Sexually Conned

By Male Lover

Published on Aug 22, 2006



The work is purely fictional. Any similar relation of characters here to real life is coincident. And although it was written in this manner, do practice safe sex.

This story deals with gay sex only - no straight or bi sex. Any mention of girlfriends or interest in any girl is for the purpose of story-building.

If you like the story, do drop me a line -

The drive was not long, but it sure felt like it. It was the quiet drive that was killing me. I was not sure what I was supposed to do. It did start with me hoping to perform miracle, but after a few hours and several attempts, I gave up.

I glanced at Christian, sitting beside me, and he had his same face expression as hour before. He was in a world of his own, and he was very much alone. His thoughts seemed to stray out there, and he might try to look alright, but it was failing him. It was frustrating me, and the others too.

What was supposed to be a simple home trip for the summer became a twist for me. I did not know what to expect but I felt for Christian.

It was the college's summer break. I was supposed to be back for a week, and then on to the California with my college friends. We had planned to meet up there. It was the same kind of welcome-back. Got a big hug from dad. Got smooches from mom, who swore that I was growing thinner. 'Fit' was not a term mom would use. And then she would go on about how the college was not doing me good, and she did not even have this simple belief that I did not have an ounce of fat on me because I was really working hard on my body.

And it paid off. Those college sex we heard, and read on the net? Well, been there, and seriously done that. Or should I said, done those. My sex life in college was good, thanks to the lean body of mine that some of the sex-crazed college girls were dying for. Plus the handsome genes I inherited from dad, I was a chicks-magnet.

And the party was supposed to continue with the beach party we were planning to have during the summer. One week to go. 7 days. Just 7 days. I could hardly wait.

As usual, the night after, it became a ritual for my family to go over to next door. Since the Connorson moved in 5 years ago, our families had become so close that we became comfortably dependent on one another. Dad, mom and me (the only child) looked forward to the same dinner gathering, and indulged in Mrs. Connorson's home-cooked meal. And I was looking forward to it too, as Cathy would be there - someone whom I had considered of having serious relationship with.

Cathy and I were of the same age, but we went to separate universities. I was thinking of asking her to join me for the drive to California. We talked about it through MSN, but she said she had to work it out with her parents. I knew that they trusted me, but somehow, I got this feeling that I would be betraying that trust this summer holiday, if things would go my way. Cathy was looking more and more tempting to me.

And then, there was Christian. 17 year old Christian. The boy who grew before my eyes, from a cute young teenager to a young stud. I remembered showing him some tricks with basketballs, baseballs and a few other games, and since then, it seemed that he had grown himself to be a fine young surfer-looking stud. I mean, he was only so short when I first saw his smirk, and now, he was a few inches short of 6 feet - my height.

'So Mike, are you sure this party will be safe for Cathy?' Mr. Connorson asked, as he passed me the bowl of salad.

'Dad!' Cathy howled.

'What? I had to know.'

I smiled.

'Cathy. Be fair. We have to know. I'm still not sure if this is a good idea,' Mrs. Connorson cut in.

'You are seriously embarrassing me!' Cathy claimed.

'There are other girls who will be there - and the party is at a public area. I'll watch over her. I promise,' I said.

Not that my promise was so assuring, but Mr. and Mrs. Connorson had managed to work with their reluctance since Cathy had been away for a year. Somehow, they had learnt to trust her more, although they still had their doubts at times.

We were smiling and laughing through the dinner. Well, all of us, except Christian. He was all quiet and hardly touched the meals. We were aware of that. We had been warned by Mrs. Connorson before the dinner. She sighed as she told us that she did not know what on earth was going with her son.

Christian was not being temperamental, and neither was he upset with anyone. Any attempt or remark to get him to talk would be greeted by a mere weak smile, or a 'I'm-ok' replies. We were told that he had been like that for a week plus now.

'Maybe he would talk to you..' Mrs. Connorson said to me - hoping for me to help out. And I would always try. This was the family that I had grown fond of - as close as my uncles or cousins. I nodded my head, and told them 'see-what-I-can-do'.

Later in the evening, after a few minutes flirting with Cathy, away from the radar of our parents, I was left alone when Cathy was called to help her mom. I walked out the door, to find Christian sitting alone outside.

'Hey you! What's up?' I asked.

Christian looked a little surprise his quiet evening was disturbed, but on seeing me, a friendly smile appeared.

'Nothing. Just want some fresh air!' Christian answered, unconvincingly.

'Fresh air, huh?' I said, as I made my way to him. 'Wanna talk about it, pal?'

I put my arm over his shoulder, and just like the old time, pulled him closer, crushing his head in my arm. 'Feel that muscle!' I teased him.

He laughed, just like he used to. In the past, he broke away as soon as I released his head, but this time, he did not make such attempt. He just smiled weakly, as I pulled away.

'What's up, really?' I asked, as I took a seat beside him. 'Wanna talk?'

Christian's eyes just stared ahead, blankly. He shook his head.

So, there was a problem.

'Money problem?'

He smiled, and shook his head.

'Someone doing you in school? Want me to take care of that?' I asked again.

'No,' he said, weakly.

'Girl problem?' I asked.

This time, it took him a longer time to respond, but it was still a no.

Before I could ask again, he said he did not want to talk about it.

There were moments of silence before I asked him if he wanted to look at my college photos. I was not expecting him to say yes. I was kinda hoping to spend more time with Cathy, but when Christian looked up and seemed to be interested in the idea, I could not take back my offer.

'This is really you?' Christian asked.

I jumped onto the bed, lying beside him, to look at the photo he was asking about, in the laptop.

'Yup! Frat party. It was a lousy bet. We lost.'

I was talking about the photos of me and a few friends, buck naked in the party, surrounded by the others in the party. We took a bet on the card game that night and lost. The deal was that we had to strip down and run across the hall of partying college students.

'Man! What did you do to your body? It's more buff now!' Christian exclaimed.

'Oh yeah! You think so?' I asked, grinning, somehow proud of the admiration. That was the thing with guys who hoped to look good with their bods.. no matter how many times someone said about the body being good, the compliments were always welcomed.

His fingers continued to click for the next photos. There were the campus pics, library, the track field, student house I was staying in, the coursemates, the girls I was dating etc. A few times he remarked about the girls looking all hot in the campus, but he also complimented mine, whenever the photos showed me topless.

I had to admit that I had a good body. I was not really buffed up, but more towards lean. The tall body I had, made me looked better. The sit-ups really toned up, and 6-pack were really showing. The pecs were the toughest, but I was proud of the results.

I laughed again, when he flexed his bicep to a photo of mine, doing the same.

'Now, don't get all gay up on me!' I said, playfully rubbing his hair, as I got out of the bed, leaving him to my pics. I had to answer a call. My handphone was ringing.

A phone call from my roommate, Steve, that evening changed my plan slightly. He had left his girlfriend's gift in his room and wondered if I would help him to get the gift. Logically, it would make sense that I should help him, since that he had busted his ass in saving me with my college assignments, and that the campus would be a 4 hours drive from my place. For him, it would be a 3 hours flight. I groaned, and reluctantly said yes.

I would be busy at the end of this week, meeting my hometown friends, which meant that I had only the following day to get this done. I curse under my breath.

'Why?' Christian asked, looking up.

'Gotta go back to the campus,' I said. My face expression was already telling him that I was not thrilled about the idea.

'Bummer,' he responded, diverting back his eyes to the photos of my college life. His eyes were showing his interest. At long last, perhaps he was going to snap out of his cheer-less attitude. At times, I saw some grins.

I knew what I could do.

'So, do you think they are gonna let you go with me?' I asked.

When I asked, I had this idea that Cathy might be going with us too. But she could not make it. Something gotta do with her sorority duty. Whatever. With her coming along, I was looking forward to some time to get a head start before the beach party. So, now, I was stuck with Christian. Only Christian for the whole trip.

That was just great, I thought to myself.

'So, any plan for college? Any in mind?' I asked.

'A few in mind. But you know, scholarship stuff. I never know,' he said.

'Oh! But what do you wanna do?' I asked.

'Don't really know. Mass Comm, maybe?'

'Mass Comm? Why?'

'I don't know. Wanna get into the TV stuff,' he answered.

"There's Mass Comm in my college. Maybe we can check it out.'

Christian nodded his head. It was not really excitement, but neither did he look like he was not interested. My plan was to get him to talk. I only prayed that it would be nothing gotta do with him having some disease and died out on me while we were at the college. I was not ready for this serious shit.

I tried to coax him again, to talk about what the situation was about... I blabbed on his parents' concern, about how we all cared for him, about how we felt sad he was sad etc. The only slight possibility I figured was about the girl whom he often was with the last time I saw him. I asked about her, and got nothing from him.

So, the whole ride was with me talking about the college, about the crazy things we did (which I made him swore not to snitch to my parents), the girls, the upcoming party etc. Music became the alternative void occupier when I was lost on topics to talk about.

Christian did ask me about my girlfriend, but I told him that I was busy dating, and not ready to settle. I wished I could tell him about the girls that I had scored with, and the amazing sex I was able to indulge in, during my first year, but I was not sure whether he was interested.

I made a detour along the way. There was a cool pond about 15 minutes drive away from the main road that I thought would impress Christian.

Hidden away by a couple of big rocks, the sight of the place was breath-taking. A few people knew of this place, and at times, when my friends and I came by this place, it would be occupied by others. Not this time. This time, the pond was available to only Christian and me.

'Skinny deep?' I asked Christian, as we stood by the pond.

Christian looked surprise at my suggestion initially, but when I kept removing my clothes, he realized I was serious. He broke into a grin.

Before he could take off his clothes, I was already in the water, naked.

I yelped. The water was cold. I heard a splash. Christian was already in the water.

I did swim a little, and then, pulled pranks on Christian. I swam low and pulled his legs when he was not suspecting. He struggled, and both of us would break up in laughter. He tried to do the same on me too, and I was way too fast for him to catch up.

Almost an hour later, I got out of the water. Christian followed.

That was the first time I saw Christian totally naked. He had such lean body, that one could not help to admire the smooth, hard young guy. His cock was soft, maybe around 4 inches, but then again, mine was soft too. The water was definitely too cold.

I was comparing his body to mine. With a cute kid like this, one could not help to check out competition. Who would know the potential of guys like this, who might one day be going for the same girls as I would be? While I was showing better tone body, Christian was more of a twink surfer boy. My arms were better built than his. I did not know how long his hard cock would be, but I knew that we both were good in the butts department. It was no longer enough to have a good fuck and a nice long dick. Girls were into butts now, and I was glad that the crouching helped. Christian must had done good exercise on that too.

As I was doing a quick check on Christian, I realized that he was doing the same on me. Suddenly, I felt the need to walk straighter. This was a normal reflex. One would want to look good, when being checked upon. If possible, I would not mind him knowing my size - my hard-on. I was always impressed when I got the 'ooooh' from the girls, when it grew from a soft few inches to a 9 inches hard in their palms. I was proud of my cock. Guys were envy of me, and girls would want to try it.

We dried ourselves and sat on my car's bonnet, covering ourselves with the towels.

I was happy that Christian was more relaxed now. The way things went, I might get him to talk by the nightfall. But he talked sooner than I had thought.

As I continued the drive down the main road, I told him that I felt he was like a brother to me, and that I wished I could help him with whatever it was that made him upset, or sad. And that if he would only share with me whatever that was troubling him, things would be so much better.

'I'm not sure, Mike,' he replied.

'Try me,' I challenged him.

'I DON'T think you will understand,' Christian said, almost snapping at me.

That tone told me to stop, and I did. It must be the moment when I looked kinda let down, that I had tried and failed, that made Christian felt bad.

'I'm gay,' Christian mumbled, but it was clear enough for me to hear it.

'What?!' I said, surprised, and almost drove the car off the road.

I had to stop the car by the roadside.

'What do you mean, you are gay?' I asked, once I switched off the engine.

'I think I may be gay,' Christian said.

'You think? Or you are?' I asked him.

'I don't know,' he said. 'I.. I.. I don't know. I think I am.'

'How long have you known? Or think..' I asked, still alarmed by his confession.

'Please don't tell them. Not even Cathy, please,' Christian begged.

I nodded my head, still a little bit unable to digest the truth.

'Swear?' he asked.


The drive back to my campus was silent again. Not because he was not talking, but I was no longer asking. My head was occupied with thoughts. I did not see this one coming. I knew Christian. I had seen Christian growing up from when he was 12, to now.

And I had seen him mixing with guys, and girls, and there was no way that he could be gay.

I was ok with gay guys. It was a off-zone for me, but I was alright with them. I did not mix with any, and never really had to, except for a few words of hi and goodbye. And there were some who were hitting on me, but that was it.

My eyes peek at Christian's a few times, to check on him, but he looked lost. Perhaps he regretted telling me. I felt bad. It took this boy some courage to tell me, and there I was, almost neglecting him. I had no reason to be afraid of him. I knew him. I knew Christian. He was a harmless boy. He was harmless to me. I could accept a boy being gay, but why Christian?

And yet he came out to me. To me, and not to his parents, or his sister. My guilt multiplied.

'Anyone else know?' I asked, breaking the silence.

He shook his head, and said no.

He looked sad.

'How did you know? I mean, why do you think you are gay?' I asked, with eyes still focused on the road.

'I can't answer that....' he said, looking kinda lost. 'I don't know how to answer that.'

'Are you a virgin?' I had to ask.

He nodded his head, and looked away. He was embarrassed.

'With men?' I asked.

'With men.. boys, and girls,' he replied.

'So, how do you know?' My question sounded like a demand now. But then again, even without him answering, I could figure the answer myself. My body responded to sexy girls, just like him, responding to sexy.. I could not even get myself to think of it.

'Have you tried it with a girl?' I asked.

He hesitated, before he nodded his head.

'And then?' I pressed on.

He looked away again, embarrassed.

'Oh..' Somehow I figured the situation. He could not get it up. We did not need to get into the details. I got the picture. But it might be that one incident.

Then, perhaps Christian was not really gay? I wanted to ask him, but we were reaching my place near the campus. And we needed something to eat. So, the questions stopped for the time being.

'This is Steve's room,' I told Christian as I opened my roommate's door. The odor in the room was so strong, I was immediately aware that Christian could not stay in this room. Besides, it was really messy. College life, I coughed up an excuse.

'And this is mine,' I pointed to my door. Christian opened mine, and was immediately awed by 'the college room' of mine. Actually it was nothing. Just a bed, a desk with my books scattered, closet and nothing else, really. But a college life was a college life, and to the eyes of a high school kid, this spelt freedom.

So, when Christian automatically placed his bag in my room, I figured that there would be where he would be sleeping. I could not tell him that I was suddenly all conscious of his sexual liking. I was not sure how my appearance was doing to him. And I did not want to invite any chance. But I was stuck. Perhaps I could sleep in the living room.

While Christian took a shower, I considered my next move. I took out my straight porn mags, and placed them on the table. Perhaps Christian needed some guide. But then again, it might look too suspicious, like I was trying to convert him. I did not want him to think of me like that. I had to act like I could accept him. Except that I did not buy my own act - I could not accept Christian.

But before I could retrieve the magazines, Christian was already at my door, wrapped by a towel around his waist. He was an amazing looking kid. Some guys would love to have him. Some perverted guys, I thought. Oh shit! I really began to doubt my ability to deal with his sexuality. I began to worry for him.

It was a mean world out there.

When I came back from my shower, Christian was at my desk, browsing through my stack of magazines. His hand moved quickly away from his towel, and the magazine was immediately placed on his lap, covering poorly his groin. Oh, Christian got a hard-on. A hope, maybe?

'Hmmm.. that turned you on?' I asked, proud that perhaps I had a small chance of helping him turned straight.

'Yeah..,' Christian smiled, with his eyes turned to me. I swore his eyes were enjoying my exposed torso. 'The guy here looks hot! That's 8 inches, right?'

Suddenly, with that comment, I felt naked.

'Mike, if you are not ok with me, I mean, I can keep my distance. If you want me to,' I heard Christian said, as he came out of my room. I was watching MTV. I left him to use the net, by my laptop.

'What do you mean?'

'With me being gay and all this..' he said, as he slumped himself down on the sofa beside me.

'I don't have a problem with you being gay. And you said yourself that you think you are gay. You may not be gay, right?'

'More like I think I am,' Christian said. More like he declared. And from his voice, I heard not only a guy who was exclaiming to be one, but more like a resignation to accept himself.

There I was, a college guy, dealing with this high school kid, and I was not even sure of the advices I should be giving him. I wished he was not, but he was. And it was hard on him, which was the reason he was silent these few days, shouldering the secret on his own. I could - one, accept him and perhaps help him to face the days ahead, or two, deny the truth, and pretended that I knew nothing once the next day was over.

I weighted my decision, and I knew I could not do the latter to Christian. I knew him too long and too well to leave him alone. He looked up to me. He was impressed with me. And I would be a lousy creep for turning my back on him.

'So, what happen?' I asked him.

He told me.

The girl he was seeing was Melissa. She was asking for sex from him, but he did not, could not do it. He came up with too many excuses, that he knew she was no longer buying them. Eventually, he gave in. When he was completely naked, there was nothing she could do to bring him to erection. He blamed the diarrhea he was having, but it was the last time she put up wit him. The relationship was over.

One thing led to another, and Christian decided it was time to face the reality. It was not a phase, and it was frustrating him. Not only he had to deal with sexuality, he was not getting any action, other than from his own hand.

Christian told me that he read from the net, and that he did write to a column for advice, but he chickened out when the column advisor wrote back, and asked for his name, just for simple validation.

'So, you sure you are gay?' I asked again.

'You know the guys with the rock hard bodies, and those hard cocks and so on?' he asked.

'Yeah..' I answered.

'Those, got me hard,' he said, pressing his groin.

'What about the school? Edmund's gay, right?' I asked.

'Edmund was your year, remember?' Christian said.

Oh yeah...

'Anyone from your year?' I asked.

'Yeah, there are some,' Christian said.

'And?' I asked.

'And what?' Christian asked back.

'What about them? Don't you like any of them?' I asked.

'Oh yeah.. there's that Max, who's seriously not my type. Fat. And then, there's Fetch, who's more like Felicia.'

'Surely there are someone like you, who's gay in the school?' I responded.

'Nope. Not that I know of. And if they are, most likely they are keeping it down,' Christian said.

'Why? Why would they want to keep it down?'

'Maybe they are scared of being found out. Maybe they are scared of being out-ed. Maybe they are scared of losing friends,' Christian said.

'What? That's nonsense. Gays are ok now. People accept them now. Right?' I answered, unsure.

'Really? How many gay friends do you have?' Christian asked. 'Real friends. Friends that you hang out with?'

He got a point.

'And how close were you to Edmund, your gay classmate?'

And another.

'I answered an ad from the net,' Christian said, after I switched off the TV.

'I was supposed to meet him. I wanted to know. I wanted to know if I am gay. And I was desperate. So, I emailed him.'

'How old is he?' I asked.

Christian hesitated. '30.'

Before I could answer, he told me that he had scanned the website. There were some, without photos, and that was too risky. Those around his age were either living too far, for a curious fuck, and those who were near were more of Max or Fetch type - the types that would not turn him on.

'So, although I know the danger of meeting someone that old, and that I might be strangled by some psycho killer, I want you to know that I was desperate,' Christian added.

I did think of the age thing, and the risk this guy was going through. Was it worth it? And then again, I thought of myself, that I was fortunate I was not going through this commotion he was going through. And a virgin? Christian was still a virgin? At 17? Heck, I lost mine at the age of 15, and it was a whole week of sexual exploring for me, with Sharon.

Christian was a young guy too cute to be a virgin still. It was too sad to imagine that he was pushed to this level. I would have suffered if I was in his shoes.

And looking at him, I realized that he was. He was sad. He was suffering.

I felt guilty at my fortune.

'At the last minute, when I was about to be at the place to meet him, I got scared. I was not sure if I had wanted to get through with it. I was scared if he was just another crazy guy, with someone else's photo.

So, I turned back and quickly ran home.'

'So, why are you upset?' I asked.

'Mike, I am 17. I may be the last 17 year old virgin who knows sex from books and download porns. I am desperate. And I am scared.'

I knew I was supposed to make him feel okay, but I was too new to this. I felt like hugging him, but I was too worried to do it. So, what I could do, I did.

I rubbed his hair, as if that would compensate for my lack of sympathetic physical reaction.

'Wanna watch some videos?' I asked, to break the tension.

I swore I heard a sniff, before Christian nodded his head.

'Yeah,' Christian mumbled.

I was a homophobic. That was what I was - a cold-hearted homophobic.

We watched Ken Park, the uncensored version film that Steve had downloaded from the net, and kept pestering me to watch. I was meaning to, but did not manage to.

Christian had heard of it.

It was explicit. It was vulgar. But it was a movie that intrigued Christian, and I must admit I was too. The sex scenes were too suggestive. I felt uncomfortable. We were both getting hard.



A pause.

'Never mind.'

'No. What?'

Christian looked troubled.

I tried to relax myself down, trying to make myself looked more approachable, despite the fact, that I was trying hard to press my semi hard-on from showing.

Christian shook his head. He looked like he was planning not to tell me.

'Can I..,' Christian started. Again, he was nervous.

'Tell me.'

'Can I give you a blowjob?'

There, he said it. And there, I was stunned. 'What?!'

'Never mind. It was a stupid idea,' Christian said, getting up from his seat.

'Why would you even think of that?' I snapped at him.

'Sorry. Sorry, and forget that I even asked,' Christian snapped back.

'Well you should,' I told him off.

'Well, it was either I try it with you, where I will be safe, or that I try the net again, and maybe, just maybe that 30 year old guy is not a psycho guy after all,' Christian burst out his words, and then, he was quiet again. 'I'm sorry, Mike. Just sorry.'

And just like that, Christian took off. He open the front door, and walked out in his shorts

Although still stunned by his suggestion, I went after him. Reaching the window, I could see that Christian was just hanging outside, for 'another round of fresh air'.

I watched him from the window, wondering what my next move should be. I could not think of any.

I stepped outside and joined him.

'I'm sorry,' I said. 'I'm sorry that I over-reacted.'

'It's ok. It was my fault. I shouldn't have,' Christian said.

'I'm not gay,' I told him.

'I know,' he said. 'I just thought that.. maybe..,' he sighed. 'Never mind.'

We sat there, both quiet.

'I just need to be alone. On my own,' Christian said.

'You are not going to disappear, right?' I asked.

Christian shook his head.

'Lock up when you come in,' I told him, as I got up, feeling a lost in the way I had handled the whole situation.

I was restless. I kept thinking of Christian, and I wondered what kind of future he would have. Gays would be alright. People were meaner to gays in the past. Not now. Not the world Christian would be living in.

Almost an hour later, I heard the outside door locked. And then, my doorknob was turned. Christian stepped into my dark room.

'The mat on the floor. That's yours,' I said, from my bed.

'Thanks.' A mumble.

Neither of us was sleeping. I could hear Christian's tossing and turning. The night was warm. Both of us were restless.



I was not sure of this, but the thought right then was this - what the heck!

'Only blowjob, right?' I asked. 'Nothing else, okay?'

There was quiet from his side.

'And I'm not giving you any blowjob or anything,' I added.

The next thing I knew was Christian was standing beside my bed. His face was close to mine, that my eyes could see his face in the dark.

'Are you sure?' he asked.

'Before I change my mind,' I told him.

With that, he flipped my cover. I felt exposed. This was it - my sacrifice. Damn, gay kids!

I felt his hand touching my groin. He was feeling me. He was feeling my cock, playing it with his fingers. And although it was gay, it was feeling good to me. I could feel myself growing. I was getting hard from his soft rubbing.

His other hand was feeling my abs. I kinda liked that. It was good to have someone admiring my hard abs, but I was not sure if I wanted him to go this far. It was supposed to be just a blowjob.

Reluctantly, I caught his hand, and moved it away from my abs. 'Just do it.'

I felt his fingers slipped through the elastic band of my boxer, and Christian pulling it down. In a few inches, my crotch was totally exposed to another guy, whose face was inches away. He threw my boxer onto the floor. I was covered only by my t-shirt.

I tried to think of another girl - any girl, who turned me on, by my thoughts kept switching back to Christian's lips. The lips that would be touching my manly cock.

Christian held my semi hard cock in his palm. I could hear that 'wow' escaping from his mouth. I rewarded him with a pulse throbbing my cock. He felt my cock thickening in his palm. I knew he felt it. He rewarded me back, by gripping my cock, and began to slow jerking it.

He was experimenting with it. He was jerking me off slowly in his hand. I felt his hand switched, and the hand that was manhandling my cock, was feeling my balls. My balls tightened, and he massaged them playfully. If he was not enjoying himself, I was. Straight or not straight, I loved my cock and balls getting the attention they deserved.

And then, as if I had forgotten what this was about, I felt him lowering himself. His lips touched my cockhead. He kissed it. And then, I felt the warm moist of his tongue, licking my cockhead, while his hand still thrusting the long shaft of mine.

I was hard. It was already 9 inches in Christian's hands. He was using both hands to massage my shaft, while his tongue was licking my mushroom-ed cockhead. I felt a little frustration building in me. I wanted him to take me in. I was horny.

'Suck it!'

Obeying me, he took my cock into his mouth. He was swallowing me. I felt the warmth of his mouth, covering my cockhead, and slowly, his lips were working themselves down my hard cock.

'Careful with the teeth!'

Christian continued his work on my cock. He tried to bury as deep as possible my cock into his mouth, but he could not. My 9 inches cock was long and thick for his virgin mouth. He took as deep as he could, almost gagging, and began to work up and down on my cock.

It felt good. I felt good. My cock was throbbing with every bobbing of his mouth, and I felt his warm saliva running down my shaft.

My hands went down, and held Christian's head. I held him, and guided him to bob up and down on my cock, going with my rhythm. He struggled to keep up with me, and I knew that a few times, I gagged him with my thick cock. But I did not care. He wanted to give me a blowjob, and I was hard for one now. So, he had to learn to take it. His hands pushed against my hips, supporting himself against the thrust of my hand on the back of his head.

He groaned.

I groaned too. His mouth was really working on me.

'I'm cumming,' I yelped. Either he did not hear me, or that he was really engrossed on my cock. I had moved away my hands from his head, but his moth still continued to go up and down on my cock.

'Christian, NO!' I yelped, but it was too late. By the time I pulled my cock out of his mouth, I had spurted my loads of cum. I knew the cums hit Christian on his face, but there was nothing I could do. My hips jerked forward as I released more oozes of cum.

After the last load of cum, my hips fell back onto my bed. I could still feel Christian's palm holding onto the base of my cockshaft. He was still jerking it gently.

'Christian..' I gasped, trying to find my voice. 'Christian, I'm done. You can stop now.'

The jerking stopped, but his hand was still holding on to my weak throbbing cock. I was still hard in his hand, and I knew my cum had ran down tainting his hand.

I felt his lips on my cockhead. His tongue was licking my cum-soaked cockhead. He wanted to taste my cum! I knew I should have stopped him, but I had always wanted my cum to be swallowed or licked. It turned me on.

I groaned again.

I felt his tongue licking the trail of my cum loads. I was licked clean.

Eventually, I had to push him off, 'coz if I had let him continued, I would be hard again.

I told him to clean himself up, and to have a good rest. He was still in the bathroom when I dozed off.

The next morning, I woke up feeling funny. My brain was slow, but I was trying to work it out what actually happened the night before. Then, I remembered. Christian gave me a blowjob. Not just a blowjob - a good blowjob. Damn! I was supporting a morning hard-on.

I sat up to find my boxer, but my eyes were treated to the sight of Christian jacking off his young cock. It was impressively hard.

'Morning, dude!' I surprised him.

He immediately covered up his cock, and I could him blushing.

'So, are you gay yet?' I teased.

He smiled. 'What do you want?'

'My boxer.'

He picked my boxer up from the floor, and instead of passing it to me, he sniffed my boxer. That got me going again. It was too sexual for me.

'Haven't you had enough?' I teased.

He laughed.

He threw the boxer at me, and missed. He got up to pick it up again, but it was my hard cock that was drawing his attention. He wanted it. And I wanted another blowjob. It was an easy deal.

I knelt on my bed, with my hard cock pointing invitingly to Christian. I pulled his shoulder closer, so that I could get my hardening cock into his mouth. I needed to feel his warm mouth around my cock again.

'How long is it?' he asked.

'9..' I answered. '.. and you'll like it!'

I knew I would be sweating, and off went my t-shirt. I was gonna enjoy showing this kid what a good man's body looked like. And he did like it. His eyes were eyeing every inch of my torso built.

I rammed my hard cock into his open mouth, thrusting as deep as I could. I slide my cock in and out of his desperate mouth, feeding him eagerly with giant shaft.

He liked it. I could see his cock responding well to my feeding.

'Yeah.. try to take it all in.. you can..' I groaned.

My thick cock was fitting his mouth, gagging him from any response. The only thing I heard from him was his groans, each time I thrusted my cock into his mouth.

Guiding his head with my hands, I continued pumping my cock in and out of his mouth. I was hard. Real hard. My 9 inches cock could only go in halfway, and I wanted more. I jammed my cock harder into his mouth, wanting him to take as much as he could.

'Relax the throat!' I yelped.

He tried. And it was not good enough, but I could feel myself pumping in more into him. My thrusts increased, and the throbbings were getting my cock harder. I felt like my cockhead was going to burst in his mouth.

'Christian!' I yelped.

But Christian held on to my hips, not letting me go. I cummed. I pumped my loads into his mouth, choking him with my jism. He cummed too. I could see his cock gushing out sprays of cum, all over himself and the floor. His body jerking with every gush.

Both of us fell back. I was sitting on my bed, looking down at this gay boy, sitting on my floor. That same gay boy who just helped me unload my morning hardness.

I grinned. He grinned back.

'7 inches?' I asked.

'7 and a half.'

Christian wanted to jump into the bed with me, and after two blowjobs, I was not that wary of him as before. I knew he was grateful, and I was too. But I was not going to tell him that. It was supposed to his discovery of his sexual experience, and that was that.

He climbed into the bed with me, and tried to hug me.

I was not sure of this. I was not comfortable with his cock resting on my body. And a cum-soaked cock too. Nope, not this way.

'Turn the other way, Christian,' I ordered him.

'Huh?' But he got it, and obeyed. When he turned the other side, I put an arm over him, over his naked body, and we both continued our sleep.

We must had dozed off for 2 hours, before his body movement stirred me. He was rubbing his smooth ass against my groin. Damn Christian! And it was good to feel a hard, tight ass rubbing, humping onto my cock. Damn! It was getting me on.

Should I?

It was supposed to be a blowjob only, but this kid was getting to me. He was turning me on. I had my oral sex. Suddenly, I felt I needed a fuck. But this was all wrong. I could not. Or could I?

I got up. I had to. If I stayed longer on the bed, I knew we would be going further down this road that I did not want to, in the first place.

'Why? What's wrong?' Christian asked, as I moved away.

'This! This is not right, Christian. Just not right.'

'Thought I was just enjoying snuggling with you,' he defended.

'Oh.. that was all? Nothing about your ass pressing against my cock?'

'So?' Christian asked.

'So??? Christian, I had never have a guy blowing me before, and.. and.. I am not about to start fucking a guy, too!' I said.

Christian kept quiet. He sat up, and leaned on the wall. Was it my eyes playing tricks on me, or I actually did find Christian irresistible now? To my defense, Christian was a gorgeous-looking guy.. lean body, nice thighs and good arms. His face was charming, and I knew many girls would be heart-broken to know that he was gay. But I was not supposed to find him tempting. I was not supposed to find him sexual.

'I won't tell anyone,' Christian said.

I was surprised at his suggestion.

But it was a tempting suggestion.

It sounded so good, that I really believed it would work.

But I knew I was willing to believe anything right now, just for a fuck. Not just a fuck - my first anal fuck. Damn all those bitches who did not give in. I was horny for one. And now, it was Christian who offered it to me. It was either this, or I would had to wait to know how it felt like.

'Promise?' I heard myself asking.


I had him faced down, with his face on the pillow, as I positioned myself near his butt. Just a mere touch of my cock on his smooth, hard ass was good enough to get my cock growing. I was getting hard. That did not take much effort.

I aimed my growing cock at his butt-hole. There was enough KY to lube up his asshole, and my shaft. I pushed myself in. His ass was tight. I liked it that way. Christian groaned.


'Shhh... Loosened up!'

Christian tried. He pushed his butt up, while I tried to jam my cock into his asshole. A few more pokes, and I was breaking into him. I was breaking Christian's cherry ass. I worked myself slowly. Slowly, I thrusted my hips back and forth, pushing bit by bit of me into him. It was working. Christian was moaning, and I knew the thickness of my cock was tearing him up. I knew I had to be gentle here.

I used my weight to weigh me down, burying myself deeper into him. My 9 inches cock was already halfway into his ass. His ass tightened, until I slapped the right cheek, reminding him to relax. I forced more of myself into him.

I was 6 inches buried in him. Christian was letting out soft cries. More, I asked. He moaned a yes. I continued to thrust my buried cock in and out of his ass, enjoying the view of my thick cock splitting his sweet asscheeks.

I picked up my speed. I was enjoying the tightness of his ass, and wanted to cum inside this hot guy. The asshole was tight, but it felt smooth on my cock. Each thrust of mine was met with the tightening of his ass. The grip got me even more excited, and I pumped harder.

My long cock was buried complete in his ass now. I pulled and thrusted my cock into his ass, greeted by his groans, wanting more. I pumped harder. I knew I was near cumming, and I wanted to reward this guy's loss of cherry to me, by giving him what I knew he would like - my cum in his ass.

'Shit! Ahhh...' I groaned, as I shot my jism inside him. My hips had stopped thrusting and my body tensed. I pumped every single drop of my cum inside Christian's virgin ass. It always felt good to take one's cherry. And Christian was no exception. I knew then I loved his ass. It was tight and good.

Christian turned around, and his body was covered with sweat. My body was too.

This time, he sat up and burying his face onto my sweaty body. I felt his tongue licking my sweat, enjoying every drop his tongue could find. Cheekily, I knew his tongue sneakily licked my nipples too. I just let his tongue to do the pretending. I acted like I was not aware.

'You want a reward?' I asked Christian.

'What reward?'

'For all this. You said you won't tell anyone. So, I'm gonna tell you this - this is hot!' I told him.

'So, what reward are you talking about?'

I pushed him down to bed, and spread his thighs.

My eyes were looking at his monster cock, and wondered if I could do it. Fuck it! Just do it.

I open my mouth and took Christian's 7 1/2 inches cock into my mouth. It felt hard in my hand, and it felt hard in my mouth. And the cum stain made the cock felt salty, but I was high. I wanted to feel Christian's cock badly all of a sudden. I felt his cock throbbing in mouth. I heard him groan. I felt his skin on my hands, and his hardness growing between my lips.

I moved my head up and down on his hard cock, and I began to appreciate the blowjobs I had been getting. This was not an easy job, but I was enjoying this part of sex too. I felt good having Christian's virgin cock in my mouth. I felt so much in power. I was satisfying him.

My right hand ran over Christian's smooth skin, and felt the lean-ness of his abs. My left hand was holding Christian's hard cock - holding it steady in my mouth.

Then, I heard the loud groan, and it was followed by gushes of sperms in my mouth. Christian had ejaculated inside my mouth. The warm and salty jism was filling up my mouth, leaking through the side of lips. I knew I should not be, but I was hungry for this virgin's cum.

I swallowed Christian's cum. I swallowed in whatever I could, and my tongue tried hard to play with Christian's cock, still buried in my mouth.

'You like that?' I asked.

This time, Christian was grinning. Something told me that he would be going back to out hometown with a smiling face. Christian would came to my campus a boy, and left my campus a man - a happy man.

As the wilderness settled down, I forced Christian to take a bath. I turned his offer down to take bath together. I told him that if I were to join him, it would be another round, and I was running out of time to show him around the campus.

As Christian was taking his bath, I tried to clear up the mess. And then, I heard the beep. Looking around, I realized that the beep came from my laptop. Christian must had forgotten to shut down the laptop.

I open the laptop, to be greeted by a message from a 'Horny Prince' in MSN. Christian had logged on, using his username and did not log off. The message was 'where e fuck r u?'

I should have minded my own business, but then I thought this might be that 30 year old guy. Maybe I could scare him off.

'leave c alone. c's innocent.' I typed.

It was almost a minute before I got a reply.

'who's this?'

'none of ur business'

'innocent? like our sex last wk innocent?'

What was he talking about? Sex last week? Christian was having sex last week?

'c's virgin' I typed.

And I got a 'hahaha..' from the Horny Prince.

Christian was not a virgin? It was just an act? I felt uneasy.

Damn! I got conned. That 17 year old kid duped me!

The End. Let Me Know What You Think.

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