Shane and Trey

By anyta sunday

Published on Dec 21, 2010



Disclaimer: Story characters belong to the author, any resemblances to real people are entirely coincidental.

Content Advisory: Adult situations, language, sexual references

Copyright, 2010, Anyta Sunday

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You can also find my stories at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter Two

Mid morning sun peeked through a crack in the curtains. I kicked the blankets off me, letting my sweaty body feel the relief of air. As I did most mornings, I reached for the towel I kept in a box under the bed, and began rubbing one out. I couldn't help picturing Ryan. For the last two weeks I'd tried getting him out of my head, and knew I shouldn't be using him as my fantasy anymore, but—old habits die hard?

I felt sort of weird about it because Ryan had made it uber-clear he wasn't interested, to the point of saying he didn't even want to be my friend anymore. So I was jerking off over him without consent. I wasn't sure if that made me a bad person or not. It'd probably be best to get me some mags.

The worst thing was after I finished—man I felt sad at how things turned out. I mean, even if he never wanted to be with me in any sexual way, did three years of friendship mean nothing? I would've liked to remain his bud.

After I'd showered and before I dressed, I grabbed my guitar and strummed some. Call me strange, but I just loved the feel of its vibrations against my skin. Like I was touching the music itself.

A knock came at my door. "Open up, Shane." June sounded excited.

"Just a sec." I carefully placed the guitar on the stand, and then pulled on some shorts and a t-shirt. I swung open the door. "What's up?"

She bounced on the balls of her feet and shoved a piece of paper before my eyes. "Guess what?" She laughed. "My roomie's name is Sara."

I ripped the sheet from her. "Sara who?"

"It doesn't say. Only first name's there. Oh, I'm so excited. Sara sounds like a friendly name. She's gonna be real kind I bet."

I grinned at her enthusiasm. She'd have no trouble making new friends, which was her biggest fear starting college. All the girls and guys she'd hung with in high school were going someplace else.

"And,"—she whipped out an envelope from her back pocket—"here's yours. Come on, open up. And hurry, I've got to run off to work." Work for June meant polishing people's nails and bearing the grunts of pain coming from the adjoining waxing room. I shuddered just like I did whenever I passed the bright purple store. It was a reminder, a very good reminder, curiosity didn't always lead to something good. Yeah—I'd tried it. And owweeee. Oh, and never again.

I took the letter and worked my pinkie under the flap. Who would it be? I'd given a pretty detailed profile of myself in the application. The guy was surely going to have some of the same interests as me, right? I mean, they had a computer system for this stuff.

In a sudden burst of excitement and confidence I winked at June. "Jeez I hope he's hot." Yeah, smoking hot with a tight ass and great pecs I can ogle at. That'd be real nice.

She laughed, and scanned my room. "Well whoever he is, he's lucky. You'd be a good roomie. So tidy." She gazed at her letter again. "They should come with a profile picture. Or at least a last name to google them. Shoot. I hope Sara will be nice."

"Ach, don't worry she will be. And you can always come hang with me if you don't like her."

"Or she doesn't like me."

I snorted, scanning over the letter. "Not gonna—"happen, June, I was going to finish. Until I read my soon-to-be-roomie's name.


I frowned, trying my damn best to ignore my sinking insides. Surely there were like, loads of Trey's, right? I mean what fucked up coincidence would it be to end up rooming with my sis's boyfriend? Oh, please don't let the world actually be that cruel.

"Well, who is it?"

I swallowed and managed a fake grin. "Funny. His name's Trey."

I parked across the street from his house. I knew where he lived because I'd dropped June off a couple of times. It felt weird being here without her though. But she'd been the one to suggest coming here and finding out if—and I prayed to God it was not the case—he got a letter with my name on it.

As I had no AC, I'd made sure to lower all the windows. It was too hot a day for anything else, and even with the light breezes I was sweating. I gripped the wheel so tight my palms grew hot and slippery.

I narrowed my gaze on his pristine house with its perfect flower beds, and then to Trey, who mowed the lawns. Fuck, I felt like such a stalker sitting in my car and watching him. But I couldn't get out. I mean what was I thinking coming here? The guy had heard me come out. What if wanted to beat on me? Did I really care to find out that much? Hell no. But then, if he was my roomie—I gulped—I'd have to live scared shitless by his fists all semester. Better grow a set quickly. This could be like mental preparation. I'd gauge his reactions today and figure out how best to deal with him before getting to college. So go on, what am I waiting for? Get out of the fucking car.

I grasped the door handle, and unbuckled the seatbelt. Then froze again as Trey stopped the mower. He wiped the back of his hand over his glistening forehead, and then ran his fingers through his dark hair.

He wandered toward the patio, and as he did the sun worked a small miracle in combination with all his sweat, making him sparkle. This was so unfair. He'd so better not be my roomie. I mean sure a hot bod would be great, but jeez, just give me a chronic farter—anyone trumped this Trey.

I let go of the handle. Oh crap. I was a wuss. I didn't want to talk to him at all. Nup. I wasn't going too. June could just tell me later. Then I'd join a gym and buff myself up so I'd be a match for him—okay probably only a sort-of match. But it'd be something.

I groaned and hit my head on the steering wheel. "Fuuuuck."

"Were you going to come out any time?"

My head snapped up. Trey, now in a tight white t-shirt, waltzed toward me. His stare seemed to penetrate a hole through my skull. Ahhhhh—"HmmMMmm." Yes? No? Maybe? Hell no?

He raised his brow slightly, then walked in front of the car and let himself into the passenger seat.

I tried to determine what I'd do if he started throwing punches. I could run off. Actually, I'd probably have the strength enough to push him out of the car. Then I'd hit the gas. Was I over-thinking? Yeah, probably—this guy was my sister's boyfriend after all. If he loved her anywhere near as much as she did him, he wouldn't be messing me up too bad.

"Didn't realize you'd seen me," I said at last.

"Your car is red, man. I noticed."

So much of a stalker I'd be.

Trey sucked in air making it whistle between his teeth. "So, wazzup?" He calmly leaned his torso back into the chair, gazing out the front window. Somehow that went a long way to calming down my nerves.

I cleared my throat. Did I lead in with a Not much, how `bout you? Or just get to the point? Funny that my sister had gone out with the guy three years and I'd only had a handful of conversations with him. And they weren't exactly revealing. Like I knew he had a brother, and was super, super good at basketball—but those were my sister's words.

"Ummmm," I finished the word with a loud smack. With all my hmms and umms no one would believe I was going to study to become a speech therapist. I glanced at Trey who surprised me by grinning. "Do you know who you'll be rooming with in college?" I burst out.

"Shane?" My name mixed with his deep voice...damn, that sounded sort of—sexy? Whoa! I looked away from him, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks. Where the hell did that come from? "We're gonna be roomies," he said.

"We are?" Well that came out much higher than anticipated.

"I've known for sure ever since I saw your car pull up without June in it. Why else would you be here? You're very good at avoiding me usually."

"Me avoiding you?" I mean, yeah I did, but it went both ways. If I didn't, he would. (So what a bad stroke of luck it was he'd been around with the whole Ryan thing, huh.)

Trey chuckled, something I'd never heard him do before. Fascinated, I watched his grin widen and his torso quiver.

"Well, you're going to have to start learning to relax around me man. I mean you're as stiff as"—he hesitated—"a board." Yeah, that's what he was going to say. "Looks like you need a good back rub."

WTF? That was the last thing I thought would come out of his mouth—and like, was he offering?

The answer came in form of a large hand reaching toward me. Okay, think of something to say—anythingto stop this. "June!"

He paused as if trying to make the connection, a frown pushing his thick brows together.

I continued to ramble, "June loves a good back rub, huh? Her and Mom are always bribing me to give them one. But I'm sure your fine hands do it better—they really like the pressure."

I stopped, sure I was scarlet now. Your fine hands could do better?—what was I on? My tongue needed some serious reprimanding.

Trey chuckled again. "You're funny when you're nervous." He rested his head back on the headrest. "I feel like I'm getting to know you some, already."

Well that did not go both ways. Didn't he hate me? Think I was disgusting? Shouldn't he try to threaten me somehow? I didn't understand how he could be so, so easy going. Not knowing what to expect of him made me antsy.

From somewhere deep and brave, and without my entire consent, words spilled from my mouth. "Actually, I find it quite unfair. You know more about me than most, but I hardly know a thing about you."

"What do you want to know?"

What do you think of me being gay? Will that be a problem for us as roomies? Will you hurt me again? But because that brave place closed up, all I came out with was, "Um... so... what papers are you taking?"

"Mostly Math papers, stats, calculus, physics."

Wow. Okay, that sounded smart. "I thought you got into college with some sort of sports scholarship."

Trey faced me, his green eyes darkening. "Why is it so fucking hard for people to believe I have a head on me? I'm not just about sport, you know."

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. Seemed I also squirmed when I was nervous. Maybe June and I were more alike than I'd thought. "I didn't mean to imply you were dumb."

"Sure you did, Shane."

And the truth was he was right, a part of me had thought him a bit of a meat head. But now I really had no clue who this guy was.

After a few moments of silence, I spoke, "Are we going to have problem?" My grip tightened on the wheel.

Of course, he knew exactly what I was referring to. He shrugged. What did that mean?

"Nah, you're all right, I suppose. I just..." he trailed off, his face tensing, as if he were concentrating hard.

I wasn't sure what to make of his comment, but it sounded promising. I guess so long as he stayed with my sister, things would be okay.

A light breeze came in through Trey's window, bringing with a trace of his sweat. I found myself inhaling deeply, liking the tangy scent. I had a sudden vision of me licking the side of his neck up to his ear, having that saltiness on my tongue.

Shit, the thought was making me hard. Socks. Smelly socks. Socks on a hot day after a game of soccer. Nope, that didn't seem to be stopping it.

I moved a bit, and hoped the straining wasn't too obvious. This was not good. I mean, come on, he's straight, my roomie, and my sister's boyfriend—this was just not meant to happen. It was definitely time to get out of here. "I've—ah, got to get to the library. I promised Mom I'd meet her for lunch." Well that was a lie, but whatever.

Trey sat up straight. "Oh, I have some books to return, do you mind, man?"

Yes, yes I do. I forced a smile. Why did I find it so hard to say no to someone? Even if I disliked them? "Nah, give them to me and I'll drop them off."

He smiled and raced inside. I took the opportunity to quickly rearrange myself. Within the minute he was back in the front seat. Not only did he have a stash of books, but he had a shoulder bag with him as well.

I raised a brow.

"Oh, yeah. Well I need to go to town anyway. Give me a ride?" He leaned over and knuckled my dark tree-brown waves. "That way I can learn more about you, man. Your sister brags about you of course, but I think I'd prefer to learn for myself, make up my own mind like."

I was pretty sure goose bumps covered my scalp. It certainly felt all tingly where he'd touched me. I shook my body, trying to get rid of it.

The whole giving him a lift was so not part of the plan. I glanced at his lap, quickly focusing on the stack of books. Of the seven, three were Harry Potter. Well, that made me want to whoop with laughter. I mean, he just didn't look the type. At all. I did my best to choke it back.

"What on earth was that noise you just made?"

I shrugged, and hit the gas.

"Well that's the first time I've ever seen you smile like that," he said, suspicion soaking his tone. "There's got to be a reason for it."

I calmed myself. It was totally possible he was dropping the books off for his brother, who—actually now I thought about it, I didn't know anything about. I knew he had one, but was he twelve? Fourteen? Sixteen? "How old's your brother?"

"Where did that come from?" Trey shook his head. "He's Twenty-three."

I let loose a bout of laughter. I slowed the car down until it was all out, and forced myself not to imagine giant Trey reading the books. I'd read them all myself, there was nothing wrong with it. It was just—the image was too cute. "Hey, you're not a vegetarian are you?"

"What the fuck? Now you're making me laugh."

I waved a hand toward the books. "I just thought anything was possible."

I glanced at Trey. He'd actually gone red and lowered the stack to the floor. I smiled internally. Was June right? Was Trey really just a sweet guy? No. He couldn't be—I'd seen the real him, and it was bullying.

As we continued into town our chatting became more and more easy, making my nervousness earlier seem ridiculous. I was still--and would still be--cautious of the guy, but maybe, just maybe things would be okay.

In the library parking lot we clambered out of the car. Trey walked around to my side, leaning on the back door while I grabbed his books. Which meant leaning over the seat to grab them off the floor. As I brought them up something grazed my ass. The soft touch sent butterflies to my stomach. My breath caught, and I slowly pulled out of the car.

Trey stood exactly as I'd last seen him, only his face was now completely blank, and I couldn't make out any emotion, except perhaps boredom. I scanned the area. Surprised as it made me, I'd really thought it'd been Trey. But now I wasn't so sure. Maybe—could it have been a bird or something?

"Hey did you..." see a bird land on my sweet tushie? Seriously, hadn't I said enough weird stuff today? "Uh... never mind." Anyway, it was more likely I'd imagined it.

Trey swung his shoulder bag in front of him and fiddled with the buckle. Without looking at me, he spoke. "Look I've got to run, man. Thanks for the ride, yeah?"

"Sure." I guess.

I watched him stride across the parking lot. More specifically, I stared at his ass. Guilt at checking out my sister's boyfriend sent heat rushing to my face, but it didn't stop the blood from rushing to my dick. The image of me lapping up his sweet scent came back to me, and I was on the verge of jizzing in my pants.


The world really could be cruel.

Next: Chapter 3

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