Shane and Nicky

By moc.tsacmaerd.ku@hcrib.zac

Published on Dec 11, 2000


Shane And Nicky 4


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Kian and Bry were still on the stage, they were sprawled out on the floor. cracking jokes. They noticed Nicky staggering over, they sat up, concern clearly written on their faces. "Nicky! What's happened?" Bry rushed over "I....can't ...say" He stuttered "Do you need to talk?" Kian said gently "I need to be alone" Nicky jumped off the stage and went to a seat at the farthest corner of the arena. He collapsed in a seat,unable to take everything in. His phone rang. he picked it up with shaking hands. It was Georgina, he let it ring. How could he talk to her when he was in this state? He closed his eyes and saw Shane's hurt face as he left. It brought tears to his eyes. Why did he feel this way? He should be angry at Shane for springing it on him, but he just wanted to cry. He wanted to go home, but he couldn't let the fans down. His loyal fans. A smile flickered on his face, but no sooner had it appeared then it was gone. He sighed and felt so weary, so he closed his eyes and drifted off to a well needed but frantic sleep.

Shane rushed out of the dressing room, running down the corridor, searching for Mark. He was close to tears, and ran into Louis. "Where's the fire!" Loius demanded "What? Oh, sorry. I'm looking for Mark, I need to talk to him!" "He's not here. He left with Bethany. Half an hour ago" "Shit!" "Is there a problem? If you need to talk, I'm always around" He thought about it for a moment "No. It's cool. really" "Hmmm. You sure?" "Yeah. I'm fine." "Shane. I know that you're gay" "Wh...What?!!" "I know. I've known for a while" "How? When?" "Well, ever since Stephen came out to the group, I've picked up on it in people I work closely with. I guess you'd say I developed gaydar" "You're not angry?" "Do I look angry?" He replied smiling "No. You don't" He relaxed and stared at the ground. "Now. Run along I've got work to do" He walked away. Shane was gobsmacked and relieved that Louis was so understanding. He picked his head up and tried to focus on finding Mark.

Mark and Bethany had gone back to the hotel. They were making out on the bed. Bethany wanted to go all the way, and Mark wasn't exactly refusing. He slid his hand under her top, she moaned. Just then Mark's cellphone rang. Mark groaned. "Leave it" She whispered, nibbling his ear. "Mmmm....I can't. Let me see who it is" He rolled over to see who it was. It was Shane. He grabbed it and pressed the OK button. Bethany mumbled under her breath. "Shane. What's up?" Mark said softly "Mark. I need to talk" "Can't it wait?" He said, glancing over at Bethany "Mark. He knows!" "Cool." He replied , not really paying attention "No. You don't understand. he knows" "How much does he know?" "Everything!" He sobbed. Calm down. I'll be right there." His afternoon with Bethany put on the back burner for now He switched off his phone and turned to Bethany "I have to go" "Aww. Mark. Can't you stay?" She said flashing her legs "Don't tempt me Honey!!" He smiled and gave her a passionate kiss. "Are you coming Honey?" She rolled her eyes "I would, but I have to shower and get ready for tonight! You go and see your little friend" He was hurt by that comment, but thought that she was pissed off at the interruption. He kissed her on the cheek and went back to The Point.

He raced in as soon as he got there, frantically searching for Shane. He found him in the dressing room. "Thank god you're here!" "Shane. How does he know? I thought you were against telling him" "I didn't want to tell him.It just slipped out....And he left in a state. I've ruined everything Mark" He sobbed Mark wrapped his arms around his friend, his tears soaked Mark's tshirt. Shane was shaking. Mark knew he had to get them talking again. Shane looked into his friend's blue eyes and smiled sadly. "Cheers Mark. Oh where's Bethany?" "Back at the hotel room" "I hope I didn't interrupt anything" "Nah. You're okay." He blushed "I did. Didn't I?" "Well....Maybe" "Sorry mate" "Don't worry about it. There's loads of time for alone time. I had to come and see you. You're my best mate. It pains me to see you so distressed" "You're a great friend Mark. Thanks" "You don't have to thank me" "I do.Oh god. I haven't told you" "What?" He was clearly worried "Louis knows about my sexuality" "I can't believe you told him!" He was takenaback "That's just it. I didn't. He already knew!" "But how??" "He could just tell, and he's cool about it" "Hey that's great! Isn't it?" Mark realised Shane was deep in thought. "Yeah, but I'll feel better if...." "Nicky right?" "Yeah. I can't concentrate on a thing" "Shay. I'll sort things for you" "And how can you do that?" "I don't know, but I'll try. It's all I can do" "It's my mess. I'll deal with it" "You can't call love a mess" "I can cos It's one sided"

Kian and Bryan walked in laughing and spotted Mark and Shane huddled together Mark looked up and smiled hello at them, They were still cracking jokes, but realised Shane was quiet and looked as if he'd been crying. Bryan was concerned and remembered Nicky was also upset. "So what happened with you and Nicky?" Bry enquired "What do you mean?" Shane was shaking "Well, put it this way, he looked like he' d been punched in the stomach" A single tear rolled down Shane's cheek "What did he say to you?" He wiped away the tear. "Shane .What's wrong?" Kian rushed over to comfort him "What did Nicky say!!" Shane yelled "He didn't...He wanted to be alone. What happened?" "Leave it Bry. It's not important" Shane said in a whisper "No! I won't leave it! What the hell did you do!" Bryan screamed at him Mark stood up and whistled loudly and the room fell quiet. Bryan looked at him, everyone was upset. Shane had his head in his hands. Ki was worried about him. Bryan was pacing the carpet. Finally Kian broke the silence "Will someone please tell us what went on?" He added "Without yelling" Mark glanced at Shane. "It's not my place to say anything" Shane sighed "I'll tell you everything" "You sure Shay?" "Yeah Mark. It has to be said. Bryan you best sit down" "Fine" He sat on the other couch. Kian joined him. Mark sat with Shane offering support "Well" Shane began, he stared at the ground "I'm gay" There was silence until Bryan spoke up "Your point is? So you're gay. I know Nicky, he wouldn't get so upset over that" "Are you cool about it though?" Shane asked nervously "Of course I am you eejit!" He grinned "Kian?" "It's cool..although I suspected it" "You liar! "Bry joked "I already knew!!" "There's more..." Shane said softly "Is it about Nicky?" Bry interrupted "Yeah. The thing is I love him.." Bry and Kian gasped "You're joking right?" "No Kian. I'm deadly serious...I wouldn't joke about this" "I take it he knows" Bry said quietly "Yeah. It slipped out. And now he probably hates me" He burst into tears. Mark comforted Shane. Bryan and Kian bowed their heads, they could feel his pain. Kian walked over to the sobbing Shane and touched his knee "Shane " He said softly Shane lifted his head, his eyes all puffy and sunken, he looked lost and alone "I know where Nicky is" He added Shane spoke in a croaky voice " Y...You...D...Do?" "Yes" Kian smiled "I'm sorry for you that he's..." "Straight?" Shane finished his sentence for him "Yeah. But listen Shay. You and Nicky are really close, at least you could patch up your friendship" "I want that so much Kian" "Go talk to him then. He's at the back of the arena" "Thanks Ki" He got up and walked out. he ran to the blocks, almost stumbling in his rush to get there. Out of breath. he stopped and looked around and that's when he saw him. Just ahead of him, he saw a sleeping figure slouched over a seat. Quietly he walked up the stairs, his heart skipped a beat as he saw Nicky sleeping. He knelt down and gently touched his arm, he stirred "Uhhh..Just a few more minutes Mum" He muttered Shane smiled and gently shook him again and softly called his name "Nicky...Nicky...Nicky" His eyes fluttered open, all he saw in front of him was a blur. He rubbed his eyes and saw Shane smiling at him. "Shane" He smiled and froze, He remembered his confession. His tone changed "What do you want?" His tone brought tears to Shane's eyes. Nicky realised he was hurting his best friend. Shane finally spoke "Erm...We need to talk...Please" He pleaded with his friend for a chance "I have nothing to say" Nicky replied with neither love nor hate in the tone of his voice. "Okay. I'm sorry to bother you. I'll just.." He couldn't finish the sentence. all that came out were tears. He stood up and walked away Nicky watched him leave, when he saw him cry it tugged at his heart. He was confused, why did he feel like that? He walked after him, he called his name "Shay...Wait up" He stopped and turned around, the look on his face was torture for Nicky "Erm...We can talk later. Ok?" Shane smiled when he heard that, which made Nicky feel slightly uncomfy. They walked back to the backstage area, Shane was glad that they were on speaking terms. They reached the dressing room for a snack before tonight's concert. Mark, Kian and Bryan were all waiting on tenterhooks. Shane walked in with red eyes. Mark's heart sank, but the feeling went when Nicky followed him, he looked shellshocked, but it must have been a good sign. Nicky went to the buffet, Shane sat with Mark, Nicky seemed nervous as if all eyes were focused on him. They weren't of course, but he couldn't shake the feeling. Everyone was settled down, nibbling on sandwiches, drinking bottled water There was an eerie silence which was disturbed by a soft tapping on the door Bryan was closest to the door, so he got up and opened it. "Oh...Hello, y'alright?" Bry said "Hi Bryan. Is he in here or..?" "Yes. Come in" He moved aside to let the visitor in. "Hey everyone!!" Shane's face fell as the visitor walked in, he could feel a lump rising in his throat, tears stinging his eyes. "G!!" Nicky stood up and went to greet her. He took her in his arms. She planted a kiss on his lips. All eyes were on Shane, he smiled weakly but they saw through it. The pain in his eyes was evident. Nicky let Georgina go and glanced at the lads, he noticed Shane staring at him, he saw how hurt he was, he wished he could take the pain away. Georgina was draped all over him, he usually was happy to see her, but today something was different. He guessed it was because Shane was hurting. He hated seeing any of his friends upset, but especially Shane. Georgina helped herself to a drink and a bite to eat. Nicky walked over to Shane and sat next to him. Shane tensed as Nicky smiled at him. Shane took a deep breath and returned the smile. "Sorry about that" Nic said softly "What?" He motioned to Georgina. Shane froze before replying under his breath "Don't apologise. She's your girlfriend" He said the last word bitterly, as though the word was stuck in his throat. Nicky could feel the tension, and looked up at the clock. It was 6 p.m. The arena was starting to fill up, he could hear the hustle and bustle as people rushed by in the corridor He sighed and Georgina came over to sit on his lap. Shane's face crumpled, Nicky was starting to feel the pressure, trying to keep G sweet, and hoping Shay wouldn't get too upset "G. Not now " "But Nicky. I haven't seen you for ages. Come on baby" She kissed him, he resisted, but he had missed her and kissed her back, momentarily forgetting about Shane "Hey Shane. Why so glum?" She said as she broke the kiss Shane looked at Georgina "Ahh. Nothing for you to worry about" Nicky felt guilty as Shane spoke, the anguish in his voice was clear to all...except Georgina "Well cheer up ey!!" She punched him playfully. He grunted and turned away. She mumbled something under her breath, the only one who heard was Nicky and his face became hardened and he pushed her away. He stood up and walked to the door and opened it "You best go G. We've gotta get ready. I'll see you after the concert" She walked over and giggled in his ear "Okay sweetie. Bye. See you lads" Everyone smiled and said goodbye. Louis walked in and told the lads about the meet and greet. It was in 30 minutes, so the lads got ready. Nicky looked deflated .Bryan his oldest friend gave him a hug "What did I do to deserve that?" "You looked like you needed it. Why did you tell Georgina to go?" "We had to get ready" "Is that the only reason?" "Yeah...." Bry didn't look convinced "Nicky. Come on, there's something you're not telling me" "Alright, alright. "Nic sighed " She was rude to Shane" "Really? Can't say I noticed" "She said it under her breath. She may be my girlfriend but she's got no right to slag my mate off" "What did she say about him?" "She said he was a misery and no wonder he was single. It was below the belt" "I know mate. But she doesn't know the whole story" "You know though don't you?" "Erm...yeah, Shane told us all. You've been brilliant about it you know" "Well he's my best mate. I can't stop caring about him" "But doesn't it feel? I dunno. Strange to have him wanting you?" "In a way it does, but I dunno. It feels nice" Bryan gasped "You're not saying that you.....Well you know?" Nicky laughed nervously "Of course not Bry" He whispered "Of course not"

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Next: Chapter 5

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