Shall We Meet

By Mike H

Published on Feb 12, 2021


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"Shall we meet?"

I was screwed. I had said we should meet many times, knowing he was unlikely to agree: his profile said `online only,' and I had unleashed some of my kinkier secrets during our conversations. I didn't want to lose him as a contact or, worse, come over as an online fantasist.

Time to try to switch the focus back online.

"I know that's an issue for you. Happy to carry on chatting here." I replied.

"I bet your hard and wanking at the thought. We've chatted long enough on here - let's meet properly."

He had me. Moreover, I was currently naked and sporting a pre-cum loaded hard-on. If I wasn't so damned horny, I would have declined. Instead:

"Ok, it'd be good to put a real face to the name!"

"Right," he replied, "be at my place at exactly 7PM tonight. You've mentioned before that you hate long and polite introductions where it's all awkward, so shall we start as we mean to go on?"

"What do you mean?"

I knew full well what he meant. I just wanted him to say it.

"Tell you what, I'll let you choose how we proceed tonight. Come over, and if you want the long and awkward introductions and gentle start - as if we had never spoken, then stay dressed. However, if you'd prefer that we start to explore our less saintly-side immediately, then you'll be knocking on my door at exactly 7PM and you'll be completely naked."

I nearly shot my load. It was horny and terrifying at the same time. I had been stroking the whole time I'd been watching the `other-side typing' indicator.

"Got it?" He asked.

"Got it," I replied.

"Clothed, we sit and talk. If we're lucky we might kiss a little. Getting here naked means we have fun. Oh, and I mean completely naked - in every sense - nothing, not even a watch. Naked as the day you were born! Are we meeting? Either way, we can just chill and chat, or we can play. It's up to you. Am I seeing you at 7?"

My cock oozed more pre-cum. It's silky slickness made my cock do my thinking.

"Yes." I replied.

He sent me his address and mobile number. I replied with a "thanks - see you later".

He replied with, "at exactly 7PM, I'm looking forward to it already. Stop wanking - it'll be better with full balls, even if we're only talking!"

I stood up and walked back from the computer, my erection pointing the way to the bathroom and shower. I followed his advice - or instruction - and left my frustrated cock alone. It went soft and leaked more pre-cum in protest.

After having a piss and a thorough shower (first impressions and all that), I had to choose what to wear. I still hadn't made my mind up whether I'd have the balls to turn up somewhere naked - I mean, what if it wasn't his address? Would I get arrested for indecent exposure?

Best boxers, grey joggers, baggy sweatshirt, black socks and trainers. That would give me a respectable appearance for a first date. I was going to chicken out. I made up my mind.

At about 6:30, I sent a message saying I was leaving my house and would see him soon. His response came back immediately.

"Great. No pressure: come naked as the day you were born=sex; clothed=talk."

`Fuck,' I said under my breath. I was hard again. I really should have finished masturbating earlier! I was getting stupidly horny with the anticipation of meeting.

I drove over to his place. My mobile gave me excellent directions, and I pulled on to his driveway at 7:02.

His house offered reasonable privacy - the driveway ran up to the side of the house, where his car was parked in front of a garage. A tall hedge insulated the front garden from the road, and the same hedge ran around the front garden - no-one other than someone passing the drive, or in the bedrooms of the houses opposite would be able to see into the garden.

I sat with engine running and looked around.

`Fuck it!'

I killed the engine and shucked off my trainers and socks. With another look around, I pulled off my pants and boxers. They were soaked with pre-cum anyway - clearly my cock had been thinking on the way over.

With one more look around, I took off my top - then remembering the "totally naked" bit, removed my necklace and watch. I put them in the central console.

One last look around, and with a clear-coast, I was out of the car. I ran from the car to the front step, hitting the "lock" on my car keys. Putting both keys and phone in one hand, I reached up and pressed the door-bell.

After what seemed like an eternity, the front door opened and there was Paul. He was tall, mousey-blonde hair and dressed in grey slacks and a sweatshirt. I could see the outline of his cock as it swung inside his pants - he was obviously well-blessed and commando!

`You're late,' he said, standing in the doorway.

It's only ...' I had to look at my phone to get the time, '12 minutes past ...'

I don't care.' He said, cutting me off, You're late. And we shall address that in a moment. Did try drive here like that?' He looked me up and down.

Erm,' I replied, No - I stripped off in the car.'

I was still standing on the front step. I desperately wanted to go inside, but thought better of asking.

Hmm,' he paused, I'll have to think about that later too. Give me those.' He pointed to my keys and `phone.

Nervously, I handed them over.

`Come inside and wait in the hall.'

I followed Paul into the house and shut the door behind me. At least I was out of sight of the road now.

He walked into his front room and came out, locking the door - my phone and keys were now on the other side of the locked door.

Paul started walking down the hallway to his living room. He beckoned and I followed.

The room was large and very comfortable. Two `L' shaped sofas ran along opposite sides of the room. He gently pulled me into the middle of the room. Then he went over to an antique snide-board and fetched two drinks.

`Welcome, here's to fun!' he said, raising his glass and downing the contents in one. I did the same.

Right,' he said, let's have a proper look at you. He walked around me and checked me over like I was an animal being inspected by a vet. He lifted one foot and looked at its soul, then the other. Then he parted my ass-cheeks and then licked his index finger before ramming it unceremoniously into my hole.

I gasped as he twisted his finger inside me.

Reasonably tight,' he said, withdrawing his finger, you're obviously not a complete slut.'

I was going to reply but he said `Shh' as soon as I opened my mouth.

`No talking during inspections, unless I ask a question.'

I nodded.

He walked around to face me and looked down and my penis. It was semi-hard and oozing pre-cum. He lifted my balls and felt around them, then lifted my cock. It was demonstrating its pleasure by starting to go hard.

Then, leaving me standing in the middle of the room, he went into the kitchen and came back with a pint glass.

`Piss into that,' he said.

`I'm not sure I can ...'

`I said no talking while being inspected. Piss into the glass - even if it's only a little bit - but empty yourself now. Do it.'

I wasn't naturally piss-shy but this was difficult. I tried to relax enough to let the piss flow but nothing happened.

`I ...'

`Ok, not a problem, I'll check your urine in a moment. Let's sit - then when you think you can piss, let me know. We'll just talk until then. Sit down and make yourself comfortable.'

I sat on one of the L-shaped sofas, feeling the cold of leather against my legs, ass and back.

`When were you circumcised?' he asked.

`Just after I was born - I had difficulty peeing,' I replied, blushing.

`Good - I like cut men. I would suggested that anyway. While we wait until you can piss, tell me why you're a sub.'

He was good at asking open questions. He had me reveal quite a lot about my inner thoughts - that I loved anal play and being fucked, that I was looking for someone to take and own me in all aspects of my life - and over time, to become almost totally `owned' with little or no choice over simple things like clothing or even when I could piss or shoot my load.

The whole time I remained totally hard. My cock was literally oozing pre-cum.

`I think I can piss now,' I said.

`Go ahead.'

I stood up and pointed my hard-on down as best I could. After a few moments, I felt the piss building up behind the head of my cock, then it started. I pissed a lot more than I thought I would.

He smiled and stood up, having me hold the glass of warm liquid higher so he could see it.

Excellent,' he said, you didn't cum earlier.'

He pointed to white strings floating and a grey tinge to the liquid.

`That's cum - and it shows you're excited. Which is all good.'

He sat down again.

`Where should I put this?' I asked.

`In you.' He replied.


`Ask if you can drink it - ask nicely and we'll forget you disobeyed a request.'

My eyes widened. I felt my cock twitch and another glob of combined pre-cum and cum oozed out. I'd never been so hard.

Please,' I started, erm. Please may I drink this?'

`No - ask properly - ask if you can drink your piss - I want to hear you ask for it.'

I gulped and looked at the glass..

`Please may I drink my piss?' I asked.

He nodded.

After a moment or two to adjust to the thought, I put the glass to my lips and then gulped down the contents.

I was surprised - it didn't taste bad at all. I thought it would have been bitter or salty, and it was neither of those. It was a different taste, but not entirely unpleasant.

Right,' he said, I think it's time we spoke about you not obeying the rules. If you're going to see me, then we need to make sure that you don't disobey me. You were late, and I need to do something about that. Come with me.'

Nervously, I followed him back into the hall and to a door that led to his cellar. He had converted the cellar into quite an impressive play-room. I was both impressed and frightened by it in equal measure. My heart was pounding in my chest.

Around the room, I could see shelving with assorted items on them - plugs, anal beads, dildos and various restraints. I didn't have time to have a proper look because he took my left hand and put a cuff around it, then connected that to a chain hanging from the ceiling. He did the same with my right hand. Then he pulled the other end of the chains - I was hoisted up on to my tip-toes with my arms wide apart.

Then he lifted my right leg and put it on to a stack of books - and did the same on the left. He then pulled the chains on my arms again - I was pulled wider and higher. Then he pushed the book-stacks wider apart, so that my entire body was now a large `X', balanced on the piles of books and prevented from falling by the chains above me.

He smiled and then grabbed a pole from the side of the room - it had a square metal base and looked like a scaffolding pole. To the top, he attached a dildo which was narrow at the top, but incredibly wide at the base.

He lubricated the dildio well and then positioned the pole directly underneath me, with the head of the doldo just pushing at the entrance to my hole.

Right,' he said, let's see - you were 2 minutes late on the driveway and it took you 10 minutes to get to the door, so that's 12. An important figure.'

He walked to the side of the room and came back with a paddle and a cane. He placed them on the floor behind me.

I felt him lift my left foot and remove one of the books. I had to stand on tip-toe to keep where I was and not have the dildo pushing at my hole rip into me. He lifted the right foot and removed the book from there too.

The first minute is all paddle,' he said, and they accrue by the second. 60 full seconds = 60 full swats with the paddle. The rest is cane time - and they accrue by the minute. So that's 11 with the cane. Which would you like first? Paddle or cane?'

I was sweating profusely, trying to keep on tip-toe to prevent the dildo from penetrating me too fast. My feet were twitching, so I tried to keep some of my weight by lifting myself up using the chains.

He came round to the front and grabbed my balls, squeezing them mercilessly.

`Paddle or cane first?'

I gasped - as I had tried to pull back, my footing had gone and the dildo popped inside me.

`Fuck! Erm, paddle!'

`Ask for it,' he said stepping back.

`Please paddle me first?' I said while trying to get the dildo out of my hole.

I felt the air move and then a `THWACK' as the paddle hit my backside. It took almost until the second swipe hit me to realise it had winded me. The shock made me realise I was losing my footing again and the dildo popped in and out of my hole just as the third swat hit.

He had me count out load after the first ten. And with each swat, I had to yell out that `I will be on time in the future.'

After 25 swats, I had been fucking myself so much while trying to get out of the way of the paddle, he removed the next layer of books. With me back on tip-toe, he continued the assault on my backside.

At 35 he removed another layer of books and pushed them slightly further apart. I couldn't move as much with the larger amount of dildo pushing itself relentlessly into me.

With 45, I was spread even further. I didn't think I would be able to take much more of the dildo - but the paddle hitting my backside took all the focus off what was happening to my hole!

By the time he got to the full 60, tears were streaming down my face. He had paddled the whole of my backside and upper thighs. Once or twice he had just caught my balls and with those, I had flinched so much that more of the dildo had pushed into me.

Now,' he said, I want to draw your attention to the dildo that you're currently letting invade you. It's got a knot in it. And once you've taken that, I shall remove the pole, leaving that inside you for a while. This dildo,' he said almost proudly, `is based on nature. And any bitch knows that the knot stays in for a while.'

So,' he asked me, how many swipes with the cane did we say?'

'11,' I replied.

No,' he said, calmly. It's 12 because you didn't arrive naked, and then 13 and 14 for not being naked at the doorstep or now, and not pissing on demand.'

`But I am naked,' I replied.

He grabbed hold of my pubic hair and pulled so hard, my legs kicked another book out on the right hand side. He kicked the left side out and then pulled my pubes again.

`I said naked as the day you were born, and you turn up wearing this lot. You disobeyed me - be glad I haven't given you a paddle per pubic hair!'

My arms started to give way, and then I felt it - the head of the knot, pressing against my anus.

Ask for your punishment and I'll go easy on you. But you're still getting all 14. If you don't ask, I'll treat that as disobeying me too - then that'll go up by one each time.

He stepped back and nodded at me.

`Please will you cane my ass 14 times?'


`Because I came here late and with body hair.' I almost added a Sir.

The cane really hurt. It left welts on my already bright red backside. I'd feel this for days. As the last one hit, my legs, arms and hole gave up. With a `plop' the knot slid past my anus and my ass clamped itself around the narrower base. I'd taken a hugely wide and long dildo - one I would never imagined taking , let alone having it all in me.

The sudden closing of the muscles around the dildo had another effect. I came. I shot stream after stream of cum - all completely ruined as I couldn't touch my cock. Then I realised I was also pissing. It was as if everything had just surrendered in one go.

As promised, Paul disconnected the pole from the base of the dildo, leaving the whole thing embedded in me. It was, perhaps better described as a plug at this point.

Then he released my arms and I collapsed in a heap in the middle of my piss and cum.

The blood started rushing back into my arms and I rubbed my shoulders to get the circulation back to normal.

`Once you've licked up your mess, we can go back upstairs and relax before we start.'

With the plug still lodged in me, I started licking my mess off the floor.

It was going to be a long night and I was still rock-hard.

Next: Chapter 2

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