Shape Shifter

By S. Teller

Published on Aug 27, 2006



This is a work of erotic fiction and should not be read or viewed by those under the age of majority in any specific jurisdiction. If graphic rendition of erotic occurrence between two or more individuals is offensive to you then you should exit this writing and this site at once. This story contains erotic description of sexual activity between people of the same and opposite gender as well as activities that can only be described as impossible and perverse. None of the activities described herein should actually be attempted by anyone since this story is written for erotic entertainment only and contains description of sometimes physically impossible activities. That having been said, if you are still interested in this type fiction then read on....

At the beginning of creation or evolution, whichever mode of development you personally believe in there were numerous possibilities that developed. As has always been true in nature, only the strongest survived with the exception of the strong variations that were subsequently eliminated by weaker but more numerous competitors. A good example of this is of course the dinosaurs. Great and powerful beasts that dominated the earth but were subsequently eliminated by varied natural causes. Another example is the "Shape Shifter".

The Shape Shifter was originally an open ended variation of evolution that took place in the majority of species, mammal, reptile, bird, and fish; as well as a few species that disappeared millennia ago. Yes, there were species that once developed that have no trace in the fossil record and are known only to the Angels.

This story is about the most intelligent and strongest of the Shape Shifters, the human Shifter. There is in occult mythology some record of Shape Shifting and to some small extent it reveals what they were capable of. In the earliest records and before that the presence of and activities performed by the shifters were seen jealousy by the non shifting humans. The normal humans set out to eliminate the shifters from the gene pool and were largely, but not completely successful. The record of the purge doesn't discuss the extreme and violent methods used to cleanse the gene pool, nor does it truly reflect the peaceful and nonviolent nature of the racial entity that made up the Shape Shifter. Unknown to the ages, a small segment of that group survived and survives even today. That survival depends on remaining under the radar. Myths and legends survive, but few normal humans are aware of the Shifters that live in their midst. This is a story about some of them.

Some basic information first about Shifters. This is interesting and a lot of it is the general reason the humans sought to wipe out the race. To begin with, the Shifters evolved at approximately the same time as humans, perhaps a little earlier by a couple of thousand years but when we're talking about a time in planetary evolution over 2 million years ago what's a thousand years or so, give or take. Shifters evolved within every human racial entity; Caucasian, Black, Asian, Indian, and within all variations and sub racial entity contained within each of the major categories. Oddly enough, Shifters also evolved within many other species of mammals and many of those species survived the purge with more individuals intact than did human Shifters. To a large extent that's where the mythological lore involving Shape Shifting comes from. The beasts that can shift shape to fulfill their physical needs and for protection, i.e., Werewolves and some other occult species. Even these are relatively harmless species that simply want to live their lives in comfort and safety. Except where it's necessary to this history though, I will deal primarily with humanoid Shape Shifters.

Human Shifters are really somewhat super human in some aspects. They/We are genetically almost identical to non shifting humans. The "almost" makes a difference though. Shifters are immune to virtually every human disease. They just don't catch them. Blame it on an excellent immune system, or on a minute difference in cellular structure that fails to pick up viral and bacterial infections. The nastiest cut, scrape, or gouge on a shifter even if deliberately contaminated with bacteria simply does not become infected. In addition to that, the injury will heal on it's own almost overnight. Shifters learn ways to speed even this natural healing. There is a fascinating connection between the natural healing process and the ability to shift the injury away from the injured person. Shifters also don't acquire the usual human frailties. They don't get cancer of any sort, there no diabetes or heart disease. The internal organs, although the same as non shifting humans don't deteriorate in the same way or become weak as they grow older. Shifters can smoke tobacco without the negative effects shown on humans. Narcotic drugs have a mild pleasurable effect on shifters but will not become habitual or dependent. Alcohol has no effect on shifters except in regard to conversion of sugar. The metabolism of a shifter immediately changes alcohol into sugar and provides it to the shifter as energy. A shifter can and often does eat enormous quantities of caloric food without gaining weight. Their bodies require a lot of energy to perform shifting and although they can shift without the input, at some point the intake must occur to regain balance. Bone density does not lessen as they grow older, neither do arteries harden or become constricted. Eyesight remains acute throughout their life although some do wear glasses as part of their "disguise". Each shifter develops his own method of surviving in the conventional world and often that method involves shifting shape to mimic the aging process.

The shifter isn't able to use the ability independently until he goes through puberty, normally at the age of 13 or 14 (human years). Up until that time he can be shifted by his parents or another shifter but is unable to initiate any more than a few basic changes on his own. Shifters generally stop aging physically in their mid to late twenties. This is the reason many will age themselves by shifting periodically once they've established a comfortable life among normal humans. Shifters generally live about three hundred human years although there are many who live far beyond that. There are known instances of shifters over five hundred years old. This information seems to indicate there were shifters much more public in biblical times when many Old Testament names were extremely long lived. That was before the purge though and could explain why that trait isn't a normal human trait. Shifters can interbreed with normal humans and resulting children will sometimes be shifters. This trait passes on by normal genetic inheritance. Some will, some won't some have some traits. He biggest problem with marrying a normal human though is watching a spouse age and die while remaining young and healthy. Also, watching normal or hybrid children do the same. There is no way a shifter can pass the trait on to a non shifter although when in physical contact with a non shifter, a shifter can shift that person and can actually shift away some physical infirmities. A shifter can effectively remove a specific physical infirmity, a sickness or cancer for instance. If the non shifter has a genetic disposition to an illness, for instance diabetes or a neuromuscular disorder though, the shifter can only delay the onset temporarily. Shifters who have married normal humans have helped their spouses live twenty, thirty, or forty extra years, but are unable to stop the eventual physical deterioration that gets faster and more profound as normals grow older.

Shifters have a profound love and affection for normal humans. Much the same kind of love a strong and compassionate person feels for a weaker less capable but equally intelligent friend. This despite the effort by the normals those thousands of years ago to wipe out the Shifters.

Here's the beginning story about some of the shifters. This will take place as a series of short stories on these pages. They are of an erotic nature for the enjoyment of the reader... shifters are a very erotic and sensual group, not necessarily in a conventional way, as you will learn as you read.

Bobby and I came in from mowing the grass. My brother, Bobby is 17 years old, I'm 16 and Summer was quickly ending so school would start back in a few days. So would football practice. Bobby was a Senior this year and would be on the varsity team. I was a Junior and would try out for varsity but would probably be on the JV again. We had decided to put a little more into it this year to see if we couldn't both get on varsity and maybe pull a scholarship for him and get me set up for one next year. That was going to happen in a few days though. Today was today. By the way, I'm Mark... the younger brother and we are both Shape Shifters although no one knows that except our family who are also. More about that as the story goes along. Mom and Dad had explained it to us when we were 13 years old and had suddenly and quite dramatically gone through puberty, at almost the same time, Bobby a little late, me a little early. There had been discussion about it that we hadn't really understood to much of over the years, but then, suddenly in a single day it all made sense. The variety of relatives around, people we'd never seen before being introduced as Aunts and Uncles, the cousins who seemed to look different every time we saw them. Strange things that now seemed as normal as tying your shoes.

"Let's get showers and play some", Bobby called out.

"Cool", I replied. "I'm as horny as a goat.". Downing a glass of orange juice I headed for the shower. A minute later Bobby stepped in the shower with me and we rinsed off and washed each others backs. We are both about 5'11" tall, around 165 pounds, decently muscular, dark blond hair, neat tans, basically the generic Shifter physique for the age. Capable of transforming into most anything which we did at a moments notice for our own pleasure. There were things to do with normal people our age, but we saved some things for just us. "Who do you want to be ?", I asked. "Got any requests or do you want me to surprise you ?". I asked him this as I stood in the shower facing him and stroking his hard dick with my soapy hand. He started shifting a bit, individual body part... and let his dick grow longer and longer. In a moment I was stroking a cock that was at least twelve inches long and as thick as my wrist. "You're kidding...", I said... "It will be fun, but can you make it work ?". Amazed at the size of that thing.

"Sure, I've been practicing. You'll love it. We watched those old Wonder Woman reruns on TV last night on Nick. Why don't you be Linda Carter for me. Think you can make that shape ?".

"I can make any shape. You asked for it, you got it.". My form blurred for an instant and there before him stood Wonder Woman in her costume.

"Without the costume dummy.", he laughed. I had done that on purpose so I shifted again and the costume disappeared.

When a shifter shifts, he can created the clothes he wants for the form, or lack of. Also, a shifter can become either sex at will, either male or female, or a delightful combination as we all learned. That was why all the interesting people we had met at family get togethers. It had always seemed there were a lot of movie stars and really beautiful people in our family, and a few really strange and unique individuals... not really... just who they were at the moment.

Stepping out of the shower, I dried off the body I had. I had done Linda Carter before and really enjoyed this form. I had done a few improvements as I shaped both for my enjoyment and Bobby's. Tall... I formed her at six feet tall. Enormous boobs, I formed her with high very firm 44D's, A very trim waist (I like the appearance) so I gave her a 24 inch waist. Generous muscular and well shaped hips at 40 inches because Bobby liked to fuck a girls in the ass. I made hers large and easily receptive. I also gave her a wide deep cunt because I like for him to use a really big one when I'm the girl. Short dark hair and a dark trimmed but hairy bush. Full lips with lipstick and piercing blue eyes. Turning to Bobby and grabbing my tits I told him to suck them hard.

Bobby shimmered for an instant and there standing before me was a six foot four inch heavily muscled stud with a now fourteen inch dick and arms and chest of a serious body builder. He pulled me into his arms and kissed deeply. He had given himself a very out of proportion tongue and probed deep into my throat as he kissed. We quickly went to the bedroom and I threw myself back on the bed and he started eating my pussy... that tongue probed six inches at least and he bought me to a quick climax before coming up beside me and shoving that cock down my throat. I threw my head back and let him fuck deep in my mouth, not caring that I couldn't breath or that he was pushing it to places it shouldn't go. That's the advantage of shifting, any damage done reverses when you unshift. He fucked my throat lustfully tearing tissue in a way that would have probably killed a normal human... I reveled in the animal lust and pain as he grunted his passion. Pulling his blood covered dick from my throat, I shifted and fixed the damage before he thrust into my wet cunt, burying all the way to the hilt on the first penetration. I had given myself a vagina deep enough to accommodate this and more so I wrapped my legs around him and humped wildly as he mauled my breasts with his hands and mouth. As I approached a climax I growled to him that I wanted it "evil". This was something we had played with before... he shifted into a devil figure eight feet tall complete with horns and a tail and a dick with thorny barbs. As he ripped his dick in and out of my cunt I screamed as I climaxed and he began shooting near boiling cum in me. Collapsing on the bed he thrust a few more times as the body I was using approached a human physical crisis. He shifted and so did I and the damage disappeared as quickly as we had made it. I had always been a S&M freak, enjoying the pain and fear that washed over when assaulted like this. He continued to stroke into me as we kissed and made love together as conventional humans. After a while he pulled out and I knew what he wanted so I sat up and sucked his dick as he rubbed my engorged tits. Rolling over he fucked my ass and came again, I love that either as a female or male.

Once he was done, we swapped places. I told him to be our eighth grade art teacher so he became a petite red head with small tits and a full ass. I rolled him over and fucked him up the ass as he bounced and squealed on the bed. We both climaxed again and we got up to get something to eat. He kept the art teacher form as we walked to the kitchen. After getting a sandwich, I grabbed her hand and headed back to the bedroom. We spent the rest of the afternoon sucking, fucking, and swapping forms for each other.

This is just an introductory story about Shape Shifting. In future stories it won't be necessary to discuss the ancestry of the race and I'll be able to spend more time on the story.

Hope you've enjoyed it and will check in often for new chapters. Drop a note if you'd like and comment.

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