Sharing the Bed With Uncle Ron

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Jan 18, 2002




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Uncle Ron wasn't really my uncle. He was my mother's step-brother, and really something of a shit to hang around. Still, when my mother and father had a nasty fight and he told her to get the hell out of his house and take the kids with her, we ended up knocking on his door. Dad was mean when he was drunk, so she packed us up into the car and we took off to Uncle Ron's house on the opposite side of our town, Jackson, Mississippi, and we got there about one o'clock in the morning.

Uncle Ron answered the door after she knocked about a dozen times. He staggered over, drugged with sleep and wearing only a bathrobe that didn't completely close. I could see his cock dangling down between his legs when he opened the door! He was a big stud, his body was the color of dark milk chocolate (did I mention my family and me were black?), and the hair on his chest was a thick mass of O's all over his broad body. He worked a construction site when he worked, and his body was all muscle. His waist was incredibly narrow, and he looked like a wedge.

He yawned and said, "Merris. What the hell happened?"

"Lawrence got drunk and kicked us out. Can we stay here for the night?" My mother begged.

"Sure, Merris. Come on in." So we went in, my mother, two sisters and myself. "I only got a one-bedroom, but the couch folds out into a sleeper sofa." he said as he pulled the cushions off. That'll sleep you and the twins, but I guess Rodney will have to sleep with me." He eyed me. "Can you follow my rules for people who sleep in my bed?"

"Uh, sure, Uncle Ron." I said.

"Why didn't you punch the fuck out of your father?" he asked me appraisingly.

"I wanted to." I said. "But Mama wouldn't let me."

Uncle Ron laughed. "That's the ticket." he said. "Man got to stand up for himself in this world. It's a sure bet no one is going to stand up for you."

"Yeah." I said.

"I don't like that talk." Mama said. "The Good Book says you got to meet harsh words with kindness."

"And that's why you're here." Uncle Ron concluded. "I'm sorry, Merris, I shouldn't poke fun at your religion. Don't understand it, but shouldn't poke fun at it. Covers in that closet over there." he pointed. "Make yourselves comfortable. I got to go to work tomorrow so I'll say good-night. Come on, Rodney."

I followed Uncle Ron to his bedroom. His apartment wasn't laid out like most apartments, it was sort of a long L-shaped around two sides of the building. In the very front was the living room where Mama and my sisters were, but to get to his bedroom you had to walk down a small hallway to the kitchen at the next corner of the house, through the kitchen, and then down another small hallway to his bedroom, a distance of nearly eighty feet total. I followed behind like a puppy and when we got to the bedroom, Uncle Ron said, "Okay, my rules for the bed. First, you gotta do whatever I say."

"All right, Uncle Ron."

"Second, I don't allow clothes in my bed. So strip and come climb in." Uncle Ron shrugged off his bathrobe and got into bed, lay there watching me.

I pulled off my T-shirt and kicked off my sneakers, leaving only my shorts on. I had planned to sleep in that, but when I made a move to the bed, Uncle Ron said, "Ah-ah!" A warning sound. "Don't bring those filthy clothes into my bed. Out of 'em."

I gulped and pulled off my shorts and was nude before my Uncle. He laughed. "No briefs? No Fruit-of-the-Looms?"

I shrugged, embarrassed. "I usually sleep nude." I admitted. "I keep my shorts under my pillow so I can tug them on when Mama knocks at the door, but tonight, I just didn't have time.

"Good!" Uncle Ron said. "Man's body got to breathe at night. Now climb on in."

I did and Uncle Ron snuggled up close to me. "Next rule. I get to play with anyone in my bed, male or female, any way I want to."

"Huh?" I asked, and that's when his hand grabbed my cock. I didn't know what to do as he jerked my dick and it rose up fast.

"Man, you got a nice fat one on you, don't you?" Uncle Ron said admiringly. "I got to get my lips around this one." And he threw back the covers and I could see his body shuffle down while his broad arm kept a firm grip on me to keep me from getting away. Then I felt his lips, all warm as a freshly dunked washrag slide down over my cock and I just kind of moaned, a moan that welled up from deep down inside my body. I had never felt anything like it before, his lips on my cock, all wet and soft and so, so warm, and I didn't want it ever to stop. Uncle Ron pushed my cock into his mouth and started shoving it down his throat and I could feel the moist, soft tissues back there, and he kept on pushing down until his lips were buried in my still- scraggly pubic hairs, and he had it all, all of my cock in his mouth, and he just kept it there like he was never going to let it go.

"Ooooooh!" I moaned again. "That feels nice!"

He pulled back up again, clinging tightly all the way and my foreskin puckered up over my cockhead until his lips whump-bumped over the cockhead and he had hold just of my foreskin, and he held it there, fishing into the taut pucker with his tongue-tip and I just had to buck my hips up and reclaim some of that warmth for my wet cock. He grabbed hold of the base of my cock and held my foreskin up while his tongue danced and probed into it, and I said, "Oh, Uncle Ron, do it again! Please!"

"I'm just warming up." He promised me. "I'm going to suck every last drop of your jism out of your balls, until they are hanging there all empty and useless." And he dove back down to engulf me again, and this time he moved up and down, milking me deeply with every stroke, and I groaned and reached for his head, wanting to grab him and shove him down deep onto my cock, but not daring to do anything to stop or even slow down his wonderful movements, his lips washing over my cock like the ocean waves washing over my body at Mobile Bay, slow and warm.

Uncle Ron kept sucking me, speeding up now, impatient and urging my body on and on, and I groaned again, one groan not being enough, I moaned and then panted as my whole body was heated by the friction of his soft warm lips.

My cock grew hot, hotter than I had ever felt it before, and my balls crawled up until they were tiny orbs attached to my cock base, and a tingly feeling in my stomach grew and moved down into my crotch, collecting there, and I felt my face flush and my breath went quicker and quicker and I felt the tingly feeling suddenly rush into my cock and from there I was lost to my senses, I panted "Oh, oh, oh, oo-oh-ohhhh!" and my come ripped out of me like hot sandpaper, filling his mouth with huge, heavy blobs and I could feel it being too much for Uncle Ron, though he began to swallow and hold on tight, and my jizz dribbled around the corners of his mouth and down my cock, to be caught by him again as he dove back down and lost again as he pulled up, sucking hard on me now, really sucking, not just moving his lips, but trying to siphon my cock like it was a rubber hose he was using in some parking lot when he was out of gas.

When I finally lay exhausted on the bed, my sweat a solid mass of liquid beneath me, Uncle Ron carefully licked my cock clean and crawled up to lay next to me. "That was a hell of a load." he said proudly. "I had forgotten what a youngster like you can pour out when you suck them. Man, I'm going to do you again in the morning."

And he stretched out on his back and I looked down at his cock which he was pounding. "Can I do yours?" I asked.

"You got to be a man before you can suck my dick." Uncle Ron said.

"I'm legal." I protested.

"Maybe, but you still living with your mama, and that means you ain't a man yet. A man stands on his own."

"I'm going to get a job and move out." I said.

"Haven't done it yet." he pointed out. He was right.

"Can I at least touch it?"

"Little boys like you can play with it with your hands only." He conceded. "Reach on down there and yank it for me. Do a proper job on it and I'll reconsider letting you get your lips on it."

I was eager and I reached down and found that my hands had a job ahead of them. His cock was thick and felt like iron covered with velvet. I gave him a quick up and down stroke and he groaned appreciatively and I kept it up, pounding my Uncle Ron's pud as hard and fast as I could. I wanted to make him come really hard, the way he had me, so I gave him all I could, long strokes up and down his steel-hard manhood, while he grunted and let me do him any way I liked. I enjoyed feeling this much power over Uncle Ron who never let anyone have anything over him, so I sat up so I could pound it harder, then got an idea.

I scooted around, never letting go of him and trying to keep up the hard-and-fast pace, until I was able to crawl in between his legs. From there, I could get both hands on his cock and I gave him a double-handed heavy pounding that brought gasps of pleasure from him, and he grabbed me with his legs and scooted up until he was holding his lower body off the bed and his ass was mashing my cock and balls and I pounded him fiercely and he groaned and without any further warning I suddenly had a freaking firehose in my hand. Come was flying everywhere and I felt blobs of it hit my face and my chest and my arms and I saw it landing on him and on the bed on both sides, while he yelled with joy, loud as a bastard and I kept it up until his rock- hard cock became a piece of soggy pulp in my hand, and my hands were covered with his jism the same as the rest of me.

I lay down on top of him and kissed one nipple, felt salty taste in my mouth and licked it up. "Did you like that, Uncle Ron?" I asked.

"You were great, kid!" he assured me. "That's going to be your job anytime you stay with me from now on."

I was glad to hear there was going to be a "from now on." Uncle Ron kept his promise the next morning, I heard the alarm go off, get shut off by Uncle Ron reaching over me, and the next thing I felt was his head sliding under the covers over my stomach and down to my cock where he slurped it down again. It felt really great in that early-morning lassitude to have my cock sucked by a man who really appreciates sucking cock. I let him suck me until I shot my morning load right down his throat. I wanted to play with his cock after, but Mama came knocking on the door right after he had finished, so I had to let go of him and get up and get dressed. Mama wouldn't wait for you to answer, she'd give you about thirty seconds then she'd open the door and come right in, so I had learned to be quick, and when she opened the door, I was out of bed and in my shorts, sitting on the bed's edge.

"Come on, son." Mama said. "We're going to go home now."

I looked over at Uncle Ron, who cocked an eyebrow at me. "I don't want to go back, Mama."

"I need your help, son, with your Daddy." Mama said, which wasn't fair, even though she did.

I got in and Daddy, who usually was passed out in bed, was up and still belligerent. "What the hell are you bastards doing back here, bitch!" he said to me and Mama.

I'd had enough. I walked up and looked at him with clear eyes, saw a man who didn't deserve what good things he had, and who had never treated me or Mama with a bit of respect. And a man has to insist on respect, or he'll never get it.

So I said, "Shut up, old man!" and I slugged him, hard, right in the nose.

That was all it took. He went from snarling beast to cowering child in no time, and Mama dove down, crying, "Child, what have you done to your Daddy? He didn't mean nothing by it, baby." she crooned while she held onto him.

I saw my Mama with clear eyes, too. "I'm moving out of here, Mama." I said. "I'll get my things and just go. You need help, but it ain't me." And so I got my things and left, and she never looked at me in the eyes once all that time.

So by that evening, I was knocking on Uncle Ron's door. I was hungry as hell and dirty, but I felt prouder than I'd felt in a long time. He opened the door and said, "Hey, Rodney! Where's your Mama?"

"Back with Daddy." I said. "I got a job now. Can I stay here with you until payday?"

He smiled. "You sure can, Rodney. Same terms as before?"

"Almost." I said. "If I'm going to be your roommate, I get to make a few rules in bed, too."

He smiled. "That's fair, man. That's fair."

And I realized then just how good it felt to be called a man, and know I deserved it.


Comments, complaints or suggestions?

E-mail me at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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