Shades of Purple

By Alex McMahon

Published on Jul 12, 2010


The usual disclaimers apply. This work is the property of Alex McMahon and any copy or distribution will be an infringement of copyright laws.

Thank you for reading. My name is Alex. I've been reading wonderful stories on Nifty for a long time. After toying with an idea for a while, I have decided to post my own story, to hopefully give back to the writers that have shown me such a good time throughout the years. I have no idea how frequent the posting of chapters will be. I don't want to make any promises I'm not about to keep. However, I promise to write it until it comes to a satisfying conclusion.

Please, feel free to email any comments to

Once again, thanks to everyone that took the time to email me. It was great hearing from all of you. I hope you keep enjoying it.

A special thank you goes out to my Editor Jay. Thanks buddy.

Chapter 4

Part One -- A Night of Revelations

It was like the veritable bullet train, taking me back to almost a month before. I had just come back from my parents' after a particularly excruciating Friday dinner. My father had insisted that I help him retell to my uncle Stephen, most, if not all of the embarrassing stories from my youth -- from the time I ran into that glass door, to the time when Lilly had found me passed out in the bathroom due to poor ventilation and too much cleaning product.

The only thing I had wanted to do once I got home, was to put Sam to sleep and then follow suit. I got half way there. When I closed Sam's bedroom door I heard a faint, muffled sound coming from my room. I should have been more suspicious but I guessed it was probably just Matt.

I entered the room which was pitch dark, the only light coming from under the door to the en-suite. I approached the door and called out to Matt. I waited a few seconds but didn't get a response. I was about to turn the knob when the door swung open.

In front of me was a battered Matt, his shirt bloody, visible bruises on his face, including a cut just above his right eye. Tears were streaming down as he slowly walked backwards inside the bathroom. Through the mirror, placed on the wall behind him, I could see a huge gash on the back of his head. My hand reached my mouth as I tried unsuccessfully to contain the horror.

I looked at Matt's beautiful face, his blue eyes begging for me to say something.

"Matt... My God. What happened to you?"

He broke down crying and by instinct I reached out to hug him. For a split second I thought I might hurt him, but soon enough he had thrown both arms around me, sobbing against my shoulder. It took a while to get him calmed down, and it was only the next day, after a lot of convincing on his part for me not to take him to a hospital, that I got the full story of what had happened.

That whole weekend was a series of irresponsible decisions on my part. I kept saying to myself that even though he was a minor, I could trust him, and that what I was doing was the best for him. Now, with the father a few feet away from me, I felt like there was no hole deep enough to hide all of my bad judgement. What happened that weekend had stayed between him and me; at his request I hadn't even told Sarah.

The implications of what I had done, and what I hadn't done, were going through my mind. Part of me was angry that Matt would have lied. I knew the boy was hiding something, possibly hiding from his father, but the lie took it that step further. What now? What would Aaron say? His son was living with a gay guy he didn't even know. On top of everything else there was Nate, who would be meeting Matt the next day. The cat would be out of the bag, ready to be skinned in a most agonizing fashion, unless it was already out.

As that chilling possibility occurred to me, I turned my head from Aaron towards Nate who was staring straight back at me with that unreadable look of his.

He knew.

Before the first words of an explanation could even begin to form in my head, my mother appeared next to me with Aaron in tow.

"Alex, this is Aaron Archer, Nathaniel's brother, sweetheart," she explained. I looked at Aaron and then at my mother, finally following her gaze all the way down to my hand, that was still grabbing Nate's arm.


"Hum, hi. Sorry." I started saying awkwardly as I stood up and finally let go of Nate. "Nice to meet you, Aaron. Nate has mentioned you before." I shook hands with the older Archer brother, not missing the odd looks the siblings were sharing.

"Has he? Hope nothing injurious."

"No, no." I was quick to say, managing a smile. "Only good things."

"So, Aaron." Nate's voice sounded like the shriek of the banshee to me at that moment. I was half expecting all life to leave my body as the sentence progressed. "Where's Matt?"

I was trying to keep it together, contain my panic as well as I could. My mother was looking at me strangely. I could tell she thought something was up.

"What are you trying to do here, Nate? You know I don't know."

"Nothing, I just thought that, since you knew what universities he was applying for, you could have tracked him down by-"

"You think I don't want to?" Aaron snarled, suddenly stepping close to Nate. I was a little bit apprehensive, seeing Aaron enraged, but Nate seemed not to care. "You think I like not having my son with me, Nathan? What about you?"

"Excuse me?"

"The hero uncle? His big brother? I would think if he'd contact anyone it would be you."

Nate gave me a quick sideways glance and I felt the figurative dagger slip a few more inches inside my chest cavity. With a similarly quick look, I tried to convey just how much I wanted him to not say anything, without realizing I was holding my breath.

"He hasn't called me," Nate told his brother, to my great relief. Aaron stepped back and looked at his feet. Through all this, my mother was looking extremely uncomfortable, not knowing what to say. The moment was saved by Anne, who came back into the living room to announce dinner was ready and about to be served.

I saw Nate put his hand on Aaron's shoulder and give it a squeeze. "I'm sorry. I didn't want to upset you. Forgive me?"

Aaron gave his brother a half smile. "Of course. I've been on edge lately." Nate simply nodded in acknowledgement. He then turned to my mother. "I'm sorry Alicia but, as I assume you know, it's been a difficult time for everyone, especially for mom. You know how she likes all her birds in the same nest."

"Please, darling, think nothing of it." My mother said, smiling.

"In any case, my apologies. If you don't mind Aaron, can you take Alicia to the dining room. Tell mom that Alex and I will be there shortly."

Both my mother and Aaron gave us a funny look but soon were on their way, leaving me alone with Nate. I was expecting him to start laying into me, so I was more than a little surprised when he took my hand and asked me to follow him. Together we made our way through the lounge and into the foyer. We followed the wide staircase on the left that took us to the upper floor. A few corridors later we went through one of many similar looking doors. Nate flipped the light switch and I instantly knew where I was.

"Sit." He commanded more than asked as he motioned towards the bed.

I sat down on top of Buzz Lightyear's face, grateful for anything that would keep my mind off what felt like imminent danger. Nate sat next to me, our shoulders touching, both of us staring at the carpet. My nerves were getting the best of me and the silence wasn't helping. A few more seconds were enough to make me crack.

"It's a nice room."

Typical. It occurred to me that I wouldn't do that great under torture.

"I'm not mad. Just so you know." I looked at him surprised. "How were you to know, right? You're being too hard on yourself."

"Maybe..." I admitted. "I can't believe he's actually your nephew. He lied to me. He told me his name was-"


I was dumbstruck. "What? How did you-?"

"Predictable really. It was his mother's name. He didn't lie to you. Actually, he's never been really good at lying."

I didn't know what to say.

"Alex, you realize I'll have to tell Aaron..."

I cringed. "Nate..."

"He's the father, a good father. Alex, he deserves to know where his son is. We've been searching for him. We'd have searched harder if Aaron hadn't made us swear we would give him space. I would have hunted him down myself. I love that kid. He's my best friend."

All I could think about at that moment was how Nate would react when everything was out in the open.

"What is your brother going to think when he finds out his son is living with a gay guy?"

"Why should that matter? He's safe. You're fantastic. Plus, for all his faults, if there is one thing Aaron is not is homophobic."

I wasn't convinced. Something didn't feel right. Nate's clear certainty about his brother did not match with what I could put together from Matt's version of the story, assuming he hadn't lied. That night came back to me then, Matt wearing a blood stained shirt, his face unable to mask the fear and hurt.


"Hear me out. Your dad has an announcement. This is his night. Telling your brother right now will just ruin something your father has been working for. You said it yourself. Matt's safe. What difference does it make holding it in for one more night?"

"You keep talking about it as if this was such a big deal. Alex, no one will care. They'll probably be surprised, but then again so are we."


Nate shook his head slowly. "He's the father. I can't just-"

"You'll see him tomorrow. The three of us can talk about it. Maybe we can find out what the problem between them was. If he's your best friend, then he will talk to you. Besides, there's something else."

I don't know if it was because of the sudden change in my tone of voice but that unreadable look of his came back and it was really starting to annoy me.

"Can you stop that?"


"What's with your face? You keep giving me this blank stare. It freaks me out."


"Well, how should I know?" I asked annoyed.

"No. I mean, why does it-"

"Freak me out. Right. I just... can't guess what you're thinking..."

"And that scares you?"

I started breathing heavily as Nate's face came closer, now inches from mine. I swallowed hard and whispered. "Nate..."

"What?" He asked huskily. I felt his breath on my face.

Concentrate Alex!

"Please let me talk to Matt tonight. We can talk to him together tomorrow, but please, don't do anything right now."

Our faces were almost touching. I couldn't move. I was paralyzed by the very real possibility that Nate could break the news to his family in a few minutes. He was so close. His smell was intoxicating.

I had been avoiding his gaze for all this time, but when I felt his hand on the small of my back, my eyes were quick to find his.

"On one condition..."

I could have sworn I gulped so loudly at that moment that my mother had probably heard it downstairs."

"What?" I asked, apprehension affecting my voice.

"Kiss me."

The words had hardly registered before he pulled me into him. I must have gone into autopilot because soon my tongue was in his mouth, my hand was grabbing his hair and I was experiencing the most passionate kiss I had ever had.

He fell back on the bed and pulled me on top of him. Part of me still couldn't believe we were kissing. I could feel his muscles as they flexed under me. I was straddling his waist as he grabbed the back of my head. I could taste him and I didn't want it to end. Eventually we had to inhale.

I rolled off him and we both laid on the bed. Nate was just staring at me, beaming like the sun.

"This will be the best memory I'll have in this room."

"That wasn't very fair." I said.

"No it wasn't."

"You never gave me a chance to say no."

"I didn't want to."

I smiled. "How will you know now if I would have really kissed you?"

"Oh, Alex. I think we both know you wanted to." He answered with that cheeky grin of his. He then became serious. "Alex, I've been patient with myself and with you but I can feel it wearing me down."

Oh, oh.

"I think you know how I feel about you."

"Nate, I can't-"

"Alex, sometime very soon, I'm going to ask you out on a date. I'm hoping you'll say yes."

I couldn't think of anything other than Sam. I wanted to say yes and no at the same time. Most of all I just wanted him to keep talking, anything to avoid an uncomfortable silence. Thankfully he did.

"But anyway, for now a deal is a deal. You have until tomorrow. We'll talk the three of us, but then I'm telling Aaron where his son is."

I didn't say anything.

"Come." Nate said as he stood up. "Before my mother starts apologising to your parents for my horrible manners."

He pulled me up and together we walked out of the room.



Edward Archer had just made his big announcement. I don't know who said it first but I think we were all having a similar reaction.

"District Attorney? When did you decide this?" Aaron asked his father.

"I've been in meetings with the Attorney General all week. Marcus Preston mentioned my name to him and the ball rolled from there. It will be announced next month."

"Dad..." Aaron called. "You're 58. You should be looking towards retirement. We talked about this last month. You told me you wanted to slow down. I thought this was why you were passing so many cases off to Nate."

"Son, this is the last career move I'll get to make. When I started, I never thought I'd get here. If it hadn't been for Pete and his support, I probably wouldn't have." Edward smiled at my father across the table. "But now, I want this. I need this. And I want you all to support me."

"And we will dad." Nate declared. "But what happens to the firm?"

"You're taking over. Obviously."

Nate looked at me. I didn't know what he was searching for, what he wanted me to say. Whatever it was he seemed to have found it, because moments later he turned to his father and politely declined.

"What? Nathaniel-" Nate's mother started to say, clearly perplexed at her son's decision.

"Love, please. It's his choice." Edward told his wife.

"But darling-"

"Mom, I don't want to be the boss. I've never wanted to. Dad, I'm happy for you and I will, of course, support you, but if you're stepping down from the firm, then I will too. I can start my own practice, something that will give me more time for myself, more time for..." Nate looked me in the eye as he finished. "More time for a family."

I felt every eye on me at that moment, including Anne's disapproving glare. As long as I live, I'll never be more grateful for cellphones as I was at that moment, when mine started to ring.

"I'm so sorry. I left Sam with my roommate, this might be an emergency." I left the table and the awkwardness behind and made my way to the lounge. I took the phone from my pocket and looked at the caller ID.

God bless curious best friends.

Part Two -- Workout

"... and I totally kicked his butt, dad."

"That's great bud." I told Sam as he ate another spoonful of cereal.

"He really did. In my defense, I'm crap at racing games." Matt said.

The four of us were sitting at the breakfast bar in the kitchen. The night before, when I got home it had been too late to question Matt about anything. I found both of them asleep in Matt's room. His strange game station was attached to the TV and the screen was showing the end credits of a movie. I decided to let them sleep. I thought a good night's rest would help clear my mind, perhaps give me some perspective.

I was wrong.

Nate would be knocking at the door in a few hours and I had to talk to Matt before he arrived.


"What?" I asked, snapping back to the real world.

"You were doing that thing where you space out, again. Are you OK? You seem weird." Matt said, concerned.

"Sam, can you do me a favor?"

"Sure, dad."

"Can you go for a shower now? I want us to be ready as soon as possible before Nate gets here."

Sam looked at me with those haunting green eyes of his, seeing through me again. "OK." He quickly finished his cereal and left me and Matt alone in the kitchen.

"We need to talk, Matt."

"What's wrong?"

I went through all the ways I could think of to start this conversation, trying to find one that would make this whole situation the least uncomfortable possible. In the end I decided on being blunt.

"I know who you are."

I didn't know if I was more surprised or disappointed by Matt's reaction. I had thought he would have been shocked, but there he was with a resigned look on his face.


"It was only a matter of time really. Nate was bound to mention me to you."

Disbelief must have registered on my face because Matt was soon chuckling.

"Come on, Alex. You must have mentioned his last name half-a-dozen times. How many Nate Archer lawyers do you think there are in the city? Especially perfect ones." He added with a smirk.

"So... why didn't you tell me? I've only given you reasons to trust me..."

"OK, wait. It's not about you and me, OK? I do trust you."

"How can you-"

"Alex! I do, I promise. I trust you, but I knew that if I told you, there was a small chance that you'd tell Nate or let something slip. I guess I just wanted to stay here a little while longer, away from my family."

There was a tone of resignation in his voice that clutched at my heart. "Matt, what happened between you and Aaron?"

He looked at me and seemed to have a little fight inside his head, quickly trying to decide what to say. "The reason I didn't tell you at first was because I still didn't know you very well. After I found out you knew Nate... me telling you could influence your opinion of my father. I just didn't want you to think he was a bad guy, because he's not."

"I get that. But now I need to know."

Matt nodded in agreement. "A few days before I met you, my father and I had a fight. I told him I was thinking of moving here. I knew he wouldn't take it well."


"He's always been a little jealous of my relationship with Nate, he and I are-"

"Best friends. Yeah, Nate told me."

"When Nate came out, my father didn't take it well. Nate doesn't know this, of course, no one does. Dad put on a show for his brother's sake. He loves Nate and he didn't want him to feel bad, so he pretended he was fine. I knew he wasn't. It's difficult to hide something from someone you live with."

I picked up the plates from the breakfast bar, turned around and placed them in the sink.

"Alex, please don't be mad at me."

I turned back to Matt. "I'm not. I'm sorry, continue."

He stared at me for a few seconds before talking again. "Well, I've never told Nate, obviously. The last thing I want is for him and dad to have a fight, but when I told dad I was coming to New York, he took offense. The only thing he focused on was the fact that I was coming to live with Nate, which was true. I was planning on living with him, he has a spare bedroom at his place, central location, you know? Plus, he's my best friend. It just made sense. To my dad though, it was the last thing he wanted to hear..."

I could tell Matt was finding it difficult to talk about his father.

"He told me he had expected me to leave and go to Nate all along. He said his financial help was contingent on me staying in Illinois, so I could ask my queer uncle for money."

I cringed at the word. "He said that?"

Matt nodded sadly and started choking up a little. "The fight escalated from there. Dad never attacked me, instead he went after Nate. I think in hindsight I would have preferred if he had used arguments against me. I felt protective, which just fuelled him and well... I said some things he didn't like to hear, things I can never take back, including telling him he was a lousy father," Matt's eyes were moist as the words started to come ragged. "Which is not true. I told him I was leaving the next day. He had left the house by the time I woke up."

I didn't know what to say. I thought of how mistaken Nate was about his brother, about how messed up all of these relationships seemed to be and I felt sad for them.

"Alex, I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I just wanted to enjoy normal family life before I had to face Nate and tell him the truth. I just need to talk to dad first."

I went around the breakfast bar and walked behind Matt who was still seated on the stool. I put my arms around him and hugged him close to my chest, my head on his shoulder.

"I understand. You've got me, you know that, right? Me and Sam."

He hugged my arms to his chest and leaned back on me. "Yeah, I know."

I ended the hug and turned him around on the stool. I looked him in the eye. "I'll have to tell Nate what happened."

Matt's eyes boggled and he immediately clutched my arm. "You can't!"


"You promised, Alex."

"Matt, he's your best friend, and your father deserves to-"

"ALEX!" He screamed so loudly I thought Sam might have overheard. "What would that do? Other than letting my father find out in the most horrible way possible that his son's a poof?"

"Matt..." I started, trying to calm him. "You were attacked, someone tried to rape you."

"We don't know that."

"Oh, come on-"

"No, Alex. Listen to me. Think, you tell my father I was attacked at the back of a gay club when I was drunk, what's his reaction going to be? We don't know who the guy was or what he looked like, so what good can come from saying anything?"

"What about Nate? Isn't he your best friend? One would think you'd might want to open up to him."

"Alex, do you have brothers or sisters?"

I was surprised at the question but shook my head.

"Well, I can tell you that Nate wouldn't be able to keep it to himself. He'd get all high and mighty and he'd want to do what's right and he'd tell my father. Nate is my best friend and I love him, but he does have a habit of being Mr. Perfect." Matt said, managing a smile. When I didn't comment he continued. "Look, I had a lapse of judgement. I had never gotten drunk before, and I doubt I ever will again, so can we, please, put this behind us?"

Before I had a chance to argue Sam came up to us.

"I'm ready, dad." He looked at Matt and his brows furrowed. He walked next to his new big brother and hugged his waist.

I made a decision then to keep Matt's secret for a little while longer.


"Alex, let him answer."

"Sure, but maybe I should drive."

"I'm fine, Alex. Matt, answer the question. Why won't you tell me?"

The happy reunion of uncle and nephew had come to a staggering halt when Nate started prodding Matt for explanations. Matt had been avoiding questions but Nate had soon lost patience.

"Oh, let it go Nathan. It's between your brother and me. Did you ask him?"

"He's not my best friend, you are."

"And as my best friend, Nate, respect my privacy. It's between dad and me."

It was getting too tense in the car. We were on our way to the gym. Sam and I were feeling extremely awkward in the back seat. I was thankful not to be involved for once.

"Alex, did he tell you?"



"Don't answer that, Alex. Nate, you're being impossible. I've told you, let it go."

"You disappeared for three months. Do you know how we all felt? The only reason I didn't hunt you down was because Aaron promised me you were OK and just needed some space. He promised me you'd be alright."

"And I am, as you can see."


"Nate, please, let it go." Matt pleaded with his best friend.

Nate became silent and remained that way for the rest of the trip. Everyone else took it as a hint to stay silent as well. I knew he wasn't happy about Matt's refusal to open up. We soon arrived at the gym and Nate parked the car. Without saying a word, Matt opened his door and got out. Sam looked at me and did the same. As I unbuckled my seat belt and opened the car door, my eyes found Nate's in the rear view mirror, shooting daggers at me.

That unreadable look was back.

Part Three -- Out of the Blue

"So he tells me I'm overbearing."



"Right." I said, absentmindedly.


I snapped out of it and looked at Sarah who was indignantly staring at me, her arms crossed over her chest.

"Oh, the bastard... how could he..."

"Thanks, Alex. You're so supportive."

"What? You are overbearing."

"Yes but you don't have to side with Allan..."

"Oh, for the love of Pete, he's an idiot. The writing has been on the wall for so long it's now faded. Drop him."

Sarah smiled at me. "I did."


"What's up with you?"

I took a deep breath and told her about my weekend drama which, for her, was like oxygen.

"I don't know where to start..."

"Well, maybe for once you can-"

"How hot was it?"

Of course.

"That's what you're focusing on?"

"What? Come on, you're not going to tell me what Matt told you anyway so dish, one to ten, how hot?"

She was incorrigible. I sighed a little before a smile crept into my face. "Twelve."


"Fantastic, actually. Not that it matters much, he's probably not talking to me any time soon. After our workout on Saturday he practically kicked my ass with his death stares. He didn't speak a word until he dropped us off. Still hasn't called."

"He will."

"I guess..."

"You know he will. He's totally hot for you."


"What? He is."

"Let's move on."

"When did you become this prudish? Oh, alright. I actually need to talk to you about something."

"Shoot." I said, glad for the change of subject.

"Have you read the quarterly report?"

I searched through the pile of documents on my desk and found it. "Yeah, a bit slow, hum?"

"A bit. Look, I think we should expand. Maybe use the back space, go into audio books, music, etc."

"It's a big investment..." I looked through the report, profit was a lot lower than the results for the same period of the previous year."

"True. However, I know how we can make up for it quickly."

"Go on."

"Allan, for all his faults, actually has good business sense. He was telling me last night-"

"This was before he called you bossy?"

"Overbearing, yes. Anyway, he told me that the Student Committee was looking for some place for their bands to perform some gigs."

"And you think here?"

"Why not? We have the space..."

We did have the space. When Lilly and I had opened the store, we realized we couldn't possibly use all of the floor space, so we had it closed off. At the time, the cafe and the book sections were doing quite well, and we had started making profit before the end of the first year. Lately things had slowed down.

"How much?"

"I can have some numbers for you by the end of the day."

"No need. Just research it and pick the best option. Let's just do it."

"Great! I'll let you know what I come up with. Do you want a coffee?"

"Are you making it?"

"Hilarious." Sarah scoffed at me as she left me alone in the office.

She lived this job more than I did. I was happy just having some time to write a little. I remembered that Nate still hadn't told me what he had thought of my book, not that I was expecting to receive a review any time soon.

My thoughts were interrupted by the theme from Golden Girls blasting from my phone. Sarah had thought it was funny to change my ring tone, mostly because she was well aware that, being so technologically illiterate, I would never be able to change it back.

I made a mental note to ask Sam to do it.


"Alex, hi. This is Stephen." My father-in-law said.

"Stephen, it's good to hear your voice. How are you? How's Emily?"

"I'm OK, Alex. Emily is the reason I'm calling." He sounded tired.

"Is everything OK? Do you guys need anything?"

"No, thank you, Alex. Fortunately, Rick has been staying with us. It's good for Emily to have him around." Lilly's little brother Rick, I hadn't heard from him in over a year. He had been living in Canada, working for some software company for the past five years. The last time I had seen him was last Christmas when Emily had insisted on holding Christmas dinner at her place.

"That's great, Steve."

"Yes. Unfortunately, Emily's condition has deteriorated." I heard him choke up a little. "The doctor has told us that she won't make it to the new year."

"I'm so sorry, Steve." I felt pain in my chest. First Lilly, now my mother-in-law. "Life doesn't seem fair sometimes." I commented dejectedly.

"No. No, it doesn't. Anyway, Emily would like you to visit her soon."

"Of course." I responded immediately. "Sam and I would love to visit you. Let me check with Sarah and I'll get back to you with dates."

"Thank you, Alex."

"Please, Steve. I love you guys. I'm glad I'm coming over."

We said our goodbyes and finished the call. As I hung up the phone I couldn't help but feel like life owed me some luck.

Part Four -- Surprise

"Are you sure this will be OK?" Bryce asked me for what seemed like the tenth time.

"Yes, I'm telling you she will love to see you." I assured him. In truth, I thought that my mother would probably hate having Bryce over for dinner but, since he was back in my life, they might as well get along. Bryce coming unannounced wouldn't help either, after all, my mother hated surprises.

"She'd definitely love some things to happen to you..."

"Sarah, don't start."

The four of us had just arrived at my parent's house. Sam was so excited for getting a puppy the next day, he was almost hyperventilating. Bryce seemed uncharacteristically nervous and Sarah was her bitchy self. As usual, she had turned on the charm when she had met Bryce, the poor guy never had a chance. They got along quite well. Matt had some university work to finish and couldn't come but promised he'd meet up with us in time for dessert.

"Let's just get it over with then..." Bryce said, resigned.

I rang the doorbell and twenty seconds later my father appeared at the door.

"Alex, great to... Bryce? Is that you, boy?"

"Yes sir, Mr. McMahon." Bryce answered, offering his hand to my father who shook it.

"Wow, it's been years. Please, come in. Hello Sarah, how are you?"

"I'm well, Peter, thank you."

"Grandpa, guess what?" Sam yelled, commanding my father's attention.

"What is it champ?"

"I'm getting a puppy tomorrow." He said, excitedly.

"Ah, yeah. That's right." My father said, hugging his grandson. He was always at his happiest when Sam was around.

"Where's mom?" I asked him.

"Your mother's in the kitchen." He said as he turned back to Sam. "Maybe you should go and see if she needs help." Sam didn't waste any time and ran from the foyer. "Let's go to the lounge, I have a new port that I want you to try, Alex. Bryce, do you drink?"

"Yes, on occasion." Bryce said as we made our way to the living room.

In the back of my mind I was aware that Sarah was busy making a quip she no doubt thought was incredibly amusing. All I could focus on however, was Nate sitting on one of the lounge chairs, a glass of port in his hand. He glanced at me for an instant before he turned his sights to Bryce.

It was at that moment that I remembered how similar my mother and I really were. I hated surprises.

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