Shadows of the Past

By Rune Therain

Published on Jul 27, 2001


I believe I shall blame reality for the time it took to finish this instalment. I could blame others, but I find that reality doesn't show up on your doorstep and demand to know why you blamed it for something. So here it is. If you'd like to tell me what you think of it send me an e-mail. And I know you want to send me an e-mail. Don't you? You can send them to either or I respond to both. I would like to point at this point, and I know it sounds like I'm whining, but I haven't been getting very much mail about the story. I know you guys are busy and all, but I'd really like to hear from you.

As per the usual disclaimer. Don't know them, and this story is completely fiction. If you don't like homosexual materials, you've made a huge navigational error and should work on your net surfing skills. If you are too young leave. Same thing goes if this is illegal in your area.

Keeping them short. Enjoy the story. Until next time, Rune


"You can't be serious," Chris said. He looked at his boyfriend with confusion written all over his face.

"I am," Cody said without making direct eye contact with Chris.

The door rattled as someone pounded on the other side. "Cody," Josh shouted. "Get your ass out here."

"Go away," Chris shouted back.

"It's important," Josh shouted back. He opened the door a crack and stuck his head in. "The Oracle's here."

"The who?" Chris asked. "Where are you going?"

Cody had leapt out of bed and jumped into his pants. He did it so quickly that Josh didn't even have time to register that the man was naked. In less then five seconds he was slipping past a very startled looking Josh.

"Gah?" Chris asked to himself as he pulled on boxers and a tee shirt.

When Chris arrived downstairs Cody was standing over someone lying on the couch. Lance was holding a basin of water and had a bloodied washcloth in one hand. Josh was hovering near the head of the couch and Joey was standing behind the couch with his back to Chris.

Cody looked up as he came down the stairs. "Chris, would you go get that first- aid kit out of my suitcase?" He turned to Joey. "Go get Sean and Deana. I need them here right now."

"Who is he?" Joey asked.

"I'll explain that later," Cody told him. He said it firmly enough that no one asked any questions.

Chris darted up to the room and came back down with the kit. He handed it to Cody and got his first look at the person on the couch. The first thing he noticed was the white robes that were stained with a great deal of blood. The man was young, probably not more then twenty, maybe a little more. He had a well-trimmed goatee and his head was completely shaved. He wore a silver circlet with a stylized eye on it around his head, the eye rested in the centre of his forehead. Other then a few rings Chris couldn't see any jewellery. The Oracle looked so innocent. It took Chris by surprise when he saw the man, he was expecting someone older.

"This had better be good," Sean said as he stomped into the living room. "Joey wouldn't tell us what's going on."

"The Oracle is here," Cody said without turning around.

"What happened?" Deana asked. It was obvious that she and Sean had just tossed their clothes on and rushed up to the cabin. "Why is he here?"

"I don't know," Cody told them. "And we won't find out until he wakes up. Go get Heather Deana. We need her to help him, some of these cuts look pretty deep. Sean, secure the area. Nothing gets in, nothing gets out, except for Deana. Understood?"

"Yes," both bodyguards chorused.

"What's going on?" Lance asked. "Who's the Oracle. What do you mean 'go get Heather'? It's miles to the nearest town."

"We'll explain this later," Cody said. "For now just please trust us."

Deana closed her eyes and vanished. There was a slight popping sound as the air rushed in to occupy the space that she had an instant before.

"Fuck," Lance swore quietly. He jumped backward and dropped the basin of water. It clattered the floor and spilled its contents. "Where'd she go?"

"To get Heather," Sean said. He motioned at the walls. All of the windows snapped shut and the door closed itself. Clicking filled the cabin as latches and locks closed themselves.

"What the hell is happening?" Chris asked calmly. He didn't feel calm, but he thought that he should try to appear like he was.

"Chris," Cody said. "I promise that all of your questions will be answered. Just please let me do this first."

"I'm going to hold you to that," Chris said. And he meant it.

Twenty minutes passed before Deana popped back into the room with Heather. Chris immediately recognized her as the tour nurse. The nurse wore the same look that Cody, Sean, Deana and Chris all wore. She had probably been involved in some pretty heavy sexual activity very recently. The state of her clothing suggested it as well.

"Heather?" Joey asked. "What are you doing here?"

"The Oracle needs help," she said simply. She walked over to the couch. "Josh, hon, you're going to have to move." She pulled the brunette to his feet and moved him gently out of her way. "You too, Cody." Heather pushed her sleeves up and knelt next to the Oracle. "Let's see what we have here."

After a few moments of examination, she looked up. "Does anyone have a knife? Or scissors?"

"Kitchen," Sean said without moving.

"Well go get them," Heather snapped. "I know you guys want to help, but unless you do what I tell you we won't be able to do much just hovering here."

"Fine," Sean sulked. He disappeared into the kitchen and then returned with a pair of scissors.

Heather accepted the scissors and promptly removed most of the Oracle's robes. The room gasped when they saw the extent of the damage to his chest. Most of the chest couldn't be seen because of the blood that covered it.

"Damn," she muttered to herself. She started rubbing her hands vigorously together. At first nothing happened, but then slowly a blue light began to radiate from her hands. When it was a brilliant shade of aqua she very carefully set her hands on the Oracle's chest. The light extended outward from her hands and encompassed his chest and then worked its way over the rest of his flesh. As the light crept along the skin it grew brighter until it was painful to look at. When the light flickered out Heather slumped against the couch. The blood was still there, but the wounds weren't. "There," she said softly.

Everyone in the room held their breath for what seemed like an eternity. All eyes were on the young man on the couch. A sigh of relief filtered through the room when his eyes flickered open. He glanced around and then propped himself up on his arms.

"Thank you child," he said to Heather.

"Child?" Joey asked Lance quietly.

"You should return to your home," the Oracle said. He had completely pulled himself into a sitting position and did not seemed at all phased by the fact he was half naked in a room of strangers. "The Moving Day is hard on us all. I think you for your aid." He glanced at Deana. "Deana, would you please return Heather. I know you are tired, but Heather needs to be there when the phone call comes."

"Phone call?" Heather asked.

"You'll understand shortly child," the Oracle said cryptically.

Heather shook her head and smiled. "Thank you." She got to her feet and looked down at him. "You should be fine soon, but you need rest." She looked pointedly at everyone else in the room. "And I know all of you want answers, and if the Oracle wants to give them, he will. But none of you will ask any questions until he's had a chance to shower." The nurse glanced back at the Oracle. "That's sort of my cure-all. You need a shower. It'll help you relax and sleep later."

"I promise child," the Oracle said with a slight smile on his face. "I will rest."

"And shower?" Heather asked pointedly.

"And shower," he assured her. "Now you should get going."

Deana got out of the chair she'd flopped down into. "Let's do this before I'm too tired to move." She placed on hand on Heather's arm and then closed her eyes. Their exit was punctuated by the popping sound that happened before.

The Oracle stood. He held his robes around his body to prevent them from falling off. Somehow he managed to look regal despite his physical state. "Sean, may I use your shower?"

"Of course," Sean said. He looked shocked that the Oracle even felt the need to ask. "I'll show you where it is."

"Stop that," Mara said in a level voice. She didn't look up from the book that she was reading. Spread around her were all manner of charts. Some were sea charts and others were of the stars. Sprinkled throughout the charts were several ancient looking texts, one of which she had open in front of her.

"Sorry," Katra said. She stopped pacing and stood near the sole window in the room. "It's just I've only got six months left. I want to do something."

"You knew the time constraint when you offered yourself," Mara said without a trace of pity in her voice. "If you want to entertain yourself, then do so. However, you will be here when I want your services. I will accept no excuses."

"Thanks," Katra said. She practically ran out of the room.

"Humans," Mara muttered with scorn under her breath. She went back to studying the book in front of her. Katra had been doing nothing but distracting her from her work.

After a few moments she walked away from the table and spun a globe a few times. She stopped it when she found the coordinates she wanted. A smile crept across her face. She said nothing and returned to the table.

It took her several minutes to find the map she was looking for. Once she had it she unfolded it and stared at the Atlantic Ocean. Mara quickly grabbed two astrological charts and began referencing the two to the map. Grabbing a pen she began to draw a few dots onto the map. Once she had enough of them she set the charts aside and connected the dots with straight lines.

"This is almost too easy," she said happily. "I've searched for over two hundred years and I find it just sitting in front of me." She laughed and continued drawing the lines. When she finished the lines, Mara stood over her map, and memorized the coordinates. The lines formed a space where a something should have been.

"Now," Mara mused. "How to get there?"

Josh lightly knocked on the bathroom door and waited for a response.

"Come in, Josh," the Oracle called from inside.

A wave of steam washed over Josh as he entered the bathroom. He quickly closed the door to prevent any of the warmth from escaping. He knew how much he hated being in a shower and then having someone let all of his warm air get replaced with cold air.

"I brought you some clothes to wear. We're about the same size." Then he nervously added. "Your robe looked tattered so I thought that you could use these."

"Thank you," the Oracle said. His voice came floating out of the heavy mist and he sounded disembodied. "I'll be done and downstairs in a few minutes Josh."

"Kay," Josh replied. He didn't know why, but the Oracle made him feel strange. He'd never experienced something like this before. He slipped out of the bathroom and down the stairs to where the others were waiting. "He said he'd be done in a few minutes."

"Good," Chris said. Despite what had happened he was still curled up next to Cody. Josh was glad to see that they had something that wasn't threatened by what had just happened. He took a seat and leaned back into the couch.

The Oracle glided into the room so quietly that no one would have known he was there if Chris hadn't noticed the movement. Everyone turned when they saw Chris look up. The Oracle had changed into the jeans and sweatshirt that Josh had given him. The circlet and various rings were absent.

"Do you feel better?" Chris asked.

"Yes I do child," he replied. "Thank you for asking." The Oracle sat down next to Josh and folded his legs underneath him. "You have all been very patient and calm despite the circumstances that have been thrust upon you."

"We're performers," Lance said. "Once the shock wears off you can't do a whole lot to surprise us."

A smile crept across the Oracle's face. "Try to keep that in mind while I tell my tale. This will take some time, so I suggest that you get comfortable." He paused while people rearranged themselves if they felt they had to. He looked around as if looking for someone. "I take it your friend will not be joining us."

"Justin's still sleeping," Joey said. "He's always like that after sex. You couldn't wake him with a cannon."

"Perhaps you will be so kind as to fill him in when he wakes," the Oracle suggested.

"Will do," Joey said.

"I suppose I should start with pleasantries," the Oracle mused. "My given name is Jason and I am the Oracle of the Fay."

"The who?" Lance asked.

"It's an old name for faeries," Chris told him. He turned his attention back to the Oracle. "Go on."

"Thank you," Jason smiled slightly. "Long ago, long before humans walked the earth a race of powerful creatures called the True Fay walked the land. They were spirits of elemental power and feared very little except themselves. When humans arose the True Fay began to worry that the humans would seek to destroy them. They broke into two groups. The Fay of Light who felt that humans posed no threat and the Fay of the Night who felt that humans must be destroyed. After much deliberation the True Fay realized that though humans had ingenuity, they had no magic. Humans were left to their own devices.

"For some reason a True Fay bred with a human. The child born of that union posses the ingenuity of its mother and the magic of its father. For a time several of these children were born. These children caused a great stir within the True Fay when they were discovered. The two factions became apparent once more and no matter of discussion would quiet them. The Fay of Light felt that the half-breeds could be controlled and taught how to use their powers, but most importantly be taught not to harm the True Fay. The Fay of the Night feared that the half-breeds would rise up and destroy, or at least attempt to destroy them. In the end a great war was fought." The Oracle hung his head slightly as if he were the one responsible for the war and not creatures of ages gone by. "In the end the Fay of the Night were locked away, but the Fay of the Light had exhausted themselves in the war and faded away. In a way the Fay of the Night's worst fears had come true. Humans had destroyed them.

"The half-breeds began calling themselves the Fay. Eventually they bred with normal humans, further diluting the bloodline. The Fay gave birth to the Half-Fay. Humans that possessed some magical talent, but nothing compared to the Fay themselves. And so it has been for centuries. Now and again the bloodlines will breed true and a Half-Fay will be born. Even rare is the birth of a full Fay, but it does happen."

"So what does that have to do with us?" Joey asked.

"Our bodyguards are faeries," Chris told him.

"Half faeries," Cody corrected.

Chris rolled his eyes, "My mistake."

"Okay. That explains who you guys are," Lance started. "But why are you here?"

"I sent your bodyguards to you because Mara wished to harm you for some unknown reason," Jason replied. "She was about to send very powerful people against you and you would not be able to defend yourself against them."

Chris sat up right. "That guy in the parking lot was Fay?"

"What did he look like?" The Oracle asked. He shook his head when Chris finished the details. "He was an animal. At this Age the Fay bloodline is in everyone to some extent. Occasionally a human will find a Fay and seek power. If the subject is willing a full Fay can imbue that person with enchantments. They gain abilities according to what animal they are given. They live life to the fullest because the magic kills them. They will live no more then five years beyond the ritual."

"Why do it then?" Lance asked in shock.

"Power," Sean said quietly. Up to this point he hadn't said a word. "It's the same reason the government will allow itself to be corrupted. For power."

"Calm yourself child," the Oracle told Sean. "You cannot change the minds of those who seek to become what they are not."

"I have to ask this," Chris said. "Why do you keep calling people child? You can't be more then twenty and all of these people are older then you."

Jason laughed richly. "I call all people 'child'," he said. "The Oracle is the leader of the Fay. I am only 20, but every Fay respects me as they would an elder. I have knowledge that they will never know of."

"Must be nice," Joey said. "Being able to know the future and all."

"It has its disadvantages," Jason said softly. "But then all power does." A silence fell over the room for a moment while the Oracle was lost in his own thoughts.

"Why did you send these guys to us?" Lance gestured at the bodyguards. "I mean they're great at their job and all, but why? And then why are you here?"

"There is an ancient Fay who wishes to use you in some way," Jason pointed at Chris. "Mara rarely has anyone interests but her own in mind. I don't know what she wants yet, but I don't intend to allow her to have it. After her first attempt, I decided that Cody couldn't do the job alone, so I sent Deana and Sean in as well." A mournful look crossed the Oracle's face for a moment. "The reason I am here is because Mara no longer fears me as a threat. She had the Sanctuary attacked. My Captain of the guards forced me to leave. I was the only one that left alive. I have come here because your bodyguards are the last of my retainers."

"Everyone?" Cody whispered.

"I'm afraid so child," the Oracle said softly.

"Why didn't you prevent it?" Chris asked. "You knew it was going to happen didn't you?"

"Knowing what will happen is one thing Chris," Jason said. "Being able to do something about it is another. I knew the attack would come, but it was too late to do anything about it."

"That has to be hard," Josh said. "Knowing but not being able to change things."

"It is," Jason said.

"So what are we to do now," Deana asked. "We are your retainers, but we have to protect these guys as well."

"You can do both," Jason said. "I will need to collect a few items shortly and since I need your help to collect them, you will have to come with me. However, if we leave any of the guys alone Mara will pounce. Which means they will have to come with us when I collect these items."

"How much danger can we get into when you go shopping?" Joey asked.

A faint smile touched the Oracle's lips. "A great deal. Particularly since ancient cultures laid traps to prevent their treasures from being removed."


So what did you think? Let me know.


Next: Chapter 11

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