Shane and Nicky

By moc.tsacmaerd.ku@hcrib.zac

Published on Mar 17, 2001

Gay shane and nicky 6

DISCLAIMER: 100% Fiction, I don't know Westlife, don't read anything into this, because it's fiction.

Kian felt a dead weight on his chest, he pushed it off, and opened his eyes, the bright sunlight piercing through the thin curtains blinded him After a few minutes, dots stopped dancing in front of his eyes, they fell on a figure next to him. He grinned "Man did I get lucky last night, or did I...." His eyes widened in surprise as he recognised the sleeping figure next to him. "Oh shit! Please say we didn't" He slowly pulled back the covers, he was naked, she was in her underwear. Their clothes were thrown all over the room. He felt a big cloud develop over his head, he couldn't take it in. He'd slept with her, he'd slept with Nicky's girlfriend!

Shane threw some clothes on in a rush, and dashed down to breakfast. Nicky was already there, he spotted him sipping a hot mug of tea. Everyone was there. except Kian and Georgina. Mark smiled at Shane as he sat at a separate table. There was room for him, but he knew that Kian and Georgina would be down any moment. Nicky watched his best mate sit alone, his shoulders hunched over, he stood up and was about to join him, when he spotted Kian and Georgina walking over sheepishly. Nicky went to kiss her on the cheek, but she pulled away suddenly, there was a questioning look on his face, he glanced at Kian and was wondering why they were acting so strange. "Alright Ki?" He tried to get him to talk Kian smiled softly, but then his smile was no more. Nicky was confused. What's eating those two? He thought. He pushed the thought away when Bryan yelled at them to sit down. So they started their breakfast, Nicky felt a twinge of guilt as he noticed Shane nibbling a piece of toast, he wanted to sit by him. He whispered to Georgina "You don't mind if I go sit with Shane do you?" "No, you go right ahead" "Cheers honey" He kissed her, and she flinched, he shook his head slightly annoyed, and made his way over to Shane. "Room for a little one?" Nicky smiled, as Shane dropped his halfeaten toast. He shook his head "You don't have to sit here Nic" "I know, but I want to" He pulled a chair out Shane looked at him shyly "Erm......About last night....I...I want to say sorry for" He trailed off "What?" Nicky asked "Oh, kissing my cheek?" Shane hung his head in shame, he looked up as Nicky touched his arm "It's alright Shane, I didn't mind" "You didn't?" He asked in amazement "No I didn't, so get some food in you. We're going shopping" "Who's we?" Shane asked "You and me. We didn't get a chance last night to talk, and also, I really want a day of fun. You up for it?" Shane smiled and nodded. Nicky glanced over at the other table, he noticed Kian and Georgina having some kind of discussion, he was worried about them and it showed. "If you want to go back over there, then it's alright" "No Shay. I don't. I'm just concerned about them" "Them?" "Yeah, Kian and G" "What's Kian got to do with anything?" "I wish I knew, George flinches if I attempt to kiss her, and Kian is acting really strange. He won't talk to me, he avoids my eye" Shane glanced at them, and saw their heads so close together, they were either plotting something or trying to hide something. The latter seemed more likely, especially with their distant behaviour towards Nicky. He surprised himself when he spoke "Erm....Why don't you invite them to come shopping?" Nicky raised an eyebrow "Shane. I know how you feel about G. You're not exactly her biggest fan" "I know, but you love her, and I just know you're worried. I don't want you to be" Shane said softly Nicky was touched "Okay, I'll ask them" Shane nodded as Nicky returned to the other table "Kian" Nicky asked "Do you want to....?" He trailed off as he saw the look in Kian's eyes, fear shone from his blue eyes. Nicky sensed a bit of an atmosphere and sat beside him "Ki. What is wrong with you?" Everyone at the table looked at Kian, except Georgina, she was avoiding confrontation. Mark sensed a storm brewing "Nic, you okay?" "Yeah, but...." He glanced at Kian and Georgina "I can't get anything from these two" Kian jumped up and from the look on his face, he was about to erupt, but whatever anger he had faded "I'm okay guys, really" Nicky smiled in relief and patted him on the back. Kian and Georgina exchanged nervous glances. "So, now you're talking, are you two coming shopping with us?" "Erm...I guess" Kian said quietly "G, you coming?" Nicky asked "Okay Nic" She smiled "Good, that's settled. We'll meet you in the lobby"

Nicky dashed back to Shane who had finished his breakfast "Are they okay?" Asked a concerned Shane "I'm not 100% sure, but they're coming with us" "Alright, are we going now then?" "Yeah" Nicky looked at Shane nervously "Listen Shane, last night was hard for me" "It was impossible for me Nic, I know how awkward it is for you" He touched Shane's arm "It was hard, but.....But, last night, when you went to bed, well lets just say it felt good" "What did?" Shane bit his lip anxiously "The kiss" He whispered and walked to the lobby. Shane broke into a smile, and it didn't go unnoticed. Mark stopped him, as he was leaving the restaurant "Now who put that smile there?" Mark grinned "What? Oh nobody you know" He said with a cheeky grin "Alright, I believe you....Not!" Mark grinned and went back to Bethany. Shane found Nicky waiting in the lobby. Wow, he looks good. He thought as he approached Nicky. He grinned when he spotted Shane "Where's Kian and G?" "Oh, they're still in the restaurant" "No, we're not" Shane turned round to see Kian with Georgina, they looked as if they were keeping something to themselves "Let's go then!" Nicky declared. They headed for the waiting car. Shane was sat by the window, nearly falling asleep. He felt a gentle touch on his arm, he opened his eyes. "Come on sleepyhead" Nicky whispered. Shane blushed, because Nicky was right in front of him, so close that he could reach out and kiss him. Nicky's warm breath made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. Shane smiled and slowly got out of the car, they headed for the shopping centre. Shane was extremely happy, just been around Nicky, but Kian acted as if he wanted to be anywhere but here. Shane noticed and knew that he had to talk to him. "Nic, why don't you and G have some quality time together?" "You sure?" Nicky asked, not wanting to do anything to make him feel pushed out "Yeah. I want to buy some clothes, and I'll take forever. Come on Ki" Nicky left with Georgina, and Shane dragged Kian around the shops. Laden down with bags, they took a breather in a small cafe "Alright, talk!" Shane ordered "Huh?" Kian said in a daze "Earth to Kian, what's with you? You've been acting weird all day" "I know. I'm sorry" He replied quietly "Come on Ki, remember yesterday? You listened to me, now come on Ki, it's me, you can tell me anything" "Yeah, I know, but I don't know where to begin" "Well, it's got something to do with Georgina, right?" Kian burst into tears "You could say that, we slept together" He looked at Shane awaiting his reaction "Fuck Ki! Nicky's going to kill you!" "Tell me about it, but there's something else" "Go on" Shane sighed "I think I love her" He hung his head "And she loves me" It was Shane's turn to cry. Kian was shocked "Why are you crying?" "This is going to crush Nix. Are you going to tell him?" "I have to, but I don't want to lose him as a friend" "I know, I know"

Nicky spotted Shane and Kian, sat in a cafe. He grabbed Georgina's hand and walked inside. He was annoyed, because she'd been quiet all day, he got nothing out of her whatsoever. He gave up trying in the end. Nicky had twice as many bags as Shane and Kian had. Georgina noticed the tears on Kian's cheeks, she dropped her bags and rushed over, not caring if Nicky picked up on it. She wrapped her arm around him and held him tight. Nicky was equally worried, and surprised to see the way she dropped everything for Kian, but at the same time he was pleased that she was there for him. Nicky noticed Shane had also been crying, his mouth went dry, the sight almost made him produce tears of his own, he sat beside him and patted his leg "What's wrong Shane?" Shane tensed as he felt Nicky's hand on his leg "Nothing, I'm okay" "You sure?" Nicky's blue eyes twinkled, Shane couldn't stop staring at him, he wondered why Nicky's hand was still on his leg, he had to move, he knew Nicky was just been a friend to him Shane stood up and rushed out of the cafe. Nicky ran after him, he caught up with him, and grabbed his jacket, he spun round, face to face with Nicky, the man he loved. "Shane, where are you going?" "I don't know, anywhere. I can't stay here" Shane backed away "But why?" Nicky asked softly "I just can't" "Well, at least get your bags and we'll head back to the hotel" "Okay" Shane sighed and walked back to the cafe, he stopped in his tracks when he spotted Kian and Georgina kissing. Shit! I can't let Nicky see this. Shane stood in front of the door, blocking Nicky from seeing anything "Why aren't you going in?" Nicky asked as he walked over "We can't go in Nic" "Sure we can, come on move" "No Nix, no!" "Move now!" Nicky said, half irritated, half joking. Sheepishly Shane moved out of the way. Nicky's heart sank when he saw Kian kissing his girlfriend. "I'm sorry Nicky, I didn't want you to find out this way" Shane said while he patted his shoulder Nicky shook his hand away "You knew! And you didn't tell me!" He yelled "I'm sorry, how could I tell you?" "Well, I bet you're happy, glad she's out of the picture!" "Nicky, how can you say that!" Angered, Shane rushed into the cafe, Kian and Georgina broke away with a guilty look on their faces. Shane grabbed his bags, shot them an icy glare and rushed out, he ran back to the hotel, tears streaming down his face. Nicky watched him leave, and felt an indescribable feeling tugging at his heart, he sighed, as he went into the cafe to confront them "What the hell do you think you're doing!" Kian was too ashamed to look him in the eye "Nic, I'm...." "Sorry!" Nicky spat angrily "Yes, sorry" "I trusted you! Both of you!" He took his bags and rushed out of the cafe in floods of tears. Kian stood up to go after him, but was stopped by Georgina "Leave him, he needs time to calm down" "But I'm so worried, I don't want to lose him, he's one of my best friends" "Oh I know. I feel the same" She said

Shane dumped his bags on the floor, and raided the minibar, armed with miniature bottles of whisky and vodka, he downed one after the other, trying to forget that he hurt Nicky. He passed out on the floor, empty bottles surrounded him. At that moment he didn't care what happened, he just needed to forget. Nicky barged into his room, and collapsed in tears on the floor, he was so angry at Kian and Georgina for hurting him. He needed a drink, he walked over to the minibar, and found it practically empty "Shane" He whispered He panicked and walked over to Shane's bed, finding him slumped on the floor, behind his bed. He dropped to his knees, and held him in his arms "Wake up please! God! What if he's....." Pulling him closer, he heard his gentle breathing "Thank god. Please wake up!" He cried. He picked him up and placed him on the bed, he went to get a damp cloth and placed it on his forehead. He sobbed on Shane's chest "I'm sorry. Just please wake up!" Bryan walked in and saw Shane unconscious "Shit! What happened?" Nicky was alerted by Bry "Oh Bry! God, he drunk, god knows how many bottles from the minbar, he was like this when we got back. This is all my fault!" "Nic, don't say that. Come on, we have to try and wake him" "I know" Bryan slapped Shane's face, but there was no response "Nic, has he taken anything?" His voice was laced with concern "No, I don't think so. Will he wake up?" "He will, but not yet" "Well I'm staying here. I'm not going anywhere!" "Nic?" Bryan asked quietly "What?" "The small matter of the concert" "Shit! What time is it?" "Erm...About 11" "That leaves 7 hours, you go, I'll sit with him" "Okay, call me if you need anything, don't hesitate" "Okay. thanks Bry" He wrapped his arms around him before he left. Nicky just sat by Shane holding his hand, he started to hum and it turned into a song

How can I just let you walk away Just let you leave without a trace When I stand here taking every breath With you ooh. You're the only one who really knew me at all

How can you just walk away from me When all I can do is watch you leave Cos we've shared the laughter and the pain And even shared the tears You're the only one who really knew me at all

So take a look at me now Cos there's just an empty space And there's nothing left here to remind me Just the memory of your face Take a look at me now Cos there's just an empty space And you coming back to me now is against all odds And that's what I gotta face

I wish I could just make you turn around Turn around and see me cry There's so much I need to say to you So many reasons why You're the only one who really knew me at all

So take a look at me now Cos there's just an empty space And there's nothing left here to remind me Just the memory of your face Take a look at me now Cos there's just an empty space But to wait for you, well that's all I can do And that's what I've got to face Take a good look at me now Cos I'll still be standing here And you coming back to me is against all odds That's the chance I gotta take Just take a look at me now

Nicky broke down on Shane's chest, he'd lost him, that's the last thing he wanted. He must have nodded off, because the next thing he knew, Shane was groaning. Nicky perked up and started stroking Shane's hair, it was soaked in sweat "Shane, Shane" He called softly "Urrgh!" He moaned "Oww my head!" He clutched his head, and felt Nicky's hand comforting him, he knew it was Nicky, the smell of Nicky never left him, he felt comfort knowing he was by his side "Shane, open your eyes" He groggily opened his eyes, and the room began to spin "N...Nicky....I'm gonna..." Shane retched Nicky rushed and grabbed the closest item to hand. A bin. Shane threw up in it. The stench made Nicky clutch his stomach. Shane coughed, while Nicky gave him a tissue to wipe his mouth "Thanks" He mumbled "Hey, it's okay. How do you feel?" "My head's pounding, my stomach is agony, besides that I'm grand" He croaked "Just rest Shane" "Will you....Stay?" "Yeah, I'll stay" Nicky smiled, Shane settled down in bed. Nicky wrinkled his nose and cleaned out the bin. He glanced at the clock. It was 2 pm. At least he'd been sick, it'll make him feel better. He thought. He turned the stereo on low, soft soothing sounds played out. He blushed when "Against all odds" began to play. He hummed it again, remembering when he sang to Shane, he meant every word. But was he attracted to him? That was something he had to figure out for himself. It dawned on him that he hadn't thought of Georgina. It pained him, but maybe she did him a favour, they were stuck on a plateau, but why Kian? Why did Kian do this! I can handle the relationship falling apart, and she always had been good friends with Kian, but why go behind my back? He thought. How can I trust him again? He brushed a solitary tear away. The song was nearly finished, and Shane stirred, his lips mouthed the words "Take a look at me now" Nicky watched him, and a smile appeared on his lips, he joined in the last few words, and sat on the bed with Shane. Shane opened his eyes, and smiled, but felt an overwhelming bout of sadness Nicky grew concerned "What is it?" "I remember what you said at the cafe" Nicky sighed "Ahh, about that, I'm sorry. I lashed out at the wrong person" "But the things you said, I mean, how could you think that I'd be happy about......" "I know Shane. I feel an idiot. Friends?" "What do you think?" He replied grinning "Good" Nicky stroked his hair lovingly, Nicky gazed into his eyes, drinking in his beauty, he gasped and tried to tear away, but he couldn't "What?" Shane asked "Sorry" Nicky blushed "Why are you staring at me?" Shane was elated. He hoped that Nicky was going to kiss him "Sorry. I couldn't help it" He turned away "Nicky" Shane tilted his chin up "Shane, stop. I don't....." His eyes betrayed him though, Shane couldn't help but notice the longing in his eyes. "I think you do Nicky" He sat up and leaned in to kiss him, Nicky moved away and Shane's hopes faded. He got out of bed and went to take a shower. Nicky breathed deeply, thinking that was close. Why did I nearly let that happen? He thought. Why couldn't I stop looking at him? It scares me that I could...... He shivered and remembered the song again, he couldn't sing that to just anyone, he knew it was from the heart. even Georgina didn't have this much of an impact on him. "I've answered my question. Now how do I tell him?" Shane appeared in his bathrobe "Tell who what?" Nicky grew very afraid, he rubbed his hands on his jeans and walked towards him, all the while not breaking the longing gaze "This" He murmured. He placed his lips against Shane's and parted his lips. Takenaback, Shane stood still then pushed him away. Nicky was confused "I thought you wanted this" "I do. More than anything, but you've just found out your girlfriend is in love with your friend. Classic rebound situation" "I'm not on the rebound Shane. I want this" "Really?" "I think I wanted this before I found out about G" "Stop messing Nic" "I'm not. I wouldn't do that. I'm gay too, I just never realised it before" He whispered softly "You have made me whole life click. I love you" Shane said, holding back the tears Nicky smiled "I love you too Shane" Shane cupped Nicky's face in his hands, and softly kissed his lips. Shane's whole body woke up to Nicky's touch. Nicky pressed against Shane, holding him close. Shane broke the kiss and started to kiss his neck, Nicky moaned and guided him to the bed. They lay cuddling and kissing. Holding each other tightly, they drifted off

"What are we going to do Georgina?" Kian was pacing the floor of his hotel room "Ki, we'll be fine. Nicky will need to calm down, it must have been a shock" "You can say that again! I'm going to sort this out, I can't stand not knowing what he thinks" "Do you really think you should?" "I can't sit here, he's my mate, he's going through hell" Kian rushed out of his room and down to Nicky's. He knocked softly on the door. No answer. He knocked again. Harder. No answer. He sighed and tried to open the door, it was unlocked. He walked in and heard the soft sounds coming from the stereo. He switched it off, scanning the room, and his gaze rested on two figures snuggled up together. Shane and Nicky. He took a step backwards and stumbled on Shane's bags "Shit!" He cursed out loud. The disturbance woke Nicky up. Panicking he jumped out of bed and rushed over to the bedroom door, and saw Kian making a dash for the door. "Kian!" Nicky hollered He stopped dead in his tracks, and cautiously turned around "Err...Nicky" He said almost shyly "We have to talk okay" Nicky said sternly "I know....I...." "You came to apologise right? And no doubt to beg for my forgiveness" "Yes, we never meant to hurt you. Nic, we love you" "Love? Hmm...Is that what you call love? Ki, you not only stole my girlfriend, you....The trust is gone! I can't bear to look at you!" "What else can I do to make it up to you Nic? It wasn't intentional, and you......" "And I what?" "Well, lets just say you soon found a replacement" Kian spat "What did you just say?" Nicky questioned calmly "I saw you jumped into bed with Shane. How can you do that to Shane?" "Do what to Shane?" He asked bemused "Use him!" "How dare you!" Nicky walked towards Kian, angered and outraged. Kian stepped back fearful "For your information Kian, breaking up with Georgina had nothing to do with Shane and I" "Bit sudden though. Do you still love her?" "I'll always love her Kian, but...." "But what?" Nicky spun round and saw Shane standing there, with a hurt and confused look on his face "Shane" Nicky murmured, and smiled at him as he walked over to comfort him "I love you more than anything, I'll always have a place in my heart for Georgina, but it's with you I belong. I really love you Shane, and hope we can be ......Together" Shane smiled and fell into Nicky's strong arms Kian brushed a tear away as he watched the new lovers "You really love him?" "Yes Kian, but though you did me a favour, I still can't begin to trust you again" Nicky walked over to Kian and placed a hand on his shoulder "Nic. I know you hate me, but I promise, I'll make you have faith in me again" Kian sobbed "I don't hate you Kian. I'm just not too happy with you, to be honest I don't mind you're with G" "Excuse me!" Kian was gobsmacked "G and I have been going nowhere, and you've always been close, we became more like friends than lovers" "But I saw her kissing you yesterday" "Yeah, because we were trying to get out of the rut, but it just wasn't working, remember I only spent half an hour with her" "I remember, but if that's the case, why do you act like this around me?" "You went behind my back Kian! If she wanted to be with you, she should have just told me, how can I trust you! And one more thing, how long has it been going on?" "I don't think that matters Nic" "Well it matters to me, if you want to regain my trust you'll tell me" Shane walked over to Nicky for support, stroking his back, Nicky reached for Shane's hand. Kian clears his throat and stares at the carpet nervously "Well" Kian said "We woke up together this morning, and I remembered we did....It" "You were pissed though! Did she know what she was doing?" "Err...Let's just say she wasn't exactly backward at being forward" "More than I needed to know Kian. So now you love each other?" "Yes" He smiled "I've finally fallen in love, but.....And you won't like this" "Go on" Nicky sighed, Shane squeezed his hand, which sent shivers down Nicky's spine "Well. I've been in love with her since I met her" "What! For nearly 3 years. You've been lusting after her!" "I wouldn't put it that way Nic, I always wished she'd love me, like she loved you" "Well, now you have your wish" Nicky said flatly "Look I'll go" Kian sighed "I can see you don't want me here" He left without another word

"Are you okay babe?" Shane rubbed Nicky's shoulders, he let out a moan "Ooh I will if you keep on doing that" Shane smiled and led Nicky back to the bed. Nicky smiled shyly and laid on his stomach, Shane straddled his waist and massaged his shoulders.letting all the tension out. He paused to blow softly on Nicky's neck. He shuddered as he felt Shane nibble his neck, his warm body pressed against Nicky's. He turned his face to meet Shane's lips, he moaned as Shane kissed him with passion and longing. Nicky rolled onto his back as Shane stood up. "Come here you" Nicky smiled and pulled Shane on top of him. They kissed with so much love, accepting their desires. Shane slowly unbuttoned Nicky's shirt, placing gentle kisses on his chest, softly sucking his nipples. Nicky looked at him with so much desire, love and trust and kissed him all over his body, their bodies felt right together. They made love, pleasuring each other, no-one else mattered, they loved each other, everything would work out, as long as they had each other. Shane sang softly to Nicky, as he fell asleep, holding onto his lover, he felt complete


Lyrics....Phil Collins "Against all odds"

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