Shamus Turkleson

By D One

Published on Aug 22, 2008



Everybody called his Turk, short for Turkleson. Not even the teachers used a first name. That was because he professed to not having one. His records used "Turk" as a nickname but no first name was listed.

So he was mysterious to most of us but a good guy at the same time. He joked, ran, smoked, argued, complained and basically was like us all. Yet there was something unique about him.

Perhaps it was his charisma which enchanted us all -- even the adults in our lives.

For me it was something more and even at my tender teenage years I knew what it was.

Turk had light olive skin head to toe. We shared the same gym class so in the locker room I got to see him nude.

There was alot of sneak looks at each other in that denizen of intimate knowledge. Body shape, buttocks, muscles, pubic hair, dick size and testicle volume were compared through quick glances.

I knew guys looked at me as I did them. Modesty, embarassment, self consciousness and even shame were traits all of us adolescents had and it was evident. A few didn't. Turk was one of those.

He seemed natural being naked among the guys moving about in the locker room. He walked at ease to and from the shower, drying himself or undressing dressing at his locker.

Turk snapped towels and got snapped by them, joked and talked and moved about seemingly delaying least that's what it seemed to me.

I'd prolong finishing dressing as I looked down the length of the bench to where he stood stretching, toweling off and finally letting the lucky cloth of his shirt and pants surround him.

Yeah, yeah, I know, I was queer for Turk. But I noted that others looked at him too. Our eyes often met and parted with blushing cheeks revealing embarassed onlookers.

Among Turk's interesting traits was his penis. It hung as leisurely as he existed. It seemed longer then most but not as long as Benny Jewel who was measured at ten inches in the same locker room, or Arnie Companion who happily displayed his constant boner that was so fat and long I couldn't imagine any woman or man doing anything with it.

But I'm sure someone is now very happy with both of them and their genetic gifts.

Turk's cock was circumsized, his smooth testicles hung like a heavy bag of ballbearings. Unlike my own which seemed to move tight and high when naked, his stayed low and relaxed, again much like Turk.

We played football on the school lawn or at various community events. The bonus was I got to surround Turk with my arms that grew in strength over the years. I felt his around me as well and looked up from the bottom of a pile of peers to see his grinning face now and then.

I had a boy crush to be sure, and I hoped he had one too.

The summer after we graduated I missed him. I knew I would of course but I didn't realize it fully until a month of not going to classes, not seeing him naked and not pining for him in person.

So one hot summer Wednesday, I hopped on my little motorcycle and went to find him. I knew where he lived. As I motored over dirt roads that were spread like blood vessels all over the farm lands of our community, I realized nobody I knew had ever visited him.

We had sleepovers over the years but they were usually at friends' houses in the town. My Dad wouldn't let me have such an event saying the house couldn't stand the type of antics we would get into.

I did have one or two barbque parties though. I realized Turk never hosted any such events. And rarely did he appear at parties, dances or sleepovers himself. When he did, we were surprised and pleased of course.

As I got nearer his farm, the houses seemed to be further apart separated by fields of corn, acres of berry bushes and high fenses expanded by weeds.

Bees, flies and other strange flying insects abounded and bounced off my visor as I urged my cycle to it's top speed which didn't seem fast enough.

"Turkelson" was written on the mailbox. It was neatly written, the box not beat up like others I had seen and even the farmroad gate was clean, painted and in near new shape.

The weeds and fence that faced the road hid what was behind. I opened the gate and closed it carefully.

It was then I saw the rolling lawn of the greenist grass I had ever seen. Fields of tall corn were on either side of the center grounds.

A tall white painted house was set up on the crest of the slope with equally nicely painted buildings around it. The top of a traditionally red roofed barn appeared as well.

But all of that cradled what I saw in the center far from the gate to the left of the house. Figures were running back and forth across the green grassy lawn.

I waved at the group but nobody seemed to notice. I stradled my bike feelign aprehensive of traveling further. I hadn't been invited. Turk might not even be there. I realized all the years of talking to him and sharing classes, I didn't know if he had any brothers or sisters.

Yet there were several peple at his home. As I got closer I realized they were all male based on the bare chests I discerned.

I continued the ride, not realizing how long a drive it was. The figures eventually grew larger. And another realization that suprised me was the fact they were all naked.

It was apparently some kind of friendly football game complete with blocking, passing and tackling. One or two wore white tennis shoes and the others wore none. There were five of them, two shorter and two much caller.

I stopped on the road and watched them play. My stomach churned as it did when I lay on my bed to masturbate. My penis became a cock inside the shorts I wore. I wanted to watch the naked boys continue forever, it was a stimulating, beautiful, natural and erotic scene.

Finally I removed my helmut and turned off the engine. I'd have to push my bike or start the engine again to move it or perhaps turn it around and leave. Shaking my head a bit to let my matted hair free, I saw one of the naked footballers standing still while the others continued to play.

He looked towards me. The stance was familiar so I waved. Turk began to trot towards me, his maleness bouncing back and forth which hardened me even more.

"Hey what are you doing here?" he asked. It wasn't a challenge so much as pure surprise.

"Just thought about visiting." I said which was true. I realized my hand adjusted my crotch full of blood filled cock. His eyes glanced down and returned to mine. He was smiling.

"I uh missed you guys, I guess" I admitted "wondered what you were up to..." I began to mix a bit of stammering and babbling.

"Cool, come on we can use another guy" Turk had stepped closer. His hand scratched his chest then his crotch. I tried not to lower my eyes.

I pushed my bike and Turk helped. His moving so naturally while totally exposed reminded me of our high school years.

I put my helmut down and wondered about pulling my shirt off.

He must have heard my thoughts.

"You can strip down, nobody's home and the guys will feel better" he said. I peeled my shirt off.

"You won't need shoes, the lawn is picked clean" he added. His bare feet moved through the grass obviously enjoying the feeling between his toes.

I shucked my shoes too and delayed the last bit of clothing removal. I hoped Turk, who seemed to be all knowing, would tell me not to worry about my shorts. My hand adjusted my boner which had subsided a bit due to my consern.

"Hey don't worry about the bone, we all get em" he said. And to emphasize the freedom he described, his hand was handling his own penis. It responded growing a bit as I watched. I was openly staring at it then.

I let my shorts drop and my hardness was visable to him.

"Hey nice one, never saw it hard before" he admitted looking at my cock at one time, or at least that's the way I interpreted his comment.

We ran back to the group and I met his brothers. Pete and Bob his older siblings, Teddy and Thomas his younger ones.

They smiled, shook hands, looked my naked body over up and down. I felt an awkward moment but it was actually only a second before Bob told us to come on.

Now we were two teams 3 on a side. I was on the same team as Turk which meant I woudln't be able to wrap my arms around his bare body and tackle him

My pink skin became red as the time passed. Turk's ever olive color skin seemed to get darker. His brothers too had darker skin then me. I wasn't sure if it was all genetic or that they played naked on this grassy lawn over the years.

The game was the usual type of casual football game. Bob, Pete and Tim on one team against Turk, me and Teddy on the other. I threw a pretty good pass which enabled Turk to sore across the imagined goal line between two trees.

I ran and felt naked bodies of Turk's brothers against mine. What told me I had made the right decision that day were the piles of naked brothers on top of me now and then.

Brothers of both teams weighed me down into the ground and I felt their hands on me in fun, goosing and grabbing.

I took the liberty of doing the same, finally in gay heaven being able to touch, hold, feel and play with other naked males...among which were Turk.

"Dad's comin, gotta get ready for dinner" Pete said. A pickup truck was stirring up the dust along the road I had ridden on awhile earlier.

He waved as did his brothers.

Turk's arm across my shoulders impressed upon me he liked having me there. "Stay for dinner" he said. It wasn't a question but a statement.

I stood under the hot spray in the shower stall. My clothing lay on a bed in the next room. Turk was on the other side of the stall curtain. I could see his naked form. We talked about school memories, about some of our friends who had joined the Marines or were in Europe or going to college.

The curtain slid open and he stepped into the same area as me. "Turn around" he said and I did feeling his soapy hands slide over my back, buttocks and thighs.

It was what I had fantasized about. My cock revealed that to him.

We faced each other and held the boners that were between us. As we moved closer, our hands slide making our breathing deeper and louder. He rested his head on my shoulder and I did the same.

Masturbation if fun but funner when you can do it with another person, especially one who you had fantasized about for years.

We grunted and quivered as our bodies reacted to the pleasure our brains felt. My nerve endings felt the hot water more, my skin moved against his and my hand measured the length of his erection as his did mine.

Short sounds escaped our throats as our muscles pulsed shooting streams of our sperm against each other's wet skin and flowed down to the floor drain.

We resumed talking once we stepped from the shower and towel dried each others backs and bodies.

"So you goin to college or what?" he asked and we talked as we dressed. Pete was in the bedroom dressing at the same time.

"You staying over?" he asked. Pete seemed very friendly.

"Pete likes you" Turk said to me as we went downstairs to dinner.

There were no women there. Turk's Dad was friendly too. He asked me a few questions, talked to his sons about chores and life.

I lay on the bedroom floor with Turk later watching TV. Bob, Pete and the others joined us but eventually went to bed.

"I'll uh shack up with Bob, you two can have the room to yourself. You can use my bed," Pete said adding, "if you want".

Already stripped to our shorts, it was easy to be naked next. There was no discussion or hints. We moved into the same bed.

In the darkness Turk whispered, "he's gonna come back in later". I didn't imagine what that meant. I was busy feeling Turk's hands on my body exploring me the way I had dreamed about exploring him years ago.

That night I did. Our bodies released more sperm. What I treasured the most was while I felt him inside me, I muttered something like "fuck me Turk" ... without realizing I was saying anything.

I heard him say "Shamus, call me Shamus"

His first name. Not even his brothers seemed to refer to him by that name, calling him Turk like we all had in school.

I called him Shamus.

I still do.

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