Sharing An Evening

By Jack Santoro

Published on Apr 23, 2005



Sharing An Evening By

I'd met Rex in the men's room at a rest stop on the freeway, where he was using the diaper changing facility now so commonly found in public restrooms. He was about to put a fresh diaper on his infant son, and I saw that the boy had a smoothly tapered cylinder, unmarred by a surgical scar. I turned around and walked out, happy that that kid had escaped mutilation. Later, that incident served as the starting point for a jack-off fantasy. I lay down in my recliner, pulled gently on my foreskin until my prick became hard, and began my imaginary episode: Upon seeing the boy's uncut prick, I said impulsively: "Congratulations. Not many parents leave their sons intact." The father turned around with a smile. He was about 30 or 35, blond, about my height (six feet) and had a square jawed face. We both wore glasses. He replied: "Thanks. I wanted Henry to be like me, and enjoy his intact penis when he got older." "I'm sure he'll be grateful when he learns what it's all about," I said. The man finished wrapping the diaper around his son, put on his pants, and we walked out together. It turned out that his Volvo was parked next to my Honda, and we remained by our cars for a while, chatting. He told me he lived in a subdivision about an hour down the road, and had spent the weekend with relatives. I'd been on a business trip, and lived farther away, but still close by freeway. His name was Rex, he was a lawyer in practice with his older brother, and his wife had died in a traffic accident a month after Henry had been born, almost a year ago. Rex placed Henry into an infant seat behind the driver's seat, and said: "Let's continue this discussion at my place. Just follow me, and you're welcome to stay for dinner, if you wish." We continued down the freeway and after we took his exit, turned and drove several blocks to an attractive detached house with a large fenced back yard. Rex had to unload his car, which left him little time for fixing dinner, and I suggested that I get us a pizza from the restaurant I'd noticed a couple of blocks back. "Hey, that's a good idea. I'd be grateful, especially because they're a locally owned place, not a mass-production pizza shop like so many these days. Their pizzas are really good." I drove off, and was back in half an hour with a large pizza. "Hope you like sausage, pepperoni, and anchovies," I said as I placed the box on his kitchen table and opened it. "I forgot to ask you what you liked before going." "No problem, I'm not fussy. As it happens, I enjoy all three." Rex had changed to a bathing suit and open collar shirt, and told me he'd placed Henry in his crib after feeding him. He pointed to a TV monitor in the corner. "I keep an eye on him at night. I also have a microphone in there, and a portable receiver so I know if he starts crying." He bit into a slice. "I suppose you're uncut, too," he asked as he took another bite. "That's right. I still have what nature gave me, and make the most of it." "Figured you were, because of your age." I'd passed my 61st birthday a few days ago, and Rex was right. Circumcision wasn't as common when I was born as it had become during the following years. Now the pendulum was swinging back, and fewer boys than before were having their foreskins removed at birth, especially since many doctors now said it didn't prevent any problems. "I've always enjoyed my hood," I said as I took another slice. "I was married when I was 21. It lasted only a couple of years, and since I've had to take care of myself. You know how much fun beating off is with all the tricks you can do with that skin." "Oh, I know," he replied. "I like pulling, twisting, and all the other things that make my cock feel good." Hearing this, I decided to take the plunge. "The best thing, of course, is another man's hand on my prick and foreskin," I said with feeling. This was it. Either he'd accept the idea, or ask me to leave at this point. Rex smiled. "Yes, I'm with you. Maybe we can try it on after we eat, hey?" I nodded affirmatively, between bites. "I guess we both feel horny," Rex added, just as the sound of Henry's cry filled the room. "I'd better go see what's happening," he said as he put down his slice and got to his feet. "Probably needs to be changed." He was back in five minutes, saying: "Yeah, he was just wet. No problem. I dried him and put on a new diaper." Rex finished his slice and reached for another. Within the next ten minutes we'd finished the pizza and were showing satisfied grins. "I'm still tense after a day of driving. I know an orgasm will relax me," I said. "I'm with you," Rex replied. "Nature's tranquilizer always works fine for me." He reached into the leg of his bathing suit and pulled out the end of his cock. I saw it was a long tapered cylinder, without a hint of glans bulge, and came to a tight pucker at the end. "Well, I'll show you mine, too," I said as I began to disrobe. When I was naked and had sat down again, Rex pulled his chair around the table next to me and took off his shirt and bathing suit. I noted that he had a slim build, like mine, but without the thickening around the waist that I'd accumulated over the years. "I really like that cock," he said. "You've got even more skin than I do, and I like the way the big head bulges through your hood." He reached for my prick, rolling the long foreskin nipple between two fingers. I grasped the end of his foreskin and squeezed gently, feeling the slippery glans slide back under the hood. Now I could see the outline of his rim through the covering skin. I pulled out on his foreskin, watching the skin stretch and the wrinkles become smooth. Both our cocks were becoming hard with this attention, and I saw the foreskin begin to roll back from Rex's tip as his cock swelled. Rex's cock was tipped by an arrow-head, narrow point swelling to a large rim, roughly triangular in shape when seen from the top. Normally, his flange was compressed by the tight tapering foreskin, but now it flared to full beauty, with a dark purple back-face studded with nerve endings. "That feels good," he said as I slowly stroked his hood back slightly from the end of his tapering glans. I saw the dime-sized opening stretch slightly more with each back-stroke, and I knew this was arousing him. "Man, you really know how to handle a cock" he said as I continued to stretch his foreskin in slow stages. "I like that stretchy feeling. I think I could come just this way, if you kept it up long enough." My prick was now full-hard, but my big head was still covered by foreskin. Rex began pulling back on the covering hood, and I too felt the delicious stretchy feeling as the nerve endings were pulled to tightness and then let go, only to be pulled again a second later. The thick pucker at the end began to dilate, and now was baring the front of my glans with each pull. The head was fully engorged under its hood, and Rex pulled my foreskin back to expose the big dome with the come-hole in the center. "Hey, you've got one of those teardrop shaped holes just like I do," he exclaimed as he pulled my hood back. I had pulled his skin back and seen his orifice filled with clear lubricant, a sure sign that he was fully aroused. He reached over with his other hand and began to trace small circles around my orifice, now seeping lubricant as well. The light friction was exciting, and I decided to do the same to him. I held his hood half-way back with my right hand, and used my left index finger to dip into the drop of lube at the front of his glans, then worked it in small circles around the opening, caressing the inside of his foreskin opening as well. "I think we'd better go in the bedroom," he said. When I shoot, I'm going to drop a really heavy load." He led me toward his bedroom, and pulled several towels from the bathroom. Rex spread one on the bed, and we lay down facing it and each other. Now I pulled Rex's skin all the way back, then swept it up over the head again, giving him a long full stroke that almost covered the tip to arouse him further. His hand closed around my cock once more. "I like the long action you get with your foreskin," he commented. "You can pull it all the way out beyond the head even when hard, but then pull it back right off the rim. That's really beautiful. I like the head, too. You've got a big helmet type, with a nice flaring rim. I bet that's really sensitive," he added as he ran a finger around my bared corona to send shivers up my spine. I saw that his cock was almost seven inches from bade to tip, longer than mine, which measured exactly six inches to the end of my helmet when the foreskin was drawn back. "Your cock smells nice," he said. "It's almost the same smell as mine. I love that male aroma. It gets me hot." I knew what he meant, as I was almost overwhelmed by the delicious odor of his foreskin. "Hey, I love your smell and I just love what you're doing," I answered. "You'll have me coming fast if you keep it up." Rex slowed his caressing, and squeezed the shaft of my prick hard. "No, I don't want you to come too fast," he said. "Let's take our time and enjoy it." I slowed my strokes on his cock, and lightened the pressure. "Yeah, I always enjoy it more when I take my time," I said. "Going slowly lets my excitement build up over time, and when I finally come, it's more intense for me. How about you?" I asked. "You're right. That's the way I get more intense orgasms too," Rex said. Then, when I finally let myself cream, I really blast my juice. I shoot about three feet when I do it right, and the feeling's just wonderful." Both our pricks were fully engorged, the heads almost the same shade of purple, and we each proceeded very slowly so as not to make the other come inadvertently. We were both seeping lots of lubricant, which helped soften the sensations and control our arousal. Facing each other, our cocks were almost head to head, and I saw our ball-sacs close against our bodies. I reached down and tickled the hairs on Rex's balls, making him sigh. Then I cupped his balls gently as I continued to stroke his rigid cock. We continued like this for several more minutes until rex called a break. "I can't go on without shooting," he said. "I hope you don't mind stopping for a minute," he added. "Give us a chance to cool off." "No, you're right," I replied. "I really can't edge the way some guys can, and I need to stop every now and then, otherwise I just go into orgasm before I want to." Our cock began to soften after a minute, and I reached out to grasp Rex's shaft again, once more pulling back on his tapering hood. Lubricant ran down over my fingers and dropped onto the towel. He clasped my prick and pulled back on my hood, this time in one long stroke that bared the bulging head down to the rim. I gave his cock-skin an extra pull and watched the tension on his gee-string pull the glans down in the direction of his balls. "Your cock does that too," I commented. "That really fells nice for me when there's a hard pull on my skin." Rex tugged even harder to make my cock-head dip, sending messages of pure pleasure down my prick. "Want to go first?" Rex asked, as he continued to stroke my long hood up and down my flaring helmet. "If it's okay with you," I replied, enjoying the sensations he was pouring into my swollen cock. "When I jack off," he said, "I relax completely, trying to make it last. Is that what you're doing?" "Yeah, I'm completely relaxed now. I really like receiving the stroking you're giving my cock." "I relax completely, until I feel a tickle in my tip," he said. "Then it feels like a tickle, a feeling that I want to pee. I know I can't pee with a hard-on, but the sensation builds up until I feel I have to pee, no matter what. That's what tells me I'm gonna come." "I 'm getting that feeling now," I said. " I feel like I have to pee, really bad. I know something's going to happen soon." Rex continued to stroke my long hood up and down my engorged cock-head, captivating me with sensation, and I stopped strokig his prick as I concentrated on my sensations. "I can tell I'm really reaching you," he said. You're right in the final stage, ready to come, because you've stopped stroking my prick." "Yeah, I am; keep doing it. I'll be coming soon." His insistent hand continued working on my engorged cock, but suddenly he stopped, grasping my penis between two palms and beginning a back and forth stroking, twisting my foreskin between his rotating palms. "This'll get you coming fast," he said, as he built up the sensations on my cock. "I like this stroke, because it makes me blast off really fast." His palms worked my foreskin, and I felt the tickle in my tip change to an urgent tingle. "I'm almost there," I gasped. "Keep on doing it!" My cock-head swelled even more, turning darker purple, as the tingling built up so that it was almost unbearable. "I can't stand it any more," I cried out. "You're going to make me come!" The first heavy throb began in my cock-root, and I closed my eyes as the sensations overwhelmed me. "You're coming," Rex cried out. "I can feel your cock throb." My cock throbbed, and the first burning gush erupted, shooting up my tube and making me writhe in helpless abandon, as the cream parted the lips of my orifice." "That's it, shoot!" I heard him say distantly, as my cock drooled the first load of jizm. "You're dribbling, really a lot," he said. "Your cock dribbles, right? Mine shoots. I bet it still feels good for you." My cock throbbed again, and another gush of juice rushed up my tube to drool from my engorged tip. I cried out in delighted agony, savoring the overpowering sensations that numbed my mind and wracked my body. I was torpid upon the bed, my cock erupting under his touch, enjoying the out of body feeling that dominated my consciousness. I was in the abyss of orgasm, totally controlled by Rex's hands, as he worked to give me the most powerful orgasm he could. I cried out again and again, responding to his strokes that inflamed my swollen tip and brought forth my gushes of cream. Rex continued to caress my penis until I cried out that I couldn't stand any more because I was spent, and he relented, slowing his strokes as the last precious drops dribbled out of my cock-head. He stopped, and began wiping the last drops from my tip with the towel, then pulled my hood forward to cover the precious head. I recovered quickly and said: "Now it's your turn, lover. I'll give you a really hot blast-off." I began stroking his prick with both palms, giving him the same intense stroking he'd given me, until I felt his glans swell and harden between my palms. "It feels like I've got to pee," he groaned. "You're right there. Just relax and hold on," I urged, as I redoubled my efforts. His entire body stiffened and his jaw clenched as he tumbled over the brink into orgasm. His cock throbbed between my palms and I saw a powerful jet of white cream shoot from his engorged tip onto the towel. His cock throbbed again as he cried out, helpless as I stroked another load from his throbbing body. Jet after jet erupted from his dark purple tip as I wordlessly urged him forward with my compelling strokes. Rex's eyes were closed, and his head was thrown back, as he tumbled into the free-fall of orgasm, his body on automatic, his mind on hold. His hot cock pulsed in my hands, spewing forth the chlorine-smelling fluid, as I worked my palms relentlessly on his swollen prick. His jets shot into the air, to fall back onto the towel, with some hot drops falling on my encircling fingers, as I grasped his shaft and worked the hood back and forth over his hot, swollen tip. Now I skinned him back completely, and wrapped my other hand around the dark purple tip, lubricated by his pre-coital fluid and his jizm, and twisted my fist around the tender, sensitive surface. I stared avidly at the beauty of his dark purple glans jetting gushes of fluid, knowing that he was experiencing the same delicious sensations he'd given me only a couple of minutes before. Rex cried out helplessly as I twisted my fist around his hot purple tip, stimulating him to further spasms, and the hot fluid erupted and ran down my fingers as his engorged cock responded to my tender torture. He threw his head back and howled in joyful agony as I pulled each ejaculation from his body, making his cock throb as it spewed jet after jet. Finally, it was over. He relaxed, and I stopped stroking him, watching as his engorged penis began to shrink and soften. The last drops oozed from his beautiful teardrop and I wiped them away carefully with the edge of the towel, knowing that I had to go slowly because his superheated tip was very sensitive at that moment. My prick was still hard in my hand when the fantasy faded, and I realized that I had not yet come. I had been stroking it slowly, languidly as I fantasized, but now grasped it between both palms, eager to reach climax after the long build-up. As I rotated my foreskin around the bulging tip, a strong tickle built up in the rim, then spread to the whole head, giving me an overpowering urge to pee. I kept stroking, and a couple of seconds later a powerful throb in my cock-root told me that I was on my way. The last thing I saw as I closed my eyes was a thick surge of white cream erupting from my distended meatus, flowing down onto the towel I'd laid on my stomach. I writhed in ecstasy, groaning in pure pleasure, as each pulse shot up my tube. The hot cream burned my tissues as it rushed up my prick, and I was lost in the free-fall of orgasm. A few more seconds, and it was fading. I opened my eyes to see the last thick drops oozing from my tip as I returned to normal. My cock was completely satisfied, and I wondered what the subject of my next fantasy would be.

The end

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