Shades of Purple

By Alex McMahon

Published on Jun 26, 2010


The usual disclaimers apply. This work is the property of Alex McMahon and any copy or distribution will be an infringement of copyright laws.

Thank you for reading. My name is Alex. I've been reading wonderful stories on Nifty for a long time. After toying with an idea for a while, I have decided to post my own story, to hopefully give back to the writers that have shown me such a good time throughout the years. I have no idea how frequent the posting of chapters will be. I don't want to make any promises I'm not about to keep. However, I promise to write it until it comes to a satisfying conclusion.

Please, feel free to email any comments to

Thanks to everyone that took the time to email me. It was great hearing from all of you. I hope you keep enjoying it.

Chapter 2

Part One -- It's a Dog Business

"I need to get a dog."

Sarah looks up from her desk and raises an eyebrow at me. "What?"


"What brought this on?"

I explained to her the promise I had made to Sam and my subsequently breaking of said promise. She didn't look convinced.

"So, you're getting a dog because you promised Sam not to tickle him anymore?" She looks at me with a bemused expression. Somehow, I don't think she's taking me seriously. I not affirmatively anyway.

"You told a six-year-old you wouldn't tickle him, and now he gets a dog."

"Promised." I clarify. "I promised I wouldn't tickle him."

She flails her arms around sarcastically, pretending that all of a sudden everything made sense.

"This decision would, of course, have nothing to do with the fact that you're trying to compensate for his mother's death and possibly feeling a little bit lonely yourself, right?"

I look at her indignantly. "Of course not... well, maybe a little." I finally give in. "That's a big part of it."

She nods still smiling at me. I know she could have stretched the subject further but she mercifully leaves it at that.

"You know, if you're serious about this, I know a breeder."

"Really? That'd be great! When do you think we could go see the dogs?" Sarah laughs at my excitement. "What? Come on. Everyone says having a pet is goods for kids. It's in all the books. They say it builds character."

"You didn't have a dog growing up, did you?"

I look questioningly at her. "No, why?"

She stares at me for a few seconds before picking the cell phone from her desk. "I'll make the call now."


Part Two -- The Talented Mr. Archer

Every week my family follows one strict routine. A way my mother found of reclaiming the old tradition of the Sunday dinner, only having it on a Friday was more convenient for everyone. Every Friday I leave the store, pick up Sam from school and drive to my parents' house. Sam gets to have some fun cooking, I get to have fun eating and my father gets to have fun reaching into my chest, ripping out my heart and pissing all over it.

"Grandma!" Sam screams as soon as my mother opens the door.

"Hello Sammy." He hates it when she calls him that. He only tolerates it because he knows it gets him brownie points.

"How are you mom?" I ask as I shake my umbrella a few more times before I close the front door.

"I'm fine Alex. Just this weather has been driving me insane. It can't be good for your father's health either."

"Ah ma, he'll be fine." I say trying to soothe her.

"Grandma," Sam cries excitedly commanding her attention. "Guess what? Dad's getting me a puppy!"

My mother rolls her eyes and shakes her head as If saying, what are you getting yourself into now? I just ignore it. When I told Sam he was getting a dog, after I picked him up from school, he was over the moon. He grabbed my neck and thanked me multiple times. He was beaming all the way to my parents' house. The look on his face, how happy he was, that's how I wanted him to always feel. To me, that was all that mattered.

"Grandma, are we gonna bake?"

"Of course we are dear, just give me one second." She turns to me, blocking my way out of the foyer. "Alexander," God, I hate when she calls me that. "I want you on our best behaviour tonight." Sam giggles at her words.

"What? When am I not well behaved? Sam, tell her."

"He's a good boy grandma." Sam always backs me up.


"Don't drag the boy into this Alex. We have guests and I do not want you to embarrass me or your father."

"Ma, shouldn't you be telling Sam these things?"

"Oh don't be ridiculous. Samuel never misbehaves. Why would you say something like that about your son?"

Sam smiles at me and leans into my mother's side as she drops a hand on his shoulder. The little traitor.

"Alright ma. Don't worry. I promise not to run around naked." I get more giggles out of Sam.

"Alex!" I'm serious. Do not embarrass me."

"Ma, please. I promise. Now come on, I need a drink."

"You need a drink? Alexander, are you becoming an alcoholic like your uncle Peter?"

"What? Where is this coming from? Can we just go inside please?" Then I go for the kill. "Do you normally keep your guests waiting?"

She recoils a little at my words and looks worriedly over her shoulder.

"Alright, but don't you think we're done. We'll talk about this later. I don't want you to develop a problem."

The woman will be the end of me.

She finally lets me walk into the living room but before I can even take a second step I see him, sitting on one of the lounge chairs. He notices me, smiles and quickly stands up. I can't help myself, the words are out of my mouth before I have a chance to think.

"What are you doing here?"

"Alex!" My mother shrieks appalled.

"No, sorry. What I mean is... well, I did not expect..."

For his part Nate looks completely unfazed by my awkwardness and cheerily takes my hand and shakes it.

"Your parents were gracious to include me in your Friday dinner."

"You are most welcomed Nathaniel." My mother chimes in quickly, trying to erase any damage done by my lack of tack."

Nate turns to my mother but doesn't break the hold on my hand. His touch feels gentle but, somehow, firm. I can't help but enjoy it.

"Thank you Mrs. McMahon. It's a pleasure to be here."

"Nate, please, call me Alicia." Oh, oh. The first name basis. I instantly know something is going on. Sam's giggling brings me back to reality.

"Dad, you're spacing out again."

"What?" I realise I'm still holding Nate's hand. I quickly let it go, blushing slightly. I needed to confirm my suspicions before I went crazy. "Mom, where's dad?"

My mother is busy pouring Nate a drink and answers me offhandedly. "Oh, he's in the kitchen cutting the prosciutto." The realization of what she has just said hits her and based on her reaction everything starts to make sense.

"I'll go see if he needs some help then."

She hurriedly hands Nate his drink and tries to stall me. "Honey, I'm sure he can do it by himself."

"Well, ma, it doesn't hurt to check, does it?" I can't keep the dryness off my voice and I notice Nate looking a little uncomfortable. I decide not to add to his discomfort and just start making my way to the kitchen. As soon as I open the door I see my father, happily slicing a large chunk of prosciutto.


He jumps at the sound of my voice and drops the knife on the counter.

"For Christ's sake son, don't scare me like that. I'm handling a blade."

At this point I'm feeling very unsympathetic so I go straight to the point. "I saw Nate."

He looks at me worriedly only for a second before starting an explanation that I could tell had been rehearsed. I don't miss the moment though. I was sure this was a set up.

"... and so I thought, why not invite the boy for dinner, as an official apology? I mean, it couldn't hurt you to make some new friends Alex."

I take a deep breath to calm myself.

"Dad, we're already friends." Nate and I had had a couple of coffee dates and I was just starting to get comfortable with him. He seemed to get me perfectly and even though we hadn't talked about anything too personal yet, we were becoming good friends. However, I was sure my father knew more than I did, so provoking him, I knew, would produce results. "Besides dad, the man's straight!"

I didn't know that for sure. As far as I could tell at the moment, it could go either way.

"Oh Alex, of course he's not!"


My mother walks in just as dad's hand reaches his mouth in an incredibly cliche manner. I wanted to laugh at his reaction but I didn't. My mother looked worried. I decided to leave them to hash it out and left the kitchen. I reach the lounge and notice it empty. A few second latter I hear Sam's laughter coming from the dinning room. When I walk through the door Sam grabs my hand jumping excitedly.

"DAD, dad. You have to see this!"

"What is it bud?" Seeing the excitement on his face is enough to calm me. Sam starts dragging me towards the table where Nate is sitting looking amused.

"Just come dad, you need to see it."

I'm quite curious at this point to see what got him to this state. Nate shakes his head while smiling at Sam.

"Do it again Nate."


He looks at me in the eye and explains himself quickly. "He asked me to call him Nate, dad." Gotta love the kid.

Nate still feels like he should jump to his rescue. "I did Alex, honest."

I smile at them both. Already accomplices hum? I was actually surprised. Sam was a very polite easy going kid, but he usually needed a little bit of time to get used to new people.

"Come on Nate, do it for dad."

I watch as Nate turns his eyelids inside out, stretches his arms in front of him and starts making zombie sounds. Sam points and looks at me to make sure I'm seeing the display.

"Isn't it cool dad?"

"You bet bud, he's gifted." The dig goes completely over Sam's head but Nate chuckles to himself.

"Can you do it too dad?"

"I don't think so kiddo. I'm afraid I'm not that talented." Sam looks a little crestfallen. Clearly he had expected me to be part of the entertainment. "Hey, aren't you going to help grandma with the baking?"

"Oh yeah." He starts for the door but immediately stops, turns to Nate and puts out his hand. Nate looks surprised for just a moment before engulfing Sam's hand in his own and shaking it. "Nice to meet you Nate."

"You too Sam."

Sam quickly rushes for the door.

"Hey, am I invisible?" I yell out just as he gets out of sight.

As Nate starts laughing again we hear a faint "I love you dad." I turn from the door to Nate who's quietly smiling at me.

"He's a great Kid." He says while I take a seat at the table next to him.

"Yeah, he's great. He's my whole life." I look at the door again, picturing Sam rushing out of the room. A warm feeling envelops me. I'm forced to focus when Nate speaks again.

"I hope you're not feeling uncomfortable with me here. I assumed you knew I was coming."

I stay silent for a little while, trying to organize my thoughts. As far as I knew, my father was totally of mark. Even if he wasn't, it didn't mean Nate would be interested. As I'm thinking about all this I notice the growing concern on his face. That's when I realize how invested in this man I had become, and how desperately I wanted him to be my friend.

"Alex?" He calls, his voice trembling slightly.

I knew I had to tell him the truth.

"I'm afraid my father wanted you here tonight for more than an apology."

"What do you mean?"He tries to look me in the eye but I avoid his gaze.

"Look, the thing you need to understand about my father is that he's a bit of a control freak. He likes things to go his way, even if they're none of his business. This-" I gesture to the china displayed across the dinning room table. "-is a set up."

I start fidgeting with my fingers on top of the plate in front of me. Silence sets in and I become increasingly nervous. I had been ready to barge in, tell him everything straight up and let him deal with dad. Now, I found myself dreading the thought of him being offended and walking out the door.

I'm debating whether or not I should look at him when the silence is mercifully broken by laughter. His laughter.

I see him carrying on like he had just heard the funniest thing in the world. It occurs to me for a second that worse men would feel insulted. Of course, that's not what I say next.

"So, you're alright?"

He steadies himself and tries to regain control of his breathing. "Yeah, ha... of course I'm alright."

I breathe a sigh of relief and smile. "Good, I don't know what my dad was thinking but I-" He raises his hand and interrupts me.

"Well, I do. He thought we'd make a good couple. No harm in that. Besides. I feel like I should tell you my father is a lot like yours." He smiles a knowing smile and I can't help but find the whole situation a little bit amusing.

"I'm glad we're OK."

"Of course we are. We're friends." He pauses unsure. "We are friends, aren't we?"

"Absolutely." I rush to say. "That's why I was so worried about how you'd take this. I don't have a lot of friends and I didn't want my wacky family to scare you away."

"Well, you'll find that I'm very hard to shake off." He puts his hand on top of mine and I grab it instinctively. I realize how comfortable I am with him. I decide then to take the plunge.

"Nate, I know we haven't really gone too personal with our conversations but I'd like to tell you something."

He keeps his hold on my hand and nods for me to continue.

"Ive just lost the one person I was going to spend the rest of my life with. She was everything to me. She was my best friend, my greatest supporter but most of all, she was Sam's mom."

He squeezes my hand gently and allows me to go on.

"My father, well... he just has this thing where he takes it upon himself to do what's best for everyone. He just doesn't understand that what might be best for me might not be what's best for Sam. He is my priority."

Nate takes his other hand and runs it along my arm trying to comfort me. "I understand. You know I'm here for you. Whatever you need." It was true. I did know. I start to shake myself from the overemotional state, deciding it was enough for one day. "I just have one question, if you don't mind?"

"Yeah?" I say, not actually needing him to word it.

"Are you gay?"

I finally let go of his hand.

Part Three -- M for Mystery.

"And you said...?"

"I told him the truth."

"The truth?"



"Yes Sarah. Everything."

Sarah is sitting across from me, casually sipping her latte as she thinks about what to ask next. We had been dissecting the episode with Nate at my parents house for the past thirty minutes.

"So, you told him about you and Lilly and..."

"Yes, yes Sarah. I told you. Everything. Me meeting Lilly. Me falling in love. Me being gay. Lilly getting pregnant. I even told him about Lilly's parents."

Sarah looks at me astonished. "You did?"

"Oh, for the love of God woman! What part of everything are you finding difficult to understand this morning? We sell literature for a living for God's sake."

"Alright. I'm just checking. It's just, I know how hard it's for you to open up. That's all."

She is right of course. After all, she knows me better than anyone. "I know, but strangely, I'm totally comfortable with him."

I see her eyebrow start to rise so I go into prevention mode. "And before you start, no, I do not want to get into his pants."

"He's very nice pants."

"Yes, his very nice pants." I admit.

"So, you've looked at least?"

I smile at her.

"Well, good to know the gay still works."

"Yes. He's very good looking."

"No." She says shaking her head. "You're very good looking. He's perfect."

"Thanks Sarah."

"Oh, what? Come on, admit it. You think he's perfect."

"I think he's a very nice man who listened to all my crap, put up with my dad's scheming, survived an awkward dinner with my family and somehow, still wants to be my friend. I count my blessings."


"Let's just move on."

"That's all you did on Friday night? Dinner?"

"No, he also showed me pictures of his family on his phone."

"Pictures? Any cute brothers?"

I roll my eyes. "What's next on the agenda?"

She tries to resist the change of topic but I persist. Normally she would get her way. Today however, I really didn't want to linger too long on Nate. I wasn't too sure of my feelings yet. The only thing I knew was that he was my friend and I wanted to enjoy that without pressure from dad or Sarah.

She finally relents.

"Alright. Well," She starts, exhaling in dramatic fashion. "You'll be happy to know that I got you a dog."

I instantly beam. "You did?'

"Well of course." She says, feeling proud of herself. "I talked to the breeder. It's a Schnauzer. Puppy. We should be able to pick it up in a few weeks."

"YAY." I scream, jumping from my chair and running around the desk to hug her. She tries to act cool and plays it down. Typical.

"Yes, Alex. OK. Come on, act your age.You're 24, not 6."

I hug her anyway and kiss her temple. "I do act my age honey. You're the one sounding more and more like my mother."

"You're hilarious Alex." She comments dryly as she gets up from her chair and turns to me.

"Oh, come on honey, don't sulk."

"I do not sulk Alex." She does. "Anyway, the reason I came into the office in the first place-"

I don't let her finish. "Gossip?"

"Ha, again. Hilarious." She walks past me, reaches the door, opens it and turns towards me again. "No actually. I thought you'd like to know that the two candidates I shortlisted for the position are coming in today for an interview." She pauses for effect. "With you."

I can see her grin as she walks out and closes the door behind her.


"OK... so not that one, I guess." Sarah says as she pops her head around the door frame. The rest of her body soon catches up and steps into the office.

"The guy had an attitude problem." I tell her.

"Are you sure?" She asks cocking an eyebrow at me. "I talked to him earlier and he seemed fine."

"Sarah, he told me point blank he wouldn't lose his lip piercing. I didn't even ask him to. That screams attitude."

"Fair enough." She says, though I knew she wasn't finished. "It's just, did you have to call him a dimwitted prima dona?"

"That's what he is." I cross my arms and look at her in defiance.

"OK, OK. Just try to be nice to the next one alright? Other than resorting to a a boy I had the displeasure of interviewing on the phone that kept asking me if we sold smut, he's our only option at the moment."

"Fine." I say curtly. "Just send him in."

A few moments later, a young man in his late teens walks through the door. He's tall, shaggy brown hair cut short, blue eyes and a good build. He's clean-shaven and dressed in smart but casual attire. He approaches my desk and sticks his hand out. His handshake is firm and he asks if he can take a seat.

"Of course, please, sit down."

I immediately like him, though I am not sure why. He has a warm, if a bit shy, manner that I was finding hard to resist.

"So, tell me your name."

"Matthew, sir. Matthew Cormack."

"Please Matthew, none of this "sir" business. Call me Alex."

He seems a little surprised, but then again so was I. I couldn't put my finger on why I was so all of a sudden, comfortable with him.

"So Matthew-"

"Matt. People usually call me Matt."

I smile at him. "Matt, why do you want this job?"

I see him shifting nervously in his seat.

"I'll be honest. The main reason is that I need it. I just moved here from Illinois and I need money for books, bills... you know. I've worked at a book store before, not as big as this, but I was by myself a lot." He finishes. However, call it a father's instinct, I knew he was not telling me everything.

"Ok. So, where are you living a the moment?"

"I'm waiting for the University Campus Advisor to approve my application so I can move into the dorm. At the moment I'm staying at a backpackers near the highway."

Damn. That was an hour away by bus.

"At the risk of being too personal, what about Uni fees?"

He perks up a bit at my question. "I don't mind you asking. I got a full scholarship."

"I'm impressed. What are you studying?"

"Economics. But I got through on a swimming scholarship."

"I see. I don't want to sound like your dad but, what happens if you don't get into the dorms?"

Matt slowly raises his head and looks at me passively. "I guess I'll have to think of something else. I can't afford to rent a place."

"What about your parents?"

His whole face contorts at the mention of family. I take it as a bad sign.

"There's just my dad. My mom left when I was two. My dad and I had a falling out a few months ago. Haven't really spoken since."

That's when I decide to firmly shove my foot in my mouth, again. "Trust me, I understand. I sometimes wish me and my father would have a falling out."

He looks pointedly at me. "No, you don't." As he looks down at his hands an uncomfortable silence sets in.

"How old are you?"

"Seventeen." Seeming to guess what I'm getting at he adds, "We've never really had a normal father-son relationship."

I feel bad for him. I had surprised myself until that point, being so relaxed. What came next though, was completely uncharacteristic.

"When can you start?"

His head shot up so fast, I thought it was going to detach from his body.


I laugh at his bewilderment. "Of course. I should let you know that your boss, Sarah, is very strict. Sweet but strict. Plus, you'll probably have to undergo barista training in case Lucie needs help."

He's nodding vigorously as I explain all this. I can't help but enjoy his excitement.

"One more thing. The backpackers... it's a bit far. Are you sure you'll be able to be here on time for opening hours?"

"Will not be a problem." He responds assertively. "I'll catch the early bus."

"What time will that be?"

He reaches into his pants' back-pocket and pulls out a bus schedule. "Hum... 5:30."

Damn. I take a deep breath and, still not quite sure why I'm doing it, why I even felt responsible, make him a proposition.

"I have a spare bedroom in my apartment. It's a few blocks from here, next to the university campus actually. I'd be happy to let you crash there until they admit you into the dorms."

Matt stares at me dumbfounded. "Are you serious?" He also seems to forget his shyness. "That would be awesome! But, are you sure, I mean, I don't want to put you out. You're already giving me a job. I don't want you-"

"No problem. Trust me. As long as you don't mind my six-year-old kid and that you are conscious that language around him should be appropriate."

"No, of course I don't mind. I love kids." He says positively beaming at me. I smile back.

"Good. Just go outside and see Sarah. She'll give you all the paperwork. I can drive you to the backpackers tonight, after we pick up my son from school, so you can get your stuff."

After thanking me a hundred times more, he finally gets up to leave. As he closes the door behind him I wonder why I feel so invested. I picture his face, his blue eyes, shy but determined, his strong jaw... I can't shake the feeling that I've met him before.

All wonderment is interrupted when the phone on my desk starts to ring.

Part Four -- The Call

I'm still a bit shaken as I put the phone back on it's rest. The whole conversation goes through my mind like a tape on a loop. The loop, broken, as Sarah barges into the office reflecting sunlight off her teeth.

"Look." She orders, pointing at her face. "I'm smiling."

"I can see that."

"Do you know why I'm smiling?" She asks, finding it difficult to speak with locked teeth and lips spread wide.

"Because I gave the kid the job?"

"Because you gave the kid the job!"

She quickly becomes aware of the state I'm in and the ridiculous smile leaves her face. "What's wrong?"

It's impossible to lie to her so I don't even bother. As she sits across from me I pick up the phone and dial seven. When Lucie picks up I ask her for a latte and a cappuccino. Sarah looks increasingly worried.

"Bryce called." I explain.

It takes a few seconds for her to realize who I'm talking about.

"The Bryce?"

"The one."

"Bryce I-can't-believe-you're-getting-married, Bryce?"


"What did he want?"

I let out a sigh. "He heard about Lilly."

"Ah." Sarah looks at me with sympathy.

"Yeah. He was actually pretty sweet. It was just weird, even surreal, hearing from him again. Last time we spoke was-"

"At the wedding. You told me."

"Yeah. It was weird. He was my bets friend through high school. I though I'd have him forever. I guess you don't really have anyone forever do you?" Man I sounded bitter.

"Don't be stupid Alex." Sarah says, grabbing my hand from the desk. "You have me and you have Sam. Not to mention the talented Mr. Archer."

"I guess." I knew she was right. Hearing from Bryce again had just left me feeling a little sorry for myself. Back in high school we were always together. He was the first person I came out to. Even though he was a big jock, he had been nothing but supportive. He had been like a brother to me. Until Lilly fell pregnant with Sam. When I told him, he was pissed. He couldn't understand my relationship with her in the first place. A baby on the way didn't really help. I had wanted to distance myself from him for some time, mostly because of Lilly and how unsupportive Bryce was being. However, it was Lilly that made me keep seeing him.

On the day of the wedding, the last day I saw him, he reached out, hugged me and said he loved me. It was a few days later, when Lilly told me about a conversation that the two had had, that I finally understood everything. He loved me.

There's a knock at the door and Lucie comes in carrying a tray with our coffees.

"Here you go boss." She says, giving the latte to Sarah. "And your cappuccino Alex."

"Thanks sweetie."

Lucie gives me a smile. "No problem."

As soon as she leaves the office Sarah reignites the conversation.

"So? What else?"

I take a sip of the hot piece of heaven, thanking everything holy for giving Lucie to me.

"He wants to meet me."

"Hmm." Is Sarah's response.

"I know. The thing is, I miss him. And even though I now have a much more awesome best friend." I pause to let her bask in the compliment. "I really miss him."

"Well then, it's a good thing you're seeing him."

"You think?"

"Sure. Why not right?"

"It might be weird."

"Honey, your whole life is weird." Ah yes, she does have a way of putting things in perspective. "By the way, I heard about your new roommate."

"Yeah, so?" I challenge her.

"Nothing. Just thought it was sweet."

"That's it? No lewd comment?"

"Why do you always expect the worse from people, Alex?" Because people suck? "Anyway, I think it will be great for you to have someone to talk to at home."

"Hey, I have Sam!" I felt like the little guy needed defending.

"I know. But you know what I mean." She takes a sip of her coffee as her lips curl into a smile. "Besides, he's not so bad to look at either. Definitely better than a dog too. Just try to remember he's still not legal."

And there it was. People suck.

End of Chapter Two

Next: Chapter 3

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