seem to mind because he is definitely giving the prick a good work out. I stand there, towel around my neck, hard, just watching. The next thing I know, the black boy has scooted over and is taking me in his mouth. I let him. I happily let him. We were right there in the way, blocking whatever traffic there might be, two guys getting a hummer. Fortunately there wasn't any traffic and what there might have been probably would have just joined in.

He went from my dick to the other, back and forth. That's what I like about bathhouses. There is no pretense. We are there for sex. Nasty, animal sex, public sex, nakedness and erections, no hiding and no bullshit. Stroke, suck and fuck. This boy on his knees is not just a cock sucker. He's a bottom. This is his natural environment. Whatever he is or isn't outside of here, whatever prejudice he may face, in here he is home. I appreciate him. He has a mouth that won't quit and I am guessing that I will probably get a chance at that ass.

It doesn't take long either.

Another guy makes his way over to us. He comes from the room beyond having come around from the other side. It is actually the guy in the sling from earlier. I guess he had no other punters and gave up looking for the action. It is early yet, maybe 10, so the place isn't that busy yet. He comes up and stands next to me. The boy on his knees sees another short arm in his face and scoots over to put it in his mouth. At that point, he doesn't know that the new comer is bottom competition. The guy from the sling reaches down and strokes my dick. When the boy on his knees moves to suck me, the guy from the sling backs off but the younger guy moves on and the sling guy sinks to his knees to take me in.

That's when the ass becomes available.

Nobody's horning in on a dick he's been working. He's not having it. He stands up and leans over, his ass up. He wants to get fucked. The thing is that he is pointing his ass toward me. He wants mine, which is okay by me. He's young and hot and why not? I can use his spit for lube and hope he is greased up since he seems to be that kind of bottom. I grab myself, get the angle and pop it in. Another guy comes up to watch. I fuck the younger guy, bareback, right there, kissing my sling partner as I wear out that ass. The other two guys are there making out as part of a knot of guys in the middle of the pathway.

The guy from the sling wants his turn now. He is next to the younger, ass cheek to ass cheek, bent over and offering his hole to me. I feel like a porn star, going from one to the other. OUt of the younger guy, into the sling. From the sling guy and back. Stroke and fuck and repeat. The younger guy is tighter but the sling guy has some moves. It evens out. What does it matter though? I am railing on two guys ass right there. I know this time I am not pleading needing a break and cutting it off short of orgasm. I am going to town and will fuck till I come. From one to the other.

It is nasty and sordid and dirty and immoral. I love it. And I love being watched doing it. It is a fucking turn on. I am flattered that both want my big dick. I am glad to give it to them. Someone now is rubbing my ass as I fuck. Someone new to the pile. I wonder if when I am done, will someone take my place or will this just fade away. Of course, when I'm done I won't care. I am fucking them hard, each one of them. Since they are getting less than a normal fuck, half as much, I feel the need to really just fuck them. Make up for the lack of quantity with superior quality. So I am fucking the shit out of both of them. PIle driving. OUr sweaty bodies mashed in together, hard dick sliding in and out of greased, slick assholes. Both of them are true botoms with hot, hungry holes, bouncing back on my dick, stroking themselves as they get impaled on it.

Goddamn. This is hot.

I don't remember whose ass took my load. I grabbed the hip of the lucky one when I felt it coming and then fucked that guy hard with murderous forcefulness, trying to force my body to give me the release I desired. The grunting and groaning couldn't drown out the sound of bodies coming together forcefully. There were men around, more now, telling me to fuck him, fuck him hard. I was fucking him as hard as I could. Really just banging on him. At a certain point, it is just too much. Too much motion, too much masculine power, too much testosterone, too much pleasure. You can't take it all in. It is cum or die. That moment was growing on me, more and more. Goddamn but it does feel good, fucking another man. Finally, when I could no longer breathe, sweet relief flooded over me as I drop a big fat load in an ass.

A quick shower, the walls of that space only going half way up. The area at the very end has a bit of privacy in that you have to be looking dead on from the hall way to see but otherwise you are showering in the open. That is what I choose.

I had a video room. A private space with a TV mounted on a wall that doesn't go all the way to the ceiling. where you can still see the light show on the ceiling of the hall as you look up at the TV. The music, alway House music or Techno plays just loud enough to be everpresent. But the sounds of sex from a near by cubicle is always audible unless they are very quiet. As I unlock the door, I see that the guy opposite me has his door open and laying face down on the small bed, really a platform with a thin mattress, a bottom looking for a top. He has a jock strap on and a cap on his head and nothing else. Something to keep in mind.

I almost always take an ED pill to go to a bathhouse. I don't need it for the first erection or the first orgasm. But I do for the second or third. It lasts 4 hours and I want to be able to play as much as I like for the whole time. I have the desire and the libido but I am in my early 50's, in reasonably good shape though, and I need the help. In my 20's I could fuck all night of course and did. I still want to but it's tougher. Right now, I need down time. Recharge time. I lay on my bed and thnk a bit. I don't gauge the morality of what I am doing. It is immoral. That's a given. It is socially unacceptable. People look down on it. So what? Who cares? I have had relationships. In fact, that night, I was in one, although he wasn't there with me. I enjoy waking up intertwined with a another man in the mornings. But, here's the thing: I like fucking anonymously too. I like public sex too. I like being watched and watching. I like being groped and pursued. I like this.

They have Corbin Fisher on the TV. It's a nice trip down memory lane. I used to be a member. Finally, though, the emphasis on "Straight" boys, and lilly white at that, got tiresome. But two of my former favorites, Josh, cute as pie and with a big nose, and young little Mason, both young and twinkier than usual for that site, were on the TV. So I watched it. By the time it ended, 15 minutes had gone by. I was horny again and hard. I make the circuit of the rooms just to see. Nothing is more enticing than the bottom across the hall and I am not in the mood for pump and dump.

I go to the porn theatre area and spread out, stroking myself in full view. Pretty quickly an hispanic guy my age comes in and sits down from me. He is watching as I do myself and is shyly reaching inside his towel. I motion him down. He gives me a handjob. I reach under his towel and get his stiff prick. The towel comes off and I stroke him. He leans over and begins to give me a mediocre blow job. One or the other of us tire of it after while and I find myself in the dark area, watching two guys fuck for a little while. There is a litle action in the man cave, more traffic surely. More people. But the newcomers are just getting their feet wet for the night and not much is actually happening.

I am frustrated and horny by now.

The boy in the room is still there. Ass up and ready. I don't know if he has all ready been fucked or not. But he clearly hasn't been fucked enough or he wouldn't be in the position. Well, I am going to fuck him. It's that simple. It's been a good night and now a little bang and blow could seal the deal. There is no coyness involved. HE wants to get fucked and I am going to fuck him. I walk in the room, slap him on the ass but then plunge a finger up into his rectum, just fingered him without introduction or game playing. He wants the injection and I want to give it to him. Why play games?

I get a second finger and then a third. Good. He's loose. I get up on the bed and get on my knees and bury my face in his ass to stab his sphincter wtih my tongue. Foreplay: finger fucking and rimming. Goddamn.

I smear lube on my dick. I slide it into his waiting ass hole. Boom. I'm in and he groans. It's big, big enough for my little bottom but barely on the side of pleasure. He needs the full treatment. He kind of raises up, moving and shifting as I move and shift, my cock fully inside of him. I have to get to angle with some leverage before I can really fuck him. I don't even know what he looks like. I couldn't pick him out of a police line up. Never seen his face, Officer, just fucked his ass. Never even touched his dick, which is safely bound up in a black jock. We're not making love here. This isn't the kind of sex where you touch and feel and kiss and tease. That sex is great. But this ain't that. This is just fucking. I put it in and just ram it and then we both enjoy it.

"Man, what a hot ass" I say. "A big dick for a hot ass"

"Fuck me" he says. Not a command and not a plea. He is merely informing me that he wants to be fucked.

I can accomodate him.

The door is open. Anybody that walks by can see. I am not shy. If you are in this space, you are queer and this is what you came for. There are no innocents here. So, watch. Fuck if I care. Join in. Or hang back and jack off. Whatever. I am gettng me some ass.

I tear it up too. Why be gentle? Why be tender? He wants the fucking and why not give it to him? Having cum once, I don't have a hair trigger. I am able to go for a while. 5 minutes and then 10. The guy below me used to be moaning. Now he is whimpering. I am fucking him speechless. In fact, he is whimpering like a hurt puppy with each hard stroke. He is going to be sore tomorrow. I don't know how many loads he has all ready taken but I think this may be the last one he takes tonight. I am sweaty and it is uncomfortably warm but I bang away. Fucking him with all the power I have, holding back nothing. My hard, stiff dick slides back and to, and he has his hand up underneath him, trying to cop a feel of himself, hard and horny. I suspect that he only needs to couple of quick tugs and he will cum buckets.

"Fuck, this is good." I say as I pound his ass.

He just grunts. He is getting what he wants. So I give it to him more, just harder and harder. I am sweating, breathing hard. Having cum once all ready, I am able to go and go. You could hear our grunts and groans, the sound of bodies slapping together all the way down the hall but who the fuck cares? I pound him. But a man can only take so much. It feels good and it is getting better by the second. I feel nasty and dirty and sordid, all man though, as I fuck this guy whose name I don't know and whom I have never seen. And my dick is feeling good. Really good. And then better. I am breathing hard as I feel the onset of orgasm. I just pound that much harder.

"Ahhh" I grunt as the dam breaks. A river of cum flows into his ass.

I leave without a word. I pick up my towel and walk out, the last bits of cum dripping off my dick. No matter what I do next, I still need to shower off. I am hot and sticky and smelly. AS I wash off, I ponder. It is nearly 11. The crowd is picking up. There is more foot traffic. I am not especially horny but I think it is possible I could, just maybe, get it up one more time. I decide to take a quick dip in the pool, maybe soak in the hot tub, to decompress. That will help me make up my mind. I enjoy skinny dipping. I like the water surrounding me, enveloping me. So I swim and float and do laps in the humid, warm night air, in the semi darkness, all alone in the pool.

I am not ready to go. Just not. Not yet.

I head back to the room, unlock it and get on the bed. I sample through the porn. There is Jesse Santana. Cool. He is sex on wheels. I watch that for a little while and find myself in the mood. Back in the groove. Horny again. Like an 18 year old. I make sure my dick is good and greased, rub lube on my hands and head out, towel around my waist but not really hiding my hard on. I head straight for the mancave. One last fuck and call it a night.

The curtained off alcove at the front has some action. It is packed. There are a dozen guys crammed in there. There is action up on the platform in the center. I plunge in. Very quickly, I am being groped. Hands on my ass, hands on my dick. I am next to the platform. The guy on it turns my way and takes my dick into his mouth. It is dark. There is a bit of outside light to silhouette the lurkers and the fuckers in this cramped little space. I can tell how tall and how short and how fit or not the guy is. Beyond that, nothing. Handsome? No idea. Doesn't matter. That guy sucks me but it is awkward because the height isn't exactly right. I move away.

Back into the corner a bit, another man, short and stocky falls to be knees and starts to suck me. AS he does, another man comes next to me and stands. His hands are on ass. Whatever. I'm good. I'm not here looking for love, after all. I'm looking for sex, nasty and dirty sex. I am in a dark space at a gay bathhouse. It is what it is. A finger goes into my rectum. As always, I am douched and ready with KY up the poop chute. I don't object. Not to the finger and not to the mouth on my penis.

"You want to go back to my room?" the guy next to me says.

"No, thanks" I said

It's true. I don't. It's not the getting fucked. I just don't want to. He leaves. I suppose his feelings are hurt. It is stupid. This is a bathhouse. Just move on to the next opportunity. That's my motto. But here's the thing, his finger did remind me: I kinda like getting fucked. I think that might fill the bill right there. But not here and not one on one. I reach down. There is a towel on the floor. It may be mine and may not. Doesn't matter. I break away from the earnest cock sucker and head out.

The sling.

I started there and I am going there. Once as a top, once as a bottom. I get in the sling. My legs apart, my ass out. This is a vulnerable position. If no one comes to fuck me in the purely public pose, then it is kind of humiliating. What if you can't get fucked here? What chance do you have?

The guy who came was good looking enough. A bear cub. Broad shouldered, bearded, big thick hands but a bit thick around the middle and hairy chested, like me.

"You want it, daddy? You want this dick?"

"I'm in the fucking sling. You do the fucking math. You talking or you fucking?"

He smiled and shook his head. "You're asking for it. If you weren't hot, I'd walk away"

He wasn't gentle either. Hard in. It hurt. For a minute. Then it didn't.

"Fucking shit. You are tight, mother fucker" he said.

"Fuck me" I said.

He did. Hard. Fast. Rough. Bare. I bounced on the sling with each hard pounding stroke in my ass. I kept myself hard by sroking as he did me. It feels pretty fucking good too. All full and pressed in down there, each thrust sending sensations of pure pleasure to my brain. A guy is next to me and takes over stroking as the bear fucks the living shit out me. But he is too fast and too hard so I reach down and take back over. I know how i want it. Bear can give it to me how he wants.

"Damn, that feels fucking fine" I say

"You want that? You want that shit?" he says with a snarl. Well yes, I do, sir, thank you very much. "I'll fuck you till you can't walk straight."

Yes. Please.

He just pounds on me, harder and now faster and I sense he is losing control. I want it to last. I've cum twice. I am still horny but I have staying power. He doesn't. Despite his boast, he is close. He is grunts and stabbing me hard. THen I see his face scrunch up in a weird grimace and the fucking stops, slowly and then nothing. He pulls out.

I am still hard.

Next up, the guy that had been stroking me. He wants a piece. A latin guy, younger maybe late 20's, fit and flat bellied, with a goatee. Nice sized dick. I don't get to see that for very long. It goes flat into my asshole just like that. His body is against mine. Then I began to rock back and forth in the sling. He begins to fuck me. A little slow.

"Fuck me" I tell him. "Fuck me hard. Fuck me like a man"

He does. And it feel great. I may not cum again, who knows? But in the meantime, it feels really, really good. I want to be fucked, and I mean fucked hard, for a while. They can line up and pound the shit out of me at this point, I don't care. It may not happen but what I want is that one, last, glorious orgasm to cap off the night and it will be tough coming. He is fucking me and I am stroking myself, trying to will every last morself of ecstasy that I can out of it. I like the nastiness, the fact that there are people watching, the fact that it is immoral. If the people in my everyday life just knew. Think of the shit. Who cares right now, though? Just fuck me.

A younger guy comes up. "Hey, I want some of that" he says to the guy fucking me.

I lean up to see. Just to see. Well, damn. He's fine. He is young enough to get in with just the price of a locker and no admission fee, too young to drink but old enough to fuck. Legally that is. He is fit and athletic looking, broad shoulders and tapered to narrow hip, smooth but well covered in de rigeur tattoes. He's got a good sized dick. I wonder how good he is at working it. The latin guy pulls out and the twink comes in.

"This what you want, Daddy?" he asks as he punches it in. I suck in air like a drowning man hungry for air. "You want this dick"

"GIve it to me" I say.

Latin guy is rubbing on the twinks ass as he drives himself inside of me. I am not stopping him. He is a sexy boy and I don't mind him pile driving my ass. Not one bit. I reach down to stroke myself but twinkie moves my hand away and goes after my dick himself, stroking it. But he is making my ass come alive. Alive with that full and pleasurable sensation that can only cum from a real live dick moving inside asshole.

"Goddamn, that's good" I say

Twinkie grunts and keeps going. There are men gathered around, stroking. Good. I want to be watched. And I want to be fucked by men who want to be watched, the kind of oversexed satyrs not fit for polite company. I want them to tear my ass up. Twinkie is doing it too. I feel the sharp prick of pain even as I hard the hard crack of his hand slapping my ass cheeks.

"Fuck me, boy" I say with a snarl, lifing up a little to see his sleek torso as it tenses with each motion. "Fuck me like a man"

He goes to town. Hard. Godddamn but it does feel good. I am hard and he strokes me. That is doubly better. I am almost cummed out so I will outlast him I think. But, so much the better. I am enjoying it in fucking spades.

"Fuck him, fuck him hard." one guy says from the crowd

"fuck him like a bitch" another says.

"Keep doing that" I tell him. Just keep doing that.

I can tell. I can read a man's face. I know ecstasy when I see it. The O face. Twinkie has it. More and more. He is fucking hard. I look around to make sure latin guy hasn't left. I need some more fucking. He hasn't. Good. I can concentrate on feeling good in the moment without worrying about getting off.

Then, in a gasp, Twinkie stopped. He pulls out. I can feel his splooge seeping out a little, sliding down my asshole to my back. Latin guy is right there, still hard and he is inside me superquick. Faster than I almost knew. I like the feel of his dick inside me. A lot. I stroke myself. Latin guy has gotten worked up as he waited. He is hard and horny now. And suddenly my dick is alive with sensation. I begin to breathe more ragged. I close my eyes and then open them to drink in the beauty of his body as he buggers me. Damn but he is hot.

"Oh, oh, oh," I grunt in staccato breathes.

I am going to cum. He is going to cum. It's a race. I stroke and he fucks.

I win.

An all powerful wave comes over me, a wave pure sensation, pure pleasure and then blessed relief. I cum. Oozing in dribbles mostly but it's been a long night. Latin guy keeps going. He is into himself. I understand. Then, soon, he comes to a halt. pulls out and leaves.

All finished. All done.

I struggle up and out of the sling, shower up, dress and leave. It's been a good night.

Next: Chapter 9: Sexual Adventures 16 17

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